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Water pollution is a serious problem for the entire world. It threatens the health and
well being of humans, plants, and animals. As the world became more industrial and
smaller due to communications and trade, accidental and purposive hazardous
dumping have contributed to the problem of sea pollution. All water pollution is
dangerous to the health of living organisms, but sea and river pollution can be
especially detrimental to the health of humans and animals. Rivers and seas are used
as primary sources of potable water by populations all over the world. Another serious
consequence of this pollution is the effect of this pollution on trade in the polluted
areas. This paper examines cases which reflect different causes of sea and river
pollution, the seriousness of this pollution, the effect of this pollution on trade, and a
possible global solution to this problem.
II. Issue Background

Fish are usually affected by water pollution.
Pure, unpolluted water is an essential resource to the environmental balance of the
world. Water has life-giving properties which are crucial to the world's global
ecosystem. Water has also been used as a source and a means of trade for hundreds of
years. In some areas water transport is the only viable means available. In some areas
of the world, rivers and seas have become so polluted that ecosystems and the health
of plants, animals, and humans are threatened. Water pollution also inhibits trade by
killing off fish (an economic resource in some regions) and damaging the trade
waters. In recent years, many nations have realized the problem of sea and other water
pollution. Some of these nations are taking steps to control or clean up the polluted
Specifically, sea water pollution can cause many different problems. The origination
and spread of serious disease to humans and animals can result from sea or river
pollution. In some areas, the population only has one source of water. If this water is
polluted, the population has no choice but to use that water. Sea water pollution also
detroys the habitats of many species of fish and other animals. In some nations,
fishing or harvesting of other animals is the main source of income. If sea water
pollution continues at the current rate, fishing industries in many nations will be
severely damaged.
Sea water pollution can also create industries. People have a great need for clean, pure
water. In the industrialized nations, bottled mineral waters are in high demand. This is
because of the threat that drinking water in these nations is polluted. In nations all
over the world, companies bottle "pure" water and sell it for a significant profit.
Water pollution can seriously damage fishing industries, the ability of nations to
transport goods, and the health of living organisms. Where does this pollution come
Water pollution can result from several sources, including "waste water that runs
through city sewers, waste water produced by industrial processes, water runoff from
farmers, urban areas, mining, forestry, and construction, and the dredging and filling
of waterways which churns up bottom sediment and other pollutants." (1) This
pollution causes concern for the health and well being of all living organisms. The
United States has taken steps to reduce the pollution in the nation's waters. In 1972,
the government enacted the Clean Water Act. The goal of this was to "restore and
maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters." (2)
Many regulations and programs have been enacted by the EPA in order to enforce this
act. The objective of these regulations and programs is to reduce pollutants entering
all surface waters naturally open to the atmosphere. (3)
Even with the enactment of the Clean Water Act, much work is left to be done. One
example of serious pollution in the United States occurs on the coastlines of the
United States. Even after the enactment of the Clean Water Act of 1972, untreated
sewage waste continues to flow into the bodies of water surrounding the US including
oceans, lakes, rivers, and seas. (4) This sewage causes serious health risks to animals
and humans which interact with this water. One problem is that sewage produces
bacteria such as Hepatitis A, E. coli, and giardia. (5) The effects on animals or
humans entering this water or eating seafood caught from this water include
gastroenteritis, cholera, chronic diarrhea, and possible death. (6)
Other than sewage, chemical pollution threatens bodies of water in the United States.
Waste water from farms, roads, and other sources dump excess nitrogen and
phosphorous compounds into the bodies of water. (7) These chemicals do serious
damage to marine life. The chemical compounds cause "blooms" at first, which are
rapid algae and plant growth. These flora die and decay, removing the oxygen in the
water which marine life needs to exist. (8) Whole species of marine life can be wiped
out in certain areas due to this chemical waste water.
Another category of water pollution is untreated trash. Trash is dumped into bodies of
water by individuals, households, and companies. Items thrown in the water can kill
or maim fish and other marine life. (9) Discarded fishing line, lures, floats, and plastic
six pack holders cause cuts and can kill fish, birds, and dolphins. (10)
The Clean Water Act of 1972 is the standing legislation in the U.S. This act regulates
the amounts and types of water pollution which companies and waste treatment plants
can dump into bodies of water. In the past, regulations which stem from this act have
not been actively enforced. Because of the heightened awareness of the environment,
enforcement of these regulations has increased. Environmental groups and individuals
have contributed to the heightened awareness of the environment and water pollution.
These groups and individuals have also taken it upon themselves, with the help of
volunteers, to clean up the beaches and bodies of water in the United States.
What is currently happening on the beaches of the United States is representative of
what happens all over the world. Sewage, chemical waste, and trash are being dumped
into bodies of water in almost every nation. One difference between the US and most
of the rest of the world is that the regulations in the US are generally more stringent
than in other nations.
Water quality has improved since the enactment of the Clean Water Act of 1972.
Pollution has been reduced and health and environmental threats have declined. The
United States began to take these steps in 1972. Other countries have also taken steps
to reduce water pollution, preserve their trading waters, and conserve marine life. This
water pollution is due to years of polluting the seas around their nations and/or
disastrous incidents such as oil spills.
While the U.S. continues to strengthen the enforcement of its "Clean Water"
regulations, other nations are taking steps to clean up their water as well. The cases
following will introduce certain causes of water pollution in different countries and
the actions of these countries to clean up and stop water pollution. In some cases, the
necessity of clean water is just being introduced, while in others, the water pollution
incidents have strengthened already existing regulations. It is important to examine
the world's reaction to water pollution because the earth's water is an essential
resource shared by the global population.
The following cases relate to the issue of trade, sea water pollution and certain
nations' efforts to correct this pollution. Corporations and governments have dumped
hazardous waste into seas all over the world. The dispersment of hazardous waste has
occured due to chronic industrial waste dumping from factories or plants, accidental
spilling of hazardous materials, years of dumping of public and private waste, and
industrial projects. The cases in the first section have to do with the accidental
dumping of oil. These cases are the Shetland Oil Spill and the Exxon Valdez Disaster.
The next category of cases have serious sea water pollution resulting solely from
industrial waste dumping or industrial projects. These are the Hong Kong Waste Fee,
the Sellafield Nuclear Plant, the Minamata Disaster, and the Oresund Crossing. The
last category of cases have serious sea water pollution due to a combination of all
types of waste production and dumping mentioned above. These are Baltic Sea
Pollution, Black Sea Pollution and Tourism, Mediterranean Pollution and Tourism,
and the Khain Sea Episode.
III. Cases Relating to Water Pollution:
Pollution Caused by Oil Spills
1. Shetland Oil Spill
In January of 1993, an oil tanker ran aground off the Shetland Islands, Scotland in the
United Kingdom. Oil from this tanker spilled into the sea water surrounding the
Shetland Islands. This oil threatened seabirds, salmon, sea-trout, gray seals, otters, and
other species on and around the islands. Trade around these islands had to be
suspended for a time as well. Luckily, rough wave motion in the sea prevented an oil
slick from developing on the water's surface and the spill broke up quickly. The
British government had chemical dispersants dropped on the affected area by way of
planes. The quick action by the British government and others in the area greatly
reduced the potential damage to the waters surrounding the islands.
Oil spills are one of the most damaging forms of water pollution. The quick action by
government officials and the luck of the rough seas has minimized the damage in the
case of this spill. After this spill, the problem of water pollution in the United
Kingdom has been examined more clearly. The United Kingdom has recognized the
value of its water and is currently working at cleaning it up.
2. The Exxon Valdez Disaster
In March of 1989, the Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker, hit a reef in the Prince William
Sound, dumping 11 million gallons of crude oil into the sea. The Prince William
Sound, an island body of water off of Alaska's southern coast, is home to one of the
country's richest concentrations of wildlife; as well as booming fishing indusries and
native villagers. The sound also serves and a thoroughfare for the Alyeska Pipeline's
oil tankers shipping oil to the consumers of the lower 48 states.
The accident touched off a battle between the native Alaskans and the oil industry
over both the culpability for the accident and the future of the region's oil
transportation and oil spill readiness. Exxon led the clean up effort with 11,000
workers in the summer months and expended approximatedly 1.9 billion dollars. Sea
otter rehabilitation centers were established while salmon and herring fisheries were
isolated and closely monitored. Scientists are still attempting to determine the
ecologlical damage caused by the spill.
Some debate has occured over the actions of Exxon and the spill response team
concerning this spill. The captain of the ship waited twenty minutes to call the Coast
Guard after hitting the reef. Over 11 million tons of oil spilled into the sound during
the next ten hours at which point the clean up crews finally arrived. The oil slick has
spread miles into the sound at this point, causing suffering and death to fish, otters,
birds, and other animals. Exxon and the captain of the ship have been ordered to pay
punitive damages to the fishermen and coastal communties in the area of the sound.
Pollution Caused by Industrial Dumping or Projects

A beautiful skyline can be deceiving.
3. Hong Kong Waste Fee
As recently as 1995, all of the factories in Hong Kong dumped their detergents, toxic
chemicals, and waste water into the territory's harbor. This waste has corroded pipes
and dribbled toxic metals into the harbor. This has caused serious water pollution in
the Hong Kong harbor. Environmental legislation was introduced in 1988; however,
enforcement of this legislation never took place. Now a private group, Enviropeace
Ltd., is trying to have these factories treat their chemical waste in a processing plant.
The government has shown its commitment to cleaning up the water pollution in
Hong Kong by passing this legislation. Enviropeace is a private firm which must be
paid to treat this factory waste. Hong Kong must now deal with the question of who
will pay for this treatment. The government has proposed a uniform tariff in the past
on all domestic waste and chemical imports to pay for waste disposal. This program
was defeated by a conglomeration of chemical companies. Currently the Hong Kong
taxpayer must pay for the waste treatment plant.
In the past, Hong Kong had pursued economic growth at any cost, including
environmental. Now that its environmental problem has gotten so bad, the
government has begun a serious effort to clean it up. The government is currently
concentrating its efforts on cleaning up water pollution. The water pollution has
become so bad that trade into the harbor could be inhibited. The government in Hong
Kong has realized the value of its water in and around the harbor and is currently
trying to clean it up.
4. Sellafield Nuclear Plant
The Sellafield Nuclear Plant is located on the Northwest coast of the Irish Sea in
England. It is a government owned facility which produces about one-fourth of the
United Kingdom's energy. Nuclear waste from this facility has turned the Irish Sea
into one of the most radioactive bodies of water in the world. This pollution has the
potential to threaten the health of both the British and Irish people. Fish and shellfish
are contaminated by the radiation and cannot be safely used in trade. The Irish people
and fishermen are the most seriously affected by this radioactivity, however, they
receive no benefits from the plant.
This problem has come to the attention of both the Irish and British authorities.
Concern for the health and well being of the Irish and British people has given this
problem wide spread attention. The Irish government has outlined a plan of action to
control the pollution resulting from this plant. The British government must also be
involved as the British own the plant and use its energy. The Irish government plans
to use such measures as arbitration, legal discourse, and diplomacy.
In order to control some of the pollution resulting from this plant, British Nuclear
Fuels Limited (BNFL) has opened a clean-up complex at the Sellafield plant. This
complex is part of BNFL's 2 billion pound waste management program at Sellafield.
The complex is designed to remove radioactivity from the waste. BNFL claims that it
is committed to protecting the environment and making progress in waste
management. The British government has probably urged the company to take some
sort of role in cleaning up the Irish Sea in order to mitigate the poor relations between
Ireland and Britain concerning this pollution. A British company, and most likely the
British government, has recognized the need to protect the environment. The health
and well-being of humans are at stake because of this nuclear plant, not to mention the
damage to the sea and its inhabitants. This company and the Irish and British
governments have realized the serious damage that water pollution can cause. They
are now taking steps to control it.
5. The Minamata Disaster
From the years 1932 trhough 1968, the Chisso Corporation located in Kumamoto,
Japan dumped an estimated 27 tons of mercury compounds into the Minamata Bay.
(In Japanese, chisso means nitrogen.) Kumamoto is a small town which consists
mostly of farmers and fishermen. After the mercury was dumped into the bay,
thousands of people whose normal diet included fish from the bay developed
symptoms of methyl mercury poisoning. The poisoning resulted from years of
environmental destruction and neglect from the corporation.
In 1907, the villagers of Minamata had hoped to benefit from the Chisso factory. The
villagers, however, recieved only meanial jobs. By 1925, the corporation was
dumping waste into the bay. The corporation paid off the fishermen in exhange for
polluting their fishing environment. In 1932, the Chisso Corporation moved into
chemical production including drugs, plastics, and perfumes, A chemical called
acetaldehyde was used in this production. Chisso had a monopoly on the mercury
based compound which enabled the company to expand.
A disease was noticed in the region in the 1950s. The mercury poisoning affected
humans' limbs, speech, vision, and mental capacity. Animals were affected as well. A
river flows into other areas in Japan from the bay, causing the disease to be spread to
these areas as well. The corporation began to make deals with the victims which
absolved the corporation of any further liablity. Victims were still being compensated
as of 1993.
In 1973, Japan's Kumamoto District Court found the corporation gulilty of negligence.
In this case, a high court of Japan ruled against sea pollution and in favor of clean
water preservation.
6. The Oresund Crossing

The Danes and Swedes are building a crossing between their two nations which will
facilitate communication and trade between the nations. This crossing will consist of a
bridge, a tunnel, and an island. In order to make this crossing possible, the builders
must disturb the environment of the Oresund Sound situated between the nations. The
governments of Sweden and Denmark, the European Community Commission, and
environmental groups have been involved in the approval process for this crossing. In
Denmark, an environmental group filed two claims with the European Commission
concerning the damaging effects of this crossing on the environment. These claims
referred to directives which stated that governments must determine the
environmental consequences of projects and that wild birds must be protected. In both
of these cases, the Commission did not act. It returned the decision making back to the
Danish government, essentially giving Denmark clearance to go ahead with the
In Sweden, the project had a harder time moving ahead. The crossing had to be
approved by the Water Court, a governmental agency, before Sweden would allow
any construction. In its review, the Water Court demanded changes to the design in
order to maintain water flow from the Kattegat into the Oresund. Waters from the
Kattegat are important because they provide much needed oxygen into the Oresund
which helps maintain cod stocks. The plans were changed. In order to reach 0%
reduction in water flow from the Kattegat, however, the builders had to dredge the
sound. This will dredge up sediment and other pollutants which will upset the delicate
balance of the sound.
This crossing could also cause possible harm to wild birds which inhabit Satholmen
Island in the middle of the sound. Original plans for the crossing included building on
this island which would affect the birds. These plans have also been amended.
Currently, the builders will create an artificial island behind Satholmen. This still may
affect the birds as they currently feed in that area.

A depiction of how the bridge will look.
Even though there are some lingering environmental problems with this crossing, the
awareness of the Danish and Swedish governments has minimized the possible
damage. Environmental groups have played a major role in bringing this issue to
attention of the public and the government The Oresund Sound is a very important
resource to Denmark and Sweden. This crossing will significantly increase trade
between the two nations. These nations have attempted to minimize the possible
damage in the sound through monitoring of the plans for this crossing.
Pollution Caused by a Combination of Different Types of Waste Dumping
7. Baltic Sea Pollution
The Baltic Sea has a severe water pollution problem. Nations surrounding the sea
have been dumping untreated human waste, toxic materials, and metal into the sea
since the 1960s. Countries from the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc gave
little regard to the possible damage done from this dumping. Specific waste being
dumped into the sea includes factory waste being deposited directly into the sea or
rivers which feed directly into the sea. Another type of waste is agricultural run off
from all western European countries. The environmental pollution in the Baltic Sea
can cause irreversible damage to the sea which is an important economical and
recreational source for 80 million people around its waters.
Now that the Soviet Union has fallen, there is a collective move to clean up the sea.
One group is the Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environment Action Program. The
countries involved in this program include the coastal nations of Sweden, Finland,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Poland, Germany, and Denmark and the catchment
area nations of Norway, Belarus, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and the Slovak
Republic. This program has six components which deal with minimizing waste
disposal into the sea, supporting research to develop other solutions, and encouraging
public awareness, among other things. Due to the serious effects and possible future
consequence of the pollution, the nations around the Baltic Sea have taken serious
steps in order to reduce pollution and solve the waste dumping problem. The Baltic
Sea pollution has damaged the fishing industry and tourism trade which is important
to the economies of these nations. By taking these steps to clean up the Baltic Sea,
these nations will to only be improving their environment, but their economies as
8. Black Sea Pollution and Tourism
In February 1992, members of the Commonwealth of Independent States met in
Moscow to review the problem of environmental damage and ecology. These nations
agreed to promote environmental protection through the drafting and enforcement of
environmental legislation and regulations; harmonize methodologies, procedures and
standards of environmental assessment and regulation and make these compatible
with international practice; pursue joint environmental research and protection
programs, including dismantling of chemical and nuclear weapons; create an intestate
ecological information system and a common list of endangered species; form an
interstate ecological council composed of the environment ministers of participating
states; and finance an interstate ecological fund aimed primarily at rendering disaster
Ukraine was not at this meeting in 1992. This nation has suffered greatly at the hands
of Soviet industrialization. It contained many chemical plants which damaged the
environment. The land, air, and seas in the Ukraine are seriously damaged. Sulfides
and chlorates make up the bulk of dangerous contaminates. The number of rivers have
declined from 40,000 to 25,000 as a direct result of ecological misuse. Salt is
constantly dumped into Ukraine's rivers, causing severe illness to those that must use
Ukraine does not wish to participate in the actions of the other CIS nations to clean up
the region. This may cause legal problems for the agreement. Ukraine's unwillingness
to participate points to the increasing significance of the soverignty issue in the CIS.
The other CIS states are willing to clean up their environments, the Ukraine, however,
has put the issue on the "back burner."
9. Mediterranean Pollution and Tourism
Years of negilgence and building have transformed Italy's 8,000 kilometers of coastal
region into degraded peripheral areas. The areas have been built without any kind of
urban or environmental planning. These factors have created a catastrophic situation
for the Mediterranean Sea which is a viturally closed body of water and therefore does
not get recycled very often.
Tourism, which increases at a rate of 6-10 percent annually, is a major pollutant of the
Mediterraneran Sea. Tourists, and subsequently, stores, resorts, summer homes, and
other structures contribute to the presence of polluting substances such as mercury and
arsenic. Mercury and arsenic result form the excessive disposal of nutritious
substances which originate from agricultural, industrial, and urban waste.
The principle cause of the pollution resulting from this waste is phosphorous which
causes a proliferation of the vegetation and mircroscopic algae. The decomposition of
this algae results in a lack of oxygen in deeper parts of the sea causing many fish to
die and emanate unpleasant odors.
This sea pollution is a serious problem for Italy and will eventually affect its tourism.
The European Community has implemented directives relating to water. Italy ratified
one such directive in 1984. Other European agencies have approved plans or policies
relating ot the clean up of the Mediterranean sea . Due to the European directive, Italy
has implented a decree to regulate the pollution in the Mediterranean Sea but has not
implemented any regulations to stop the pollution. Italy has made a step in the right
direction, however, more can be done .
10. Khain Sea Episode
The United States has been exporting its hazardous waste since the early 1970s. This
waste exporting has been increasing since then due to the increased difficulty of solid
waste disposal for local jurisdictions. As the price of depositing solid waste in
landfills increased, a popular option for some cities, such as Philadephia where the
notorious ship, the Khain Sea, first set sail, was to burn trash in incinerators. This
reduces its volume, creating a fine, black and sometimes toxic ash which must be
disposed of. This used to be placed in municipal landfills, but began to pile up just as
the waste had.
In 1984, the addition of regulations for land-based disposal strengthened the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The new RCRA regulations made it more
costly to maintain the current landfills and open up new ones. In 1986, waste handlers
in Philadelphia subcontracted with a shipping company to transport 13,000 tons of
incinerator ash to the Bahamas. The transport ship, Khain Sea, was turned away and
spent the next two years at sea. The ship tried to unload the cargo in the Carribean and
Central America, only to be turned away. The ship then brought the ash back to
Philadelphia, but was not allowed to unload. The Khain Sea then set sail for
Yugoslavia where it docked and underwent repairs. In 1988, the ship appeared in
Singapore without its cargo. To this day, no one knows what happened to it.
This case brought publicity to the problem of waste dumping in seas. It could be said
that this case was instrumental in bringing about international attempts to control
trade. An international agreement was reached in 1989 concerning transboundary
movements of hazardous waste under the Basel Convention. The US signed this in
1990 but still operates under the RCRA law as it conflicts with the convention. The
law will be reviewed by Congress in the near future.
IV. Comparison and Contrast
The cases described above are examples of how seas and rivers have become polluted.
The causes of pollution in these cases range from oil spills to chronic waste dumping.
In this third section, different aspects of the cases will be examined. The categories
shown below examine the type of industry affected, the effects of the pollution on
trade, and the effect of the pollution on the resource in question. The following table
outlines the cases from above and how these categories relate to them:

Case Name
Shetland Oil
and Food
Direct Low
Exxon Valdez
Oil/Gas Direct Medium
Hong Kong
Waste Fee
Waste Direct Medium
Nuclear Plant
Direct High
Plastics Indirect High
The Oresund
and Food
Indirect High
Baltic Sea
Food Direct Medium
Black Sea
Pollution and
Tourism Indirect High
Pollution and
Tourism Indirect Medium
Khain Sea
Waste Direct Low
The table above outlines several issues relating to the issue of sea water pollution and
how it affects industry, trade, and the resource in question. In some of these cases the
industry affected by the pollution is also the industry which caused the pollution. Both
the Shetland Oil Spill and the Exxon Valdez Disaster were caused by accidental oil
spills. The pollution then inhibited trade for the oil industry in both the cases due to
export bans or court judgements against the industry. The Hong Kong Waste Fee and
the Khain Sea Episode dealt with the industry of waste disposal. In Hong Kong and
the United States, amounts of waste had built up to amounts too large to handle. The
waste disposal industries both caused and were affected by the pollution. In both these
cases, new restrictions or fees were imposed on the waste industries due to the
pollution or possibility of pollution. The same type of effects occur in the cases of
Mediterranean Pollution and Tourism and Black Sea Pollution and Tourism. In both
these cases tourism was a significant cause of the pollution and was affected by it.
Tourism continues in these areas, however, the pollution will eventually cause a
decrease in this industry. In the remaining cases, certain products are affected. These
are plastics, nuclear products, and food. The plastics and nuclear products helped
cause the pollution in the cases of the Minamata Disaster and the Sellafield Nuclear
Plant. Transport is the main industry affected in the Oresund Crossing case, however,
food products are specifically affected in both the cases of he Oresund Crossing and
the Baltic Sea Pollution.
Through the industries described above, pollution has had significant impacts on
trade. Six of these cases have direct impacts on trade as a result of this pollution. In
some cases this impact is due to an import or export ban which directly affects the
product or industry trade. In others, trade is directly affected through higher costs of
operations, importing, or exporting. In most of the four cases where trade is indirectly
affected, governments have enacted regulatory standards which control pollution.
These standards indirectly affect the trade product or industry.

Pollution affects fish trade in many nations.
The third category examined in the cases outlined above is the impact of the pollution
on the resource in question. In all cases this resource is water and in some cases the
classification of this resource extends to fish, birds, and other animals. The effect on
the resource ranges from low to high. The two low classifications are in cases where
the governments caught the issue before any true damage was done. The four medium
risks are results of sea pollution which has affected the sea seriously enough to pose
significant risks to fish, birds, and other animals found around bodies of water. The
governments became aware of these problems before the pollution got completely out
of control. Four high risk classifications also exist. These pose serious problems for
the ecosystems in these areas. Not only can fish and other animals be affected, but so
can humans. If the governments with these high risk problems do not address the
situations in the near future, serious, irreversable damage could be done.
V. Policy Implications

A Possible Solution?
Water is an essential resource to every living organism. The entire world today has
serious problems with pollution in many of its bodies of water. Economic
development and human disregard have caused a decline in the quality of water and
marine life all over the world. Nations are taking individual steps in order to correct
this problem, however, more must be done. Regional groups are also taking steps to
address the question of water pollution. The European Community has developed
many directives which attempt to protect the environment, including bodies of water.
Under NAFTA, there was an environmental amendment added on to the original
agreement. These regional agreements are also steps in the right direction.
One issue with water is that it can touch many different nations and regions. It should
be considered a global resource. There is no global policy associated with the control
of water pollution. The GATT has addressed many issues concerning trade. These
include the lowering of trade and non-trade barriers and establishing trade rules for
the entire trading community. It is now just beginning to address issues of the
environment as well. Some kind of global forum, such as the GATT, must be used to
debate the question of water pollution.
Trade and the environment are two very important issues which a nation must address.
Trade significantly contributes to a nation's economic welfare. In the past, the
environment has been sacrificed in order to help the economy. Today, nations are
realizing that the environment must be preserved in order to protect living organisms
and important resources such as water. Environmental sentiment and legislation seem
to be growing from the national level to the regional level. A global environmental
mandate would significantly improve the overall health of the world's environment.
Under GATT or another global regulative body, a water policy must be developed.
Companies and governments would have to abide by the policy or receive fines and/or
sanctions. This water policy would have to be all encompassing to include specific
amounts of different pollutants which would be tolerated. This water policy would
also have to provide a clean-up schedule for areas which already have significant
amounts of pollution. The monitoring would be done by non-partisan officials under
the global regulative body. In order for this policy to be effective, a mutual
commitment must be made by all parties involved. This commitment must include all
governmental levels, from the global through the local levels. These levels of
government must cooperate to enforce this policy and any fines or sanctions which
result from it. This policy and its enforcement will only be effective with the
participation of all levels of government. Once mutual commitment is made by all
participating regions and governments, then the problem of global water pollution will
begin to decrease.

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