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August 2009 – January 2010



Project Report On



Compiled & Designed by

Lovel Rishi
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Project Guides:


Prof. V KRISHNA Signature

of HOD
PES Institute of Technology,
100 Feet Ring Road, BSK 3rd Stage, Bangalore-560085



This is to certify that Lovel Rishi, bearing University

Seat Number 1PI07ME 046, has satisfactorily
completed the Special Topic Project prescribed by PES
Institute of Technology (Autonomous Institute
under VTU, Belgaum) in the year 2009 (August -

Dr. TR Seetharam Prof. V Krishna Dr. K
Narasimha Murthy
Professor and Head of the Department

The completion of this project brings with it a sense of

satisfaction, but it is never complete without thanking the persons
responsible for its successful completion

I extend my deep sense of sincere gratitude to Dr. KNB Murthy,

Principal and Director, PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore,
for providing me facilities required for the mini project.

I express my in-depth, heartfelt, sincere gratitude to Prof.

Shylaja S S, Head, Department of Information Science and
Engineering, P E S Institute of Technology, Bangalore, for her
valuable suggestions and support.

I extend my heartfelt, sincere gratitude to Dr. Sutikshn Kumar,

Professor, Department of Information Science and
Engineering, P E S Institute of Technology, Bangalore, for her
constant support and valuable guidance for completion of the
mini project on Operating System.

Finally, I would like to thank all the faculty members of

Department of Information Science and Engineering, P E S
Institute of Technology, Bangalore, for their support.

Ashish Gupta
(1PI07IS021 )


1. Introduction

2. Literature Survey

3. Modules

4. Testing

5. Conclusion

6. References

1. Introduction

In software engineering, a web application or webapp is

an application that is accessed via a web browser over a network such as
the Internet or an intranet. The term may also mean a computer software
application that is hosted in a browser-controlled environment (e.g. a Java
applet) or coded in a browser-supported language (such as JavaScript,
possibly combined with a browser-rendered markup language like HTML)
and reliant on a common web browser to render the
application executable. Web applications are popular due to the ubiquity
of web browsers, and the convenience of using a web browser as a client,
sometimes called a thin client. The ability to update and maintain web
applications without distributing and installing software on potentially
thousands of client computers is a key reason for their popularity, as is
the inherent support for cross-platform compatibility.

MindTwister is a full fledged web application which provides users with a

tool to test their Mental Skills, Intelligence Quotient, English Vocabulary
and Technical Skills. The application
provides users with various options like signing up, signing in and getting
information about what is IQ, Mental Ability, Analytical skill and English
Vocabulary. The option to take the test has been provided on each topic
page. The user needs to log in to take the test. Each test is of 10 mins
consisting of 20 questions and the results are based on the test score a
user gets in the test.
In case the user wants to see their previous test scores, an option has
been provided to retrieve the scores after logging in. The error handling
has been done very efficiently and the user will find it very easy to browse
through the application. In case, the user reports any error, he/she can
provide their feedback on the feedback board which will be taken care of.
One of the most important feature is the random question generation

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from the database and different question generation for each test every
time the user logs in to take the test.

2. Literature Survey

An intelligence quotient or IQ is a score derived from one of several

different standardized tests designed to assess intelligence. The term
"IQ", from the German Intelligence-Quotient, was coined by the German
psychologist William Stern in 1912 as a proposed method of scoring early
modern children's intelligence tests. The word quotient means the result
of dividing one quantity by another, and intelligence can be defined as
mental ability or quickness of mind. Researches convinced scientists that
intelligence was inherited and led to further studies which involved
evaluating individual differences in reaction time and range and specificity
of the senses, which have since been shown to correlate with academic

Assuming that children all follow the same pattern of development but
develop at different rates, concept of mental age was created, whereby,
for example, a child of any age who scored as well as an average twelve-
year-old was said to have a mental age of twelve. Intelligence tests today
no longer use the IQ formula. Instead, the score on a modern intelligence
test compares a person’s performance with others his/her own age, while
arbitrarily defining the average score as 100.

During the past 25-30 years IQ testing has been brought into widespread
use by employers because of their need to ensure that they place the
right people in the right job from the outset.
One of the main reasons for this in today’s world of tight purse strings,
cost cutting and low budgets is the high cost of errors in employing the

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wrong person for a job, including the cost of re advertising and
interviewing new applicants and of reinvestment in training.

By taking up IQ test we become able to know and improve our IQ level as

well as abilities like classification skills, spatial skills, logical reasoning,
pattern recognition, general knowledge etc.
Today in modern computer age there are genuine reasons behind
popularity of online IQ test. Most of the young people want to measure
their IQ score with a free psychometric tool. Secondly, online IQ tests are
easy to use and available on the internet. We have simply to enter our
email address to use an intelligence measurement tool and have a
satisfactory result.

Thirdly, throat cut marketing ploys have forced the IQ testing sites
marketers to spend more money to get loyal lists of subscribers. A free
instrument is a right tool to have strong lists of hungry subscribers.
Whatever the reason may be there is no dispute that free IQ tools are
getting popular very fast in young generation. We may read reviews and
questions that young lot of 14 to 25 years old is looking for genuine and
quality free online IQ tests. Most of the users don’t bother even to know a
bit about reputation of the test owners and the websites offering them.
They even make plans to avoid marketing emails from the websites to
promote their products.

Tests that measure the IQs of children are standardized and an average
score is recorded for each age group. Thus a child of 10 years of age who
scores the results expected of a child of 12 would have an IQ of 120,
calculated as follows: (mental age/chronological age)100 = (12/10)100 =
120. However, because little or no improvement in IQ rating is found in
adults, they have to be judged on an IQ test whose average score is 100
and their results graded above and below this norm according to known

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In this online IQ test website we have tried to implement the same
concept. We no longer use the above formula to calculate IQ test scores.
Instead, modern intelligence tests apply statistical methods to produce a
score reflecting one's performance as compared to his peers. A scale is
defined by which we can relate to the IQ score & find out where we stand
relative to others.

The Online IQ test website been developed is easy to use. As the user
explores the website he or she is allowed to create his account and login
to take up the test. As the user goes to IQ section he is presented well
designed set of questions with average score 100 stored in the database.
Based on the user’s answers he gets his IQ score reflecting his
performance as compared to his peers.

3. Modules

Sign up/Sign in

Existing users can directly sign in using their username and

password. New users can easily sign up by providing username, password
and email. If the username already exists, the user is asked to enter other
username. The password strength has been provided from 4 to 20
characters. If any detail is not in correct format, the corresponding error is

Server side script:-

Signing up
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

OdbcConnection conn = new


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Random rnduser = new Random();
int uid = Convert.ToInt32(rnduser.Next().ToString());

if (CustomValidator1.IsValid)
string cmd1 = "select * from iq.userinfo where uname='" + tbusr.Text + "';";
OdbcCommand scmd1 = new OdbcCommand(cmd1, conn);
OdbcDataReader rdr = scmd1.ExecuteReader();
if (rdr.HasRows)
TextBox2.Visible = true;

TextBox2.Text = "Username already exists.Choose another username.";

tbusr.Text = "";
TextBox2.Visible = false;
string cmd = "insert into iq.userinfo (uname,uid,pwd,email) values ('" +
tbusr.Text + "'," + uid + ",'" + tbpswd.Text +
"','" + tbem.Text + "');";
OdbcCommand scmd = new OdbcCommand(cmd, conn);
tbem.Text = "";
tbusr.Text = "";
tbpswd.Text = "";
lblem.Visible = false;
tbem.Visible = false;
Button1.Visible = false;
Button13.Visible = true;
Button10.Visible = true

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Signing in:-
protected void Button13_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox2.Visible = false;
OdbcConnection conn = new
string cmd = "select uname,pwd from iq.userinfo where uname='"+tbusr.Text+"'
and pwd='"+tbpswd.Text+"';";
OdbcCommand scmd = new OdbcCommand(cmd, conn);
OdbcDataReader rdr = scmd.ExecuteReader();
if (!rdr.HasRows)
TextBox2.Visible = true;
TextBox2.Text = "Please check your username and password.";
loggedin.Visible = true;
div4.Visible = false;
dvfrgtpswd.Visible = false;
div.Visible = false;
TextBox3.Visible = true;
TextBox3.Text = "Hello, " + tbusr.Text+".";

string cmd1 = "select uid from iq.userinfo where uname='" + tbusr.Text + "';";
OdbcCommand scmd1 = new OdbcCommand(cmd1, conn);
OdbcDataReader rdr1 = scmd1.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr1.Read())
Session["uid"] = rdr1.GetInt32(0);
Session["usernm"] = tbusr.Text;
Session["signed"] = 1;
tbusr.Text = "";
tbpswd.Text = "";
if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["signed"]) == 1)
Button14.Visible = true;
Button14.Visible = false;
protected void Button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OdbcConnection conn = new
string cmd = "select pwd from iq.userinfo where uname='" + TextBox1.Text + "';";
OdbcCommand scmd = new OdbcCommand(cmd, conn);
OdbcDataReader rdr = scmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
lblgtps.Visible = true;
lblgtps.Text = "Your Password: "+rdr.GetString(0) ;

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Random Question Generation:-

The questions has been selected randomly from the database based
on what topic the user has chosen for the test.

Server side script:-

protected void Button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Label3.Visible = true;
Application["time"] = 0;
Button5.Enabled = false;
Button5.Visible = false;
OdbcConnection coniq = new
if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["choice"]) == 0)
Random rndiq = new Random();
for (int i = 1; i <=5; i++)
int qid = Convert.ToInt32(rndiq.Next(1, 45).ToString());
while((qid == Convert.ToInt32(Application["cuqid1"])) || (qid ==
Convert.ToInt32(Application["cuqid2"])) || (qid ==
Convert.ToInt32(Application["cuqid3"])) || (qid ==
Convert.ToInt32(Application["cuqid4"])) || (qid ==
qid =Convert.ToInt32(rndiq.Next(1, 48).ToString());
string cmdq = "select qdesc,op1,op2,op3,op4 from iq.iqqn where qno=" + qid
OdbcCommand cmdiq = new OdbcCommand(cmdq, coniq);
OdbcDataReader rdriq = cmdiq.ExecuteReader();
while (rdriq.Read())
if (i == 1)
Application["cuqid1"] = qid;

TextBox1.Text = rdriq.GetString(0);
RadioButtonList1.Items.Add("No Answer");

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The timer has been implemented using the AJAX control toolkit
which has been provided as an add-on in visual studio 2008. The timer
ticks on the interval specified.

HTML script:-

<asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" OnTick="Timer1_Tick"


Server side script:-

protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Application["time"] = Convert.ToInt32(Application["time"]) + 1;
Label3.Text = "Time Elapsed:

Previous Score Retrieval:-

MySql has been used as the database. Based on the current user,
the scores of all previous tests taken by the user are displayed.

Server side script:-

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

OdbcConnection conn = new
string cmd = "select USERNAME,TESTTOPIC,TESTSCORE from iq.testrec where
USERNAME='" + Convert.ToString(Session["usernm"]) + "';";
OdbcDataAdapter adp = new OdbcDataAdapter(cmd, conn);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Label2.Visible = false;

if (!Page.IsPostBack)
GridView1.Visible = true;
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GridView1.DataSource = ds;
if (GridView1.Rows.Count == 0)

Label2.Visible = true;
Label2.Text = "No records found.";

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4. Testing

First page:

Fig- 4.1

After Logging in:-


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Test Page:-


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Test Result:-


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All User Score Retrieval:-


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5. Conclusion

The project, we conducted provided us a great opportunity to learn and

understand the basic concepts of a web application, ASP.NET, C#, AJAX
and MYSQL. The Web Applications are becoming very popular nowadays
due to their accessibility directly through the web without installation .
Many people want to test their different skills because these are needed
nowadays in various competitive exams like CAT, MAT etc. This Web
Application is a small attempt to provide such users with an easy to use
application to test their skills. Future enhancements such as categorized
display of result showing the areas in which the user is strong or weak ,
inclusion of graphical based questions and making the test as an
installable software would further make this application more productive.

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6. References
➢ Beginning Ajax With ASP.NET (2006) – Wallace B.
McClure, Scott Cate , Paul Glavich ,Craig Shoemaker

➢ Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and VB- Bill Evjen, Scott

Hanselman, Devin Rader

➢ Aptech Study Materials

➢ www.asp.net

➢ www.w3schools.com

➢ www.msdn.microsoft.com

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