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The Result of Analysis

Grade of X, 1st Semester

Standard of Competency Basics Competency
1. Solving the problem related to the
shape of rank, roots and algorithms

1.1 Using the rule of rank, roots and
1.2 Doing the algebraic manipulation
calculations involving the rank, roots
and logarithms

2. Solving the problem related to the
functions, equations and quadratic
function and quadratic inequality

2.1 Identifying the concept of function
2.2 Drawing a simple graph algebraic
functions and quadratic functions
2.3 Using properties and rules about
quadratic equations and inequalities
2.4 Doing the algebraic manipulation
calculations related to quadratic
equations and inequalities
2.5 Composing a mathematical model of
the problems associated with
equations and/or function of the
2.6 Solving the mathematical model of the
problems associated with equations
and/or function of the square and its
3. Solving problems related to systems of
linear equations and inequalities of one
3.1 Solving systems of linear equations and
systems of combination linear and
quadratic equations of two variables
3.2 Composing a mathematical model of
the problem associated with the
system of linear equations
3.3 Solving the mathematical model of the
problems associated with the system
of linear equations and its
3.4 Solving one variable inequalities
involving algebraic fractions
3.5 Composing a mathematical model of
the problems associated with the
inequalities of one variable
3.6 Solving the mathematical model of
problems associated with inequalities
one variable and interpretation
The Analysis:
There was no change in the composition of curriculum in this semester because the
mathematics material in the physics curriculum has been studied in
mathematics curriculum at junior high school .
For example, physics lessons on Measurement and Quantity that much about
comparing fractions and operations, the material has been studied in curriculum
7th grade semester 1 at junior high school .

Grade of X, 2nd Semester

Standard of Competency Basic Competency
4. Determining the composition of two
functions and the inverse of a
4.1 Determining the result of algebra
functions operation.
4.2 Identifying the properties of the
composition of the functions
4.3 Determining the composition of the
functions of the two functions
4.4 Identifying the properties of the
inverse of a function
4.5 Determining the inverse of a function
5. Using the concept of limit of function
in problem solving
5.1 Calculating the limit of simple
algebraic functions at a point
5.2 Using the properties of functions limit
to calculate the indeterminate form of
algebraic functions
6. Using the concept derivative function
in problem solving
6.1 Using properties and rules derived in
the calculation of the derivative
function algebra
6.2 Using derivatives to determine the
characteristics of a function algebra
and solve problems
6.3 Designing a mathematical model of the
problems associated with extreme
algebraic functions
6.4 Solving the mathematical model of the
problems associated with extreme
algebraic functions and their
7. Using the integral concept in problem
7.1 Understanding the concept of
indefinite integral and definite
7.2 Calculating the indefinite integral and
definite integral of a simple algebraic
function and trigonometry
7.3 Using the integral to calculate the area
under the curve and the volume of
rotate objects

The Analysis:

There are changes the composition of the curriculum in this semester, which:
a. Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Logic in grade X semester 2 is
replaced with Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Algebra in grade
XI semester 2
b. Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Trigonometry in grade X semester 2
is replaced with Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Algebra in grade
XI semester 2
c. Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Geometry in grade X semester 2 is
replaced with Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Algebra in grade
XI semester 2
This is because the material of mathematics in physics curriculum at grade XI has been
learning about the Differential and Integral in Physics lesson about
the Kinematics Motion, whereas in the math curriculum it learning in class XII

Grade of XI, 1st semester

Standard of Competency Basic Competency
1. Using the comparison,
function, equations and
trigonometric identity in
problem solving

1.1 Doing the algebric manipulated in
calculations related to comparison, functions,
trigonometric equations and identities
1.2 Composing a mathematical model of the
problems associated with comparisons,
functions, trigonometric equations and
1.3 Solving the mathematical model of the
problem associated with comparisons,
functions, trigonometric equations and
identities and interpretations
2. Lowering the trigonometric
formulas and their usage
2.1 Using the sine and cosine formula of sum of
two angles, the difference of two angles,
double angles for calculating the sine and
cosine of certain angle
2.2 Reducing the number and difference formulas
of sine and cosine
2.3 Using the sum and the difference formula
between sine and cosine
3. Arranging equation of the circle
and the tangent
3.1 Constructing the circle equation that meets
the specified requirements
3.2 Determining the equation of a tangent to a
circle in various situations

The Analysis:
There is change the composition of the curriculum in this semester, which:
Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Statistic and Probability in grade
XI semester 1 is replaced with Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Algebra in
grade X semester 2
This is because the material of mathematics in Physics curriculum at grade XI has been
learning about the Differential and Integral in Physics lesson about
the Kinematics Motion, whereas in the Math curriculum it learning in class XII

Grade of XI, 2nd semester

Standard of Competency Basic Competency
4. Using the rules of plenty
tribes in problem solving

5.1 Using algorithm of plenty tribes division to
determine the quotient and remainder
5.2 Using the remainder theorem and factor
theorem in problem solving
5. Using mathematics logic in
problem solving related to
the compound statement and
quantor statement

5.1 Identifying in mathematics and opposite
statement or its negation
5.2 Determining the truth value of a compound
statement and quantor statement
5.3 Formulating a statement which is equivalent to
a compound statement or a statement given
5.4 Using the principle of mathematical logic that
relates to a compound statement and a
quantorr statement in inference and problem
6. Determining the position,
distance and large angles
involving points, lines and the
field in three dimensional

6.1 Determining the positions of point, line and
the field in three dimensional space
6.2 Determining the distance from point to point
line and from the fieldin three dimensional
6.3 Determining the large angle between the line
and field and between the two field in three
dimensional space

The Analysis:
There are changes the composition of the curriculum in this semester, which:
a. Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Algebra (which determine the
composition of two functions and inverse functions) in grade XI semester 2 is
replaced with Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Logic in grade
XI semester 2
b. Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Calculus in grade XI semester 2 is
replaced with Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Geometry in grade
X semester 2
This is because the material of mathematics in Physics curriculum at grade XI has been
learning about the Differential and Integral in Physics lesson about
the Kinematics Motion, whereas in the Math curriculum it learning in class XII
Grade of XII, 1st Semester

Standard of Competency Basic Competency
1. Using statistical rules, principle
of enumeration

1.1 Identifying the concepts of statistic
1.2 Reading the data in the forms of table and bar
chart, line, circle, and the ogive.
1.3 Presenting the data in the forms of table and
bar chart, line, circle, and the ogive and its
1.4 Calculating the centralization measurement,
location measurement, and measurement of
the data dissemination, and its interpretation.
2. Using the properties of the
probability in problem solving

2.1 Using the multiplication rule, permutations,
and combinations in problem solving.
2.2 Determining the sample space of an
2.3 Determining the odds of an event and its
3. Solving the problems of linear
3.1 Identifying the properties of linear inequalities
3.2 Solving systems of linear inequalities of two
3.3 Designing a mathematical model of problems
of linear program
3.4 Solving the mathematical model of problems of
linear program and its interpretation
4. Using the matrixs concept in
problem solving
4.1 Using the properties and matrix operations to
show that a square matrix is the inverse of the
other square matrix
4.2 Determining the determinant and inverse
matrix of 2 x 2
4.3 Using the determinant and inverse of the
settlement system of linear equations in two
5. Using the vectors concept in
problem solving
5.1 Identifying the definition of vector
5.2 Determining of vector operations
5.3 Using the properties and scalar multiplication
operations of two vectors in problem solving
6. Using the transformations
concept in problem solving
6.1 Using geometry transformation that was
presented by matrix forms in problem solving
6.2 Determining the composition of geometry
transformation with its matrix transformations.

The Analysis:
There is change the composition of the curriculum in this semester, which:
Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Calculus in grade XII semester 2 is
replaced with Standard Competency and Basic Competency of Statistic and Probability in
grade XI semester 1
This is because the material of mathematics in Physics curriculum at grade XI has been
learning about the Differential and Integral in Physics lesson about
the Kinematics Motion, whereas in the Math curriculum it learning in class XII

Grade of XII, 2nd Semester

Standard of Competency Basic Competency
7. Using the concept of sequences
and series in problem solving

7.1 Determining the-n row and the number of n
terms of arithmetic and geometric series
7.2 Using sigma notation in sequences and
mathematic induction in argumetations
7.3 Designing a mathematical model of the
problems associated with series
7.4 Solving the mathematical model of the
problems associated with the series and its
8. Using rules of tha related with
exponent function and
logarithm in problem solving
8.1 Using the properties of exponent function and
logarithm in problem solving
8.2 Drawing graph of exponent function and
8.3 Using the properties of exponent function or
logarithm in solving of exponent inequalities
or simple algorithm

The Analysis:
There was no change in the composition of the curriculum in this semester because the
mathematics material in the physics curriculum has been studied in previous semesters. For
example in Physics lesson, the Theory of Relativity that a lot of learning about speed, massa
and relative energy, the material has been studied in Calculus at previous semester.

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