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by Natasha Longo

September 25, 2014

from PreventDisease Website
Natasha Longo has a master's degree in ntrition and is a !erti"ed
"tness and ntritiona# !onse#or$
She has !ons#ted on pb#i! hea#th po#i!y and pro!rement in %anada,
&stra#ia, Spain, 're#and, (ng#and and )ermany$
*here is no more dobting #ong+standing myths that mainstream
ntrition adopted as trths de to poor#y designed and !orrpt
s!ienti"! stdies$

,n beha#f of pb#i! hea#th reg#ators + do!tors, ntritionists and many
other hea#th e-perts have re#ied on this misinformation to gide
mi##ions .ith fa#se dietary advi!e .hi!h .e no. /no. to be harmf#$
1$ Satrated 0at 's 1armf#
When health professionals started blaming saturated fat for
heart disease, people abandoned traditional fats like butter,
lard and coconut oil in favor of processed vegetable oils.

*hese oi#s are very high in ,mega+2 fatty a!ids, .hi!h !an !ontribte
to in3ammation and varios prob#ems .hen !onsmed in e-!ess$
*hese oi#s are often hydrogenated, .hi!h ma/es them high in trans
fats$ 4any stdies have sho.n that these fats and oi#s a!ta##y
in!rease the ris/ of heart disease, even if they aren't hydrogenated$
Satrated fatty a!ids sho#dn't be avoided as they don't !ase
!ardiovas!#ar disease$
5*he a!!m#ation of data "na##y sho.s that there is no demonstrated
#in/ bet.een satrated fatty a!ids and !ardiovas!#ar disease,5 said
professor Phi#ippe Legrand of &gro%amps ,est$
5When there is a dogma it !an on#y be bro/en if the #eve# of proof that
it .as a .rong dogma rea!hes !ertain #eve# and then everything
appears !#ear,5 Legrand stated$
Phi#ippe Legrand added that this sho#d be .ise#y !ommni!ated to the
genera# pb#i!$
5*he danger for the pb#i! is to hear 'yo !an eat .hatever yo .ant
and even satrated fatty a!ids are good for yo'$ *he point is the
e-!ess of satrated fatty a!ids, espe!ia##y pa#miti! a!id 6present in
pa#m oi#7 remains a ris/$ '(-!ess' is the important .ord$5
4ore physi!ians and medi!a# spe!ia#ists are spea/ing ot on .hat
rea##y !ases disease$ 8st a fe. years ago, .or#d reno.n heart
srgeon Dr$ D.ight Lnde##, made head#ines .hen he stated the fa!ts
on the a!ta# !ases of heart disease$
5&s a heart srgeon .ith 25 years e-perien!e, having performed over
5,000 open+heart srgeries, today is my day to right the .rong .ith
medi!a# and s!ienti"! fa!t,5 he .as 9oted in a statement$
(-perts s!h as Dr$ :on :oseda#e have been e-posing the fa!ts on
!ho#estero# myths for years$

Perhaps one of the biggest hea#th myths propagated in .estern !#tre
and !ertain#y in the ;nited States, is the !orre#ation bet.een e#evated
!ho#estero# and !ardiovas!#ar disease <%=D>$ ;nfortnate#y, despite
do?ens of stdies, !ho#estero# has not been sho.n to a!ta##y !ase

*o the !ontrary, cholesterol is vital to our survival, and trying to
artifcially lower it can have detrimental efects, particularly as
we age. What we have found after years of being told the
opposite, is that there is no such thing as 'bad cholesterol.'

%ardio#ogist &seem 4a#hotra says a#most for de!ades of advi!e to !t
ba!/ on satrated fats fond in !ream, btter and #ess #ean meat has
'parado-i!a##y in!reased or !ardiovas!#ar ris/s'$

2$ (verybody Sho#d %onsme )rains
Grains are and always have been relatively low in nutrients,
especially when compared to other real whole foods like

*hey are a#so ri!h in a sbstan!e !a##ed phyti! a!id .hi!h binds
essentia# minera#s in the intestine and prevents them from being
absorbed <see 4inera#s and Phyti! &!id 'ntera!tions + 's it a :ea#
Prob#em for 1man Ntrition@>$
*he .or#d's most pop#ar grain .heat, is a#so the dead#iest for the
hman metabo#ism$ Modern wheat isn't really wheat at all and is
a perfect, chronic poison, according to !r. William !avis, a
cardiologist, author and leading e"pert on wheat.
Modern dwarf wheat was introduced around the year #$%&,
which contains #$'()* less of important minerals like,
*here is a#so eviden!e that modern .heat is m!h more harmf# to
!e#ia! patients and peop#e .ith g#ten sensitivity, !ompared to o#der
breeds #i/e (in/orn .heat$
4odern .heat !ontains a large amount of a protein called gluten,
bt there is eviden!e that a signi"!ant portion of the pop#ation may
be sensitive to it$ + decade ago celiac disease was considered
e"tremely rare outside ,urope and, therefore, was almost
completely ignored by health care professionals. -n only #&
years, key milestones have moved celiac disease and gluten
reactions from obscurity into the popular spotlight worldwide.
Non+!e#ia! .heat sensitivity is no. a serios prob#em and ne. !#ini!a#
.eople who developed type # diabetes have even been found
to have a genetic predisposition to the disease that is
triggered by wheat gluten.
Patients .ith !e#ia! disease or g#ten sensitivity have been fond to
have higher morta#ity rates and this asso!iation persists more than one
year after diagnosis in patients testing positive for the disease$
&stra#ian resear!hers have revea#ed serios isses over a ne. /ind of
geneti!a##y engineered .heat that !o#d ind!e maBor hea#th threats
for peop#e that !onsme it$

C$ /ow 0alt !iets +re 1ey 2o 3ealthy 4ardiovascular 0ystems
,ne 200D stdy <Norma#+sodim diet !ompared .ith #o.+sodim diet in
!ompensated !ongestive heart fai#re + 's sodim an o#d enemy or a
ne. friend@> the !ommittee e-amined, for e-amp#e, random#y assigned
2C2 'ta#ian patients .ith aggressive#y treated moderate to severe
!ongestive heart fai#re to !onsme either 2,E20 or 1,D40 mi##igrams of
sodim a day, bt other.ise to !onsme the same diet$

*hose !onsming the #o.er #eve# of sodim had more than three times
the nmber of hospita# readmissions + C0 as !ompared .ith F in the
higher+sa#t grop + and more than t.i!e as many deaths + 15 as
!ompared .ith 2 in the higher+sa#t grop$
&nother stdy <;rinary sodim and potassim e-!retion and ris/ of
!ardiovas!#ar events>, pb#ished in 2011, fo##o.ed 2D,D00 sbBe!ts
.ith high b#ood pressre ages 55 and o#der for 4$E years and ana#y?ed
their sodim !onsmption by rina#ysis$

*he resear!hers reported that the ris/s of heart atta!/s, stro/es,
!ongestive heart fai#re and death from heart disease in!reased
signi"!ant#y for those !onsming more than E,000 mi##igrams of
sodim a day and for those !onsming fe.er than C,000 mi##igrams of
sodim a day$
& stdy by #ead resear!her Dr$ Nie#s )rada#, of %openhagen ;niversity
1ospita# in Denmar/, adds to a gro.ing body of resear!h 9estioning
the #ong+term bene"ts of a #o.+sa#t diet$

& revie. of seven previos stdies pb#ished in the Borna# the
%o!hrane Library fond that a moderate red!tion in sa#t inta/e did not
red!e a person's ris/ of dying or having heart disease$
'n a systemati! revie. pb#ished by *he %o!hrane Library, Gritish
s!ientists fond that !tting sa#t !onsmption did not trans#ate into
#o.er death or heart disease ris/$
5With governments setting ever #o.er targets for sa#t inta/e and food
manfa!trers .or/ing to remove it from their prod!ts, it's rea##y
important that .e do some #arge resear!h tria#s to get a f##
nderstanding of the bene"ts and ris/s of red!ing sa#t inta/e,5 said
:od *ay#or of (-eter ;niversity, .ho #ed the revie.$
2he problem is not salt, it's the type of salt we use. -t takes
5ust half an hour for one meal high in table salt to signifcantly
impair the arteries' ability to pump blood around the body,
alarming research has shown.
6lood 7ow becomes temporarily more restricted between 8&
minutes and an hour after the food has been consumed.
5Most scientifc studies use processed table salt as a source of
sodium which the body has a hard time physiologically to
process unlike its natural counterpart sea salt, said Dr$ 8ami#
NaBma .ho on#y re!ommends sea sa#t to his patients$
2he kind of salt we consume is essential to our health.
54inera# sa#ts are identi!a# to the e#ements of .hi!h or bodies have
been bi#t and .ere origina##y fond in the prima# o!ean from .here
#ife originated,5 arges Dr Garbara 1ende#, resear!her and !o+athor of
Water H Sa#t, *he (ssen!e of Life$

5We have sa#ty tears and sa#ty perspiration$ 2he chemical and
mineral composition of our blood and body 7uids are similar to
sea water. 9rom the beginning of life, as unborn babies, we are
encased in a sack of salty 7uid.
:nlike the sodium chloride you fnd on most kitchen tables,
unrefned rock salt contains more than ); diferent minerals.
4$ Lo. 0at Diets Wi## 1e#p Io Lose Weight + &## %a#ories &re (9a#
*his #o.+fat mantra has been 9estioned for years by !#ini!ians and
ntritiona# s!ientists + not #east be!ase it has fai#ed to ha#t the obesity

*he fa!t is, !ontrary to oJ!ia# advi!e by or diet di!to!rats, high'fat
diets lower blood sugar, improve blood lipids, and reduce
,ne of the prob#ems is that there is !onsistent inverse asso!iation in
the per!entage of energy !oming from fats and sgars$ :esear!h
pb#ished in the Borna# %riti!a# :evie.s in 0ood S!ien!e and Ntrition
sho.s .hy peop#e "nd it hard to fo##o. government gide#ines to !t
their fat and sgar inta/e at the same time + a phenomenon /no.n as
the sgar+fat seesa.$
*hat's no srprise as previos stdies s!h as a t.o+year dietary stdy
pb#ished in the Borna# Diabeto#ogia sho.ed that food .ith a #ot of fat
and fe. !arbohydrates has a better eKe!t on b#ood sgar #eve#s and
b#ood #ipids$ Despite the in!reased fat inta/e .ith a #arger portion of
satrated fatty a!ids, their #ipoproteins did not get .orse$

Lite the !ontrary + the 1DL, or 'good' !ho#estero#, !ontent in!reased
on the high fat diet$
:esear!h from the 1ebre. ;niversity of 8ersa#em sho.s that a
!aref##y s!hed#ed high+fat diet !an #ead to a red!tion in body .eight
and a ni9e metabo#ism in .hi!h ingested fats are not stored, bt
rather sed for energy at times .hen no food is avai#ab#e$

*he res#ts .ere pb#ished in *he 0&S(G 8orna# nder the tit#e 2imed
high'fat diet resets circadian metabolism and prevents
Professor David La.ren!e, an e-pert in ntrition and obesity data
ana#ysis, said re!ent#y in the Borna# G4% 4edi!ine that the idea of all
calories being e<ual is 7awed and based 'on an outdated
understanding of the science'$
Stdies have sho.ed time and time again that a reduced'fat diet,
similarly to a reduced'calorie diet, does not result in long'term
weight loss and health, but instead leads only to transient
weight loss ' that would be weight that comes piling right back
on after it's temporarily shed.

*his is be!ase healthy fats actually curb your appetite
and trigger the production of hormones which tell the
brain when you're full.-f you're not eating fat, you stay
constantly hungry, and .ind p binging on nhea#thy food$
%a#ories from diKerent sor!es have diKerent eKe!ts on the body, .ith
!a#ories from carbohydrates more likely to encourage weight
gain. =ot only is the calorie theory under attack, but evidence
is also emerging to show that lowering fat might not cut heart'
disease risk after all.

& maBor stdy pb#ished in the athoritative Ne. (ng#and 8orna# of
4edi!ine !ompared the !#ini!a# bene"ts of a !onventiona# #o.+fat diet
.ith t.o types of Mediterranean diet, which are naturally
considerably higher in fat.
*he stdy had to be stopped ear#y be!ase the heart attack and
stroke rate in the Mediterranean options was so much lower it
was deemed irresponsible to keep patients on the conventional
:nfortunately, low'fat food products also use dangerous
artifcial sweeteners, simple sugar and high fructose corn
Lo.+fat diet foods have been fond to in!rease type 2 diabetes and
metabo#i! syndrome$

+ Ptting *he 4yth to :est +
2here -s =o 0uch 2hing as '6ad
4ar!h 25, 2012
from PreventDisease Website

Perhaps one of the biggest hea#th myths propagated in .estern !#tre
and !ertain#y in the ;nited States, is the !orre#ation bet.een e#evated
!ho#estero# and !ardiovas!#ar disease <%=D>$

;nfortnate#y, despite do?ens of stdies, !ho#estero# has not been
sho.n to a!ta##y !ase %=D$ *o the !ontrary, !ho#estero# is vita# to or
srviva#, and trying to arti"!ia##y #o.er it !an have detrimenta# eKe!ts,
parti!#ar#y as .e age$
%ho#estero# seems to be one of those things that stri/es fear into the
hearts of many, so to spea/$ We have be!ome obsessed .ith eating
foods #o. in !ho#estero# and fat$ &s/ a#most anyone, and they !an te##
yo their !ho#estero# #eve#s$
What is !ertain is that the '#itt#e /no.#edge' that the media often
imparts means many fo#/s assme !ho#estero# is simp#y a 'bad' thing$

&#ternate#y, a good nmber of s may have heard the terms 'good'
!ho#estero# and 'bad' !ho#estero# bandied abot .ithot /no.ing m!h
abot .hat this rea##y means$ 'n fa!t it is a fair#y safe bet that if yo
as/ed anyone on the street for his or her instin!tive response, if as/ed
abot !ho#estero#, they .o#d probab#y say that .e simp#y need to
'red!e it'$
*he 'noddy+s!ien!e' oKered by mar/eting men to a genera##y
s!ienti"!a##y+naive pb#i! has #ed many peop#e to be#ieve that .e
sho#d rep#a!e !ertain food !hoi!es .ith spe!ia##y deve#oped prod!ts
that !an he#p 'red!e !ho#estero#'$

Natra##y this !omes at a pri!e and re9ires those .ho !an aKord it to
pay maybe for or "ve times .hat a 'typi!a# ordinary' prod!t might
Gt is this apparent 'b#an/et need' to strive to.ards #o.ering or
!ho#estero# Bsti"ed@
&nd, indeed, is it hea#thy@
0or anyone .ho has had the oJ!ia# diagnosis of 'high !ho#estero#' in
their b#oodstream, they may even have embar/ed pon a program of
medi!ina# intervention$

'n fa!t it is 9ite #i/e#y that they may have Boined the #egions of #ong+
term pi##+poppers .ho are a#ready #ining the po!/ets of the pro"t+
oriented pharma!eti!a# giants$
Gt #et's ta/e a moment, no., to revie. some of the fa!ts and fa##a!ies
abot the m!h+ma#igned sbstan!eM !ho#estero#$
4holesterol is needed to make hormones. Without it we would
not produce estrogen, progesterone or testosterone. -t is vital
for the functioning of nerve synapses and provides the
structural integrity for our cell membranes.

4holesterol is used by the skin to help prevent water
evaporation and to make our skin waterproof.

>itamin ! is synthesi?ed from cholesterol. +nd bile,
used for fat digestion, consists mostly of cholesterol.
2he liver produces about $& percent of the cholesterol
in our bodies@ only #& percent comes from diet. -f we
eat too much cholesterol, the liver decreases the
output of cholesterol.
4holesterol is a naturally occurring lipid. 2his means it is a
type of fat or oil and it is in fact an essential component in
creating and sustaining the membranes of the cells of all
bodily tissues. 0o this alone means we need cholesterol to
surviveA Most of the cholesterol that is found in our bodies is
actually naturally manufactured within our own cells.

1o.ever there is a#so an additiona# !ontribtion that .e get from
e-terna# 'ntritiona#' sor!es + the foods .e !onsme$

'n a typi!a# diet providing arond 400mg of !ho#estero# per day from
food sor!es, abot ha#f to t.o+thirds of this amont is a!ta##y
absorbed throgh the pro!ess of digestion$ *he body .i## norma##y
se!rete abot a gram <1000mg> of !ho#estero# per day into the bi#e via
the d!ts, and appro-imate#y three+"fths of this is then re+absorbed$
Where or tisses or organs are a parti!#ar#y dense !omp#e- of !e##s,
.hi!h have !#ose#y pa!/ed !e## membranes, there .i## natra##y be
higher #eve#s of !ho#estero#$ *he /ey organs that need, and !ontain,
these higher amonts of !ho#estero# in!#de the #iver, the brain and the
spina# !ord + none of .hi!h .o#d .or/ .e## if .e red!ed !ho#estero#
too m!hN
-n efect cholesterol plays an essential role in the development
and maintenance of healthy cell walls. 't is a#so a critical factor
in the synthesi?ing of steroid hormones, which are a key factor
in our natural physical development.
6eing a lipid, cholesterol is fat'soluble, but it is not soluble in
1o.ever it needs to be transported arond the body to the p#a!es
.here it !an be ti#i?ed$ *his is .hy, in order to be moved around,
it must become 'associated' with certain lipoproteins which
feature a water'soluble Btherefore 'blood transportable'C coat
of proteins. 2here are two key types of lipoproteins that
transport cholesterol around the bodyD low'density and high'
density variants.

*he essentia# !e###ar fn!tion of !ho#estero# re9ires that sJ!ient
amonts are manfa!tred by spe!ia#i?ed sb+systems <or organe##es>
.ithin the body's !e##s !a##ed the endop#asmi! reti!#m$ &#ternative#y,
the !ho#estero# .e need mst be derived from or diet$

Dring the pro!ess of 'digestion and assimi#ation' of foods, it is the #o.+
density #ipoprotein <LDL> that !arries dietary !ho#estero# from the #iver
to varios parts of the body$
When there is sJ!ient !ho#estero# for !e###ar needs, the other /ey
transport me!hanism in this ama?ing '#ogisti!s system' + high+density
#ipoprotein <1DL> + !an ta/e !ho#estero# ba!/ to the #iver from .here
any nne!essary e-!ess !an be pro!essed for e-!retion$
*he 'noddy+s!ien!e' of the so+!a##ed 'fn!tiona# food' manfa!trers
.o#d have s be#ieve that there is s!h a thing as 'bad' !ho#estero#
and 'good' !ho#estero#$ *his is, in fa!t, tota##y ntre$

*he !ho#estero# itse#f, .hether being transported by LDL or 1DL, is
e-a!t#y the same$ %ho#estero# is simp#y a ne!essary ingredient that is
re9ired to be reg#ar#y de#ivered arond the body for the eJ!ient
hea#thy deve#opment, maintenan!e and fn!tioning of or !e##s$

*he diKeren!e is in the 'transporters' <the #ipoproteins 1DL and LDL>
and both types are essentia# for the hman body's de#ivery #ogisti!s to
.or/ eKe!tive#y$
Prob#ems !an o!!r, ho.ever, .hen the LDL parti!#es are both sma##
and their !arrying !apa!ity ot.eighs the transportation potentia# of
avai#ab#e 1DL$ *his !an #ead to more !ho#estero# being 'de#ivered'
arond the body .ith #o.er resor!es for retrning e-!ess !apa!ity to
the #iver$
LDL !an vary in its str!tre and o!!r in parti!#es of varying si?e$ 't is
the sma##er LDL parti!#e si?es that !an easi#y be!ome 'trapped' in the
arteries by proteog#y!ans, .hi!h is, itse#f, a /ind of '"##er' fond
bet.een the !e##s in a## anima# and hman bodies$ *his !an then !ase
the !ho#estero# the LDL !arries to !ontribte to the formation of fatty
deposits !a##ed 'p#a9es' <a pro!ess /no.n as atherogenesis>$

&s these deposits bi#d p, they restri!t the arteries' .idth and
3e-ibi#ity$ *his !ases an in!rease in b#ood pressre and !an a#so #ead
to other !ardiovas!#ar prob#ems s!h as heart atta!/s or stro/es$
*he LDL itse#f is !onse9ent#y sometimes referred to as 'bad
!ho#estero#', bt yo !an no. appre!iate the fa!t that this is simp#y
in!orre!t$ 'n fa!t LDL, 1DL and !ho#estero# are a## essentia# to or

1o.ever, it seems that it has be!ome !ommon for hmans to have a
preponderan!e of 'nhea#thi#y' sma## LDL parti!#es, .hi!h !an be!ome
a pre!rsor to heart and arteria# disease de to the me!hanisms

't is apparent#y hea#thier to have a sma##er nmber of #arger LDL
parti!#es !arrying the same 9antity of !ho#estero# than a #arge nmber
of sma## LDL parti!#es might transport, bt for some reason this is #ess
!ommon$ *his is an interesting area that demands more resear!h$
When LDL be!omes retained by the g#y!o#+proteins in the arteries it is
sbBe!t to being o-idi?ed by 'free radi!a#s'$ *his is .hen the pro!ess
!an be!ome hea#th threatening$ 't has therefore been sggested that
in!reasing the amont of antio-idants in or diet might eKe!tive#y
'mop p' free radi!a#s, and !onse9ent#y red!e this harmf# o-idation$

+lthough the idea of consuming foods rich in antio"idants, or
even using supplements, is now widely promoted, the scientifc
evidence for their eEcacy still remains to be fully established.
&nother point to !onsider is the o!!rren!e of sbstan!es !a##ed 'very+
#o.+density+#ipids' or =LDL, a#so /no.n as trig#y!erides$ =LDL is
!onverted to LDL in the b#oodstream and therefore !ontribtes to.ards
in!reased #eve#s of LDL and to sbse9ent potentia# !ho#estero#+re#ated
hea#th prob#ems$

*his is .hy trig#y!erides are sa##y measred .hen a !ho#estero# test
of yor b#ood is nderta/en$
*he prod!tion of =LDL in the #iver + .hi!h amonts to a !ombination
of !ho#estero# and #o.+density apo#ipoprotein + is e-a!erbated by the
inta/e of fr!tose$ 0r!tose is the type of sgar fond in many frits, it
is a#so a !omponent of s!rose and of the .ide#y sed food ingredient
high+fr!tose !orn syrp$

*his imp#ies that anyone .hose LDL or trig#y!eride #eve#s are nd#y
high sho#d !t ba!/ on those s.eet sgary sna!/s, and even on the
s.eeter, fr!tose #aden fritsO not simp#y red!e their inta/e of fatty
>itamin 68, otherwise known as niacin, on the other hand,
actually lowers the amount of >/!/, and therefore also /!/. -n
addition, niacin helps to stimulate the production of helpful
3!/, the lipoprotein that carries e"cess cholesterol back to the
liver for e"cretion. 3owever, in keeping with the best traditions
of consuming 'all things in moderation', currently
recommended upper limits for daily intake of niacin is 8Fmg,
given that it can have to"ic efects in larger amounts.

(ven so, medi!a# professiona#s have been /no.n to pres!ribe nia!in in
doses as high as 2g, p to three times a day, for treatment of those
.ith dangeros#y high b#ood !ho#estero# #eve#s$ =aturally you should
never self'medicate with high doses of niacin without taking
appropriate medical advice.
Nia!in in the diet is typi!a##y derived from high protein foods in!#ding
#iver and other meats, as .e## as signi"!ant amonts being fond in
!ertain nts and .ho#e grains$
1o.ever one of the fashionab#e types of pharma!eti!a# drgs of
re!ent times, introd!ed to treat the apparent#y in!reasing in!iden!e of
high !ho#estero# #eve#s parti!#ar#y in the West, are 0tatins. 4ost #i/e#y
yo have a friend or re#ative ta/ing these se#ess drgs <Lipitor,
4eve!or, %restor, et!$> to #o.er !ho#estero#$

0tatin medications are the number'one'selling drugs in the

*hey .or/ by interfering .ith the #iver fn!tion and red!ing the
prod!tion of LDL$ Gt 0tatins are a <uestionable innovation on at
#east a !op#e of a!!onts$ 0irst#y they are not .ithot side+eKe!tsM
they can, for e"ample, lead to the breakdown of ma5or
muscular material, which can ultimately overwhelm the
kidneys and even cause acute renal failure.
Statins a#so appear to reduce the body's natural levels of the
vitamin'like, cellular protection agent known as 4o'en?yme
G#&. *his ben?o9inone p#ays an important ro#e in !e###ar energy
re#ease, parti!#ar#y in hard .or/ed areas #i/e the #ngs, #iver and

4oG#& Bas it is sometimes calledC has also been shown to
protect the brain against neurological degeneration$ Gt
perhaps most interesting#y, .ith respe!t to !ho#estero#, %oL10 a#so
a!ts as an antio-idant, parti!#ar#y a!tive in prote!ting the system
against LDL o-idation and the potentia# prob#ems asso!iated .ith this
as des!ribed above$

So .hi#st Statins might provide a red!tion in LDL per se, they might
a#so be !asing more prob#ems in the #ong+term$ Natra##y, as .ith
many modern drgs, they genera##y have to be ta/en for the #ong+term
by anyone .ho has been pres!ribed them$
What is parti!#ar#y distrbing abot Statins is, perhaps, the fa!t that
they may be seen as a '9i!/ "-' for nhea#thi#y high LDL, and
!onse9ent#y !ho#estero# #eve#s throghot the body$ *hey need to be
ta/en over a #ong period + .hi!h ma/es them very pro"tab#e for drgs

Gt they may a#so be pres!ribed .ithot the over+ar!hing message
that in order to address any !ho#estero# prob#em 'natra##y', the
sKerer mst !hange their #ifesty#e and diet$ Statins !an seem an easy
option bt may indeed mere#y be the beginning of a pro!ess .here the
'negative hea#th pay+oK' is simp#y de#ayed rather than a!tive#y

*hat is not to say that in e-treme !ases of high b#ood !ho#estero#, or
hyper!ho#estero#emia, there may not be a sef# ro#e for Statin therapy
.hen natra# strategies fai# or do not prove eKe!tive, or feasib#e$
'n trth, and in smmary, !ho#estero# is an important and essentia#
sbstan!e that .e need for hea#th at a !e###ar #eve#$

't is most #i/e#y that any imba#an!e in or !ho#estero# transport system
!omes do.n to #ong+term poor dietary and e-er!ise habits$ (nsring
that .e !onsme some e-tra anti+o-idant foods, a#ong .ith in!#ding
nia!in ri!h foods, might .e## be of bene"t$

Gt it is perhaps most important to re!ogni?e that de#iberate and
!ontined #eve#s of a!tivity and the !onsmption of a hea#thf# diet is a
better so#tion than 9estionab#e 9i!/+"- drgs, if .e ever are
diagnosed .ith #eve#s of !ho#estero# and trig#y!erides that might give
!ase for !on!ern$

Dr$ :on :oseda#e on *he 0a!ts &bot %ho#estero#
Dr$ :on :oseda#e ta#/s abot !ommon !ho#estero# myths,
and e-poses the de!eptions and mis!on!eptions
that most peop#e have been to#d$ <'ntervie. .ith Dr$ 4er!o#a>$
4H/,02,IH/:/ J 4,+ M+-
M+I, K=L,/M4-:=, +
0,4H/:/:- N
Posted on 22Q0FQ2014 by Lp# Da!i!
2 =otes
De !eva vreme am primit de #a o !noRtinST de a mea, medi!, n
arti!o# aspra !o#estero##i s!ris de n a#t medi! din G!reRti, !are
doreRte sT URi pTstre?e anonimat#$
Desigr, dorinSa o voi respe!ta Ri n voi da nme#e ator#i$ &m sa
vT rog UntVi sT !itiSi a!est s!rt arti!o#, dpT !are Umi voi permite sT fa!
!Vteva remar!i, !a de obi!ei !riti!e$
&sta !a sa n !redeSi !a aSi nimerit din greRea#T pe Site# de 'nternet
a# 4inistr#i STnTtTSii$
%o#estero##, o prob#emT @
4iB#oa!e#e media a introds o adevTratT an-ietate genera#TM teama de
,ameni de o sp#endidT sTnTtate te#efonea?T #a !abinet Ri !er, ! o
vo!e tremrVndT programare pentr W!o#estero#X$ G#etin# de ana#i?e
#e adVn!eRte angoasa, ad!Vnd+i pe marginea disperTrii$ W&m doT
ste$ ( grav, domYdo!tor @X :TspndemM n, n este grav$
=a#oarea norma#T a !o#estero##i Un :omVnia este 2D0 mg #a 100 de m#
de sVnge$
Da!T este aRa, !m s+a aBns totRi !T marea maBoritate a
#aboratoare#or tipTres! b#etine de ana#i?e pe !are deBa va#ori de 1D1
de mg Z snt tre!te !a anorma# de mari @
(i bine, ai!i este o a#tT poveste$ ;na dis!ret rRinoasT pentr tagma
noastrT medi!a#T, dar !are totRi trebie spsT$ Pa!ienSii snt rgaSi sT
n mai spnT nimTni !T a a3at de #a mine !e#e !e rmea?T$ Da!T
totRi vor spne, atn!i sT n s!rie, iar da!T vor s!rie, sT n semne?e$
Da!T, totRi, neso!otind a!est sfat, vor semna, e de!#ar de pe a!m
!T n Rti nimi! Ri !T snt ! tot# strTin de !e#e s!rise mai Bos$
0ecretul este cO scOderea valorii normale a colesterolului Pn
sQnge a urmat o curbO paralelO Ri cu puSin ulterioarO
descoperirii unor medicamente care au proprietatea de a
scOdea colesterolul.
&stfe#, Un anii YD0, singr# medi!ament ! a!eastT proprietate
prin!ipa#T era acidul nicotinic. +cesta era foarte ieftin Ri,
dealtfel, avea reacSii adverse importante, care Pl fOceau de
utilitate atQt de restrQnsO, PncQt era departe de a tre?i
interesul frmelor de medicamente. De a!eea, !ei !are vor
des!hide ori!e !arte de medi!inT anterioarT an#i 1FD0, vor !iti a!o#o
valoarea normalO a colesterolului, care este de ()& mg *, aRa
cum am spus. -ntervalul (%&'()& mg * impunea atenSie Ri
regim, dar nu tratament medicamentos.
,datT ! des!operirea nor medi!amente mai spe!i"!e, !are s!ad
!o#estero## Un mod mai e"!ient, mai s!mpe Ri a3ate sb patent,
interes# "rme#or de medi!amente pentr a!eastT !#asT a !res!t
enorm$ %m nmTr# pa!ienSi#or ! hiper!o#estero#emie rea#T era mi!,
spe!ia#iRtii Un mar/eting a fT!t diferite so!ote#i, din !are a reieRit !T,
da!T va#oarea norma#T ar !oborU de #a 2D0 #a 220 Ri medi!i#or #i s+ar
ind!e ideea !T este neapTrat nevoie de tratament medi!amentos
!roni! peste a!eastT va#oare, "rme#e prod!Ttoare ar avea nmai de
%m, !e# pSin o"!ia#, va#ori#e norma#e din "?io#ogie n snt stabi#ite de
"rme#e de medi!amente, !i de medi!i Un ba?a nor stdii, a Un!ept a
se Untrni WvVrfri#e !er!etTrii medi!a#eX, mai UntVi Un !ongrese o datT #a
doi ani prin !apita#e#e eropene, mai no Un !ongrese ana#e prin
#o!aSii m#t mai e-oti!e$
La astfe# de WUntrniri RtiinSi"!e mondia#eX, de reg#T UnsoSite de n
bogat program !#tra#+artisti! <de #a degstTri de #i!ori a#ese #a safari>
e-istT deBa obi!ei# !a medi!ii parti!ipanSi sT pre?inte #!rTri
WRtiinSi"!eX, Un !are se pretinde, fo#osind+se ! m#tT mTiestrie
posibi#itTSi#e #argi a#e statisti!ii, !T va#ori#e norma#e snt mai mi!i de!Vt
se !redea, !T e-istT ris!ri serioase pentr sTnTtate #a va#ori !are ar "
fost abos#t norma#e Unainte de !ongres, !T a!este date noi ridi!T
serioase prob#eme de sTnTtate pb#i!T, et!$ et!$ et!$
ST mai observTm !T !eea !e este va#abi# pentr !o#estero# este va#abi#
Ri pentr va#oarea norma#T a tensinii arteria#e Ri <Un mTsrT !eva mai
mi!T> pentr g#i!emie$
(-trapo#Vnd, ptem prevedea Un!T de pe a!m !T, da!T mVine va
apTrea n medi!ament !are sT modi"!e grpa sangvinT, poimVine o
mare parte dintre !ititorii a!estei pagini vor a3a !T sferT de o grpT
sangvinT de+a drept# to-i!T$
*ratament# hiper!o#estero#emiei
Da!T va#oarea !o#estero##i este pVnT #a 220 mg Z, n este
ne!esar ni!i n tratament, aRa !m am sps mai ss, deoare!e n
ptem vorbi de hiper!o#estero#emie Un a!eastT sitaSie$
Da!T va#oarea !o#estero##i este Untre 220 Ri 2EF mg Z, este
re!omandabi#T Sinerea ni regim ! evitarea e-!es#i de !o#estero#,
UmprenT ! repetarea determinTrii !o#estero##i Ri a fra!Sii#or sa#e
<raport# 1DL verss LDL, da!T n a fost fT!t>$
Da!T va#oarea !o#estero##i este Untre 2D0 Ri 2FF mg Z este ne!esar
n regim hipo!o#estero#emiant, ! evitarea smQntQnei, untului,
laptelui gras, cOrnii grase Ri cu limitarea numOrului de
gOlbenuRuri la ; pe sOptOmQnO BalbuRurile nu conSin
colesterolC. 0e recomandO un regim bogat Pn peRte Bminimum (
kg pe sOptOmQnOC Ri folosirea cu genero?itate a cimbrului Ri
2oate fructele sunt indicate, dar merele ocupO primul loc Pn
aceastO privinSO. !in % Pn % luni se face evaluarea re?ultatelor
regimului, do?Qndu'se atQt colesterolul total, cQt Ri fracSiile lui.
Da!T va#oarea !o#estero##i este de C00 mg Z sa peste, re!omand
tratament medi!amentos$
De reg#T ! =asi#ip o tab#etT de 10 mg pe ?i imediat Unainte de masa
prin!ipa#T, sa o a#tT s!hemT Un fn!Sie de date#e !#ese #a !ons#t#
medi!a#$ :eeva#are dpT C #ni, pentr a vedea da!T do?e#e snt
[ntrebTri fre!venteM
[ntrebareM &m !o#estero## 245, b#etin# de ana#i?T Umi dT a!eastT
va#oare Un !henar negr Ri Un drept# ei s!rieM Wabove norma# rangeX$
\efa #aborator#i, !Vnd mi+a UnmVnat b#etin# de ana#i?T, m+a rgat
sT sta Bos$ =e!inii Ri !ei din fami#ie snt Ungro?iSi de !Vt de m#t
!o#estero# am, iar medi!# !ardio#og mi+a pres!ris sT ia 2 tab#ete de
Sortis pe ?i, spnVnd+mi !T Un !a? !ontrar am sT fa! infar!t$ %e este
de fT!t @
:TspnsM da!T Un!T n aSi !itit arti!o## a!esta, !itiSi+#$ Laborator# dT
va#ori#e norma#e Un fn!Sie de !e va#ori norma#e se introd! ! aBtor#
tastatrii, n Un fn!Sie de va#ori#e medii a ni grp de D5, F0 sa F5
Z dintr+n eRantion !onsiderat sTnTtos, aRa !m ar trebi, potrivit nei
de"niSii RtiinSi"!e a Wnorma##iX$ =e!inii Ri !ei din fami#ie snt vi!time#e
!ampanii#or media, iar !ardio#og# ar vrea sT primeas!T invitaSie Ri
sponsori?are Ri #a !ongres# de an# viitor de #a ,agadogo$ Da!T n
!redeSi toate a!estea, intraSi Un prim# anti!ariat Ri itaSi+vT Un ori!e
!arte de medi!inT anterioarT an#i 1FD0 Ri vedeSi !Vt este !o#estero##
[ntrebareM &m a?it !T #ei# de pormb n !onSine !o#estero#, e
adevTrat @
:TspnsM =ici un ulei nu conSine colesterol, deoarece plantele
nu sunt capabile sO sinteti?e?e colesterol ca atare. De!i, ori!e
fr!t sa #egmT sa !erea#T este #a fe# de bnT din pn!t# de vedere
a# regim#i Un !a?# nei hiper!o#estero#emii, iar n nmTr mi! de
p#ante snt Un mod deosebit
indi!ate, de e-emp#M mere#e, stroi#, !imbr#$ (ste esenSia# sT n
mVn!aSi de #o!M !arne grasT Ri smVntVnT Ri sT mVn!aSi !Vt mai pSine
gT#benRri de o, !are snt ]sa!iW ! !o#estero#$
DimpotrivT, peRte#e este foarte indi!at$ ,ri!e fe# de peRte Ri !
pre!Tdere, Un mod parado-a#, peRte#e gras$ DeRi #apte#e Ri m#te
brVn?etri !onSin !o#estero#, e#e n !res! Un mod semni"!ativ
!o#estero## da!T snt fo#osite Un !antitTSi prdente$
[ntrebareM *ratament# medi!amentos a# !o#estero##i are rea!Sii
adverse @
:TspnsM ,ri!e medi!ament, Un!epVnd ! bana#a aspirinT, are rea!Sii
adverse$ % deosebire n tratament !roni!, !are se ia ! #ni#e Ri anii,
are posibi#e ris!ri$ &!easta n UnseamnT sT n #Tm medi!amente de
#o!, !i sT o fa!em atn!i !Vnd, Un rma ni raSionament medi!a#,
medi!# nostr !onsiderT !T bene"!i# s!ontat este mai mare de!Vt
ris!# potenSia#$
[ntrebareM ;rme? n regim stri!t vegetarian, Ri totRi !o#estero## me
n s!ade sb va#oarea de 2D0 mg Z$ De nde atVta !o#estero#, da!T e
Un #time#e sTptTmVni am mVn!at nmai r?i!i Ri mere @
:TspnsM &!eastT sitaSie <re#ativ rarT> Un !are vT a3aSi se e-p#i!T
printr+o t#brare rea#T de metabo#ism$ &Ra !m spneam, !e##e#e
anima#e sinteti?ea?T !o#estero#, iar !e#e mane n fa! e-!epSie$ ;neori
a!eastT sinte?T este Un e-!es$ =a trebi sT rmaSi n tratament
medi!amentos, Un prin!ipi toatT viaSa, tratament Un #ipsa !Tria e-istT
n mare ris! sT sferiSi de na sa mai m#te din nmeroase#e bo#i
favori?ate de e-!es# de !o#estero#M !ardiopatia is!hemi!T, a!!ident#
vas!#ar !erebra#, et!$
[ntrebareM &m !o#estero## mTrit, dar n sport sT mTnVn! peRte, iar
stroi# Umi fa!e rT$ %e este de fT!t @
:TspnsM [n #o! de peRte, pteSi fo#osi nmeroase#e sp#imente
a#imentare !are !onSin a!i?i graRi omega+nesatraSi, iar Un #o! de
stroi, Un!er!aSi tab#ete de stroi de #a farma!ie$ De asemenea, #a
farma!ie sa #a p#afar mai pteSi gTsi !ombinaSii din p#ante pentr
!eairi hipo#ipemiante$
[ntrebareM %o#estero## me tota# este norma#, dar raport# 1DL+LDL n
este bn$ %e trebie sT fa! @
:TspnsM &fe!tarea raport#i dintre W!o#estero## bnX, adi!T 1DL Ri
W!o#estero## rTX, adi!T LDL are importanST mai a#es Un !a?ri#e Un !are
!o#estero## norma# este !res!t sa are va#ori #a #imitT$ De!i, Un !a?#
dv n se poate vorbi de hiper!o#estero#emie$ , importanST mai mare
a!ordatT peRte#i Un a#imentaSie ar " indi!atT, totRi$
[ntrebareM 4ere ad despre marea prob#emT a !o#estero##i !res!t$
Dar e am !o#estero# s!T?t, sb #imita norma#T$ ( vreo prob#emT @
:TspnsM n, deoare!e n e-istT bo#i !are sT "e de!#aRate de prea
pSin !o#estero#, aRa !m e-istT Un !a?# invers$ *otRi, ne#e stdii
sgerea?T o #egTtrT Untre !o#estero## s!T?t <sa #a #imita inferioarT>
Ri depresie, fTrT a se ptea pre!i?a da!T e vorba de o #egTtrT de tip
!a?T+efe!t sa de o !ore#are de a#tT natrT$
Do!tor <anonim>
G!reRti, 12 i#ie 200D
'atT Ri o s!rtT !omp#etare fT!tT de domn# do!tor !are mi+a trimis
a!est materia# <de!i n do!tor# !are a s!ris materia## de mai ss>M *oSi
bo#navii !are a mrit de inima Un #tima vreme a mrit !
!o#estero## foarte mi!$ ( n adevTr dovedit statisti!$ %o#estero## mTrit
n prod!e moarteaN
%omp#e!tare privind sitaSia din )ermaniaM [n anii E0 a fost efe!tat n
mare stdi Un Gavaria, Un !are a fost mTsrate va#ori#e !o#estero##i
#a peste 100$000 de ad#Si sTnTtoRiN %on!#?ia stdi#iM va#oarea
norma#T a !o#estero##i #a n ad#t este de 220 mg #a 100 m# sVngeN
% toate a!estea, #a Un!ept# ani#or D0, n grp de 1C profesori
niversitare de medi!inT <dintre !are 2QC deSinea a!Sini #a diferite
!ompanii fama!eti!e> a ]de!retatW !T va#oarea ma-imT a
!o#estero##i norma# este de 200 mg #a 100 m# sVnge$ [n a!est fe#,
BmTtate dintre bTrbaSii ad#Si ! vVrstT !prinsT Untre C0+40 de ani,
a#minteri !omp#e!t sTnTtoRi, a devenit peste noapte, bo#navi$ &vea
va#ori de !o#estero# mai mari de 200 <da n mai mari de 220N>$ &!est
#!r este de notorietate, !nos!t pb#i! Un )ermania$ \i totRi
va#oarea ma-imT de 200 mg N; & 0,S* 4,D'0'%&*^ ni!i pVnT astT?iN
<SrsaM 8_rg G#e!h ` ]Die aran/heitser"nder ` Wie .ir ? Patienten
gema!ht .erdenW ` ]%reatorii de bo#i ` !m sntem transformaSi Un
pa!ienSiW 0is!her =er#ag 200C>
%omentari# Li bonoM
Probabi# !T m#Si dintre DmneavoastrT Rtia toatT povestea !
!o#estero##$ N este !eva no$ %eea !e mT deranBea?T UnsT Un a!eastT
istorie esteM
Da!T a!esta este adevTr#, de !e n este re!nos!t de !Ttre medi!i$
4edi!ii a Brat prin 8rTmVnt# #i 1ippo!rat sT vinde!e pa!ienSii, sa
"nanSe#e !on!erne#or farma Ri a#e #or proprii@ De !e n medi! !instit
trebie sT se fo#oseas!T de paravan# ]anonimat#iW pentr a spne
ST "m UnSe#eRi, omeneRte pri!ep !are este motivaSia do!tor#i !are a
s!ris rVndri#e de mai ss preferVnd anonimat#$ Se teme de
rT?bnarea ]0rTSiei medi!a#eW Ri a ]4a"ei fama!eti!eW$
Doar !T noi !ei#a#ti, eventa#ii, a!ta#ii sa viitorii pa!ienSi, !Trora n #i
se poate retrage ]drept# de pra!ti!TW, avem drept# Ri !hiar ob#igaSia
sT spnem ! g#as tare a!este #!rri, Ri trebie sT avem Ri !raB# de
a #e semna$
Pentr !T, pentr nme#e #i Dmne?e, odatT Ri odatT trebie sT se
termine ! toatT a!eastT es!ro!herie monmenta#T !are a devenit
medi!ina a#opatT$ \i asta pentr bine#e nostr$ %a sT n ptem Ri noi
nmTra printre !ei !are b$ Li bonoN Pentr sTnTtatea noastrTN
)ripe anima#iere de tot fe##, virs# 1'= !are omoarT BmTtate din
omenire, hepatite #ate a#fabeti! <noro! !T snt nmai 2E de #itere Un
a#fabetO dar da!T #e vine ideea sT trea!T Ri #a a#fabet# !hine?es!@
atn!i s+a ?is ! noi>, S&:S, GS(, va!!inri de ne fa! !opiii !ir,
!an!ere tratate ! radiaSii, otrTvri Ri s!a#pe#e, doar+doar o mri
pa!ient# mai repede ! n pro"t !Vt mai gras, et!$ et!$ [n !rVnd vom
avea mai m#te bo#i de!Vt pa!ienSi, Ri deBa de #a vVrsta peR!o#arT va
trebi sT mergem #a ]nenea do!torW sT ne s!rie bo#navi, sT ne dea
!on!edi medi!a#, pi##e, inBe!Sii Ri radiaSii$
Domni#or, pVnT nde merge #T!omia DmneavoastrT@ PVnT !Vnd va
mai fn!Siona infra!Sinea de a transforma oameni sTnTtoRi Un pa!ienSi,
pentr mp#erea b?nare#or voastre@ &sta nmiSi DmneavoastrT
]medi!inT pentr omW@ Probabi# pentr !T Ri ]sTra!#W medi! este om,
n+i aRa@
Li bono@
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