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Who Is They?

One of the not-so-secret secrets of the banking industry is that some of the biggest banks
in the world are major conduits for the laundering of untold billions of dollars worth of
black market, narcotics rofits! It is a "iolent, unsa"ory business that marks the criminal
marriage of the worst elements of Wall #treet and agencies of the $#% go"ernment with
some of the most ruthless acks of cut throats in the world & the narcotics cartels! %nd it
is one of the biggest businesses on this lanet, at the "ery heart of the global financial
'et me cite a coule of rominent e(amles that ha"e been in the mainstream news cycle
in recent years!
The massi"e, international bank, )#*+, was arehended laundering some $881
million narco-dollars for Mexican and Colombian drug cartels! %mong the many
susicious acti"ities at )#*+ were $60 trillion worth of unmonitored transactions
in"ol"ing wire transfer(s) and account activity! %nd yet no to bankers at )#*+
were arrested or sent to jail!
The New Yor !imes ex"lained w#y, Federal and state authorities have chosen not to
indict HSBC, the London-based bank, on charges of vast and prolonged money
laundering, for fear that criminal prosecution would topple the bank and, in the process,
endanger the financial system!
-ot that? +riminal rosecution would tole the bank and, in the rocess, endanger the
financial system! The system itself is deely criminal and intimately tied u in money
laundering on a "ast, almost incomrehensible, global scale!
)#*+ is not alone! %nother of the massi"e, too big to fail banks, $ac#ovia% was
caug#t laundering $&'8 billion dollars for Mexican narcotics cartels, e"en
handling the ./0 million financing for aircraft to transort drugs from +olombia to
1e(ico, aircraft wit# "ast ties to (merican al"#abet sou" agencies suc# as t#e
C)( and t#e *e"artment of +omeland ,ecurity! %s with )#*+, there was no
criminal rosecution of Wacho"ia!
%nd that is the other side of this corrut e2uation! The close in"ol"ement of %merican
go"ernment agencies such as the C)(, the *-(, and the .(!/in the illegal, international
narcotics trade! The *-( #ad a close% "ersonal% woring relations#i" wit# t#e
Mexican ,inaloa Cartel for the twel"e years from 3444 to 34/3! The .(!/ actually
allowed gun running to t#e ,inaloa Cartel! %s regards the C)(% t#at agency #as
been #eavily involved in narcotics trafficing for decades% all over t#e world!
This has e"erything to do with the dee" "olitics of t#e (merican state% wit# its
multi-trillion dollar war maing from 0ietnam% to Central (merica and
(fg#anistan, and the laundering of staggering sums of illicit drug rofits o"er the years
through %merican financial institutions!
%ntonio 1aria +osta, the head of the $!5! Office on 6rugs and +rime, has told the
$nited 7ingdom newsaer, "he #bserver, that #undreds of billions of dollars of
laundered drug money were what sustained the financial system during the global
financial crisis of 3448!
The resent commercial banking system is so massi"ely intertwined with the shadowy,
dee olitics of the %merican state and its alhabet sou agencies, in articular, and the
shadowy, dee olitics of other go"ernments, and with the immensely lucrati"e, illicit,
global narcotics industry, that its "ery sur"i"al deends on eretuating the enormously
corrut status $uo!
#o who is They?
They are like-minded global families of e(orbitant wealth, some known, most not!
9ockefellers, 9othchilds, 1organs!!!they make the headlines since they are the most
ublicly known! *ehind them, hidden away, are do:ens more who articiate in the
influencing of oliticians, go"ernment officials and use the intelligence agencies of their
and our countries as ersonal black market machinists!
The Wall #treet kingins, the leading bank officials, the heads of intelligence agencies,
the e(ecuti"es in our and other major go"ernments maniulated by those who control the
flow of wealth, decide careers and olitical success, corrut the "oting rocess and toss
the masses a bone now and then to kee them at bay!
They is nameless, totally corruted elitist honing for world domination at their "ery to
of the hierarchy, money, restige, fame and material ossessions at the lowest rungs!
They is The 1achine!

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