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Natural Remedies For Heel Pain

Skeptical about home remedies? What if a change of
mind could heal your heel pain?
Modern western medicine has achieved monumental wonders: the polio vaccine,
penicillin, the X-ray. But no one era or culture holds the patent on medical wisdom, and
you miht !e surprised to learn:
"s early as #$%% B&, healers in 'ndia were usin aents li(e turmeric )or their
anti-in)lammatory and anti!acterial properties
*he ancient Mayans per)ormed cranial surery
+atin !ac( to at least #%%% B&, Native "mericans had e))ective anesthetics,
syrines and understood how to operate under sterile conditions
&hinese doctors were prescri!in dietary chanes )or vitamin de)iciencies in ,%%
Nearly all old cultures practiced some )orm o) her!al medicine, and many o) these
ancient plants have now !een scienti)ically proven to possess ama-in medicinal
properties, some every !it as e))ective as modern prescription medicines.
/ver noticed how one her! or )ood a)ter another is ma(in headlines these days, )rom
in(o to o0i !erries, promisin incredi!le health !ene)its1 ') you2re a s(eptic, it may
even !e rooted in the )act that the sheer num!er o) introductions o) new 2super )oods2 has
wound up seemin li(e a never-endin )ad. But when you consider that most o) these
her!s and plants have !een (nown to various cultures )or hundreds or thousands o) years,
the only thin new a!out them is their introduction to our modern society.
So, we ask you if you!"e got chronic heel pain and ha"en!t recei"ed help from trips
to the doctor!s office, would you be willing to try some nonin"asi"e, natural home
remedies if they could actually relie"e your symptoms and help your body heal?
3et2s !rea( this down into three simple cateories you can e4plore )or 5uic(-actin,
permanent relie) )rom your heel pain.
Physical Practices
Rest - 6es, this seems li(e it should !e a no-!rainer, !ut you may !e one o) those !usy
people who ma(es time )or everythin and everyone !ut themselves. ') your )eet have
!ecome unhealthy due to overuse, o!esity, hih-impact sports or ill-)ittin shoes, they are
!ein you to prop them up and let them rest. "t the very least, (ic( !ac( with your )eet
elevated )or twenty minutes, twice a day. 6es, you can watch *7 while you do this 8or
!etter yet, read a reat !oo( a!out holistic medicine.9. *he main thin is to !e totally
rela4ed and ive your )eet a !rea( )rom all o) the support they are ivin you every day,
with each step you ta(e.
#ce - :hile you2re restin your tired dos, put an ice pac( on your heels. +on2t have an
ice pac(1 :rap ice cu!es up in a towel. *here is no less e4pensive way to 5uic(ly lessen
in)lammation and num! soreness. :hile ice will not cure underlyin conditions li(e
Plantar ;asciitis, plantar )ascia tears or heel spurs, it can ma(e li)e a little more !eara!le
each day until your other healin e))orts have time to o into e))ect.
Stretch - 'n the condition o) Planar ;asciitis, the !iomechanics o) the )oot !ecome
un!alanced as the plantar )ascia liament spannin your )oot )rom heel to !all stretches
!eyond a normal rane o) motion and develops in)lammation and small tears. +oin the
riht )oot stretches can help to strenthen this vital liament and prevent )urther in0ury.
&hec( out these )ree instructional heel stretchin videos.
Shop - No, this isn2t your chance to place the !lame )or a spendin spree on that nain
heel pain, !ut it is a plea to ma(e your ne4t )ootwear purchase a really sensi!le one.
Podiatrists cite poorly )ittin shoes as a leadin cause o) poor )oot health. Hih heels or
any type o) shoe not o))erin a roomy )it, ood support and a natural elevation can lead to
inrown toenails, !unions, irreversi!le damae to the )eet and les, chronic hip and !ac(
pro!lems, danerous )alls and - you uessed it - Plantar ;asciitis. <hoes that have worn
insoles can also cause serious pro!lems and pain. Prove that you appreciate your )eet !y
ma(in your ne4t shoe purchase all a!out their com)ort and not a!out some mar(eter2s
oo)y idea o) hih )ashion.
Natural Remedies
$itamins % &inerals - +id you (now that there are vitamins and minerals that have
!een clinically proven to play a part in the health o) the components o) your )eet1 &hec(
out this reat, )ree list o) vitamins and minerals )or heel pain. 'n some cases, you can
access these help)ul su!stances )rom the )oods you eat. 'n more severe cases, you may
wish to ta(e some in supplement )orm to ensure you2re ettin hih enouh doses to
com!at a touh health pro!lem. Soaks % Packs - *ry epsom salts or arnica salts in the
!ath )or a )oot soa(, or soa( a washcloth in heated linseed oil and apply it to your heel.
*hese are tried-and-true )ol( remedies )or all (inds o) aches and pains. 'eas - +ealin
with onoin pain can rate on your nerves and leave your whole !ody )eelin tiht and
wound up. *ry chamomile tea to sooth your nerves and promote sound sleep. *ea
containin the her! valerian acts as a natural muscle rela4ant. *eas containin the )lowers
o) the hops plant are !elieved to calm an4iety and tone down )eelins o) irrita!ility. *o
com!at in)lammation, loo( )or teas containin the root turmeric or its piment curcumin.
Boswellia is another plant !elieved to contain power)ul anti-in)lammatory aents. Plantar
;asciitis su))erers o)ten con)ess that they (now they2ve !ecome snappish with their loved
ones !ecause copin with the pain in their heels has put a real strain on their nerves.
Her!al teas can help you rela4 and reain a )eelin o) well-!ein, ena!lin you to interact
in a sunnier )ashion with )riends and )amily aain.
="lways chec( with a doctor !e)ore startin to ta(e a new her!al, vitamin or mineral
supplement in any )orm.
Physical Support
Fascia(ar 'reatments - Podiatrists state that more than $%> o) cases o) Plantar
;asciitis and heel pain can !e treated without drus or surery. Rest, icin, stretchin and
supplements can all relieve pain and speed healin, !ut on-site treatment o) the physical
pro!lem will !e vital to your recovery. ;ascia-Bar technoloy was developed !y &hie)
Pedorthist, "rt <muc(er, throuh an intensive thirty year period o) research and
development, the oal o) which was to desin an orthotic support speci)ically )or Plantar
;asciitis su))erers. *his clinically-proven, patented technoloy is )ound in the lineup o)
orthotic inserts, wraps and splints o))ered here on Heel-*hat-Pain,com, and not in any
other product on the mar(et. :ith daily wear o) a product li(e H*P Heel <eats, you will
!e promotin healin via the )ollowin )eatures:
Realinment o) your )oot2s !iomechanics
?entle li)tin, stretchin and strenthenin o) the plantar )ascia liament
&ushionin sore, worn down heels with dense, supportive paddin
*he application o) acupressure to the heel !one, stimulatin a healin response
)rom your !ody
Most Plantar ;asciitis su))erers report sini)icant heel pain reduction within a!out a
wee(, and all products )eatured on Heel-*hat-Pain.com come with a money-!ac(
uarantee. Best o) all, this is an a))orda!le home remedy - somethin you can do each
day, on your own, to heal your condition. No doctors, no physical therapists, no
danerous drus or costly sureries. "nd !etter than a $ out o) #% chance that use o)
;ascia-Bar technoloy coupled with simple practices li(e restin, icin and stretchin
could rid you o) that heel pain )or ood.
Still Not )on"inced?
:e have a very simple priority here at Heel *hat Pain that overns everythin we do: we
want to et you out o) pain and help you recover as 5uic(ly and sa)ely as possi!le.
?ettin you health !ac( is so important to us that we2ve invested oodles o) time and
)undin in creatin this we!site, choc(-)ull o) )ree educational materials and videos )or
the home treatment o) heel pain via natural, non-invasive methods.
But maybe just reading about it just isn't your thing.
:ould you li(e the chance to spea( directly with a heel pain support technician1 May!e
you have some touh 5uestions that you want answers to, or may!e you2d 0ust li(e to chat
with someone who understands what you2ve !een oin throuh tryin to cope with daily
pain. *ccept this as your in"itation to call our patient helpline at +,,-./0-112
We!re here to help you3

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