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Education is a human need as long as life. Everone need education! "henever and
"herever in "orld. Education is ver im#ortant! $ecause "ithout education! #eo#le "ill
$e difficult to develo# themself. Education must $e strongl focused on the human
%ualit! in order to have a no$le moral character and good moral .Educational goals that
e&#ected are to educate life of the nation and to develo# indonesian #eo#le! the
indonesians are the religious human $eing and #ious to god and! have good characters!
'no"ledge! s'ills! health! #hsical and s#iritual! a stead #ersonalit! and good sense of
self(res#onsi$ilit in social and national.
Education should $e a$le to #re#are citi)ens to $e a$le to #la an active role in all fields
of life! intelligent! active! creative! s'illed! honest! disci#line and high moral! democratic!
and tolerant "ith the nation*s unit and not disunit. +eart of Indonesian oung
generations is li'e a #late fotografi'! "hich is read to reflect the vie" ! UNE,CO
#roclaimed Three #illars that should considered $ the institution formal education! -./
learning to 0no"! -1/ learning to do ! -2/learning to $e. These #ilars can $e functioned to
develo# the local curriculum in a countr !
In order to ma'e Learning to Know! the teachers are re%uired to $e a$le to act as a
colleague in a dialogue "ith students in develo#ing master of 'no"ledge and certain
'no"ledge. Learning to do is to mastering s'ills can $e used to sustain the life of
someone even more dominant than the s'ills of master of 'no"ledge in su##orting the
success of the life of someone. learning to be is a develo#ment closel related to the
talents and interests! For children "ho are aggressive the need more chance. a #assive
child! the role of teachers and teachers as "ell as the referrer facilitator is needed
3esides some #illars a$ove! Education in future can $e develo#ed $ e&#loiting ne"
'no"ledge source availa$le in this glo$ali)ation era! such as Ne"s#a#er! 4aga)ine!
Encclo#edia! and so is to the Internet! this last source is a famous 'no"ledge source!that
adults! aldolescent! child! all 'no" to use internet ! so no" the trou$le is to use it "isel.
To o#en onl the useful sites. And not o#ening some site "hich are not suita$le for the
some non(adults user. Internet e&#loiting ethics also can $e e&#loited "hile using another
'no"ledge source .
3ased on m s#eech I can conluded that the education develo#ment future de#ends to us
to change it.
This is m s#eech. I ho#e it "ill $e useful for us . Than' ou ver much for our

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