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Unit 1 SAT
Assignment: Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and
succeed in the present?
Memories act as both a help and a hindrance to the success of someone. Many people advise you
to learn from the past and apply those memories so that you can effectively succeed by avoiding
repeating your past mistakes. On the other hand, people who get too caught up with the past are
unable to move on to the future.
Assignment: What is your view of the idea that every obstacle can be turned into an
Every obstacle can be turned into an opportunity, if one has the right attitude or perspective.
People with this attitude are buoyant, not easily discouraged, and welcome challenges and
adversity. One personal example took place in sixth grade, when I broke my hand by falling off
my bicycle. The doctor had to put it into a cast.
Example 3:
Assignment: Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power?
As society toils onward into its dreams of the future, the progress that accompanies this movement
may be tainted by individual motives of avarice. However, as seen in various fields such as art,
history, and science, the human conscience will limit the motivation of greed and inspire good
works for the sake of morality.
Example 4:
Assignment: Is deception ever justified?
In a world where horrific and negative incidents often occur the general public is often deceived.
Some believe the shielding or twisting of certain information may be beneficial. However, as
shown through major historical events, deception is never justifiable. An intentionally fabricated
lie will not only hurt the victims of the lie but also hurt oneself when the truth ultimately emerges.
Yellow journalism and the censorship of facts proves just this.
Example 5:
Assignment: Is it necessary for people to combine their efforts with those of others in order
to be most effective?
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Many people like to work independently. However, it is necessary for people to combine their
efforts with those of others. The Apollo Project provides a compelling example to support this.
Many people like to work independently. However, it is necessary for people to combine their
efforts with those of others when the task to be accomplished is beyond an individuals capacity.
The Apollo Project provides a compelling example to support this.
1. Provide relevant background information

Assignment: Is deception ever justified
In a world where horrific and negative incidents often occur the general public is often deceived.
Some believe the shielding or twisting of certain information may be beneficial. However, as
shown through major historical events, deception is never justifiable. An intentionally fabricated
lie will not only hurt the victims of the lie but also hurt oneself when the truth ultimately emerges.
Yellow journalism and the censorship of facts proves just this.

2. Use an appropriate quotation

Assignment: Is deception ever justified?
Honesty is always the best policy may be a trite saying, but it holds an enormous amount of
truth. Though deception often allows one to escape immediate repercussions, the truth will always
emerge. In most situations, one will find that deception does not offer the same long-term benefits
as honesty does.

Assignment: Does the truth change depending on how people look at things?
There is an old saying: "A person with one watch knows what time it is; a person with two
watches isn't so sure." In other words, a person who looks at an object or event from two
different angles sees something different from each position. Moreover, two or more people
looking at the same thing may each perceive something different. In other words, truth, like beauty,
may lie in the eye of the beholder.

Assignment: Do we always learn from mistakes?
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It is a commonly cited and often clichd adage that people learn from their mistakes. Supposedly,
if one strays from the path of success or righteousness once, he or she will be sufficiently
enlightened in how to avoid the error and will not fall victim to it again; however, this is rarely the

3. Begin with a question/questions

Assignment: Should books portray the world as it is or as it should be?
There are books that try to show the world as it is and books that try to show the world as it should
or could be. Which sort of books should we be offering children and reading ourselves? One
answer is the argument for the value of truth, for telling it like it is. Writers could promote
certain positive ideals by being less realistic, but all of us--especially children--have a right to be
told the truth.

Assignment: Is it absolutely necessary for people to study the creative arts?
Why do we not value the creative arts more than we do? Why are subjects like music, drama,
photography, and creative writing always the first to be cut from school budgets during hard times?
Many would answer that, unlike math, science, history, and other subjects taught in school, the
arts are unnecessary. But this is so untrue. The arts are as necessary as these other subject
areas-possibly even more necessary.

4. Begin with narration

Assignment: Are there some heroes who will be remembered forever? Or are all heroes
doomed to be forgotten one day?
One of the memorable images from Eisensteins classic silent film on the Russian Revolution is
the toppling of a statue. The destruction of the statue symbolizes the throwing out of the old order
along with its heroes and replacing it with a new. Considering this human tendency to ring out the
old and ring in the new it is surprising that any heroic figures from the past survive in the history
books, but they do. There are some heroes who do not get erased from the pages.

Assignment: Do you think that people are capable of finding happiness or are they always
searching for something beyond what they have?
When I look at Jared, my adopted brother, I remember the first time I met him. I think about the
beginning of our relationship, which was pretty bad, and how it led to the great relationship we
have today. The development of the love between Jared and me is a great example of an
unpromising beginning that led to powerful positive results.

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Example 1:
Assignment: Is using humor the best way to approach difficult situations and problems?
People nowadays usually have to face various kinds of problems in finance, career and health.
Although laughter cannot always change the impasse into promise, it does help people release
themselves from high pressure, and thus helps people gain a more positive attitude towards their
lives. The examples of Ronard Reagon and Albert Einstein clearly demonstrate such effects of

Ronard Reagon, a renowned president in the history of the United States, had great sense of humor
and used it to cope with deaklocks in his political life. In 1889, when Reagon campaigned for the
position of senator, he forgot the details of a significant history event---the first Industrial
Revolution. Asked how the event happened, Reagon could not remember the scientist who
invented the steam-power machine. Instead of being ashamed, he answered,"it had to be the man
who resided near the river." His remark aroused laughter in the crowd and people forgave him for
his lack of history knowledge. Making the most of humor, Reagon managed to avoid undesirable

Another example to illustrate the magic power of humor is Albert Einstein who is not only a
prominent scientist but also a humorous man. When Einstein was a clerk in the Patron Bureau, a
friend laughed at him that his attire was neither clean nor elegant. Einstein replied, "No one here
knows me, so I have nothing to worry about." Even after he had become famous, Einstein did not
change his determination in the scientific study and had no time choosing proper clothes. When he
was mocked by the same friend for his clothes, he answered, "Everybody here knows me now, so I
have nothing to worry about." In a brilliant way, Einstein, with the help of his sense of humor,
provided his friend with perfect explanations and turned potential embarrassment into something

In conclusion, humor is a great way to deal with the problems in our lives and we should make use
of it.
1Rewrite the first paragraph.

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Example 2:
Assignment: Should we pay more attention to people who are older and more experienced
than we are? (2009.5)
We may encounter various problems in our daily life, some of which may go beyond our solving
ability thus necessitating external suggestions. Although people at our age tend to understand us
better and sometimes think in a more creative way, it is always meaningful for us to learn from
those who are older or more skilled in order to improve our personalities and correct our mistakes.

Take the experience of Rockefeller, a successful entrepreneur who once owned the largest
property in the world, as an example. Never graduated from college, Rockefelelr set a ambitious
goal in his career--- to become the richest man in the United States. With much self-confidence
and passion, Rockefeller believed he could build a large company, and his peer friends all
supported his plan. Thus, he visited a renowned banker, G.R. Morgen, asking for a large amount
of money as the initial assets of his company. Noticing that Rockefeler was too young and
inexperienced to start a serious business, Morgen refused his request and suggested him start with
something simpler and then enlarge his enterprise step by step. Taking the advice from Morgen,
Rockefeller began repairing the tires and finally became the number one businessman in the world.
If Rockefeller had not listened to Morgen who is much older and more experienced in the field of
business, he would not have achieved such success.

My personal experience serves as another example to support the value of the admonitions of the
older. I was addicted to swimming and often swam with my classmates in the Rocken river near
my town. My grandfather used to worry about my safety. Under his warning, I went to swimming
pool instead of playing in the deep river. A few days later, a friend of mine lost his life when he
felt exhausted and sank in the Rocken. If I had not taken my grandpa's advice, I would place
myself in a dangerous circumstance.

In short, we should consult with our parents or those who are older and more experienced and take
their advices seriously in case that we deviate in our path from happiness and success.

2: Improve the first paragraph

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Example 3
AssignmentCan any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good? (2006.1)
Disadvantage can be definitely changed into superiority with ones persistent endeavor and
prudent analyses. As a proverb says When the Lord closes one door, somewhere else he opens a
window, which means even though one failed once, he will receive another opportunity that can
finally lead to success. The two examples to illustrate this are Thomas Edison and Ludwig van

Failures help one to learn from mistakes.

It must be impossible for most of us to survive thousands of times from defeat but Thomas Edison
challenged it. We can see through his endeavor in testing out the most qualified and durable
filament substance for his greatest inventionelectric light bulb, in which he tried almost
everything he could think of, for instance, iron, copper, silver, hair and even his colleagues brown
beard. It is beyond our imagines that during the 13 months of day-night work, he tested more than
6,000 kinds of different martial and survived from 7,000 times of failures. Finally, in 1879, he
found out that the carbonized bamboo is the perfect substance for filament because it can last over
1,200 hours. Therefore, like he said We will make electricity so cheep that only the rich will burn
candles, Edison succeeded in inventing electric light bulb and brought electricity to every family.
Had it not been for the thousands of failures, Thomas Edition would not have invented such a
promising invention that led to the Electric Power Generation.

Misfortune excites one to surpass oneself.

Beethovens experience demonstrates the possibility of turning misfortune into achievements. At
the age of twenty-six, due to immersing his head in cold water to keep awake, Beethoven
contracted tinnitus, which created a ringing in his ears. It must be a catastrophe for a composer
because he lost his most precious innate. However, hardship did not smother him. He bit a special
rod which was attached to the soundboard on a piano therefore the vibration would then transfer
from the piano to his jaw. In my opinion, no one else could own such a talent to fight against
physical problems. Thus, he finished his masterpieces: Sixth Symphony, Moonlight Sonata and
especially Ninth Symphony, which was finished when Beethoven completely lost his hearing. If
Beethoven did not overcome such unbelievable difficulties for a composer, he would never gain
widely appreciation for his music.

Thomas Edison and Beethoven are such man that own persistent hearts and analytical brains.
From their experiences, we can draw a safe conclusion that even though one suffered misfortunes,
with his strong mind, he can change those disadvantages into positive aspects and finally achieve
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