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(Of America)
George & Ethel Beckman
January 19^ 197^
Dear Christian Friends;
It is good to be able to greet ypu fronCja^n again. It was a
wonderful five and a half months^^spSiTt^ih our"horneSftS"> and we
treasure the fellowship we were able to have with you, the times we
could share with your victories and your jbys, and the times we
shared with even the sorrows and concerns of some of you. This is
very precious to all Christians, to know that we can share in love
and concern for each other as members of Christ*s family.
We found Mr, Sugano very well and happy to see us back. His
report from the doctor yesterday was extremely good, as he had gained
weight and his blood pressure was the best that it has ever been. We
praise God for the good care the Hirotokas have taken of him andour
house and the Bible classes here,
"George began his duties in the Seminary the day after we arrived
as he attended the first faculty meeting of the year and began teach
ing the next morning, Friday, He also, began teaching the English
class and English Bible class in Mr, Clark's place on Sunday evening
at Senri, Mr, Hirotaka brings the evening message during the worship
began teaching Bible School Sunday, A few of the children
had come faithfully during her absence and a few more came back Sun
day, After Bible School they had zenzai (a special sweet bean dish)
together as a welcome to her. Her women's Bible classes had their
first meetings on Wednesday and Thursday, the l6th and 17th, The
group on Wednesday, four women, had met faithfully with Mr, Hirotaka
and had increased their meetings from twice a month to every week.
Praise the Lord for their zeal, Five members of the Thursday class
had met faithfully every week. They all expressed appreciation for
Mr, Hirotaka's teaching. Pray with me that they will soon give their
lives to Christ. '
The chief topic of conversation at almost every meeting wit!
people is the terrible inflatioruandUbhe
toll^trpaper, sHb^, etrcv There is talk of much hodrdin^li)v to
wives and 1.especially bjr the wholesalers who to control"
prices, Most: PC'ithese products have doubled in price, - So far with
what rwe h^d left'.here of some of these things, we are able to get
along for awhi^le, and just pray that the crisis will soon be past.
What problems and hardships greed causes everyone I It is so evident
here where people do not know Christ and have love and concern
Christians have for another.
Thank you again for making it possible for us to return to Japan
with the Gospel of Christ, The challenge is greater than ever before.
In His'loving service,
George and Ethel
Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, OSAKA CHRISTIAN MISSION, INC.
And forget none of His benefits. (of America)
---------------- George & Ethel Beckman
Who satisfies your years with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle*s. February 18, 1974
Dear Co-laborers,
After several cold weeks we are having Spring like days. The jonquils and
crocus are blooming on the south side of the house and the buds on the plum and
cherry trees are showing more color each day.
On Monday, January 28th, George and Mr. Oda made a trip to Tokyo for a con
ference with the Word of Life"Press about the possibility of publishing
Greek which he has written. From that conference the Word of Li;
I expressed their desire to publish the text in collaboration with Osaka Bible
Seminary with these possibilities:
1. They proposed a possible publication date of early next year, 1975f at
a total cost of about seven and three quarters million Yen (about- |26>0jQ0) for
two thousand copies.
2. Osaka Bible Seminary would furnish four million Yen, two million of which
would be an investment to keep the .selling price down to 5>000 Yen a copy. The
other two million Yen would be returned from the sale of the books,
3# Mil., Oda would preoare the m^uscript in good form for the printers and
Osaka Bible Seminar^ is to bear much of the responsibility of proof reading.
Mr. Sims of the Tokyo area has said that he will raiser^e-millifiQ^^n toward
thiis project and Osaka Bible Seminary has on hand 600,000 Yen"nrfbm "S"ar<S~bf the
lexicon^that can be used for this project. The Alumni of OBS have indicated that
they will attempt to raise some for this and maybe it will be three or four hundred
thousand Yen. This will leave about 2,100,000 Yen ($7>000) "to be raised by Osaka
Bible Seminary, -
The amount we have on hand will enable the printer to start making the Greek
type that will be necessary. Thus, as soon as we have assurance that our goal can
be reached, work could begin. We ask your prayers for support of this. We feel it
will make a contribution to evangelism in Japan.
About the first of the month some of the women in Ethel's Bible classes began
asking for a Bible study meeting for their junior high children. When Ethel called
Mr. Saito to ask about the possibility of having one of the Seminary students help
her in such a venture, she found that Mrs. Saito (Naomi) and Mr, Tanabe (one of the
students) would help her. Their first meeting was Feburary 10th at 3! 50 in the
afternoon with 16 students present. Yesterday, the 17th, eight more came making
the total now twenty-four and still others have indicated their desire to come. We
ask your prayers that the Lord may use us to lead these young people to Christ,
during these years when they are most responsive,
. Ethel ^received word that her uncle, Judd Cowan, in JanesvillOj Wisconsin, had
gone to be with his Lord, Uncle Judd was always a man of good cheer and kindness
and had great love for his Lord. Surely there are many jewels in his crown. We
pray God's comfort and companionship for Aimt Maude and our cousins until they,
too, can join him,-
May He Who satisfies us with all good things, renew your strength like an
eagle's that you may run and not faint, that you may walk and not grow weary.
. In His loving service,
George & Ethel
The Lord will accomplish what OSAKA CHRISTIAN MISSION, INC.
concerns me;Thy lovingkindness, 0 Lord, (of America)
is everlasting. March 25, 1974
,.po 1 3 \-)T4
Dear Christian Friends:
A few highlights of the month of March.
March 3 - The Rokko Church of Christ, whose ministers are "Nick" and
Naomi Saitoh, began meeting here on Sunday afternoons. They had
been meeting in a room adjacent to a house in Rokko for the last ten
years, but because the house is now rented to a non-Christian family
they were unable to renew their lease at the end of February, Because
of the exorbitant prices in the Kobe area they were unable to find a
place to rent or buy, and so are meeting here until they can obtain a
permanent place. Now the meeting rooms in our basement are being used
from morning until evening every Sunday, The Koyoen church continues
to meet in the morning after the Bible school and the young people meet
from 3:30 In the afternoon.
March 8 - Three young women wrote the entrance examination for Osaka
Bible Seminary and will begin in the new term which starts April l6.
Unlike the examinations for Japanese universities vrhich are given
primarily to eliminate many applicants, those of the seminarji are given
to determine how best to meet the needs of the new students. Following
the written examination, each prospective student is interviewed by
the faculty.
March 11 - Word was received that Ethel*s sister, Alice Nelson, had
left her mortal body which had been gradually dying of a rare disease
to take on her new immortal body prepared by our loving"Heavenly Father.
During the two years that Alice knew she had this terminal disease her
faith and strength were an inspiration to all who knew her. We pray
that her husband, Don, and children may know the same comfort and
strength of the Lord that sustained Alice.
March 12 - A visit from the city office informed us that they had not
been collecting taxes on our house, only the land, and that they would
begin collecting taxes on the house retroactive to five years ago.
After a second visit, at which time they measured all the house and
examined the way that it was being used, they told us they would begin
charging taxes on the house from this year, forgiving all of the back
taxes. Praise the Lord,
March 21 - A national holiday in Japan celebrating the Spring Equinox,
Ethel's Thursday Bible class had a family day Inviting the husbands
and children for a time of fellowship together with a short program
in the morning, lunch together at noon and games in the afternoon. We
asked the Saitohs to come and. "Nick" to give us a short message. Only
two husbands came, but we were thankful for those tow. Pray with us
that the Lord may show us how He can use us to reach the husbands of
these women.
March 29 - Graduation at Osaka Bible Seminary is planned. Mr. Masuda,
the only graduate this year, left the seminary at the end of the school
year in 1972 lacking one four hour course to receive his degree. After
working a year in Hiroshima he returned to the seminary in April a year
ago to complete the course In May. Since that time he has been working
with the church in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
The continual spiralling in prices and the fluctuation of the
dollar are a-constant problem in the planning and operation of the
seminary. We trust God In the matter of these concerns and pray for
wisdom and guidance In our planning and use of that which is available.
May the Lord accomplish for each of us that which concerns us.
In His loving service.
George & Ethel Beckman
- } 3 Y-<:^
"Behold I make all things new" OSAKA CHHT3TIAN NJISSIOh^ IKC.
Rc-fv. 2i:5 V^^jT
April 27, 1>74
Dear Christian Friends:
This is the time of year when everything "becomes new. After the vi.nter months
new life bursts forth all us. The lawn becomes greener every day, and
blossoms follow upon blossoms.
It is the time when all the schorls begin their new term. The stores are full of
supplies for the new school The new term in Osaka Bib?.f-: Seminary'
began,Qn April 16 with three women as new students, beginning another new era in
the school'after several years of male students only. Thus a new atmosphere per
vades the schools We have been rejoicing and praising Gcd for the new an.d better
sprrit that has been evident among the students and faculty the last two years and
pray that it will continue to graw,
George, too, has a new class schedule - teaching Exegesis of Romans and Corinthians
all morning and the Inter-Biblical Period in the afternoons until 2:30 on Wedn
esdays and Fridays.
In our junior and senior high school meetings on S\mday afternoons we have several
new students as young people have entered junior and senior high school, A
total of forty-one young people attended our welcome meeting on April 7t
new classes were formed, so now Mrs, Saitoh teaches first year junior high school
students, Mr, Tanabe teaches the second and third year students, and Ethel teaches
the senior high school students. How many of these will continue we do not know.
A heavy wind and rain storm just at the time for them to come last week kept most
of them home. So far Ethel has seven high school students.
The seventh semi-annual Kobe Women's Luncheon was held May 14th with 395 women
present. Thirteen of Ethel's Bible class women attended and heard a great Bible
sermon based on the parable of the Rich Foci,
One new member has been added to the Thursday Bible class. Several women
express faith and their need for forgiveness in their prayers, but it takes a
great deal to bring commitment.
Every Spring brings the annual "Spring Offensive" in the way of general strikes
for higher wages, paralyzing the nation's transportation for two or three days. Th^
avgrage wage hike gained by the railroad workers this year was bet\/een 25% and 50%.
^^Pidpes 'continue to spiral until we wonder where it will end. A few examples a
^ 'small head of cabbage barely enough to feed six people cost .till .00 t\io v/eeks ago ai\d
last week was v1.25 carrots were 45 cents a pound, chicken which has been SI.48 a
pound is now S2.25 onions are about 37 cents a pound and potatoes 35 cents a pound.
A small can of Aquanet hair spray that would sell for less than 37 cents on sale in
the U.S. was S1.27, All our Bibles and boeks have rise^522i
Next week is the annual All Japan Convention. Pray for it. We will report it
in our next letter.
May He who makes all things new renew our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus,
In His Wonderful Names,
George & Ethel
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy fsdthfulness!
Morning hy morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness. Lord, \mto meI
Dear Friends in Christ s
(of America)
George & Ethel Beckman
June 4f 1974
For a long time it was winter and suddenly it is summer,
warn as midsummer days.
Most of May was as
The first week in May is always known as Golden Week, for within a period of
one week there are three national holidays beginning with the Emperor *s birthday
on April twenty-ninth plus May Day which is a holiday for many workers^ Many . .
give. their employe the whole week of vacation. Since Chiiden's Day came
oh Svmday.Jt^'^i^^tEerF^f^ an extra "bonus" holiday on Monday. * * .
.Th^A^ Ja:^^onye|i^^ the Churches of Christ was held in Tbkyo this -'
year wi^*~the^l5^Irsh-^nguage section meeting from May first through noon of May
third, and the Japanese language part began the evening of the third through Sunday
noon, the fifth, Hioug^ the numbers of missionaries were fewer than most years,
we had a good convention with heart stiring testimonies of victory for the Lord
and some good challenging sermons.
The theme for the Japanese language section was "Fix your eyes on the things
not seen," which was very good for this nation in her extreme problems with in
flation. Over 500 attended. The two main speakers were Mr. Oda, professor of
Osaka Bible Seminary, and Mr, lijima, preacher of the Minato Church in Yokohama.
Since about a year before Es^o *70 the Senri Church has been renting a room
from five to eight in the evening in a building near the Expo Site and these ser
vices have helped a number of people, Mr, Clark has been mainly in charge and
doing much of the teaching of the various classes prior to the evening service.
In his absence George has been filling in. From that work on May 12 Mr, Kubo, a
college graduate who works with his father in a Japanese noodle factory, was
baptized in the baptistry of Sugano Hall at Osaka Bible Seminary, We have been
asked to have our meeting before 4 o'clock every Sunday rather than the present
time. Please pray that some solution may be found to this problem.
Thursday, May 28, was O.B.S. Day, when the faculty and students went to
Arashiyama, a section in the northwest part of Kyoto, and visited a number of
spots of beauty and historical interest. This is an annual day of rest from our
studies and provides informal fellowship and fun.
The young people are continuing to meet on Sunday evenings, though the number
who continue is quite small. With the competition of all the school activities
plus the fact that the parents encoxirage them in everything else other than the
meetings we-arethankful for those who continue to come and pray that throu^i them
we may encourage others.
We ask your prayers for the women in Ethel's Bible classes especially. Some
of them have indicated a real desire to become Christians, but so far the opposition
they receive from their families, seems too great for them to overcome. Pray that
they might have the courage to step out in faith and claim the promises of Christ
to those who would obey Him of the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen them, Mr.
and Mrs, Saitoh are taking a real interest in the women, too, and have called on
some with us.
, - Jenanij arrived here Saturday evening and it is a jcy.. taJtiave..,on.e. of our
J-"^"^U-Idren- with us f6r"^lii'''iitffim'6r. She will be a help, too,: in reaching some of the
young people.
Euth is staying in Manhattan this summer, living in one of the school
apartments and working in the school library.
May He who changest not, whose compassions fail not keep you in Christ Jesus,
In This Wonderful Name,
George & Ethel
"And let us not grow weary in well-doing, UfcJAKA UHJtlbTiAW miasiuiM, InC,
for in due season we shall reap, if we do (of America)
not lose heart," Gal, 6:9 George & Ethel Beckman
Bear Christian Friends:
July 12, 1974
Greetings in the name of Christ from a very wet Japan, We are very thankful
for the place we have to live which is much safer from the recurring tragedies
that hit Japan because of heavy rains causing many landslides resulting in much
damage and loss of life.
On June first rjenann arrived home for the summer after receiving the "Associate
bif Arts'de^eS frbmBible College, She has a few Ebglishi teaching jobs .
to help"ifiTher 'fare;here and back. She has two years left at Minnesota Bible
Cblle^'to^receive her B,A, degree in Cj^ristian Education, after which'^hepliis
to try to come bacj^to^ J^j^ to work as %
June tenth was our twenty-seventh wedding anniversary, which went almost
uncelebrated. That afternoon Ethel left for a two day film seminar sponsored by
Japan Mission, Because one of the chief projects of the seminar is the workshop
in which the participants learn how to operate sound movie projectors so that we
can rent them from Japan Mission along with their movies and we also learned
effective methods of using films for evangelism it was called a "film seminar,"
However, the program included lectures and discussions on other methods and tools
of evangelism which were very helpful. There are many Moody Science films and
other films which have a Japanese sound track on them as well as some Japanese
films of a testimonial nature available. We plan to use them espeically with the
Jiinior and Senior High School groups.
In preparation for our first movie program on July 14 the Rokko Church women
and Ethel made new curtains that can be closed to shut out the light from the
chiirch room windows.
of the school year at the seminary ended, on Friday, July 5-
Four students left for Kyushu on Sunday to help in a week of children's evangelism
with Mr, Homori, a graduate of 0,B,S, preaching there. Some of the faculty and
students will be going to different parts of the country through the summer for
special services,
Ethel's Ifaglrsh-Bj^ls-_class has finished the book of John just before the
summer vacation. Some of the women have really come to believe through this
study and want to become Christians, but they find it so difficult because of
their family ties. Please do pra-Jr especially that they may complete their obedience
to Cj^rist and that they may be able to win their husbands and families in time,
Satan is very powerful here, but we know that Christ has overcome Him and can win
these people, too, if we pray earnestly.
During the summer vacation the two women's classes will meet together on
Thursdays for prayer meeting and will bring their children. They will not be
able to attend so regularly, but we want to keep the time open for meetings as
much as possible,
^uri C>iUrch meetings have been changed to Sat^day evening^ beginning
at 5 o'clock and the three sections last until 8:00~p,m; h^^ Kie biiilding
owners insist on closing the building on Sundays and as a religious group we could
find no other place to meet in the area so this change was forced upon us.
May God bless you all.
Continuing in His service,
George & Ethel
Copy for
Picture: Mrs. Ethel and George Beckman
in Japan
George and Mrs^ Ethel Beckman went to
Osaka, Japan Decemher 28, 19^8 They have
served four terms there and are now in their
fifth term George teaches in Osaka Bible
Seminary and preaches at various churches
^' When requested. Graduates of OBS are now
preaching on all four of the main islands
/ i
of Japan. George started the Greek language
/ \
(department HS'iinQsaka Bible Seminary. Mr.
Akira Oda, a member of the first Greek class,
has goiB to study and graduated from the
University of Athens, Greece. Mr. Oda edited
a Greek - Jap^ese Lexicon which was for
some time the,, only such lexicon in print.
He has now wi^tten a Greek grammar in Japanese
and efforts are being made to get it published^
T Ethel teaches Sunday School every
Sunday morning and Bible classes Sunday
aftemonn. She teaches Bible to women on
Wednesday and Thursday. She carries much of
the Mission correspondence. She cares for
the home which includes Brother Sugano, 88
years old Japanese man who has been a
Dhrisitan for more than 65 years. He is
\ i
a great helper in the areaxsBSk.mission work.
George Beckman was bom July 28^ 1917
in Platte, South Dakota. He went to Wayne ^
State College in Nebraska; Manhattan Christian
College, Manhattan, Kansas, School of RelJigion
at Butler, Indianapolis, IN; and Lincoln
Christian Collgge and Seminary, Lincoln,
IL. George started preaching in 19^1.
Mrs. Ethel M. Brom Beckman was bom S)bpt
14, 19I6 in R<^k Coimty, Wisconsin. OJhey
have 4 children all bom in Japan; S John
Waldo Beckman bom March 6, 1950; gTgara
Jenann Mae Beckman bom lay 17, 1952; Mary
Esther Beckman bom September 50]j: 1953 nd
Buth Beckman bom June 16, 1955
(Uheir forwarding agents are Richard
and Mrs. Margaret Saevre, R.R. 1, Brodhead,
Wisconsin, 53520. Their field address is
George H. and Mrs. Ethel Beckman, 8-40
Kamizono-cho, Nishinomiya, Japan 662. ^
!Ehis information will help with the preparation and: publicity of the Missionary Picture Booh,
Husband's .
Name // 13ktYi a ^ Bom (Place) P/aiie. X^Ucroi-cL
Jculy AS". 1911
Maiden Name proton Bom (Place) ^ock . Ij)/scans
Address 2- 4o koA^'iyyio c^ho
Nation ^aujDaur)
City/State AJi
ZIP Code li>&7^
Name T^ickarA Sa&.Vre.
Address R-R } '
City/state 'Br/oAh'eaJ jVJiS, ZIP Code
Hi^ School P/aJ/p hJi'a/i SeJiffaJ
College S4aie, (L/>ilea/L
/^O^YihiithtyK Cl^rishfAn (Le>/Je^^ ^
Seminary/Graduate .5eA^y of- PsJia/on. BuJ-Je^r
Liinc.0-^'?j C/^r/sih'api Gp//&4^
When &Where B^tized
City/^tate - LOaLypie. .
FAMILY-FACTS Married X Single
City/state P/aH'e. Sou/k l^a.JLpi'^
City/state V/aVne ./VAjLt^asAd.
City/state fn^ittA^At>a/,'s. )hJ,
, J/.1.
Place of Birth
K\j/7po. J^pay)
/%/^ ^ , J9S'a
/%?(/ J7.
n I#
c5e./?A 3o, / 9'>5'3
Juy/&- /^<r3~
. ^ Where
Ptpfc.0ln, $a s
S-e^/noaup- JytoL
e, Chriskf'an CUM.yjL\
j *9*4/"/9^3
LOo'iin'i7a)/7iio InJ. [kincaU
u tP
^ 1 "
(yS^tL^Upj . yZae-AfPp I'tn Se/97f/7ayt^ .
Starting Date Z7^c. Furlou^ Date ^A9S^- f9SS' Mission Location .Jo-jbArj \ \
Second Term Furlough Date Mission Location
Third Term i9Li'/9i^ Furlough Date f9i>s-'t964 Mission Location
Foxirth Term i'9&>C'/9 7.^ Furlou^ Date Vi9i3^ Vi974 Mission Location
Fifth Term 1974 Furlou^ Date Mission Location
Short summary of present missionary service and accomplishments:
(Use back of this sheet or second sheet, if needed.)
/fO 1
hlisht'ncm* j
^^ /
Present missioaary service, etc.:-
Every Simday morning in Sunday School teaches kindergarten to 3rd grade children.
Every Sunday afternoon helps teach Bible to Junior Highh School students.
TeachffiB Bible to two groups of women who meet with her:-
One group every Wednesday.
^e other group every Thursday.
Carries much of the mission corresj^ondence.
Cares for the home which includes Brother Sugano, 88 year old Japanese man who
has been a Christian for over 65 years and a greit helper to the mission work
in this area.
-_Te.a.ches irL.Osaka._?ible__Serainary
Exegesis of '^auline epistles.
Exegesis of General epistles.
Inter-biblical period.
Text & Danon.
New Testament Introduction.
Preaches at various churches when requested.
Graduates of ^saka Bible Seminary are now preaching on all four of the main
islands of apan.
Started the Greek language department in Osaka ^ible Seminary. Mr. Akira Oda,
member of the first class, has gone to study and graduate from the University of
Athens, Greece, ^e edited a Greek-Japanese Lexicon which was for some time the
only such lexican in print. He has now written a Greek grammar in Japanese and
efforts are being made to get it published.
"For the moment all discipline . . .
seems painful rather than pleasant;;
later it yields the peaceful fruit
of righteousness to those who have
been trained by it." Heb, 12:11
Dear Christian Friends:
September 10, 197^
After nearly two month's vacation schools have begun and people
are getting back Into a more regular schedule.
On July 29, we took a three day vacation and went to Hiroshima to
visit the Turners, Since George and Tim Turner had birthdays on Sun
day we celebrated them together when we got there. It was our first
visit to the city of the Atomic Bomb and the museum and park there. On
Tuesday we visited the island of Miyajima, famous for its large Shrine
with its "arch" that stands out in the water when the tide is in. The
island is a beautiful place with nature preserved in all its greenery
on the mountain side. In the afternoon we visited the Klshis and the
little church they have built on their property, Mr. Kishi is economics
professor at the university near them and Mrs, Kishi, a graduate of
Osaka Bible Seminary, has largely been the evangelist. Now Mr, Kishi
and Mr. Turner share in the preaching on, Sunday mornings.
During the vacation weeks Ethel's classes did not continue to
meet as such to continue their regular study, but she had a meeting
for them every Thursday and a few from each class came with their
children. Mr. Taninari, a seminary student, and Jenann took care of
the children with a Bible story and some handwork.
It was good to have Jenann home for nearly three months during
the summer and John for one week in August on his way back to the
States after his discharge from the Air Force. Jenann is a third year
student at Minnesota Bible College this year and John is a freshman at
Oklahoma State University at Stillwater, Oklahoma, beginning his study
of a pre-medical course,
Ruth stayed in Manhattan, Kansas, this summer and worked in the
school library. She had some trouble with severe headaches and was
hospitalized for a week in July, partly due probably to the extreme
heat in Kansas this year. We suspect it may also be partly due to the
radical change in environment and culture she has experienced this
last year.
Mary is studying at the University of California in Berkeley. She
completed a one year course in Chinese during summer school.
We praise the Lord for the possibility of a new Junior and senior
Hl-School Bible Study group at Takarazuka beginning the l4th of this
month. Some students had come from there for awhile, but an hour's
travel each way on the train was too much for them and they gradually
quit coming. Now we have the opportunity to rent a room there and
plan to start meetings. We will have the movie "City of the Bees" for
our first meeting as we are showing it on the next evening here. Pray
that the Lord may use Ethel in these meetings.
September 12 & 13 are clean up days at the Seminary and classes
are to begin September 17, George will be teaching Text and Canon from
then to December 13. Miss Kuyama, office secretary, has worked for
us for a number of years but never really taken a summer vacation, only
a few days, one at a time. This summer, with the Clarks on the West
coast oh furlough, she spent part of the summer there visiting churches
in California, Oregon and Washington, While she was gone George spent
one day each week in the office by the phone and door bell. He was
able to study some new books on Text and Canon during that time.
We ask your prayers for Mr. Oda. He had some bleeding in the
urine about two years ago and the doctors found no cause but it was
forgotten when it ended. Then last month it began again and the doc
tors have assured him it is not the result of cancer which he had
feared because his father died of cancer. But the doctors have found
no cause for an infection that they feel is the cause of the bleeding.
He has been very busy making the .final copy of his Greek grammer for
the printer so that it will be ready as soon as we are able to have it
Thank you and may God bless you all.
Continuing In His Service,
C^Sdlcd tlsilan Ailssion
"And the peace of God, which passeth
all imderstanding, shall guard your
heats and your thoughts In Christ
Jesus." Philippians 4:8
A 4
October 9, 1974
D.^ar Christian Friends: ^ .
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Chri-st.
The new term for the Seminary began September 17 preceded by
two days of clean up when the faculty and students worked together
to get some extra cleaning and general repairs done. One of the
biggest projects^^fctLis-year-was the.._tearing down of the most rusty
section of theC6ia^.lm!r.aakS>-hullding^ was left. The men got
the inside cleaned out and about half of the roof down on those two
days. Then a dealer in junk offered to do the rest of the job for
the metal in it (we kept the wood). It is a great improvement to
the campus to have it
retuwtgrTrom his two years of study at Cincinnati
Bible SM^ifxhary on the 13th, just in time for the beginning of the
term. He is interpreting for George in his course on Text and Canon.
celebrate a new
Bible cldss for junior and senior high schoor^st'ud'enFs^ Takarazuka
with the help of Mrs. Tachibana, a member of her Thursday class.
Mrs. Tachibana had told the students it was Ethel's birthday and
they presented her with a birthday card and small gift. On Thursday
the women had surprised her with a huge bouquet of roses and gift
of money.
The 22nd, Mr, Kubo and Miss Matsumoto placed their membership
in Rokko Church. Mr, Kubo is the young man George baptized in April
from the Senri work, but since they have been meeting on Saturdays
he could not attend because of his work, so has been coming here.
Miss Matsumoto is from Kyushu but is presently iii Osaka working and ^
attending college. She became a Christian this summer when the
team from San Jose Bible College held meetings in Kyushu. With the
help of Mr. Saito, a student at the Seminary, they hope to begin
young people's meetings in connection with the high school meetings.
Another answer to prayerSI Several months ago we asked you to
pray especially for Mr. Higaki that he might be interested in study
of the Bible and let Mrs. Higaki be baptized. On Wednesday, Sept
ember 25, we began having a Bible study with Mr,, and Mrs. Higaki.
One week they corne here and the next week we go there. Praise the
Lord for this victory and continue to pray that Mr. Higaki keeps
this open attituae. More will happen in the future.
Rejoice with us over the conclusion of the doctors regarding
Mr^,.Qda's heaD.tS- ^
. Thy doctors had siuggested a nu/rber of causes
such as driving long'di 1 thn -rs,. too rice wio. etc. All of
these did not .apply to but flna.i:i.y tboy j-.acl rer:ei.ibered
previous cases of men Dlttiang in one position .for .long periods being
afflicted the same way. This one fit as he had bee/\ ctoirig this the
last half of July and all of August working on his Greek grammar.
With pauses for simple exercise he can continue and feel there is
no danger to his health.
Please pray for the Tanemaki Kai at Osaka Bible Seminary,
November 3 and 4. This year the theme is from John 14:2? - I Give
You My Peace. In many ways this is needed in this very troubled
Thank you very much and may God bless you.
Continuing in His service.
(of America)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saevre,
Forwarding Agents
Route 1
Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520
George & Ethel Beckman
Ciaaka OII|rtsitta (^tsaton, ,3c.
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8-40 Kamizono-cho
Nishinomiya 662, Japan
(not for Profit corporofion)
Forwarding Agents
Richard & Margaret Saevre
R. R. I
Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520
December 2, 197^
"By this all men will know that you December 2, 197^
are my disciples, if you have love
for one another. John 13:35 \
Dear Christiah Fi^iehds.; "
... I
"I give you my peace" (John 14:27) was the theme of the- annual preach
ing convention known as "Tanemaki Kai" at Osaka Bible Seminary, November 3
and 4, this year. This was praised by many as being one of the best meet
ings we have had in many years - both in quality of preaching and in the
number attending. 157 registered and attended at least one of the sessions
this year. George had the responsibility of being the chairman of the pro
gram committee which is the main committee for this convention.
"Why I accepted Christ as my Savior" was the topic for a testimony
given by each of six women from six different countries to a group of 4l2
women at the semi-annual women's luncheon held in Kobe, November 5. A choir
of twenty Korean women, all of them housewives, furnished the special
music for the meeting. Ethel worked with the hostesses to see that every
lady had a place at the tables.
Besides the Junior and Senior High School meetings here on Sunday
evening we now have a vouth group, though few in number, large in zeal for
Christ and the desire to work to spread His gospel. On Sunday evening,
November 24, we showed the movie, "Dust or Destiny" dubbed in Japanese.
Some parents and grandparents who had not previously attended came.
Thursday, November 14, Ethel's Bible Study Class went to Kyoto to
hike up Mt, Kurama and view the maple trees which were at the peak of their
autumn colors. After all the climbing up and down the mountain there were
some sore legs for a few days. Ethel thought she was doing pretty well to
keep up with the younger women of her class, but had to admit defeat to the
69 year old mother of one of the members who kept ahead of her all the way
and returned with less ahcing muscles.
We want to announce the marriage of our son, John, and Miss Tsai Pao
^Tsai in Taiwan on August 2 of this year. Tsai was able to Join John in
Stillwater, Oklahoma, the first part of November, where he is a student at
Oklahoma State University. The^ are making their home at 407 W, Elm,
Stillwater, Oklahoma, 74074. We ask you to Join us in prayer for them -
that Christ may be the head of their home, their comfort and guide in all
they meet. John is very busy going to school and working part time, Tsai
will have many new experiences to face as a bride in a strange land.
December I3 the second term of Osaka Bible Seminary closes and the
annual sukiyaki party is a display of the feeling existing between faculty
and students. We are grateful for the good rapport now present so that we
feel confident that problems that may arise can be solved in a Christian
We are grateful for your prayers in our behalf and are confident that
our continued efforts and progress have a direct relationship to your help.
As we approach the season when Christians around the world celebrate
the birth of our Saviour, we pray that there may be those who will find the
real peace and Joy that comes In taking Christ as their Saviour and Lord.
"We pray""^that those who name the name of Christ may truly manifest His love
and Joy in their lives that our heavenly Father may be florified.
In His wonderful Name,

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