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A-, An-:
not, without; < Skt. prefix (or upsarga) a- ( as in a-spasht, unclear, a-
drishya, invisible, that which cannot be seen) and an- ( as in an-achar,
misbehavior, an-ant, endless, that which has no end, an-abhyas, without
practice) Derivatives: a-cephalous; a-cheira, a-chira; a-chondroplasia;
a-gnostic, a-gnosia; a-gonic; a-graphia; a-mnesia; a-mnesty; a-moral; a-
morphous; an-aerobe; an-algesic; an-alphabetic; an-archy; an-arthria;
an-emia; an-esthesia; an-hidrosis; an-hydrous; an-ion; an-odyne; an-
onym, an-onymous; an-ura; a-pathy; a-phagia; a-phasia, a-phasic;
a-pnea; a-rgon; a-sbestos; a-sphyxia; a-sternal; a-stigmatism; a-sylum;
a-syndeton; a-theist; a-tom; a-trophy. But Not - amoeba; ascetic;
asparagus; astronomy; athlete; Anabaptist; anachronism; anagram.
in- as in in -cessant and un- as in un -developed cognate with a , an
a and an seen in greek and in and un seen in latin and both gk and latin
have taken from skt. a or an
asthenia. deuteranopia; hemianopia; protanopia; tritanopia, anis
a is alpha privative; analphabetic, alphabet, hybrid
Ab-do-men, do <Skt. dha, to hold, to support, to create.
< Skt. bhid, to cleave; L. findere; Gm. bheid
Ac-com-pl-ish, adhi-sam-pur, ac- < ad-, ad- < Skt. Prefix adhi-, above,
additional, upon; Skt. Sam, with, together, completely; Skt. pur, to fill as
in purna, -ish is a verbal suffix.
without a head, as an organization, cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see cephal.
< Skt. aj, to drive, L. ag-ere, Gm. ag
< Skt. aj, to drive, L. ag-ere, Gm. ag
Water, < Skt. aap as in Punjab (panch-aap: the land of five
rivers), Tal-aab etc.
< Skt. Ajra, Gm. acker, Lt. ager, Grk. Agros; Skt. aj, to drive, L. ag-ere,
Gm. ag
process of doing, performing; result of that process.< Skt aj, to drive;
[ME., <OF. acte , <L. actus, a doing, and actum , a thing done, both
<agere, <Skt. aj ]. actability, actable, actor, actress.
process of doing; movement.< Skt aj, to drive; [F, <MF action , <L actio ,
< actus , pp. of agere, <Skt. aj + suffix /io ].
Law: giving cause for legal action.< Skt aj, to drive;
[ML actionabilis , subject to action at law].
in motion; in use; busy.< Skt aj, to drive; [ME actif, <OF, <L activus ,
< agere , pp. actus <Skt. aj ]. activate, activeness, activism, activist,
existing, not merely possible; current; based on fact.< Skt aj, to drive;
[ME, <OF, active , <LL actualis , <L agere ]. See act. actualism,
actuality, actualize.
statistician for insurance tables. < Skt aj, to drive; [L actuarius ,
secretary of accounts, shorthand writer, bank clerk, <the noun actus , pl
acta , records]. See act. actuarial.
to put into motion; to move to action.< Skt aj, to drive; [ML actuare , pp
actuatus , <L actus , act, < agere . See act].
Skt. Prefix adhi-, above, additional, upon, see advocate
ad-join, adhi-yuj
Adjunct: ask nanji
ad-jun-ct, adhi-yuj-krtant
something attached to another in subordinate position
Adjutant: adhi-yuj-anti??
a military officer who does office work and who is responsible for rules
and punishment among the lower ranks. The word< skt. Yu mng. to drive
away, preserve <, keep aloof.
ad-voc-ate, adhi-vach-ta, Skt. Adhi-, above, additional, upon and vach,
to speak, advocate or adhivakta means one who speaks additional.
[list of] things to be done.< Skt. aj, to drive; [L neut pl of agendum ,
gerundive of agere ].
Agent: aj
something producing an effect.< Skt. aj, to drive; [ME, <ML agens ,
doing, acting, L prp of agere ]; agency, agential.
to stir up; to annoy, to anger, disturb.< Skt. aj, to drive; [L agitare ,
frequentative of agere ]. agitation, agitator. agent, agency.
Skt. aj, to drive, L. ag-ere, Gm. ag
having or making no angle. < Skt. prefix (or upsarga) a-, not, without;
see a, an.
Skt. aj, to drive, L. ag-ere, Gm. ag
< skt. Yu mng. to drive away, preserve <, keep aloof.
lacking morals. < Skt. prefix (or upsarga) a-, not, without; see a, an.
1. not alphabetical. 2. unable to read, write; illiterate. An- < Skt. prefix
(or upsarga) an-, not, without; see a, an. [Gk analphabetos, not know the
alphabet -- an / + alphabetos , alphabet].
< Skt. anch, to bend, curve; L. unc-us, curved, ang-ulus, an angle; AS.
Ang-el, a hook.
< Greek, windflower, apparently because the flowers open when the
wind blows (as if the flowers breathe) ,< Skt. an, to breathe; L.
animus,spirit; Goth. Us-anan, to breathe out, expire.
< Skt. anch, to bend, curve; L. unc-us, curved, ang-ulus, an angle; AS.
Ang-el, a hook.
without water. An- < Skt. prefix (or upsarga) an-, not, without; see a, an.
[Gk anudros -- a / + hudor ].
Anil, Aniline:
< Skt. nili, Port. anil, < Arabic al-nil, indigo ( r. v. d. 131)
< Skt. an, to breathe; L. animus,spirit; Goth. Us-anan, to breathe out,
Anim-ad-vert, an-adhi-vrit, L. animadvertere, < animus mind +
advertere to turn; < Skt. an, to breathe; L. animus,spirit; Goth. Us-
anan, to breathe out, expire; Skt. Prefix adhi-, above, additional, upon;
Skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth. Animadvert means criticize or
censure, i.e. conscious(an) process of strongly(adhi) going against
(turning to the opposite direction, vrit)
< Skt. an, to breathe; L. animus,spirit; Goth. Us-anan, to breathe out,
medicine given to combat specific poison. <Skt. da, to give; [Gk
antidoten, given as a remedy, antididonai, to give as an antidote -- anti +
didonai ].
< Skt. Arj-unas, white; L. arg-entum, silver, arg-illa, white clay; arg-uere,
to make clear; Gm. arg, to shine.
< Skt. Arj-unas, white; L. arg-entum, silver, arg-illa, white clay; arg-uere,
to make clear; Gm. arg, to shine.
< Skt. Arj-unas, white; L. arg-entum, silver, arg-illa, white clay; arg-uere,
to make clear; Gm. arg, to shine.
< Skt. Arj-unas, white; L. arg-entum, silver, arg-illa, white clay; arg-uere,
to make clear; Gm. arg, to shine.
< Skt. Ar-as, spoke of a wheel; L. ar-mus, ar-tus, a limb; ar-ma, arms, ar-
s, art; Goth. ar-ms, an arm; Gm. ar, to fit
< Skt. Ar-as, spoke of a wheel; L. ar-mus, ar-tus, a limb; ar-ma, arms, ar-
s, art; Goth. ar-ms, an arm; Gm. ar, to fit
< Skt. Ar-as, spoke of a wheel; L. ar-mus, ar-tus, a limb; ar-ma, arms, ar-
s, art; Goth. ar-ms, an arm; Gm. ar, to fit
non-flammable material. A- < Skt. prefix (or upsarga) a-, not, without;
see a, an. [ME. asbestus, <L. asbetos, mineral or gem, <Gk., mineral or
gem, unslaked lime, from asbestos , unquenchable -- a / + Gk
bennunai , sbes /, to quench].
condition of extreme decrease in oxygen along with an increase of carbon
dioxide leads to unconsciousness or death. A- < Skt. prefix (or upsarga)
a-, not, without; see a, an. [NL, <Gk asphuxia , stopping of the pulse --
a /, not, + sphuxis , pulse, from sphuzein, sphug /, to throb].
distortion of vision due to rays from a point failing to meet in a focal
point. An- < Skt. prefix (or upsarga) an-, not, without; see a, an. [Gk a /,
not stigma , point, from stizein, stig /, to tattoo].
safe haven. A- < Skt. prefix (or upsarga) a-, not, without; see a, an.
[ME asilum, refuge, <L asylum , <Gk asulon , sanctuary, from neut of
asulos, inviolable -- a /, not, + sulon, right of seizure].
< Skt. Ug-ra(s), very strong, oj-as, strength; L. aug-ere, to increase; Goth.
auk-an, to eke; L. aux-ilium, help.
< Skt. Ug-ra(s), very strong, oj-as, strength; L. aug-ere, to increase; Goth.
auk-an, to eke; L. aux-ilium, help.
< Skt. Ug-ra(s), very strong, oj-as, strength; L. aug-ere, to increase; Goth.
auk-an, to eke; L. aux-ilium, help.
< Skt. Ug-ra(s), very strong, oj-as, strength; L. aug-ere, to increase; Goth.
auk-an, to eke; L. aux-ilium, help.
< Skt. Ug-ra(s), very strong, oj-as, strength; L. aug-ere, to increase; Goth.
auk-an, to eke; L. aux-ilium, help.
< skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
< skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
tool for pricking, < Skt. aara, Dutch aal, Gm. ahle, Lith. yla (rvd 131)
Skt. aj, to drive, L. ag-ere, Gm. ag
Skt. aj, to drive, L. ag-ere, Gm. ag
< Skt. bhid, to cleave; L. findere; Gm. bheid
< Skt. bhal-am, luster; Lith. bal-ti, to be white
< Skt. bhal-am, luster; Lith. bal-ti, to be white
< Skt. bhal-am, luster; Lith. bal-ti, to be white
< Skt. balbaliti
< Skt. bandh
Bear (animal):
<Skt. bhall = bhalluka rvd 137
< Skt. bhar
< Skt. bhal-am, luster; Lith. bal-ti, to be white
< Skt. bandh
< Skt. bhid, to cleave; L. findere; Gm. bheid
mng. two, < dvi in skt. Sound da disappeared and va pronounced as ba. See di,
bilateral, combine
see theque
bi-lateral, see bi
< Skt. bandh
< Skt. bhid, to cleave; L. findere; Gm. bheid
< Skt. bhid, to cleave; L. findere; Gm. bheid
< Skt. bandh
< Skt. budhn, Dutch bodem, Gm. boden, L. fundus, Gk. puthmen. (rvd
< Skt. bhratar, /bhr, one who supports
was the name of the famous steed of Alexander the Great (C4 BC). cephal
<skt. kapal, skull. see cephal. [Gk boukephalos , ox-headed -- Gk bous ,
ox, + kephale ].
<Skt. karpur has been taken by Persian, Arabic and all Modern European
languages: kafur, etc. in hindi it is kapur, marathi kaapur rvd 138
Skt. aj
Skt. aj
Skt. aj
Skt. aj
< Skt. Garbha, meaning womb
< Skt. shat, meaning hundred. As in shat-abdi
<skt. kapal, skull. Gk kephale, the head. Derivatives: cephalad;
cephalgia; cephalic; cephalodynia; cephaloma; cephalomancy;
cephalomenia; cephalometer; cephalone; cephalopathy; cephalopod;
cephalotomy; cephalotribe; acephalous; acrocephaly, acrocephalous;
brachiocephalic; brachycephalic; cynocephalous; dolichocephalic;
dorsocephalad; encephalitis, encephalon; eurycephalic;
gnathocephalous; hydrocephalous; leptocephalia, leptocephalic,
leptocephalus; macrocephalous, macrocephaly; megacephalic;
microcephalic; orthocephalic; oxycephalic (MI); procephalic;
schistocephalus; tectocephaly.
(adv) to or toward the head. cephal <skt. kapal, skull [L /ad , to, toward,
as suffix]. see cephal
headache. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see cephal.
cranial; pertaining to the head. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see cephal.
headache; pain in the head. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see cephal
soft carcinoma. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see cephal.
divination from the shape of the head. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see
vicarious menstruation from the nose or head. cephal <skt. kapal, skull.
see cephal.
device for measuring the head. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see cephal.
a mentally retarded individual with a large head. cephal <skt. kapal,
skull. see cephal. [Gk on, being, pp of einai , to be].
any disease of the head. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see cephal.

mollusk (as a squid, cuttlefish, octopus) that has a tubular siphon under
the head, arms around the front of the head, big eyes, and fluid that can
be ejected for defense. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see cephal. [Gk kephale
+ pous , foot].

cutting the fetal head to facilitate delivery. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see
instrument for crushing the head of the fetus. cephal <skt. kapal, skull.
see cephal.
here the /form stands for formyl. See MI at chlor/. vamra
< Skt. shaat, to kill. As in shatru, one who is to be killed
an assistant to a Bishop.< skt. yu, to drive away, preserve from, keep
Skt. Sam, with, together, completely
com-men-d, sam- -da;
to give in trust; to commit; praise. <Skt. da, to give; [ME, <L
commendare -- com /, intensive, + mandare ,
itself composed of -- manus + dare , to give].
commendable, commendation, commendator,
com-m-an-d, sam- -an-da; com- < Skt. Sam, with, together,
completely; an- < Skt. an, to breathe; L. animus,spirit; -d <<Skt. da, to
give; (v,n) to order; an order; [ME comanden, <MF comander, <VL
*commandare , alteration of L. commendare , to commit to one's charge].
See commend.
comm-i-ttee, < Skt. sam-i-ti
Com-ple-te, sam-pur-ta, Skt. Sam, with, together, completely; Skt. pur,
to fill as in purna, Skt.ta, kritanta suffix as in gata.
condone: con-do-ne
to forgive, overlook; to cause the condonation of. do- < Skt. da, to give,
grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart; [L condonare -- con /, intensive, +
donare, to give up, remit, forgive]. condonation.
relationship between husband and wife; < skt. Yuj, to join, connect,
meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm. yeug, to join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-
um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon,
yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a bond
con-jug-at-e, to marry
< skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm. yeug, to
join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-ta(-), near;
AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a bond
Conjugation: yuj
Conjunct: yuj
Conjunction: yuj
Conjunctiva: yuj
the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid; see junction
Conjunctive: yuj
Conjunctivitis: yuj
Conjunctivoplasty: yuj
removal of part of the cornea
-stru- < skt. /star
con-vert,< skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn;
Goth. Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
< Skt. kuruvinda (rvd 131)
< kapaal in skt., kopf in gm., (drink in the skull of the enemy)
(pl) factual information. <Skt. da, to give; [L. pl of datum ]. See datum.
originally the pl of L. datum , 'something given', and some say it must
still be treated as plural in E. This is the norm especially in computer
software publications.
(time) <Skt. da, to give; > ME, <MF, <LL. data , < data, fem of L. datus ,
pp of dare , 'to give'; akin to L. dos, 'gift, dowry', Gk. didonai , 'to give' (as
in data Romae , 'given at Rome', or littera data , 'a letter given', data
being the first word of the formula indicating the date on which an act or
document had been drawn up),
the grammatical case that marks the receiver of an action, used with
propositions meaning 'to' or 'for' in some IE languages, as L, Gk,
Russian. <Skt. da, to give; [ME datif, <L (casus) dativus , (case) of giving
(trans of Gk. dotike (ptosis) , < datus , pp of dare ].
( since this is a neuter form the m at the end is akin to m at the end
of Sanskrit neuter words like phalam, pustakam etc.)
fact or proposition used for a conclusion or decision. <Skt. da, to give;
[L. something given, < neut pp of dare ].
-Da-, -do-, -di-:
< Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart; as in dadati he
gives, datri giver. Skt. suffix da > dhanada giver of money, toyada giver
of water (clouds). The Gk. verb is didonai, 'to give'. The relevant L verbs
are: dare , 'to give', (do , 'I give'), with its derivatives donum, 'a gift,
giving'; donare, 'to make a gift', pp. donatus. Derivatives: data; date
(time); dative; die; donatary, donate, donation, donative, donator,
donatory; dosage, dose; addition, additional, additionally, additive;
antedate; antidote; command; commend, commendable,
commendation, commendator, commendatory; condone; countermand;
edit, edition, mandate, mandative, mandatory, mandatum; mandamus
(writ); pardon, pardonable; perdition; rendezvous; render, rendition;
rent, rental; recommend; remand; sacerdotal; surrender; tradition,
traditional, traditionalist; traitor. But Not - date (fruit); edituate; trait &
Dec, Deca:
dec/ - decim/ - deca/ - deka/ - ten.
[L decimus , L decem , Gk deka ].
[Gk deka , ten; akin to L decem , ten; used mostly in the metric system].
dec/i - tenth, <L decimus , tenth.
decu/ is the contracted form of L decem .
decade, decalogue, decathlon, decaliter, decapod, decennium, decennial,
decinormal solutions, decurion, decury.
Decemer, decimate, dime. decal.
!"or all of these, see dec!a#/#.
to give or pay back, to melt, to recite, etc . < Skt. da, to give, grant,
bestow, offer, yield, impart; [OF rendre , <VL *rendere , which has been
influenced by prendere , but really<L reddere -- re /, back, + /dere ,
combining form of dare ].Cf. tender.
act of rendering; musical or dramatic interpretation. < Skt. da, to give,
grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart; [Obs F, <OF rendre , to give back. See
to give up someone or something. < Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow, offer,
yield, impart; [AN = OF surrendre --sur , up, + rendre , render].See
rendition. surrender (n).
to surrender a fugitive to authority. < Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow,
offer, yield, impart; [L ex + trans / + dare . See tradition].
to forgive; to remit punishment for. < Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow,
offer, yield, impart; [ME, <OF pardonner ,<LL perdonare -- per + donare
;perhaps after OHG forgeben , forgive].pardon (n), pardonable, pardoner.
(n,v) money paid by tenant, user etc .; to pay in return for use. < Skt.
da, to give, grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart; [ME, <OF rente , <VL
*rendita (= L reddita ), < *renditus , pp of *rendere, < L reddere . See
render]. rent (v), rental.

command com-man-d
-d < Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart; L mandare had
the VL compound *commandare, giving OF commander , then ME
comaunden, variant commanden, and then, 'to command, 'a command',
maybe influenced by OF commande .
< Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart; to make a gift,
donation. [L donatus , pp of donare ]. donatary, donation, donative,
donator, donatory.
elucidate elu-ci-da-te
-da- < Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart; L. elucidare ,
'to give out light' -- ex + lucidus, using dare to form the compound L.
rental re-n-t-al
< Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart; is adopted < AN, <
'British' ML rentale , perhaps for ML *renditale .
appointed place of meeting. de- < Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow, offer,
yield, impart; [F, substantive use of rendez vous , 'present or betake
yourselves']. The word originally had to do with getting to a meeting
place. It is made up of the 2nd pers pl imperative
of the F verb rendre, with the meaning given above, + vous , 2nd pers pl
of the reflexive pronoun, 'yourselves'. In F, the word meant 'the place
where you were supposed to present yourselves', or 'the meeting you
were going to attend'. In E it is first recorded in 1591, denoting 'a place
where troops are to gather'
Grk. thygater < Skt. Duhitar, /duh, to milk
Gm. tag, Swd. dag, < Skt, dagha, burning day opposed to a cool night
the actor taking the part of second importance in classical Greek drama;
character who is a foil to another. [Gk deuteragonistes -- deuteros +
agonistes , combatant, actor].
< dvi in skt. Sound va disappeared < dvi in Gk. dis for twice.
Interestingly Latin retains the sound va in bi prefix and has lost the
sound da. See bi
Disco-theque, see theque
dis-join, see join
see junction
di-vert, dvi-vrit,< skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to
turn; Goth. Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth.
di-vest, see di, vest< skt. Vas, to clothe. L. ues-tis, clothing garment;
Goth. Was-jan, to clothe; AS. Wer-ian, to wear clothes
< Skt. /vidh, /vindh mng. to lack, be in want of. Gm. Widh.
< Skt. /vidh, /vindh mng. to lack, be in want of. Gm. Widh
< Skt. dha, to hold, to support, to create.
having the breadth of skull less than 4/5 of length, 'a long
anteroposterior diameter'. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see cephal.
[Gk dolikhos, long].
< skt. Dam, as in dampati, rusn. Dome mng. a house
see dom
see dom
see dom
< Skt. dha, to hold, to support, to create.
specific amount (of medicine). [F dose , <ML dosis , < Gk, lit., 'action of
giving (medicine)', < didonai , to give]. dosage.
< Skt. drapri (in Rigveda)
< Skt. Duh-, bad, hard, difficult, inferior, as in gk. Dys-menes, Prsn.
Dush-man, Skt. Dur-manas
< skt. Vas, uchchh, to shine; ush, to burn; vas-antas, spring. Gm. Wes,
to shine
< skt. Vas, uchchh, to shine; ush, to burn; vas-antas, spring. Gm. Wes,
to shine
Grk. oekos, < Skt. okas, (meaning home) < /uch, (mng. to benefit)
eco-nom-ics, see eco
eco-nomy, order of the house, see eco
Ec-sta-ic, Skt, ut-stha-ic
where vesicles are formed. < gm. Yes mng. to ferment. Skt. Yas, to exert
oneself, skt. yesh to seethe, bubble
Skt. Indh, to kindle; edh-as, fuel; L. aed-es, orig. a hearth, aestus, heat;
AS. Ad, a funeral pile, ast, a kiln.
edit < Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart;
to publish, give to the world; to prepare for publication.[L editus , pp of
edere , to give out;back-formation < editor -- ex + dare ].edition, editor,
editorial, editorialize.
< Skt. Ug-ra(s), very strong, oj-as, strength; L. aug-ere, to increase; Goth.
auk-an, to eke; L. aux-ilium, help.
to throw light on (figuratively). < Skt. da, to give, grant, bestow, offer,
yield, impart; [L elucidatus , pp of elucidare -- ex + lucidus , full of light,
< lucere , to shine, give light].elucidation, elucidate,
emerald< ME. emeraude< OF. esmeraude, esmeralde< L. smaraldus,
smaragdus< Gk. smaragdos, maragdos< Prakrit< maragada < Skt.
marakata; from Websters new international dictionary of the English
language (second edition)
encephalon, encephalitis - See encephal/o. see cephal
en-vis-age, < skt. visaj, to see
see spec
Skt. Indh, to kindle; edh-as, fuel; L. aed-es, orig. a hearth, aestus, heat;
AS. Ad, a funeral pile, ast, a kiln.
Skt. Indh, to kindle; edh-as, fuel; L. aed-es, orig. a hearth, aestus, heat;
AS. Ad, a funeral pile, ast, a kiln.
Eu< Skt. Su, good, easy, well; as in su-putra, a dutiful son.
containing great praise, Eu-logy, Eu< Skt. Su, good, easy, well
a word or phrase used to avoid saying an offensive word, Eu< Skt. Su,
good, easy, well. Euphemistic adj., Euphemistically adv.
Eu-pho-ria, Eu< Skt. Su, good, easy, well, Pho< bhu, to be. Euphoric
adj., Euphorically adv.
An exclamation used to show success ,Eu< Skt. Su, good, easy, well.
The act of killing someone who is very ill or very old so that they do not
suffer anymore, Eu< Skt. Su, good, easy, well.
(adj,v) strictly in accord with fact; accurate; to force payment of; demand
by force of authority. < Skt aj, to drive; [L exactus , pp of exigere , to
weigh out, demand, to achieve, but also to drive out; hence to cause to
come out, giving the E verb 'to exact' (demands) -- ex /, out, + agere ].
exactness, exactor, exaction, exactitude, exactly.
to observe carefully; to inspect; to question. < Skt aj, to drive; [ME
examinen, <OF examiner , <L examinare , < examen , a weighing out,
< exigere , to weigh out. See exact]; examination, examiner.
needing immediate remedy; urgent; demanding. < Skt aj, to drive; [L
exigens , prp of exigere , demanding]; exiguous, exigency, exigence.
very scanty; meager. < Skt aj, to drive; [L exiguus , < exigere ,
to drive out, measure out -- ex + agere ]; exiguity.
exact, <Skt. aj
exacting, <Skt. aj
exaction, <Skt. aj
exactitude, <Skt. aj
exactor; <Skt. aj
examine, <Skt. aj
examiner, <Skt. aj
examination; <Skt. aj
exigency; <Skt. aj
exiguity, <Skt. aj
exiguous; <Skt. aj
Fa< Skt. dha, to hold, to support, to create.
Gm. vater, Lt. pater, Grk. pater < pitar in Skt., pitar has pa, one who
protects, as in nripa, king
< Skt. bhid, to cleave; L. findere; Gm. bheid
< Skt. prithu, Gk. platus, Gm. platt (rvd 131)
<Skt. pada, Gm. fuss, Swedish fot, Danish fod, L. pes, Gk. podos, pous;
see ped.
<Skt. vamra, a combinng form for formic Skt. vamric or formyl Skt.
vamral. L. formica meaning an ant is akin to Skt. vamra, from which is
derived the common Hindi word bami or banbi (anthill from Skt.
vamriya) (rvd 132) Derivatives: form, formless; formal, formalism,
formalist, formalize; formality, format, formation, formative; formula,
formular, formulary, formulate, formulation, formulization, formulize;
auriform; coliform; conform, conformation, conformity; cruciform;
cystiform; deform, deformed, deformation, deformity; dendriform;
ensiform; inform, informer; informal, informality; informant,
information, informative; multiform; neoformation; oculiform; oriform;
phalliform; phylliform; platform; ramiform; reform, reformation,
reformer, reformist; reniform; stratiform; steariform; stelliform;
transform, transformation, transformer,
transformation, transformative; uniform, uniformity; vermiform;
vulviform; xiphiform.
form(o)/, the combining form of formic + aldehyde (al cohol + hyd
rogenation + euphonic /e; and formic = L formica , an ant, + Chemical
suffix /ic.
L formica is a dissimilation of IE *mormi /, as in the synonymous Gk
murmex and as in the archaic pismire , so named from its ejection (pis/
= piss) of formic acid.A pismire - is an ant, <ME pissemyre -- pisse,
'urine', from the smell of the formic acid that ants secrete. E /mire, 'ant',
is probably of Scand origin, akin to Danish myre .
denotes a faithful follower who obeys without question, after the
Myrmidons, the followers of Achilles at Troy in Homer's Iliad . This word
is noted here because some connect these followers etymologically with
the Gk murmex (above), 'ant', for ants are
seen to be highly organized.
formicary - a nest of ants.
[ML formicarum , <L formica ].
formicivorous - feeding on ants.
arousing fear, is from ME, <OF, <L formidabilis, from formidare , 'to fear',
from formido , a hunting term meaning 'scarecrow', hence 'dread, fear'.
(n,v) shape, structure; to shape, give form, fashion to.[ME forme, <OF, <L
forma ].
formable, formability, formation, formative, formless.
formal - in accord with accepted norms; methodical; involving outward
[ME, <OF, <L formalis , adj from forma ]. formalist, formality,
formalism - doctrine of strict adherence to external forms.
(in religion, art).
format - plan of organization or layout.
[F or G format , <It formato ,
<L formatus , pp of formare , to form, from forma ].
formula - form of words, symbols; method based on established model.
[L formula , a pattern form, diminutive of forma ]. formulaic.
formulary - a collection of fixed forms, often, of prayers.
[LL formularia , science of legal formulae,
<L formularius , itself a derivative of formula ].
formular, formulate, formulation, formulization, formulize.
reform - (v,n) to improve by change; to abolish abuse;
to form again; improvement; a correction, change.
[ME reformen, <OF reformer ,
<L reformare -- re / + formare , from forma ].
reformation, reformer, reformist.
transform - to change throughly the appearance, form, or state of.
[ME transformen, <MF transformer ,
<L transformare , pp transformatus , to change --
trans , across -- the forma , or shape of].
transformation, transformer, transformation, transformative.
uniform - (adj,n) always the same; a distinctive outfit.
[L uniformis , single in form --
uni /, one, + forma ].
vermiform - wormlike in shape.
[NL vermiformis -- L vermis , worm].
from ME conformen, <MF conformer , <L conformare , pp conformatus ,
'to fashion, arrange'. conformation.
from ME deformen, <MF or L: MF deformer , <L deformare , pp
deformatus , 'to disfigure' -- de , 'down, away from', + forma .
deformation, deformed.
from informare , pp informatus , 'to put into shape, give shape to';
hence, in F and E, to a person's thoughts, to instruct or tell him of
(something).[ME informen, <MF enformer , <L informare -- in + forma ].
informal, informality.
arises on L informatio, from the pp of informare , informatus.
is from the prp informans .
is from derivative LL transformatio, through MF-F, then to E
is from derivative ML transformativus .mativus .
Skt. pur, to fill as in purna
Skt. dhoom
< skt. Vas, to clothe. L. ues-tis, clothing garment; Goth. Was-jan, to
clothe; AS. Wer-ian, to wear clothes
< Skt. hansa
<Skt. jan, to be born or produced (with ablative source of birth), to rise
spring up, grow, to be, become, take place, occur, to give birth, beget,
cause to produce, as in Skt. jayate, jata, janyate etc. Gk: eugenics,
genocide, genealogy, gonad. L. genus birth; race; kind; L. genere to beget;
L. gignere to beget.Derivatives: gendarme; gender; genera; general;
generosity; generous; genital, genitalia; genitival, genitive; genial;
genius, Genius, Genius loci ; Gentile, gentility, gentle, gentleman;
genteel; genuine; genus. germen; german; germane; genus; generate,
generation, generative, generator; generic; generous, genre; germ,
germinate; benign, benignity; congenial, congeniality;
congenital; degeneration, degenerate, degenerative; engine; gin (trap,
snare); indigenous; ingenious; ingenue, ingenuous; isogeneric; jaunty;
malign, malignant; miscegenation; philoprogenitive; primogeniture;
progenitor, progeny; regenerate, regeneration, regenerative; terrigenous;
urogenital. ius gentium ; sui generis .
genus, generation, generator, generic,
generous, genre, and gender; genius loci .
genesis, gene, genealogy, gonad, genocide.
genitive, jaunty, gentile; Genius.
gin (trap, snare), engine, engineer; genuine
But Not - genuflect, pentagon, gonalgia, gonarthritis;
gonyalgia; genioplasty; indigent; junk (refuse);
junk (boat); junket; juniper, gin. But Not - genuflect, pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia;
sexual identity, esp in relation to culture;
a grammatical category.
[ME gendre, <OF gendre , kind, gender,
<L genus , birth, race, kind, gender].
More Info
type, class, kind, sort; literary form.
[F, <OF, kind, <L genus ].
concerned with the whole; affecting the majority.
[ME, <L generalis , < genus ].
More Info
to bring into being; to give rise to, engender; to procreate.
[L generare , pp generatus ,
to produce, < genus, generis , race, birth].
generation, generative, generator.
offspring at the same stage of descent < common ancestor.
Biology: stage in the life cycle of an organism;
group of individuals born around the same time.
[L generare , < genus ]. generator, generative.
related to an entire group or class.
[L genus, generis , kind].
sui generis -
constituting a class alone; unique.
[L, lit., 'of its own kind'].
(v,adj,n) to fall off < the stock or genus; having declined
< a former state; become inferior; (n) depraved, corrupt person.
[L degeneratus , pp of degenerare , to depart
< one's own kind, deteriorate -- de + genus ].
See generate. degenerative, degeneration.
to replenish the stock or genus;
to reform spiritually, morally; to form, construct anew;
Biology: to replace lost or damaged organ by formation
of new tissue.
[L regenerare , to reproduce --
re / + generare , to beget. See generate].
regeneracy, regeneration, regenerative, regenerator.
willing to give; magnanimous; ample, abundant.
[F genereaux , of noble birth, magnanimous,
<L generosus , < genus , birth].
willingness to give; magnanimity.
[ME generosite, <OF,
<L generositas , < generosus ].
See generous.
(adj,n) relating to biological production; to the genitalia;
(n) a reproductive organ.
[ME, <L genitalis , pertaining to creation,
< genitus , pp of gignere , to beget].
The noun genitals, sexual parts,
is prompted by L genitalia , the neut of the adj.
reproductive organs, esp extgernal sex organs; the genitals.
[L genitalia , < neut pl of genitalis , genital].
See genital.
(relating to) the possessive case in grammar.
[ME genetif, <L genetivus ,
< genitus , pp of gignere ].
On this arise both genitor , adopted by E,
and genitura , E as geniture; both are more
common in progenitor, progeniture. genitival.
special intellectual and creative power; prevailing spirit.
[ME, guardian spirit, <L Genius ,
a god presiding over birth, especially
of a potentially great or talented person].
He is the 'protecting god of a place' (Genius loci ),
and eventually the term applied to the person thus aided.
cordial and kindly; conducive to life, growth, comfort.
[L genialis , festive, possessed,
and dedicated to unusual powers,
thus cheerful, favorable,
< genius , spirit of festivity. See genius].
genus - pl genera
a class, kind, group, with common characteristics;
Biology: classification between the family and the species;
any class divided into subordinate species.
having the same tastes; sympathetic, friendly, sociable.
[an E formation < con / + genial, as above.
existing at or before birth.
[L congenitus , present at birth;
inborn -- con + pp genitus , pp of gignere ].
machine converting energy into force or motion.
[ME engin, skill, machine,
<OF, skill, innate ability,
<L ingenium -- in + genere , to produce).
French national policeman.
[F, a back formation,
<OF gent d'armes , mounted soldiers,
men-at-arms, pl gens d'armes -- gent , people
+ de , of, + armes , weapons, as if a translation
of L gentes armorum, 'people of weapons'].
earliest form of an organism; seed, bud, or spore.
[ME, <OF germe ,
<L germen , (a contraction of genermen ),
a seed, a bud, a shoot; hence, a descent, descendant].
having the same parents or grandparents on either side;
often used in combination: a cousin-german.
[ME germain, having the same parents,
closely connected, <OF,
<L germanus , < germen , offshoot].
pertinent and fitting; relevant.
[ME germain. See german].
refined, well-bred, polite.
[F gentil , of good birth,
and (later) invincibly respectable;
E gentle also < the same].
E gentleman - too, is prompted by
the synonymous OF gentils hom , F gentilhomme ].
considerate, kind, amiable, tender.
[ME gentil, courteous, noble, <OF,
<L gentilis , of the same clan, < gens , clan].
people of noble birth, high breeding or social standing.
[ME gentri, nobility of birth,
ME genterie, contracted to gentrie, <OF gentil
and partly < F gent , well-born, gracious,
through MF genterise , OF genterie ,
variant gentilise , < gentil , noble]. See gentle.
having a self-confident, brisk manner.
[F gentil , nice,
(perhaps also partly < F gent ,
fem gente ), <OF, noble. See gentle].
often Gentile - non-Jewish; often, Christian; pagan, heathen.
[ME gentil, <LL gentilis , pagan,
<L gens , of the same clan, < genere , to beget].
refinement; condition of being born to gentry.
[ME gentilete, nobility of birth, <OF, <L gentilitas ,
< gentilis , of the same clan. See gentle].
E gentility, with the current sense
being influenced by OF gentilite (L gentilitatem ).
authentic; not spurious, not counterfeit.
[L genuinus , natural, possibly
an alteration of ingenuus , native, freeborn].
originating, growing, living in an area; native to.
[L indigena , a native, lit., 'one born --
Gk /genes -- within -- indu /, a variant of endo / -- the clan'].
unsophisticated; artless, openly frank, candid.
[L ingenuus , 'born within the clan',
free-born, frank, honest -- in + genus ].
The E sense 'frankness, candor',
ingenuousness, is based on L ingenuitas .
cunningly clever; inventively skilful and imaginative.
[ME, <OF ingenios ,
<L ingeniosus , < ingenium , inborn talent, quality].
direct ancestor; originator of a line; a founder.
[ME progenitour, <OF progeniteur ,
<L progenitor , < progenitus ,
pp of progignere , to beget --
pro , forward, + gignere , to beget].
offspring; one born of or begotten by another; a product.
[ME progeni, <OF progenie ,
<L progenies , < progignere , to engender. See progenitor].
< L gignere (genere ), 'to beget, bear, bring forth'. L. gignere has
spawned, directly or indirectly, some 25 words in Latin, notably genus ,
'kind, race'. Most have to do with the origin of something.
1. gener/ generat/, <L genere , 'to beget'.
This genere was displaced by the reduplicated
synonymous gignere , with the extended sense 'to produce, to cause'.
L genus - The main derivative of genere is the noun genus ,
'birth, stock, race', any group of beings with a common origin,
especially if they also have natural resemblances;
hence 'class, kind', as below in 2.
L genus was derived < the verb base gen /, 'to produce,
give birth to', which is to be compared to the Gk base gen /,
of the same meaning.
gene - P (249) says the biological gene is < L genus .
Other sources trace it to Gk genos , < gennan .
2. gen/ - <L genus , gener /, 'race, kind'.
genus - generic (features, qualities) which are characteristic
of a genus or class. The pl is genera , adopted by Biology.
gender - E genus came through F, as F used it in le genre humain ,
< the L genus humanum . OF gendre becomes ME gender,
the sex of all animals.
E gender was, until recently, mostly a grammatical term.
genus, generation, generator ,generic, generous,
genre, gender -- are all < this particular noun base.
general - (n) L genus has the adj generalis , which originally
meant 'generic', and then 'general', giving OF general , adopted by E.
MF capitaine general (C14), becomes in C15 the elliptical
noun general , also adopted by E as a military rank.
generous - because L genus has the specialized sense
of 'good (noble) stock', with the adj generosus ,
so, through F genereux (fem genereuse ), the E generous.
genitive - (case) - on genit / arises the adj genitivus ,
'pertaining to sexual reproduction, original, generic',
thus, in LL, it was applied to the 'of' or classifying case
in L ( and Gk) declensions, whence E genitor, progenitor.
gentile - Gentile - originally 'the group of all those who,
in the male line, descend < a common (free) male
ancestor' (E & M), hence, 'a clan'.
The adj is gentilis , 'belonging to the class', hence,
in LL, 'a non-Roman, a foreigner', and in LL-ML, 'a non-Jew,
non-Christian', especially in L gentiles , 'Gentiles', coming
into E straight < L.
The adj gentile - came through F gentil , itself < L gentilis .
genius - L genere , 'to beget', has derivative Genius ,
'a god presiding over birth', especially of a potentially
great or talented or otherwise remarkable person;
hence, as in Genius loci , the tutelary god of a place.
genius loci - lit., 'the genius of the place'.
The notion of a protecting genius of the place grew
out of the notion of a genius domus or genius familiae ,
'the tutelary divinity of the house or family'.
The idea was now applied also to the spirit
of a community or institution; thus the meaning 'presiding deity'.
(See Vergil, Aeneid , 5.95).
Thus genius is first the personification of vital or productive strength;
then a guardian spirit. As a tutelary spirit of a person or place,
it has the plural genii ; as applied to persons of innate ability,
The root is gignere (gen / 'beget, produce, cause'.
engine - engineer - L ingenium , 'natural ability', > LL, 'ingenious
invention', > F engin , with derivative senses 'skill'
and 'machine' - especially 'engine'. This gives E
engine, engineer.
gin - < F engin comes, by aphesis, ME gin, a contrivance,
device, as in 'cotton gin', whence E gin, a trap or snare.
genuine - If the etymology given in the As In... section is correct,
the explanation would be: genuinus , 'of the true genus'
or stock, native, not foreign, authentic', giving the E genuine,
broadened to 'frank' and 'sincere'.
AHD (758) also says
"possibly < alteration of ingenuus , native, freeborn."
WNNCD says
"[<] genuinus , native, genuine; akin to gignere , to beget."
But E & M, cited approvingly in P (250), derive genuinus
< L genu , knee.
jaunty - having a buoyant, self-confidant air; brisk;
crisp and dapper.
[F gentil , nice, <OF, noble,
<L gentilis , of the same clan, < gens , gent /, clan].
Note the EE genty and the variant EE janty, whence E jaunty,
(obs) gentlemanly, hence 'stylish', hence 'sprightly'.
< Gk: (See gene/o)
genesis, gene, genocide, genealogy - are < Gk gignesthai ,
Gk root gen/, but there is little difference when it comes to
analyzing E terms.
E gon/ is < Gk gone , 'offspring'.
gonad - a sexual gland.
Gk also accounts for genealogy and homogeny .
1. The first is < Gk genea , descent, akin to genos ,
+ logos , 'discourse', through LL genealogia , and F genealogie .
2. The second is < the adj of the noun genos , 'stock, race',
/genes , through ML homogeneus , to E homogeneous.
(hom /o here means same , not man ).
genocide - deliberate extermination of a race, ethnic or religious group.
[Gk genos , race, kind, origin, stock, family.]
eugenics - See Gk root gene/o.
The ultimate Gk verb is gignesthai , 'to be born'.
The pattern of words is determined both by...
1. /gen - < F gene , <Gk /genes , 'born, (hence) of a certain kind', and...
2. gen/ (gen/o ) - < Gk genos , 'race, kind, sex'.
genos , 'race, kind, sex'.
k genos , 'race, kind, sex'.
/genic /gen(y)
/genous ] ` @t
gena - general term for the side of the head.
[L gena , cheek]
geni/o - < Gk geneion , 'chin'.
genion, genioplasty (also noted in BN at gen/).
genu/ - < L genu , 'knee', akin to Gk gonu , 'knee' and gonia , 'angle'.
genuflect, pentagon, gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia., maybe < Gk
parakonan , to sharpen --para , beside, + akaina , point, barb, and /or
akone , whetstone].
diagonal - [Gk dia , through, + gonia , angle]...aina , point, barb, and /or
akone , whetstone].
diagonal - [Gk dia , through, + gonia , angle]........er/, race, kind,
the L base gen/, to produce,
the Gk base gen(e), race, kind.
gene, genetics; genesis, Genesis;
genealogical, genealogy; genetic,
genetics; genocide; genophobia.
adipogenous; aerogenic; algogenic;
allogenic; androgen; anthropogenesis, anthropogeny;
antigen, antigene; autogenesis; blastogenesis;
cacogenic, cacogenesis; carcinogen, carcinogenesis;
cardiogenic; chromatogenic, chromatogenous;
chromogen, chromogenic; clastogenic; collagen;
cryogen, cryogenic; cryptogenic; cyanogen, cyanogenetic;
cytogenesis, cytogenetics, cytogenous, cytogeny;
dentinogenesis; dysgenesis; ectogenous; epigone;
ergogenic; erotogenic, erogenous;
Eugene, eugenics; exogenous, exogens;
fibrinogen; florigen; gametogenesis; genophobia;
glottogenic; gynogenesis;
halogen, halogenate; hemorrhagenic;
hepatogenic, hepatogenous;
heterogeneity, heterogenesis, heterogenous;
histogenesis, histogenous; homogeneity,
homogeneous, homogenize; homogenous, homogeny;
hydrogen; hylogeny; hymenogeny;
hypnogenetic; hysterogenic; iatrogenic;
ideogenous, ideogenetic; idiogenesis; indigenous;
inogenous; kinetogenic; lipogenous;
lymphogenic, lymphogenesis;
melanogenesis; merogenesis; mutagenize, mutagenesis;
mycetogenic; necrogenous; nephritogenic, nephrogenous;
neogenesis; neurogenesis, neurogenic, neurogenetics;
nitrogen, nitrogenous; odontogeny;
oncogene, oncogenic, oncogenous; oogenesis;
orogenesis, orogeny; orthogenic;
oxygen; paleogenesis, palingenesis; pangenesis;
paragenesis; parthenogenesis; pathogen, pathogenesis;
petrogenesis; phanerogenic; pharmacogenetics;
phlogogenic; phosgene;
photogenic; phylogenesis, phylogenetics,
phylogeny; phytogenesis; plasminogen;
pseudogene; psychogenesis, psychogenic;
pyogenesis, pyogenic; pyrogen; pyretogenous;
rachitogenic; rhizogenic, rhizogenesis;
schizogenesis; somatogenic; spasmogen;
spermatogenesis, spermatogenous, spermatogenic;
spasmogen; steatogenous; thermacogenesis;
toxigenic; trichogenous;
ureogenesis, urinogenous, urogenous, urocyanogen;
viscerogenic; xenogeneic; xenogenesis,
xenogenetic, xenogenic; xenogenous; zoogenic.
/gen; /genic; /genous; gon/.
More Info - mycetogenic; toxigenic; necrogenous;
oncogene, oncogenic, oncogenous; oxygen;
pyretogenous; hepatogenic, hepatogenous;
But Not - genioplasty; genuflect, pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia.
Selected Etymologies:
genesis - the coming into being of something; the origin.
[L, < Gk, origin, creation, generation,
< gignesthai , to come into being].
gene - hereditary unit determining a characteristic of an organism.
[Gk genos , < gennan ].
More Info
genetics - study of inheritance and variation and (loosely),
the art of breeding.
[Gk gen / , < gignesthai , to come into being].
genetic - pertaining, referring to, origin.
[See genetics].
genocide - planned extermination of a national, racial, ethnic group.
genealogy - record, table, of the descent of a person, family, or group
< ancestors; a family tree.
[ME genealogie, <OF, <LL genealogia --
Gk genea , family + logia , science of].
antigen - antitgene - substance (as toxins, bacteria, etc .)
that stimulates the production of an antibody.
dysgenesis - defective or abnormal development (in the embryo).
fibrinogen - protein in blood plasma needed for coagulation,
converted to fibrin. fibrinogenous.
Eugene - noble, well-born.
eugenics - hereditary improvement of race by selective breeding.
[Gk eu , well, + /genic, producing].
exogenous - Biology: derived < outside the body;
Botany: (plants, exogens) with additional layers
of woody tissue;
Med: (diseases) caused externally.
[Gk exo , outside, + F /gene ].
nitrogen - nonmetallic element, colorless, odorless, almost inert gas,
four fifths of the air by volume; symbol N, atomic 7.
[NL, <L nitrum , natron, sodium carbonate,
ultimately <Egyptian ntr ]. nitrogenous.
orogenesis - orogeny - the process of mountain formation.
[Gk oros , mountain].
palingenesis - the doctrine of the transmigration of souls;
metempsychosis; regeneration of an organism;
reappearance of abnormal characteristics.
paragenesis - formation of minerals in contact.
[Gk para , side by side].
parthenogenesis - reproduction < a female egg
not fertilized by a male; unisexual reproduction.
[NL, <Gk parthenos , virgin, + genesis].
Cf gynogenesis.
phylogeny - evolutionary history of a species, organism, tribe.
[Gk phulon , race, class]. phylogenesis; phylogenetics.
Gk gen /, to be born; /gen.
[See MI].
[/genic - /genous, are adjectival. See MI].
photogenic - 1. produced by light (e.g ., photogenic bacteria).
2. also: having qualities for producing a good photo.
gon/ -< gonos , descent, begetting, < gignesthai .
More Info - mycetogenic; toxigenic; necrogenous; oncogene,
oncogenic, oncogenous; oxygen; pyretogenous; hepatogenic,
hepatogenous; phosgene.
But Not - genioplasty; genuflect, pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. gon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. , gonarthritis; gonyalgia. onalgia,
gonarthritis; gonyalgia. gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. gonalgia,
gonarthritis; gonyalgia. tis; gonyalgia. ty; genuflect, pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. tis; gonyalgia. gonalgia, gonarthritis;
gonyalgia. narthritis; gonyalgia. onarthritis; gonyalgia. gonalgia,
gonarthritis; gonyalgia. pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. genuflect, pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. entagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. genuflect, pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. plasty; genuflect, pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. ect, pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. onarthritis; gonyalgia. ous; phosgene.
But Not - genioplasty; genuflect, pentagon,
gonalgia, gonarthritis; gonyalgia. thritis; gonyalgia.
The basic Gk verb is gignesthai , 'to be born, to beget'.
The gi / is a reduplication that was clipped off for derivatives.
E 'suffix' uses: /genesis, /genetic /geny, /gen, /genic, /genous.
E words use:
gen/ - short for gen/o, < Gk genos , 'race, kind, sex'.
/gen - < F /gene , <Gk /genes , 'born',
akin to Gk genos , 'birth'.
/genesis - /geny - 'originating'.
/genetic, /genous - are synonymous, 'producing'.
/geny - is synonymous with /genesis, and in biogeny,
ontogeny, etc ., and it means '(science of) the origin
or production of something specified'.
(/geny - also occurs as alternative to /genesis).
/genous - is /gen + /ous -- in E it usually means 'producing,
yielding', or 'having (such) an origin".
/gen, as used in modern scientific terms, ( mainly through F),
has two distinct, though related, meanings:
1. a producer of, that which gives rise to...
hydrogen - combines with oxygen to form water.
nitrogen - chemical element which is the costituent of nitre.
oxygen - ('acid producer') - < F oxygene , <Gk oxus sharp,
pungent, acid; colorless, odorless, tasteless gas,
21% of the atmosphere.
androgens - sex hormones which are responsible for the development
of male sex characteristics and organs.
antigen - any body (e.g ., bacterium) which results in the producing
of an antibody gene.
2. to produce, grow, hence, growth.
exogens - Botany: plants which increase in thickness
by production (growth) of new layers on the outside
(endogens, on the inside). exogenous.
The pattern of words is determined both...
1. by /gen, <F gene , <Gk /genes , 'born, (hence) of a certain kind', and...
2. by gen (gen/o), <Gk genos , race, kind, sex.
1. /gen - can signify 'something that produces', as androgen, nitrogen,
and 'something that has been produced or is growing', as phosgene.
2. /gen, /genic/, /genous - can be < L gigno , genit /, 'to beget, bring
Note that words in /genic and /genous can mean either:
1. produced by a part of a substance:
mycetogenic - induced by fungi.
necrogenous - originating in dead matter.
or they can mean....
2. producing , as in:
toxigenic - producing toxins.
oncogenous, oncogenic - forming tumors.
[Gk onkos , barb, mass, tumor].
oncogene - gene that causes the change of normal cells
into cancerous tumor cells. See oncology.
Some words have both meanings:
pyretogenous - causing fever or caused by fever.
Some words have both forms :
hepatogenic, hepatogenous - both meaning the same thing,
'originating in the liver'.
The Gk verb is gennan .
Note also:
gon/ - < Gk gone , 'offspring', as in gonad - a sexual gland;
'begetting or producing' = 'mother-cell or structure'.
gene - P ((249) says that the biological term gene is <L genus .
oxygen - In 1777 Lavoisier described oxygen gas as la principe oxygine ,
changed to oxygene in 1786, because when certain substances,
e.g ., carbon, sulphur, were burnt in oxygen the resulting oxides
formed acidic solutions.
The name is a wrong one. He did not realize that not all oxides
are acidic and that not all acids contain oxygen. He would have
been nearer the mark if he had given this name to hydrogen.
[Note on: oxy/ ]:
1. sharp, keen, pointed - oxycarpous; oxydactylous
oxycephaly - head with a high forehead, pointed top. see cephal
oxymoron - combination of sharply incongruous words.
[LGk oxumoron , < the neut of oxumoros ,
pointedly foolish, <Gk oxus , sharp, keen, + moros , foolish].
paroxysm - sharp fit of a disease.
2. related to or derived < oxalic acid.
oxaluria - presence of crystal oxalates in urine.
genit/ - can mean 'genital', alone, or 'genital and..'.
F genit / is a shortening of ML genitiv /, < L gignere , to beget.
Compare the words <:
the L base gen/, gener/, 'race, kind'.
the L base gen/, 'to produce'.
the Gk base gen(e), 'race, kind'.
In the final analysis, for a practical understanding of the meaning of a
term, it doesn't seem to matter much whether the derivative
came < a L or Gk source.
< Skt. jan as in janma in Hindi
Gen-e-rate, < Skt. jan
Gen-e-si-s, < Skt. jan, -si- is ti and -s is the visarga
Gen-o-cide, < Skt. jan- shaat
< Skt. hoota, (mng. One who is invoked) as in havana in hindi
< Skt. grabha, Dutch grijpen, Gm. greifen, Danish gribe, Lith. graibyti,
the third of three divisions of the Hebrew scriptures, religious text.< Skt.
Yaj, to sacrifice, worship
author of a worshipful biography.< Skt. Yaj, to sacrifice, worship
author of a worshipful biography.< Skt. Yaj, to sacrifice, worship
biography that idolizes or idealises a person.< Skt. Yaj, to sacrifice,
worship of saints.< Skt. Yaj, to sacrifice, worship
author of a worshipful biography.< Skt. Yaj, to sacrifice, worship
< Skt. Ar-as, spoke of a wheel; L. ar-mus, ar-tus, a limb; ar-ma, arms, ar-
s, art; Goth. ar-ms, an arm; Gm. ar, to fit
Skt. aj, to drive, L. ag-ere, Gm. ag
half. < Skt. saami, see semi. derivatives: hemi-sphere
loss of 1/2 the field of vision.Hemi < Skt. saami, see Hemi-; -an- < Skt.
prefix (or upsarga) an-, not, without; see a, an.[ /an-opia = no vision].
to sharpen, < Skt. shaan (tu) (rvd 131)
-Hydr-, Hydro-:
<Skt. prefix (upsarga) ud- > Skt. udakam, water; cf. hypo. Gk. hudor,
water. The context determines whether hydr/o in E means: 1. 'water', 'of
water', 'hydrophyte' (in Botany), 2. 'hydrogen' (in Chemistry); or 3.
'presence of (excessive) water' (in Medicine); or 4. 'a hydrous compound'
(in Mineralogy); or 5. 'hydroid' (in Zoology). In Chemistry, the term is
also loosely applied to any compound formed by, or whose structure
corresponds to, the elimination of water from two simpler molecules.
Derivatives: hydra; hydrangea; hydrant; hydraulics; hydroelectric;
hydrarthrosis; hydrastad; hydrate; hydremia; hydride; hydrion;
hydrocarbons; hydrocele; hydrocephalic, hydrocephalus; hydrochloric;
hydrocyanic; hydrodynamics; hydrogen; hydroid; hydrology; hydrolysis,
hydrolytic, hydrolyze, hydrolyzation; hydromancy; hydrometer;
hydronephrosis; hydropathic, hydropathy; hydrophilic, hydrophilism,
hydrophilous; hydrophobia; hydrophone; hydrophyte; hydroplane;
hydroponics; hydrops; hydroscope; hydrosphere; hydrostatics;
hydrotropism; hydroxide; Hydrozoa, anhydride; anhydrous;
carbohydrate; chlorhydria; dehydrate; dehydrogenate, dehydrogenize;
monohydric; orthohydrogen; parahydrogen.
discharge pipe for water.
concerning production of electricity by waterpower.
small sac with watery liquid, esp one formed
by and containing tapeworm larva.
crystalline salt which contains water (copper sulfate).
chloral hydrate.
water in the blood.
loss of water from the blood.
watery fluid in a joint cavity.
circumscribed collection of fluid.
[Gk hudor + cele , tumor, swelling].
abnormal increase of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranium,
with enlarged skull, atrophy of the brain.
[NL hydrocephalus , <LL, hydrocephalic, adj,
<Gk hudrokephalos -- hudor + kephale , head].
resembling a typical hydra;
pertaining to that form of hydrozoan which is asexual
and grows into branching colonies by budding.
scientific study of the properties, distribution,
and effect of water on the earth.
any reaction involving water;
decomposition of a chemical compound by reaction with water.
hydrolytic, hydrolyze, hydrolyzation.
internal, external uses of water as therapy
for all forms of disease. hydropathic.
(colloid) which readily forms a colloidal solution with water.
tendency of tissues to attract and hold water.
Syn: hydrophilia.
1. (plant) which live and flourishes in water.
2. also one pollinated by water.
an aversion to water, esp as a sign of rabies in man.
[LL, <Gk hudrophobia ]. hydrophobic.
instrument for listening to sound transmission in water.
see hygrophyte, plant in water.
(v,adj) to skim over water with hull clear of the surface;
to skid (a car) on a wet road; (n) hydrofoil, speedboat on a stepped
bottom, raising the hull out of the water.
hydroponics - cultivation of plants in a nutrient solution, not soil.
[Gk hudor + (geo)ponics].
'dropsy', a morbid accumulation of fluid
in tissues and cavities.
[ME dropesie, for ydropesie, <OF,
<L hydropsis , <Gk hudrops , from hudor ].
mirror device for seeing long distances beneath the water.
layer of water and aqueous vapor enveloping the earth.
[ultimately <Gk sphaira , ball].
turning of a plant towards or away from moisture.
one of class (Hydrozoa) of coelenterates
(as polyps, jellyfish) with no stomach or gastric tentacles.
substance 'without water', a chemical compound
which either combines with water to form an acid,
or is gotten from an acid by getting rid of water.
acetic anhydride
compound formed the by elimination
of water from molecules of acetic acid.
Neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen, as in sugars, starches, forming a major food group.
[F carbone , <L carbo , ember, charcoal, coal].
to remove water from; make anhydrous.
dehydration, dehydrator.
2. Liquids in General:

hydraulics - science dealing with practical applications of liquid in
[LL hydraulicus , <Gk hudraulikos ,
from hudraulis , hydraulic organ --
hudor + aulos , reed instrument, flute, pipe]. hydraulic.
hydrodynamics - science dealing with the motion of fluids
and forces acting on solid bodies immersed in fluids.
hydrometer - meter of the specific gravity of liquids.
hydrostatics - study of pressures within liquids at rest.
hydrogen - colorless, flammable, gaseous element, lightest of the gases
and the most abundant element in the universe.
[F hydrogene -- Gk hydro / + F /gene , <Gk /genes , born].
More Info
3. Related to hydrogen:
dehydrogenate - Chemistry: to remove hydrogen from.
Syn: dehydrogenize.
hydride - compound of hydrogen with another element or group.
hydrion - (hydrogen ion) hydrochloric acid. When HCL dissolves in
hydrochloric - (acid). clear, colorless, fuming, poisonous, acidic
aqueous solution of hydrogen chlorid, found diluted in the stomach.
hydrocarbon - organic compounds (as benzene, methane)
having only carbon and hydrogen.
hydroxide - 'hydrated oxide'.
hydromancy, hydropathic , hydroplane, Hydrozoa.
hydrogen - F hydrogene was so-named for the water produced (/gene )
or resulting from the combustion of this gas.
anhydride - However anhydride is not the opposite of hydride ,
a compound of hydrogen and another element,
e.g ., calcium hydride, CaH2.
anhydrous - e.g ., anhydrous copper sulfate (white powder)
is obtained by driving off the water from above.
Hydra - [ME Idra, <L Hydra , <Gk hudra , hydra, a water serpent].
1. Hydra - Gk Myth: The name of the many-headed watersnake
with a hound's body that made life difficult around Lerna,
a town in the Peloposnesus (S. Greece).
The Hydra was the offspring of Typhon (100-headed
monster) and Echidna (Gk ekhis , viper) (who also
engendered Geryon (3-bodied monster) and
Cerberus (3-headed dog).
Hera had apparently brought the Hydra up deliberately to
imperil Heracles and had given it an ally, a giant
crab, which served as a diversion in the battle.
Heracles had to call in his nephew Iolaus to cauterize the
stumps of the monster's necks with a firebrand. He
smashed the crab with a blow of his foot, and Hera
promoted it to the constellation Cancer.
He buried the immortal head under a rock, cut open the
serpent's body and took its poison, which he kept by
him to poison his arrows.
Eurystheus, to whom he had been indentured, is said to
refused to count this exploit as one of the 12 Labors he had
on Heracles, because he had help in defeating the monster.
2. Hydra - the constellation in the equatorial region of the
southern sky near Cancer, Libra, and Centaurus.
3. Hydra - used in E to represent a many-sided, persistent
problem that cannot be gotten rid of by a single
hydra - 'water snake', a small fresh-water polyp with tentacles
of the genus Hydra . The name is from Gk Myth.
See Hydra.
under, beneath; < Skt. up- (uppar), up-grahan, the act of seizing from
below; >Gk. hypo; (y in hypo is greek u, Skt. u; cf. Cyrus, Skt. kuru, the
name of an ancient Persian king. In Chemistry hypo- indicates a lower
state of oxidation or low position in a series of compounds; compare
hypo-bromite from up-durita.
Im-mortal, see mortal
inactive - 'not doing'. inaction.aj
inaction, aj
inactive; aj
the act of enjoining; a command; act of imposing. see junction
in-junct-ive, see junction
see spec
in-vert,< skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn;
Goth. Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
In-vest,< skt. Vas, to clothe. L. ues-tis, clothing garment; Goth. Was-jan,
to clothe; AS. Wer-ian, to wear clothes
< Skt. ayan, < i, to go, Gk. ion, < ienai to go. (rvd 131)
< Skt. ayas, L. aes, Goth. ais, OG. er, Modern Gm. Eisen, Eng. Iron.
<Skt. as, interestingly French has est < Skt. asti.
Verbal suffix, as in accomplish etc.
earlier known as Italia < Vitalia. Vitalia< vatsa in skt. Mng. a calf. So
italy means a land of calves. As in sam-vatsar mng. time taken by the
foetus to develop.
< skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm. yeug, to
join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-ta(-), near;
AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a bond
< Skt. yuj, see Yeug
< Skt. yuj, see Yeug
< Skt. yuj, see Yeug
< Skt. yuj, see Yeug
< Skt. yuj, see Yeug
< Skt. yuj, see Yeug
< Skt. yuj, see Yeug
knock someone for space, to be close to, crowded together;< skt. Yuj, to
join, connect, meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm. yeug, to join; L. jung-ere,
to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke;
Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a bond
to fight with a lance while riding a horse as a sport or compete for power,
to compete personally(closely)< skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in
yoga, union; Gm. yeug, to join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-
iux, a spouse, jux-ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun,
to join, zeugma, a bond
having parts joined or arranged in pairs; Skt. yuj, see jugular, yeug
veins carrying blood < head to heart. something that joins two things like
a yoke, , does not have n unlike junction, directly< Latin. < skt. Yuj, to
join, connect, meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm. yeug, to join; L. jung-ere,
to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke;
Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a bond
yokelike join in insects keeping the forewings and hindwings together in
< skt. Yu mng. to bind, to fasten, join, mix
< skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm. yeug, to
join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-ta(-), near;
AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a bond; n is a
verbal infix
L. juncta, < skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm.
yeug, to join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-
ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a
ju-piter, dyau-pitra in skt., dyau mng. sky and pitra mng. father
< Skt. yuj, see Yeug
juxt-a-pos-i-tion, yuj
< Skt. yuj, see Yeug
1. individual having an abnormally elongated, narrow skull. 2. long, thin,
small-headed larva (MI) of various eels. cephal <skt. kapal, skull. see
cephal. [Gk leptos , peeled, slender, small. See BN at lep/].
leptocephalia, (a) leptocephalic.
Mach-ine, < skt. magh
Mathe-matics, Grk. Math < Skt. manthan, churning of the mind, the
< Skt. matri-shaat, killing of a mother
< Skt. maha,
<Skt. madhya, L. medius, Gk. meso. Der. Mesosphere.
having abnormally small head.
< Skt. madhya
< Skt. mil, mil-i-t, mil-i-ta, L. mille, militus
Milli-pede, L. Mille-pes, Skt. mil-pada
< Skt. mri, as in mrityu in Hindi
see mortal
moss-acqua, see acqua
< Skt. matri
< Skt. mush
an attack, < Skt. magha
< Skt. mithya
Skt. /Nabhas, Gm. Nabel
navigate; skt aj
< Skt. naktam
ennea/; noni/, no$/ - ninth, nine, e$ery ninth.
[Gk ennea , L no$em , nine]. %ore &nfo
ennead - group of nine.
nona !hora # - late stage in the life of the patient.
nonagenarian - person 'hose age is in the nineties.
[L nonagenarius , containg ninety, from nonageni , ninety each,
from nonaginta , ninety, from nona / !akin to no$em , nine# ( /ginta ,
!akin to $iginti , t'enty#.
no$ena, )o$emer.
Skt. Indh, to kindle; edh-as, fuel; L. aed-es, orig. a hearth, aestus, heat;
AS. Ad, a funeral pile, ast, a kiln.
<Skt. asht
oct/ - [Gk okto , eight].
octachord - eight-stringed instrument.
octane - paraffin hydrocaron 'hose molecule has * carons +*,-*.
octangular - eight-cornered.
[L octangulus ]. %ore &nfo
octa$o - si.e of a piece of paper cut eight from a sheet;
a ook of this si.e.
/ctoer - the eighth month of the 0oman year.
octopus, octopod.
Opal: rvd 135
<Skt. upal
< Skt. naranga, in Old French orange, < earlier (n)aranja (with loss of
initial n due to confusion with indefinite article); Spanish naranja;
Arabic na(-)ranj; Persian na(-)rang (rvd 131)
<Skt. urdhva, high; Gk. orthos, straight, upright, at right angles, correct.
This root has specific meanings in Physics and Chemistry.1. Ortho is
employed in naming certain higher forms of hydration specially in the
case of acids most fully hydrated form of an acid or its salts - orthoboric
acid. 2. diatomic molecules with nuclei having the same spin direction -
orthohydrogen. 3. relating to one of three possible isomers of a benzene
ring with two attached chemical groups, with carbon atoms with
attached groups adjacent - ortho-dibromobenzene, the ortho position is
higher on the benzene ring than the meta- or the para- position..
Derivatives: orthocephalic; orthochromatic; orthoclase; orthodontist,
orthodontics, orthodontia; orthodox, orthodoxy; orthoepy; orthogenic;
orthogonal; orthograde; orthography; orthohydrogen; Orthoptera;
orthopedics, orthopedist; orthophrenia; orthophoria; orthopnea;
orthoptics; orthosis; orthotropous; orthuria.

Orthropsia not from ortho-
the characteristic of human vision by which sight is better at dawn or
dusk than in bright sunlight.[Gk orthros , time near dawn]
ortho-cephal-ic, urdhva-kapal-ic -
having a well-proportioned head.see ortho-
having normal color or staining normally. see ortho-
a variety of feldspar (rock-forming mineral) found in igneous or granitic
rock. see ortho
ortho-dont-ic-s, urdhva-danta- - -
see ortho
ortho-dont-ia, urdhva-danta-
corrective dentistry.
ortho-dox, urdhva-
right opinion conforming to established doctrine.
[ME orthodoxe, <OF, <LL orthodoxus , <LGk orthodoxos , of right or true
opinion -- Gk orthos < Skt. urdhva + Gk doxa , opinion, from dokein , to
think]. orthodoxy.
ortho-epy, urdhva-
correct, customary, pronunciation.
[Gk epos , word].
Antonym: cacoepy.
ortho-gen-ic, urdhva-jan-ic
related to the correction, treatment, or rehabilitation of children with
mental or emotional difficulties. see ortho, gen, ic
ortho-go-nal, urdhva- -
intersecting or lying at right angles. see ortho
ortho-grade, urdhva-
walking with the body vertical or upright; pertaining to a biped,
especially man.
[Opposed to pronograde; L. pronus, leaning forward].
art, study, of correct spelling. see ortho
ortho-ped-ic-s, urdhva-
correction of skeletal deformities and associated muscles, joints, and
[E orthopedic, <F orthopedique , from orthopedie , orthopedic surgery
Gk orthos< Skt. urdhva + paideia , child-rearing -- from pais , paid /,
orthopedic, orthopedist.
ortho-pho-r-ia, urdva-bhu-
parallelism of visual axes,the normal muscle balance see ortho, pho.
normal mental state in social relations.
ortho- , urdhva
inability to breathe except when upright.
ortho- , urdhva
order of insects which have straight, narrow forewings (Cockroaches,
Crickets, Grasshoppers).
ortho- , urdhva
science of correcting defects in binocular vision resulting from defects in
optic musculature.Or: technique of eye exercises for correcting faulty eye
coordination affecting binocular vision.
ortho-si-s, urdhva-ti-:(visarga)
straightening or correction of a deformity.
ortho- , urdhva
Botany: growing straight (of an ovule).
orth-ur-ia, urdhva-
normal frequency of urination.

Grk. pecus < Skt. pashu, in old days more the animals possessed richer
the person would be.
<Skt. pada, Gm. fuss, Swedish fot, Danish fod, L. pes, Gk. podos, pous;
bi-pedal etc.
ped-e-sta-l < Skt. pada, meaning foot
ped-e-st-rian < Skt. pada, meaning foot
pent/ - five.
[Gk pente , fi$e]. 1sed in technical and chemical terms.
pentagon, pentagram, pentameter, pentarchy, pentode,
pentane - paraffin hydrocaron 'hose molecule has 2 caron atoms.
pento3ide - 2 o3ygen atoms, e.g., phosphorous pento3ide 45/2.
4entateuch - the first fi$e ooks of 6e'ish and +hristian 7criptures.
[LL 4entateuchus , <Gk. 4entateukhos , < penta ( teukhos , tool,
$essel, ook; akin to Gk teukhein , to make, ca. -289].
+f %& at ,eptateuch.
pentathlon - an athletic contest in$ol$ing participation y each contestant
in fi$e different e$ents. [Gk athlon , contest].
4entecost - %ore &nfo
:uin:u/ - :uint/ - fi$e.
[L :uin:ue , fi$e, :uintus , fifth].
cin:uefoil, :uin:uefoliate, :uin:ue$alent, :uintuple,
:uincun3 - an arrangement of fi$e things 'ith one at each corner
and one in the middle of a s:uare or rectangle. !;itle of a -<<9 no$el#.
[L :uincunc /, :uincun3, lit., fi$e t'elfths --
:uin:ue , fi$e ( uncia , t'elfth part, ounce - more at fi$e, !-=2*#.
[L :uintus means 2th,
ut is more commonly used !incorrectly# to mean 2].
Per-: per and peri are they both from skt. pari
< Skt. prefix (upsarga) pari; round, about, fully; as in Skt. parinabhi
round the navel, parikhya to look around, parimukham about the face,
paridasha full ten, paritripa to satiate completely. In chemistry per- is
prefixed to denote the presence in a compound of the largest possible or
a relatively large proportion of the same element, or the presence of an
atom having its highest, or a relatively high, valence. Skt. pari > Gk. peri,
around, about. Gk. peri- is both the adv and prep peri , 'all round, round
about, concerning', and sometimes the E prefix is used as a mere
intensive. perimeter, periphery, periscope, pericranium, period.
Derivatives: pericarditis; pericardium; pericarp; pericranium; perigee;
perimeter, perimetrical; perineal, perineum; perinephric; period;
periodontics, periodontal, periodontitis; periosteum; peripatetic;
peripatetic; peripheral, periphery; periphrasis; periscope, periscopic;
perisperm; peristalsis, peristaltic; peristyle; Perithecium; peritrichous;
peritoneum. But Not - periwig, periwinkle.
pitar-shaat, see father and cide
Math: closed curve around a plane area, or the length of such; outer
limits of an area. peri< Skt. prefix (upsarga) pari; round, about, fully; [ME
perimetre, <L perimetros , <Gk -- peri + metron , measure. See peri].
place in the pelvis for urogenital passage and the rectum. peri< Skt.
prefix (upsarga) pari; round, about, fully; [ME, <ML perinaeon , <Gk
perinaion -- Gk inan , to urinate or defecate]. perineal.
Peripatetic skt. (patha = patos?)
walking about from place to place; relating to the philosophy of Aristotle.
peri- < Skt. prefix (upsarga) pari; round, about, fully; [ME peripatetik, <L
peripateticus, <Gk perpatetikos , from peripatein , to walk about -- peri
+ patein , to walk; Gk patos, a path, a step].
optical instrument to reach an otherwise obstructed field of view. peri<
Skt. prefix (upsarga) pari; round, about, fully; periscopic.
involuntary, wavelike movement in hollow tubes (as the alimentary canal)
of the body. peri< Skt. prefix (upsarga) pari; round, about, fully; [NL, <Gk
peristaltikos , peristaltic, from peristellein , to contract or wrap around --
peri + stellein , to place; Gk stalsis , contraction]. peristaltic.
row of columns surround the cella of a Greek temple; the court that is so
surrounded. peri< Skt. prefix (upsarga) pari; round, about, fully;[F
peristyle , <L peristylum , <Gk peristulon , from neut of peristulos,
surrounded by columns -- peri + stulos , a pillar].
small flask-shaped fruiting body in fungi that contains the spores. peri<
Skt. prefix (upsarga) pari; round, about, fully; [NL peri / + Gk thekion ,
diminutive of theke ].Cf amphithecium, endothecium.
style - Gk stulos , 'a pillar', is akin to stauros , 'a stake, a cross'.
The IE root is probably *stu /, 'to be firm, upright, or firmly upright'.
stylus - Note: There is no connection between Gk stulos
and L stilus , 'spike, pointed writing instrument'.
The L word was altered to stylus under the influence
of Gk stulos , and results in E stylus, from L stilus ,
as well as E style, from the same altered L word, et al .
Thus one does not legitimately compare the 'shape'
of the Roman writing instrument with that of the Gk column.
E stiletto - small dagger, <It, diminutive of stilo , dagger, does
come from L stilus , spike, without the alteration mentioned above.
< skt. vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
pest-i-cide, see cide
< patthar
< patthar
<Skt. bhu, to be; Der. euphoria, orthophoria.
Skt. pur, to fill as in purna
< Skt. prithu, Gk. platus, Gm. platt (rvd 131)
Skt. pur, to fill as in purna
Skt. pur, to fill as in purna
Skt. pur, to fill as in purna
< Skt. superlative parama < par; L. superlative form primus (rvd 131)
< Skt. superlative parama < par; L. superlative form primus (rvd 131)
< Skt. pra, meaning forth, on, onwards, away, forward, very, excessive,
great, to move forward as in pra-dakshina
pro-cess, see pro
extravagant wastefulness; extreme abundance or generosity. [ME
prodigalite, <OF, <LL prodigalitas , < *prodigalis , prodigal, <L prodigus ,
prodigal, < prodigere , drive away, squander -- pro + forth, + agere ].
prodigal. <Skt. aj, to drive;
panegyric; <Skt. aj, to drive;
pedagogue; <Skt. aj, to drive;
prodigal, <Skt. aj, to drive;
prodigality; <Skt. aj, to drive;
Purge; <Skt. aj, to drive;
pro-fession, see pro
Pr-o-fit, Skt. Pra-ap-ta
pro-gress, see pro
< skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
in ancient Greek drama, the first actor to have a dialogue with the
chorus, and later playing the main character and some minor characters
as well. The second part was taken by the deuteragonist. <Skt. aj, to
drive; [Gk protagonistes -- protos + agonistes, actor, combatant --
<agonizesthai , to contend, < agonia , contest, < agon , < agein , to drive,
react - to act in response to a stimulus.
reactance, reactant, reaction, reactionary.
redact - to edit; to work up; to arrange.
[ME, <L redigere , to bring back,
reduce -- re / + agere , pp actus ;
L redactio , the art of reducing, compressing].
To make a redaction is to make ready for publication.
re-com-men-d, -sam- -da; to commend, commit oneself or another
person to someone or something. [ME, <ML recommendare -- re / +
commendare . See commend]; recommendation.
rakt in skt., rot in gm.
reg-i-me, reg is < Skt. rajan meaning a king
reg-i-cide, < Skt. rajan-shaat
to reunite, < skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm.
yeug, to join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-
ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a
see rejoin
re-m-an-d; <Skt.da;
to reconsign; to remit; to send back (a person) again by order.
[ME, <F remander , or LL remandare , to send back word,
to repeat a command -- re / + mandare . See mandate].
remand (n).
offensive, repulsive. <Skt. aj; [ME, antagonistic, <OF,
<L repugnare, to fight against, back, i.e., backwards, to repel by fighting];
repugnance, repugnancy.
re-spec-t, see spec
Apostrophe s< Skt. sya, this is the sixth vibhakti, Skt. Balakasya, Eng.
Boys, of a boy etc.
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
Arabic and English sandal are corruptions of Sanskrit chandan
Sapphire: 136 rvd
<OF. sa fir < L. sapphires < Gk. sappheiros < Hebrew sappi(-)r, < Skt.
s()anipriya, webster
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
< Skt. sharkara; Med. L. saccharum; L. saccharon, < Gk. sakcharon,
which is < Pali sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara. Indian granulated sugar
sharkara, traveled to the West in days when Pali was the popular speech
in India. English sugar and allied European words are < Med. Latin
succarum (also zugurum), < Arabic, sukkar, < Persian shakar, < Prakrit
sakharaa, < Skt. sharkara (rvd 131)
<Skt. Saami, gk. Hemi, latin semi
sept-em-ber, <Skt. sapt-
< Skt. sapt, F. sept
< skt. smi ( as in the Bengali name Suchi-smita, one who has a pure
OE. su-nu, < Skt. pra-su-ti
< Skt. spash, to see
< Skt. spash, to see
< Skt. spash, to see
< Skt. spash, to see
< Skt. spash, to see
Stha or stham + pada
sta-te, stha-ti , < Skt. stha, to stay
sta-te-ment, < Skt. stha, to stay
Static: < Skt. stha, to stay
sta-tis-tic-s, < Skt. stha, to stay
sta-nd, < Skt. stha, to stay
< Skt. stham
Skt. stanayitnu
<Skt. aj
< Skt. aj
stru-c-ture, < Skt. star
< Skt. star, lay layers, as in vi-star, pra-star. see construct, structure
to append, add at the end; < skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in
yoga, union; Gm. yeug, to join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-
iux, a spouse, iux-ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun,
to join, zeugma, a bond.
to put under yoke; hence < skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in
yoga, union; Gm. yeug, to join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-
iux, a spouse, iux-ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun,
to join, zeugma, a bond
< skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm. yeug, to
join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-ta(-), near;
AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a bond
sub-vert,< skt. vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn;
Goth. Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
-ic: signifies pertaining to. It is the same as common Skt. adjectival
suffix ic, which occurs, as in Skt. laukika pertaining to lok world. Eng.
Sulphuric corresponds to Skt. shulbaric.
-ite: <Skt. ta or ita as in gandit mathematics, kathit said.
a combining form, Gk. metria, from metron, denoting an art, process, or
science of measuring (something specified) < Skt. miti measuring < Skt.
ma to measure. Derivatives: trigonometry
<Skt. shulbari; The presence of the Indian word shulbari in European
languages in the form of Eng. sulphur, Gm. schwefel, Fr. soufre, L.
sulphur, sulfur, sulpur, is of the atmost significance for the history of
spread of Indian science. Joseph William Mellor (1869-1938) has
admitted in his handbook of inorganic chemistry that the European word
sulphur has been derived from shulbari. During the last ten centuries,
when India lay low and when the priests became the custodians of
Sanskrit literature, non-religious literature perished as much by
negligence as by vandalism of the foreign invaders who earned the
reputation of burning Sanskrit Manuscripts to warm their baths.
Shulbari has come down to us preserved in lexicons. It occurs in the
abhidhanchintamani, a systematically arranged lexicon of Haemchandra,
the great Jain encyclopaedist. Shulbari (= shulb-ari) is so called because it
is the enemy of copper (shulb); ari means enemy. That copper piece when
kept in sulphuric acid for some time is eaten up is well known. see iron.
< Skt. swida, to sweat
< Skt. Swidra
Skt. aj, to drive, L. ag-ere, Gm. ag
Straight line configuration of 3 celestial bodies in a gravitational
system.< skt. Yuj mng. to join, connect
Fr. dix, Gm. zehn, Lt. decem, Grk. deka < Skt. dasa
Skt. tarman
in Persian dani < Skt. dhani as in machchardani
ti-me < ti in skt mng. measure, as in tithi. me < skt as in dha-r-ma, ma-r-
ma, cha-r-ma(skin)
passing down of culture through generation to generation. <Skt. da, to
give, as in dadami, I give; [ME tradicion, <OF, <L traditio, < traditus, pp of
tradere, to hand over, deliver, entrust -- trans, through, + dare];
traditional, traditionalist.
one who betrays a trust, commits treason. <Skt. da, to give, as in
dadami, I give; [ME traitre, <OF, <L traditor, < traditus, pp of tradere , to
hand over, deliver, betray -- trans + dare . See date); traitorous.
to do, to carry on, to conduct (business). <Skt. aj, to drive; [L transigere,
to drive across, pp transactus -- trans + actus , pp of agere ];
transaction, transactional, transactor.
< Skt. tri-grabha, F., L., Gk. tri; for grip compare Dutch grijpen, Gm.
greifen, Danish gribe, Lith. graibyti, greibti.
<Skt. tri-padi; see foot.
tri-t-agon-ist; tri- < Skt. tryaha, three; -agon- < Skt. aj, to drive; in
Greek drama, the actor playing the third most important part. [Gk tritos
fr. ving-t, Gm. Zwan-zig, Skt vinshati
Ursa Major:
ursa <Skt. rrish rvd 137
colloquial speech, relating to original, local, ordinary. < Skt. vas, to
dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a dwelling place;
L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born slave.
relating to or happening in the spring.< skt. vas, uchchh, to shine; ush,
to burn; vas-antas, spring. Gm. Wes, to shine.
< skt. vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
< skt. vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
< skt. vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
< skt. vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
that which contains. < Skt. vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-
tu, a house, vas-ati, a dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household,
uer-na, a home born slave.
< Skt. vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a
dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born
Vested interest:
< Skt. vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a
dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born
< Skt. vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a
dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born
< Skt. vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a
dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born
< Skt. vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a
dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born
< Skt. vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a
dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born
< Skt. vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a
dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born
< Skt. vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a
dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born
clothes worn by priests in church ceremonies.< skt. Vas, to clothe. L.
ues-tis, clothing garment; Goth. Was-jan, to clothe; AS. Wer-ian, to wear
Visible: vis-i-ble, skt. /visaj
Vision: vis-ion, skt. /visaj
Vocal: < /vach in skt.
Voice: < /vach in skt.
Vortex:< skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn;
Goth. Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
-ward:< skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn;
Goth. Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
Was:< Skt. Vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-
ati, a dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, ver-na, a home
born slave.
Wassail:< Skt. Vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house,
vas-ati, a dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, ver-na, a
home born slave.
Wassailer:< Skt. Vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house,
vas-ati, a dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, ver-na, a
home born slave.
Wast:< Skt. Vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-
ati, a dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, ver-na, a home
born slave.
< skt. Vas, to clothe. L. ues-tis, clothing garment; Goth. Was-jan, to
clothe; AS. Wer-ian, to wear clothes
< skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
< Skt. Vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a
dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born
< Skt. Vas, to dwell, to pass the night, to live, vas-tu, a house, vas-ati, a
dwelling place; L. vest-a, goddess of the household, uer-na, a home born
< Skt. Vidhva, vidh, vindh mng. to lack, be in want of. Gm. Widh mng
to lack.
< Skt. Vidhur
< skt. Vrit, to turn, turn oneself, exist, be; L. uert-ere, to turn; Goth.
Wairth-an, to become. Gm. Wert, werth
< gm. Yes mng. to ferment. Skt. Yas, to exert oneself, skt. yesh to seethe,
yes-ter-day, skt. Hyaha (hyas-tar-divas), Fr. hier
To join, to yoke together;< Skt. yuj, to join, link, connect, relate, as in
yoga. Derivatives include yoke, jugular, adjust, junta, jugular, conjugate,
subjugate (directly < Latin iugum, yoke); zygo- zygoma, zygote, zygous;
azygous, syzygy (directly < Greek zugon, yoke, and zugoun, to join); jostle,
joust; adjust, juxtapose, juxtaposition (< Latin, iux-ta(-), close by); join,
joinder, joint, jointure, junction, juncture, junta; adjoin, conjoin,
conjugal, conjunct, enjoin, injunction, rejoin, rejoinder, subjoin (< Latin
iungere, to join; here n is a verbal infix); Greek zeugma, a bond.
something which connects two things or people in a way that unfairly
limits freedom.< skt. Yuj mng. to join, connect, meet, link as in yoga,
union; Gm. yeug, to join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a
spouse, iux-ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join,
zeugma, a bond; see Yeug
you vous from skt. yuyam??
with two toes pointing forward, two backward, (as certain climbing
birds); < skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm.
yeug, to join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-
ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a
bond; see Yeug.
cell formed by union of two gametes, as a fertilized ovum before
cleavage;< Skt. Yuj, to join, connect, meet, link as in yoga, union; Gm.
yeug, to join; L. jung-ere, to join, jug-um, a yoke, con-iux, a spouse, iux-
ta(-), near; AS. geoc, a yoke; Gk. zugon, yoke, zugoun, to join, zeugma, a
relating to or causing fermentation.< skt. /yu mng. to bind, fasten, join,
Skt maghav:
/megaly great; large; enlargement.
one million.
Gk megas , megal / great
megacephalic; megacycle; megadontia;
megaencephaly; megahert.; megalgia;
megalith; megalecithal; megalocardia;
megalocyte; megaloglossia; megalomania;
megohm; megaphone; megaphyllous.
acromegaly; angiomegaly; cardiomegaly;
chiromegaly; dactylomegaly; gastromegaly;
hepatomegaly; splenomegaly; $isceromegaly.
%ore &nfo - megohm; macr/o.
7elected >tymologies?
megacephalic - ha$ing an unusually large head.
megacycle - million of cycles of alternating current or 'a$es.
megadontia - ha$ing $ery large teeth.
megalencephaly - anormally large rain,
usually 'ith mental deficiency.
megalgia - $ery se$ere, or hypersensiti$ity to, pain.
megahert. - one million cycles per second.
megalith - $ery large, rough stone used as monuments
in construction, especially of ancient toms.
megalocyte - larger than a$erage red corpuscle.
megaloglossia - enlargement of the tongue.
megalomania - psychosis characteri.ed y delusions of grandeur. macromania.
megaphone - cone-shaped de$ice to magnify the $oice.
megaphyllous - ha$ing $ery large lea$es.
megalecithal - !egg# 'hich has a lot of yolk.
[Gk lekithos , egg yolk].
megalocardia - cardiac enlargement.
7yn? cardiomegaly.
To join.
Derivatives include yoke, jugular, adjust, junta, and yoga.
I. Zero-grade form *yug-. 1. Suffixed form *yug-o-. a. yoke, < Old
English geoc, yoke, < Germanic *yukam; b. jugate, jugular, jugum;
conjugate, subjugate, < Latin iugum, yoke; c. zygo- zygoma, zygote,
zygous; azygous, syzygy, < Greek zugon, yoke, and zugoun, to join; d.
Yuga, < Sanskrit yugam, yoke. 2. Suffixed (superlative) form *yug-isto-.
jostle, joust; adjust, juxtapose, juxtaposition, < Latin i xt , close by,
perhaps < *iugist (vi ), on a nearby (road). 3. Nasalized zero-grade form
*yu-n-g-. join, joinder, joint, jointure, junction, juncture, junta; adjoin,
conjoin, conjugal, conjunct, enjoin, injunction, rejoin, rejoinder, subjoin,
< Latin iungere, to join.
II. Suffixed form *yeug-m . zeugma, < Greek zeugma, a bond.
III. Suffixed o-grade form *youg-o-. yoga, < Sanskrit yoga , union.
Language Abbreviations Key:
E English ME Middle English OE Old English
L Latin ML Medieval Latin LL Late Latin
*VL Vulgar Latin OL Old Latin NL New Latin
Gk Greek ByzGk Byzantine Gk MGk Medieval Gk
*IE Indo-European Gmc Germanic Skt Sanskrit C
F French OF Old French MF Medieval French
AF Anglo-French AN Anglo-Norman
It Italian OIt Old Italian (Middle Ages)
Sp Spanish Port Portuguese
G German OHG Old High German LG Low German
* hypothetical, not attested by written evidence.
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