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Rooted in the Gospel, Bringing Christ to Others:

Parish Social Ministry Regional Gathering in Charlottesville

Church of the Incarnation
1465 Incarnation Drive
Charlottesville, V, !!"#1
Friday, November 14, 2014
4:30 PM Pre-Gathering Meetings
Tour o !n"arnation
#t$ %in"ent dePau& Meeting
$his %re&gathering 'eeting is for local an( regional St) Vincent
DePaul Council 'e'*ers an( those intereste( in learning 'ore
a*out St) Vincent (ePaul)
':30 PM (doration o the )&essed #a"rament
*:00 PM +egistration, Fair Trade, and ,-hibits Fair ./en
0:00 PM 1e&"ome
0:10 PM ./ening Prayer and +e2e"tion
+isho% Di,oren-o, +isho% of Rich'on(
0:30 PM Theo&ogy on Ta/: Rooted in the Gospel, Bringing Christ to
Presenter. Dr) Chris Gross, Diocese of Rich'on(
/n evangeli-ing co''unity gets involve( *y 0or( an( (ee( in
%eo%le1s (aily lives2 it *ri(ges (istances, it is 0illing to a*ase itself
if necessary, an( it e'*races hu'an life, touching the su3ering
4esh of Christ in others)/ In social 'inistry, *oth the hearts of the
giver an( the receiver shoul( *e transfor'e() $his %ersonal
testi'ony s%ea5s to ho0 *oth are transfor'e( *y a faith an(
(ee% s%irituality that are constantly *eing nurture( an( gro0n for
the 6long haul7 of our 8ustice 8ourney)
3:1' PM Meet 4 Greet
#aturday, November 1', 2014
3:00 (M +egistration, Fair Trade, and ,-hibits ./en
3:4' (M 1e&"ome and Morning Prayer
5:00 (M Morning 6eynote: Being Communities of Salt & Light
Presenter. 9ohn Carr, Director, Initiative on Catholic Social $hought
an( Pu*lic ,ife an( :ashington Corres%on(ent, America Maga-ine
Parish social 'inistry is the action ta5en to %rotect the life an(
(ignity of all %eo%le an( hel% %arishioners gro0 in love 0ith Go(
an( neigh*or) $his 5eynote 0ill s%ea5 to the essential role of
%arish social 'inistry an( the life of the %arish an( 0or5 in our
faith co''unities) $his 5eynote 0ill also highlight 5ey
co'%onents of the ;)S) +isho%<s State'ent Communities of Salt
and Light %resenting a 'o(el, 0hich integrates %arish social
'inistry into the life of the %arish)
10:00 (M )rea7
10:1' (M P&enary #ession: Be a Voice!
Presenters. Ronal( 9ac5son, Sr) Director& Govern'ent 3airs,
Catholic Charities ;S an( Cynthia Do*r-yns5i, Sr) Vice&Presi(ent,
Mission = Ministry, Catholic Charities ;S
$his a(vocacy %lenary session 0ill a((ress the challenge of
current national a(vocacy e3orts in a %olari-e( environ'ent an(
ho0 see5ing social 8ustice is constitutive to our Catholic faith, the
5#th nniversary of the /:ar on Poverty,/ an( highlight the
i'%ortance of our role as a %arish co''unity)
11:00 (M )rea78Transition to Morning 1or7sho/s #essions
11:1' (M Morning 1or7sho/s
Join us for one of the following workshop sessions led by local,
regional, and national leaders in social ministry. These sessions will
be repeated in the afternoon sessions.
1) Pro&9ustice, Pro&,ife, Pro&(vocate
Presente( *y >r) Gerry Cree(on, Chair, Peace an( 9ustice
Co''ission an( Pastor, ?oly >a'ily Catholic Church,
Diocese of rlington, 'an(a 9ay, Virginia Catholic
Conference, an( Virginia Po(*oy, Virginia Catholic
>acilitator. Chris $an, @Aecutive Director, Catholic Charities
of @astern V
This session will ofer insight and practical suggestions to
adance the cause of the Sanctity of Life as participants
learn how connect oter relations to public policy makers
and staf and ofer ideas for deeloping efectie legislatie
adocacy parish and diocesan leel.
2. Gifts of Diversity
Presente( *y Ron 9ac5son, Senior Director, Govern'ent
3airs, Catholic Charities ;S an( Deacon >ran5 Belson,
?oly Rosary Catholic Church, Diocese of Rich'on(
!articipants will learn and discuss practical approaches for
creating a ibrant intercultural parish by fostering inclusion
and integration, with a spirituality of hospitality and
C) :hy >air $ra(eD
Presente( *y Ei' Ma-yc5, Relationshi% Manager, Catholic
Relief Services an( Caroline StanFll, Regional Coor(inator,
GHce of Social Ministry, Diocese of Rich'on(
Looking for ways you can put the alues of Catholic social
teaching into action" Looking to connect parishioners of all
ages to the life of the church" Learn more about #air Trade
and simple actions that you can take back to your parish.
$oung adults and ministry leaders will discoer ways to
introduce their parishes to the Church%s social teaching on
4) ,istening 0ith a ?eart of Christ
Presente( *y Sally G<Dy0er, Director of Volunteers, Catholic
Charities of the Diocese of rlington
&any, if not most parishes, ofer emergency 'nancial
assistance, yet, there is ery little training proided to the
staf and olunteers on the front lines. Join Catholic
Charities of the (iocese of Arlington as they share their
best practices in direct serice and will include how to help
someone in crisis in a meaningful and efectie manner,
proiding information and referrals, and setting appropriate
boundaries with the client, self)care, and leaing the
situation at the o*ce.
12:1' PM )rea78Transition to &un"h
12:30 PM 9un"h8Net:or7ing8,-hibits ./en Fair Trade, and ,-hibits
1:4' PM Transition to (ternoon 1or7sho/ #essions
2:00 PM (ternoon 1or7sho/s
Join us for one of the following workshop sessions led by local,
regional, and national leaders in social ministry. !lease note these
sessions are repeated from the morning sessions.
1) Pro&9ustice, Pro&,ife, Pro&(vocate
!) Gifts of Diversity
C) :hy >air $ra(eD
4) ,istening 0ith a ?eart of Christ
3:00 PM )rea78Transition to ;&osing #essions
3:1' PM +esour"es rom the Nationa& .<"e
3:30 PM ;&osing 6eynote #ession: Where Do We Go rom !ere"
Presente( *y Cynthia Do*r-yns5i, Sr) Vice&Presi(ent, Mission = Ministry,
Catholic Charities ;S
$his closing 5eynote 0ill encourage %artici%ants 0ith %ractical insights
an( 'otivation for carrying out the (uties an( res%onsi*ilities necessary
to gro0 their social 'inistries %rogra's an( organi-e their %arish
4:30 PM ;ommissioning
4:4' PM )rea7
':1'PM Transition to ;hur"h or Mass
':30 PM #aturday %igi& Mass and #ending Forth

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