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Gaucho Marks Editor Application

Hello, prospective peon! If you're reading this, that means you either want to
infiltrate and destroy our organization from the inside, or you want to hold a leadership
position at Gaucho Marks, UCSB's best and only comedy publication. Note to
applicants: if you simply wish to join the magazine as a writer, artist, copy editor, or
other type of contributor, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. This is strictly an application for
editors. Instead, please attend the first meeting of the quarter (time TBD, but send an
email to eic@gauchomarks.com if you want to be reminded) and simply sign up then.
Being an editor at Gaucho Marks is easily the most fun pre-professional writing
experience UCSB has to offer. You get to joke about whatever you think is funny, you
develop leadership skills, and you work with other funny people to produce something
that has made students laugh for over three years now. Whether you want to edit a
writing section (such as University, Entertainment, or Local) or take charge of art,
design, web, or even the administrative side of things, a Gaucho Marks editorial
position affords you the chance to express your sense of humor through whatever
medium you're most comfortable with.
You might be sitting at your computer thinking "I should apply because I used to
edit my high school newspaper" or "The skills I gained at WORD Magazine surely
qualify me for this position," and you might not be totally wrong. But Gaucho Marks
demands a specific type of editor. If you're the type of person who's:
o detail-oriented, having picked up on what we're sure are no fewer than
four grammatical errors in this application
o open-minded
o thick-skinned
o obsessed-with-hyphenating
o eager to work in a fluctuating environment of questionable
o often told that you're funny, even though you're only using humor to
mask your crippling social maladjustment
o willing to lead a group of people who don't know what they're doing
o committed to finishing your assignments, no matter how emotionally
taxing or inconvenient they may be.
...then we might have room for you! If not, fill out the application anyway and
we'll see if we can find a place for you on our esteemed staff. Before you continue, there
are a few things you should know. First of all, editorial positions at Gaucho Marks are
not paid. Instead, you will be eligible to earn two letter-graded units of English
department credit, which can seriously boost your GPA for eight quarters. Second, in
light of the first thing, we understand that you might not want to return after your first
quarter of editing. If that's the case, we politely ask that you don't sign up. We need
editors who are willing to commit to this as long as possible. Not because of the units,
or the resume boost, or the opportunity to put themselves in a position of power over
their peers, but because they love comedy and want to see it thrive at UCSB. Finally,
while we're looking for people who have a sense of humor, your answers to the
following questions will be taken seriously as proof that you are qualified. Feel free to
show off your cleverness, but don't get too cheeky or we won't consider you for the job.
So, if, after reading all of that, you still want to be an editor at the funny thing about
UCSB, please answer the questions below, save this document as GM APPLICATION -
- YOUR NAME and send it to eic@gauchomarks.com with the same subject (please do
not send the application as "your name" because that joke is so, so awful). If you have
any questions regarding the application or otherwise regarding Gaucho Marks, please
include them in the body of your email.
GPA (3.0 or above required):
Expected Quarter of Graduation:
Are you currently employed part-time? Full time?:
Are you currently a registered officer in another OSL organization?:
Are you a member of the Associated Students? If so, please state your position.

Based on your Fall 2014 schedule, would you be available to attend Gaucho Marks
meetings at 5 pm on Mondays and/or Thursdays?

Briefly summarize any editorial or writing experience you have. If you currently
work for a UCSB campus publication, please note your position/office and how long
you have been with said publication.

Briefly summarize any acting, stand-up, or improvisational comedy experience you

List a few of your favorite comedians, sitcoms, funny movies, humor books, comedy
websites, etc. We want to know what you think is funny.

What do you enjoy writing about?

Are you adept at using Photoshop, Indesign, or other photo editing/layout design

Answer ONE of the following three questions:
(a) Pitch three fake news headlines (a la The Onion, National Report, Daily Currant,
etc.) that relate to UCSB in some way.
(b) Pitch three article ideaseach described in a couple of sentencesthat relate to
UCSB in some way. These can be op-eds, investigative reports, features, cartoons;
pretty much anything that isnt a traditional fake news article.
(c) Pick one of the below headlines and write the first 100-150 words of the article it
Sophomore Convinces Vomit to Make Appearance At Party
Dog-Fight Therapy Day: The Ultimate Canine Catharsis
Yes Means Yes Bill Lauded For Finally Clearing Up Murky Sexual Assault
Op-Ed: Im More Than Just A Fake ID, I Have A Car And Costco
Membership Too By Chris Lyman, Freshman
Nobody Sleeping With Elliot Rodger In Hell, Either
Concert Review: Political Science Themed Band The Attorneys General
Rock Out The Hub

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