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A Guide to Magic
Often times people ask me if I have spells. Yes, I have spells. Some have worked,
some haven't. What a witch must keep in mind is that what works for me, may not
work for another witch. Maick is within everythin. !ow it is perceived is different
from witch to witch. Some think patchouli oil is the "est oil for a prosperity spell. I
prefer clove oil and have had success in usin it. One of the wonders of maick is
that there is normally a wide variety of correspondences to choose from for any one
desired result. #here must "e a"out a hundred different her"s listed for love and at
least thirty for wealth and money $a few of which I have listed%. I prefer to perform
candle maick. &andle spells are simple, they are not time consumin $very
important to a witch with little time% and they work. When I do a candle spell, I
carefully choose an appropriate color for the candle, a stone, an oil, and three her"s,
one for the physical realm, one for the mental realm and one for the spiritual realm,
plus one more as a type of catalyst $normally these catalysts are either 'raon's
"lood, Mandrake or Mistletoe%. !ow do I pick my correspondences( )irst, I must
know what I'm doin the spell for. Is it a prosperity spell, a healin spell, a spell to
find a new *o" or may"e to improve communication with a loved one( Once I
determine what I'm tryin to accomplish, I hit the "ooks. Within my li"rary, I have
several "ooks that inde+ what various colors, her"s, oils and stones correspond with
various desired results. I try to "e as specific as I can and try to "lend my choice of
correspondences to "etter ,descri"e, my desired result. If I'm oin to perform a
prosperity spell, what attri"utes are oin to "e needed to reach the final oal(
&reativity, physical strenth, courae( I try to chose some her" or the oil to
correspond with those added aspects and keep in mind that most her"s and oils have
several attri"utes. Its is very possi"le to have an her" with the attri"utes of "oth
wealth and, say, strenth. With one her" you can accomplish two ends. I leave the
color of the candle to the core of the spell. )or a prosperity spell, reen, a "anishin
spell, "lack. #he same applies to the stone I use. I leave it to the core of the spell.
!avin said all that, now I must also add, use what you have- One of the first spells
I did I literally raided my spice ca"inet for the her"s I needed. Okay, so may"e
fennel would not have "een my first choice, "ut it worked- I am fortunate to have an
orane tree in my "ack yard. Yes, I use the leaves, "lossoms, fruit, and "ark in place
of other possi"ly more popular her"s. Use what you have! Once I've athered my
correspondences, I then chare them with the purpose of the spell. !ow is this done(
#here are a few techni.ues that must "e utili/ed for this part of spellworkin.
0"ility to Meditate #his is the art of clearin the mind of all mundane thouhts and
feelins. It is a state of rela+ation and peace, the oal to reach a state of non1
thouht. #his is not easy and I still haven't mastered the techni.ue yet, "ut do the
"est you can. #here are several very ood "ooks on the su"*ect and even in many of
the "ooks on Wicca and witchcraft there are simple techni.ues to help in masterin
meditation. #his is essential to spellwork. Your mind must "e at peace so that you
can focus on what you're tryin to accomplish. 0"ility to 2isuali/e #his is the
a"ility to see with your mind, not with your senses. 0lthouh it is called
visuali/ation, remem"er, use all your senses- &lose your eyes. Within your mind's
eye, see a tree, whatever kind of tree you want or are familiar with. 3et your mind
see its lim"s, its leaves or needles $dependin on the type of tree%, the trunk, etc. 3et
your mind feel the "ark. Is it smooth, rouh, spony( 'oes the tree have a
frarance( 3et your mind smell that frarance. 3et your mind hear the wind as it
rustles the leaves. 2isuali/ation is not easy for some, "ut with practice you can
visuali/e anythin. $#aste also falls into this cateory, "ut for our little discussion,
tastin a tree may not "e prudent.% 'urin spellwork you will visuali/e your oal
$and "e specific and detailed-% "efore directin it into the item you're charin.
0"ility to 'irect 4nery #his is the a"ility to take the eneries of the
correspondences and your own enery and directin it towards your oal. When you
chare an o"*ect, that enery is initially comin from you. )rom within yourself
imaine $visuali/e% a "riht liht, may"e white or the color that corresponds with
your oal, formin within yourself centered "etween your chest and stomach. 3et
that liht row and e+pand. #hen direct that liht up throuh your "ody, down your
pro*ective arm, out your finertips $or throuh your athame or wand% and into
whatever your tryin to chare. While you direct that liht, that enery, you will "e
visuali/in your intent with as many specifics as you can. It is important to reali/e
that maick is enery flow. It is not power. 0ll spells create a tani"le connection
"etween the o"*ects used and yourself. When you work maick, "e specific, "ut "e
careful- If you do a spell for a new *o", remem"er to "e specific in that your new *o"
doesn't come at the e+pense of another- "An Ye Harm None" 5emem"er these
words when you work maick. 0s you finish your spell, $for me after I liht the
candle%, I add somethin to the affect of ,May the enery of this maick harm none
and take a path that is for the ood of all involved., )or candle spells remem"er
that the flame must "e allowed to continue to "urn until it oes out on its own. I use
three and seven day candles that are in lass *ars. You can sprinkle your her"s on
the top of them and they are safer. 5emem"er not to leave a "urnin candle near
drapes or where somethin flamma"le may fall into the flame. 6eep in mind that
the lass *ars et hot, so handle with care and as the candle reaches the "ottom of
the *ar, make sure the candle is not sittin on somethin that miht "urn from the
heat. I suest ettin a ceramic dish and put some sand in the "ottom to act as
insulation. When I leave my home, I place the candle in my "ath tu", *ust in case. If
for some reason it ets knocked over, there is nothin in my tu" that could catch on
fire. )or positive spells, once the candle is out, use the stone as a talisman. &arry it
with you or put it someplace where its presence will have an affect. )or "anishin
spells, very carefully remove all remnants, of the candle, especially the stone,
without touchin it. Wrap the remnants in white paper and "ury it outside,
prefera"ly some distance away. 5emem"er to write down your spells- You can
either keep these spells in your 7ook of Shadows or elsewhere. My 7ook of Shadows
is riddled with pieces of paper, napkins, whatever I happen to *ot notes and spells
down on. Some choose to use their computers as their 7oS. 5eardless, with the
spells written down, can keep track of what works and what doesn't and you can
also keep track of what you are doin while you're doin it. 0 few words a"out
maick and ethics. Most maick, at least initially, is done for yourself. #here will "e
times when spellwork will "e used to "enefit other people. 0ny ethical witch WI33
8O# do a spell that will affect someone else specifically without that person's
permission. 0 witch must respect another person's soul path. What if you can't ask
them $i.e. you can't reach them, the person is una"le to communicate, etc%( #hen
you must honestly consider if that person would o"*ect. If your favorite aunt were
deathly ill and could not communicate, and you wanted to do a healin spell for her,
you would need to consider if she would aree to the spell if she could. If she were a
devout )undamentalist &hristian, chances are pretty ood she'd say no. You must
respect her choices and her soul path. 8o witch in their riht mind will perform
maick that is intended to manipulate, control or harm another. 5emem"er, what
you send out will come "ack to you threefold. 0 witch should never sell a spell. If
someone asks you to do a spell for them, it is not unreasona"le to ask them to cover
the e+penses of the materials used, "ut other then that, no money should "e received
for the maick you do. #hat is counter productive and can cloud the intent of the
maick. When someone asks you to do a spell for them, if possi"le, instead of you
doin the spell, teach them how to do it. #he spell will have a "etter chance at
success and they will have a "etter understandin of how the maick works.
&olors. We perceive them as "riht or dark, deep or liht, sort1of this and sort1of
that, "ut reardless of whether it's a royal "lue or an earth "rown, color affects us.
It has "een proven that colors have an affect on our "rains and they do produce
different emotional results. What do you think of when you see red( 9assion(
May"e 0ner( 5eardless, the response is dramatic. &olors as used in maick are
similar in that they should evoke a response from you, "ut keep in mind, your
response to say purple, may "e different than mine and this is perfectly okay. If you
see pink as healthy or health, so "e it. #he colors must have meanin to the person
usin them. #he maick of colors can "e used in many different ways, *ust let your
creativity show you the way. #he use of colors in maick is only limited to what you
want to use the colors for. &andle Maick, Mo*o "as, pottets, ro"es, and alter and
tool decorations all "enefit from the use of colors. !ow will you use them(
!ere is a list of colors with some of their more common attri"utes.
&olor0ttri"ute7lack7anishin, &rone Maick,
Mournin, 3oss, Meditation, 0"stinence, )eminine 'ivine
7lue9eace, !ealin, #ran.uility, #ruth, Sleep, 9rophetic
'reams, )riendship, 9hysical 9rotection, !ope
7rown0nimal Maick, !ome, 3ocate 3ost O"*ects
:oldSolar 'eities, :od $Masculine 'ivine%:ray8eutral
:reen7eauty, 4mployment, )ertility, !ealin, Success, :ood
3uck, 9rosperity, Money, 5e*uvenation, Masculine 'ivine
Orane&reativity, 0ttraction, Stimulate 4nery, 3eal
Matters, Success, 8ew !ome
9ink3ove, !onour, )riendship, )idelity, )emininity
9urple9sychic 0"ility, Wisdom, Spirituality, Success,
Independence, Spiritual :rowth, 9ower, !ealin, )eminine
5ed3ust, Strenth, &ourae, 9ower, !ealth, 4nery, 2itality,
3ove, Manetism, Willpower
Silver5emove 8eativity, 4ncourae Sta"ility, 9sychic
9rotection, :oddess $)eminine 'ivine%WhiteMeditation,
!ealin, #ruth, 9eace, Spiritual Strenth, 3unar Maick, 9urity,
9rotection, !appiness, Masculine 'ivine
Yellow&harm, &onfidence, 0ttraction, Wisdom, 2isions,
9sychic 9owers, Mental 9owers, 8ew !ome
#hey can "e found anywhere. )rom "ackyard plants and frontyard trees, to even
our rocer's produce section and spice selections. !er"s are pro"a"ly the most
accessa"le of the correspondences used in maick, althouh some of the various
varieities may take a little searchin in order to o"tain them. I am "lessed with a
family that lives in an area that is covered with a wonderful variety of trees and
plants and I fre.uently a.uire some of my her"al correspondences from there. )ind
"ooks with listins of the local flora for your reion and you miht "e surprised as
to what is availa"le in your neih"orhood. 0lso, there are many wonderful "ooks
availa"le that have e+tensive lists and more information on how to use her"s in
maick and everyday life. One such "ood is Scott &unninham's Encyclopedia of
Magical Herbs pu"lished "y 3lewellyn 9ress.<<Warnin--<<
Some of these her"s are poisonous and should "e treat with considera"le respect
and "y all means, they should 8O# "e inested- 7efore workin with any her",
make sure you know what you're workin with- 7e sure to keep all your her"s out of
the reach of children and pets.
!er"al :ender
:ender!er")eminine0loe, 0pple, 0pricot, "anana, 7arley, 7eech, 7elladonna,
7irch, 7lack"erry, &herry, &oltsfoot, &omfrey, &ypress, 'affodil, 'aisy, 4lder, 4lm, 4ucalyptus,
)o+love, :ardenia, :oldenrod, :rape, !eather, !elle"ore, !onesty, Iris, Irish Moss, Ivy,
=asmine, 3ady's Mantle, 3emon, 3ilac, 3ily, 3ucky !and, Manolia, Muwort, Myrrh, Myrtle,
Oats, Orchid, 9ansy, 9each, 9lum, 5asp"erry, 5ose, 5ye, Sae"rush, Sandalwood, Straw"erry,
#ansy, #hyme, #ulip, 2anilla, 2iolet, Wheat, Willow, Yarrow, Yew
Masculine0cacia, 0llspice, 0nelica, 0sh, 0spen, 7asil, 7ay, 7ittersweet, 7orae, 7ra/il 8ut,
7room, &araway, &arnation, &edar, &hamomile, &hestnut, &innamon, &love, &lover, &urry,
'andelion, 'ill, 'raon's 7lood, 4ye"riht, )ennel, )la+, )rankincense, :iner, !a/el,
!eliotrope, !olly, !oneysuckle, !ops, =uniper, 3arch, 3avendar, 3ily of the 2alley, Mandrake,
Maple, Mariold, Mar*oram, Meadowsweet, Mint, Mistletoe, Oak, Orane, 9ecan, 9ennyroyal,
9ine, 9omeranate, 5ed Sandalwood, 5ice, 5osemary, 5owan, Saffron, Sae, Sesame, Sunflower,
#histle, Walnut, Yucca
4lemental 5uler
4lement !er"
4arth0lfalfa, 7arley, 7uckwheat, &orn, &otton, &yrpess, )ern, !oneysuckly, Manolia,
Muwort, Oats, 9atchouly, 9ea, 9otato, 5ye, Sae, #ulip, 2ervain, Wheat
0ir0cacia, 0lmond, 0spen, 7ittersweet, 7odhi, 7ra/il 8ut, 7room, &araway, &lover,
'andelion, :oldenrod, !a/el, !ops, 3avendar, Maple, Mar*oram, Meadowsweet, Mistletoe,
Mul"erry, 9ecan, 9ine, 5ice Senna
)ire0llspice, 0sh, 7ay, &arnation, &edar, &immamon, &love, &umin, 'ill, 'raon's 7lood,
)la+, )rankincense, :iner, !olly, =uniper, 3ovae, Mandrake, Mriold, Oak, Orane, 9epper,
5osemary, Sunflower, #ea, #histle, Walnut
Water0loe, 0pple, 0pricot, 7irch, 7lack"erry, &hamomile, &herry, &omfrey, 'affodil, 'aisy,
4lder, )o+love, !eather, !elle"ore, Iris, Irish Moss, =asmine, 3emon, 3ilac, 3ily, Myrrh, Orris,
9each, 9lum, 9oppy, 5asp"erry, 5ose, Sandalwood, Staw"erry, #ansy, #hyme, 2anilla, 2iolet,
Willow, Yew
!er" 9lanetary 5ulers
9lanetary 5uler!er"
Sun0cacia, 0sh, 7ay, &arnation, &edar, &hamomile, &immamon, !a/el, !eliotrope, =uniper,
Mariold, Misteltoe, Oak, Orane, 9am, 9eony, 5ice, 5osemary, Saffron, Sunflower, #ea,
Moon0loe, &otton, 'ulse, 4ucalyptus, :ardenia, :rape, Irish Moss, =asmine, 3emon, 3iiy,
Myrrh, 9oppy, 9otato, Sandalwood, Willow
Mercury0lmond, 0spen, 7ittersweet, 7ra/il 8ut, &araway, &lover, 'ill, )ennel, )ern, )la+,
3avendar, Mandrake, Mar*oram, Mint, Mul"erry, parsley, 9ecan, Senna
2enus0pple, 0pricot, 0vocado, 7arley, 7irch, 7lack"erry, &herry, &orn, &owslip, 'affodil,
'aisy, 4lder, )o+love, :oldenrod, Iris, 3ilac, Manolia, Oats, 9ea, 9each, 9lum, 5asp"erry,
5ose, Suar &ane, #hyme, 2anilla, 2iolet, Willow
Mars0llspice, 7asil, 7riony, 7room, &arrot, &hili 9epper, 'raon's 7lood, :iner, !olly, !ops,
Onion, 9ennyroyal, 9ine, 5eed, #histle, Woodruff
=upiter0nise, 7odhi, &hestnut, &love, !oneysuckle, Maple, Meadowsweet, 8utme, Sae,
Witch :rass
Saturn0maranth, 7eech, 7elladonna, &ypress, 4lm, !elle"ore, Ivy, 3ady's Slipper, Mimosa,
9ansy, 9atchouly, #amarisk, Yew
Maickal Intention
7eauty0vocado, &atnip, :insin, Maidenhair
&atalysts'raon's 7lood, Mandrake, Mistletoe
&ourae7orae, Mullein, 5aweed, 5ose, Sweetpea, #ea, #hyme, Yarrow
'ivination7lack Willow, 7room, &herry, &love, 'andelion, !i"iscus, Ivy, Meadowsweet, Orris
'reams0nise, &innamon, !olly, Mariold, Muwort, Yarrow
4mployment'evil's Shoestrin, 3ucky !and, 9ecan
)aeries and 4lves'aisy, )o+love, 5aweed, Shamrock, Wood Sorrel
)ertility'affodil, :insen, :rape,!a/el, Mandrake, Mistletoe, Muwort, 8uts, Oak, 9atchouly,
9oppy, 5ice, Sunflower, Wheat
)riendship3emon, 3ove Seed, Sweetpea
:ood 3uck0llspice, 0loe, 7lue"ell, &lover, 'affodil, )ern, :oldenrod, !eather, !oneysuckle,
Irish Moss, =o"'s #ears, Moss, 8utme, 5ose, Sandalwood, Straw"erry, 2iolet
!appiness&atnip, &yclamen, !awthorn, !yacinth, 3avender, Mar*oram, Meadowsweet,
Saffron, Witch :rass
!ealin0llspice, 0pple, 7ay, 7ittersweet, 7lack"erry, &arnation, &edar, &innamon, )ennel,
)la+, :ardenia, :arlic, :insen, !enna, !ops, Ivy, =o"'s #ears, Mint, Muwort, Myrrh, Oak,
9ine, 9otato, 5ose, 5osemary, Sandalwood, #histle, #hyme, 2iolet, Willow
!ealth0sh, &araway, &oriander, :insen, =uniper, Mar*oram, Mistletoe, 8utme, Oak, 5ose,
3eal Matters7uckthorn, !ickory, Mariold3ove0pple, 0pricot, 0lmond, 7arley, 7asil,
7ra/il 8ut, &hamomile, &herry, &hestnut, &innamon, &love, &lover, &oriander, 'affodil, 'aisy,
:ardenia, :iner, !i"iscus, =asmine, =uniper, 3avendar, 3emon, Mar*oram, Meadowsweet,
Mistletoe, Orane, 9lum, 9oppy, 5asp"erry, 5ose, 5osemary, Senna, Straw"erry, #hyme,
2alerian, 2anilla, 2iolet, Willow, Yarrow
Mental 9owers&araway, :rape, 5osemary, Walnut
Money, Wealth0lmond, 7asil, 7lack"erry, &edar, &hamomile, &innamon, &love, 'ill, )ern,
:iner, :oldenrod, !oneysuckle, Irish Moss, =asmine, 3ucky !and, Mint, Moss, Myrtle,
8utme, Oak, Orane, 9atchouly, 9ine, 5ice, Snapdraon, #ea, 2ervain Wheat
9eace:ardenia, 3avendar, Meadowsweet, 9ennyroyal, 2iolet
9rosperity0lmond, 0sh, 7anana, 8uts, Oak, #ulip
9rotection0cacia, 0loe, 0nelica, 0nise, 0sh, 7asil, 7irch, 7lack"erry, 7lue"erry, 7room,
&araway, &arnation, &adar, &in.uefoil, &lover, &otton, &ypress, 'ill, 4ucalyptus, )ennel, )la+,
)o+love, :rass, !a/el, !eather, !olly, Irish Moss, Ivy, 3ilac, Mandrake, Mariold, Mistletoe,
Muwort, Mul"erry, Oak, Olive, 9ine, 9rimrose, 5asp"erry, 5ice, 5ose, 5osemary, Sandalwood,
Spanish Moss, #histle, 2alerian, 2iolet, Willow
9sychic 0"ility7ay, &innamon, !oneysuckle, Mariold, 5ose, #hyme, Yarrow
9urification7ay, 7room, &edar, &hamomile, Iris, 9arsley, Sae, 2alerian, 2ervain
Sleep&hamomile, !ops, 3avendar, 9eppermint, 5osemary, #hyme, 2ervain
Spirituality&innamon, )rankincense, !eather, Myrrh, Sandalwood
Strenth7ay, &arnation, Muwort, Mul"erry, #histle
Success&innamon, &lover, !ih =ohn the &on.ueror, Mistletoe, 9atchouly, Sandalwood,
Wisdom7odhi, Iris, Sae, Sunflower
Wishes7am"oo, 7eech, 'andelion, 'owood, =o"'s #ears, Sae, Sandalwood, Sunflower, 2iolet
,&ontrary to what you may have heard, magic is a natural
process"!!"cott #unningham
&rystals, stones and metals have "een used "y humans for tens of thousands of
years. #hey are used to make our homes and have "een made into weapons or used
to sharpen them. #hey also have "een used as tools of maick and reliious ritual
and as talismans and offerins to the :ods. We may not notice them, "ut they are
everywhere in our lives. It is not uncommon to find the even the most skeptical non1
"eliever wearin a "irthstone rin, the stone considered lucky for a person "orn
durin that month. #oday, the natural eneries of stones and crystals are "ein
rediscovered "y a whole new eneration. 0s tools of maick, stones lend us their
eneries and provide us with places to store our own eneries. #hey are like natural
"atteries, storin within them the eneries of the 4arth. #hey come in a rain"ow of
colors from ice clear to solid, lossy "lack and come in a variety of shapes, si/es, and
te+tures. #hey are a direct connection to the 4arth that provides us with all we need
for e+istence. #hey are found within the 4arth, a true ift of the :oddess and :od.
Stones are used as talismans to protect from the unknown and are returned to the
4arth to insure the fertility of the fields and the success of the crops. Stone maick
covers all aspects of life: health, love, prosperity, spirituality, wisdom, *ust to name
a few. In con*unction with candle maick, stones add their eneries and concentrate
the purpose within themselves. 7ecause of this, the stone used for a positive spell is
retrieved and used as a talisman. )or a neative or "anishin spell, the stone is
never touch and carefully returned to the earth far from your home. 7efore a stone
is used in a spell, the stone should "e chared with the purpose of the spell. #his is
done "y holdin the stone in your pro*ective $riht% hand and lettin the enery that
is within you pour into the stone while visuali/in the purpose. Some say the "est
stones are the ones you ather yourself. )or most of us, this is not very realistic, "ut
if you can, try to find stones in stream "eds or lake "ottoms, may"e from a wooded
path or even in your own "ack yard. 5emem"er, when you do ather stones, ask the
4arth first and then thank it for its sacrifice. Some witches perform a small ritual
"efore they o on stone ather e+peditions, makin offerins to the 4arth and
prayin for a ood hunt. 6eep in mind that the stones you "uy from whatever
source $I found a wonderful selection at a 7ooks101Million not too lon ao%, the
stones need to "e cleansed of any neativity or linerin psychic clutter. You have
no idea how many people have handled the stones "efore you or how they were
claimed from the 4arth, "ut you can pro"a"ly uess that the 4arth was not asked or
thanked for its sacrifice. #he stones can "e cleansed usin several methods. Set the
stone in direct sunliht, prefera"le outside, and let the Sun's eneries do the work.
#he stone should stay outside for anywhere from one day to a week, dependin on
how much other enery the stone's a"sor"ed. #he stone should "e "rouht in every
evenin at dusk. &heck the stone "y placin it in your receptive hand $left%. 'oes the
stones natural enery vi"rations feel normal( Once they do, the cleansin is
finished. If you happen to live near a stream or river or may"e on the ocean, you
can use the runnin water to cleanse the stones as well. #his is done "y placin the
stones in a mesh "a, tyin them off somehow so as to not loose them and let the
runnin water cleanse them overniht. If one niht is not enouh, leave it for
another. #he 4arth can also "e used, althouh this method is much more time
consumin. #ake the stones and "ury them in the earth. 5emem"er to mark where
the stones are "uried- 3eave them there for a week or two. &heck them to see if they
are cleansed. If not, re"ury them and wait another week. If none of these methods
are possi"le, a small ritual can "e performed usin a "owl of fresh earth $8orth%, a
small "asin of water $West%, incense $4ast% and a red candle $South%. 9ass the stone
throuh each of these elements while askin the element to aid in cleansin the stone
of all neativity and unwanted eneries. )ollow the links "elow to charts containin
information a"out some of the various stones and crystals and their attri"utes.
#here are two "asic eneries that stones possess. #hey are either pro$ective, or receptive.
9ro*ective stones tend to "e stron, "riht, forceful. 5eceptive stones are calm, inward, peaceful.
)ollow the chart "elow to learn more a"out these uni.ue eneries and the stones that fall into
each cateory.
9ro*ective Masculine> !ealin, 9rotection, Intellectual 9owers, 3uck, Success, Will
9ower, &ourae, Self &onfidence7lack, 7rown and 5ed 0ate, 0m"er, 0pache #ears,
0venturine, 7loodstone, &arnelian, &at's1eye, &itrine, &ross Stone, 'iamond,
:arnet, 5ed =asper, 3ava, O"sidian, Ony+, Opal, 5u"y, Sardony+, Sunstone,
#ier's1eye, 5ed #ourmaline, ?ircon
5eceptive )eminine> Soothin, 3ove, Wisdom, &ompassion, 4lo.uence, Sleep, 'reams,
)riendship, :rowth, )ertility, 9rosperity, Spirituality, 9sychism, Mysticism7lue 3ace and
:reen 0ate, 0methyst, 0.uamarine, 0/urite, 7lue &alcite, 9ink &alcite,
&hrysocolla, &hrysoprase, &oal, &oral, &ross Stone, @uart/ &rystal, 4merald,
)ossils, =ade, 7rown and :reen =asper, =et, 3apis 3a/uli, Malachite, Moonstone,
Mother1of19earl, Olivine, Opal, 9earl, 9eridot, Salt, Sapphire, Suilite, 7lack, 7lue,
:reen and 9ink #ourmaline, #ur.uoise
4lemental 5ulers
4arth 9eace, :roundin, &enterin, )ertility, Money, 7usiness Success, Sta"ility,
:ardenin:reen 0ate, :reen &alcite, &at's1eye, &hrysoprase, &oal, 4merald,
7rown and :reen =asper, =et, Malachite, Olivine, 9eridot, Salt, 7lack and :reen
#ourmaline, #ur.uoise
0ir &ommunication, #ravel, Intellect0venturine, Mottled =asper, Mica, 9umice
)ire 9rotection, 'efensive Maick, 9hysical Strenth, Maickal 4nery, &ourae, Will 9ower,
9urification7anded, 7lack, 7rown, 5ed 0ate, 0m"er, 0pache #ear, 7loodstone,
&arnelian, &itrine, @uart/ &rystal, 'iamond, :arnet, !ematite, 5ed =asper, 3ava,
O"sidian, Ony+, 5u"y, Sardony+, Sunstone, #ier's1eye, #opa/, 5ed and
Watermelon #ourmaline, ?ircon
Water 3ove, !ealin, &ompassion, 5econciliation, )riendship, 9urification, 'e1stressin,
9eace, 'reams, Sleep, 9sychic 0"ility7lue 3ace 0ate, 0methyst, 0.uamarine, 0/urite,
7lue and 9ink &alcite, &hrysocolla, &oral, @uart/ &rystal, =ade, 3apis 3a/uli,
Moonstone, Mother1of19earl, 9earl, Sapphire, Selenite, Sodalite, Suilite, 7lue,
:reen, 9ink #ourmaline
9lanetary 5ulers
9lanetary 5ulerStoneA&rystal
Sun 3eal Matters, !ealin, 9rotection, Success, Illumination, Maickal and 9hysical
4nery0m"er Orane &alcite, &arnelian, @uart/ &rystal, 'iamond, Sunstone,
#ier's1eye, #opa/, ?ircon
Moon Sleep, 'reams, :ardenin, 3ove, !ealin, !ome, )ertility, 9eace, &ompassion,
Spirituality0.uamarine, @uart/ &rystal, Moonstone, Mother1of19earl, 9earl,
Sapphire, Selenite
Mercury Increasin Mental 9owers, 4lo.uence, 'ivination, Studyin, &ommunication,
#ravel, Wisdom0ate, 0venturine, Mottled =asper, 9umice
2enus 3ove, )idelity, 5econciliation, 7eauty, =oy, !appiness, 9leasure, 3uck, )riendship,
&ompassion, Meditation, Women0/urite, 7lue, :reen, 9ink &alcite, &at's1eye,
&hrysocolla, &oral, 4merald, =ade, :reen =asper, 3apis 3a/uli, Malachite, Olivine,
9eridot, 7lue, :reen, 9ink, Watermelon #ourmaline, #ur.uoise
Mars &ourae, !ealin $after Surery%, 9hysical Strenth, 9olitics, Se+ual 4nery, 9rotection,
'efensive Maick, Men7loodstone, )lint, :arnet, 5ed =asper, Ony+, 5u"y, Sardony+,
5ed and Watermelon #ourmaline
=upiter Spirtuality, Meditation, 9sychism, 5itual0methyst, 3epidolite, Suilite
Saturn :roundin, &enterin, 9rotection, 9urification, 3uck0lum, 0pache #ear, &oal,
!ematite, 7rown =asper, =et, O"sidian, Ony+, Salt, 7lack #ourmaline
Maickal Intention
7eauty0m"er, &at's1eye, =asper, Opal
7usiness Success7loodstone, Malachite, :reen #ourmaline, Yellow ?ircon
&ourae0ate, 0methyst, 0.uamarine, 7loodstone, 'iamond, 3apis 3a/uli,
#ier's1eye, #ur.uoise
'ietinMoonstone, #opa/
'ivination0/urite, =et, Moonstone, O"sidian, #ier's1eye
'reams0methyst, 0/urite, )lourite
4lo.uence&arnelian, &elestite, Sardony+
)riendship&hysoprase, 9ink #ourmaline, #ur.uoise
:ardenin0ate, =ade, Malachite, 7rown ?ircon
:od&itrine, Malachite, Sunstone
:oddessMoonstone, &hrysocolla
:roundin!ematite, Moonstone, O"sidian, Salt, 7lack #ourmaline
!appiness0methyst, Yellow ?ircon
!ealin0ate, 0m"er, 0methyst, 7loodstone, &at's1eye, &oral, 'iamond, :arnet,
=ade, =asper, =et, 3apis 3a/uli, #opa/, #ur.uoise, 5ed ?ircon
3onevity0ate, )ossils, =ade, 9etrified Wood
3ove0ate, 0m"er, 0methyst, 7eryl, 4merald, =ade, 3apis 3a/uli, Malachite,
Moonstone, Olivine, 9earl, Sapphire, #opa/, #ur.uoise
3uck0m"er, 0pache #ear, 0venturine, &ross Stone, =et, Olivine, Opal, 9earl,
Sardony+, #ier's1eye, #ur.uoise
Maickal 9ower7loodstone, @uart/ &rystal, Malachite, Opal, 5u"y
Meditation:eodes, Sapphires, Sodalite
Mental 9owers0venturine, 4merald, )luorite, ?ircon
Money, Wealth, 9rosperity0venturine, 7loodstone, &alcite, &at's1eye, &oal,
4merald, =ade, Mother1of19earl, Opal, 9earl, 9eridot, 5u"y, Salt, Sapphire,
#ier's1eye, #opa/, :reen #ourmaline, 7rown, :reen or 5ed ?ircon
9eace0methyst, 0.uamarine, 0venturine, &arnelian, &oral, 'iamond, 3epidolite,
Malachite, O"sidian, Sapphire, Sardony+, 7lue #ourmaline
9hysical 4nery7eryl, Selenite, Sunstone, #ier's1eye, 5ed #ourmaline, 5ed
9hysical Strenth0ate, 0m"er, 7eryl, 7loodstone, 'iamond, :arnet
9rotection0ate, 0m"er, 0pache #ear, &alcite, &at's1eye, &itrine, &oral, @uart/
&rystal, 'iamond, 4merald, )lint, )ossils, :arnet, =ade, =asper, =et, 3apis 3a/uli,
3ava, Malachite, Mar"le, Moonstone, Mother1of19earl, O"sidian, Ony+, 9earl,
9eridot, 9etrified Wood, 5u"y, Salt, Sardony+, Sunstone, #ier's1eye, #opa/, 7lack
#ourmaline, 5ed #ourmaline, #ur.uoise, &lear ?ircon, 5ed ?ircon
9urification0.uamarine, Salt
Se+ual 4nery&arnelian, Sunstone, Yellow ?ircon
SleepMoonstone, 9eridot, 7lue #ourmaline
Spirituality&alcite, 'iamond, Suilite
Success0ma/onite, &hrysoprase, Mar"le
#ravel&halcedony, Orane ?ircon
Wisdom&oral, =ade, Sodalite, Suilite
3ike the her"s and stones used in maick, oils and essences play an important role
in a witch's maickal life. We use oils in candle spells, in potppouri, we ru" them on
talismans and stones, we place them in "aths, and on ourselves to "oost maickal
intent. 5emem"er that oils need to "e used in con*unction with visuali/ation.
4ssences can "e incense, musks and tinctures. #he most common essence is incense
which can "e "ouht in almost any lare retail store $Walmart even has a small
selection of incense and incense "urners% or throuh metaphysical stores and &raft
supply stores $one of the "est supplies of incense I've seen was at a flea market%.
%he #omplete &oo' of (ncense) *ils + &rews "y Scott &unninham is a wonderful
"ook that not only lists how these essential maickal correspondences can aid your
maick, "ut also has recipes for how to make your own. On to the ta"les.
Oil and 4ssence 9lanetary 5ulers and
9lanetary 5ulerOilA4ssence
Sun !ealin, 9ortection, Success, Illumination, Maickal 9ower, 9hysical 4nery7ay,
&edarwood, &innamon, )rankincense, =uniper, Orane, 5osemary, Sandalwood,
Moon Sleep, 9sychic 'reams, 9sychic 0wareness, :ardenin, 3ove, !ealin, )ertility, 9eace,
&ompassion, )amily, Spirituality&amphor, =asmine, 3emon, 3emon 7alm, Myrrh,
Mercury Intellience, 4lo.uence, 'ivination, Study, Self1Improvement, 7reakin 8eative
!a"its, &ommunication, Wisdom3avender, 3emon 2er"ena, 3emonrass, 9eppermint
2enus 3ove, )idelity, 5econciliation, 7eauty, Youth, !appiness, 9leasure, 3uck, )riendship,
Meditation&ardamom, :eranium, !eather, 3ilac, 5ose, Spearmint, 2iolet
Mars &ourae, !ealin, 9hyscial Strenth, 9olitics, Se+ual 4nery, 9rotection, 'efensive
Maick7asil, &oriander, :iner, 9eppermint, 9ine
=upiter Spirituality, Meditation, Money, 9rosperity&love, !oneysuckle, 8utme
Saturn 9rotection, 9urification, 3onevity, 2isions&ypress, 9atchouly
Oil and 4ssence 4lemental 5ulers and
4lemental 5ulerOilA4ssence4arth 9eace, )ertility, Money,
7usiness Success, :rowth, 4mployment&ypress, !oneysuckle, 9atchouly, 2etivert0ir
&ommunication, #ravel, Intellect, 4lo.uence, 'ivination, )reedom, Wisdom3aender,
3emonrass, Mace, 9eppermint)ire &ommunication, 'efensive Maick, 9hysical
Strenth, Maickal 9ower, &ourae, Wil 9ower, 9urification7asil, 7ay, &edarwood,
&innamon, &love, )rankincense, =uniper, 3ime, Orane, 9eppermint, 5osemary,
#anerineWater 3ove, !ealin, 9eace, &ompassion, 5econciliation, )riendship, Sleep,
'reams3emon 7alm, &amomile, &herry, 4ucalyptus, =asmine, 3emon, Myrrh, 5ose,
Sandalwood, Speamint, 2anilla, 2iolet
Oil and 4ssence Maickal Intentions
Maickal IntentionOilA4ssence
&ourae7lack 9epper, )rankincense, :eranium, #hyme
'ivination&amphor, &love, Orane
!appiness3avender, Meadowsweet
!ealinA!ealth7ay, &edarwood, &innamon, &oriander, 4ucalyptus, =uniper,
3emon 7alm, 3Ime, 9almarosa, 9eppermint, 9ine, 5ose, 5osemary, Sandalwood,
Spearmint, 2iolet
3ove0pricot, 7asil, &amomile, &innamon, &love, &oriander, :eranium, :iner,
=asmine, =uniper, 3avender, 3emon, Orane, 9eppermint, 5ose, 5osemary,
2etivert, 2iolet, Yarrow
3uck8utme, Orane, 5ose, 2etivert, 2iolet
3ust&innamon, &love, :iner, 3emonrass, Olive, 9atchouly, 9eppermint,
5osemary, 2anilla
Money and 5iches7asil, &amomile, &edarwood, &onnamon, &love, :iner,
!oneysuckle, =asmine, 8utme, Orane, 9atchouly, 9eppermint, 9ine, 2etivert,
Wood 0loe
9eace3avender, 9ennyroyal, 2iolet
Maickal 9ower:iner, #anerine, 2anilla
9rotection0nise, 7asil, 7ay, 7lack 9epper, &edarwood, &innamon, &love,
&ypress, 4ucalyptus, )rankincense, :eranium, !oneysuckle, =uniper, 3avender,
3ime, Myrrh, 8iaouli, 9atchouly, 9ennyroyal, 9eppermint, 9ine, 5ose, Sandalwood,
2etivert, 2iolet
9sychic 0wareness7ay, &amphor, &assia, &innamon, &love, !oneysuckle,
3emonrass, 3ilac, Mace, 8utme, Orane, 9eppermint, 5ose, #hyme, Yarrow
9urification7en/oin, &amomile, &amphor, &edarwood, &innamon, 4ucalyptus,
)rankincense, 3avender, 3emon, 3emon 2er"ena, 3ime, Musk, Myrrh,
9eppermint, 9ine, 5osemary, Sandalwood
Spirituality&assia, &innamon, )rankincense, =asmine, Myrrh, 9ine,
Sandalwood, Wisteria
7ide the Wiccan 3aw ye must, In perfect love and perfect trust. 4iht words the Wiccan 5ede
fulfill: 0n' ye harm none, do what ye will. What ye send forth comes "ack to thee So ever mind
the law of three. )ollow this with mind and heart, Merry ye meet, and merry ye part. 7lessed 7e.

%hese are $ust a small sampling of various correspondances as
related to Astrological ,"un- signs %his is by no means a total
0stroloical Sin B 'ates0nel 9lanet4lementStone)lowerA!er"&olor'ay o.t. Week
05I4S March 21 - April 19SamaelMarsFireRub! Gar"et! Bloodsto"e! #iamo"d$histle! %ild Rose!
GroseRed! bright colors$uesda
#0C5CS April 2& - Ma 21A"ael'e"usEarthSapphire! Emerald! (ade! )pal'iolet! %ild * Red Roses!
+olts,ootBlues! Gree"sFrida
:4MI8I Ma 22 - (u"e 2&RaphaelMercurAir#iamo"d! (ade! $opa-! A.uamari"e/arsle! #ill!
S"apdrago"s! 0ris%hite! Spr1 Gree"! Sil2er!3ello4%ed"esda
&08&45 (u"e 21 - (ul 22GabrielMoo"%aterEmerald! +at5s Ee! /earl! Moo"sto"e/opp! %ater
6il! %hite Rose! Moo"4ort/ale Blue! Sil2er! /earl! %hiteMo"da
34O (ul 27 - August 22MichaelSu"FireAmber! $opa-! Rub! #iamo"dMarigold! Su",lo4er! Hops!
+o4slipGold! Red! 3ello4! )ra"geSu"da
2I5:O August 27 - Sept 22RaphaelMercurEarth#iamo"d! (ade! (asper! A.uamari"eRosemar!
+or",lo4er! 'aleria"/astel Blue! Gold! /each%ed"esda
3I750 Sept 27 - )ct 22A"ael'e"usAir)pal! 6apis 6a-uli! Emerald! (ade'iolet! %hite Rose! 6o2e-i"-
the-Mist+erulea" Blue! Roal Blue! AmethstFrida
S&O59IO )ct 27 - 8o2 21Samael! A-raelMars! /luto%aterRub! Gar"et! Bloodsto"e! $opa-Basil!
Heather! +hrsa"themum#ar9 Red! Bro4"! Blac9! Gra$uesda
S0:I##05ICS 8o2 22 - #ec 21Sachiel(upiterFireSapphire! Amethst! #iamo"d+ar"atio"!
%all,lo4er! +lo2epi"9! Sage6ilac! Mau2e! /urple! Amethst$hursda
&095I&O58 #ec 22 - (a" 19+assielSatur"Earth)":! )bsidia"! (et! Gar"et8ightshade! S"o4drop!
RueBlac9! Gre! 'iolet! #9 Bro4"Saturda
0@C05ICS (a" 2& - Feb 1;<riel! +assielSatur"! <ra"usAir=irco"! Amber Amethst!
Gar"etS"o4drop! Fo:glo2e! Gr1 'aleria"All +olorsSaturda
9IS&4S Feb 19 - Mar 2&Sachiel! Asariel(upiter! 8eptu"e%aterSapphire! Amethst! +oralHeliotrope!
+ar"atio"! )pium /opp/urple! 'iolet! Sea Gree"$hursda
.icca/ A 0uide for the "olitary 1ractitioner
"y Scott &unninham
%his boo' is a wonderful guide for those that have 2uestions about whether .icca is
for them and to answer the 2uestions of those of us that are sure .icca is in our
%o 3ide a "ilver &roomstic' "y Silver 5avenwolf Another fantastic
boo' on what it is to be a witch
%he .icca "pellboo' "y :erina 'unwich %his boo' is a lot of fun as
well as informative Her potpourri recipes are great and easily modified
"piral 4ance/ A 3ebirth of the Ancient 3eligion "y Starhawk
5rom one of the leading pioneers in feminine spirituality Earth 1ower "y Scott
&unninham An e6cellent boo' on Natural Magic' and connecting with the
%he .itches7 0oddess "y =anet B Stewart )arrar A very detailed
boo' listing the various faces of the 0oddess and an e6cellent boo' to use when
researching a matron 0oddess
%he .itches7 0od "y =anet B Stewart )arrar A very detailed boo'
listing the various faces of the 0od and an e6cellent boo' to use when researching a
patron 0od
Magic'al) Mythical) Mystical &easts/ How to (nvite %hem into
Your 8ife "y '. =. &onway A wonderful guide to the legendary creatures that
are truly magic'al and how to befriend them and enlist their help
Any of the "cott #unningham Encyclopedias of magic'al
#he followin "ook is not for the faint of heart, "ut I feel it is none the less an
important part of a witch's education.%he Malleus Maleficarum $#he Witch
!ammer% "y !einrich 6ramer and =ames Sprener was oriinally printed in or
a"out DEFG. It was "y this horrid "ook that witch hunters took their cues and
massacred hundreds of thousands of ,witches, in the name of &hristianity. It is now
known that of those thousands $some say millions% a very small percentae were
what we today would consider witches. Most were women, most were innocent of the
crimes for which they died. It has "een reprinted several times over the centuries.
#his "ook is not for everyone, "ut it is an important source of information a"out
what we have overcome.
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