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To suppress listener incidents with TNS-1190 and prevent this alert from triggering again, please

perform the following actions:

Navigate to the listener target home page. (or you can search for the target by entering Listener in
the Search Target Name field in the upper right corner of your console)

Your screen will look similar to the following, with a list of incidents. In our example, it is a TNS-1190

To clear this incident, you can click on the link (incident Message) itself, which will take you to the
Incident Manager screen, where you can clear this alert as shown below:

I will show you a quicker way to clear all incidents in one shot later in this document. Lets edit the
Metric Collection Settings for this Listener target so that we can suppress this alert in the future.

Click on the Oracle Listener drop down list of actions, just below the Listener target name at the top left
part of your screen: Oracle Listener >> Monitoring >> Metric and Collection Settings

This will take you to the following screen where you can edit the Threshold expression.

Currently, the Critical Threshold setting for this TNSError metric is:
TNS-[ ]*0*(1169|1189|12508|1190)
To suppress TNS-01190 (or TNS-1190) errors, change the expression to
TNS-[ ]*0*(1169|1189|12508)
To do this, simply place your cursor in the Critical Threshold box of this metric, and arrow over to the
end of the expression to see and delete the |1190 part of the expression.
When finished, click Apply.
This will prevent future TNS-1190s.
Next, if you want to clear the old outstanding incidents, continue with the following task, which requires
EM CLI. Please refer to the EM CLI manual for initial setup of the EM CLI interface.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface
12c Release 1 (12.1)
Part Number E17786-02
You can view the current outstanding alerts by running:
emcli get_unsync_alerts -target_name=<your listeners target name>LISTENER_odarm1 -

For our example in the above screens, we will use LISTENER_odarm1
emcli get_unsync_alerts -target_name=LISTENER_odarm1 -target_type=oracle_listener

Metric Name Key Value Agent Severity Level Repository Severity Level
TNSError 01-JAN-2012 02:00:09 Critical Clear
TNSError 01-JAN-2012 14:25:13 Critical Clear
<more alerts listed here.>
TNSError 31-DEC-2011 14:25:13 Critical Clear
TNSError 31-DEC-2011 16:26:56 Critical Clear
Total number of alerts to be synchronized = 64
To clear all incidents that are older than two days, execute the following:
[oracle@oms]$ emcli clear_stateless_alerts -older_than=2 -target_type=oracle_listener -
To clear all incidents that are older than two days, execute the following:
[oracle@lxclu2 Stan]$ emcli clear_stateless_alerts -older_than=0 -target_type=oracle_listener -
95 alerts were cleared successfully.
Now, refresh your Listener home page in EM to view the results:

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