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PFZ: 1AC ~{Official~}

Status quo politics are bursting with hyper policing and necropolitical control
bodies marked as deviant are deemed disposable and serve as a marker to legitimize
law. The Prostitution Free Zone is a steadfast symptom of this by displacing bodies
and marking them as inherently criminal
Edelman, 14 PhD in Anthropology, Professor at American University (Elijah Adiv,
"'Walking while transgender' 1 Necropolitical regulations of trans feminine bodies of
colour in the nation's capital," Queer Necropolitics, Edited by Jim Haritaworn, Adi
Kuntsman, and Silvia Posocco, Q Routledge)X
Prostitution free zones (PFZs), and other spaces of hyperpolicing, function to keep
in this case, this implicitly refers to racial and gendered practices.
Violence is central to the lives of many trans sex workers of color and PFZs augment
their criminalization. Police, media and the legal system continually diminish sex
worker experiences and restate violence against those bodies to create a boundary
between the 'good-worker' citizen and the 'bad-worker' citizen
Edelman, 14 PhD in Anthropology, Professor at American University (Elijah Adiv,
"'Walking while transgender' 1 Necropolitical regulations of trans feminine bodies of
colour in the nation's capital," Queer Necropolitics, Edited by Jim Haritaworn, Adi
Kuntsman, and Silvia Posocco, Q Routledge)X
In many ways, the route HIPS takes around DC to provide condoms, syringe
criminalized as economic deviants - as a threat to homonormative desires in nationhood.
PFZs are zones of exceptionality where the sovereign power has the ability to
determine who lives and dies bodies that are deemed unproductive are displaced
and killed
Edelman, 14 PhD in Anthropology, Professor at American University (Elijah Adiv,
"'Walking while transgender' 1 Necropolitical regulations of trans feminine bodies of
colour in the nation's capital," Queer Necropolitics, Edited by Jim Haritaworn, Adi
Kuntsman, and Silvia Posocco, Q Routledge)X
The cityscape provides a productive ground in which to visualize processes of
neoliberalism, nationalisms
bodies that illuminates the queer homo sacer of the DC urban landscape.
Trans bodies are perpetually pushed under the rug in conversations about
prostitution which legitimizes death - even in LGBT dialogue. This exclusion
represents a form of homonationalistic coherence that sustains violence against
trans bodies of color
Edelman, 14 PhD in Anthropology, Professor at American University (Elijah Adiv,
"'Walking while transgender' 1 Necropolitical regulations of trans feminine bodies of
colour in the nation's capital," Queer Necropolitics, Edited by Jim Haritaworn, Adi
Kuntsman, and Silvia Posocco, Q Routledge)X
The ways in which DC officials have managed the violence against visible trans feminine
as not only criminal bodies, but as acceptably disposable bodies and subjects.
Violence begins with encounters - Our advocacy begins with encountering
encounters to create a pedagogy of questioning
Ahmed, 14 Professor in Race and Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths University (Sara,
"Making Strangers," August 4
, 2014, http://feministkilljoys.com/2014/08/04/making-
Strangers are made; strangers are unmade. Right from the beginning, I have
, microaggressive behaviors often indicate that individuals perceive difference,
communicating othering messages.
Nordmarken, 14 - doctoral candidate in sociology at the University of Massachusetts,
Amherst (Sonny, Microaggressions, TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly * Volume 1,
Numbers 12 * May 2014, 2014 Duke University Press)X
Microaggressions are, communicating othering messages.
Prostitution Free Zone laws allow the police to declare space free of 'prostitution
related activities' based on pre conceived notions on prostitution. We declare this
space to unlearn these notions which have a material effect on bodies
Stryker, 6 (Susan, "(De)Subjugated Knowledges, An Introduction to Transgender
Studies," The Transgender Studies Reader, Edited by Susan Stryker and Stephen Whittle,
Transgender phenomena may be "postmodern" to the extent that they are imagined to
the tide of anti-transgender violence, and to save transgender lives.
Unlearning pre conceived notions society holds vs certain bodies requires a
conscious effort to deconstruct our understandings only the 1ac allows for an
interrogation of trans bodies in the context of prostitution
DePalma, 13 - Ph.D. in Education. University of Delaware, Faculty of Education Sciences,
University of A Coruna (Renee, "Choosing to lose our gender expertise: queering
sex/gender in school settings," Sex Education, 2013, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1
15, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14681811.2011.634145)//X
Most people, school teachers and children included, are altogether too sure about what
but which work together with sexuality to both support and potentially challenge

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