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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.

OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide
Version: 0.3
Author: Matthew Tomlinson
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Table of Contents
#ntrodu$tion.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Gettin! %tarted...................................................................................................................................... &
'eveloper ortal.............................................................................................................................. &
'eveloper (o!in.............................................................................................................................. &
'eveloper )ome.............................................................................................................................. *
+reatin! a ,ew rodu$t........................................................................................................................-
rodu$t Mana!er ortal................................................................................................................... -
+ontent Mana!er rodu$t %pa$es.................................................................................................... .
rodu$t Templates............................................................................................................................/
+reatin! ,ew +M% %pa$es..............................................................................................................0
+reatin! a rodu$t Usin! a Template............................................................................................ 10
Viewin! a rodu$t..........................................................................................................................12
1e!isterin! a rodu$t.....................................................................................................................13
Testin! a rodu$t........................................................................................................................... 1&
2ditin! a rodu$t................................................................................................................................ 1-
rodu$t %pa$e................................................................................................................................ 1-
Addin! a Quotation Question........................................................................................................ 1.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
3el$ome to the OpenQuote user !uide. This do$ument is desi!ned to help 4ou learn how to use the
OpenQuote s4stem and understand all its various aspe$ts o" operation.
OpenQuote is desi!ned to allow insuran$e $ompanies5 a!ents and 6ro7ers to 8ui$7l4 and e""e$tivel4
$reate and edit insuran$e produ$ts5 in$ludin! ris7 assessment and ratin! rules. The s4stem is desi!n
to ena6le this without the need "or lar!e amounts o" #T intervention. OpenQuote delivers these
produ$ts to mar7et via the internet 9or internall4 to a $ompan4 via an intranet:.
At present OpenQuote does not o""er an4 poli$4 administration "un$tionalit45 it is desi!ned simpl4
to !et the 6usiness to mar7et as 8ui$7l4 as possi6le5 thus ena6lin! the 6usiness to remain
$ompetitive in an4 line o" insuran$e.
OpenQuote is a server side s4stem5 this means it does not run lo$all4 on 4our +5 the s4stem runs
on a server and 4ou a$$ess it usin! a we6 6rowser 9Mi$roso"t;s #nternet 2<plorer "or e<ample:. This
allows a$$ess "rom an4where5 "rom an4 +5 without the need to install or update the so"tware on
individual +;s.
OpenQuote is distri6uted under the The G,U General u6li$ (i$ense 9G(:5 an open sour$e
li$en$e. Open sour$e so"tware is "ree to use5 althou!h $ommer$ial support and li$ensin! is
availa6le "rom Applied #ndustrial (o!i$ 9http:==www.appliedindustriallo!i$.$om=: i" re8uired. >or
more details re!ardin! open sour$e and the OpenQuote li$en$e please visit
This user !uide is written in the "orm o" a tutorial5 the "un$tionalit4 provide 64 OpenQuote will 6e
des$ri6ed in di""erent se$tions5 6ut i" "ollowed "rom start to end will show an insuran$e produ$t
6ein! $reated in "ull.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Getting Started
Developer Portal
To start5 !o to the developer area on the s4stem5 usin! a we6 6rowser !o to:
http:== < server name > :/0/0=portal=portal=developer
? 1epla$e <server name> with the name o" the p$ 4ou installed OpenQuote on. #" 4ou installed it on 4our des7top
+5 repla$e <server name> with localhost.
Developer Login
At this point we $an use the de"ault user name and password "or the development o" an insuran$e
produ$t5 however i" this installation is 6ein! used "or an4thin! more than trainin!5 new users and
passwords should 6e set up and the de"ault user removed.
%ele$t @LoginA at the top ri!ht o" the pa!e5 now enter a user name and password and $li$7 the
@LoginA 6utton:
? The de"ault OpenQuote development user name is @davyA and the password is also @davyA.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Developer Home
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Creating a New Product
Product Manager Portal
>rom the 'eveloper )ome pa!e sele$t the Product Manager menu option5 this will ta7e 4ou to the
rodu$t Mana!er pa!e:
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Content Manager Product Spaces
On$e lo!!ed into the rodu$t Mana!er5 ma<imise the Al"res$o $lient portal 64 $li$7in! the
s4m6ol5 this will e<pand the portal ma7in! it easier to use.
Go to the +ompan4 )ome area 64 $li$7in! on the @+ompan4 )omeA menu item at the top o" the
+ontent Mana!er 9+M%: ortal. >rom here 4ou have a$$ess to ever4thin! needed to $reate and
maintain insuran$e produ$ts.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Product Templates
#n the +ontent Mana!er5 use the Browse %pa$es area to navi!ate into the Data Dictionary spa$e
and then into the Space Templates spa$e5 it is in here that the produ$t templates reside:
rodu$t templates $an 6e used as a startin! point "or $reatin! 6asi$ insuran$e produ$t de"initions5
these $an then 6e edited to "orm produ$ts "or whatever line o" 6usiness re8uired.
+urrentl4 onl4 one template e<ists5 this is a simple sin!le se$tion produ$t template5 however more
templates will 6e added in the "uture to aide the $reation o" man4 di""erent t4pes o" produ$t.
rodu$t templates $an 6e $reated and edited in e<a$tl4 the same wa4 as produ$ts. The onl4
di""eren$e is that the4 do not have to 6e a $omplete wor7in! produ$t.
,avi!atin! into the Single section single asset product spa$e allows 4ou to see the $ontents o"
the template:
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Creating New CMS Spaces
Be"ore 4ou start $reatin! new produ$ts5 it ma4 6e use"ul to $reate a new spa$e to put these produ$ts
in althou!h 4ou $an also use an e<istin! spa$e. #n the +ontent Mana!er5 return to Company
Home and use the Browse %pa$es area to navi!ate into the Product spa$e.
+li$7 on Create and sele$t the Create Space menu item. ,ow enter a ,ame "or 4our spa$e 9do
not use spa$es or spe$ial $hara$ters:5 the other "ields are optional. On$e $omplete $li$7 Create
The new spa$e will now appear in the +ontent Mana!er;s Browse %pa$es area. 3hen 4ou enter the
new spa$e it will 6e empt4.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Creating a Product Using a Template
Be"ore $reatin! a produ$t5 4ou must "irst navi!ate the the +M% spa$e 4ou want the produ$t to 6e
$reated in. On$e 4ou have done this $li$7 on Create and sele$t the Advanced Space Wizard
menu item. ,ow enter a ,ame "or 4our spa$e5 the other "ields are optional. On$e $omplete $li$7
Create Space.
#n the wiCard sele$t sing a template and $li$7 !e"t.
#n step two sele$t Single section single asset product 9or an4 other re8uired template: and $li$7
!e"t to pro$eed to the ne<t step o" the wiCard.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
>rom the ne<t step 4ou $an enter a produ$t name 9do not use spa$es or spe$ial $hara$ters:5 title5
des$ription and sele$t an i$on5 onl4 the name is mandator4 and on$e the details are $ompleted 4ou
$an $li$7 #inish to $reate the produ$t.
#" 4ou $hoose to $li$7 @,e<tA instead o" @>inishA a "inal summar4 pa!e is displa4ed.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Viewing a Product
%ele$t the produ$t 4ou want to edit in the Browse %pa$es area o" the +ontent Mana!er. +li$7 the
produ$t to see it;s $ontents. #" the produ$t is new and was $reated usin! the sin!le se$tion sin!le
asset template5 the +M% spa$e will loo7 li7e this:
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Registering a Product
Be"ore a produ$t $an 6e used or tested it must 6e re!istered. >irstl4 the rodu$t +atalo! portal must
6e visi6le5 i" it is not 4ou pro6a6l4 have another portal ma<imised on the displa4. #" this is the $ase
$li$7 the normal i$on in the top ri!ht $orner o" the visi6le portal5 ena6lin! all availa6le portals.
To re!ister a new produ$t $li$7 $egister ne% product in the rodu$t +atalo! portal.
2nter the lo$ation o" the rodu$t and $li$7 Save. The lo$ation $onsists o" the "older names
$ontainin! the produ$t and the rodu$t spa$e name5 separated 64 dots:
On$e re!istered5 $li$7 $eset all products. The produ$t is now read4 "or use5
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Testing a Product
On$e a produ$t is re!istered it $an 6e run in the %andpit5 this is test area "or produ$ts. To start
testin! sele$t the Sandpit menu item.
The sandpit allows 4ou to wal7 throu!h the 8uotation s$reens "or an4 re!istered produ$t.
B4 de"ault all produ$ts use a !eneri$ proposer $onta$t details s$reen5 this is the "irst s$reen in the
in"ormation $apture pro$ess "or a 8uote 9s$reen order $an 6e altered later::
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
,e<t 9in the de"ault $on"i!uration "or s$reen order: are the ris7 in"ormation s$reens. ,ew produ$ts
6ased upon the %in!le %e$tion %in!le Asset produ$t template do have some 6asi$ data entr4 and ris7
assessment rules setDup "or e<ample purposes:
Assumin! the ris7 assessment rules are happ4 with the previousl4 entered details 4ou will !et a
8uoted premium:
#" the ris7 assessment rules are not happ4 the ris7 will 6e re"erred or de$lined. +li$7in! $e&uote
on an4 o" these s$reens allows 4ou to !o 6a$7 an $han!e the ris7 details.
On$e a 8uote has 6een !iven5 the proposer has a num6er o" options:
1. The 8uote $an 6e saved allowin! the proposer to return at a later date.
2. The 8uote $an 6e a$$epted and pa4ment details entered.
3. The ris7 details $an 6e $han!ed 91e8uote:.
&. The 8uote $an 6e viewed 9the $urrent s$reen:.
*. The proposer $an 8uit E losin! the 8uote 9the 8uote is saved5 6ut the proposer will not 6e
a6le to a$$ess it:.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Editing a Product
Product Space
%ele$t the produ$t spa$e that 4ou want to edit.
a!e 1- o" 23
OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Adding a uotation uestion
There are a num6er o" steps involved in addin! a 8uestion to 4ou 8uotation pro$ess. +urrentl4 the
pro$ess involves editin! <ml "iles manuall45 "uture releases o" OpenQuote will introdu$e a more
user "riendl4 approa$h usin! $on"i!uration s$reens and wiCards.
Step ' ( )dit *uotation+"ml ,policy-&uotation structure.
The Quotation.<ml "ile spe$i"ies the stru$ture o" thev poli$4 8uote5 detailin! se$tions5 assets5
attri6utes et$..
#n the produ$t spa$e5 $li$7 the !reen pen$il i$on 6eneath the Quotation.<ml "ile5 this opens the
"ile read4 "or editin! onDline5 $reatin! a wor7in! $op4 o" it:
#n this e<ample a new @+ost when newA in"ormation "ield is 6ein! added5 this is done 64 addin! the
/attri0ute id12cost!e%2 value1232 4ormat12num0er5666662-7
The "ield is !iven an identi"ier o" @$ost,ewA and a * di!it numeri$ "ormat.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
On$e the new "ield details have 6een entered5 $li$7 on Save. On$e 6a$7 in the produ$t spa$e5
$li$7 the $he$7 in i$on 6eneath the Quotation.<ml 9wor7in! $op4: "ile5 this $reates a version
$ontrolled trail o" the $han!es made.
#n this e<ample the $han!es are $onsidered minor5 on$e read4 $li$7 the 88done88 6utton.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Step 9 ( )dit *uotationPage#lo%+"ml ,%e0 page order and layout.
The Quotationa!e>low.<ml "ile spe$i"ies where and how 8uestions are as7ed and in"ormation is
displa4ed durin! the 8uotation pro$ess.
#n the produ$t spa$e5 $li$7 the !reen pen$il i$on 6eneath the Quotationa!e>low.<ml "ile:
>ollowin! on with the @+ost when newA in"ormation "ield that was added to the Quotation.<ml "ile5
we now need to add the details des$ri6in! where the 8uestion will 6e as7ed to populated this "ield.
Add the hi!hli!hted line to the "ile:
F8uestiona!e idGHQuestiona!eH titleGHIQuotationa!e>low:Questiona!e=JtitleKHL
F8uestion%e$tion titleGH%ome 8uestions to help us:HL
F8uestion titleGH)ow old is the thin! 4ou are insurin!MH 6indin!GH=asset=attri6uteIidG;a!e;KH=L
F8uestion titleGH)ave 4ou had insuran$e 6e"oreMH 6indin!GH=asset=attri6uteIidG;insuredBe"ore;KH=L
F8uestion titleGH3hat was the $ost when newMH 6indin!GH=asset=attri6uteIidG;$ost,ew;KH=L
F$ommandButtonA$tion la6elGHreviousH destinationa!e#dGHroposerH immediateGHtrueH=L
F$ommandButtonA$tion la6elGHQuoteH destinationa!e#dGH1e"erralHL
Fa$tion whenGHonro$essA$tionsH $ommand,ameGHremium+al$ulationH=L
Fpa!e>orwardA$tion whenGHonro$essA$tionsH $onditionGHm:test9statusI.G;QUOTAT#O,;K:H destinationa!e#dGHQuotationH=L
)ere the @$ost,ewA in"ormation "ield de"ined in the Quotation.<ml "ile is 6ound to a 8uestion on
the same pa!e as the e<istin! 8uotation 8uestions.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
,e<t the new "ield $an 6e added to the 8uotation pa!e as part o" the 8uote summar4:
Fin"ormationa!e idGHQuotationHL
Fa$tion whenGHon1ender1esponseH $ommand,ameGH%end,oti"i$ationA$tionH=L
F8uotation%ummar4 re8uote'estinationa!e#dGHQuestiona!eH save'estinationa!e#dGH%avedQuotesH
Fanswer%e$tion titleGH%ummar4 o" 4our $overHL
Fanswer titleGH%tart dateH 6indin!GH=in$eption'ateH=L
Fanswer titleGH2nd dateH 6indin!GH=e<pir4'ateH=L
Fanswer titleBindin!GH=e<$ess=titleH 6indin!GH=e<$ess=amount=amountAs%trin!H=L

Fanswer%e$tion titleGHAsset9s:HL
Fanswer%$roller 6indin!GH=assetHL
Fanswer titleGHA!eH 6indin!GHattri6uteIidG;a!e;KH=L
Fanswer titleGH+ostH 6indin!GHattri6uteIidG;$ost,ew;KH=L
B4 editin! the Quotationa!e>low.<ml "urther a similar summar4 $an 6e added to the re"erral pa!e
in $ase o" a 8uotation re"erral o$$urrin!.
On$e the new "ield details have 6een entered5 $li$7 on Save. ,e<t sele$t the Chec: in i$on
6eneath the Quotationa!e>low.<ml 9wor7in! $op4: "ile and $omplete the $he$7 in pro$ess 9as
des$ri6e when savin! the Quotation.<ml "ile previousl4:.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Step ; ( )dit Policy$ating+"ls ,assessment rules spreadsheet.
The oli$41atin!.<ls is a Mi$roso"t 2<$el spreadsheet 9most !ood spreadsheet pro!rams will wor7
well with 2<$el "iles:. The spreadsheet details the assessment rules5 these in$lude ratin! and
#n the produ$t spa$e5 $li$7 the Chec: out menu option i$on 6eneath the oli$41atin!.<ls "ile5
this will $he$7 the "ile out 9$reatin! an edita6le $op4::
+li$7 on the "ile and save. 3hen the download is $omplete $li$7 Close.
Open the lo$all4 saved version o" the spreadsheet. ,e<t the new 8uote in"ormation "ield details
need to 6e in$orporated into the assessment rules. >irstl4 add the "ield re"eren$e details:
)ere a row has 6een added into the #acts rule ta6le. The row $ontains the "ollowin! details:
Name D name !iven to the "a$t5 in this $ase @+ost ,ewA.
Location E lo$ation o" "ield in the 8uotation model 9de"ined in Quotation.<ml:5 in this $ase
Action E A$tion to per"orm5 in this $ase @+ost ,ew5asset=attri6uteIidG;$ost,ew;KA.
,e<t we need to add the rules "or the new "ield. #n this e<ample the "ollowin! rule ta6le is added to
the end o" the spreadsheet 9it ma4 6e simpler to $op4 an e<istin! rule ta6le and edit it::
This ta6le loo7s at the @+ost ,ewA "ield 9de"ined previousl4 in the >a$ts rule ta6le on the
spreadsheet:. Values entered into the @+ost ,ewA 6etween 0 and *00 allow a *N dis$ount to 6e
applied to the premium. Values 6etween *01 and 00000 are not ratea6le and !et re"erred 6a$7 to the
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
,e<t the spreadsheet and the $han!es made to it need to 6e $he$7ed into the produ$t spa$e. +li$7
the pload ne% version menu option i$on 9 : 6eneath the Policy$ating ,%or:ing copy.+"ls
"ile5 this will allow 4ou to upload the "ile "rom 4our $omputer 9with the $han!es 4ou have made::
Browse and sele$t the $op4 o" the "ile downloaded to 4our $omputer and then $li$7 Done+
,e<t Chec: <n the "ile. Ma7e $ertain the Chec: this 4ile in too 6o< is ti$7ed.
The $han!es will now 6e applied to the ori!inal spreadsheet.
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OpenQuote 1.2 User Guide v0.3
Step = ( Testing the changes
Test the $han!es to the produ$t 64 !oin! to the %andpit. )ere 4ou $an sele$t and run the amended
produ$t5 testin! that the $han!es made are wor7in! $orre$tl4.
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