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Analytica Chimica Acta 583 (2007) 138–146

Q-mode curve resolution of UV–vis spectra for structural

transformation studies of anthocyanins in acidic solutions
Paulo Henrique Março, Ieda Spacino Scarminio ∗
Laboratório de Quimiometria em Ciências Naturais, Departamento de Quı́mica, Universidade Estadual de Londrina,
Caixa Postal 6001, CEP 86051-970 Londrina, Paraná, Brazil
Received 13 May 2006; received in revised form 29 September 2006; accepted 29 September 2006
Available online 4 October 2006

Chemometric analysis of ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) spectra for pH values 1.0, 3.3, 5.3, and 6.9 was used to investigate the kinetics and the
structural transformations of anthocyanins in extracts of calyces of hibiscus flowers of the Hibiscus acetosella Welw. ex Finicius for the first time. Six
different species were detected: the quinoidal base (A), the flavylium cation (AH+ ), the pseudobase or carbinol pseudobase (B), cis-chalcone (CC ),
trans-chalcone (Ct ), and ionized cis-chalcone (CC − ). Four equilibrium constant values were calculated using relative concentrations, hydration,
pKh = 2.60 ± 0.01, tautomeric, KT = 0.14 ± 0.01, acid–base, pKa = 4.24 ± 0.04, and ionization of the cis-chalcone, pKCC = 8.74 ± 1.5 × 10−2 . The
calculated protonation rate of the tautomers is KH+ = 0.08 ± 7.6 × 10−3 . These constants are in excellent agreement with those measured previously
in salt form. From a kinetic viewpoint, the situation encountered is interesting since the reported investigation is limited to visible light absorption
in acid medium. These models have not been reported in the literature.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Anthocyanins; Chemometric analysis; UV–vis spectrometry; Kinetic studies

1. Introduction Based on observation of a few relatively simple anthocyanins,

the generally accepted chemical equilibria characteristic of
Anthocyanins have been the subjects of many studies due to structural transformation are shown in Scheme 1 [4,6,7].
their importance as quality indicators in foods, important chemo- According to Eqs. (1)–(3), the AH+ , B, and C species are
taxonomic indicators for plants [1,2], as well as for their possible interconverted with their relative amounts depending on pH. At
antioxidant action [3]. a pH of approximately 3 or lower, anthocyanin exists mainly
It has long been known that anthocyanins bearing the same as a flavilyium cation and the amount of quinoidal base is not
chromophoric structure can give rise to different colors. Their significant, thus the system can be described by Eqs. (1) and (2).
color is easily affected by a number of chemical and physical
factors, such as temperature, pH, solvent, the structure of the Kh
AH+ B+H+ hydration equilibrium (1)
pigment itself and the presence of other molecules, which can
be generally described as copigments [4,5]. A particular problem KT
is the pH influence on their color. Depending on their acidity or BC ring/chain tautomeric equilibrium (2)
alkalinity, anthocyanins adopt different chemical structures. In
acidic aqueous solutions [4], four species of the anthocyanin AH+ A + H+ acid–base equilibrium (3)
molecule may exist in equilibrium: the quinoidal base (A), the
flavylium cation (AH+ ), the pseudobase or carbinol pseudobase As the pH is raised, kinetic and thermodynamic competi-
(B), and the chalcone (C), Fig. 1 [6]. tion occurs between the hydration reaction of the flavylium
cation and the proton transfer related to acidic hydroxyl groups
of aglycone. While the first reaction gives a colorless carbinol
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 43 3371 4366; fax: +55 43 3371 4366 pseudobase, which can undergo ring opening to a chalcone pseu-
E-mail address: ieda@qui.uel.br (I.S. Scarminio). dobase, the latter reaction gives rise to a quinoidal base. The

0003-2670/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P.H. Março, I.S. Scarminio / Analytica Chimica Acta 583 (2007) 138–146 139

different equilibrium constants are expressed as follows [8]:

Kh = aH+ (4)
[AH+ ]
KT = (5)
Ka = aH+ (6)
[AH+ ]
where aH+ is 10−pH ; Ka , KT and Kh are the equilibrium constants
for, respectively, the acid–base, the hydration, and the ring chain
tautomerism equilibria. Ka and Kh have been previously found
to be 10−4 and 10−2 , respectively at 25 ◦ C [6].
Most of the studies about the measurement of the equilib-
rium constants associated with the structural transformations
of anthocyanins in aqueous solution have been conducted
by temperature-jump [9] or pH-jump [10] relaxation. The
Fig. 1. Molecular structures of flavylium cation (AH+ ), quinoidal base (A), corresponding relaxation amplitudes are recorded by means
pseudobase or carbinol (B) and chalcone (C). R is a glycosil and R are usually of ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) absorption spectrophotometry
H or sugar. R1 and R2 are usually H, OH, or OCH3 . [11]. Soundheimer [12] was the first to measure the equi-

Scheme 1.
140 P.H. Março, I.S. Scarminio / Analytica Chimica Acta 583 (2007) 138–146

librium constant of reaction 1 in the case of pelargonidin to the kinetics of simultaneous structural transformations of
3-monoglucoside. Brouillard et al. [10] applied the pH-jump anthocyanins in extracts of fresh calyces of hibiscus flowers
method to measure the equilibrium constants of one natural of Hibiscus acetosella Welw. ex Finicius. Imbrie Q-mode fac-
product (apigenidin) and three related 3-deoxyflavylium salts. tor analysis followed by varimax and Imbrie’s oblique rotations
Little research has been made using information from the and K matrix treatment were applied to the UV–vis spectral
full spectra for studying the structural transformation of data. Since individual pH curves were treated using this tech-
anthocyanins. The common approach has been single point nique, higher curve resolution was obtained with more accurate
measurements at a wavelength where one component dominates determinations of equilibrium and rate constants than with the
the spectral response and the contributions from the other com- PARAFAC model. This method offers several advantages. The
ponents are neglected. The major limitation in the identification chemometric methods used here permit one to deduce the rela-
of pigments on the sole basis of the absorbance spectrum is tive concentrations from observed spectral changes, resolve the
overlapping absorbance bands of individual pigments present in absorption spectra of the species, as well as to obtain the equi-
the mixture. Furthermore, in some cases the molecules studied librium constants. Also these studies, in contrast to other works
are involved in complex equilibria such as tautomerism, pH measuring these constants in which the pigments are generally
equilibria, dimerization, etc. isolated and purified as flavylium cations, determined equilib-
Determination of ionization constants of natural antho- rium and kinetic rate constants of anthocyanin systems without
cyanins by spectrophotometric methods is complicated by the isolation and purification of the individual components.
fact that prior knowledge of the spectra of all the charged
and uncharged species is required [13]. For such systems, a 2. Theory
direct spectral analysis is difficult since the number of compo-
nents contributing to the spectrum and their spectral profiles are 2.1. Principal component analysis (PCA)
usually unknown. Therefore, additional analysis is required to
obtain detailed information about the structural transformation Principal component analysis [34] is a multivariate technique
of anthocyanins. None of the spectroscopic methods is entirely used for reducing the dimensionality of a data set. It is based
suitable for elucidation of the structures of pigments. If the rel- upon eigen-analysis of the correlation or covariance matrix.
ative concentrations of the species (structures) can be shifted by Considerable amounts of literature exist on the PCA method;
changing factors that do not alter the individual spectral profiles, therefore this section will provide only a summary of PCA. The
chemometric methods can be used to estimate the number of data matrix A consists of n objects (spectra) represented by p
species present as well as extract the spectra of species involved variables (absorbencies at different wavelengths). PCA decom-
and their corresponding concentration profiles. poses the matrix A into a product of two matrices,
Curve resolution methods are a group of chemometrical A = Tn×q PTq×p + En×p , (7)
approaches suitable for the treatment of multicomponent data
matrices. Their main purpose is the correct determination of the where T is a score matrix, P a loading matrix, and E a matrix of
response profiles as spectral and concentration profiles of the residuals. The number of principal components describing the
component present in unresolved mixtures [14]. All of these major part of the data variance is represented by q, and PT is the
methods assume Beer’s law holds, in which case the original transpose of P.
data matrix can be represented by the product of two smaller
2.2. Q-mode principal component analysis
matrices that contain the concentration profiles and the pure
spectra of each individual component present in the mixture [15].
Paatero and Tapper have compared theoretical aspects of
Curve resolution can also be used to deconvolute spectral fea-
Q-mode and R-mode principal component analyses as general
tures using models for equilibrium constant determination and
purpose methods [35]. For equilibrium constant determination,
kinetic information [16–25]. A large number of curve resolu-
Q-mode analysis is especially convenient since it evaluates inter-
tion techniques have been published, e.g. orthogonal projection
relationships between samples and concentration proportions
(OPA) [26], Imbrie Q-mode factor analysis followed by vari-
are determined directly [36]. R-mode analysis is primarily used
max and Imbrie’s rotations [27,28], correlated spectral data by
to evaluate correlations between variables although its scores
Procrustes rotation [29], interative target transformation factor
can be used to determine concentrations. The original matrix
analysis (ITTFA) [30], simple to use interactive self-modelling
can be transformed to describe an index of proportional similar-
mixture analysis (SIMPLISMA) [26], and heuristic evolving
ity. Imbrie Q-mode factor analysis defines the similarity between
latent projection (HELP) [31].
samples based on the proportions of their constituents. The con-
Recently we presented results of an investigation of antho-
tribution of each object is obtained by an eigen-analysis of a
cyanins from fresh petals of hibiscus flowers of the Hibiscus
real symmetric matrix obtained from the data matrix. Imbrie
rosa-sinensys L. var. regius maximus [32] and in the calyces
and Purdy [37] define an index of proportional similarity, called
of flowers of the Hibiscus sabdariffa [33] species using the
cos θ. For two objects, k and , cos θ is calculated by
PARAFAC method to resolve the absorption spectral profiles p
as well as the kinetic concentration profiles, for complete j=1 akj aj
cos ␪k =  p 2 (8)
UV–vis spectra measured between 240 and 748 nm for pH val- p
j=1 akj j=1 aj
ues between 1.0 and 13.0. In this work, we extend these studies
P.H. Março, I.S. Scarminio / Analytica Chimica Acta 583 (2007) 138–146 141

For positive a elements, this index varies from zero, no sim- these end member samples. This is accomplished by construct-
ilarity, to one, identity. This normalization does not affect the ing a Vq×q matrix that contains the highest absolute values of the
proportionality relationship between variables but removes the varimax weights in each object column. The oblique projection
effects of size differences among samples. The cos θ are calcu- matrix is given by
lated for all pairs of objects in the data set and then arranged in an
n × n matrix of associations, H. The loadings are used to describe C = BV−1 (19)
the relative proportions of the constituents in the sample. where V−1 is the inverse of V. The C matrix row vectors furnish
According to [36], the mathematical procedure starts by data the proportional contributions of all the objects in the terms of
normalization. The raw data matrix A is normalized by the end member samples.
W = D−1/2 A (9)
2.3. K matrix method
where D = diag(AAT ). The association matrix is defined as the
major product moment of the row normalized data matrix, The method (sometimes referred to as classical least squares,
CLS) is based on the well-known Beer–Lambert law [38]. If a
H = WW . T
mixture set of known composition is used as a calibration set,
The row normalized data matrix can be expressed as the prod- a series of simultaneous equations may be utilized to describe
uct of a loading matrix and a score matrix, mixture spectra. The corresponding matrix equation is

W ≈ TPT . (11) ATp×n = Kp×q Cq×n + Ep×n (20)

Here T is an n × q matrix and P is p × q, where q is the where A contains the sample spectra C, the concentrations of the
approximate rank of W. The relationship between W, H, P and q species in the N samples (n > q) and E is the error matrix. The K
T is given by matrix is the spectra of the pure species for unitary concentration
and path length. In this work K was estimated from C, which
H = WWT = TPT PTT . (12) was obtained by Imbrie’s oblique rotation, Eq. (19).
The constraint that the PT P = I, leads to the following equa-
tion from Eq. (12), 3. Experimental

H = TTT . (13) Plants were cultivated in the garden of the Chemistry Depart-
ment of the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), in Lon-
The symmetric matrix H can be factored according to
drina, PR, Brazil. The plants were identified by Dr. Manuel
H = UΛ UT , (14) RC Paiva, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de
Londrina. A voucher was deposited in the herbarium of the Uni-
where U is the matrix of eigenvectors and  the diagonal matrix versidade Estadual de Londrina. The access numbers is FUEL
of associated eigenvalues. Thus, 33816.
All reagents were of analytical grade. Buffer solutions with
T = Uq 1/2
q . (15)
four different pH (1.0; 3.3; 5.3, and 6.9) values were prepared
The matrix of loadings is then the matrix of eigenvectors, with phosphate following the detailed procedure described by
scaled by the squares roots of the eigenvalues. Levi et al. [32]. The pH of each solution was measured with a
The matrix of scores may be defined by HANNA HI model HI9321 pH Meter.
Pigments were extracted by maceration of fresh calyces
W ≈ TPT (16) (11.80 g) of the hibiscus flowers with 0.1% HCl in ethanol.
Premultiplication by TT gives The ethanolic extracts were passed through filter paper. Twenty
milliliter of buffer solutions were added to the aliquots (3.00 mL)
TT W ≈ TT TPT , (17) of the ethanolic extracts of anthocyanin, and immediately the
spectra were recorded every 20 s during a 30 min interval.
but TT T = Λ so that PT = Λ−1 TT W, or The analyses were carried out using an Ocean Optics model
P = WT TΛ−1 . (18) CHEM2000 spectrophotometer with a quartz cuvette (d = 1 cm).
The temperature was fixed at 25 (±0.1) ◦ C. Ultraviolet–visible
It must be emphasized that the Tn×q and PTq×p matrices so absorption spectra at different pH values were recorded from 240
derived are not the same as those derived in R-mode analysis. to 748 nm. The 240–245 nm region was very noisy and elimi-
Once obtained, T may be rotated to B by varimax rotation. Each nated from subsequent data treatment.
row of B corresponds to an object or a linear combination of For the chemometric study, each pH set (time versus wave-
objects and each column represents a factor. length) was characterized by 1450 absorbance values obtained
Imbrie’s oblique rotation [36] is used to rotate the factor axes in an interval from 245 to 748 nm. Chemometric methods were
of the B matrix so that they coincide with the most divergent applied to the data matrix, composed of 90 rows (time) and 1450
samples and then express all the other samples as proportions of columns (wavelength), resulting in a 90 × 1450 matrix. Since
142 P.H. Março, I.S. Scarminio / Analytica Chimica Acta 583 (2007) 138–146

Q-mode analysis is performed, a 90 × 90 matrix is diagonalized very band towards longer wavelengths (bathocromic effect). It
instead of a 1450 × 1450 matrix necessary for R-mode analysis. is affected by several factors of which pH is an important one. It
has been demonstrated that the copigment effect occurs from pH
3.1. Computer programs values close to 1 to neutrality. At a pH of 1, no statistical method
was applied considering that there was no change in λmax but
The FORTRAN programs used for the K matrix and Q-mode only in the intensity of the absorbance.
principal component analysis, varimax and Imbrie’s oblique When the ethanolic extract of anthocyanin is added to the
rotations calculations were developed in our laboratory. These buffer at pH 3.3, the red solution fades and a decrease in inten-
programs can be compiled on any digital computer and are avail- sity of absorption at 522 nm occurs. Spectral modifications occur
able from the corresponding author. which predominantly reflect the partial transformation of the
flavilium cation into carbinol pseudobase (B) and chalcone (C)
4. Results and discussion during the period required to establish equilibrium, shown in
Fig. 2b. In comparison with Fig. 2a the spectral profiles appear
Representative spectra of the ethanolic extract of anthocyanin similar but not identical. A shoulder found at 422 nm is charac-
at pH 1.0 are given in Fig. 2a. Absorption in the 522 nm region teristic of trans-chalcone. Since there are at least three species,
is attributed to the presence of flavylium cation. The absorptions it is not possible to calculate the true or relative concentrations
at 281 and 330 nm correspond to a carbinol pseudobase (B) and from the absorption data by conventional chemical analysis. In
chalcone (C), respectively. After the addition of buffer solution, order to investigate the effect of pH on the structural transforma-
increases in absorbencies at the 281, 330 and 522 nm wave- tion more fully and thereby gain an insight into the species that
lengths occur until attaining equilibrium at this pH value, Fig. 2a. may be present in solution, as well as to calculate their relative
The absorbance increase can be due to a decrease in water activ- concentrations, Imbrie Q-mode factor analysis followed by vari-
ity or to the copigmentation reaction. This result is in agreement max and Imbrie’s oblique rotations and K matrix calculations
with the literature and suggests that the copigment effect par- were carried out.
allels the hydration reaction [39]. Copigmentation reduces the Imbrie’s Q-mode factor analysis showed that two factors
extent of the hydratation reaction and therefore increases the explain 99% of the total spectral data variance. Since the fac-
stability of the colored species [40]. The copigmentation reac- tors are linearly independent, it was concluded that three main
tion consists of an increase in the visible band intensity for the species are present in the structural transformation of the investi-
pigment (hyperchromic effect) and frequently in a shift of this gated system: the flavylium cation, the carbinol pseudobase, and

Fig. 2. Spectra vs. time matrices corresponding to the following pH values: (a) 1.0; (b) 3.3; (c) 5.3, and (d) 6.9.
P.H. Março, I.S. Scarminio / Analytica Chimica Acta 583 (2007) 138–146 143

els for the factor loadings. The relative concentrations for the
three species were calculated by Eq. (19), and their profiles are
shown in Fig. 3. Relative concentrations after equilibrium have
been established allowing determination of the apparent acid-
ity constants Kc = ([C]/[AH+ ])aH+ = Kh KT , for the chalcone
formation reaction starting from flavylium cation AH+ , as well
as for the hydratation and tautomeric reactions associated with
the structural transformations of anthocyanins.
The experimental values determined for pKh , KT , and pKc
obtained in this study were 2.60 ± 0.01, 0.14 ± 0.01, and
3.54 ± 0.02, respectively. These values are in good agreement
with our results obtained by the PARAFAC method for Hibiscus
sabdariffa species [33], pKh = 2.70, KT = 0.14, and pKc = 3.54,
and the literature values of 2.60 ± 0.02, 0.12, and 3.54 ± 0.04
Fig. 3. Concentration profiles obtained by the model at pH 3.3 based on the obtained by the pH-jump method for pure malvidin-3-glucoside
deconvolution of UV–vis absorption spectra. AH+ is the flavylium cation, B is chloride [10]. Kinetic analysis was performed by utilizing plots
the pseudobase or carbinol pseudobase, and C is the chalcone.
of the dependence of the variation of absorption against wave-
length monitored at 281 nm (carbinol pseudobase), 330 nm
chalcone. At this pH it was not possible to obtain the relative (cis-chalcone), 422 nm (trans-chalcone) and 522 nm (flavylium
concentration of the trans-chalcone, because it only appears in cation). The variation of the absorption with time is shown in
negligible quantities. Besides that, the absorption spectrum of Figs. 4a–d. Generally, anthocyanin degradation is explained by
the trans-chalcone isomer is practically identical to that of the one first-order rate constant. Here, this model is not sufficient
cis-chalcone isomer due to band overlap of the latter with the to describe and explain the whole transformation process. At
carbinol pseudobase form [41]. Therefore, three factors were 281, 330, and 422 nm the models for the kinetic behavior were
subjected to varimax rotation and oblique rotation to obtain fitted to a sum of exponentials, Eq. (21), with the goodness of fit
the final species proportions. Since this a critical step in the determined by chi-square. The results for the kinetic parameters
analysis [42], alternative calculations were carried out with addi- and their errors are shown in Table 1.
tional principal components. However, increases in the number
of rotated principal components resulted in increased noise lev- At − A0 = α1 (1 − e−k1 t ) + α2 (1 − e−k2 t ) (21)

Fig. 4. Time-dependence of the absorbance at (a) 281 nm; (b) 330 nm; (c) 420 nm, and (d) 522 nm.
144 P.H. Março, I.S. Scarminio / Analytica Chimica Acta 583 (2007) 138–146

Table 1
Kinetic parameters and their errors for the structural transformation of anthocyanins at pH 3.3
281 nm 330 nm 422 nm 522 nm

χ2a 1.29 × 10−6 1.29 × 10−6 1.34 × 10−6 2.24 × 10−6

A0 359(± 1.69) × 10−3 327(± 1.44)× 10−3 8.72(± 1.19) × 10−3 1171(± 3.10) × 10−4
␣1 48.4(± 1.69) × 10−3 26.9(± 2.28) × 10−3 24.1(± 1.64) × 10−3 230(± 6.80) × 10−4
␣2 26.9(± 2.28) × 10−3 48.4(± 1.69) × 10−3 23.0(± 3.44) × 10−3 –
k1 80(± 7.6) × 10−3 57(± 8.5) × 10−2 5.8(± 2.0) × 10−2 14.9(± 1.1) × 10−2
k2 57(± 8.5) × 10−2 80(± 7.6) × 10−3 40(± 0.8) × 10−1 –
a χ2 —Chi-square distribution with (n − 1) degrees of freedom.

This equation is characteristic of consecutive first-order kinetic parameters at this pH, as well as their errors are pre-
reactions. Since the data in Table 1 confirms the relations sented in Table 2. As observed at pH 3.3, the kinetic behavior
k1␭=281 nm /k2␭=330 nm ∼ 1, and KT « 1, the mechanism of tau- fitted to a sum of exponentials, Eq. (21), is not seen at 330 nm
tomeric interconversion between the B and C species proceeds and 422 nm but only at 281 nm. Inspection of Table 2 clearly
through the formation of an intermediate by acid catalysis by shows that the tautomeric interconversion between B and C can-
the proton [43]. The calculated protonation rate of the tautomers not be seen as acid catalysis by the proton at this pH. On the
(KH+ ) is 0.08 ± 7.6 × 10−3 . When the jump relaxation method other hand, the species monitored at 422 nm showed the pres-

is used, the amplitude associated with the B→C equilibrium ence of two separate linear behaviors, i.e. the presence of two
can be affected by the presence of other species [44]. However, pH-independent reactions, with different rates. The first can be
our results, using chemometric methods, show that it is pos- observed between 0 and 10 min and the second after 10 min. The
sible to obtain the KT values without interference from other kinetic behaviors for 330 and 522 nm are described by Eq. (23).
species. Although the above values cannot be compared directly This equation shows that two separate kinetic processes occur at
with results in the literature, we obtained the same behaviour this wavelength. The first obeys first-order kinetics and the sec-
for anthocyanin extracted from fresh petals of hibiscus flowers ond indicates that the kinetics does not depend on the species
of the Hibiscus rosa-sinensys L. var. regius maximus, using the concentrations anymore.
PARAFAC model [32].
The behaviour at 522 nm, Fig. 4d, obeys first-order kinetics, At − A0 = α1 e−k1 t + α2 t (23)
Eq. (22). At this pH, a significant copigmentation effect also
exists, with an increase in intensity, Fig. 4d. In the case of pH 6.9, the spectra obtained, Fig. 2d, shows
a bathochromic effect at 600 nm due to the formation of the
At − A0 = α1 e−k1 t (22) quinoidal base. It is possible to observe that at 600 nm, very
small absorbance differences from the initial values occur until
At pH 5.3, Fig. 2c, the analysis of the spectral changes showed equilibrium has been established. On the other hand, an increase
that the disappearance of AH+ causes a bathochromic shift of in absorption at 240–350 nm was observed.
522–560 nm due to the formation of the quinoidal base. Chemo-
metric analysis shows that three factors explain 100% of the total
spectral data variance; therefore, four factors were used in the
rotations. The relative concentrations for the four species were
calculated by Eq. (19), and their profiles are shown in Fig. 5.
The results based on the calculated spectral profiles using K
matrix methods, suggests that the pseudo-equilibrated mixture
of products is constituted essentially by the cis-chalcone (CC ),
the carbinol pseudobase (B) and small amounts of the quinoidal
base (A). At this pH value, the transformation is very fast and
the trans-chalcone (Ct ) concentration cannot be calculated.
Relative concentrations after equilibrium has been estab-
lished allowing determination of the values for pKh and KT ,
2.61 ± 0.04 and 0.12 ± 5.6 × 10−4 , respectively, with good
agreement with the previous results at pH 3.3. The quinoidal base
formation allowed measuring Ka , by Eq. (6). The estimated value
for pKa obtained in this study was 4.24 ± 0.04. This value agrees
with that measured by the pH-jump [10] method of 4.25 ± 0.1.
Fig. 5. Concentration profiles obtained by the model at pH 5.3 based on the
The relative concentrations of the flavylium cation (AH+ ), deconvolution of UV–vis absorption spectra. AH+ is the flavylium cation, B2
carbinol pseudobase (B2 ), cis-chalcone (Cc ) and quinoidal base is the pseudobase or carbinol pseudobase, CC is the cis-chalcone, and A is the
(A) at a pH of 5.3 are shown in Fig. 5. The results for the quinoidal base.
P.H. Março, I.S. Scarminio / Analytica Chimica Acta 583 (2007) 138–146 145

Table 2
Kinetic parameters and their errors for the structural transformation of anthocyanins at pH 5.3
281 nm 330 nm 422 nm 522 nm

χ2a 7.99 × 10−6 1.56 × 10−6 – 1.12 × 10−6

A0 315(± 3.51) × 10−3 48.4(± 1.69) × 10−3 – 575(± 3.1) × 10−4
␣1 51.7(± 8.19) × 10−3 − 40.6(± 1.12) × 10−3 – 52.8(± 1.63) × 10−3
␣2 54.4(± 7.81) × 10−3 92(± 5.0) × 10−5 – 37(± 2.0) × 10−5
k1 1.85 ± 0.423 2160(± 9.0) × 10−4 1.34 × 10−2 0.91 ± 0.048
k2 9.69 ± 1.99 – 6.49 –
a χ2 —Chi-square distribution with (n − 1) degrees of freedom.

Table 3
Kinetic parameters and their errors for the structural transformation of anthocyanins at pH 6.9
281 nm 330 nm 422 nm 522 nm

χ2a 7.42 × 10−6 1.81 × 10−6 1.44 × 10−6

A0 320.7(±4.82) × 10−3 331.96(±7.27) × 10−3 96.63(±2.54) × 10−3
␣1 −25.94(±4.18) × 10−3 −24.56(±6.67) × 10−3 4.09(±3.59) × 10−3
␣2 6.1(±1.70) × 10−3 6.7(±2.0) × 10−3 8.4(±4.09) × 10−3
k1 0.16 ± 0.046 0.097 ± 2.96 × 10−2 0.97 ± 1.5
k2 4.5 ± 1.7
a χ2 —Chi-square distribution with (n − 1) degrees of freedom.

The estimated kinetic parameters are shown in Table 3. From this study, [C− −2
C ][H ]/[CC ] = 8.74 ± 1.5 × 10 , which closely
this table it is obvious that slightly larger structural transforma- agrees with the literature value of 8.93 [45].
tions occur compared to those observed at pH 5.3.
In order to obtain the relative concentrations, three factors
5. Conclusion
were used in the rotations. The relative concentration pro-
files are presented in Fig. 6. Here a decrease in cis-chalcone
Imbrie Q-mode factor analysis followed by varimax and
concentration and the formation of ionized cis-chalcone and
Imbrie’s oblique rotations and the K matrix method were used
trans-chalcone can be observed. Evidence for this asser-
to investigate the kinetics and the structural transformations of
tion comes from the estimated acidity constant obtained in
anthocyanins. It was possible to identify the species involved at
equilibrium and obtain their relative concentrations as well as
the equilibrium constants.
Six different species were detected: the quinoidal base (A),
the flavylium cation (AH+ ), the pseudobase or carbinol pseu-
dobase (B), the cis-chalcone (CC ), trans-chalcone (Ct ), and
ionized cis-chalcone (CC − ). Four equilibrium constant values
were calculated by using the relative concentrations: for hydra-
tion, pKh = 2.60 ± 0.01, for tautomerism, KT = 0.14 ± 0.01, for
acid–base equilibrium, pKa = 4.24 ± 0.04, and for the ioniza-
tion of the cis-chalcone, pKCC = 8.74 ± 1.5 × 10−2 . These
values are in good agreement with literature values. When the
jump relaxation method is used, the amplitude associated with

the B→C equilibrium can be affected by the presence of the
other species [43]. However, our results using chemometric tech-
niques show that it is possible to obtain the pK values without
interference from other species. From a kinetic viewpoint, the
situation encountered is interesting since the reported investi-
gations are limited to visible light absorption. At pH 3.3, the
Fig. 6. Concentration profiles obtained by the model at pH 6.9 based on the
mechanism of tautomeric interconversion between B and C
deconvolution of UV–Vis absorption spectra. CC is the cis-chalcone, Ct is the species proceeds through the formation of an intermediate by
trans-chalcone, and CC − is the ionized cis-chalcone. acid catalysis by the proton. The calculated protonation rate of
146 P.H. Março, I.S. Scarminio / Analytica Chimica Acta 583 (2007) 138–146

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Acta 419 (2000) 197.
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[24] Z.L. Zhu, W.Z. Cheng, Y. Zhao, Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst. 64 (2002)
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