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Parol = elevelev
Utilizator = elev dublu click pe conectare
Nume utilizator = vmandici
Parola = vasile continu
Crearea de lecii + test aferent
I. crearea directorului
Bibliotec catedre director Mandici Vasile !rte plastice" creeaz director creeaz click
pe director creeaz lecie numele leciei descrierea leciei modific selectai materiile
materii asociate Ctrl + mouse" adau# salveaz aceea$i procedur pentru anii de studiu asociai%
cuvinte c&eie"
II. crearea leciei propriu ' zise $i a testului aferent
Click pe pac&et())))))))) numele leciei ' simbol = crmizile verzi" =* dou subdirectoare+ ))))))))
numele leciei" + resurse ))))))))))) click pe resurse adau# fi$ier bro,se click pe poz
open creeaz fi$ier -.M/ ptrat 0n dreapta minieditor" s#eat st1n#a click pe ecranul alb
ma2imize se a3usteaz poza click pe poz =* cruce =* s#eat" se scrie te2tul se salveaz
dreapta sus" minimize adau# se 0nc&ide fereastra =* subdirector creeaz test
completare de date dreapta ' modific% selectare% adau#% salveaz" creeaz click pe test
creeaz problem 4" completare de date creeaz salveaz click pe nr)4 adau# variante
se adau# 567 variante de rspuns% se bifeaz varianta corect" salveaz creeaz problem 5 '
aceea$i pa$i"
III. asocierea leciei cu te2tul
Click pe subdirector simbol = crmizile verzi" creeaz component dou componente+ test + te2t%
ima#ine" click pe butonul cu simbolul ? pentru test" resurse selecteaz completare de date
salveaz click pe al doilea buton cu simbolul se procedeaz la fel" =* componentele leciei
afi$ate 0n bara a 886a click pe pac&et ()))))))))) numele leciei" adau# utilizatori selectare se
bifeaz 0n ptrelul din dreapta salveaz click pe creion drepturi utilizator se bifeaz pe
citire% modificare )))" salveaz adu#are #rupuri 0nc&ide fereastra
IV. folosirea unei alte lecii
/ecii selectare click pe numele leciei se ine de#etul apsat pe mouse p1n se formeaz o
s#eat" se tra#e s#eata p1n la director9 0n dreptul butonului cu simbolul se ia de#etul de pe
mouse dorii s copiai :;
.rimiterea mesa3elor
Avizier click pe subiect de discuie nou trimite un mesa3 nou pentru vizualizare click pe bun
ziua sau pe timpul probabil rspunde trimite rspuns
Vizualizarea bazei de date
Secretariat orar =* orarul $colii profesori =* lista cu profesorii $colii cutare profesor
completare de date filtreaz" clase elevii 0nmatriculai cutare elev completare de date
Creion = editare% se pot aduce modificri
:c&elari = vizualizare% fr a se putea aduce modificri
/act = acord drepturi asupra obiectului% poate fi accesat de o alt persoan
=runza = vizualizarea datelor elevilor 0nmatriculai
> = $ter#ere
Clever sheep

:nce t&ere lived a s&eep) -e ,as ver? clever but a little careless)
:ne da? a ,olf came to t&e s&eep)
@Aou canBt escape% @ said t&e ,olf)
@8 kno,%@ said t&e s&eep% softl?)
@ Aou are #reatC <o please #rant me a last ,is&% ?ou% please% sin# a son# so t&at 8 ma? dance one last time)B
@Certainl?% said t&e ,olf proudl? and t&ro,in# back &is &ead be#an to &o,l)
-earin# &im &o,l t&e farmerBs do#s rus&ed to t&e spot and drove &im a,a?)

MORAL !o"#t atte$pt a"%thi"& that is be%o"' %o(r abilit%.
)he )hie* a"' his Mother

:nce t&ere lived a bo? called Damu) :ne da? &e stole a book from one of &is classmates) 8nstead of punis&in#
&im &is mot&er ,ell appreciated &im) <&e said% E.&at ,as so clever m? bo?F) !s &e #re, older and older Damu
came to be kno,n as t&e villa#e t&ief) :ne da? t&e police cau#&t &im and &e ,as ordered to be &an#ed)
.&e da? of &is e2ecution arrived% and &is mot&er ,as beatin# &er &ands in &er c&est and ,as cr?in#) Damu
sa, &is mot&er cr?in# in t&e cro,d) -e pleaded to t&e securities to allo, &im to speak &is last ,ords to &is
mot&er in &er ear) .&en &is mot&er s&o,ed &is ear to Damu so t&at &e can speak) Damu t&en bit &is mot&erGs ear)
Man? of t&e people came and pus&ed &im back and asked &im if s&e ,as &is mot&er or not) .&en &e replied% E
t&at lad? is m? mot&er% because of &er 8 am #oin# to be &an#ed no,) H&en 8 ,as small 8 did misc&ief% ,it&out
punis&in# me s&e encoura#ed me to do it a#ain and a#ain) 8 ,as an unnatural c&ild and so is m? mot&erF)

MORAL Spare the ro' a"' spoil the chil'.
)he +ar$er a"' the Stor,

:nce a farmer kept a trap for t&e birds t&at ,ere eatin# &is ne,l? planted corns) H&en &e came and looked &e
sa, man? cranes in it and one stork) H&en t&e stork sa, t&e farmer t&e stork started be##in# to t&e farmer E 8
am not like t&ese #reed? cranes 8 am a poor stork takin# care of m? a#ed parents) <o% pleaseC@) .&e farmer cut
&im s&ort) @Aou must be sa?in# t&e trut& but ?ou are captured ,it& t&e same #roup t&at ,as destro?in# m? crop)
<o ?ou ,ill &ave to suffer t&e same fate as t&ose in ,&ose compan? ?ou ,ere captured@)

MORAL -o( are .('&e' b% the co$pa"% %o( ,eep.
)/o roosters

.,o roosters lived in a villa#e) .&e? ,ere close friends Iut one da? t&e? fou#&t for supremac? in t&e
farm?ard) =inall?% one ,as vanJuis&ed and &e ,ent back to &en &ouse) .&e victor fle, up to t&e roof of t&e
barn and be#ins to cro,% E8Gve ,on% 8Gve ,onCF
!n ea#le s,ooped do,n and carried &im a,a?) .&e rooster t&at &ad been defeated suddenl? found &imself
t&e unc&allen#ed master of t&e farm?ard)

MORAL )he e"e$% is o*te" 'e*eate' b% his o/" pri'e.
Clap or slap

.&ere ,as once a do# t&at used to run up Juietl? be&ind people and bite t&eir &eels) =ed up of t&e numerous
complaints% t&e o,ner tied a bell around t&e do#Gs neck so t&at t&e sound of t&e bell ,ould alert people ,&enever
t&e do# came near t&em)
.&e do# felt t&e bell ,as a re,ard of some sort and became e2tremel? conceited% turnin# up &is nose ,&enever
&e met ot&er do#s on t&e street) :ne da? a &ound brou#&t &im do,n to eart& ,it& some plain speakin# and ,&en
t&e do# learnt ,&? t&e bell &ad been put around &is neck &e slunk a,a? in s&ame)

MORAL So$eti$es /hat appears to be a clap o" the bac, is act(all% a slap o" the *ace.
)he 0orse a"' Sol'ier

! &orse soldier took t&e utmost pains to care &is &orse) !s lon# as t&e ,ar lasted% &e looked upon &orse as
&is fello,6&elper in all emer#encies and fed &im carefull? ,it& &a? and corn) Iut ,&en t&e ,ar ,as over%
&e onl? allo,ed &im c&aff to eat and made &im carr? &eav? loads of ,ood% and ill treated) Har ,as a#ain
proclaimed) .&e <oldier put on &orse its militar? trappin#s% and mounted% bein# clad in &is &eav? coat of
mail) .&e -orse fell do,n strai#&t,a? under t&e ,ei#&t% no lon#er eJual to t&e burden% and said to &is
@Aou must no, #o to t&e ,ar on foot% for ?ou &ave transformed me from a -orse into an !ss9 and &o, can
?ou e2pect t&at 8 can a#ain turn in a moment from an !ss to a -orseKB

MORAL 1se the s,ill .('icio(sl%.
)he 2ol* a"' the Sheep

! ,olf freJuentl? visits t&e villa#e at ni#&t in searc& of &is pre?% for a #ood dinnerC -e sa, a s&eep but it
,as ,ell #uarded b? a ,atc&do#)
@H-A <-:U/L t&ere al,a?s be t&is fear and slau#&ter bet,een usK@ said t&e Holves to t&e <&eep)F .&e
,olf continued &is ,&isper+
E.&e do# al,a?s bark ,&enever ,e approac& ?ou and attack us before ,e &ave done an? &arm) 8f ?ou
,ould onl? dismiss t&em from ?our &eels% t&ere mi#&t soon be treaties of peace and reconciliation
bet,een us)@
.&e <&eep% poor sill? creatures% ,ere easil? be#uiled and dismissed t&e Lo#s% ,&ereupon t&e Holves
destro?ed t&e un#uarded flock at t&eir o,n pleasure)

MORAL )hi", t/ice be*ore cha"&e a 'ecisio".
)he Lio" a"' the Mo(se

! Mouse runnin# over &is face a,akened a /ion from sleep) Disin# up an#ril?% &e cau#&t &im and ,as about to
kill &im) .&en t&e Mouse piteousl? entreated% sa?in#+
@8f ?ou ,ould onl? spare m? life% 8 ,ould be sure to repa? ?our kindness)@ .&e /ion lau#&ed at &im but allo,ed
&im to #o) 8t &appened s&ortl? after t&is t&at some &unters% ,&o bound &im b? stron# ropes to t&e #round% cau#&t
t&e /ion) .&e Mouse% reco#nizin# &is roar% came and #na,ed t&e rope ,it& &is teet&% and set &im free%
@Aou ridiculed t&e idea of m? ever bein# able to &elp ?ou% never e2pectin# to receive from me an? repa?ment of
?our favor) No, ?ou kno, t&at it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a /ion)@

MORAL It is possible *or eve" a Mo(se to co"*er be"e*its o" a Lio".
)he +ather a"' 0is So"s

! fat&er &ad a famil? of sons ,&o ,ere perpetuall? Juarrelin# amon# t&emselves) H&en &e failed to &eal t&eir
disputes b? &is e2&ortations% &e determined to #ive t&em a practical illustration of t&e evils of disunion)
:ne da? &e told &is sons to brin# &im a bundle of sticks) H&en t&e? &ad done so% &e placed t&e fa##ot into t&e
&ands of eac& of t&em in succession% and ordered t&em to break it in pieces) .&e? tried ,it& all t&eir stren#t&%
and ,ere not able to do it)
-e ne2t opened t&e fa##ot% took t&e sticks separatel?% one b? one% and a#ain put t&em into &is sonsB &ands%
upon ,&ic& t&e? broke t&em easil?) -e t&en addressed t&em in t&ese ,ords+
@M? sons% if ?ou are of one mind% and unite to assist eac& ot&er% ?ou ,ill be as stron# as t&is fa##ot% unin3ured
b? all t&e attempts of ?our enemies9 but if ?ou are divided amon# ?ourselves% ?ou ,ill be broken as easil? as
t&ese sticks)@

MORAL 1"it% is stre"&th.
)he !o& a"' the Sha'o/

! do#% crossin# a brid#e over a stream ,it& a piece bone in &is mout&% sa, &is o,n s&ado, in t&e ,ater )-e
t&ou#&t t&at it is anot&er Lo#% ,it& a lar#er piece of bone in its mout&) -e immediatel? let #o of &is o,n% and
fiercel? attacked t&e ot&er Lo# to #et &is lar#er piece bone from &im) H&at &appenedK -e t&us lost bot&)

MORAL 3ree'i"ess is al/a%s a losi"& &a$e.
)0E )0IRS)- CRO2
:ne &ot da?% a t&irst? cro, fle, all over t&e fields lookin# for ,ater) =or a lon# time% s&e could not find
an?) <&e felt ver? ,eak% almost #ivin# up &ope)
<uddenl?% s&e sa, a ,ater 3u# belo, &er) <&e fle, strai#&t do,n to see if t&ere ,as an? ,ater inside) Aes%
s&e could see some ,ater inside t&e 3u#C
.&e cro, tried to pus& &er &ead into t&e 3u#) <adl?% s&e found t&at t&e neck of t&e 3u# ,as too narro,)
.&en s&e tried to pus& t&e 3u# do,n for t&e ,ater to flo, out) <&e found t&at t&e 3u# ,as too &eav?)
.&e cro, t&ou#&t &ard for a ,&ile) .&en lookin# around &er% s&e sa, some pebbles) <&e suddenl? &ad a
#ood idea) <&e started pickin# up t&e pebbles one b? one% droppin# eac& into t&e 3u#) !s more and more pebbles
filled t&e 3u#% t&e ,ater level kept risin#) <oon it ,as &i#& enou#& for t&e cro, to drink) -er plan &ad ,orkedC
MORAL I* %o( tr% har' e"o(&h4 %o( $a% soo" *i"' a" a"s/er to %o(r proble$.
)0E 2OL+ A5! )0E LAMB
! lamb ,as #razin# ,it& a flock of s&eep one da?) <&e soon found some s,eet #rass at t&e ed#e of t&e field)
=art&er and fart&er s&e ,ent% a,a? from t&e ot&ers)
<&e ,as en3o?in# &erself so muc& t&at s&e did not notice a ,olf comin# nearer to &er) -o,ever% ,&en it
pounced on &er% s&e ,as Juick to start pleadin#% @Please% please donBt eat me ?et) M? stomac& is full of #rass) 8f
?ou ,ait a ,&ile% 8 ,ill taste muc& better)@
.&e ,olf t&ou#&t t&at ,as a #ood idea% so &e sat do,n and ,aited) !fter a ,&ile% t&e lamb said% @ 8f ?ou allo,
me to dance% t&e #rass in m? stomac& ,ill be di#ested faster)@ !#ain t&e ,olf a#reed)
H&ile t&e lamb ,as dancin#% s&e &ad a ne, idea) <&e said% @ Please take t&e bell from around m? neck) 8f
?ou rin# it as &ard as ?ou can% 8 ,ill be able to dance even faster)@
.&e ,olf took t&e bell and ran# it as &ard as &e could) .&e s&ep&erd &eard t&e bell rin#in# and Juickl? sent
&is do#s to find t&e missin# lamb) .&e barkin# do#s fri#&tened t&e ,olf a,a? and saved t&e lambBs life)
MORAL )he &e"tle a"' /ea, ca" so$eti$es be $ore clever tha" the *ierce a"' stro"&.
)0E MO56E- A5! )0E !OL70I5
:ne da? lon# a#o% some sailors set out to sea in t&eir sailin# s&ip) :ne of t&em brou#&t &is pet monke? alon#
for t&e lon# 3ourne?)
H&en t&e? ,ere far out at sea% a terrible storm overturned t&eir s&ip) Mver?one fell into t&e sea% and t&e
monke? ,as sure t&at &e ,ould dro,n) <uddenl? a dolp&in appeared and picked &im up)
.&e? soon reac&ed and island and t&e monke? came do,n from t&e dolp&inBs back) .&e dolp&in asked t&e
monke?% @ Lo ?ou kno, t&is placeK@
.&e monke? replied% @Aes% 8 do) 8n fact% t&e kin# of t&e island is m? best friend) Lo ?ou kno, t&at 8 am
actuall? a princeK@
;no,in# t&at no one lived on t&e island% t&e dolp&in said% @Hell% ,ell% so ?ou are a princeC No, ?ou can be a
.&e monke? asked% @-o, can 8 be a kin#K@!s t&e dolp&in started s,immin# a,a?% &e ans,ered% @.&at is
eas?) !s ?ou are t&e onl? creature on t&is island% ?ou ,ill naturall? be t&e kin#C@)
MORAL )hose /ho lie a"' boast $a% e"' (p i" tro(ble.
)0E A5) A5! )0E !OVE

:ne &ot da?% an ant ,as searc&in# for some ,ater) !fter ,alkin# around for some time% s&e came to a sprin#)
.o reac& t&e sprin#% s&e &ad to climb up a blade of #rass) H&ile makin# &er ,a? up% s&e slipped and fell into t&e
<&e could &ave dro,ned if a dove up a nearb? tree &ad not seen &er) <eein# t&at t&e ant ,as in trouble% t&e
dove Juickl? plucked off a leaf and dropped it into t&e ,ater near t&e stru##lin# ant) .&e ant moved to,ards t&e
leaf and climbed up t&ere) <oon it carried &er safel? to dr? #round)
Nust at t&at time% a &unter nearb? ,as t&ro,in# out &is net to,ards t&e dove% &opin# to trap it)
Ouessin# ,&at &e ,as about to do% t&e ant Juickl? bit &im on t&e &eel) =eelin# t&e pain% t&e &unter dropped &is
net) .&e dove ,as Juick to fl? a,a? to safet?)
MORAL O"e &oo' t(r" 'eserves a"other.
)0E 0ARE A5! )0E )OR)OISE
! tortoise one da? met a &are ,&o made fun of &er) @M?% m?% ?ou move so slo,l?% ?ou ,ill never #et farC@
.&e tortoise% upset b? t&e &areBs manner% said% @/etBs &ave a race and see ,&o is faster)@
.&e &are lau#&ed and said% @Aou must be 3okin#C Iut all ri#&t% ,eBll see ,&o reac&es t&e ot&er side of t&e &ill
first)@ :ff &e ran% leavin# t&e tortoise far be&ind)
!fter a ,&ile% t&e &are stopped to ,ait for t&e tortoise to come lon#) -e ,aited and ,aited till &e felt sleep?) @
8 mi#&t as ,ell take a nap%@ &e t&ou#&t) @ Mven if s&e catc&es up ,it& me% 8 can easil? ,in t&e race)@ <o &e la?
do,n under a s&ad? tree and closed &is e?es)
H&en t&e tortoise passed t&e sleepin# &are% s&e ,alked on slo,l? but steadil?) I? t&e time t&e &are ,oke up%
t&e tortoise ,as near t&e finis&in# line) -e ran as fast as &e could% but &e could not catc& up ,it& t&e tortoise)
MORAL Slo/ a"' stea'% ca" /i" the race.
)0E +O8 A5! )0E S)OR6
! selfis& fo2 once invited a stork to dinner at &is &ome in a &ollo, tree) .&at evenin#% t&e stork fle, to t&e
fo2Bs &ome and knocked on t&e door ,it& &er lon# beak) .&e fo2 opened t&e door and said% @ Please come in and
s&are m? food)@
.&e stork ,as invited to sit do,n at t&e table) <&e ,as ver? &un#r? and t&e food smelled deliciousC .&e fo2
served soup in s&allo, bo,ls and &e licked up all &is soup ver? Juickl?) -o,ever% t&e stork could not &ave an?
of it as t&e bo,l ,as too s&allo, for &er lon# beak) .&e poor stork 3ust smiled politel? and sta?ed &un#r?)
.&e selfis& fo2 asked% @<tork% ,&? &avenBt ?ou taken ?our soupK LonBt ?ou like itK@
.&e stork replied%@ 8t ,as ver? kind of ?ou to invite me for dinner) .omorro, evenin#% please 3oin me for
dinner at m? &ome)@
.&e ne2t da?% ,&en t&e fo2 arrived at t&e storkBs &ome% &e sa, t&at t&e? ,ere also &avin# soup for dinner)
.&is time t&e soup ,as served in tall 3u#s) .&e stork drank t&e soup easil? but t&e fo2 could not reac& inside t&e
tall 3u#) .&is time it ,as &is turn to #o &un#r?)
MORAL A sel*ish act ca" bac,*ire o" %o(.
! milkmaid ,as on &er ,a? to t&e market to sell some milk from &er co,) !s s&e carried t&e lar#e 3u# of
milk on top of &er &ead% s&e be#an to dream of all t&e t&in#s s&e could do after sellin# t&e milk)
@Hit& t&at mone?% 8Bll bu? a &undred c&icks to rear in m? back?ard) H&en t&e? are full? #ro,n% 8 can sell
t&em at a #ood price at t&e market)@
!s s&e ,alked on% s&e continued dreamin#%@ .&en 8Bll bu? t,o ?oun# #oats and rear t&em on t&e #rass close
b?) H&en t&e? are full? #ro,n% 8 can sell t&em at an even better priceC@
<till dreamin#% s&e said to &erself% @<oon% 8Bll be able to bu? anot&er co,% and 8 ,ill &ave more milk to sell)
.&en 8 s&all &ave even more mone?)))@
Hit& t&ese &app? t&ou#&ts% s&e be#an to skip and 3ump) <uddenl? s&e tripped and fell) .&e 3u# broke and all
t&e milk spilt onto t&e #round)
No more dreamin# no,% s&e sat do,n and cried)
MORAL !o "ot co("t %o(r chic,e"s be*ore the% are hatche'.
)he 7i& a"' the Co/
! ric& man complained to &is friend+ @People donBt like me) .&e? sa? 8Bm selfis& and stin#?) !nd ?et in m?
last ,ill and testament 8 &ave donated all t&at 8 o,n to c&aritable cause)@ -is friend said+ @Hell% ma?be t&e stor?
of t&e co, and t&e pi# &as a lesson for ?ou)@
.&e pi# came to t&e co, and complained+ BPeople al,a?s talk about ?our friendliness) 8 kno, ?ou are
friendl?% ?ou do #ive t&em milk) Iut t&e? #et muc&% muc& more from me) .&e? #et &am and bacon and lard and
t&e? even cook m? feet) !nd ?et 6 no one likes me) .o all of t&em 8 am 3ust a pi#% a &o#) H&? is t&atKB
Moral )he co/ tho(&ht it over a bit a"' the" sai' #7erhaps it#s beca(se I &ive /hile I a$ still alive9#:
A Ba$boo )ree
! farmer &ad a cluster of beautiful bamboo trees) :ne da? &e stood before t&e tallest one and said% @M?
friend% 8 need ?ou)@ @<ir%@ said t&e bamboo% @Use me in an? ,a? ?ou ,is&% 8 am read?)@ .&en t&e #ardenerBs
voice became serious and &e said% @8n order to use ?ou% 8Bve #ot to split ?ou in &alf)@ .&en t&e bamboo reacted%
@<plit meCCC :&% no))) 8Bm t&e nicest bamboo in t&is #arden) Use me in an? ,a? ?ou ,is&% but please donBt split
me in &alf)@ @Hell%@ said t&e #ardener% @if 8 canBt split ?ou% 8 canBt use ?ou)@ .&e bamboo ,ent silent) .&en it
bo,ed its &ead and said% @:ka?) 8f t&e onl? ,a? ?ou can use me% is b? splittin# me% #o a&ead)@ @Iut t&atBs not
all%@ said t&e #ardener) @8 am #oin# to &ave to cut off all ?our branc&es)@ @.&at ,ill be t&e end of m? beaut?%@ t&e
bamboo said) @Iut 6 if t&atBs t&e onl? ,a? 8 can be of use 6 cut me do,n alto#et&er)@
<o t&e farmer cut do,n t&e bamboo% removed its branc&es and split it do,n t&e middle) !fter &ollo,in# out
its insides% &e brou#&t it to a sprin# of ,ater) 8t became a pipe to brin# ,ater to t&e #ardens and make t&em
fertile and fruitful)
Moral It &ave its li*e to help other lives. Ever%'a% ri&ht aro("' (s people are &ivi"& their lives that /e
$i&ht live... )a,e o(r pare"ts4 o(r teachers4 ...
Li*e is Li,e A" Echo
! little bo? came runnin# e2citedl? to &is mot&er sa?in#+ @Mom% t&ere is a bo? out t&ere in t&e ,oods ,&o is
mockin# me) Mver?t&in# 8 sa? &e sa?s after me) 8f 8 sa?+ @-ello%@ &e sa?s+ @-ello)@ H&en 8 sa? @H&o are ?ouK@
&e sa?s+ @H&o are ?ouK@ @<o 8 #ot mad and 3umped over t&e fence and ,ent into t&e ,oods to find &im) Iut &e
,asnBt an?,&ere) <o 8 ?elled% @8Bll punc& ?ou in t&e nose)@ !nd &e said t&e ver? same t&in#% e2actl? as 8 &ad said
it)@ .&e bo?Bs mot&er told &im% @.&at is onl? an ec&o ans,erin# ?ou Iill?) 8f ?ou &ad said+ B8 love ?ou%B it ,ould
&ave said t&e same to ?ou)@
.&ere is a similar stor? about a do# ,&o ,ent into a room full of mirrors) -e eventuall? died of e2&austion
tr?in# to fi#&t &is mirrored Benemies)B 8f &e &ad onl? ,a##ed &is tail once% &e ,ould &ave &ad all of t&em
,a##in# t&eir tails in friends&ip)
Moral Li*e is li,e a" echo or a $irror /e &et o(t o* it /hat /e p(t i".
)he Crac,e' 7ot
! ,ater bearer in C&ina &ad t,o lar#e pots% eac& &un# on t&e ends of a pole ,&ic& &e carried across &is neck)
:ne pot &ad a crack in it% ,&ile t&e ot&er pot ,as perfect and al,a?s delivered a full portion of ,ater) !t
t&e end of t&e lon# ,alk from t&e stream to t&e &ouse% t&e cracked pot arrived onl? &alf full)
=or a full t,o ?ears t&is ,ent on dail?% ,it& t&e bearer deliverin# onl? one and a &alf pots full of ,ater to &is
&ouse) :f course% t&e perfect pot ,as proud of its accomplis&ments% perfect for ,&ic& it ,as made) Iut t&e poor
cracked pot ,as as&amed of its o,n imperfection% and miserable t&at it ,as able to accomplis& onl? &alf of ,&at
it &ad been made to do)
!fter 5 ?ears of ,&at it perceived to be a bitter failure% it spoke to t&e ,ater bearer one da? b? t&e stream))) @8
am as&amed of m?self% because t&is crack in m? side causes ,ater to leak out all t&e ,a? back to ?our &ouse)@
.&e bearer said to t&e pot% @Lid ?ou notice t&at t&ere ,ere flo,ers onl? on ?our side of t&e pat&% but not on t&e
ot&er potBs sideK@ .&atBs because 8 &ave al,a?s kno,n about ?our fla,% and 8 planted flo,er seeds on ?our side
of t&e pat&) Mver? da? ,&ile ,e ,alk back% ?ouBve ,atered t&em) =or t,o ?ears 8 &ave been able to pick t&ese
beautiful flo,ers to decorate t&e table) @Hit&out ?ou bein# 3ust t&e ,a? ?ou are% t&ere ,ould not be t&is beaut?
to #race t&e &ouse)@

Moral Si"ce /e#re all crac,e' pots4 I a$ &rate*(l *or the crac,s a"' *la/s /e each have that $a,e o(r
lives to&ether so ver% i"teresti"& a"' re/ar'i"&.
.&ere ,as a lion ,&o feared not&in# e2cept t&e cro,in# of cocks) ! c&ill ,ould #o do,n &is spine ,&enever &e
&eard a cock cro,in#)
:ne da? &e confessed &is fear to t&e elep&ant% ,&o ,as #reatl? amused)
E-o, can t&e cro,in# of a cock &urt ?ouKF &e asked t&e lion) E.&ink about itCF
Nust t&en a mosJuito be#an circlin# t&e elep&antGs &ead% fri#&tenin# &im out of &is ,its)
E8f it #ets into m? ear 8Gm doomedCF &e s&rieked% flailin# at t&e insect ,it& &is trunk)
No, it ,as t&e lionGs turn to feel amused)
Moral I* /e co(l' see o(r *ears as others see the$ /e /o(l' realise that $ost o* o(r *ears $a,e "o se"se9
)he Sto"e i" the !esert

!n !rab ,&ile crossin# a desert came across a &u#e rock &alf buried in t&e sand) <cra,led on t&e boulder ,as
t&is inscription+
.UDN MM :VMD !NL A:U H8// IMNM=8. =D:M 8.
.&e !rab felt sure t&ere ,as a #reat treasure &idden beneat& it and ,orked mi#&til? to turn it over)
-e succeeded after several &ours) Iut t&ere ,as no treasure t&ere% onl? an inscription on t&e underside of t&e
)he I"scriptio" 2as
)he 2ol* a"' the Cra"e
! H:/= ,&o &ad a bone stuck in &is t&roat &ired a Crane% for a lar#e sum% to put &er &ead into &is mout& and
dra, out t&e bone) H&en t&e Crane &ad e2tracted t&e bone and demanded t&e promised pa?ment% t&e Holf%
#rinnin# and #rindin# &is teet&% e2claimed+ @H&?% ?ou &ave surel? alread? &ad a sufficient recompense% in
&avin# been permitted to dra, out ?our &ead in safet? from t&e mout& and 3a,s of a ,olf)@
Moral I" servi"& the /ic,e'4 e;pect "o re/ar'4 a"' be tha",*(l i* %o( escape i".(r% *or %o(r pai"s.
)he Ma" a"' the Lio"
! M!N and a /ion travelled to#et&er t&rou#& t&e forest) .&e? soon be#an to boast of t&eir respective superiorit?
to eac& ot&er in stren#t& and pro,ess) !s t&e? ,ere disputin#% t&e? passed a statue carved in stone% ,&ic&
represented @a /ion stran#led b? a Man)@ .&e traveler pointed to it and said+ @<ee t&ereC -o, stron# ,e are% and
&o, ,e prevail over even t&e kin# of beasts)@ .&e /ion replied+ @.&is statue ,as made b? one of ?ou men) 8f ,e
/ions kne, &o, to erect statues% ?ou ,ould see t&e Man placed under t&e pa, of t&e /ion)@
Moral O"e stor% is &oo'4 till a"other is tol'.
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ confident% &ard6,orkin#% sincere% sad% ,orried
5) Lescribe ?our best friend)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ intelli#ent% funn?% dis&onest% ,orka&olic% brave
5) Lescribe ?our #randmot&er)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ open6&earted% immature% optimistic% s&?% incorrect
5) <peak about one of ?our classmates)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ fair% patient% impulsive% scatterbrain% talented
5) <peak about a person ?ou admire)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ reserved% kind% arro#ant% sad% mean
5) Lescribe one of ?our teac&ers)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ laz?6bones% coura#eous% &onest% patient% s&?
5) <peak about a famous musician)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ stupid% adventurous% unfriendl?% Juiet% confident
5) Lescribe a famous actorP actress)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ smart alec% pessimistic% brave% devoted% eas?6#oin#
5) <peak about a person ,&o &as influenced ?our life)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ reliable% ambitious% confused% impatient% open
5) Lescribe ?our mot&er)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ sill? bill?% &onest% proud% stron#6,illed% for#etful
5) Lescribe ?our deskmate)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ old6fas&ioned% impulsive% optimistic% kind% s&?
5) Lescribe ?ourself)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ selfis&% nose?6parker% un&app?% funn?% tolerant
5) Lescribe a .V presenter)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ ,ell6be&aved% nice% anno?in#% capable% bored
5) <peak about a famous sin#er)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ kill3o?% talented% emotional% for#etful% fle2ible
5) Lescribe a teac&er ?ou appreciate)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ t&ick6skinned% open% brave% serious% creative
5) Lescribe a collea#ue ?ou appreciate)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ ima#inative% eas?6#oin#% sincere% active% &elpful
5) Lescribe ?ourself)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ patient% fait&ful% lonel?% insensitive% funn?
5) <peak about a person ,&o &as &elped ?ou a lot)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ #enerous% sensible% mean% indifferent% troublemaker
5) <peak about a person ,&o ?ou feel is 3ust like ?ou)
4) M2plain t&e follo,in# ad3ectives+ stubborn% sensitive% optimistic% s&?% polite
5) Lescribe ?ourself)
be was / were been
become became become
begin began begun
bring brought brought
buy bought bought
choose chose chosen
come came come
do did done
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feel felt felt
find found found
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
get got got (gotten in USA)
give gave given
go went gone
have had had
hear heard heard
keep kept kept
know knew known
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lose lost lost
make made made
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
read read (pronounced /red/) read (pronounced /red/)
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
stand stood stood
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
understand understood understood
wear wore worn
write wrote written

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