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Colonial Growth and the Clash of Empires Seth Adler

I. Colonial Growth (1600s)

A. The Restoration Colonies were established during Charles II reign.

1. New York 1664
2. North Carolina 1691
3. South Carolina 1691

a. Settled by British colonists from Barbados
b. Its economy was based on the production of staple crops to export to the West Indies.

1. This helped develop the triangular trade route
2. This would support Britains South Atlantic System

c. Charleston became the busiest Southern port city

4. Pennsylvania 1681
It was founded by William Penn as a haven for Quakers

a. Quakers were pacifists and accepted a greater role for women in public relationships.
b. There was no established church because Quakers believed in freedom of religion and
religious toleration.
c. The colony was prosperous from the beginning
d. All property owning men could vote
e. It was one of the most ethnically diverse colonies.

1. German Lutherans
2. Scotts-Irish Presbyterians
3. Welsh Quakers
4. Dutch reformed protestants

B. Georgia was the final colony founded in 1732

1. Started by James Oglethorpe as a debtors colony
2. Parliament subsidized it because Georgia would be a protective barrio between Spanish Florida
and the Carolinas.

C. British control the colonies

1. During the earth 17
century, the British empire was ruled in a lax manner
2. As a result, the colonies developed an independent attitude.

Royal Colony Colonies run by
governors appointed by the king.
* Puritan
* Dictator of England after Charles I
* No dancing
Middle Atlantic Colonies:
* New Jersey
* Pennsylvania
Virginia Anglicans
Maryland Catholics
New England Puritans
Pennsylvania - Quakers
a. Colonial legislatures were able to control the royal governors by withholding his salary
b. This was called the power of the purse.

3. In 1686, the English created the Dominion of New England

a. Its purpose was to control the New England colonies and was headed by Edmund Andros
b. Included all the New England colonies and eventually New York and New Jersey
c. Andros policies angered the colonists

1. Abolished their colonial legislatures
2. Banned town hall meetings
3. Supported Church of England rather than Congregationalist churches
4. Required Massachusetts colonists to pay fees for new land titles

d. The dominion collapsed in 1689 with the Glorious Revolution.

II. Colonial Growth and Culture (1700s)

A. 18
century colonial society

1. A number of non-European colonists came to the Americas.
2. The Germans and Scotts-Irish brought religious and cultural diversity, but also increased tensions
in the colonies.
3. Indian wars were sparked by people moving to the frontier.
4. Many New England towns were becoming overcrowded.

B. British Economic Policy

1. British economic policy was based on mercantilism

a. The Navigation Acts enforced the policy
b. The colonies were supposed to produce agricultural goods and raw materials and buy British
financed goods.
c. However, the British only loosely enforced the laws. They focused on defense to manage
their own affairs.

2. Gradually, the colonists traded more with other countries.

a. England couldnt import enough colonial good so with trade, deficit grew.
b. Colonists lacked the hard currency to buy British goods.

The effects of slavery on Africa:
* Increase in warfare
* Increase in tension
* Increase in polygamy
1. The New England colonies began printing paper money.
2. British merchants and creditors refused to accept the paper money.

d. Parliament passed the Molasses act in 1733 which was supposed to stop colonial trade with
the French West Indies. The colonists ignored the law and continue to smuggle.

C. A religious revival

1. The Great Awakening began in the 1730s and lasted for over a decade.

a. There were two major ministers

1. Jonathan Edwards
2. George Whitefield

b. The New Lights used emotional sermons that preached individual salvation
c. Results of the Great Awakening

1. It split denominations
2. The old lights got laws passed preventing traveling ministers from preaching to a
congregation without a ministers permission
3. New colleges, such as Princeton, Rutgers, and Dartmouth, were started
4. It would lead to people challenging authority inside and outside church.

3. The Great Awakening was an outgrowth of pietism.
4. Deism influenced intellectuals.

III. The rivalry between Britain and France in North America

A. The first three wars (King Williams War, Queen Annes War, and War of Jenkins ear) were small
guerilla skirmishes between the colonists and the French and Indians.
B. The fourth war was the French and Indian War (1754-1763), was a global conflict that started in the
Ohio River Valley

1. The war began when George Washington attacked the French near Fort Duquesne on July 1754.
2. The following year, Edward Braddock lost at Fort Duquesne which opened up the frontier to
Indian attack.
3. The crucial victory for the British took place in 1759 when the British captured Quebec.

C. Results of the war

1. The British tried to organize colonists in 1754.

New Light:
* Emotional sermons
* Appeals to emotions
* Different content
a. It was the Albany Congress
b. The goal was to improve colonial unity and defense against the French and to keep the
Iroquois loyal to the British.

2. The treaty of Paris was signed in the year 1763 ended the war

a. France gave up all its possessions in North America
b. The Spanish were able to keep the land west of the Mississippi River.

IV. Colonial Rebellions

A. The Stono Rebellion in the year 1739

1. The Spanish governor of Florida promised freedom and land for slaves who escaped from British
2. This started a slave rebellion in South Carolina and the slaves tried to walk to Florida
3. The rebellion was brutally crushed
4. It resulted in slave owners importing fewer slaves and enforcing stricter slave codes.

B. Pontiacs Rebellion in the year 1763

1. The Iroquois attacked British forces and the colonial frontier was in danger.
2. The British responded by passing the Proclamation of 1763.

a. It prevented colonists from moving west of the Appalachian mountains
b. It was very unpopular in the colonies

C. The Paxton Boys uprising in 1763-64

1. The Western Pennsylvania mob (Paxton boys) attacked and killed 20 Conestoga Indians.
2. The mob then marched toward Philadelphia but Ben Franklin was able to arrange a truce.
3. The Paxton boys were protesting Quaker policy that protected natives

D. The Regulator Movement

1. Started originally to prevent cattle stealing but took on political tones because western settlers
wanted more representation, fairer taxes, and more Western courts.
2. In South Carolina, more courts were added and fees reduced on legal documents
3. In North Carolina, the movement started because of falling tobacco prices

a. It was more disciplined and radical
b. They demanded lower taxes, lower fees on documents, and greater representation.
c. The rebellion was crushed and 30 men killed.

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