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('(# "! t$e e*#ee in M()te# "! Bu)ine))
Amini)t#(ti"n "! NIILM+CMS
Roll No. 2012075 Assistant ro!"ssor
In the following project, our major effort has
been to present the information about the
ZIMALAYA Drug Company and its success as
an entrepreneurial enture!
"e e#press our sincere than$s to our teacher
Ms %A&I'A ()MA& encouraging us by
proiding useful suggestions to prepare this
project throughout eery stage, since the
assignment of topic till the completion!
Kumar Rajeev Ranjan
Table of Contents
S.No. Topics Page No.
*! +#ecutie %ummary ,
-! Introduction .
/! &eiew )f Literature *0
, &esearch 1rocess *2
,!* )bjecties of the %tudy *3
,!- Data Collection (ools -0
,!/ Limitations --
2! An Introduction to Ayureda and
ZIMALAYA 4erbal 4ealthcare
2!* Ayureda Industry -,
2!- 1roducts of ZIMALAYA 4erbal
.! %wot Analysis ,2
5! Mar$eting Mi# ,6
6! Analysis 2-
3! Conclusions 7 &ecommendations .*
*0! 8ibliolography .-
**! Anne#ure ./
(his project is about ZIMALAYA D&9: 1;( L(D and it<s mar$eting
strategy! (he medicinal range comprises oer /2 products and is
broadly classified into four categories i=>
Children's Health
Men's Health
Women's Health
General Healthcare.
(he ZIMALAYA brand has much in common with the mountain
range from which it draws its name! ?or centuries, the ZIMALAYAs
hae been an icon of aspiration, of man@s Auest to unloc$ Bature@s
secrets! (hey represent purity and lofty ideals! (he fact that the
ZIMALAYAs are the source of many of the herbs that are used in
our products ma$es our brand name all the more appropriate!
I%) 300*> -000 certification awarded for design, manufacture
and mar$eting of herbal health care products!
Launched in *333, ZIMALAYA 4erbals is a range of natural herbal
personal care products spanning 4ealth Care, %$in Care and
8aby Care!
(he range comprises of antiCstress, digestie health, pain
relieers, cough 7 cold relieers, and baby care products, and the
list goes on!
(his project discusses not only about the mar$eting mi# of the
company but has also done the %")( analysis of the company!
"ithin a short span of time ZIMALAYA% has won eeryone<s heart
and is all set to capture the mar$et in no time by adapting new
promotions techniAues!
ZIMALAYA% through its diersified brands has tapped arious
target segments li$e the>
4ealth Conscious 1eople!
%chool Children!
+#isting )ld age group!
Ayureda is the 2000 years old Indian %ystem of medicine! (he
term eoled from two words Ayur life and ;eda means science!
(his system of medicine follows a holistic approach, diagnosing
not just the disease but the whole body constitution of the
patient! (oday Ayureda is gaining global popularity! (he "orld
4ealth )rgani=ation recogni=es Ayureda as an alternatie
system of alternatie system of medicines used safest system of
&ejuenation and therapeutic procedure are uniAue to Ayureda!
(his comprehensie, multidisciplinary system of medicine offers
specialties li$e pediatrics, genetics gynecology, physiotherapy and
Ayureda was predominant in 'erala and most of the other parts
of the India for a long period! 8ut newely deeloped fear of the
side effects and long term ill effects of allopathic medicines
coupled with inefficiency to compact a large number of diseases
hae brought the attention not only 'erala and India but whole
world to the biologically based medicines! Bow it is the
resurrection time of the science! A large number of new
organi=ations in India are entering in the area of Ayuredic
medicines manufacturing! (he curiosity of the whole world is to
high and research and deelopment ta$ing place all oer the
world in this science! Companies li$e Dabur, 4imalaya and
ZIMALAYA are as strong as any allopathic medicine company! A
large number of new organi=ations in India are entering in the
area of ayuredic medicines manufacturing has started including
ayuredic medicines in this production list! Bagarjuna this small
of 'erala cell ayuredic medicines to a tune of -0D of the total
allopathic sales with number of doctor<s institutes and medical
shops not faourably comparable li$e this!
Apart from Ayuredic medicines which is based on the
traditional Indian system of diagnosis and treatment! A large
number of herbal medicines are also aailable in the world
mar$et! In fact the growth of the mar$et shores of these products
suppresses the growth of Ayuredic mar$et by seeral times!
+asy method of administration, conenient dosage, more easily
understandable scientific e#planation ma$es it more attractie!
Moe oer the possibility of the standardi=ation of herbal
medicines is better than the Ayuredic medicines!
Any how growth is isible in different fields li$e traditional
classical medicines, herbal cosmetics etc! the herbal medicine
mar$et shows a ery fast growth all oer the world and its
potential is e#tremely good!
Ayureda practiced in India using *00D botanical
preparation help us to maintain a healthy mind and body!
Ayureda has e#cellent remedies for diseases li$e rheumatic
disease, arthritis, paralysis, spondylitis etc isit 'erala in India
Ayureda offers the Ayuredic system of traditional form of
medicine from India in which people are treated as combination
of (ridoshas or bio forces! Ayuredic science dealing not only with
the treatment of some diseases but a complete way of life!
Ayureda deals with 1ancha$arma cleansing and therapeutic
treatment using herbal preparation medicated oil manufactured
as per the scared boo$s of Ayureda Dhanwanthari the :od of
Ayureda as per the ;edas!
Ayureda is the science of life and congeity has a history
long as human ciili=ation and een beyond! Ayureda consider
the nature as the prime proider of life! Ayureda is one of the
great gifts of the stage of ancient India to man$ind and is
accepted as the oldest scientific medical system, which a ling
record of clinical e#perience! Ayureda aims at physical, mental
and spiritual wellbeing of human being! Ayureda aims at
physical, mental, and spiritual well being of human being!
Ayureda treats man as a wholeE is a combination of mind and
(Time of Birth to Death) + (Knowledge)
Bobody can point any particular period about the origin of
Ayureda! %ince is mentioned as annadi in the te#t! ;eda<s are
the earliest literature aailable in India! Ayureda is considered as
the branch of Adhara ;eda, one among the four ;eda<s i=> &ig,
Yejur, %ama and Adhara! Ayuredic scholars from subseAuent
generations collected the material scattered and the ;eda and
arraigned them systematically from %amhithas! Ayuredic
treatment diided into eight segments such as 'aya Chi$itsa,
Damsht Chi$itsa, Fara Chi$itsa and ;aisha Chi$itsa!
Research &' Mo(ntain Alteration Societ' Ser)ice
ZIMALAYA is an ocean of medicinal herbs which, if e#plored and
utili=ed properly can cure many diseases without incurring any
side effects because they are natural and acceptable to human
body! (here are many countries haing similar type of landscapes
and the climate, but the
medicinal herbs in big number are found only in the 4imalayan
region and foot hills that are highly aailable in Bepal different
types of egetations started to grow, out of which many of them
hae medicinal alue among ,hich -archa G(m&a is .no,n
as the .ing o/ all her&s. #ne o/ the her&s most popular
among them is Yarcha :umba! (his word is deried from Yarcha
which means grass and :umba which means a $ind of insect, in
full from half grass half insect! According to 8otanical
classification it falls under the family of Claicipitaltes and
Claicipitaceae, and is called Cordyceps %inensis C! %pp! 8y the
recent result of research on Yarcha :umbaCCordyceps %inensis,
C! %pp! (he joint team of Bepali and %outh 'orean scientists are
ery optimistic about the medicinal use of Yarcha :umba G
Cordyceps %inensis C! %pp for curing seeral types of cancer in
the future, if proided enough funds for research! (here are
thousand $inds of medicinal herbs in the ZIMALAYA and the
medicines made from those herbs are harmless to human body!
+specially in Dolpa more than 600 $inds of medicinal herbs are
aailable and the altitude range of the district ranges from *2-2m
to 552,m HDhaulagiri MountainI aboe mean sea leel! In Bepal
it is belieed that the medicinal herbs are the most aluable gift
of nature to human being! %o, if 4imalayan n herbs are promoted
globally it could be hope for both G alleiating poerty of the
indigenous people liing in the remote areas of Bepal and
reducing illness of the :lobal population!
Her&s and indigeno(s people o/ the 0"MA1A-A
Bepal is a landloc$ed and under deeloped country, but it is one
of the richest countries in the world in terms of bioCdiersity due
to its uniAue geographical position and altitudinal ariation! (he
eleation of the country ranges from .0m aboe sea leel to the
highest point on the earth Mt! +erest at 6,6,6m, all within a
distance of *20 $m with climatic conditions ranging from subC
tropical to arctic! (he length of the country is 622 $m with eastC
west and breadth aries form *,2C-,* $m northCsouth! (he
country can be diided into three main geographical regions! (he
medicinal herbs are found in all regions of Bepal but the herbs
with high medical alue are found only in the mountain region
and mostly the areas are without any means of transportation,
ery few District 4Js are proided with stall air serices! Due to
the remoteness of the regions the indigenous people liing in the
area hae no economic and social security! (hey belong to
bac$ward communities so they don@t hae any body in policy
ma$ing leel of the :oernment, and the policy made by the
:oernment of Bepal is not faorable to them!
Treatment o/ the research2
It also proides information on herbal medicines uneiling the
ancient te#ts on medicines and the importance of these herbs!
(he life in the ZIMALAYA reoles around the medicinal herbs,
some of the medicinal herbs are the life line of those indigenous
people, giing them the inspiration to lie and face adersities
amidst often hostile nature! (he documentary will focus on the
local economy, culture and how the lies of the local people are
interCrelated with Yarcha :umba! During the monsoon season
most of the schools are closed because the students and teachers
go far away from the illage to collect the Yarcha :umba
HCordyceps %inensisI! Later, the children buy boo$s, pay school
fees by selling the herbs and majority of the children they support
their parents with the money they earn by selling herbs! In the
4imalayan region, due to the lac$ of awareness, tons of herbs are
being sold for the price of peanuts and the rest of the herbs are
being wasted without use! (he local people do not sell Yarcha
:umba in Bepalese mar$ets because the ta# is ery high, so they
go to the (ibetan border and sell it to the (ibetan traders!
=imalaya medicinal herbs are not only for curing illness but are
used as health boosters and cosmetics also! (he tests on different
herbs suggest that many herbs stimulate the immune system,
%inghadurbar 8aidya$hana, a Bepal :oernment owned company,
Dabaur , 4imalaya and ZIMALAYA , and some other drug
companies produce herbal products!
&esearch methodology is considered as the nere of the project!
"ithout a proper wellCorgani=ed research plan, it is impossible to
complete the project and reach to any conclusion! (he project
was based on the surey plan! (he main objectie of surey was
to collect appropriate data, which wor$ as a base for drawing
conclusion and getting result!
There/ore3 research methodology is the way to systematically
sole the research problem! &esearch methodology not only tal$s
of the methods but also logic behind the methods used in the
conte#t of a research study and it e#plains why a particular
method has been used in the preference of the other methods
Pro&lem statement# (o find out the mar$eting strategy of
Primar' #&4ecti)e
9nderstand the effect of KZIMALAYAsL on Indian mar$et!
Secondar' #&4ecti)e
(o find out the consumer<s li$ing about the products of the
(o find out the brand awareness!

&esearch design is important primarily because of the increased
comple#ity in the mar$et as well as mar$eting approaches
aailable to the researchers! In fact, it is the $ey to the eolution
of successful mar$eting strategies and programmers! It is an
important tool to study buyer<s behaiour, consumption pattern,
brand loyalty, and focus mar$et changes! A research design
specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular
study! According to 5erlinger3 6Research $esign is a plan3
concept(al str(ct(re3 and strateg' o/ in)estigation
concei)ed as to o&tain ans,ers to research 7(estions and
to control )ariance.
T$%e of resear&'#
E8plorator' Research.
+#ploratory research is conducted into an issue or problem where
there are few or no earlier studies to refer to! (he focus is on
gaining insights and familiarity for later inestigation! %econdly,
descriptie research describes phenomena as they e#ist! 4ere
data is often Auantitatie and statistics applied! It is used to
identify and obtain information on a particular problem or issue!
?inally causal or predictie research see$s to e#plain what is
happening in a particular situation! It aims to generali=e from an
analysis by predicting certain phenomena on the basis of
hypothesi=ed general relationships! (he data is collected from
arious sources li$e Internet, Bews papers, Maga=ines, staff of
ZIMALAYAs, other sources!
(he data collected is shown through :raphs 7 pie chart!

Soft wares used are> M% ")&D -00/, "IBD)"% M1!
DATA COLLECTION# %ource of data collection is %econdary
9.1 #:;ECT"<E #= THE ST%$-
*! (o find out the mar$et share of ZIMALAYA 4erbal 4ealthcare
-! (o study competitors of ZIMALAYA 4erbal 4ealthcare!
/! (o study the mar$eting strategies of ZIMALAYA 4erbal
,! (o study the strength, wea$ness, opportunity, and threats
Hswot C analysisI of ZIMALAYA!
2! (o study the customer satisfaction regarding ZIMALAYA 4erbal
9.! $ATA C#11ECT"#N T##1S
After the research problem, we hae to identify and select which
type of data is to research! At this stageE we hae to organi=e a
field surey to collect the data! )ne of the important tools for
conducting mar$et research is the aailability of necessary and
useful data!
Primar' data> ?or primary data collection, we hae to plan the
following four important aspects!
Research "nstr(ment
Secondar' $ata C (he Company<s profile, journals and
arious literature studies are important sources of secondary
$ata anal'sis and interpretation
*! Juestionnaires
-! 1ie chart and 8ar chart
(his is the most popular tool for the data collection! A
Auestionnaire contains Auestion that the researcher wishes to as$
his respondents which is always guided by the objectie of the
Pie chart2
(his is ery useful diagram to represent data, which are diided
into a number of categories! (his diagram consists of a circle of
diided into a number of sectors, which are proportional to the
alues they represent! (he total alue is represented by the full
create! (he diagram bar chart can ma$e comparison among the
arious components or between a part and a whole of data!
:ar chart2
(his is another way of representing data graphically! As the name
implies, it consist of a number of whispered bar, which originate
from a common base line and are eAual widths! (he lengths of
the bards are proportional to the alue they represent!
9.? 1"M"TAT"#NS #= THE ST%$-
+ery study has certain limitations! In our study, also there were
certain limitations, which we could not able to sole!
*! (he research was conducted in a ery small area!
-! )ur research wor$ period witness the biggest ups and downs
in product sale of only one brand, which affected the
perception of the customer! (his was biggest drawbac$ of
our study!
/! (ime factor was also important for us!
,! (he sample si=e is also ery small which represent our
research on consumer behaiour!
C)A*TER +,
@.1 A-%R<E$"C "N$%STR-
A'(r)eda Hthe @science of life@I is a system of traditional
medicine natie to the Indian %ubcontinent and practiced in other
parts of the world as a form of alternatie medicine! In %ans$rit,
the word Ayureda consists of the words yus, meaning @life@, and
veda, meaning @related to $nowledge@ or @science@!+oling
throughout its history, Ayureda remains an influential system of
medicine in %outh Asia! (he earliest literature of Ayureda
appeared during the ;edic period in India!(he Sushruta Samhita
and the hara!a Samhita were influential wor$s on traditional
medicine during this era! Ayuredic practitioners also identified a
number of medicinal preparations and surgical procedures for
curing arious ailments and diseases!
As per Indian heritage and science, NAyuredaN is an 9paeda or
anne#ure to the four main ;edas H$nowledge systemsI! (he
famous treaties of Ayureda are hara!a Samhita by %age
Chara$a, which details the preention and treatment of disease,
and Sushruta Samhita of %age %ushruta, which deals with
Ayuredic surgical procedures! In the Ayuredic system, the
preention of all types of disease has a prominent place in
treatment, including restructuring a patient@s lifestyle to align
with the course of nature and the four seasons to guarantee
complete wellness!
Ayureda is considered to be a form of complementary and
alternatie medicine HCAMI within the western world, where
seeral of its methods, such as the use of herbs, massage, and
Yoga as e#ercise or alternatie medicine, are applied on their own
as a form of CAM treatment! 4oweer, such alternatie therapy
approaches are not uniAue to Ayureda because they are also
aailable under the systems of 9nani medicine, :ree$ medicine
and Islamic medicine!
According to ayuredic philosophy an indiidual bundle of Ospirit<,
desirious of e#pressing itself, uses subjectie consciousness or
Sat,a to manifest sense organs and a mind! %pirit and mind
then project themseles into a physical body, created from the
fie HPanchaI great HmahaI eternal elements H&h(tasI G
together called the Panchamaha&h(tas G which arise from
Tamas! (he sense organs then using Ra4as to project from the
body into the e#ternal world to e#perience their objects! (he body
becoming the mind<s ehicle, its physical instrument for sense
(he :h(tas combine into NtridoshasN or bioenergetic forces that
goern and determine our health or physical condition! "hile the
three g(nas HRa4as or actiity, Tamas or inertia and Sat,a,
which balances the first twoI or psychic forces determine our
mental and spiritual health! A'(r)eda is thus a holistic system of
health care that teaches us to balance these energies in order to
achiee optimum health and well being!
%eeral philosophers in India combined religion and traditional
medicinePnotable e#amples being that of hinduism and
Ayureda! %hown in the image is the philosopher BagarjunaP
$nown chiefly for his doctrine of the "adhyami!a Hmiddle pathIP
who wrote medical wor$s The #undred $res%ri&tions and The
$re%ious olle%tion, among others!
8uddhism may hae been an influence on the deelopment of
many of Ayureda@s central ideas P particularly its fascination
with balance, $nown in 8uddhism as "adhyami!a! 8alance is
emphasi=edE suppressing natural urges is seen to be unhealthy,
and doing so may almost certainly lead to illness! (o stay within
the limits of reasonable balance and measure is stressed upon!
Ayureda places an emphasis on moderation in food inta$e,
sleep, and the inta$e of medicine!
Ayureda incorporates an entire system of dietary
recommendations! Chopra H-00/IPon the subject of Ayureda
Ayuredic dietetics comprise a host of recommendations,
ranging from preparation and consumption of food, to healthy
routines for day and night, se#ual life, and rules for ethical
conduct! In contrast to contemporary practitioners of Bew Age
Ayureda, older Ayuredic authors tended to be religiously
neutral! +en 8uddhist authors refrained from trying to conert
the patient to follow their particular religious ways!
?or diagnosis the patient is to be Auestioned and all fie senses
are to be employed! (he hara!a Samhita recommends a tenfold
e#amination of the patient!(he Aualities to be judged are>
constitution, abnormality, essence, stability, body measurements,
diet suitability, psychic strength, digestie capacity, physical
fitness and age!4earing is used to obsere the condition of
breathing and speech!(he study of the ital pressure points or
marma is of special importance!
Chopra H-00/I identifies fie influential criteria for diagnosis>
@origin of the disease, prodrominal HprecursoryI symptoms,
typical symptoms of the fully deeloped disease, obsering the
effect of therapeutic procedures, and the pathological process!@
4ygienePalso a component of religious irtue to many IndiansP
is a strong belief!4ygienic liing inoles regular bathing,
cleansing of teeth, s$in care, and eye washing! )ccasional
anointing of the body with oil is also prescribed!
)ilsPsuch as sesame and sunflower oilPare e#tensiely used in
Ayuredic medicine! %tudies show that both these oils contain
substantial amount of linoleate in triglyceride form! )ils rich in
linoleic acid may hae antineoplastic properties!
4undreds of egetable drugs are used in Ayuredic medicineP
including cardamom and cinnamon!
Ayureda stresses the use of egetable drugs!?ats are used both
for consumption and for e#ternal use!4undreds of egetable
drugs are employed, including cardamom and cinnamon!%ome
animal products may also be used, for e#ample mil$, bones, and
gallstones etc! MineralsPincluding sulfur, arsenic, lead, copper
sulfate, goldPare also consumed as prescribed!! (his practice of
adding minerals to herbal medicine is $nown as &asa %hastra!
In some cases alcohol is used as a narcotic for the patient
undergoing an operation!(he adent of Islam introduced opium as
a narcotic!8oth oil and tar are used to stop bleeding!)ils may be
used in a number of ways including regular consumption as a part
of food, anointing, smearing, head massage, and prescribed
application to infected areas!
(he proper function of channelsPtubes that e#ist within the body
and transport fluids from one point to anotherPis seen as ital,
and the lac$ of healthy channels may lead to disease and
insanity!%ushruta identifies that bloc$ages of these channels may
lead to rheumatism, epilepsy, paralysis, and conulsions as fluids
and channels are dierted from their ideal locations!
is faored as a manner in which to open up the channels and
dilute the Doshas causing the bloc$ages and harming a patientPa
number of ways to ta$e steam bathing and other steam related
cures are recommended so that these to#ins are released!
!&/ent/f/& ev/0en&e
Chemical structure of curcumin used in Ayuredic medicine!
%hown here in its $etone form!
&esearch suggests that Terminalia ar'una is useful in alleiating
the pain of angina pectoris and in treating heart failure and
coronary artery disease! (erminalia may also be useful in treating
As a traditional medicine, many Ayureda products hae not been
tested in rigorous scientific studies and clinical trials!In India,
research in Ayureda is largely underta$en by the statutory body
of the Central :oernment, the Central Council for &esearch in
Ayureda and %ridhar HCC&A%I, through a national networ$ of
research institutes! A systematic reiew of Ayureda treatments
for rheumatoid arthritis concluded that there was insufficient
eidence, as most of the trials were not done properly, and the
one highCAuality trial showed no benefits!A reiew of Ayureda
and cardioascular disease concluded that while the herbal
eidence is not yet conincing, the spices are appropriate, some
herbs are promising, and yoga is also a promising complementary
%ome ayuredic products, mainly herbs used for phytotherapy,
hae been tested with promising results! (urmeric and its
deriatie curcumin appears to hae beneficial
properties!Tins&ora %ordifolia has been tested!Among the medhya
rasayanas Hintellect rejuenationI, two arieties of Salvia hae
been tested in small trialsE one trial proided eidence that Salvia
lavandulifolia H%panish sageI may improe word recall in young
adults, and another proided eidence that Salvia offi%inalis
HCommon sageI may improe symptoms in Al=heimer@s
patients!In some cases Ayuredic medicine may proide clues to
therapeutic compounds! ?or e#ample, deriaties of sna$e enom
hae arious therapeutic properties!Many plants used as
rasayana HrejuenationI medications are potent antio#idants!
Beem appears to hae beneficial pharmacological properties as
A(adira%hta indi%aPbelieed to hae immunopotentiating abilities
and used often as an antiCinfectiePhas been found to enhance
the production of ILC- and increase immunity in human
olunteers by boosting lymphocyte and (Ccell count in three
8lac$ pepper and long pepper are combined with ginger to form
the traditionaltri!atu mi#ture in Ayureda! (his mi#ture increases
appetite, promotes the secretion of digestie juices, and cures
certain gastric disordersPparticularly Achlorhydria and
Mitra 7 &angesh H-00/I hold that cardamom and cinnamon are
belieed to stimulate digestie en=ymes that brea$ down
polymeric macromolecules in the human body!&esearch suggests
that Terminalia ar'una is useful in alleiating the pain of angina
pectoris and in treating heart failure and coronary artery
disease!Terminalia ar'una may also be useful in treating

A(adira%hta indi%a is belieed to hae
immunopotentiating abilities and is used often as an antiC

It has been found to enhance the production of ILC- and
increase immunity in human olunteers by boosting lymphocyte
and (Ccell count in three wee$s!8oth blac$ pepper and long
pepper find application in Ayuredic medicine in conjunction with
ginger to form tri!atuPa traditional mi#ture!Tri!atu has been
suggested to increase appetite, promote the secretion of
digestie juices, and cure certain gastric disordersPparticularly
achlorhydria and hypochlorhydria!
%cientist &ichard Daw$ins has critici=ed the use of Ayureda in
the west, claiming that while westerners are turning to Ayureda,
Indians are Noting with their feetN and turning to modern
medicine! ?urthermore, he says that K(he idea that ancient
eAuals years of accumulated wisdom is a fallacyS &esuscitating
Ayureda today is rather li$e bringing bac$ bleeding with leeches
In *333, Mr!8&AF+%4 &)Y founded (he ZIMALAYA Drug Company
in India! 4e had a mission, to ma$e Auality phytopharmaceuticals
aailable to the public in standardi=ed pac$ages! A hand operated
tablet punching machine was an important part of the company
then! %eeral cran$s with the hand were needed to process
herbal mi#tures into single pills! Mr!8rajesh &)Y would log long
hours compressing sufficient pills for sale till the early hours of
the morning, retiring to bed with his shoulder in agony!
(he legacy of researching nature forms the foundation of
ZIMALAYA@s operations! ZIMALAYA has pioneered the use of
modern science to rediscoer and alidate ayureda@s secrets!
Cutting edge technology is employed to create pharmaceuticalC
grade ayuredic products! As a confirmation that ZIMALAYA is
dedicated to proiding the highest Auality and consistency in
herbal care, the Company was awarded an I%) 300*>-000
certificationin -00/!
%ince its inception, the company has focused on deeloping safe,
natural and innoatie remedies that will help people lead richer,
healthier lies! (oday, ZIMALAYA products hae been endorsed by
oer 2000 doctors around the globe and consumers in oer ,*
dist rely on ZIMALAYA for their health and personal care needs!

:rand "dentit' . . . the promise o/ health3 ,ell&eing and a
prescription /or good li)ing
(he ZIMALAYA brand has much in common with the mountain range
from which it draws its name! ?or centuries, the ZIMALAYAs hae
been an icon of aspiration, of man@s Auest to unloc$ Bature@s
secrets! (hey represent purity and lofty ideals! (he fact that the
ZIMALAYAs are the source of many of the herbs that are used in
our products, ma$es our brand name all the more appropriate!
(he ZIMALAYA logo is a isual definition of its brand identity! (he
leaf that forms the crossbar of the letter = eo$es the company@s
focus on herbal healthcare! (he teal green represents pro#imity to
nature, while the orange is eocatie of warmth, ibrancy and
commitment to caring! (he ZIMALAYA brand carries with it the
promise of good health and wellCbeing!
ZIMALAYA@s products can broadly be categori=ed into two main
ranges, i=>
1ersonal Care
Pharmace(tical Range . . . health maintenance3 imm(ne
&ooster and co(gh control
(he medicinal range of products carry the ZIMALAYAn hallmar$ of
researching ayureda and capturing its benefits in formulations!
9sing modern research methodology and manufacturing practice,
ZIMALAYA has made aailable to people all oer the world, an
alternate method of treatment, which has no $nown side effects!
(he medicinal range comprises oer /2 products and is broadly
classified into four categories i=>
Children's Health
Men's Health
Women's Health
General Health
1rominent among ZIMALAYA brands is Lito a lier
formulation, which is also the flagship brand of the company!
one unit of Lito! is bought somewhere in the mar$et! It is
ran$ed number two in the hepatoprotectie C lipotropic
segment and number eight among all pharmaceutical products
in India!
%ome of the other well $nown products are
=ula#,pilso,granuals,limaforte, etc!
Personal Care Prod(cts . . . Health Care3 and :a&' Care.
ZIMALAYA has used its wealth of $nowledge and research, in
natural herbal remedies, to formulate a range of personal care
products that cater to daily health needs! (his range offers the
goodness of natural solutions for daily use by the complete family!
(he use of natural ingredients in personal care products has been
practiced since time immemorial, leading to increased use of herbs
with a curatie alue! Modern research proes that herbs while
being effectie are also mild and soothing!
Launched in *333, ZIMALAYA 4erbals is a range of natural herbal
personal care products spanning 4ealth Care, %$in Care and 8aby
(he range comprises of, digestie health, pain relieers, cough 7
cold relieers,and baby care products!

ZIMALAYA 1ure 4erbs is a range of indiidual herb e#tracts! +ach
1ure 4erb is the result of strict monitoring from the farm to the lab!
At the lab, ZIMALAYA@s proprietary techniAues are used to e#tract
the optimum alue of each herb! (his is followed by rigorous tests
by &7D team for potency and consistency!
(he actions of these e#tracts benefit the body, irrespectie of the
indiidual@s body constitution, state of health and metabolic
functions! +eryone can benefit from the goodness of these herbs,
irrespectie of age, se#, body type or other health related factors!
(he 1ure 4erbs range comprises of the following>
Amala.i2 9seful in treating cough, cold, sore throat and
respiratory tract infections! It protects cells from free radical
damage and is an e#cellent anti o#idant!
Ar4(na2 (his herb improes blood circulation and is used as a
tonic for the heart!
Ash)agandha2 Commonly $nown as "inter Cherry, this herb
acts as an antCstress agent that imparts a sense of wellCbeing
and helps in coping with life@s daily stresses!
:rahmi2 A wellC$nown herb that helps in improing general
5arela2 Commonly $nown as 8itter :ourd, it is $nown to aid
in the metabolism of carbohydrates!
1as(na2 Commonly referred to as :arlic, Lasuna helps in
controlling the e#cess conersion of lipids and cholesterol!
Neem2 A popular herb, Beem has antiCbacterial, antiCfungal
and blood purifying properties! It is ery useful in s$in
disorders and helps maintain a healthy, beautiful and glowing
Sh(ddha G(gg(l(2 It regulates fat metabolism and helps
remoe e#cess cholesterol from the body!
Shalla.i2 (his herb treats joint problems!
Tagara2 It has mild sedatie properties, which are useful for
insomnia and sleep disorders!
Triphala2 A digestie aid compound and a bowel cleanser!
T(lasi2 It has antiCmicrobial and antiCinflammatory properties,
and is useful in respiratory tract infections li$e dry or wet
cough, cold and sore throat!
@.! PR#$%CTS #= 0"MA1A-A

A. SW#T ANA1-S"S #=
*! :ood remuneration with reasonable cost of cultiation!
-! 4ealth care and 1ersonal care!
/! ;ast 8iodiersity of tropical, subtropical and temperate crop
,! ;ariable agro climatic conditions for year round production!
2! LowCcost Manpower!
*! %tructured mar$et deelopment actiity!
-! 9nawareness of useful crop species to some people!
/! Low economic status!
,! Mar$eting!
*! &eial and renewal of global interest in traditional medicine!
-! ALL IBDIA demand for herbal product is increasing at rate of
/! (arget Children health,:eneral helth,
,! "e hae a old cultural heritage of Ayuredic medicine and
hence identifying the correct crop for a particular agroC
climatic =one is not a problem at all!
2! In gist, the huge potential for increased reenue generation
both in the e#port as well as in the domestic sector is really
ery encouraging!
*! Lac$ of education amongst the farmers ma$es them ery
ulnerable especially in the hands of unscrupulous people!
Indiscriminate shifting from cereals to cash crop can affect the
food balance!
-! ?luctuating mar$et prices!
/! Competitors!
,! )ther fields> ALL)1A(4Y and 4)M+)1A(4Y!
B. MAR5ET"NG M"C #= 0"MA1A-A
1roducts hae been diided into 2 power brands!
Juality> 4igh
%i=es> Aailable in different si=es
Design> Aailable in (etra 1ac$, 8ottles, %achets!
%r!Bo 8rand (ype
*! ZIMALAYAs 4ealthcare
-! ZIMALAYA 8aby care
/! ZIMALAYA 1ersonal Care Mar$et
2! ZIMALAYA Digesties,calcium,protein
enhanced powders etc!
As, ZIMALAYAs had different subCcategories it came out
with ariable pricing to reach each and eery target segment
+!g!> -20 gms,nutrious granuals hae mrp *,3!00
%electie 1rice &eduction to increase Demand
Cutting 1rice to stand out against competition
4as ariety of products ranging from 1harmaceutical,
1ersonal Care , the famous are ranges proided !
ZIMALAYAs constantly $ept on increasing its geographic
spread to increase its sales reenues!
+ntered the east,westIndian Mar$et!
Different brands hae its own mar$eting and adertising
Different brands had different promotions!
9tili=ed the popularity of Indian films in the domestic and
global mar$ets to promote its brands!
H#W 0"MA1A-AS :%"1$ "TS :RAN$ E>%"T-D
Identities ma$ing up the brandC
Choice of its logo, symbol, slogan, pac$aging!
Mar$eting Actiities!
Associations of the brand!
ZIMALAYAs through its diersified brands has tapped arious
target segments li$e the>
4ealth Conscious 1eople!
%chool Children!
+#isting )ld age group!
J!* 4ow did you come to $now about the ZIMALAYA 1roductsT
a! Bewspapers
b! 1osters
c! ?riends
d! &eferences
S.No Partic(lars N(m&er Fage
A Bewspapers -0 ,0D
8 1osters *2 /0D
C ?riends *0 -0D
D &eferences 2 *0D
T$"" %ra$i&al r"r"s"ntation o! t$" ta'l" s$o(s t$at o)t o!
total r"son*"nts 20 %ot to +no( a'o)t t$" ,IMA-AYA
!ro. t$" &$ann"l &all"* N"(sa"r/ 15 %ot to +no( !ro.
t$" ost"rs/ 10 %ot to +no( !ro. t$" !ri"n*s an* 5 %ot to
+no( !ro. r"!"r"n&"s.
J!- 4ow did you feel about the serices of an organisationT
a! +#cellent
b! :ood
c! Aerage
d! 8elow Aerage
S.No Partic(lars N(m&er Fage
A +#cellent *0 -0D
8 :ood /2 50D
C Aerage 2 *0D
D 8elow
0 0D
(he graphical representation of the table shows that out of total
respondents /2 feel that the serices of an organi=ation is good,
*0 people thin$ that its e#cellent nd 2 people thin$s that its
J!/ "hat Ayureda product you preferT
a! 4air Care
b! %$in Care
c! 4ealthcare
d! (herapeutic &ange
S.No Partic(lars N(m&er Fage
A 4air Care 2 *0D
8 %$in Care -2 20D
C 4ealthcare *2 /0D
D (herapeutic 2 *0D
(he graphical representation of the aboe table shows that out of
total respondents -2 feel that they will prefer s$in care products
rather than any other products of ZIMALAYA!
J!, 4ow much satisfied are you with ZIMALAYA productsT
a! %atisfied
b! Bot %atisfied
c! 1artially
S.No Partic(lars N(m&er Fage
A %atisfied /2 50D
8 Bot
*0 -0D
C 1artially 2 *0D
?rom the aboe graphical representation we conclude that out of
total respondents /2 people are satisfied with the ZIMALAYA
products as compared to other respondents!
J!2 4ow you find their prices as compared to othersT
a! Low
b! 4igh
c! ;ery e#pensie!
S.No Partic(lars N(m&er Fage
A Low 2 *0D
8 4igh ,2 30D
C ;ery
0 0D
?rom the aboe we conclude that ,2 respondents thin$ that the
prices of ZIMALAYA products are ery costly or eAuilialent to
J!. Do you $now that ZIMALAYA launches its new hair loss
a! Yes
b! Bo
S.No Partic(lars N(m&er Fage
A Yes 2 *0D
8 Bo ,2 30D
?rom the aboe we conclude that ,2 people don<t $now that
ZIMALAYA had launched its new hair loss cream!
J!5 Are they easily aailable in near by your areaT
a! Yes
b! Bo
c! ;ery rare!
S.No Partic(lars N(m&er Fage
A Yes ,0 60D
8 Bo *0 -0D
C ;ery rare 0 0D
?rom the aboe graphical representation we conclude that ,0
people say that they are easily aailable near their place and *0
people thin$s that they are not easily aailable near their place!
J!6 how do you rate ZIMALAYA<s product as compared to other
a! %atisfied
b! Bot %atisfied
c! 1artial %atisfied
S.No Partic(lars N(m&er Fage
A %atisfied /2 50D
8 Bot
2 *0D
C 1artially
*0 -0D
?rom the aboe we conclude that /2 people prefer ZIMALAYAs
products better as compared to any other products, 2 people are
not satisfied on this and *0 people thin$ that they are partially
satisfied with the ZIMALAYA products as compared to others!
aI ZIMALAYA should improe it<s after sale serice because its hits
badly their mar$et share!
bI More detailed customer<s serice is to be proided!
cI As there is a bottle nec$ competition between ZIMALAYA and
Dabur, it is necessary to ta$e measure steps to oercome the
area of downfall in ZIMALAYA with respect to Dabur!
dI (he mar$eting managers should ma$e better relations with
dealers and reputation of the company!
eI Customer considers Auality as their first preference, so the
company should gie more stress on this!
fI (he product is well aware and it is on top of mind of customer!
%o company should always improe serices and update their
1H. :":1"#GRAPH-
*! www!ayureda!in
-! www!ZIMALAYAherbals!com
/! www!ZIMALAYAhealthcare!com

C)B%9M+& BAM+> A:+>
J!* how did you come to $now about the ZIMALAYA 1roductsT
a! Bewspaper
b! 1osters
c! ?riends
d! &eferences
J!- how did you feel about the serices of an organisationT
a! +#cellent
b! :ood
c! Aerage
d! 8elow Aerage
J!/ "hat Ayureda product you preferT
a! 4air Care
b! %$in Care
c! 4ealthcare
d! (herapeutic &ange
J!, 4ow much satisfied are you with ZIMALAYA productsT
a! %atisfied
b! Bot %atisfied
c! 1artially
J!2 how you find their prices as compared to othersT
a! Low
b! 4igh
c! ;ery e#pensie!
J!. Do you $now that ZIMALAYA launches its new hair loss
a! Yes
b! Bo
J!5 Are they easily aailable in near by your areaT
a! Yes
b! Bo
c! ;ery rare!
J!6 4ow do you rate ZIMALAYA<s product as compared to other
a! %atisfied
b! Bot %atisfied
c! 1artial %atisfied

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