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India, the republic of India, is located in the South of Asia.

population is 1.2 billion, it is also the most populous democracy on
earth. The capital is New Delhi. India is bordered by Nepal, Pakistan
and Bangladesh. The current prime minister is Narenda Modi and the
parliament house, Rashtrapati Bhavan, is located in Delhi. Indias
currency is India Rupee. Mumbai and Delhi are Indias biggest cities.
(Population wise) Indias climate is seen to be a hot one. In summer
the temperatures get to 45 degrees.

Food and Culture
India has a wide variety of culture and has 3 different regions for
food! Bollywood is a great part of Indian culture. Bollywood is a type
of Indian tradition were Indians celebrate India. Bollywood is known
world-wide and one of the reasons India is famous. Indian dress in
cultural wear like saris.
Indian food is a large cuisine that consist of 3 different parts, North
Indian, South Indian and West Indian. North Indian food is based
around the dish Kashmir .Kashmir is usually prepared around the
valley where the main course of rice is found abundantly. South
Indian food make a use of spices, coconuts and fish. Foods of Tamil
Nadu use of tamarind is made to add sourness into their dishes.
West Indian food is a desert cuisine famous of its unique variety of
food. These people use rice and wheat. The dishes include Bombay
Prawn and Pomfret.

Indian History
India used to be a British colony. In 1858 India was taken over by the
British after they overthrew the Mughals. In 1920 nationalist
Mahatma Gandhi started an anti-British civil disobedience campaign.
After 22 years a congress started the Quit India movement. Finally
in 1947 India gained dependence and started an Indian government.
In 1962 India lost a border war with China. In 1972 a twenty-year
treaty of friendship was signed Soviet Union. After years of wars and
pain India is now an independent, rich country with a sustained

The Indian religion is Hinduism being the 3
largest religion in the
world. Hinduism dates back to 4500 BC. Hindus believe in one God,
Brahman, who takes many forms. Hindus pray in a Mandir (church).

India is a stabilised country with a rich government. It has a vast
amount of culture that is different from the rest!
By Lexi Withers

Indian Profile, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-south-asia-
12641776, 18/8/2014
Indian Food, www.indianfoodforever/food-guide/indian-food-
10 Indian landmarks, www.famouswhy.com/List/10-landmarks-in-

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