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Adobe Interview Questions

My experience: BY Aman Jain

1st Round :
Do u know Radix search?
Do u know Radix Sort?
What is time complexity of Radix Sort?
What is time complexity of Quick Sort?
How to find median in O(n) time of unsorted array.?
What You will do to make quick sort time complexity not o(n^2) in case, you are
not choosing median to be pivot only. He wanted to listen RANDOM function for pi
If we use random function for pivotcan we use something to make it even more eff
Write a C code to find the kth node from the end of linked list?
Given a REGEX expression and another normal expression, in form of 2 strings, fi
nd whether they are equal or not?
AB*C Regex expression is equal to ABC,ABCC,ABCDC,ABEC,ABEFGC.
*Can replace any number of characters.
2nd Round:
Find the intersection point of 2 linked lists. THEN He asked me to traverse the
linked lists only once. ) NO CODE was asked. 15-20 minutes discussion.
Why Global variables are used and why they are not used?
A question on classes and polymorphism and (array and pointers ).(15-20 minutes)
He gave me a 10 lines code and asked me to find the purpose of code and then whe
ther it will give correct output or not. Why it was written like this. What you
would do to correct it and why? etc
He asked me to write function which returns the positive value of a number.(20 m
inutes discussion)
I wrote
int func(int x )
He said me to find whats wrong in it?
I missed unsigned int in return type due to which -128 IN Case of 8 bits only wo
uld become -128 only.
Then he asked to write absolute function using bitwise operators and not if- els
e operators.
3rd Round:
What is difference b/w process and threads?
If 2 threads use same function code, how will they work? I dont actually remember
the exact question.
He Gave me 2 programs which were trying to access same memory location number 0
x500 in their program, how will they be working?(in terms of OS)
Search in 2d sorted array and afte that he extended the question to insert(x) an
d delete(x) in 2d sorted array such that array remains sorted . Then he asked m
e to write the code for insert(x). .(30 minutes)
I would like to elaborate the problem.
There is 2d array of size M*N having the elements in the range 0 to 255 . Each
element is 1 byte(unsigned) only.255 is the the value which can be maximum put i
n the 2d array, and 255 indicates free i.e. it is free location. Valid numbers i

n the range 0 to 254 only.

This 2d array is sorted rowwise and columnwise.
Now insert an element x in 2d sorted array. Or delete it from the 2d array in O(
m+n) time.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adobe Interview Experience
(Tarun Gehlaut)
The Written round had 3 sections: Quant and LR, C ,Engineering.
The first round is typical. Questions are easy but time given is really less so
you need to be quick as well as accurate as there is sectional cut off.
The other two rounds were exactly the copy of what one will find in the 2013 bat
ch doc.
The interviews happened in the Adobe Office, Noida.
Interview Round 1
Tell me something about yourself. I told my interest was in technology and gadge
ts, so he asked me abt galaxy s4, diff bw ARM and x86 and other geeky stuff.
Dutch National Flag Problem.
You have been given a string which contains many occurrences of the word Gandhi. T
he string has sufficient buffer at the end to accommodate any additional charact
ers required. You need to replace every occurrence of Gandhi with Mahatma inplace(qu
otes only for clarity)
Interview Round 2
How does the OS know if the memory requirement of any application is going to ge
t beyond the available physical memory. In that case what will happen. Some more
OS discussion followed.
He told me to write merge function for 2 sorted arrays. He then asked me how i c
ould further optimize this in terms of space and no of comparison used.
Print all the root to leaf paths in a given without using recursion ie using sta
Dunno what went wrong here!
(Kunaal Ahuja)
The first round was written and consisted of three sections : LR, quant and C qu
estions. There was sectional cutoff but no negative marking.
Interview Round 1
Discussion on my projects and internships for about 15-20 minutes.
Write a code to check if two line segments intersect or not.
Questions related to malloc. How is it implemented. Then he asked me to declare
a 2D array with malloc. Then he asked to me write the same using one malloc cal
l only.
Difference between malloc, calloc and new.
How is free() implemented .
Some questions on constant pointers. Gave a code which had one pointer to a cons
tant string and the another a constant pointer to a string.
How recursive functions are handled. Then some discussion on stack and heap.
Interview Round 2

Implement memmove function.

Is the implementation thread safe ?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MY INTERVIEW EXPERIENCES.......
By-Varun Sharma
ADOBE1st round1)find last occurrence of substirng in a string.(improve brute force and use KMP
2)how free() knows how much memory to deallocate.
3)implement realloc() 4)copy constructor in c++
2nd round1)implement memmove() function in c++. 2)implement tail command of unix in c++ i
n most efficient way.(should not depend on file size)
in both rounds they talk about my projects.....and they do consider percentage a
lot as they ask to every student why such low %age..mine was 76% :P:P
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adobe Written Test Questions 2012
1.Given a binary search tree and values of two nodes. Find the lowest common anc
2.Define doubly linked list. WAP to reverese a doubly linked list.
3.Given the binary form of a number in a string. WAP to find 2s complement in t
hat string itself.
4.Given an array A (of intergers) containing (n-1) numbers ranging from 1 to n.
Find the missing number from array in just one traversal.
5.Find output
int main(){
int *i,*j;
i=(int *)60;
j=(int *)20;
return 0;
6.A list of numbers was given. Draw the BST.
What is the value of **(*arr+1) ?
8.One recursive assembly language program was given and its functionality was as
9.one question was to simplify a boolean expression.
10.which data structure is used to check for the matching paranthesis in an expr

11.one question was to evaluate a prefix expression.
some more questions were on output.
12.One question was also on Macro substitution in an expression.
</p><p>-Uploaded by Piyush Goyal</p><p>

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