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Eng. George Marian PISC
Scieni!ic re!eren"#
Prof. D.Eng. Alexandru Bitoleanu
Prof. D.Eng. Gheorghe Florigan
CHAPTER ). Pre"en "age an' *e !(n'a+ena, -ro.,e+" concerning *e MIG / MAG 0e,'ing
1.1 General view concerning the MIGMAG welding !rocedure" and their a!!lication range".
1.# $elding technological !ara%eter" for MIGMAG !rocedure.
1.& Filler %aterial tran"fer for MIGMAG welding.
1.' (echnological criteria concerning MIGMAG welding.
1.) Per"!ective" on exten"ion of u"ing the electric arc welding !rocedure in MIGMAG ver"ion.
1.* +e"earch ai%" and direction" for MIGMAG e,ui!%ent i%!rove%ent.
CHAPTER $. F(n'a+ena, -roce'(re" "('1 !or *e MIG-MAG e,ecric arc 0e,'ing .
#.1 For%ation of the %elted area.
#.# (en"ion anal-"i" in welded "tructure".
#.& .train anal-"i" in MIGMAG welded "tructure".
#.' /inear "tatic anal-"i" of the MIGMAG welded "tructure for the tran"!ort device of the #01
M2A tran"for%er" 3 G+EE4E.
CHAPTER 2. Conri.(ion" !or *e "('1 o! *e e,ecro+agneic an' *er+a, !ie,' 0*en 0e,'ing in
MIG-MAG -roce'(re 0i* e,ecric arc
&.1 5u%erical anal-"i" of the ther%al !heno%enon when welding in MIGMAG !rocedure with
electric arc.
&.# 5u%erical anal-"i" of the electro%agnetic !heno%enon when welding with "hielding ga".
&.& Ex!eri%ental deter%ination if the te%!erature" of the weld 6oint" and %ea"uring %ethod".
CHAPTER &. Conri.(ion" in *e +o'erni3aion o! *e "(.+erge' arc 0e,'ing MIG-MAG
'.1 Moderni7ation of the welding torche" MB &* 8D and MB '11 for re%ote controlling of the
welding current
'.# Mea"uring the real wire electrode "!eed at the MIGMAG welding !rocedure
'.& Default correction %ethod of the wire electrode "!eed electro%agnetic o!erated.
'.' Moderni7ation of the feeding %echani"%" for the u"age of the core wire.
'.) (ri!le inverter e,ui!!ed with ti%er divi"ion for welding.
'.* Inverter %oderni7ation for MIGMAG welding9 t-!e +.4 '11.
'.: +.4 '11 inverter %atching for the MIGMAG welding when welding with !ul"ed electrical.
'.0 Energeticall- view" concerning the %atching of the cou!ling i%!edance" for MIGMAG
CHAPTER 5 Mo'erni3aion o! *e MIG-MAG 0e,'ing ec*no,ogie".
).1 4alculation %ethod of the welding technologie" ;- MIGMAG !rocedure.
).# Deter%ination of the MIGMAG welding !rocedure in "hort arc %ode.
).& .hielding ga"e" influence u!on the MIGMAG welding technolog- of the "tainle"" "teel.
).' Ex!eri%ental re"earche" regarding the effect" of the "hielding ga" u!on the %echanical
feature" of the weld de!o"it.
).) Anal-"i" of the %etal tran"fer in the MIGMAG electric arc welding !rocedure.
).* 4ontri;ution" concerning the %oderni7ation of the MIGMAG welding technolog- of the
au"tenitic "tainle"" "teel &1' / and &1*/.
CHAPTER 6 Per"ona, conc,("ion" an' conri.(ion".
8e1 0or'
(he ai% of thi" wor< i" to anal-7e in detail the technical and energeticall- !ara%eter" that feature
;oth the MIGMAG welding !rocedure and that of "u!!l-ing "o%e co%!le%entar- ele%ent" in order to
%eet the welding !rocedure"9 technologie" and e,ui!%ent.
(hi" wor< draw" in the context in which the MIGMAG welding i%!le%entation in +o%ania
<now" an u!ward trend "i%ilar to the one in the entire world. (he "tructure of thi" wor< cover" the
theoretical9 technological and !ractical a"!ect" regarding the MIGMAG welding !rocedure9 offering
"olution" of i%!roving ;oth the alread- exi"ting technologie" and the e,ui!%ent de"igned on thi"
(he "u;6ect develo!ed in the the"i" enter" in the author=" concern" to find the wa-" and the %ean"
to %oderni7e the welding technologie"9 the e,ui!%ent in order to achieve technological welding
o!eration" and reducing the energeticall- con"u%!tion" when welding.
CAP. ). Pre"en "age an' *e !(n'a+ena, -ro.,e+" concerning MIG / MAG 0e,'ing
(he MIGMAG9 MAG9 MIG welding !rocedure" are %ainl- characteri7ed ;- the electrical arc
"hield9 ;- the %etal !ool %elted ;- a rare and active ga" and their %ixture. (he welding electrode i" al"o
%elting9 cored wire or tu;e wire9 auto%ated !u"hed a" it i" %elting in the weld !ool. (he MIGMAG
!rocedure can ;e u"ed in the %echani7ed auto%ated or ro;oti7ed %ode. (he welding e,ui!%ent dut-
cicle > DA ? i" an i%!ortant !ara%eter @
[ ] 111 111 A

p s
t t
B welding ti%e C t
B !au"e ti%e C t
B cicle ti%e
(he %ean" !ara%eter" in MIG 3 MAG welding i" @
$elding current > !olarit-9 value ?
$ire "!eed
5ature and dia%eter welding wire
5ature and "hielding ga" flow
/ength of wire end
Di"tance wor<!iece 3 ga" no77le
$elding !o"ition
(he %etal tran"fer through welding arc i" %ade ;- force" who act %elt dro!" li<e @ electro%agnetic force9
electrodina%ic force9 gravit- force 9 and that goe" to the next tran"fer %ode @
.hort arc
.!ra- arc
Pul"ed arc
+otate arc
For ela;orate a welding technolog- i" nece""ar- to e"ta;li"h %ean" !ara%eter" include nu%;er of la-er"
nece""ar- to fit welding root.
I%!rove%ent in indu"trial field MIG 3 MAG welding according to @
Dualit- %anage%ent
Environ%ent %anage%ent.
CAP. $. F(n'a+ena, -roce'(re" "('1 !or *e MIG / MAG e,ecric arc 0e,'ing.
Metalic ;ond welding i" o;tain ;- %elt ;oundar- root with electric arc9 and the for% i" "e%i eli!"e. (he
"!eed of "olidif- i" @
B 2 x co"
After welding in welded "tructure a!!ear %echanical ten"ion" who can %ade %alfunction in u"e. (he
anal-tical co%!ute for %echanical ten"ion" in "-%%etrical weld @
q E
l rem

For a"-%%etrical weld @


l rem
z z
q E

MEF method for linear static analysis of MIG MAG welded structure for transport device of 2! M"A
In MEF anal-"i" u"e A5.E. Multi!h-"ic" !rogra% to co%!ute %echanical ten"ion" and defor%" device
;- gravit- force weight tran"for%er.
$e co%!ute the ten"ion anal-"i" in & different ca"e" @
/oad tran"for%er ;- ' gravit- weight force"
/oad tran"for%er ;- ' gravit- weight force" and ;loc< 6oint.
/oad tran"for%er ;- ' gravit- weight force" %ulti!lied ;- 19&.
After "i%ulation the re"ult" "how that the welding "tructure do not "uffer defor%ation" %ore then
allow "teel %ade.
(he %axi%u% value for defor%ation i" &90&0 %% and the %axi%u% %echanical "trength i" @
#F) 9 1*#
%uch le""> :' A ? than @

CAP 2. Conri.(ion" o "('1 o! *e e,ecro+agneic an' *er+a, !ie,' a MIG / MAG arc
(he GMA$ !roce"" ha" ;een widel- "tudied9 whether on re"earching a %athe%atical %odel to
de"cri;e the co%!lex !h-"ical !heno%ena ari"ing fro% technological !roce"" or carr-ing out nu%erou"
ex!eri%ental te"t"9 and the re"ulting ex!eri%entation9 together with ex!erience gained in the field9 are the
%o"t efficient %ean" of deter%ining o!ti%u% !roce"" !ara%eter".
(he greate"t li%itation" to the e%!irical a!!roach are neverthele""9 the onerou" ;urden and length
of ti%e "!ent. (he fir"t "te! in an- theoretical "tud- of welded 6oint" i" to calculate te%!erature
di"tri;ution9 which varie" ,uite "uddenl- over ti%e and in %agnitude. Gnce te%!erature di"tri;ution ha"
;een noted9 it i" !o""i;le to anal-7e the %echanical ;ehavior of the 6oint9 in order to deter%ine re"idual
ther%al "tre""e".
(he %athe%atical theor-9 which de"cri;e" heat tran"fer %ethod" in "olid"9 wa" develo!ed ;-
Fourier. In order to include in ther%al ;alance the latent heat of !ha"e change"9 "o%e author" have
contrived to a!!ear to increa"e the "!ecific heat of the %aterial to the value near the fu"ion te%!erature.
Further%ore9 the ther%al !ower of the arc i" de"cri;ed ;- heat flow !er unit of area9 with Gau""ian t-!e
(he %ain re"ult" o;tained were the ex!an"ion of the heat affected 7one9 the value of the de!th of
%olten !ool and the cooling curve" relating to an- !oint on heat affected 7one. (o de"cri;e the %oving
heat "ource"9 !ower di"tri;ution allocated to a define volu%e of two "e%ielli!"oid" i" !ro!o"ed. (he
geo%etric di%en"ion" of the two "e%ielli!"oid" "hould9 however9 ;e e"ti%ated with e%!irical relation"9
correlating the% to the width and de!th of %olten !ool. Model en"ure a fu"ion te%!erature in exce"" of
4 for the ele%ent" co%!ri"ing the filler %etal. In thi" wa-9 !art of the energ- fro% the arc i"
included in the %odel. (he re%aining !art wa" "i%ulated ;- a "u!erficial heat flux with radial
"-%%etrical di"tri;ution and Gau""ian !rofile. (he contour condition" relating to heat fluxe" into the
environ%ent co%!ri"e ;oth radiation and convection >forced over 7one reached ;- the "hielding ga" and
el"ewhere?. (he %o"t co%!licated !art of %odel concern" the de"cri!tion of continuou" !roce"" of filler
%etal de!o"ition.
(he 6oint "tudied i" co%!o"ed of two low car;on "teel !late" >.#:) H1?9 6oined ;- flat welding in
a "ingle !a"" with edge" !re!ared in a 2>Fig 1?.
* %%
E I &11 %%
&11 %%
Fig. 1.Hoint anal-7ed.

(he volu%e of %aterial de!o"ited !er unit of ti%e i" al%o"t e,ual to volu%e !er unit of ti%e re"ulting
fro% the !roduct of the filled "ection >triangular area for%ed ;- two edge" "ide ;- "ide? for velocit- of
electrode travel.
v "
(he ther%al !ower tran"ferred ;- electric arc %a- ;e divided into two e,uation"@
dir ind
q q I " q +
q i" the !ower nece""ar- to %elt and ri"e the filler %etal to dro!let te%!erature9 while
q i"
the !art of the heat flux tran"ferred directl- fro% the arc to 6oint.
Dro!let te%!erature %a- ;e calculated according to current %agnitude and wire dia%eter. In thi" ca"e it
wa" a""u%ed to ;e e,ual to #1#:
4. Gnce dro!let te%!erature and wire feed i" fixed it i" !o""i;le to
calculate the indirect e,uation@


p f ind
d c d
d c
v q ? >

B filler %etal den"it-

B "!ecific heat of filler %etal
/ B latent fu"ion heat of filler %etal
( B te%!erature interval of !ha"e change
B a%;iant te%!Krature
B "olidu" te%!erature
B li,uidu" te%!erature
B dro!let te%!erature
In thi" wa- the ele%ent" for%ing the dro!let are L;ornL with an allocated nodal te%!erature9 ;ut in the
next calculation in"tant "uch a lin< with thi" nodal te%!erature i" re%oved9 thu" rendering it an un<nown
(he "olution ado!ted i" of volu%etric t-!e9 given di%en"ion of weld ;ead and the Gau""ian di"tri;ution
on dou;le elli!"oid i" reduced to con"tant di"tri;ution.
(he heat exchange coefficient for forced convection wa" calculate with @
torch &as &
h ( h M ? Pr +e 1& >
& M 1 # M 1

&as &as &as
&as &as &as
( cp
D v
M ? > Pr
M ? > +e

where @ v
B ga" outflow "!eed
B ga" den"it-
B d-na%ic vi"co"it- of ga"
B heat conductivit- of ga"
B "!ecific heat of ga"
D B no77le dia%eter
B di"tance of no77le fro% wor< !iece.
In thi" %odel h
i" not ex!re""ed in ter%" of te%!erature calculated at a con"tant value9 with all the heat
de!endent !ara%eter" evaluated at a%;ient te%!erature and co%!letel- ignoring heat flux di"!er"ed ;-
(here are therefore no !articular !ro;le%" in defining the !h-"ical ther%al !ro!ertie" of %etal in
ter%" of te%!erature. It i" u"ual to allocate a "te!!ed tran"ition >%ulti!l-ing it ;- factor of *?
corre"!onding to the fu"ion te%!erature to ta<e into account9 at la"t in !art convective %otion in %olten
!ool which facilitate" the heat exchange with the %etal in "olid !ha"e.
(he heat calculation re,uired !er"onal co%!uter P4 '0* or ;etter and "oftware !rogra% A5.E. ).1. (he
initial in"tant >t B 1? corre"!ond" to the %o%ent in which electrode ;egin" to run over connecting edge of
weld. After ) "ec ;ead de!o"ition i" co%!lete9 ;ut anal-"i" !roceed" until >t B &1? "ec to include at lea"t
the %o"t "ignificant !art of heat tran"fer.
(he "i%ulation of %ulti!a"" !roce""e" and %ore co%!lex geo%etr- i"9 relativel- ea"- during !re!arator-
!ha"e of %odel9 while the re"olution !ha"e involve" onl- length- !eriod" of for%ulation.
(he ther%al calculation !rovide" re"ult" which %a- ;e u"ed for @
- to e"ti%ate o!ti%u% !roce"" !ara%eter" which en"ure the re,uired welding !enetration.
- to o;tain the cooling curve" in heat affected 7one" to foreca"t the final
"tructure and corre"!onding hardne"".
- to !roceed with calculation of re"idual ther%al "tre""9 !rovided that all
%echanical9 heatde!endent !ro!ertie" including the fu"ion te%!erature9 are
CAP &. MIG / MAG 0e,'ing e4(i-+en" rero!iing i+-ro9e+en" conri.(ion".
)eal speed weldin& wire determination on MIG MAG weldin& process
(he %ove%ent of electrode wire at MIG 3 MAG welding !roce"" i" %ade with hel! of one or two
!air of wheel" drive ;- electric %otor through gearing %echani"%. Electric %otor u"ed are with electronic
controller" for "!eed ;- feed;ac< > P9 I9 n ?. (he ru; ;etween wheel"wire i" %ade ;- helical "!ring. In
thi" condition the wheel" "!eed i" good e"ta;li"h ;ut no for electrode wire ;ecau"e "trength cou!le or non
e,ual dia%eter wire %a- "lide and a!!ear %odifie" in linear "!eed of wire. $e find a new !rinci!le to
%ea"ure wire linear "!eed and al"o a control "-"te% for correction a!!lica;le for all MIG 3 MAG feeder".
(he "-"te% con"i"t" in %agneti7ation of wire with electro%agnetic !ul"e following !ic<u!
infor%ation ;- "%all induction tran"ducer. (he fre,uenc- of !ic< u! "ignal i" !ro!ortional to linear "!eed
of wire9 and ;- !roce""ing give real linear "!eed of welding wire. (he %ethod !rinci!al diagra% i"
"howing in figure 1 where are re!re"ented function ;loc<" for %ea"ure "!eed @
$elding wire

(o control "!eed
Fi&# *# )eal speed weldin& wire determination on MIG MAG weldin& process#
(D 3 De%agneti7or device C (E 3 Induction (ran"ducer C (E 3 +eceiver (ran"ducer C G"c 3 Pilot
G"cillator C 4o%! 3 4o%!arator.
For accurac- record9 the fre,uenc- record "ignal %u"t ;e de!end to lower "!eed wire and %a-
e"ta;li"h the di"tance ;etween record and receiver tran"ducer". (he low "!eed of wire i" @
B 1 % M %in B 1911:%M"ec9 and %ini%al di"tance @ d B .
Mt B1911: % B 19: c%.
4ondition for on !ha"e "ignal" i" @
( B d B 1Mf
and @ f
B 1Md B ))90# Q7.
Electroma&netic servo system for control pressure wire feeder on MIG MAG weldin& equipments#
All wire feeder" are %ade with con"tant !re""ure ;- helicoidal "!ring. If a!!ear ru;;er force" and
electrode wire can "<ate on wheel" "ervo "-"te% add to !re""ure force P a electro%agnetic force ;-
electro%agnetic field generated ;- a !air of "%all electro%agnet" li<e in figure #.
Fig.#. Electro%agnetic "ervo "-"te% for control feeder !re""ure.

(D (E (+
4o%! G"c
CAP 5. Mo'erni1aion o! *e MIG /MAG 0e,'ing ec*no,ogie".
(he a!!lication of GMA$ for %icrocontroller i" li%ited ;- the fact that the welding !roce"" i"
highl- co%!lex and the infor%ation u"ed ;- ex!erienced welder cannot ;e u"ed for co%!uter control.
(hi" i" %ainl- due to the fact that the relation"hi! ;etween infor%ation that welder u"e"9 "ound9 light and
the ,ualit- of the weld i" not -et clear. In"ight in the arc=" ;ehaviour i" gained ;- anal-"i" of the
fluctuation of variou" welding !ara%eter". Mo"t of %odel" ;a"ed on throughthearc "en"ing a""u%e
linear relation"hi! ;etween the varia;le" and do not ex!lain thi" relation"hi! in ter%" of the underl-ing
!h-"ical !roce""e". Gne of the varia;le" that %ight ;e i%!ortant for control i" the length of the arc. (he
length of the arc can ;e deter%ined with la"er ;ac<light ;ut thi" i" co"tl- and the %ea"ure%ent" cannot ;e
u"ed for on line control. If it were !o""i;le to deter%ine the length of the arc fro% ea"- to %ea"ure
varia;le"9 li<e current or wire feed rate9 thi" infor%ation could ;e valua;le for control. Accurate
<nowledge of the arc length %a- further%ore !rovide u"eful in"ight in the welding !roce"". In thi" !a!er
we will !re"ent a %odel that relate" the length of the arc to voltage9 current and wire feed rate. (he arc
length will ;e calculated for "hort circuit tran"fer %ode under different condition" and for a t-!ical "!ra-
tran"fer %ode. (he GMA$ !roce"" con"i"t an electrode wire i" feed fro% a tu;e9 the welding gun9 at an
ad6u"ta;le rate. Between electrode and the wor<!iece an arc i" e"ta;li"hed due to the voltage dro!
%aintained ;- the welding !ower "u!!l-. (he length of arc e,ual" a!!roxi%atel- the di"tance fro% the ti!
of the electrode to wor<!iece9 /a>t?9 "ee figure @
(ravel "!eed
(he co%;ination of oh% heating of the wire and heat tran"fer fro% the arc re"ult" in %elting of
wire. Molten electrode %aterial for%" dro!let" which are tran"ferred to ;a"e %aterial9 de!ending on a
co%;ination of force" @ %o%entu% change9 electro%agneti"%9 "urface ten"ion9 gravit- and ga" d-na%ic
!re""ure". (he wor< !iece i" heated ;- the arc9 %olten %aterial and ;- oh% heating. An electrode wire
need" the energ- to heat fro% roo% te%!erature to the %elting !oint @
( ) A ' ' c E
m p w

1 >1?
where c
i" the heat ca!acit-9 (
i" the %elting te%!erature9 (
i" the roo% te%!erature9 N the "!ecific
den"it- of electrode wire %aterial and A the cro"" "ectional "urface of the wire. (o %elt9 an energ- of @
A c E
f M

i" re,uired9 with c
i" the fu"ion heat. For a certain roo% te%!erature9 a !ara%eter < can ;e defined a" @
( ) A c A ' ' c +
f M p
1 >&?
which re!re"ent" the energ- nece""ar- to %elt a %eter of electrode wire. If it i" a""u%ed that the dro!let"
of %olten %aterial are not heated "ignificantl- a;ove the %elting te%!erature ;efore detaching
"u!erheating doe" not affect the energ- needed to %elt wire. (herefore the following differential e,uation
can ;e derived@
( )
( )
( )


+ t v
t d%a
+ t ,
where the !ower u"ed ;- the welding !roce"" i" @
( ) ( ) ( ) t I t " t ,
Both 2>t? and I>t? are ea"- to %ea"ure in !ractice. A""u%ing that a con"tant !ro!ortion of the !ower i"
u"ed to %elt welding wire9 integration of e,uation ' re"ult" in@
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


d v %a t %a + d ,
t t
1 1
which can ;e written a" @
( )
( ) ( )
( )


t t
d v d
I "
t %a

1 1
( ) ( ) ( ) 1 %a t %a t %a
(he a;ove for%ula give" u" a relation ;etween relativel- ea"- %ea"ura;le welding varia;le" @ the voltage
dro! ;etween the wor< !iece and the contact ti!9 2>t?9 current through arc9 wire feed rate v>t? and difficult
to deter%ine variation in di"tance ;etween electrode wire and wor< !iece9 R/a>t?. the for%ula ha" two
con"tant" @ < and S
-omputation of +#
(he con"tant < i" defined a" @
( ) [ ] A c ' ' c +
f m p
For the welding con"u%a;le .G#9 dia%eter 19# %% have @
( ) { }
& * & ) #
11 1& 9 0 11 1& 9 1 11 0 9 : 11 : 9 # #F1 1*&1 11 0 9 ' + + HM% >11?
-omputation of .
(he !ro!ortion of energ- that i" u"ed to %elt wire can ;e calculated ;- dividing the energ- needed to %elt
wire ;- total energ- u"ed for the welding !roce"" during the ti%e of %ea"ure%ent. $hen the
%ea"ure%ent ti%e i" "ufficientl- long the contri;ution of R /a %a- ;e neglected for co%!utation @

? > ? >
? >
d I "
d v +

5ote that S
de!end" linearl- on <. (hu" an- error %ade in the deter%ination of < re"ult" in "o%e relative
error in S
-omputation of variation in electrode wire wor+ piece distance/ 0 %a 1t2#
$hen v>t?9 I>t?9 2>t? are <nown9 the variation in arc length can ;e co%!uted with E,uation :. If the
con"tant < i" ;rought out"ide the integral9 thi" e,uation can ;e written a" @
[ ]

t t
d v d I "
t %a

1 1
? > ? > ? > ? >
(he ratio of S
over < can ;e derived fro% e,uation 11 @

? > ? >
? >
I "
d v

(he right "ide of thi" e,uation con"i"t" of two integral" over the whole %ea"ure%ent !eriod9 fro% t B 1 to
t B t
9 and i" thu" inde!endent of %aterial con"tant" relating to < of the electrode wire.
Na+e: "(rna+e # PISC MARIAN GEORGE
A're"" # Ro+ania: Craio9a: De"na(i "r. 7, A): E $: A- ;
P*one # <&% / %$5) / 5&&2=)
7ir* 'ae # %2. %2. )>5) Craio9a: Do,?.
Fa+i,1 # +arrie': ) c*i,'ren
S('ie" # Uni9er"i1 o! Craio9a: E,ecroec*nica, Fac(,1: )>=5
Wor@ -,ace # SC. ELECTROPUTERE SA. - Hea' o! 0e,'ing -ro?ecing o!!ice.
SC. PRESAGENT SA. - Tec*nica, Manager
SC. ELISUD Sr,. / Genera, Manager.
Per!ecing # E(ro-ean We,'ing Engineer: Ti+i"oara )>>5
Dr'. Uni9er"i1 o! Craio9a: E,ecrica, Engineering )>>=.
Foreign ,ang(age" # Eng,i"*: R(""ian: Frenc*.
Pro!e""iona, eA-erience # - -ro?ecing 0e,'ing e4(i-+en"
- -ro?ecing 0e,'ing ran"!or+er an@ "r(c(re
- 0e,'ing an' c(ing ec*no,ogie"
- +o'ern e,ecroe*no,ogie" B +icro0a0e: ,a"er: (,ra"onic": C
- a""ociae -ro!e""or in e,croe*no,ogie" a E,ecroec*nica,
Fac(,1 Craio9a.
P(.,icaion "('ie"# - ); -(.,icaion -a-er"
- 6 in9enion"
- )% ino9aion".

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