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September 28 - October 4, 2014

2 Corinthians 5:15
Romans 10:17
Acts 9:1-22
Hebrews 11:6
John 6:40
I Corinthians 1:18
I Corinthians 1:18
Matthew 10:1-8
Joel 2:32
Acts 16:25-34
Acts 17:22-33
Mark 8:38
Confess & Believe
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Review the central truth, the memory verse, prayer and confessions,
and read the Bible Story with scripture references indicated under the
power outlets. As this is done each day, let your child color in or put a
sticker on the power outlet located on the back of the devotional. At
the end of the week please sign as proof of completion and return to the
teacher. Children who complete 3 weeks Power Cords in a month will
have their picture posted in the foyer of Power Source and their name in
the newsletter.
Believing in Jesus is more than believing in His miracles; it is
believing in His love and power to forgive our sins and give
us clean hearts and desires to be faithful.
Romans 10:9, If you confess with your mouth that Jesus
is the Son of God, believe in your heart that God raised Him
from the dead and make Him your Lord, youll be saved.
Father God,
Thank you for loving me and taking care of me. Bless my church, Pastor Ron,
and his family. Bless my teachers for teaching me Your Word. I believe your love
is fowing through me to other people. Help me to obey my parents so things
will go well with me and I will live a long life on the earth. I will tell how great
you are and how much I love you. I thank You that by Jesus stripes I am healed.
In Jesus' name,
I will preach so they will hear the Gospel.
Romans 10:14
God loved me so much that He gave His only Son for me. If I
believe in Him I will not perish but I will have eternal life.
John 3:16
If I am in Christ I am a new creation; old things have passed
away; behold, all things have become new.
II Corinthians 5:17
There is a big diference between faith in our God and all
other religions of the world. Our God is the only one who
rose from the dead to live again. Through Jesus death on
the cross He paid the price for our sin, buying back our
right to be in the family of God. Without His death and
the shedding of His blood, our sins could not be forgiven
and our bodies could not be healed. But the most
important thing a person must believe in order to get
saved is that Jesus didnt stay dead! Every leader of every
religion there has ever been has died. Jesus is the only
God that ever rose from the dead. Its easy to believe
that someone died for something they believed, but it
takes a special kind of faith to believe someone came
back from the dead. Yet this is the cornerstone for our
faith as Christiansthat Jesus died and rose again! When
we believe in Him we receive the same power that raised
Him from the dead.

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