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J. ',j.rn.r.: ....

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. 7C Clue Or. Sllwoca MA 01067; Tcf. ud Fu:. 711-78.COn
470 South St. Quincy MA 02169; Tel: 617-479-8341, FR: 617-471-9526
Emal: ICNE@muslima..oer Wf/O site;:
The Islamic Center of New England (ICNE) offers the following posiLioo to the religion teacher of the
Jslamic Academy of New England, Ha fit Muhammad Masood. to the Muslim community of ICNE according
to the teaching oflda.m based on Qucan and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as interpreted and CJ1p1ained by
.tout recognized sohools of Fiqh.
Benefits aud
Vacation :
Terms of

Assistant Religious. aild imam for Sharon.
Friday prayers, daily prayers, Tarawceb and Eid pnsycrs, a miu:mum of 1wo evc1ung
teaching sessions, Sunday programs, vi$its to families from thc.i and urganizmjl Hal:iuas
and Tafsecr classes 25 needed, C>rgacizih:.t a th; "?:..M ... ;:i; atf
. These 1'Cttv11;.!:: ;;ill perfr . 11a:d :>:i.111 .. ;;Jy in !>ha.to.m. 1-i:ml"r a.:11v:ac!; ma.,. lie
pe1 ormed in Quincy 3S 11ecded.
The AssiStJinl Religious Direct.or wili wo:t wllh lhc Reh&101:s IJ1r:Xt<11 u.1 p<:rh>1 m ;i,c-
religious activilio> of :CNE. The Assistanl Ruiigio..:s bin:dm -..-ill r(;por1du;.:ctly10 Pa:!\idcm vi
I A.n.apartmcnl (3 BRs) in. 1he ICNE facilities in Sharon will ti.: provl(Jed u; wndn1<Jn.
Masood will pay owri utilitic:S such as gis, oif aud phone bills and will t\C r
T-easonab!c and cust0mary maintenance, cieaning. changiog repainting, fixini;
electric outlets, lamps, water faucets, etc. If the apartment is not :Udy for oc.;upimcy by Oct ! ,
I 998, ICNE will compensate Ii. M. Masood $800 n-.onthly until lhe oip,ruuent bocomc a\ailablc.
2- $500 monthly at dlc end of the month.
3 An incentive ot 25% of tuition &om a11ending the Q-.irar.:c
I . .

4 Teaching in the Islamic Academy ofNew F.ngla:;.d (IANE) w::i ..:<.1111pcnsaled t>y lhr JAN :.s
full -time teacher.
:'i Other activities (te.achiug in the Sunday school 4m<f ICNc Summer Progra:nJ are compensated
separately. However, the avai'lability ()( Hsfiz M. M .. for .rltw..; p: ograms w:li i:tl' dt':cn:m:cd
. . .
6- Two week vacation; Vacation can no< be canied ro the next
This Agreerncnt is frorr. September l, 1998 lo July J, 1999 t..:.mtinal<".oi,
will !:--: renewed yearly (August l to July 31} cootr.ict WJlh ll\NI; to .-:=:;::
1.:ar. lo euc ufterwination of services a wriueu notice b}' ICNE will be scot vy h::;c 30.
the apartment DlUSt be vacated by July 31 of that yellr . .ij:ifu M. M::sood rnay :(.nnii ..
Agrecmcnl by to fCNc a wrillco uulicc al le:-:s1 )O days p:im to the ,;fk;1ivc d;i1.:
termination aud mn$1 tltc upiinmt.nt Ly Ula; d;a<;;. I! ilaii'.l..M. !'-fasooJ needs <!dditio:;a! lrn.-
itl vacate the apartment he will pay a rcasomable OCCU?anl':y fee: w!1i;h is to S !0\.10
J\n evaluation committee will be appoidlcd by the Preside.11t 10 perform iin 111un1ul cvaluitlio.1 Iv l.>c
f1r1alizcd by June 1 of eachyur. .-- _
Si_gnatures: Muhammad Hafiz Masood

;1 17. 7 '3

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