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Nursing Board Exam Reviewer Part 1 of 5

1. According to Maslow, which of the following categories of needs reresents the most !asic"
a# Ph$siologic needs
Ph$siologic needs must !e met !efore an individual is a!le to move toward s$chological health and well%!eing.
!# &elf%actuali'ation
&elf%actuali'ation is the highest level of need
c#&afet$ and securit$ needs
&afet$ and securit$ needs, while lower level, are not essential to h$siologic survival.
d# Belongingness
Belongingness and affection needs are not essential to h$siologic survival.
(. )hich of the following statements reflects the )orld *ealth +rgani'ation,s definition of health"
a# A state of comlete h$sical, mental, and social well%!eing and not
merel$ the a!sence of disease and infirmit$.
&uch a definition, however, does not allow for an$ variations in the
degrees of wellness or illness.
!# A condition of homeostatis and adatation.
-he )*+ definition addresses h$sical, mental, and social dimensions
of !eing.
c# An individual,s location along a wellness.illness continuum.
-he concet of a health.illness continuum allows for a greater range in descri!ing a erson,s health than the
definition rovided !$ the )*+.
d# A fluid, ever%changing !alance reflected through h$sical, mental, and
social !ehavior.
-he )*+ definition does not allow for an$ variations in the degrees of
wellness and illness.
/. )hich of the following statements defines culture"
a# -he learned atterns of !ehavior, !eliefs, and values that can !e attri!uted to a articular grou of eole
0ncluded among characteristics that distinguish cultural grous are
manner of dress, values, artifacts, and health !eliefs and ractices.
!#A grou of eole distinguished !$ geneticall$ transmitted material.
A grou of eole distinguished !$ geneticall$ transmitted material
descri!es the term race.
c#-he status of !elonging to a articular region !$ origin, !irth, or
-he status of !elonging to a articular region !$ origin, !irth, or
naturali'ation descri!es the term nationalit$.
d#-he classification of a grou !ased uon certain distinctive
-he classification of a grou !ased uon certain distinctive
characteristics descri!es the term ethnicit$.
1. -he reason that case management has gained such rominence in
health care can !e traced to
a#decreased cost of care associated with inatient sta$.
-he reasons case management has gained such rominence can !e
traced to the decreased cost of care associated with decreased length
of hosital sta$, couled with raid and fre2uent inter%unit transfers
from secialt$ to standard care units.
!#increased length of hosital sta$.
0n general, length of hosital sta$ has decreased over the ast 5 $ears.
c#discharge from secialt$ care units to home.
0n general, atients are transferred from secialt$ care units to
standard care units at least (1 hours rior to discharge.
d#limited availa!ilit$ for inter%unit hosital transfers.
0n general, atients in acute care hositals undergo fre2uent inter%unit
transfers from secialt$ to standard care units.
5. A referred rovider organi'ation is descri!ed as a
a#!usiness arrangement !etween hositals and h$sicians.
PP+,s usuall$ contract to rovide health care to su!scri!ers, usuall$
!usinesses, for a negotiated fee that often is discounted.
!#reaid grou health ractice s$stem.
A reaid grou health ractice s$stem is termed a health
maintenance organi'ation.
c#limited insurance rogram.
0nsurance is a cost a$ment s$stem of shared ris3, not a health care
deliver$ s$stem.
d#health care savings account rogram.
A health care savings account rogram is an incentive rogram to
consumers, not a health care deliver$ s$stem.
4. )hich of the following categories identifies the focus of
communit$5u!lic health nursing ractice"
a#Promoting and maintaining the health of oulations and reventing
and minimi'ing the rogress of disease
Although nursing interventions used !$ u!lic health nurses might
involve individuals, families, or small grous, the central focus remains
romoting health and reventing disease in the entire communit$.
!#Reha!ilitation and restorative services
Reha!ilitation and restorative services are the focus of extended care
facilities and home care nursing.
c#Adatation of hosital care to the home environment
Adatation of hosital care to the home environment is the focus of
home nursing.
d#*osice care deliver$
*osice care deliver$ refers to the deliver$ of services to the terminall$
6. A ma7or goal for home care nurses is
a#restoring maximum health function.
-ertiar$ reventive nursing care, focusing on reha!ilitation and
restoring maximum health function, is a goal for home care nurses.
!#romoting the health of oulations.
Promoting the health of oulations is a focus of communit$5u!lic
health nursing.
c#minimi'ing the rogress of disease.
Minimi'ing the rogress of disease is a focus of communit$5u!lic
health nursing.
d#maintaining the health of oulations.
Maintaining the health of oulations is a focus of communit$5u!lic
health nursing.
8. 0n the 9nited &tates, nurses erforming invasive rocedures need
to !e u%to%date with their immuni'ations, articularl$
a# heatitis B.
*eatitis B is transmitted through contact with infected !lood or
!# heatitis E.
*eatitis E is found mainl$ in underdeveloed countries with
su!standard sanitation and water 2ualit$.
c# heatitis A.
heatitis A is transmitted through the oral route from the feces and
saliva of an infected erson.
d# heatitis :.
At resent, immuni'ation against heatitis : is not availa!le.
;. At what time during a atient,s hosital sta$ does discharge
lanning !egin"
a# Admission
-o reare for earl$ discharge and the ossi!le need for follow%u in
the home, discharge lanning !egins with the atient,s admission.
!#-went$%four hours rior to discharge
<ischarge lanning re2uires identification of atient needs and
anticiator$ guidance and is not relegated to a secific time for
c#-he shift rior to discharge
<ischarge lanning re2uires communication with and cooeration of
the atient, famil$, and health care team and is not relegated to a
secific time for !eginning.
d#B$ the third hosital da$
<ischarge lanning ma$ re2uire involvement of ersonnel and
agencies in the lanning rocess and is not relegated to a secific da$
of hosital sta$.
1=. -he leading health ro!lems of elementar$ school children
a# cancer.
-he leading health ro!lems of elementar$ school children are in7uries,
infections, malnutrition, dental disease, and cancer

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