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Qualification Unit number and title

HNC/HND Diploma in Construction and the

Built Environment
Unit 6: Health, Safety and elfare for Construction and the
Built Environment
Student name Assessor name
Charlotte Goddard
Date issued Completion date Submitted on
!e"ruary #$%& 'arch #$%&
Assignment title
(ssi)nment % of %: Health and Safety *e)islation and +olicies ,ithin
Construction and the Built Environment-
Learning Outcome
In this assessment you will hae
the opportunity to present
eidence that shows you are able
&'age no(
Understand the health,
safety and ,elfare
le)islation applica"le to
the construction industry
and "uilt environment
Discuss the use of approved codes of
practice to ensure compliance ,ith
health and safety le)islation
E/plain the responsi"ilities for
providin) ,elfare facilities on0site
determine trainin) needs from )iven
ris2 assessments, includin) on0site
induction trainin) and relevant sector
Learning Outcome
In this assessment you will hae
the opportunity to present
eidence that shows you are able
&'age no(
Understand the main
re3uirements of an
effective health and
safety policy-
(nalyse or)anisational health and
safety policies and procedural
E/plain the responsi"ilities for
providin) ,elfare facilities on0site
Learning Outcome
In this assessment you will hae
the opportunity to present
eidence that shows you are able
&'age no(
Understand ha4ard and
ris2 identification in
desi)n and construction
Select a method of ha4ard
identification usin) data supplied
5dentify the ha4ards associated ,ith
construction processes
E/plain the use of standard formats for
identifyin) and recordin) ha4ards
E/plain ho, ris2 assessments are used
to address si)nificant ha4ards
Learning Outcome
In this assessment you will hae
the opportunity to present
eidence that shows you are able
&'age no(
Understand the need to
revie,, revise and
monitor ris2 assessments
'onitor and revie, ris2 assessments
in li)ht of chan)es to circumstances
Evaluate chan)es in procedure or
6ustify the effectiveness of the
implemented chan)es
Learning Outcome
In this assessment you will hae
the opportunity to present
eidence that shows you are able
&'age no(
Be a"le to underta2e ris2
7-% produce ris2 assessments for different
,or2places and forms of ,or2
Learner declaration
5 certify that the ,or2 su"mitted for this assi)nment is my o,n and research sources are fully
Student si)nature: Date:
In addition to the aboe 'ASS criteria) this assignment gies you the opportunity to submit eidence in order to achiee the following *%+I"
and DIS"I,C"IO, grades
Grade Descriptor Indicatie characteristic-s Conte.tualisation
Identify and apply strategies to find
appropriate solutions
(n effective approach to study and research
has "een applied-
!or 8as2 % you have provided at least three e/amples of
statistical data and/or case studies from the past %$ years
evidencin) the importance of health and safety ,ithin the
construction industry-
%.plore comple. problems with more than
one ariable to be e.plored
Comple/ information/data has "een
synthesised and processed-
8he data you have provided for 8as2 % is to "e analysed in
line ,ith the current le)islation and conclusions must "e
made re)ardin) any apparent trends that emer)e from the
data provided-
'resent and communicate appropriate
( ran)e of methods of presentation have "een
used and technical lan)ua)e has "een
accurately used-
8he +o,er+oint presentation and ris2 assessments that you
provide for 8as2 # must "e to a professional standard, usin)
appropriate templates-
Conergent and lateral thin#ing hae
been applied
8he validity of results has "een evaluated
usin) defined criteria-
8he evidence that you produce ,ithin 8as2 % must "e
analysed throu)hout, any le)islation that is referred to ,ithin
your ,or2 must "e provided ,ith analysis of its impact upon
the construction industry-
"a#e responsibility for managing and
organising actiities
Su"stantial activities, pro9ects or
investi)ations have "een planned, mana)ed
and or)anised-
8he induction folder that you produce ,ithin 8as2 1 must
sho, evidence of "ein) ,ell or)anised and "e reflective of a
professional document- 8he ,or2 produced ,ill display your
a"ilities to plan and produce a document of this nature in the
time provided-
Demonstrate conergent-lateral-creatie
Self0evaluation has ta2en place
8he conclusion that you produce for your report ,ithin 8as2 %
must "e at least &$$ ,ords in len)th and sho, evidence of
self0evaluation and areas of future development-
'lease note that for unit assignments assessors should use these or other e.emplar indicatie characteristics for the indiidual grade
descriptors from Anne.e C of the 2, specification or any other releant indicatie characteristics for the particular assignment$ "he
indicatie characteristic should then be conte.tualised$ Only one indicatie characteristic per grade descriptor) */) *0) *1) D/) D0 and D1
is re3uired$
Assignment brief
Unit number and title
Unit 6: Health, Safety and elfare for Construction and the Built
Qualification HNC/HND Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment
Start date #:
Septem"er #$%&
Assessor Charlotte ;oddard
Assignment title
(ssi)nment % of %: Health and Safety *e)islation and +olicies ,ithin
Construction and the Built Environment-
'urpose of this assignment
8he purpose of this assi)nment is to ena"le learners to develop an understandin) of the different
le)islative and ,or20"ased re3uirements for Health and Safety ,ithin Construction and the Built
Environment and the implications for the industry- *earners ,ill also develop a ,or2in) 2no,led)e of
Health and Safety ,hich ,ill form the "asis of their 2no,led)e for the unit and their current/future
careers- 5t is envisa)ed that this assi)nment ,ill also contri"ute to the learners re3uired 2no,led)e for
Unit 7: ;roup +ro9ect in the Construction 5ndustry-
<ou have "een appointed as an (ssistant Health and Safety 'ana)er for a =Desi)n and Build> company
that has set up a ne, "ranch operatin) ,ithin the Hull area- Because this part of the "usiness is ne,, it
is envisa)ed that a lar)e proportion of the ,or2 ,ill initially "e of a small to medium nature e-)-
domestic and small commercial pro9ects, "ut may "e e/panded as and ,hen ,or2 increases- <ou ,ill
"e assistin) the Health and Safety 'ana)er ,ho also ,or2s across the "usiness and it is envisa)ed that
you ,ill "e e/pected to deal ,ith health and safety issues that occur on site ,hen the mana)er is
a"sent and/or ,or2in) else,here ,ithin the company-
"as# / &LO/! /$/) LO/$0) /$1 and LO0! 0$/( 5ord Count! 1666
8he Health and Safety 'ana)er is 2een for you to "e heavily involved in the induction process and has
identified that ,ithin your or)anisation there are several ne, mem"ers of staff that have little
2no,led)e of health and safety- <ou have "een as2ed to provide a report that provides clear and concise
information re)ardin) le)islation applica"le to the industry and ho, it may impact upon ,or2in)
practices ,ithin the company? it is envisa)ed that this ,ill "e availa"le to all mem"ers of staff and ,ill
also "e used to support the induction process- 8he report should also include information re)ardin) the
implications and penalties of non0compliance ,ith health and safety re3uirements to emphasise the
importance of compliance-
8o achieve */ and *0 you must provide evidence of at least 1 case studies and/or statistics that reflect
the importance of health and safety ,ithin the construction industry- 8hese can ta2e the form of
prosecution cases or statistical data ,ithin the last %$ years- 8he data must "e analysed and
conclusions must "e made ,here possi"le for any trends that emer)e from this data-
8o achieve D/ the report must "e critically analysed throu)hout to reflect the importance of le)islation
applica"le to construction and its effects on the industry- 8o achieve D1 the conclusion provided at the
end of your report must sho, evidence of self0evaluation and areas of une/plored study that may
enhance your future studies ,ithin health and safety- 5t is envisa)ed that this conclusion must "e at
least 766 words in len)th to "e suita"le to o"tain a Distinction-
"his report must be to a professional standard and include an introduction and
conclusion-summary to achiee the pass criteria$
"as# 0 &LO1! 1$/) 1$7$ LO7! 7$/) 7$0) 7$1 and LO8! 8$/(
8,o of the company directors have a limited 2no,led)e of the importance of ris2 assessments ,ithin
the induction period, ho,ever they have identified that there could "e e/treme financial conse3uences if
these are not handled correctly after considerin) the increase in corporate manslau)hter cases- <ou are
as2ed to produce a /6 minute +o,er+oint presentation that emphasises the importance of ris2
assessments, the re3uirements to revie, ris2 assessments and the suita"le format for presentation- 5t
is envisa)ed that you ,ill focus this presentation on the induction process and minimum standards
re3uired for all ne, mem"ers of staff-
<ou should produce a hand out ,ith a copy of your slides and at least 1 ris2 assessments for site "ased
activities as an e/ample-
8o achieve *1 the format and presentation of the ris2 assessments must "e of a professional standard,
ta2in) into account realistic scenarios and utilisin) appropriate ris2 assessment templates-
"as# 1 &LO0! 0$0 and LO1! 1$0 and 1$1(
<ou have "een as2ed as part of your role to prepare a health and safety induction folder for all
employees that ,ill "e 9oinin) the company- 8his folder should "e in clear sections and should include
details of:
8he type of "uildin) ,or2, mem"ers of the team involved and minimum 3ualifications/trainin)
needs in order to carry out certain activities-
8he site safety rules
Safety procedures and layout for the site
8he potential ris2s and precautions on a ran)e of pro9ects that may "e underta2en
(ccident reportin) procedures
Health and safety tar)ets
Health and safety duties
'inimum personal protective e3uipment re3uirements
here the ,elfare and first aid facilities are located-
8o achieve D0 the folder that is produced must "e ,ell or)anised and "e reflective of a professional
document that ,ould "e used on site- 8he ,or2 presented should "e ,ell planned and mana)ed, ,ith
clear evidence of the essential elements re3uired upon induction-
All wor# should be firmly attached within a folder with a coer sheet and the brief$ 9our wor#
should include an introduction outlining what you plan to include in your wor# and how you
plan to carry out the wor#$ "his may ta#e the form of aims and ob:ecties) %.ecutie Summary
,e.t you will need a contents page brea#ing the wor# down into tas#s-actiities with page
;inally a conclusion must be proided on all submissions$
All Submissions are to be /$8 line spaced and font either "imes ,ew +oman or Arial /0$ Include
a 2arard referenced bibliography showing your areas of research$ If you include page
numbers from te.t boo#s or websites related to the tas#s-actiities this will be helpful if you
need to loo# bac# at these areas at a future date$ +emember to sign the coer sheet to certify
that the assignment is your honest wor#$
"he submission date for this report is! 0<th April 06/7$ 'lease e4mail your report to!
cgoddard=hull4college$ac$u# by *idnight on the date of hand4in$
Summary of eidence re3uired by student
8as2 % Description and discussion of health and safety le)islation and its effect on
the construction industry- 'inimum re3uirements on site and information of
the conse3uences and penalties of non0compliance-
8as2 # Description and discussion of the importance of ris2 assessments, the
re3uirements to revie, and amend ris2 assessments- (t least 1 ris2
assessments to "e provided and emphasis of the correct formats should "e
8as2 1 Description and evidence of minimum information re3uired upon induction
includin) trainin), safety rules on site, procedures and site layout, potential
ris2s and precautions, accident reportin) procedures, health and safety
tar)ets and duties, minimum ++E re3uirements and ,elfare and first aid
Achieement Summary
HNC/HND Diploma in Construction
2,C-2,D Diploma in
Construction and the >uilt
%nironment and the Built
Assessor name Charlotte Goddard
Unit ,umber and
Unit ?! 2ealth) Safety and
5elfare for Construction and
the >uilt %nironment
Student name
A ,A Other
"o achiee the criteria the eidence must show that the
student is able to!
Discuss the use of approved codes of practice to ensure compliance
,ith health and safety le)islation
E/plain the responsi"ilities for providin) ,elfare facilities on0site
Evaluate the penalties for non0compliance ,ith current health and
safety at ,or2 le)islation
(nalyse or)anisational health and safety policies and procedural
Determine trainin) needs from )iven ris2 assessments, includin) on0
site induction trainin) and relevant sector certification
Select a method of ha4ard identification usin) data supplied
5dentify the ha4ards associated ,ith construction processes
E/plain the use of standard formats for identifyin) and recordin)
E/plain ho, ris2 assessments are used to address si)nificant ha4ards
'onitor and revie, ris2 assessments in li)ht of chan)es to
Evaluate chan)es in procedure or policy
6ustify the effectiveness of the implemented chan)es
+roduce ris2 assessments for different ,or2places and forms of ,or2
2igher Grade achieements &where applicable(
Grade descriptor Achieed@
Grade descriptor Achieed@
*/! Identify and apply strategies to
find appropriate solutions
D/! Use critical reflection to
ealuate own wor# and :ustify
alid conclusions
*0! Select - design and apply
appropriate methods - techni3ues
D0! "a#e responsibility for
managing and organising
*1! 'resent and communicate
appropriate findings
D1! Demonstrate
Assignment ;eedbac#
;ormatie ;eedbac#! Assessor to Student
Action 'lan
Summatie feedbac#
;eedbac#! Student to Assessor
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

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