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Greetings and Welcome!

Grace and Peace from God our Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ. The Catholic-Christian faith community of
Corpus Christi in Aliso Viejo greets you and invites you
to share our Mission and participate in the development
of our community, The Body of Christ.
Fr. Tim
and the
Corpus Christi Pastoral Team
A Catholic-Christian Faith Community
within the Diocese of Orange
Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our Catholic-Christian community seeks to
fully understand, embrace, and live as Gods children and disciples of Jesus Christ.
Corpus Christi Catholic-Christian Community Mission Statement
Weekend Masses:
Saturday: 5 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12 Noon
Weekday Masses:
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00 a.m.
Holy Days: 7:00 p.m.,(Vigil) 8 a.m.
Reconciliation: By appointment; Thursdays 6:30pm
Baptism: By appointment following contact with
the baptism coordinator, Linda Kmett 492-2361
Marriage: Contact parish office 6 months in advance
Anointing of the Sick: Upon request
Confirmation: Teens contact Haven
Vini Nunez 831-2349
Adults contact Parish Office 389-9008
Liturgical Ministry
Lectors Janice Patronite 448-0945
Julie Pomerleau 362-3580
Eucharistic Ministers Jim Long 362-7750
Music Director Paul Nguyen 714-553-5957
Altar Care Cathy Koperek 380-8388
Liturgy Stacey Settelmayer 297-8517
Faith Formation
Baptismal Info. Linda Kmett 492-2361
Adult Faith Formation (RCIA) Fr. Tim 389-9011
Guppies (3 & 4 year olds) Betina Pang 697-5992
CLOW (5 to 11 year olds) Betina Pang 697-5992
Little Hands of Faith(Walking 1 & 2 yr olds) Betina Pang 697-5992
FISH - Family Ministry (1st-5th grade) Carina Palomino 389-9008
Haven Youth Ministry (9th-12th grade) Vini Nunez 831-2349
JAMS Youth Ministry (6th-8th grade) Vini Nunez 831-2349

Administrative and Finance
Pastoral Council Chris Watson 243-7682
Jean Conklin 831-4212
Janet Cheetham 495-9155
Maria Fider 636-3516
Jim Bresnen 218-1803
Ron Hill 742-0610
Carina Palomino 351-2223
Ryan Bragg 521-751-4285
Finance Committee Dan Newkirk 837-2545
Parish Secretary Betty ONeil 389-9295
Parish Admin. Asst./Receptionist Susan Hays 389-9008
Facilities Manager Marc Jordan 389-1936
Stewardship/Capital Campaign Stacey Settelmayer 297-8517
Pastoral Outreach
The Bread of Life-Eucharistic
Ministry to the Homebound Meedie Younger 714-270-0269
My Fathers House/Bereavement Patty Whaley 768-6485
Hands Across the County Linda Palomino 290-3424
Beta Foster Care Parish Liaison
Community Service
Post Mass Hospitality Jerry Beck 448-0548
Greeters/Pre-Mass Hospitality Pat Hile 633-3025
Mass Setup Ministry Steve Gottron 581-6681
Scrip Pam Rumi 554-5003
Web Site Stacey Settelmayer 297-8517
Maintenance Ministry Kevin McGinn 714-815-6198
Fingerprinting/Safe Environment Susan Hays 389-9008
MOPS Dot Blanchi 714-325-1766
First Saturday Mens Fellowship Brian Brassil 212-5994
Corpus Christi Scouting Troop 700 David Real 360-7256
Corpus Christi Cub Scout Pack 700 Shawn Collins 241-5562
POPS Rick Zimmer 466-8266

Pastor Rev. Timothy L. Ramaekers
27231 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Phone: 949-389-9008 FAX: 949-831-6540
Rectory (Emergency Only): 949-831-3545
Diocese of Orange Clergy/Diocesan Personnel Misconduct
Toll Free Reporting Line 1-800-364-3064
Page 2 March 29-30, 2014 4th Sunday of Lent
Liturgy of the Week
March 30th
4th Sunday of Lent


First Reading -- As the prophet Samuel anointed David with oil, the spirit of the LORD rushed upon David
(1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a).
Psalm -- The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23).
Second Reading -- You who were once darkness are now light in the Lord (Ephesians 5:8-14).
Gospel -- The man who had been blind from birth proclaimed: The one called Jesus made clay with his saliva,
anointed my eyes with it, and told me to wash (John 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]).


Sunday, April 6th: Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]


Sunday, March 30th: Fourth Sunday of Lent
Tuesday, April 1st: April Fool's Day
Wednesday, April 3rd: St. Francis of Paola
Friday, April 4th: St. Isidore; First Friday; Abstinence
Saturday, April 5th: St. Vincent Ferrer; First Saturday

Remember the Star Wars movies, in which the Dark Side was a symbol of evil? In our second reading Paul tells the Christians
in Ephesus that they were once darkness. Paul uses darkness as a symbol of shame. Shame is not just sorrow for sins; it is the
fear of being caught in sin, or of telling our weaknesses to another because we think the other will look down on us. Or you
might fear the punishment you think you deserve. Paul was a sinner himself and was blinded when Jesus appeared to him,
asking, "Why do you persecute me?" So he knew that the only way to be free of shame is not to hide sins, but to expose
them. Does that mean we have to broadcast our sins on the evening news, or post them all on our social media pages? No;
we just need to confess them to God and receive God's forgiveness. We can do this through the sacrament of reconciliation.
The priest shows that God loves sinners, no matter what they have done. When you injure your arm, you explain how you
hurt it, so the doctor knows how to treat it. If you wreck your car, you take it to the repair shop and tell the mechanics what
is broken so they can repair it. In reconciliation we bring our sins to the priest so that we can experience forgiveness. You
could leave your car at the shop overnight, with enough cash to make the repairs, but until you come back and claim your
car, you will never know if it was fixed. Sometimes other people try to shame us. In today's Gospel, Jesus' disciples asked
whose sin caused the man to be born blind. The Pharisees told the man that he was born in sin. Jesus, however, told his dis-
ciples that the man had not sinned, and furthermore, the Pharisees themselves were the sinners because they had judged
the blind man. So when we know that God forgives us and still loves us, we don't have to fear what others might think. Let
us instead hold our sins up to the light of forgiveness and be free of our shame.
Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

Open wide the windows of our spirits and fill us full of light; open wide the door of our hearts,
that we may receive and entertain Thee with all our powers of adoration.
--Christina Rossetti

Page 3 March 29-30, 2014 4th Sunday of Lent
During the Lenten season, Stations of the Cross will be
offered on the following Fridays.

Each evening will begin in the Grand Hall

Date Time Hosted by
April 4th 7pm Pastoral Council*
(Soup served prior to station walk)*
April 11th 7pm First Saturday Mens Fellowship

Sacrament of Penance (Confessions) in our neighboring
parishes, during the Season of Lent
April 7, 7:00 p.m. Our Lady of Fatima in San Clemente
April 9, 7:00 p.m. Mission San Juan Capistrano
April 10, 7:00 p.m. St. Timothy in Laguna Niguel
April 15, 7:00 p.m. St. Catherine of Siena in Laguna Beach

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday April 12-13: Distribution of Blessed Palms, Passion Narrative with musical interlude (All
Holy Thursday, April 17th: Triduum begins, 7:00 PM, Liturgy of the Lords Supper. Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament on Altar of Repose will be in meeting rooms 3 & 4 (8:00PM- 11:00PM)
Good Friday Morning, April 18th: Morning prayer (vespers) at 8:00 am
Self-guided Stations of the Cross - all day or you may join Fr. Tim at 3:00PM for Stations of the Cross
Good Friday, April 18th: Triduum continues at 7:00PM with Good Friday Liturgy / Veneration of the Cross
Easter Vigil (Saturday), April 19th: Triduum continues at 8:00PM., reception of catechumens and candidates into the
Church through Baptism or Profession of Faith. (please note...NO 5:00PM Mass)
Easter Sunday, April 20th: REGULAR SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE, 8:00AM, 10:00AM, and 12:00 Noon. All Masses will be
held in the Grand Hall with overflow seating outdoors...please dress accordingly. Special extra parking on Aliso Viejo Park-
way has been arranged for Easter Sunday ONLY. Please use caution and cross only at the lights.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

On Saturday March 8th, the following individuals were pre-
sented to Bishop Kevin Vann during the Rite of Election at St.
Columban in Garden Grove. They will be received into the Ro-
man Catholic Church, through Baptism or Profession of Faith on
Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil liturgy. Please keep them
in your prayers as they complete these final steps of prepara-
tion. Candidates: (Those who will be received through a Profes-
sion of Faith) John Danvers, Jason Dreibelbis, Pam Rumi, Michael
Slivkoff and Pete Woollard. Catechumens: (Those who will be
received through Baptism) Nicole Danvers, Kameron Jacobsen,
Carolyn Posey and Yani Tanorie.

A standing tradition is to have our Corpus Christi family write
cards or letters of welcome and support. These letters will be
presented to them on Holy Saturday as a gift from our commu-
nity. You may drop your letters in the weekly stewardship/
offertory basket or send them in to the Parish office.
Flowers, Flowers, Flowers.

Our liturgical environment committee is
looking for flower donations to make our
Grand Hall bloom with Easter beauty!

All spring flowers welcome, lilies,
hydrangeas, tulips, etc...

Please leave your flower donations
outside on the kitchen ledge during Holy
Week (April 15-18). All flowers must
arrive prior to Holy Saturday.

Thank you for your generosity!
Page 4 March 29-30, 2014 4th Sunday of Lent

Haven (High School)
Apr 26 Keep Your Head Up - Keeping your faith in the world.
May 10 Being Purposeful and Proactive Christian Leaders

JAMS (Middle School)
March 28-30 JAMS Retreat (off site)
April 27 545-8p Praying with Music
Confirmation Year 1
Apr 26 4-5p The Holy Spirit
Apr 27 6-7p Make up Session
Confirmation Year 2
Apr 26 4-5p Social Justice
Apr 27 6-7p Make up session
First Saturday Men's Fellowship Breakfast
and gathering NEXT Saturday, April 5th

Come and enjoy breakfast and fellowship at the First Saturday
Men's Fellowship on Saturday, April 5th. Don Watson will pre-
sent "Holy Week, The Greatest Week in the history and future of
the world". The session will be informative, interactive and true
to the spirit of Lent" I encourage you to join us. We begin with a
Hearty Breakfast served at 7:30 am in the Lower Hall. If you
would like to help out preparing the food, extra hands are al-
ways welcome but you do need to arrive early, between 6 &
6:30am. Gathering ends promptly at 9:30am.

For any questions, please contact Brian Brassil at 949-212-5994/
misterb50@gmail.com or
Jim Bresnen, 714-615-1033 or jimbresnen@yahoo.com
Easter Offerings
During the Easter season, it is encouraging to see
both new and familiar faces at Mass. Throughout
the year, many of you already support the parish
with your time, talent and financial contributions
but greater participation is always welcome. We
encourage you to look into our electronic giving
program. It takes just a few minutes to setup a
recurring giving plan. Visit www.avcatholics.org
and locate the online giving button or request a
paper authorization form from the parish office.
Please contact Susan Hays at 949-389-9008 with
any questions.

The Joy of Being Catholic
with radio personality Mark Hart
March 30 at 7:00PM and March 31 at 9:30AM and 7 PM
Our Lady Queen of Angels Church
2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach

Come laugh and pray with bestselling author and popular
Catholic speaker Mark Hart at Our Lady Queen of Angels
Lenten mission on March 30 and 31. Hart will explore The
Joy of Being Catholic in a set of talks drawing on Scriptures
wisdom, the Churchs teaching and his own infectious enthu-
siasm for all things Catholic. Harts broad appeal spans all
ages, so join us as we learn how to remain joyfully Catholic in
the midst of modern concerns. There will be refreshments
Fourth Week of Lent
CRS Rice Bowl Reflection: Malawi
y this week for our brothers and
sisters in Malawi and all around
the week, CRS Rice Bowl
This week, CRS Rice Bowl invites us to enter into solidarity
with the people of Malawi. We are encouraged to reflect on
the Catholic social teaching principle, Dignity of Work and
Rights of Workers, and reminded that, just as He labored to
create the universe, God sanctifies and calls us to work. Let
us pray this week for our brothers and sisters in Malawi and
all around the world that we work with joy for Gods greater
If you need Operation Rice Bowl material, they are available
on the concierge shelves in the Grand Hall. For more informa-
tion, please contact the Hands Across the County ministry at
A Big Thank You goes out to Andrew Herndon and Boy
Scout Troop 700 for cleaning and re-mulching Corpus
Christis meditation pathway.
Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7
How often do we invest our time, talent and treasure in creating an appearance that does not matter at all to God? We strive
to impress with our clothing, home, career, possessions, car and other marks of distinction. But none of these illusions of
greatness will impress God. Instead, He will look into our hearts to see how much we loved Him, how much we loved others
and how we showed that love by the way we used our time, talents and treasure here on earth.
Page 5 March 29-30, 2014 4th Sunday of Lent
The 2014 Corpus Christi College Scholarship

The Corpus Christi College Scholarship (CCCS) is a merit based financial aid grant ($5,000) awarded to an individual student
for the purpose of furthering her/his education. The Scholarship is awarded annually based on a range of criteria that reflect
the values of our Corpus Christi Catholic-Christian Community as well as the abilities and potential of the student applicant.
Who is eligible to apply? Graduating students whose families are registered, financially participating members of Corpus
Christi Catholic-Christian Community (verifiable registration, weekly Offertory/Stewardship and yearly Pastoral Services Ap-
peal) since March 2012 may apply for this award. Applications are now available on the Concierge Shelves. Completed
applications are due April 26, 2014.

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