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The Design and Implementation of a Solar

Tracking and Generating Power System.

IEEE Reference:
A microprocessor controlled automatic sun tracker
Koyuncu, B.; Balasubramanian, K.
Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Volume 37, Issue 4, Nov 11 !a"e#s$%13 & 17
'i"ital (b)ect I*enti+ier 1,.11,-3,.1,./0
Summary:1 micro2rocessor&base* automatic sun&trac3in" system is 2ro2ose*. T4is unit
controls t4e movement o+ a solar 2anel t4at rotates an* +ollo5s t4e motion o+ t4e sun. T4ere
are t5o limit s5itc4es attac4e* to t4e 2anel to mar3 its ma6imum an"ular 2ositions in t4e east
an* 5est. T4e status o+ t4e limit s5itc4es is rea* by t4e micro2rocessor an* in*icates t4at t4e
ma6imum an"ular 2osition in eit4er *irection 4as been reac4e* an* t4e 2anel s4oul* not be
*riven any +urt4er. 1s t4e 2lane o+ t4e 2anel is al5ays 3e2t normal to t4e *irection o+ t4e sun,
ma6imum t4ermal ener"y is obtaine* +rom t4e solar 2anels
Solar Panel Direction Control System According to the Sun
Solar energy systems have emerged as a viable source of renewable energy over
the past two or three decades, and are now widely used for a variety of industrial
and domestic applications. Such systems are based on a solar collector, designed
to collect the suns energy and to convert it into either electrical power or thermal
energy. In general, the power developed in such applications depends
fundamentally upon the amount of solar energy captured by the collector, and thus
the problem of developing tracking schemes capable of following the trajectory of
the sun throughout the course of the day on a year-round basis has received
signifcant coverage in this project. In den city !"emen#, the improvement in the
performance of a solar cooker during summer was found to be as much as $%& for
higher elevation angle and '%& for lower elevation angle, based on the developed
tracking algorithms. (oreover, it was shown that the amount of solar energy
captured by a tilted collector could be increased by more than $%& by adjusting
the tilt angle on a seasonal basis.
)his project is designed with )*+S,- (./. Solar panel output is interfaced to
(icrocontroller through 0.. )he controller continuously checks the voltage level
of the panel and operates the stepper motor to attain ma1imum voltage. n 203 is
used to sense the day 4 night condition, to disable the tracking in night condition.
)he stepper motor is driven by a /25 driver.
This project uses regulated 12! "##m$ power supply. %&#" three terminal 'oltage regulator is used for
'oltage regulation. (ridge type full wa'e rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of
2)#*12 step down transformer.
$n in'erter is an electrical de'ice that con'erts direct current +D,- to alternating current +$,-. the
con'erted $, can /e at any re0uired 'oltage and fre0uency with the use of appropriate transformers!
switching! and control circuits.
Solid1state in'erters ha'e no mo'ing parts and are used in a wide range of applications! from small
switching power supplies in computers! to large electric utility high1'oltage direct current applications
that transport /ulk power. In'erters are commonly used to supply $, power from D, sources such as
solar panels or /atteries. There are two main types of in'erter. The output of a modified sine wa'e
in'erter is similar to a s0uare wa'e output e2cept that the output goes to 3ero 'olts for a time /efore
switching positi'e or negati'e. It is simple and low cost and is compati/le with most electronic de'ices!
e2cept for sensiti'e or speciali3ed e0uipment! for e2ample certain laser printers. $ pure sine wa'e
in'erter produces a nearly perfect sine wa'e output +4)5 total harmonic distortion- that is essentially the
same as utility1supplied grid power. Thus it is compati/le with all $, electronic de'ices. This is the type
used in grid1tie in'erters. Its design is more comple2! and costs " or 1# times more per unit power.
The electrical in'erter is a high1power electronic oscillator. It is so named /ecause early mechanical $,
to D, con'erters was made to work in re'erse! and thus was 6in'erted6! to con'ert D, to $,. The
in'erter performs the opposite function of a rectifier.
18 9 2 :,D
Power supply to all sections
,oupling to Solar
12 (attery
Hardware description:
7icro2rocessors an* microcontrollers are 5i*ely use* in embe**e* systems 2ro*ucts.
7icrocontroller is a 2ro"rammable *evice. 1 microcontroller 4as a C!8 in a**ition to a +i6e*
amount o+ 917, 9(7, I-( 2orts an* a timer embe**e* all on a sin"le c4i2. T4e +i6e* amount
o+ on&c4i2 9(7, 917 an* number o+ I-( 2orts in microcontrollers ma3es t4em i*eal +or many
a22lications in 54ic4 cost an* s2ace are critical. T4e Intel 0,/: is ;arvar* arc4itecture, sin"le
c4i2 microcontroller #<C$ 54ic4 5as *evelo2e* by Intel in 10, +or use in embe**e* systems.
It 5as 2o2ular in t4e 10,s an* early 1,s, but to*ay it 4as lar"ely been su2erse*e* by a
vast ran"e o+ en4ance* *evices 5it4 0,/:&com2atible 2rocessor cores t4at are manu+acture*
by more t4an :, in*e2en*ent manu+acturers inclu*in" 1tmel, In+ineon Tec4nolo"ies an* 7a6im
Inte"rate* !ro*ucts. 0,/: is an 0&bit 2rocessor, meanin" t4at t4e C!8 can 5or3 on only 0 bits
o+ *ata at a time. 'ata lar"er t4an 0 bits 4as to be bro3en into 0&bit 2ieces to be 2rocesse* by
t4e C!8. 0,/: is available in *i++erent memory ty2es suc4 as 8V&E!9(7, =las4 an* NV&917.
T4e 2resent 2ro)ect is im2lemente* on Keil 8vision. In or*er to 2ro"ram t4e *evice, 2roloa*
tool 4as been use* to burn t4e 2ro"ram onto t4e microcontroller. T4e +eatures, 2in *escri2tion
o+ t4e microcontroller an* t4e so+t5are tools used are discussed in the following sections.
AB (ytes of >e1programma/le ?lash =emory.
>$= is 12& /ytes.
2.% to 8 Cperating >ange.
?ully Static CperationD # @3 to 2A =@3.
Two1le'el Program =emory :ock.
12& 2 &1/it Internal >$=.
)2 Programma/le I*C :ines.
Two 181/it Timer*,ounters.
Si2 Interrupt Sources.
1 solar 2anel #24otovoltaic mo*ule or 24otovoltaic 2anel$ is a 2ac3a"e*, connecte* assembly
o+ solar cells, also 3no5n as 24otovoltaic cells. T4e solar 2anel can be use* as a com2onent o+
a lar"er 24otovoltaic system to "enerate an* su22ly electricity in commercial an* resi*ential
a22lications. Because a sin"le solar 2anel can 2ro*uce only a limite* amount o+ 2o5er, many
installations contain several 2anels. 1 24otovoltaic system ty2ically inclu*es an array o+ solar
2anels, an inverter, an* sometimes a battery an* interconnection 5irin". In t4is 2ro)ect 5e are
usin" a 1,> solar 2anel 54ic4 is connecte* to a 1:V battery 54ic4 4el2s in continuous
c4ar"in" o+ t4e battery. ?olar 2anels use li"4t ener"y #24otons$ +rom t4e sun to "enerate
electricity t4rou"4 t4e 24otovoltaic e++ect. T4e structural #loa* carryin"$ member o+ a mo*ule
can eit4er be t4e to2 layer or t4e bac3 layer. T4e ma)ority o+ mo*ules use 5a+er&base*
crystalline silicon cells or t4in&+ilm cells base* on ca*mium telluri*e or silicon. T4e con*uctin"
5ires t4at ta3e t4e current o++ t4e 2anels may contain silver, co22er or ot4er non&ma"netic
con*uctive transition metals.

Battery #electricity$, an array o+ electroc4emical cells +or electricity stora"e, eit4er
in*ivi*ually lin3e* or in*ivi*ually lin3e* an* 4ouse* in a sin"le unit. 1n electrical battery is a
combination o+ one or more electroc4emical cells, use* to convert store* c4emical ener"y
into electrical ener"y. Batteries may be use* once an* *iscar*e*, or rec4ar"e* +or years as
in stan*by 2o5er a22lications. 7iniature cells are use* to 2o5er *evices suc4 as 4earin"
ai*s an* 5rist5atc4es; lar"er batteries 2rovi*e stan*by 2o5er +or tele24one e6c4an"es or
com2uter *ata centers.

$i%ure &'(: ead)Acid "attery
ead)acid *atteries are t4e most common in !V systems because t4eir initial cost is lo5er
an* because t4ey are rea*ily available nearly every54ere in t4e 5orl*. T4ere are many
*i++erent si@es an* *esi"ns o+ lea*&aci* batteries, but t4e most im2ortant *esi"nation is t4at
t4ey are *ee2 cycle batteries. Aea*&aci* batteries are available in bot4 5et&cell #reBuires
maintenance$ an* seale* no&maintenance versions. Aea* aci* batteries are reliable an* cost
e++ective 5it4 an e6ce2tionally lon" li+e. T4e Aea* aci* batteries 4ave 4i"4 reliability because o+
t4eir ability to 5it4stan* overc4ar"e, over *isc4ar"e vibration an* s4oc3. T4e use o+ s2ecial
sealin" tec4niBues ensures t4at our batteries are lea3 2roo+ an* non&s2oilable. T4e batteries
4ave e6ce2tional c4ar"e acce2tance, lar"e electrolyte volume an* lo5 sel+&*isc4ar"e, >4ic4
ma3e t4em i*eal as @ero& maintenance batteries lea* aci* batteries 1re manu+acture*- teste*
usin" C1' #Com2uter 1i*e* 'esi"n$. T4ese batteries are use* in Inverter C 8!? ?ystems an*
4ave t4e 2roven ability to 2er+orm un*er e6treme con*itions. T4e batteries 4ave electrolyte
volume, use !E ?e2arators an* are seale* in stur*y containers, 54ic4 "ive t4em e6cellent
2rotection a"ainst lea3a"e an* corrosion.
7anu+acture*-teste* usin" C1'
Electrolyte volume
!E ?e2arators !rotection a"ainst lea3a"e

1s t4e name itsel+ im2lies, it re"ulates t4e in2ut a22lie* to it. 1 volta"e re"ulator is an
electrical re"ulator *esi"ne* to automatically maintain a constant volta"e level.

$i% &'.: +olta%e re%ulator circuit

In t4is 2ro)ect, 2o5er su22ly o+ /V an* 1:V are reBuire*. In or*er to obtain t4ese volta"e
levels, 70,/ an* 701: volta"e re"ulators are to be use*. T4e +irst number 70 re2resents
2ositive su22ly an* t4e numbers ,/, 1: re2resent t4e reBuire* out2ut volta"e levels. T4ese
re"ulators can 2rovi*e local on&car* re"ulation, eliminatin" t4e *istribution 2roblems
associate* 5it4 sin"le 2oint re"ulation. Eac4 ty2e em2loys internal current limitin", t4ermal
s4ut&*o5n an* sa+e area 2rotection, ma3in" it essentially in*estructible.

$i%ure &'/0: +olta%e re%ulator
C1 -nit
s the system performs controlling and monitoring operations, it is primary
re6uirement to put a display in the system which shows various message
such as gas leakage detection, booking number of cylinder in case of refll
of cylinder and also will display actions taken by microcontroller.
2i6uid .rystal 0isplay !2.0# of -%7$ characters operating on 8,9olt supply
and operated in $-bit mode is implemented for the task of displaying
re6uired messages .Interfacing with )*+S,- and short code of
programming makes it very useful to make system more user friendly.
$n analog1to1digital con'erter +a//re'iated $D,! $*D or $ to D- is a de'ice that con'erts a
continuous 0uantity to a discrete time digital representation. $n $D, may also pro'ide an isolated
measurement. The re'erse operation is performed /y a digital1to1analog con'erter +D$,-.
Typically! an $D, is an electronic de'ice that con'erts an input analog 'oltage or current to a
digital num/er proportional to the magnitude of the 'oltage or current. @owe'er! some non1
electronic or only partially electronic de'ices! such as rotary encoders! can also /e considered
ADC 0808:
Figure 2.12 Pin Diagram of ADC 0808
1n inverter is an electrical *evice t4at converts *irect current #'C$ to alternatin"
current #1C$; t4e converte* 1C can be at any reBuire* volta"e an* +reBuency 5it4 t4e
use o+ a22ro2riate trans+ormers, s5itc4in", an* control circuits. ?oli*&state inverters
4ave no movin" 2arts an* are use* in a 5i*e ran"e o+ a22lications, +rom small
s5itc4in" 2o5er su22lies in com2uters, to lar"e electric utility 4i"4&volta"e *irect
current a22lications t4at trans2ort bul3 2o5er. Inverters are commonly use* to su22ly
1C 2o5er +rom 'C sources suc4 as solar 2anels or batteries.
T4ere are t5o main ty2es o+ inverter. T4e out2ut o+ a mo*i+ie* sine 5ave inverter is
similar to a sBuare 5ave out2ut e6ce2t t4at t4e out2ut "oes to @ero volts +or a time
be+ore s5itc4in" 2ositive or ne"ative. It is sim2le an* lo5 cost #DE,.1,8?'->att$ an*
is com2atible 5it4 most electronic *evices, e6ce2t +or sensitive or s2eciali@e*
eBui2ment, +or e6am2le certain laser 2rinters. 1 2ure sine 5ave inverter 2ro*uces a
nearly 2er+ect sine 5ave out2ut #F3G total 4armonic *istortion$ t4at is essentially t4e
same as utility&su22lie* "ri* 2o5er. T4us it is com2atible 5it4 all 1C electronic
*evices. T4is is t4e ty2e use* in "ri*&tie inverters. Its *esi"n is more com2le6, an*
costs / or 1, times more 2er unit 2o5er #DE,./, to E1.,,8?'->att$.H1I T4e electrical
inverter is a 4i"4&2o5er electronic oscillator. It is so name* because early mec4anical
1C to 'C converters 5ere ma*e to 5or3 in reverse, an* t4us 5ere Jinverte*J, to
convert 'C to 1C. T4e inverter 2er+orms t4e o22osite +unction o+ a recti+ier.
T4is mo*ule receives *ata +rom t4e 7C8 mo*ule an* controls t4e t5o servo
motors to move to a certain *irection so t4at t4e camera 5oul* be *irecte* at t4e
T4e ?ervo 7otors come 5it4 t4ree 5ires or lea*s. T5o o+ t4ese 5ires are to 2rovi*e
"roun* an* 2ositive su22ly to t4e servo 'C motor. T4e t4ir* 5ire is +or t4e control
si"nal. T4ese 5ires o+ a servo motor are color co*e*. T4e re* 5ire is t4e 'C su22ly
lea* an* must be connecte* to a 'C volta"e su22ly in t4e ran"e o+ 4.0 V to .V. T4e
blac3 5ire is to 2rovi*e "roun*. T4e color +or t4e t4ir* 5ire #to 2rovi*e control si"nal$
varies +or *i++erent manu+acturers. It can be yello5 #in case o+ ;itec$, 54ite #in case o+
=utaba$, bro5n etc. =utaba 2rovi*es a K&ty2e 2lu" 5it4 an e6tra +lan"e +or 2ro2er
connection o+ t4e servo. ;itec 4as an ?&ty2e connector. 1 =utaba connector can be
use* 5it4 a ;itec servo by cli22in" o+ t4e e6tra +lan"e. 1lso a ;itec connector can be
use* 5it4 a =utaba servo )ust by +ilin" o++ t4e e6tra 5i*t4 so t4at it +its in 5ell.
;itec s2lines 4ave :4 teet4 54ile =utaba s2lines are o+ :/ teet4. T4ere+ore s2lines
ma*e +or one servo ty2e cannot be use* 5it4 anot4er. ?2line is t4e 2lace 54ere a
servo arm is connecte*. It is analo"ous to t4e s4a+t o+ a common 'C motor.
8nli3e 'C motors, reversin" t4e "roun* an* 2ositive su22ly connections *oes not
c4an"e t4e *irection #o+ rotation$ o+ a servo. T4is may, in +act, *ama"e t4e servo
motor. T4at is 54y it is im2ortant to 2ro2erly account +or t4e or*er o+ 5ires in a servo
Keil 7icro Vision is an inte"rate* *evelo2ment environment use* to create
so+t5are to be run on embe**e* systems #li3e a microcontroller$. It allo5s +or suc4
so+t5are to be 5ritten eit4er in assembly or C 2ro"rammin" lan"ua"es an* +or t4at
so+t5are to be simulate* on a com2uter be+ore bein" loa*e* onto t4e microcontroller.
8niversal 2ro"rammer is a 2o5er+ul 2ro"rammer +or t4e 1tmel 0 series o+
microcontrollers t4at inclu*es 0C/1-/:-//, 0?/1-/:-// an* many more.
It is sim2le to use C lo5 cost, yet 2o5er+ul +las4 microcontroller 2ro"rammer +or
t4e 1tmel 0 series. It 5ill !ro"ram, 9ea* an* Veri+y Co*e 'ata, >rite Aoc3 Bits,
Erase an* Blan3 C4ec3. 1ll +use an* loc3 bits are 2ro"rammable. T4is 2ro"rammer
4as intelli"ent onboar* +irm5are an* connects to t4e serial 2ort. It can be use* 5it4
any ty2e o+ com2uter an* reBuires no s2ecial 4ar*5are. 1ll t4at is nee*e* is a serial
communication 2ort 54ic4 all com2uters 4ave.
1ll *evices also 4ave a number o+ loc3 bits to 2rovi*e various levels o+ so+t5are
an* 2ro"rammin" 2rotection. T4ese loc3 bits are +ully 2ro"rammable usin" t4is
2ro"rammer. Aoc3 bits are use+ul to 2rotect t4e 2ro"ram to be rea* bac3 +rom
microcontroller only allo5in" erase to re2ro"ram t4e microcontroller.
;i"4ly sensitive
>or3s accor*in" to t4e sun *irection
=it an* =or"et system
Ni"4t L 'ay mo*e sensin"
Ao5 cost an* reliable circuit
Com2lete elimination o+ man2o5er
?treet li"4ts
Mar*en Ai"4ts
?olar 5ater 4eater
;otels, 4ostels an* 4ouse 4ol* a22lications

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