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Sample Credit Repair Letters

For Items in Credit Reports - Inaccurately Reported

Full Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Social Security #
Date Of Birth
Phone Number
Name of Credit Bureau
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Attn Customer !elations Department
" am re#uestin$ an immediate in%esti$ation of the items listed belo&' (hese accounts ha%e been paid
promptly and do not reflect my true and accurate credit history' (hese inaccuracies are hi$hly
in)urious to my credit ratin$'
Creditor*Subscriber Name Account #
Reason you are disputing this item goes here!
"n addition, " did not authori+e the follo&in$ credit in#uiries' Please remo%e them immediately'
Creditor*Subscriber Name Date of "n#uiry
Please for&ard me an updated credit report after you ha%e completed your in%esti$ation and
,our cooperation and prompt attention are $reatly appreciated'
-Price, /0123.
Sample Credit Repair Letters
For Items in Credit Reports - Belonging to a Former Spouse
Full Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Social Security #
Date Of Birth
Phone Number
Name of Credit Bureau
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Attn Customer !elations Department
" am re#uestin$ an immediate in%esti$ation of the items listed belo&' (hese items are not my
accounts or in#uiries, they belon$ to my former spouse, -Spouse4s Name'. Please remo%e them
immediately to reflect my true and accurate credit history' (hese inaccuracies are hi$hly in)urious to
my credit ratin$'
Creditor*Subscriber Name Account #
Reason you are disputing this item goes here!
"n addition, " did not authori+e the follo&in$ credit in#uiries' Please remo%e them immediately'
Creditor*Subscriber Name Date of "n#uiry
Please for&ard me an updated credit report after you ha%e completed your in%esti$ation and
,our cooperation and prompt attention are $reatly appreciated'
Sample Credit Repair Letters
For Items in Credit Reports - Not Belonging to the Consumer
Full Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Social Security #
Date Of Birth
Phone Number
Name of Credit Bureau
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Attn Customer !elations Department
" am re#uestin$ an immediate in%esti$ation of the items listed belo&' (hese items are not my
accounts or in#uiries' Please remo%e them immediately to reflect my true and accurate credit
history' (hese inaccuracies are hi$hly in)urious to my credit ratin$'
Creditor*Subscriber Name Account #
Reason you are disputing this item goes here!
"n addition, " did not authori+e the follo&in$ credit in#uiries' Please remo%e them immediately'
Creditor*Subscriber Name Date of "n#uiry
Please for&ard me an updated credit report after you ha%e completed your in%esti$ation and
,our cooperation and prompt attention are $reatly appreciated'
-Price, /0123.
Sample Credit Repair Letters
No Response to a Dispute Letter
Full Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Social Security #
Date Of Birth
Phone Number
Name of Credit Bureau
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Attn Customer !elations Department
On -Date letter &as sent., " sent you a letter re#uestin$ se%eral items be in%esti$ated on my credit
report' Please see the enclosed copy'
(o date, " ha%e recei%ed no response from you' 5nder (he Fair Credit !eportin$ Act you are re#uired
to respond &ithin a 6reasonalbe period of time76 please do so'
-Price, /0123.
Sample Credit Repair Letters
Inaccurately Reported After Investigation Reuest
Full Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Social Security #
Date Of Birth
Phone Number
Name of Credit Bureau
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Attn Customer !elations Department
" am in disa$reement &ith the items listed belo& &hich still appear on my credit report, e%en after
your in%esti$ation' " &ould li8e these items immediately re1in%esti$ated' (hese inaccuracies are
hi$hly in)urious to my credit ratin$'
Creditor*Subscriber Name Account #
!eason "tem is "ncorrect
Furthermore, in accordance &ith (he Fair Credit !eportin$ Act, Public la& 291:;/, (itle <", Section
=99, Subsection A1D, please pro%ide the names and business addresses of each indi%idual &ith
&hom you %erified the abo%e, so that " may follo& up'
Please for&ard me an updated credit report after you ha%e completed your in%esti$ation and
,our cooperation and prompt attention are $reatly appreciated'
-Price, /0123.
Sample Credit Repair Letters
Reuesting Additional Items on Credit Report
Full Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Social Security #
Date Of Birth
Phone Number
Name of Credit Bureau
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Attn Customer !elations Department
At your earliest opportunity, please add the credit references belo& to my credit report'
Creditor*Subscriber Name Account #
Please for&ard me an updated credit report after you ha%e completed your in%esti$ation and
,our cooperation and prompt attention are $reatly appreciated'
-Price, /0123.
Sample Credit Repair Letters
No Response to Follo! "p of a Dispute Letter
Full Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Social Security #
Date Of Birth
Phone Number
Name of Credit Bureau
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Attn Customer !elations Department
On -Date first letter &as sent., " sent you a letter re#uestin$ se%eral hi$hly dero$atory items &hich
do not pertain to me, be in%esti$ated on my credit report' Please see the enclosed copy'
Additionally, on -Date second letter &as sent., " sent you a letter re#uestin$ that you e>pedite this
in%esti$ation' Please see the enclosed copy' Since then, more that a reasonable amount of time has
(o date, " ha%e not recei%ed a response to either letter? Please be ad%ised that unless my credit
in%esti$ation is completed by -Date 0 &ee8s from date of this letter., " &ill file a formal complaint
&ith the Federal (rade Commission' " hope this &ill not be necessary'
-Price, /0123.
Sample Credit Repair Letters
Reuest for Su#scri#er Information on "nauthori$ed Credit Inuiries
Full Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Social Security #
Date Of Birth
Phone Number
Name of Credit Bureau
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Attn Customer !elations Department
At your earliest opportunity, please pro%ide me the names, addresses and phone numbers of the
subscribers listed belo&'
Creditor*Subscriber Name Date of !eport
(hese subscribers ran unauthori+ed credit reports on me -please see enclosed copy. and " &ish to
contact them to determine the reason this occurred'
,our cooperation and prompt attention are $reatly appreciated'
-Price, /0123.
Sample Credit Repair Letters
%o Creditor &ho Ran "nauthori$ed Credit Report
Full Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Name of @eneral Aana$er
Name of Creditor
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Dear -@eneral Aana$er.,
"t has come to my attention that your company, on -date of in#uiry. ille$ally ran a credit report on
me' " did not authori+e this report' (his action on your part constitutes a %iolation of my ri$hts under
the Fair Credit !eportin$ Act and is hi$hly in)urious to my credit ratin$' " am 8indly sendin$ you this
credit repair letter so you can correct this error'
5nless you immediately contact the credit bureau and remedy this situation, " &ill ha%e no choice
but to ta8e le$al action'
Please $o%ern yourself accordin$ly'
cc Credit Bureau -Price, /0123.
Your Name
Your Street Address
Your City, State ZIP Code
Credit Bureau Name
Their Street Address
Their City, State ZIP Code
Dear Credit Bureau,
I ou!d !i"e to dis#ute some i$a%%urate i$&ormatio$ I ha'e dis%o'ered o$ my %redit re#ort( The items I )e!ie'e to )e i$%orre%t
are !isted )e!o( I am a!so i$%!udi$* a %o#y o& my %redit re#ort ith the dis#uted i$&ormatio$ hi*h!i*hted(
1( Creditor Name a$d A%%ou$t Num)er
+( ,e$der has $ot -o!!oed Your State.s /e#ossessio$ ,as
0( Cha!!e$*e the -a%tua! 1rrors 2,oa$ Ba!a$%e, 3#e$i$* Date, 4i*h Credit, et%(5
6( Cha!!e$*e the Costs a$d -ees Su%h as 2Im#ou$d, Toi$*, Stora*e, et%(5
I$ %om#!ia$%e ith the -air Credit /e#orti$* A*e$%y 2-C/A5, I re7uest that you i$'esti*ate this matter a$d u#date my %redit
re#ort a%%ordi$*!y(
I& your i$'esti*atio$ 'a!idates the !isti$*, #!ease #ro'ide me ith a$ e8#!a$atio$ i& the #ro%edure you used to 'a!idate the
!isti$* ithi$ 15 )usi$ess days o& your %om#!etio$ o& the i$'esti*atio$, as #er the -C/A( I a!so re7uest that you se$d me a
%o#y o& the i$&ormatio$ you *athered as a resu!t o& the i$'esti*atio$(
I& your i$'esti*atio$ shos this !isti$* to erro$eous, #!ease u#date my %redit re#ort a$d se$d me a %o#y o& my u#dated %redit
Your Si*$ature
Your Name
SSN9 888:88:8888
Begin Form Letter ----
To: [Company] Form CA-F.U.-1
[City, State, Zip]
From: [My ame]
[My address]
[My City, State, Zip]
"T#C$ A! !$MA! T" C$AS$ A! !$S#ST C"LL$CT#"
ACT#%#T#$S &'#"' T" %AL#!AT#" "F &U'&"'T$! !$BT.
1( &)rs)ant to t*e Fair !e+t Co,,e-tion &ra-ti-es A-t, 1. USC 1/01, 1/12 et se3., t*is -onstit)tes time,y 4ritten
noti-e t*at # de-,ine to pay t*e atta-*ed erroneo)s p)rported de+t 4*i-* is )n5a,idated and )nattested, and 4*i-* #
dis-*arge 4it*o)t dis*onor, on gro)nds o6 6a,se representation, and 6ra)d.
A( o -ontra-t +earing my signat)re s*o4ing me +eing named as a party 4it* [Company] 4as atta-*ed.
B( o -opy o6 a 7)dgment +earing my name, 4as atta-*ed.
C( By ,a4, # am re3)ired to dea, 4it* "rigina, Creditors not t*ird party -o,,e-tions agents.
!( o -opy o6 yo)r a)t*ority to operate 4it*in t*e State o6 [8o)r state] 4as atta-*ed.
$( o -opy o6 any re-eipt, or ot*er s)-* transa-tion do-)ment s*o4ing [Company] as t*e primary party 4as
F( # *a5e not opened an a--o)nt 4it* [Company] %a,id proo6 o6 my opening an a--o)nt 4it* [Company] 4as not
2( 1. USC 1/12 9e( states t*at a :6a,se, de-epti5e, and mis,eading representation, in -onne-tion 4it* t*e -o,,e-tion o6
any de+t:, in-,)des :t*e 6a,se representation o6 t*e -*ara-ter or ,ega, stat)s o6 any de+t: and 6)rt*er ma;es a t*reat
to ta;e any a-tion t*at -annot ,ega,,y +e ta;en a de-epti5e pra-ti-e.
<( S)-* noti-e omits in6ormation 4*i-* s*o),d *a5e +een dis-,osed, s)-* as 5ita, -itations, dis-,osing t*e agen-y=s
>)risdi-tiona, and stat)tory a)t*ority. Said noti-e 6)rt*er -ontains, 6a,se de-epti5e and mis,eading representation,
and a,,egations intended to intentiona,,y pre5ent t*e tr)t* 6or t*e p)rpose o6 ind)-ing one, in re,ian-e t*ereo6, to
part 4it* property +e,onging to or in tr)st o6 t*em and to s)rrender -ertain s)+stanti5e ,ega, and?or stat)tory
rig*ts, res),ting in a ,ega, in>)ry.
@( &)rs)ant to 1. USC 1/12 9g( 9@( %a,idation o6 !e+ts, i6 yo) *a5e e5iden-e to 5a,idate yo)r -,aim t*at t*e atta-*ed
presentment does not -onstit)te 6ra)d),ent misrepresentation and t*at one o4es t*is a,,eged de+t, t*is is a
demand, t*at 4it*in . days, yo) pro5ide s)-* 5a,idation and s)pporting e5iden-e to s)+stantiate yo)r -,aim. Unti,
t*e re3)irements o6 t*e Fair !e+t Co,,e-tion &ra-ti-es A-t *a5e +een met and yo)r -,aim is 5a,idated, yo) *a5e no
>)risdi-tion to -ontin)e any -o,,e-tion a-ti5ities.
A. #n-omp,ete -opies 4i,, not +e a--epta+,eA
B. Unreada+,e -opies 4i,, not +e a--epta+,eA
C. Copies 4it* more t*an 1?100
o6 t*e pages -o5ered )p or *idden +e*ind o+>e-ts 4i,, not +e a--epta+,eA
!. Copies 4it*o)t t*e name o6 [Company] named dire-t,y as a 6irst party, 4i,, not +e a--epta+,eA
$. Copies o6 -ontra-ts 4it* any ot*er person, agen-y, man or 4oman, 4i,, not +e a--epta+,e )n,ess my name is a,so
spe-i6i-a,,y ,isted as a primary party, and [Company] is a,so spe-i6i-a,,y ,isted as a primary party.
.( T*is is -onstr)-ti5e noti-e t*at, a+sent t*e 5a,idation o6 yo)r -,aim 4it*in . days, yo) m)st -ease and desist any
and a,, -o,,e-tion a-ti5ity and are pro*i+ited 6rom -onta-ting me, t*ro)g* t*e mai,, +y te,ep*one, in person, at my
*ome, or at my 4or;. 8o) are 6)rt*er pro*i+ited 6rom -onta-ting my -ommon emp,oyer, my Ban;, or any ot*er
t*ird party. $a-* and e5ery attempted -onta-t, in 5io,ation o6 t*is a-t, 4i,, -onstit)te *arassment and de6amation o6
-*ara-ter and 4i,, s)+>e-t yo)r agen-y, and yo) to a ,ia+i,ity in yo)r indi5id)a, persona, -apa-ity, 4*o ta;e part in
s)-* *arassment, and de6amation, to a ,ia+i,ity 6or a-t)a, damages, as 4e,, as stat)tory damages o6 )p to B1000.00
per day 6or ea-* and e5ery 5io,ation, and a 6)rt*er ,ia+i,ity 6or ,ega, 6ee=s to +e paid to any -o)n-i, 4*i-* # may
retain. F)rt*er, a+sent s)-* 5a,idation o6 yo)r -,aim, yo) are pro*i+ited 6rom 6i,ing any noti-e o6 Lien or Le5y and
are a,so +arred 6rom reporting any derogatory -redit in6ormation to any -redit reporting agen-y, regarding t*is
disp)ted p)rported de+t.
/.Fina,,y, yo) are ordered $%$' again to -onta-t me )n,ess said -onta-t -ontains a -opy o6 a 5a,id -ontra-t o6
4*i-* yo) and # are named as primary parties. Sin-e t*at 4i,, ne5er *appen, # do not eCpe-t to *ear 6rom yo) again
in any 4ay, s*ape, or 6orm. #6 # do, # 4i,, -*arge yo) .00.00 6or -ompe,,ed per6orman-e.
Be ad5ised, yo)r ,etter -onstit)tes a -ompe,,ed per6orman-e. T*is is my response to t*at -ompe,,ed per6orman-e.
Any 6)rt*er attempts 4i,, +e seen as 4i,,6), -rimina, a-ts, 4*i-* 4i,, in-,)de, +)t not +e ,imited to: )sing t*e US
mai,s to -omm)ni-ate a t*reat, Using t*e US mai,s to -ommit eCtortion, -onstr)-ti5e 6ra)d, 4i,,6), neg,e-t, and any
ot*er -*arges # -an t*in; +e6ore t*e date o6 6i,ing -rimina, -omp,aints and?or ,a4s)its. And # 4i,, see; damages 6or
*a5ing to 6i,e said s)its.
$Ce-)ted on !ate:[date]

9# +e,ie5e -erti6ied mai,, ret)rn re-eipt re3)ested mig*t s)66i-e rat*er t*an t*e +e,o4, +)t *ey pi,e it on t*em is my

&roo6 o6 !e,i5ery
# *ere+y -erti6y )nder pena,ties o6 per>)ry o6 t*e ,a4s o6 t*e United States o6 Ameri-a, t*at on t*is day, [!ate o6
mai,ing], # *a5e ser5ed a -opy o6 t*e +e,o4 indi-ated do-)ments to [Company], at [Address], [City, State, Zip], +y
depositing t*e same into a !epository )nder t*e eC-,)si5e -are and -)stody o6 t*e United States &osta, Ser5i-e, pre-
paid First C,ass Mai, &ostage a66iCed.
F"'M and n)m+er o6 6orms:
1 Form CA-F.U.-1
1 Copy o6 origina, noti-e 6rom [Company]
!isinterested &arty

- See more at: *ttp:??states+oro.+iE?e4s?.F<?A-e4-Ta-ti--To-Get-7)n;-!e+t-Co,,e-tors-"66-8o)r-

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