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CSE1520 Sample Final Examination

For each question select the best answer and code it on the Scantron Sheet.
1. Charles Babbage created both the Analytical Engine and the:
A. Card eader Engine
B. !i""erence Engine
C. !igital #rocessing Engine
!. $nternal Comb%stion Engine
E. Search Engine
2. &his person played a 'ey role in "orm%lating the notion o" programming the Analytical
Engine to per"orm di""erent "%nctions.
A. Ada Byron
B. Blaise #ascal
C. (erman (ollerith
!. )ord Byron
E. ene !escartes
*. (exadecimal n%mbers %se these symbols:
A. 0 thro%gh + and A thro%gh F
B. 1 thro%gh + and A thro%gh ,
C. 0 thro%gh 10 and A thro%gh E
!. 0 thro%gh 15
E. 0 thro%gh 1-
.. /sing an 01bit 22s complement representation3 the decimal integer 4101 has a bit pattern
A. 01011100
B. 10011011
C. 11000111
!. 11100101
E. 11101100
5. &he decimal e5%i6alent o" 01101010 interpreted as a 22s complement n%mber is
A. 22
C. 10-
E. 150
-. $" the binary "ractional n%mbers 1001.111 and 11.111 are added the res%lt as a decimal
"raction is
A. 71* 18.
B. 71* *8.
1* 18.
!. 11* *8.
E. none o" the abo6e
#age 1 o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
9. /sing 0 bits to store a "loating point n%mber :ith the le"tmost bit as the sign bit and the
next * bits as excess notation "or the exponent3 the pattern 11101101 represents:
;1 182<
;* =<
;* ><
;9 1581-<
E. 7;* 580<
0. /sing 0 bits to store a "loating point n%mber :ith the le"tmost bit as the sign bit and the
next * bits as excess notation "or the exponent3 :hich o" the "ollo:ing is the best
approximation to the 6al%e o" one tenth ;1810<?
A. 00101000
B. 00111000
C. 01100110
!. 10101000
E. 11000110
+. $" the hexadecimal n%mber .C represents the letter ) in the ASC$$ table :hat letter is
represented by the hexadecimal .+?
A. (
B. $
C. @
!. A
E. B
10. (o: many di""erent things can be represented :ith "i6e bits?
A. 5
B. 10
C. *1
!. *2
E. **
11. /sing Excess 25- notation3 :hat proportion o" the res%lting bit patterns can be %sed to
represent only negati6e 6al%es?
A. 182
B. 18.
C. 180
!. 1810
E. none o" the abo6e
12. &he "o%r operations o" the comp%ter are called the:
A. comp%ter net:or'
B. in"ormation processing cycle
C. inp%t de6ices
!. interacti6e processing cycle
#age 2 o" 1+
C = 12
40+12 =
52 49 =
3 letters back
from L is I
!ote to self"
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
1*. &his enables people and machines to sol6e problems :itho%t re5%iring a lot o"
intelligence or s'ill.
A. algorithm
B. attrib%te
C. memory
!. program
1.. &his is more technologically ad6anced than comp%ter hard:are.
A. C#/
B. memory
C. pipeline
!. so"t:are
15. Access to main memory is m%ch "aster than access to mass storage beca%se
A. access is p%rely electronic
B. dis' dri6es tend to o6erheat
C. none o" the abo6e
!. o" b%s design iss%es
E. the machine instr%ctions are simpler
1-. &hese sho: the res%lts o" processing operations.
A. application de6ices
B. exec%tion de6ices
C. in"ormation de6ices
!. o%tp%t de6ices
19. Formatting a dis' determines the exact siCe o"
A. all o" the abo6e
B. "iles
C. "olders
!. logical records
E. sectors
10. &his is a collection o" comp%ters connected together so that they can exchange data.
A. in"rastr%ct%re
B. m%lti%ser
C. net:or'
!. terminal
1+. All the programs that help the comp%ter to "%nction properly are incl%ded in DDDDDDDDDD
A. application
B. operation
C. shell
!. system
#age * o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
20. $n interacti6e processing3 these are %sed to gi6e commands to the comp%ter and to
respond to the comp%ter2s messages.
A. inp%t de6ices
B. o%tp%t de6ices
C. processing de6ices
!. storage de6ices
21. An anti6ir%s program is an example o" a;n<:
A. 'ernel component
B. operating system
C. shell program
!. %tility program
22. &his so"t:are enables a %ser to re5%est a speci"ic reso%rce "rom the ser6er.
A. client
B. gate:ay
C. ro%ter
!. schema
E. ser6er
2*. &he basic %nit o" in"ormation in a comp%ter is the:
A. bit
B. bite
C. character
!. "lip1"lop
E. t:o
2.. Ehich o" the "ollo:ing terms is BF& %sed to describe rapid data trans"er rates?
A. digibits per second
B. gigabits per second
C. 'ilobits per second
!. megabits per second
25. &his stores the programs and data that yo% are :or'ing :ith and is the comp%ter2s most
important type o" memory.
A. cache
B. )*
C. random access memory
!. registry
2-. &his processing techni5%e "eeds a ne: instr%ction into the C#/ at e6ery step o" the
processing cycle so that more than one instr%ction are :or'ed on sim%ltaneo%sly.
A. benchmar'ing
B. heat sin'ing
C. hot s:apping
!. pipelining
#age . o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
29. C!1FG dri6es are:
A. random1access storage de6ices
B. read8:rite media
C. read1only
!. :rite1only
20. Gass storage de6ices pro6ide this type o" storage "or programs and data.
A. "lexible
B. non6olatile
C. temporary
!. 6olatile
2+. #rograms and data are stored in %nits called:
A. "ields
B. "iles
C. "olders
!. records
E. sectors
*0. &his re"ers to all the 6ario%s media on :hich a comp%ter system can 'eep data.
A. compilation
B. registers
C. storage
!. 6irt%al memory
*1. A tape bac'%p %nit is a type o":
A. random1access storage de6ice
B. read1only storage de6ice
C. se5%ential storage de6ice
!. 6olatile storage de6ice
E. non16olatile storage de6ice
*2. &he description o" an entire database str%ct%re is categoriCed as a:
A. database management system
B. "lat "ile
C. genetic algorithm
!. he%ristic
E. schema
**. &o access yo%r ban' acco%nt in"ormation3 yo%r ban' m%st be able to go directly to yo%r
acco%nt3 :itho%t going thro%gh record by record. &his type o" storage :o%ld be termed:
A. direct1read
B. random1access
C. read8:rite
!. se5%ential
#age 5 o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
*.. Ehen a "loppy dis' is "ormatted "or %se the circ%lar magnetic bands are called:
A. arms
B. cl%sters
C. trac's
!. :edge
*5. &his characteriCes the "o%rth generation o" hard:are de6elopment.
A. digital 6ideo dis' ;!H!<
B. high1le6el programming lang%age
C. )arge1scale integration
!. solid state technology
*-. &his is perhaps the least reliable storage medi%m in yo%r comp%ter system.
A. Flash
B. A$!
!. FG
*9. &hese storage de6ices ha6e no mo6ing parts3 b%t instead consist only o" semicond%ctors.
A. !H!
B. magneto1optical
C. #C card
!. solid state
*0. &his is a "ield o" st%dy that in6ol6es e""orts to endo: comp%ters :ith the ability to
%nderstand the meaning o" speech.
A. arti"icial intelligence
B. ergonomics
C. ling%istics
!. &%ring &esting
*+. Gonitor man%"act%rers %s%ally state screen resol%tion by speci"ying the:
A. amo%nt o" s%r"ace area
B. amo%nt o" 6ie:ing area
C. n%mber o" megabytes
!. n%mber o" pixels
E. :idth "rom corner to corner
.0. &o display a maxim%m o" 1- colors3 ho: many bits o" data are re5%ired "or each screen
A. 2
B. .
C. -
!. 0
E. 1-
#age - o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
.1. &his led to the comp%ter becoming a mass1mar'eted item.
A. application so"t:are
B. bro:ser so"t:are
C. ,/$
!. modem so"t:are
.2. Bormally3 yo%r acco%nt on a m%lti%ser system consists o" yo%r %ser name3 a home
directory3 and
A. a home acco%nt
B. a preempti6e record
C. a primary "ile
!. yo%r pass:ord
.*. &he process o" :or'ing :ith t:o or more programs at once is called:
A. m%ltimanaging
B. m%ltiprocessing
C. m%ltisystem
!. m%ltitas'ing
... &his is a method o" %sing the comp%ter2s hard dis' as an extension o" AG.
A. expanded memory
B. interr%pt re5%est
C. m%ltithreading
!. 6irt%al memory
E. Cero page addressing
.5. &hese are speci"ic instr%ctions abo%t a partic%lar brand and model o" inp%t8o%tp%t
A. de6ice dri6ers
B. de6ice ports
C. de6ice readers
!. de6ice soc'ets
.-. &his re"ers to the process o" trans"erring a doc%ment "rom the comp%ter2s 6olatile
memory to a non6olatile storage de6ice.
A. "ormatting
B. reassigning
C. sa6ing
!. %pdating
.9. &he $nternet :or's on this principle.
A. analog1s:itching
B. circ%it1s:itching
C. digital1s:itching
!. pac'et1s:itching
#age 9 o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
.0. A#ABE& :as initially restricted to
A. military personnel
B. G$&
C. research scientists
!. %ni6ersities or research centers :ith /.S. !e"ense !epartment contracts
.+. &his is the most pop%lar application on the $nternet.
A. chat rooms
B. e1mail
C. ne:sgro%ps
!. :orld :ide :eb
50. )engthy3 b%t "re5%ently %sed data patterns3 are replaced :ith a short code in
A. encryption
B. "ile compression
C. hyperlin's
!. online ser6ices
51. Io% can normally tell ho: a "ile :as compressed by loo'ing at the "ile2s
A. attrib%te
B. extension
C. name
!. siCe
52. &he t:o most important $nternet protocols are
A. F&# and &C#8$#
B. (&&# and F&#
C. $C and F&#
!. &C# and $#
5*. &his is BF& an arithmetic operation.
A. comparison
B. di6ision
C. m%ltiplication
!. s%btraction
E. none o" the abo6e
5.. &he acronym (&G) is short "or:
A. (yper1&ag Gachine )ang%age
B. (yper1&ag Gar'%p )ang%age
C. (yper1&ext Gachine )ang%age
!. (yper1&ext Gar'%p )ang%age
E. none o" the abo6e
#age 0 o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
The next 5 questions make reference to the following Internet Explorer Window
55. e"er to ! abo6e: &he part o" this address :hich re"ers to the s%b1domain is:
A. ca
B. cs
C. htm
!. :::
E. yor'%
5-. e"er to " abo6e: #ic' the line o" (&G) code that :o%ld ha6e p%t this graphic on the
A. J)EF&KJA (EFLMhttp:88I)ogo.NpgMKJ8)EF&K
!. J)EF&KimageLMI)ogo.NpgMJ8)EF&K
E. J)EF&Kplace I)ogo graphic here J8)EF&K
59. e"er to # abo6e: #ic' the line o" (&G) code that the designer :o%ld ha6e %sed to t%rn
OAl%mniM into a lin'.
A. JA (EFLM8grad%ates8al%mni.htmMKAl%mniJ8AK
B. JA (EFLAl%mniK8grad%ates8al%mni.htmJ8AK
C. J)$BALM8grad%ates8al%mni.htmMKAl%mniJ8)$BAK
!. J)$BAKJ/KAl%mniJ8/KJ8)$BAK
E. J/)KAl%mniJA (EFLM8grad%ates8al%mni.htmMKJ8/)K
#age + o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
50. e"er to $ abo6e: #ic' the line o" (&G) code that the designer :o%ld ha6e %sed to
create this line.
A. J()K
B. J()$BEK
C. J(K
!. J(/)EK
E. none o" the abo6e
5+. e"er to ! abo6e: the entry "ollo:ing Ohttp:88M is:
A. the de"a%lt doc%ment
B. the domain name "or this site
C. the "ile path "or this site
!. the protocol
E. none o" the abo6e
&he %ser %q&ser has an acco%nt on a machine 'no:n as turing.cs.'orku.ca. (er homepage is
(home(%q&ser(public)html(index.html. *%q&ser is an alias "or (home(%q&ser(public)html.
Complete each o" the "ollo:ing sentences by choosing the appropriate letter "rom the list o"
completions gi6en.
-0. N5/serPt%ring.cs.yor'%.ca is a;n< DDDDDDDD
A. directory path
B. email address
C. "ile name
!. host
E. internet domain
F. /)
,. none o" the abo6e
-1. http:88 t%ring.cs.yor'%.ca8QN5/ser8p%blicDhtml is a;n< DDDDDDD
A. directory path
B. email address
C. "ile name
!. host
E. internet domain
F. /)
,. none o" the abo6e
-2. yor'%.ca is a;n< DDDDDDDD
A. directory path
B. email address
C. "ile name
!. host
E. internet domain
F. /)
,. none o" the abo6e
#age 10 o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
-*. 8home8N5/ser8p%blicDhtml is a;n< DDDDDDDD
A. directory path
B. email address
C. "ile name
!. host
E. protocol
F. /)
,. none o" the abo6e
-.. index.html is a;n< DDDDDDDD
A. directory path
B. "ile name
C. host
!. internet domain
E. protocol
F. /)
,. none o" the abo6e
-5. t%ring.cs.yor'%.ca is a;n< DDDDDDDDD
A. directory path
B. email address
C. "ile name
!. host
E. protocol
F. /)
,. none o" the abo6e
--. http is a;n< DDDDDDD
A. bro:ser
B. directory path
C. "ile name
!. protocol
E. internet domain
F. /)
,. none o" the abo6e
From the list belo:3 choose the Boolean expression that describes each o" the "ollo:ing circ%it
A. ;A7B<;B7C<
B. ;AB 7 C<!
C. ;AB<R 7 ;C!<R
!. ARB 7 ;B7C<R
E. AB 7 ;C 7 !<
#age 11 o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
#age 12 o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
From the list belo:3 choose the Boolean expression that describes each o" the "ollo:ing tr%th
A. S L ;A 7 B<R
B. S L ;A B<R
C. S L ;A B<R
!. S L AR
E. S L A 7 B
F. S L A B
,. S L A B
#age 1* o" 1+
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
+,. $n relational databases3 a table is re"erred to as a8an
A. attrib%te
B. relation
C. schema
!. t%ple
E. :or'boo'
++. A :ell designed table :ill
A. a6oid storing calc%lated "ields
B. incl%de all necessary data
C. store data in its smallest parts
!. all o" the abo6e
E. ;A< and ;B< only
+-. Ehat is the best :ay to store an indi6id%alRs name in a table?
A. As a single "ield consisting o" the "irst name3 last name3 and middle initial in that
B. As a single "ield consisting o" the last name3 "irst name3 and middle initial in that
C. As three separate "ields "or "irst name3 last name3 and middle initial.
!. As t:o "ields3 one "or the last name3 and one "or the "irst name and middle initial.
E. &he same :ay as it :as entered.
Examine the following table and the list of S./ queries to answer the next 0 questions
A. delete "rom ForSale :here F:ner L R@im SmileyR
B. insert into ForSale 6al%es ;20*3 R1. Be: !r.R3 10003 2500003 RB%bbie Bloc'R<
C. select $!3 F:ner "rom ForSale :here #rice J 200000
!. select T "rom For Sale
E. %pdate ForSale set #rice L 200000 :here $! L 155
+1. Ehich o" the abo6e 5%eries ret%rns all attrib%tes o" all records in the ForSale table? D
-2. Ehich o" the abo6e 5%eries ret%rns the ho%se $! and F:ner o" all ho%ses that ha6e a
#rice less than 2003000? C
-3. Ehich o" abo6e 5%eries changes the price o" ho%se 155 to 200000? E
#age 1. o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
-4. &his is a%tomatically assigned to a Excel doc%ment "ilename in Gicroso"t Eindo:s.
A. .exl
B. .exs
C. .xls
!. .xlx
-0. E6ery "ield in a table has
A. A "ield name and a data type
B. A "ield name and a "ield n%mber
C. A "ield name3 a "ield n%mber3 and a data type
!. A "ield n%mber and a data type
-5. Ehich o" the "ollo:ing is the most li'ely explanation i" yo% see the error message UField
RBoo's.&itleR canRt contain a n%ll 6al%eU :hile entering data in an Access table?
A. Io% didnRt "ollo: the proper inp%t mas'
B. Io% entered a letter in a n%meric "ield
C. Io% le"t a re5%ired "ield blan'
!. Io% pressed the space bar instead o" the Enter 'ey
-5. Ehich o" the "ollo:ing is an example o" a calc%lated control?
A. address
B. age
C. Social $ns%rance B%mber
!. all o" the abo6e
E. none o" the abo6e
-,. Ehich o" the "ollo:ing :o%ld be ret%rned by Access i" yo% type (Tll in a text "ield o" a
select 5%ery?
A. (all
B. (iell
C. (ill
!. all o" the abo6e
E. none o" the abo6e
-+. An Access database yo% are :or'ing on contains a table3 "orm3 5%ery3 and report. (o:
many "iles are needed to store these elements?
A. one
B. t:o
C. three
!. "o%r
--. (o: many primary 'eys can a table ha6e?
A. at least one3 b%t not more than t:o
B. bet:een one and "i6e
C. depends on a6ailable memory
!. one only
#age 15 o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
"n Excel worksheet contains information about a sheep rancher6s sheep including genders7
birth dates7 colors and weights.
-1. $" a "orm%la is re5%ired to calc%late the n%mber o" all the blac' sheep in the herd3 :hich
"%nction;s< are best applicable?
A. CF/B&
B. CF/B&$F
!. S/G
E. S/G$F
12. Excel2s )FFA/# "%nction is o"ten %sed to replace the %se o"
A. the CF/B&$F "%nction
B. the FEV/EBCI "%nction
C. the $F "%nction
!. the S/G$F "%nction
E. none o" the abo6e
$onsider the graphic below.
" compan' gi8es its emplo'ees bonuses based on their sales.
"s a bonus7 the' get a percentage of their sales.
Sales9ange #onus"warded Emplo'ee Sales #onus
W203000 1X +++000 W503000
W.03000 2X 000999 W*03000
W-03000 5X 999--- W+03000
W003000 10X ---555 W203000
555... W103000
...*** W003000
13. &he 6al%es in the Bon%s col%mn are calc%lated %sing the "ollo:ing "orm%la:
A. L)FFA/#;Bon%s3 Salesange3 Bon%sA:arded< T Sales
B. L)FFA/#;Saleange3 Sales3 Bon%sA:arded< T Sales
C. L)FFA/#;Sales3 Salesange3 Bon%sA:arded<
!. L)FFA/#;Sales3 Salesange3 Bon%sA:arded< T Sales
E. L)FFA/#;Salesange3 Bon%sA:arded< T Sales
#age 1- o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
9efer to the Excel worksheets and the information gi8en below to answer the next 4
These ranges ha8e been named
EholsaleYWBW5:WBW10 Energ'
EholsaleYWCW5:WCW10 !iscount
EholsaleYW!W5:W!W10 $harge
#ricingYWAW* &nit:rice
#ricingYWBW.:WBW- Factor
#ricingYWCW.:WCW- /e8el
If the energ' used b' a municipalit' exceeds the a8erage energ' usage of all
municipalities b' a factor of 3.3 then the &nit:rice is discounted b' -; and
if it exceeds the a8erage b' a factor of 3.4 then the &nit:rice is discounted b' 34;
as shown in the :ricing parameter table.
<ake use of the defined names where8er applicable.
14. Select the best "orm%la "or !iscount
A. )FFA/#;Energy 1 AHEA,E;Energy<3 Factor3 )e6el<
B. )FFA/#;Energy 8 AHEA,E Energy3 Factor3 )e6el<
C. )FFA/#;Energy 8 AHEA,E;Energy<3 Factor3 )e6el<
!. )FFA/#;Energy 8 AHEA,E;Energy<3 )e6el3 Factor<
E. none o" the abo6e
10. Select the best "orm%la "or $harge
A. EnergyT1000T/nit#riceT;1001!isco%nt<8100
B. EnergyT1000T/nit#riceT1!isco%nt8100
C. EnergyT/nit#riceT;1001!isco%nt<8100
!. EnergyT/nit#rice1!isco%nt
E. none o" the abo6e
#age 19 o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
" compan' decides to gi8e some of its emplo'ees a holida' bonus.
Those who ha8e been emplo'ed there for at least 5 'ears get a bonus if their
performance is considered either good or excellent.
Those who ha8e not been emplo'ed that long get a bonus onl' if their performance
is considered excellent.
"ssume the columns are named as shown.
15. Ehat "orm%la co%ld ha6e been %sed to "ill in the 6al%es in the BFB/S col%mn belo:?
Years Rating Bonus
3 excellent YES
15 poor NO
12 acceptable NO
2 good NO
10 good YES
A. L $F;F;AB!;Iears KL 53 F;ating L UexcellentU3
atingLUgoodU<<3atingLUexcellentU<3 UIESU3 UBFU<
B. L $F;atingLUexcellentU3UIESU3$F;atingLUgoodU3 $F;IearsKL53UIESU3UBFU<<<
C. L $F;Iears KL 5 AB! ating KL OgoodM3 OIesM3 OBoM<
!. L $F;Iears KL5 AB! ;ating L OexcellentM F ating L OgoodM<3OyesM3 OnoM<
E. L $F;Iears KL5 AB! ;ating L OexcellentM F ating L OgoodM<3OIESM3 OBFM<
For the next 0 questions7 suppose that an Excel worksheet contains the formulas gi8en as
the Source. If each of the formulas were copied or autofilled to the addresses in the 9esult
column7 what are the resulting formulas= Select the best answer.
15. So%rce: !-L S/G;B*:B-< es%lt: ,- L DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
A. S/G;A*:A-<
B. S/G;B*:B-<
C. S/G;B*:,-<
!. S/G;E*:E-<
1,. So%rce: B. L B2 7 A* es%lt: E9 L DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
A. B9 7 C0
B. E2 7 E*
C. E5 7 !-
!. E5 7 E-
1+. So%rce: A100 L )iter T #rice 8 ;100T 'm< es%lt: )101 L DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
B. )iter T #rice 8 ;100T 'm<
C. )iter T #rice 8 ;101T 'm<
!. none o" the abo6e
#age 10 o" 1+
CSE1520 Sample Final Examination
&he graphic belo: sho:s data "or earth5%a'es. Fnly a 6ery small portion o" the data is sho:n.
All col%mns ha6e been named %sing the labels sho:n. >umber represents the n%mber o" 5%a'es
in each ?roup3 :hile "8erage represents their a6erage !epth.
1-. Ehich o" the "ollo:ing "orm%las :ill prod%ce the 6al%es in the >umber col%mn?
A. L CF/B&$F ;!epth3 'm<
B. L CF/B&$F ;ating3 ,ro%p<
C. L $F ;ating L ,ro%p3 CF/B& ;ating<3 OM<
!. L S/G$F ;ating3 ,ro%p3 !epth<
11. Ehich o" the "ollo:ing "orm%las :ill prod%ce the 6al%es in the "8erage col%mn?
A. L AHEA,E$F ;!epth3 'm3 !epth<
B. L AHEA,E$F ;ating3 ,ro%p3 !epth<
C. L S/G$F ;ating3 ,ro%p3 !epth< 8 CF/B&$F ;!epth3 'm<
!. L S/G$F ;ating3 ,ro%p3 !epth< 8 B%mber
322. Ehich o" the "ollo:ing "orm%las :ill prod%ce the !epth o" the deepest 5%a'e?
A. L CF/B&$F ;!epth3 OK!eepestM<
B. L $F ;ating L O!eepM3 $F ;!epth K !eepest3 !epth3 !eepest<3 OM<
C. L GAS ;!epth<
!. none o" the abo6e
#age 1+ o" 1+

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