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Entry test Answer key


1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 c 9 a 10 c
11 joint venture
12 debtors
13 significantly
14 brand
15 disrupted
16 severance payment
17 considerate
18 refund
19 stae
20 buc
21 mile
22 press
23 bid
24 bottom
25 stra!
26 probable" probably
27 narro!" narro!ly
28 t#at" t#ose
29 interest" interested
30 !#ic#" !#ere
31 out" up
32 improve" improvement
33 #adn$t met
34 !as taling
35 #ad been !oring
36 to s!itc# off
37 $d #ad % #ad #ad
38 #as been speaing
39 told
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
40 spending
41 c 42 a 43 b 44 c 45 a 46 c 47 a 48 b 49 b 50 a
1ee /2aminer$s notes3
4ear 5s 5ende6
Re: Post of Assistant Human Resources Manager
,s you no!" your appointment to t#e post of ,ssistant 'uman 7esources 5anager !as conditional on
approval from t#e -oard of 4irectors3 + am very sorry to #ave to tell you t#at !e #ave been unable to get t#is
approval3 ,lt#oug# #aving an ,ssistant 'uman 7esources 5anager !ould be of enormous benefit to our
company" !e do not #ave t#e budget to fill t#e role at t#e present time3
+ very muc# regret #aving to !it#dra! our job offer since your 8ualifications and e2perience !ould #ave
made you t#e ideal person for t#is post3
)#ere is a possibility t#at t#e situation may c#ange !it#in t#e ne2t fe! mont#s and if t#is is t#e case + !ill let
you no!3 'o!ever" please be a!are t#at !e cannot offer any guarantees3
+ !is# you every success in your job searc# and in your future career3
9ours sincerely
1ee /2aminer$s notes3
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
"r#$ress test 1 Answer key
1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 b 8 a 9 a 10 c
11 interns#ip
12 advice
13 allo!ance
14 8ualification
15 recognition
16 energy
17 emissions
18 in agreement
19 off
20 tec#nology
21 !ave
22 panels
23 slouc#ing
24 eyes
25 staring
26 b 27 d 28 c 29 e 30 a
31 spots" dots
32 #ome" #one
33 practising" practice
34 rejog" rejig
35 pejorating" pejorative
36 :
37 )#e
38 a
39 )#e
40 a
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
41 e 42 b 43 f 44 a 45 c 46 g 47 d 48 #
49 could consider
50 clarify
51 meant
52 agree
53 eep going on
54 eep our options open
55 !ould be
56 ;alse
57 )rue
58 ;alse
59 ;alse
60 )rue
61 )rue
62 ;alse
63 ;alse
64 )rue
65 ;alse
1ee /2aminer$s notes3
Subject: Promotional giveaway bags
4ear 5s .a!rence
+$m !riting to e2press our dissatisfaction !it# your service3 9our company failed to deliver our complete
order on time3
<e received delivery of 100 promotional givea!ay bags on 17 =ovember" t#ree !ees later t#an sc#eduled3
'o!ever" t#e order !as for a total of 1"000 bags3 + immediately called your customer services department and
ased for t#e missing 900 bags to be delivered in time for our trade s#o! on 19 =ovember3 + pointed out t#at"
as it !as your mistae" it !as your responsibility to correct it3 + !as promised t#at t#e additional bags !ould
be delivered in time for t#e s#o!3
'o!ever" !e did not receive t#is delivery until 25 =ovember3 )#e trade s#o! !as over by t#en3 ,s a result"
!e lost t#e opportunity to mae contact and communicate !it# important customers" !#ic# could #ave serious
conse8uences for our business3
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
)#e paper!or for t#e order and t#e pacing list t#at came !it# t#e 100 bags bot# specified 1"000 bags rat#er
t#an 1003 9our company failed to c#ec t#at t#e order !as complete and failed to respond to our re8uest to
correct t#e mistae3 <e t#erefore re8uest t#at you refund our entire payment3
9ours sincerely
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
"r#$ress test % Answer key
1 ;alse
2 ;alse
3 ;alse
4 )rue
5 )rue
6 ;alse
7 )rue
8 )rue
9 )rue
10 )rue
11 ;alse
12 ;alse
13 ;alse
14 )rue
15 ;alse
16 maret
17 viral
18 influence
19 !ord of mout#
20 individual
21 set up
22 drop in
23 juggle
24 bid
25 commitments
26 e 27 a 28 c 29 b 30 d
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
31 4 32 = 33 4 34 = 35 = 36 4
37 !oring
38 to live
39 #ard>!oring
40 doing
41 to be
42 !ouldn$t
43 s#ouldn$t
44 !ould
45 couldn$t
46 b 47 a 48 c 49 a 50 b 51 c 52 a 53 b 54 c 55 a
56 d 57 f 58 g 59 c 60 b
61 sense
62 $m listening
63 go
64 understand
65 sound
1ee /2aminer$s notes3
Subject: Meeting on Thursday
4ear ?ma" &#oebe and =eil
(ur mont#ly update meeting !ill be #eld t#is )#ursday at 10@00 in room 2473 +$d lie you to come prepared to
give an update on all of our projects and also to present your latest sales figures3 <e$ve #ad problems starting
and finis#ing on time in t#e past so please arrive a fe! minutes early and plan to stay focused for t#e entire
t!o #ours3
+$ve recently learned t#at .arry *ollins" our regional manager in 5anc#ester" #as unfortunately resigned at
s#ort notice3 <e$ll need to discuss interim duties to tae up t#e slac left by .arry$s resignation so please
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
come prepared to mae suggestions about #o! to deal !it# any !or t#at may be affected by .arry$s
;inally" !e need to discuss again t#e continuing problem of t#e mess in t#e itc#en area3 4espite t#e fact t#at
!e$ve discussed t#is several times already" someone is still leaving dirty dis#es in t#e sin almost every day3
)#is is unacceptable and !#oever$s doing it needs to tae responsibility3
+f you #ave any 8uestions or comments" please let me no!3 +$m looing for!ard to seeing all of you on
<it# best regards
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
"r#$ress test & Answer key
1 c 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 c 9 b 10 c
11 !it#
12 up
13 off
14 to
15 of
16 ,re you
17 going to t#e meeting t#is afternoon
18 4id
19 see *layton t#is morning
20 ,ny!ay" +$ll
21 b 22 c 23 e 24 a 25 d
26 relief
27 #ammer
28 debrief
29 catc#>up
30 nit
31 investment
32 deposit
33 trade
34 e2pansion
35 national
36 geograp#ic
37 position
38 c#allenged
39 deposit
40 loan
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
41 b 42 c 43 a 44 a 45 c 46 b 47 c 48 a
49 b 50 b 51 c 52 b 53 a 54 c 55 a
56 c 57 a 58 b 59 b 60 a 61 c 62 a 63 a 64 c 65 b
1ee /2aminer$s notes3
Re: Order !"!"! # $iring harnesses
4ear 5r )yler
+$m !riting to confirm !#at !e discussed in our p#one call t#is morning3
,s !e discussed in our call" you #ave approved t#e prototype and you$re #appy to proceed !it# t#e first order3
<e can supply 30 !iring #arnesses assembled to t#e specifications supplied in job document 355a3 <e$re
pleased to offer you a price of A36"000 BA1"200 per #arnessC3
&lease remember t#at if you increase your order to 60 parts or more" !e can bring t#e unit price do!n to
7egarding delivery c#arges" +$d lie to point out t#at + forgot to mention on t#e p#one t#e delivery fee of A1203
+ #ope t#is is acceptable3
,s for payment and delivery" our usual terms are a 50 per cent payment on order and t#e balance" including
delivery c#arges" on delivery" !it# 30>day credit terms3 <e can supply t#e full order not later t#an 15
,s !e discussed" !e may #ave problems getting some components from our suppliers3 +f t#is #appens" !e
!ill notify you !it#in five days of t#e order date and at t#at time give you t#e option to cancel t#e order and
receive a full refund of your deposit3
*ould you please confirm your order by e>mail as soon as possible3
4o contact me if you need any more information or #ave any 8uestions3
.ooing for!ard to doing business !it# you3
9ours sincerely
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
"r#$ress test ' Answer key
1 c 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 a 8 b 9 b 10 c
11 some fine>tuning
12 t#e slac
13 (ver>assigning
14 foul
15 c#ances
16 amends
17 our engagement
18 a broad s#ift
19 tra!ling
20 trying to come up !it#
21 #a!ing
22 broadcasting
23 netting
24 gauging
25 proving
26 a ton
27 an arm
28 grass
29 overnig#t
30 bets
31 <#at !e did ne2t !as mae our catalogue searc#able online3
32 )#e person you need to !rite to is .isa 7eed" t#e regional manager3
33 )#e reason !#y !e increased production !as to fill all of our orders3
34 <#at t#e !orers #ave ac#ieved is somet#ing completely une2pected3
35 +t !as t#e soft!are update t#at solved t#e battery problem3
36 d 37 a 38 b 39 e 40 c
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
41 b 42 d 43 a 44 e 45 c
46 b 47 d 48 c 49 e 50 a
51 on
52 to
53 over
54 for
55 by
56 b 57 c 58 a 59 c 60 a 61 e 62 a 63 d 64 b 65 c
1ee /2aminer$s notes3
4ear 5r .eeson
Re: %nvoices &!&&! and &"!!'
+$m !riting to inform you t#at invoice 490440 for D3"890323 dated 27 ,ugust and invoice 491005 for
D2"944359 dated 27 1eptember are still unpaid3 + attac# copies of t#ese invoices for your information3 ,s you
no!" our agreed payment terms are 30 days from t#e date of t#e invoice3
+n vie! of our good commercial relations#ip in t#e past" !e$d lie to resolve t#e matter amicably3 <e$d as
you to settle your account !it#in ten !oring days3 +n t#e event t#at you #ave already paid t#e invoices"
please ignore t#is reminder3
+f t#ere is a problem !it# t#e 8uality of t#e printing or binding !#ic# #as caused you to !it##old payment"
please contact us immediately at t#e telep#one number belo! and !e can resolve t#e issue3
1#ould you fail to pay t#ese invoices by t#e stated date" t#en !e may #ave no alternative but to revie! your
account !it# us" !#ic# !ould mean t#at !e !ould no longer be able to supply your company !it# printing
-est regards
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
E()t test Answer key
1 c 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 c 9 a 10 c
11 enoug# confident" confident enoug#
12 <#ic#" <#at
13 all above" above all
14 20 years$ t#e e2perience" 20 years$ e2perience
15 !#ic#" of !#ic#
16 e2perience" e2periencing
17 s!itc#ing" to s!itc#
18 must been" must #ave been
19 !ould" !ouldn$t
20 of money out" out of money
21 you are ready" you are
22 +t$s" +s it
23 #oping" #opping
24 <#o" <#at
25 sure include" sure to include
26 f 27 # 28 g 29 e 30 b 31 d 32 a 33 c
34 point
35 t#ing
36 e>mail
37 discussion
38 8uestion
39 alternative
40 start
41 b 42 a 43 c 44 a 45 b 46 b 47 c 48 a 49 b 50 a
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)
1ee /2aminer$s notes3
Pro(osal to carry out research into %nternet use in )enya
+nternet access in Eenya #as recently increased greatly3 )#ere are t#ree main reasons for t#is3 (ne is t#e recent
connection of an undersea fibre optic cable in 5ombasa3 )#e second is t#e resulting drop in t#e price of
!#olesale +nternet access in t#e region" !#ic# !ill mean more net>based business !ill soon be possible3 )#e
t#ird is t#e gro!ing core maret of computer>literate people !#o understand t#e benefits of computer and
+nternet use3 )#e client #as re8uested a detailed analysis of t#e cities of 5ombasa and =airobi t#at !ill #elp
t#em develop a strategic plan for mareting t#eir lo!>cost palmtops in Eenya3
F )o provide a clear understanding of t#e Eenyan palmtop computer maret
F )o identify t#e factors influencing future demand
F )o forecast t#e maret penetration of +nternet>ready palmtops into Eenya over t#e ne2t five years
F )o identify t#e areas !it# t#e greatest strategic importance to t#e client company
F )o compile a database for eac# area
-ot# 8uantitative and 8ualitative data !ill be collected to establis# current patterns of +nternet%computer use"
as !ell as future trends3 <e !ill analyse t#is data" using several different tec#ni8ues3 )#is data !ill enable us
to dra! up a profile of e2isting users s#o!ing #o! t#ey use t#eir computers and t#e +nternet3 +t !ill also
provide t#e basis for a strategic model t#at !ill #elp t#e client prepare detailed mareting plans and target
potential users3
1ee /2aminer$s notes3
&'()(*(&+,-./ 0 2011 &earson .ongman /.)

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