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100 tips from 100 practice management experts in 100 words or less

By Lauren Burns
Editorial Intern

(ugust 1) *01*
+e contacted 100 dental practice experts to find out w'at t'e most important elements are in
running a dental practice, #'oug' we got a wide array of tips) t'ere were some consistent topics-
leaders'ip) communication) and teamwor!, But do you !now 'ow to spot fraud w'en it.s 'appening
in your practice) or 'ow to 'ire t'e rig't person for your office/ 0ead on to find out w'at t'e
experts say aout success and growt' in your dental practice,
1lic! 'ere to see our updated list- 100 more tips
#ime is !ey for co3diagnosing and profitaility in 'ygiene, 4a!e t'at your 'ygiene appointment
mantra5 2ere are t'ree ways to accomplis' t'at-
#a!e time to re6iew your current 'ygiene appointment time, #'e norm is 70 minutes,
8i6e ultrasonic) 'and instrumentation and polis'ing 30 minutes for pre6enti6e care, #'is lea6es
you wit' 30 minutes of 6alue5
+rite down w'at screenings are currently offered in your practice or screenings9products you are
preparing to integrate,
(dd fi6e minute increments for eac' item listed, #'is is a :uic! and realistic strategy to determine if
your 'ygiene time reflects your est results5
3(nastasia L, #urc'etta) youtue,com9user9(nastasiard'
Practice management consultants all agree- t'e 'ygiene department is t'e ac!one of t'e practice,
(s a clinical 'ygiene consultant) I elie6e you cannot uild a profitale) 'ig' :uality 'ygiene
department wit'out consistent six3point periodontal c'arting on e6ery adult patient, 1ommitting to
six3point periodontal c'arting will significantly increase t'e amount of non3surgical periodontal
t'erapy and transform t'e 'ygiene department from a loss leader) producing under ;1)000 daily) to a
production leader) ac'ie6ing well o6er ;*)$005 &tart doing consistent periodontal c'arting and
watc' your 'ygiene department transform into indispensale c'annels of :uality and profitaility,
31olleen 0utledge) Perio3#'erapeutics and Beyond) perioandeyond,com
(n important part of e6ery successful dental office is 'a6ing a profitale dental 'ygiene
department, <ental 'ygienists must pro6ide appropriate) timely assessments) w'ic' pro6ide
diagnosis of mandatory and ad=uncti6e ser6ices, ( systematic approac' to reacti6ating o6erdue
'ygiene patients must e in place, Effecti6e communication for treatment planning and explaining
t'e importance of fre:uent pre6enti6e care appointments is imperati6e, Profitaility of your dental
'ygiene department must include specific systems suc' as assessments) t'e doctor9'ygiene exam
process) 6aluale menu of ser6ices9products you pro6ide patients and a systematic approac' to
patient continuing care, 8etting eyond >=ust a cleaning? is your message for success in today@s
3<era &eidel3Bitt!e) <ental Practice &olutions) dentalpracticesolutions,com
*013 <ental 2ygienist &alary &ur6ey (rticles
<ental 2ygiene &alary &ur6ey) part 1- 0educed 'ours/ 4aye not
0egardless of generation) dental 'ygienists agree aout =o mar!et
2ygienists strongly elie6e t'ere are too many 'ygiene sc'ools) too few =os
&ome final t'oug'ts aout t'e fairness of pay raises awarded to dental 'ygienists
Ao enefits sur6ey) part 4- #'e .du'. factor
Pay raises in dental 'ygiene- ( national o6er6iew
*013 <ental 2ygienist Ao Benefits &ur6ey 3 Part 3
Ao enefits for dental 'ygienists- Part *
&ur6ey- <ental 'ygienists scramle for 'ealt' insurance
8et dentistry out of t'e c'art and into t'e mout', (t t'e morning 'uddle) team memers s'ould
re6iew patient records, In addition to sc'eduled clinical treatment) t'e team s'ould identify patients
wit' incomplete dentistry and unsc'eduled family memers, Fill openings in t'e 'ygiene sc'edule
wit' a patient t'at already 'as an appointment wit' t'e doctor and is due for t'eir 'ygiene
appointment, Fill all openings in t'e doctor@s sc'edule y offering t'e patient t'e opportunity to
sa6e a trip) and comine t'eir 'ygiene appointment wit' seeing t'e dentist, (d6ise t'e patient of
remaining dental enefits t'at will expire,
3(nnette (s'ley Linder) (nnette Linder B (ssociates) annettelinder,com
+e elie6e t'at proper communication is per'aps t'e !ey to any dental practice, Cur studies 'a6e
s'own t'at t'e practice of dentistry is %0 percent communication and 10 percent clinical) and we are
y no means minimiDing t'e importance of your clinical s!ills, &imply put) t'e offices t'at ne6er
stop wor!ing on gi6ing t'e est possile answers to t'e :uestions patients as! are y far t'e most
successful, Cur ad6ice is to 'a6e fre:uent team meetings t'at emp'asiDe a warm and caring
en6ironment e6ery step of t'e way) and you will soon notice a significant increase in your practice,
3<r, <a6id 4adow and <r, 0ic'ard 4adow) #'e 4adow Brot'ers) madow,com
I got my first practice management training around age t'ree, #'at@s w'en my mom ad6ised me)
repeatedly) to stop tal!ing so muc', E6en now) I remind myself of t'at lesson daily, E6ery dental
patient 'as a story t'ey want to tell E let t'em tell it efore you start telling t'em aout periodontal
poc!ets and crowns, (s! your patients w'at t'eir iggest concerns are wit' dental care, #'en) stop
tal!ing and listen E really listen E to w'at t'ey say, #'en you will find out w'at you 'a6e to do to
ma!e it as easy as possile for your patients to enefit from your care,
3<r, #imot'y <onley) doctortimdonley,com
+e tend to t'in! of disturances in life as eing ad t'ings E ostacles t'at !eep us from ac'ie6ing
w'at we want, But many significant accomplis'ments egin wit' a disturance t'at moti6ates you
toward lasting c'ange, ( disturance t'at creates tension etween your current reality and w'at you
!now is possile is a good t'ing, #'at@s true for you and t'e team in t'e practice, It@s also true for
your patients, 1ommunicate t'eir possiilities in an exciting way and t'ey will feel t'at moti6ating
disturance e6ery time t'ey loo! in t'e mirror,
3ImtiaD 4an=i) &pear Education) speareducation,com
Four dental office needs to 'a6e a written financial policy, It s'ould e presented to and signed y
all patients, Geep a copy of t'at signed document, #'is policy is t'e rule y w'ic' all financial
arrangements are made, #'ere are t'ree t'ings to rememer w'en setting your financial policy-
4a!e all payment options transparent and stic! to it
Cffer incenti6es so patients will pay early
<on@t see any patients until e6eryone !nows w'at t'e payment arrangements are
Four financial policy will e determined y t'e dynamics of your office, +'ate6er your financial
policy is) e consistent w'en presenting it,
3Aanice Aanssen) Aanssen 1onsulting) LL1,) =anssenconsultingllc,com
#'in! >rise? to rememer t'e four3step process to successfully implement and sustain any new idea)
system or protocol, 0e6iew- 'a6e a team meeting to discuss w'at you are currently doing and
w'at.s in it for t'e patients and practice if you implement t'e new idea, Introduce9Implement-
clearly define t'e process) system) or protocol to t'e entire team and estalis' as standard operating
procedure, &ustain- e precise) consistent and realistic wit' routines and repetitions to ma!e it a
'ait E expect fi6e out of fi6e5 E6aluate- sc'edule regular c'ec!3ups to diagnose w'at@s wor!ing
and w'at@s not,
3Audy Gay 4ausolf) Practice &olutions) Inc,) practicesolutionsinc,net
>2i) 'ow are you/? is an insincere greeting at est, I recommend t'at eac' team memer 'a6e a
different greeting, #'e person at t'e front des! can say) >+elcome, It@s nice to meet you,? #'e
assistant can say) >+elcome ac!5? or >+e@re glad you@re 'ere,? #'e dentist s'ould !now t'e initial
concern or rememer somet'ing aout t'e patient and say) >+elcome, I !now you@re 'ere ecause
you are in pain, +e are going to do somet'ing aout t'at,? or >2ow was your 6acation t'is
summer/? &ee 'ow often you say) >2i) 'ow are you/? Fou@ll understand t'e 6alue of t'is tip wit'in
a day,
3Laura Aamison) Aamison 1onsulting) =amisonconsulting,com
#'ese p'rases say it all- >+'en t'e front office 'ums) t'e ac! office dances)? >It.s w'at@s up front
t'at counts)? and last ut not least) >+'en e6eryone does e6eryt'ing) no one@s accountale for
anyt'ing,? <efining duties at t'e des! is t'e !ey to efficiency, #'e sc'eduling coordinator@s t'ree
main duties are answering t'e telep'one) greeting patients w'o wal! in and engineering t'e
sc'edule, #'e financial coordinator is responsile for presenting t'e fees) posting payments and
'andling all insurance, 1ross training is good for two 'ours per day w'ile eac' administrati6e team
memer wor!s on e'ind3t'e3scenes c'ores) suc' as filling t'e sc'edule and reducing accounts
3Linda 4iles) 4iles 8loal) milesgloal,net
#'e (c'illes@ 'eel of practice uilding is often t'e front des! telep'one, (nyone pic!ing up an
outound line must answer in a courteous) professional and un'urried manner, 1allers s'ould not
feel li!e t'ey.re calling a piDDeria on &uper Bowl &unday, #'e practice name must e clearly stated
as well as t'e name of t'e person answering t'e p'one, I !now a successful cosmetic dentist w'o
'as 'is team say) HI can 'elp you)H instead of H2ow can I 'elp you/H I lo6e t'is courteous and
confident touc', 0ememer) your est mar!eting efforts are simply wasted if your p'one is not
answered properly,
34ic'ael Ientriello) dentalfla!,com
Geep t'e con6ersation in t'e practice focused on patient education, (s I consult and oser6e) I
generally find t'e practice con6ersation to e 7$ percent social and *$ percent patient education,
#'ere is a 6ery small window of time to educate patients regarding t'eir needs and t'e ser6ices
offered y t'e practice, +'en t'e con6ersation is re6ersed so it is 7$ percent patient education and
*$ percent social) treatment acceptance increases significantly, It is important also to e ent'usiastic
aout t'e dentistry) as patients are only as ent'usiastic aout desiring t'e dentistry as t'e doctor and
team are aout t'e dentistry t'e practice offers,
3&usan Gula!ows!i) <ental 1onsultant 1onnection) dentalconsultantconnection,com
Four #eam
(s your team grows and it is time to 'ire E or you need to replace a team memer E do your
'omewor!, #a!e time to prepare yourself and your team prior to promoting t'e position, 2a6e a
clear picture of t'e type of person you want to 'ire) t'eir le6el of experience) personality style and
complimentary 6alues, <e6elop e'a6ioral3ased :uestions for t'e doctor and eac' team memer to
as! during t'e group inter6iew, &core eac' candidate ased on t'eir responses to your re:uirements,
Bring ac! t'e 'ig'3scoring candidates for a s!ills assessment) t'en create a detailed training plan
for t'eir success5
3(dele 0eisc'e) &ynergy Practice 4anagement) reisc'eJscgloal,net
<ental practices succeed and flouris' w'en t'ey 'a6e efficient communications meetings, #'e
practices can strategically plan to maintain t'eir standards and :uality) !eeping t'eir systems
functioning Kor c'anging t'em if necessaryL) implementing new tec'nology) ma!ing ser6ice
c'anges) etc, 4orning 'uddle and regular team meetings) along wit' defined =o descriptions) tas!
lists wit' ultimate responsiilities explained) performance e6aluations and merit raise re6iews are
critical for effecti6e communication, Practices will 'a6e a t'ri6ing usiness if t'ey nurture team
memers to go furt'er t'an t'ey imagined and create a well3functioning team t'at wor!s co'esi6ely
toward a common set of goals, 1onsider >team? an acronym- #oget'er E6eryone (c'ie6es 4ore,
31indy A, Is'imoto) Aameson 4anagement Inc,) =amesonmanagement,com
<ental offices are ser6ice organiDations) and ser6ice organiDations impro6e t'e ottom line y
'a6ing satisfied staff, Cur patients see t'emsel6es t'roug' t'e prism of our staff) including t'e
doctor, #'e le6el of satisfaction t'at t'ey see is reflected ac! to t'em, If t'ey see 'appy) satisfied
staff) t'en t'ey@re li!ely to e 'appy) satisfied patients, 2ow do we create) and t'en consistently
nurture) our staff so t'at e6ery patient feels satisfaction e6ery time t'ey 6isit our office/ I suggest
regular) disciplined) and producti6e staff meetings, &taff meetings are t'e context t'at teams use to
learn) grow) and engage and stimulate eac' ot'er, Mot'ing wor!s etter,
3<r, (lan 8oldstein) Laser <ental 1are) alangoldsteindentist,com
Cne of t'e most important aspects of running a successful practice) or any usiness) is to wor! wit'
excellent people, I elie6e more of t'e doctor@s efforts and energies s'ould e directed towards
uilding a great team t'an towards some of t'e t'ings t'at many dentists 'a6e as priorities, ( doctor
needs to 'a6e a goal wit' t'eir employees) =ust as t'ey do wit' t'eir patients) and t'at is to win o6er
t'eir staff, Fou will get muc' more out of your team once you get genuinely interested in t'em and
treat t'em wit' respect and actual friends'ip instead of maintaining t'e traditional employee3to3
employer relations'ip,
3<r, Aoe &te6en) Ar,) 0i6erside <ental) dr=oeste6en,com
Fou and your entire team need to stay focused and positi6e, Learn and stay fres') ut don@t =ump
from course to course 'oping to find t'at one t'at rings t'e ig windfallN t'e diamonds are in your
ac!yard, &elect t'e ser6ices you li!e to pro6ide and offer t'em, <on@t o6er3treat) ut don@t
diagnose and under3recommend, #ell patients w'at t'ey need and w'at you can do) t'en let t'em
decide, Expect acceptance, In my opinion) t'at@s our et'ical duty, Extend compassion and care to
yourself) your team and your clients, Following t'is ad6ice costs you not'ing) ut will ring you
3<r, 4ic'ael (, 4iyasa!i) Bis'ou <entistry) is'oudentistry,weely,com
#'ere are a myriad of systems) policies) strategies) p'ilosop'ies and actions necessary for operating
t'e most efficient dental practice possile, #'ey are all important) as are teamwor!) communication
and !eeping up to date) among ot'ers, #'ere is) 'owe6er) one element t'at supersedes all t'e ot'ers
and is necessary to t'e implementation of any system) policy or strategy, #'at critical element is
commitment, #'e central feature of commitment is t'at it is on an indi6idual asis, Eac' team
memer must e committed to t'e success of t'e office y pro6iding t'e est dentistry possile,
+it'out commitment) practice optimiDation cannot occur,
3<r, 0ic'ard 2, Magelerg) drric'ardnagelerg,com
2iring new staff memers can e a daunting process) and t'e conse:uences of ma!ing a mista!e are
costly, Increase your c'ances of 'iring t'e rig't person t'e first time y following $ simple) yet
often o6erloo!ed) steps-
2a6e a clear picture in your 'ead of t'e s!ills and core 6alues you are loo!ing for
2a6e a clearly written =o description
4a!e sure t'e ad you place is well3written and representati6e of your needs
Include your staff in t'e 'iring decision
Pro6ide t'e new 'ire wit' an orientation and training plan t'at 'elps t'em successfully integrate
into your practice
3Aan Geller) Aan Geller B (ssociates) =an!ellerassoc,com
2umor 'as a uni:ue way of onding team memers and patients ali!e, I@6e een in a lot of practices
w'ere tension existed, +'ile not 6isile) it certainly erected arriers, &ome of t'e most successful
practices I@6e een in !now 'ow to wor! 'ard and play 'ard, If your patients 'ear laug'ter ec'oing
from t'e 'allways amidst t'e sound of drills and ultrasonics E and) etter yet) ring =o!es to s'are E
c'ances are good t'ey will refer friends and family, 1'ances are also good team memers will
contriute to a culture w'ere 'umor and e6en practical =o!es are as common as perfect3fitting
3Garen <a6is) 1utting Edge 1oncepts) !arenda6is,net
Lo6e your team5 &taffing decisions are toug', 2ire for fantastic attitude and great wor! et'ic, #'en
train for s!ills, <elegate aut'ority along wit' responsiility, &pend time toget'er, &c'edule leisure)
fun acti6ities as a team to offset wor! pressures, &'are t'e 6ision and listen to one anot'er, Build
action plans in w'ic' e6eryone ta!es a part to accomplis' a goal, 0e:uire indi6idual accountaility,
#eac' all your team effecti6e confrontation to reduce conflicts, 1ounsel and correct swiftly and
pri6ately, 1elerate 6ictories, 0eward exceptional practice contriutions, &'are t'e profit, En=oy t'e
uni:ue personality of and contriution from eac' memer of t'e team,
3Gat'leen C@<onnell) Aameson 4anagement) Inc,) =amesonmanagement,com
2a6e a consistent message, Four entire team must e on t'e same page) deli6ering t'e same
message to patients, ( message ecomes 6aluale w'en patients 'ear it reinforced consistently,
#'at@s w'en educating a patient to ma!e t'e rig't decisions aout t'eir dental 'ealt' ecomes real,
Passing t'e aton from one to anot'er E effecti6ely relaying crucial information so t'e next person
in t'e line of care pic!s up t'e same message to deli6er E creates many enefits, Patients and
colleagues understand your team is wor!ing toget'er for your patients@ good) inspiring loyalty and
3P'ylis Fic!s) Aameson 4anagement) Inc,) =amesonmanagement,com
It@s imperati6e to loo! at t'e stresses and frustrations in your practice as opportunities for learning)
growt' and coac'ing, (ll too often doctors and teams get so caug't up in t'e emotional side of daily
c'allenges t'at t'ey lose sig't of 'ow to strategically create etter flow, +'en t'ings don@t wor! as
well as you want t'em to) consider) as a team) w'at policies and systems could e clarified or
refined in order to ecome more effecti6e, #'e clearer you are as a team aout expectations) t'e
greater t'e c'ance t'at your days will e less stressful and more rewarding,
3&'eri Gay) (1# <ental Practice 1oac'ing) actdental,com
(s you await t'e return of a 'ealt'y economy) t'is is t'e ideal time to cross3train your team5 Fou
may 'a6e time now t'at you won@t 'a6e later, Brainstorm wit' your team t'e functions t'at will e
easiest and fastest to cross train, 1onsider t'e functions t'at fre:uently experience t'e greatest
needs, (s team memers support eac' ot'er) t'e office will run more smoot'ly and you@ll manage
future umps in t'e road more capaly, #a!e small steps at first to increase cross3training success
and to maintain t'e ent'usiasm of team memers, #'ese efforts can lead to greater team co'esion
and 'ig'er le6els of functioning,
3&uDanne Boswell) Boswell Presentations) oswellpresentations,com
Osing &tatistics to Impro6e Four Business
In today@s c'allenging economy) it is essential to e proacti6e in strategically planning for new
le6els of success, +it' ad6ances in tec'nology) any dentist can wal! into t'e office) press a few
uttons on t'e computer and get ar grap's) comparati6es and systems reports t'at re6eal
e6eryt'ing aout t'e practice5 Fet) most dentists w'o are concerned aout t'eir c'allenges ne6er
ot'er to test t'eir assumptions y analyDing statistics, If t'ey do loo!) t'ey don@t act, #'e secret to
feeling in control of your usiness is to manage y statistics E not =udgment or perception) and not
fall 6ictim to analysis paralysis5
3(my 4organ) Pride Institute) prideinstitute,com
#a!e t'is to t'e an!- regardless of economic conditions) your people will always e your est
competiti6e ad6antage, 1ompensation and enefits are set to attract and retain t'e most talented
team memers, It must wor! in t'at order, 0ewards cannot ma!e an a6erage player a superstar) so
enticing t'e a6erage wit' more and etter is a costly exercise in frustration for e6eryone in6ol6ed,
#'e onus pay will soon ecome t'e expected and any e'a6ioral c'anges will e s'ort li6ed, Four
people can dri6e your practice@s success or e t'e speed umps t'at slow you down, 1'oose t'em
carefully) and train t'em well,
38inny 2egarty) <ental Practice <e6elopment) Inc,) ginny'egarty,com
#'ere are t'ree !ey steps for today@s world, Cwn it- ta!e personal responsiility, <on@t get caug't in
t'e trap of laming and complaining aout anyt'ing, Megati6e mindsets create negati6e results,
Cwn w'at is 'appening, IictimiDation gets a person now'ere, 1ontinually as!) >+'at can I do/?
&earc' for answers and t'en do it, Lead it- transform your practice staff into a genuine team to
lig'ten t'e owner@s load w'ile impro6ing t'e patient experience, Exceptional results come from
exceptional leaders'ip and teamuilding, Perfect it- relentlessly pursue perfection on t'e
fundamentals of exceptional patient care wit' particular focus on effecti6e patient and team
3Bo &piel) &piel 1onsulting) spielconsulting,com
(s!, Listen, Pro6ide, Follow t'e Platinum 0ule- H<o unto ot'ers as t'ey would 'a6e you do unto
3<an 4arut) P<P<entist,com
#'e doctor must e a su=ecti6e leader E passionate and committed aout 'is or 'er wor!, (s a
leader) t'e doctor must 'a6e a 6ision of t'e preferred future of t'e practice) and t'e design systems
and management to meet t'ose o=ecti6es, #'e doctor needs to retain someone w'o is responsile
for t'e day3to3day o=ecti6ity of office operations w'ile 'e or s'e wor!s t'eir passion, In line wit'
t'at) t'e fine line etween employer and employee must e maintained, Being a leader and role
model means caring for eac' memer of t'e team) w'ile rememering t'at an employee is an
employee and ma!ing t'e distinction clear,
3<era Engel'ardt3Mas') #'e Mas' Institute) t'enas'institute,com
(s a consultant to dental practices across t'e country) it is my oser6ation t'at t'e most successful
practices 'a6e a leader w'o understands t'e 6alue of money) !nows 'ow to sa6e) and does not
spend excessi6elyN understands t'at t'e most 6aluale practice asset is t'e staff group and in6ests in
t'eir continual de6elopmentN elie6es e6ery patient is importantN 'as a life outside of t'e practiceN is
alanced p'ysically) emotionally) intellectually) and spirituallyN and is willing to accept ad6ice from
!nowledgeale counselors related to any of t'e ao6e,
3<ianne 8lasscoe +atterson) Professional <ental 4anagement) professionaldentalmgmt,com
Balance5 Begin wit' a mission and 6ision, #'en) communicate5 8et a mentor
K'ttp-99www,=amesonmanagement,com9team9Land 100 'ours 1E9yr, Be nole9'umleN ne6er
greedy9impatient, 4aster procedures) systems and t'e new patient experience, <ocument
appropriately, 4aximiDe 'ygiene programs, Educate patients so you don.t 'a6e to >sell,? Brand and
mar!et yourself and your practice, B(L(M1E5 Lead and moti6ate people instead of managing,
2old producti6e meetings, 4onitor o6er'ead and practice finances, 4anage your managed care,
&c'edule effecti6ely, 8i6e ac!, &a6e early 33 1$ percent, 2a6e 'oies, #ra6el, #a!e a c'ance,
4aintain 'ealt') family relations'ips) friends'ips and spirit, Be t'e 'appiest) est dentist you !now,
3<r, Brad 8uyton) Aameson 4anagement) Inc,) =amesonmanagement,com
Me6er forget t'at dentistry is $1 percent dental 'ealt' care and 4% percent usiness, Failure to
estalis' strong growt' in your understanding of ot' t'ese areas means t'at you are ignoring 'alf
of your responsiility, &tri6e for clinical excellence, In6est in yourself y learning from t'e est,
#'at@s easy E for most of us) it comes naturally, Paying attention to usiness education is 'arder) so
you must do it wit' intent, 8et t'e asics from your consultant w'ile you@re learning) and open your
ears to your coac' once you@6e ecome a c'ampion, Ignore t'e 4%) and you won@t get to pic! t'e
3<r, 8ary 4, <e+ood) &pear Education) speareducation,com
Imagine t'e ideal practice) t'en set goals to create it, <e6elop a winning game plan to gain success
and profitaility, Implement well3defined systems to eliminate c'aos and reduce stress, &elect and
retain a winning team y paying and treating t'em well, <e6elop communication s!ills, 4a!e firm
financial agreements, Patient education and treatment planning are !eys to successful patient
acceptance, Estalis' an efficient patient recall system, 4a!e 'ygiene t'e cornerstone of your
dental care system, 4anage your time to sc'edule t'e perfect day- producti6e and profitale,
1ontinually mar!et t'e practice, +or! wit' a coac' to o6ercome w'at you didn@t learn in dental
sc'ool aout usiness,
3<r, 2ug' F, <o'erty) <octor@s Financial Metwor!) 'ug'do'erty,com
Early in my career) I was ad6ised to extend 'ours into e6enings and wee!ends and to offer as many
ser6ices as I could, Basically) to try to e attracti6e to as many people as possile, I got urned out
and 'ated my =o, It was eit'er :uit) or c'ange my practice, I slowed down) c'ose to do only t'e
procedures t'at I li!ed and was good at) and limited my 'ours, I didn@t try to e all t'ings for
e6eryody, <are to dream aout w'at a fun day would e li!e) and offer it to nice) appreciati6e
clients only, Be patient E t'ey really will come,
3<r, Aames Fondriest) La!e Forest <ental (rts) la!eforestdentalarts,com
In general) we as dental care professionals !now our =os and we understand w'at patients s'ould
do to 'a6e optimal dental 'ealt', But t'e success in running a dental practice is 'a6ing t'e patients
realiDe t'at we care aout t'em as indi6iduals) not =ust >sets of teet',? It is well said- >Mo one cares
'ow muc' you !now) until t'ey !now 'ow muc' you care,? #'e art) science) and usiness of
dentistry is a alance- eautiful dentistry) ased on good science) w'ile !eeping usiness in mind,
Onless t'e patient elie6es t'at you truly care aout t'em) you will not 'a6e a successful practice,
3<r, Aeffrey 1, 2oos) Brus' B Floss <ental 1enter) ettersmile,com
Primary to any successful dental practice is t'e leaders'ip of t'e dentist9practice owner, Leaders'ip)
as 6iewed y t'e example set y t'e dentist) is e6idenced y a few distinct practice c'aracteristics,
<o t'e dental staff and dentist- 1ommunicate well and manage patient expectations/ Listen and
'ear t'e wants and needs of t'eir patients/ Present treatment options in a clear and straig'tforward
manner/ If you can 'onestly answer positi6ely to eac' of t'ese :uestions) t'en you are poised to
succeed, #'ese tenets uild trustwort'iness in your compassion) crediility) ser6ices and systems,
3<r, Lee A, 2arris) 2arris <ental &olutions) leeinla%1$Jgmail,com
Fou need to 'onor your word) come face3to3face wit' t'ings you@d rat'er a6oid) and 'a6e crucial
con6ersations, Fou need a good team- 'ire t'e rig't people) in t'e rig't places) to do t'e rig't
t'ings, Lea6e t'em inspired and empowered, &'are wit' t'em after you 'andle all your expenses)
retirement and det, &'ift from fixing prolems to ta!ing c'arge of t'e patient@s complete 'ealt',
&tart wit' t'e end in mind and rea! metrics down annually) mont'ly) daily and y position,
0ememer t'e 3 4s of management- measuring) monitoring and ma!ing t'ings rig't, Fou) your
patients) your team- more t'an ma!ing a li6ing E ma!ing a life,
38ary Gadi) MextLe6el Practice) gary!adi,com
Effecti6e leaders'ip is t'e !ey to practice success, (ny action missed will 'old profits ac!, <o not
'it your profitaility wall5
(ssume leaders'ip role and lead y example
(s! 'ow t'ings can e done etter
<efine your 6ision and s'are it
+or! wit' excellent ad6isors and mentors
1reate a yearly usiness plan t'at defines goals and udget
4onitor practice 6ital signs mont'ly and expenses :uarterly
2old regular morning) team and department meetings
Onderstand eac' employee@s strengt's and moti6ators
1onsistently 'old employees accountale for appropriate e'a6ior and =o performance
1oac' to success
2old performance re6iews annually
Praise) appreciate and recogniDe employees regularly
3Aulie +eir) =ulieweir,com
<entistry is a e'a6ioral art first and a clinical science second, 1onse:uently) strong interpersonal
s!ills and 'umanitarian sensiti6ity are essential, Four practice is only as great as your team@s
attitude and performance, #'erefore) fine3tune your team strengt's and culti6ate an en6ironment for
personal excellence and communication5 Estalis' usiness protocol and e consistent in alancing
your tas!s and people s!ills, 0ememer) management y statistics wor!s, &et your daily goals)
wor! your numers) and sc'edule for producti6ity and efficiency, OtiliDe expanded duties to lesson
stress and ensure producti6ity, 4aximiDe dental codes and don@t gi6e dentistry away E ma!e
'ygiene a profit center,
3Larry +intersteen) +intersteen B (ssociates) wintersteen,com
Learn leaders'ip from t'e masters- &tep'en 1o6ey) Ao'n 4axwell) Gen Blanc'ard) Aim 1ollins)
4ic'ael 8erer and Patric! Lencioni, Learn to listen to your patients and your team efore you
spea! your wisdom, &tudy 'uman psyc'ology and communication s!ills, &'are your 6ision and
goals regularly, Gnow 'ow to 'ire) 'old staff accountale and let go w'en it is time, &'ow up on
time and ready to wor! to set an example to start e6ery day, <on.t elie6e e6ery spea!er you 'ear,
&ome of w'at is said from t'e podium is ego spea!ing and won.t wor! in your practice,
3Linda <re6enstedt) <re6enstedt 1onsulting) dre6enstedt,com
>If you@re leading and no one is following) you@re only ta!ing a wal!5? Cn t'e ot'er 'and) wal!ing
t'e wal! as an inspirational leader is t'e most 6aluale role you can play in uilding your team and
moti6ating t'em to ma!e your practice exceptional, <octors) you 'a6e t'e power to set t'e tone for
t'e w'ole practice) e6ery single day, Fou can en'ance your rand t'roug' your wor! 'aits)
appearance) and demeanor, By consciously radiating ent'usiasm) warmt') compassion) integrity and
passion you can energiDe your team to pro6ide a le6el of care eyond your dreams, Inspire) nurture
and support your team E and lead y example5
34ar! E, 2yman) tar'eeldentist,com
#'e est usiness owners express w'at we call >6im and 6igor)? energy) ent'usiasm and strengt' of
force, #'e p'rase is a comination of t'e following elements) eac' of w'ic' is essential to uilding
successful organiDations, II4 E Iision- casting a compelling 6ision for staff and patients is t'e
most important first step for e6ery usiness owner, Intuition- eing ale to ma!e decisions wit'
incomplete information is essential to !eeping a usiness mo6ing on a consistent asis, 4ission-
!nowing t'at a usiness is only as good as t'e promise it ma!es and !eeps is t'e !ey to defining and
deli6ering on a purposeful mission statement,
3Cli6ia &traine) &traine 1onsulting) straine,com
#'e 6ery est usiness owners express w'at we call >6im and 6igor)? energy) ent'usiasm and
strengt' of force, II8C0 E Ialues- ad'ering to a set of principles founded on aut'enticity)
consistency and transparency communicates t'at you 'a6e integrity and estalis'es trust,
Inspiration- getting people to do w'at you want is a function of inspiration) not incenti6es or
intimidation, 8ra6itas- a practice s'ould e created wit' t'e same professional standards and
met'odologies as a Fortune $00 pulic company, Cptimism- expecting t'e est outcome creates
good 6ies t'roug'out t'e organiDation) influencing t'e rig't attitude and action daily, 0ealistic-
loo!ing at t'e world accurately is t'e !ey to resilience,
3Gerry &traine) &traine 1onsulting) straine,com
<e6elop intentional leaders'ip s!ills, Fou are always t'e oss- your e6ery word) action) and
expression is scrutiniDed, +al! your tal!, Onderstand t'e power of a 'ealt'y usiness- formally
systemiDe) continually impro6e) monitor measurements) estalis' clear expectations and
accountaility) maximiDe tec'nology) celerate 6ictories) and participate in community ser6ice, Be
patient oriented- deli6er a remar!ale dental experience) stay on sc'edule) offer financial options)
listen to your patients and employees) delierately de6elop systems to uild patient trust) and
engage your patients in treatment planning, En=oy w'at you do) w'o you do it wit') and w'o you do
it on, &'ow sincere appreciation to t'em all,
3&andy Baird) Baird 1oncepts) airdconcepts,com
#rying to grow) ut feeling stretc'ed/ Businesses grow in proportion to leaders'ip, Limited
leaders'ip produces limited growt', +'en can dentists acti6ely lead/ ( minute 'ere) two minutes
t'ere/ (not'er 'our3long team meeting eac' mont'/ 4ultiply t'e leaders in your office, Pro6ide
leaders'ip growt' opportunities for eac' memer of your team, 8at'ering more followers only
stretc'es you t'inner, #o catapult growt') in6est in leaders, 1ast your 6ision and empower team
memers to soar li!e eagles, <e6elop ot'ers w'o can lead w'ile you@re doing a root canal, &ince it
all rises and falls on leaders'ip E ma!e it rise exponentially 'ig'er t'an yourself,
3&te6e 1artin) 1artin 1oac'ing B 4anagement) cartincoac'ing,com
Pulic 0elations) &ocial 4edia and Four Cnline Presence
<on@t neglect t'e tried and true w'en it comes to promoting your practice- pulic relations) focusing
on community newspapers and wesites, E6en wit' t'e waning influence of traditional media) local
media E approac'ed from a pulic relations or editorial perspecti6e E is still a good 6alue for your
practice, <entists can often access a numer of free local media wesites and upload t'eir own
news releases and pictures, #'e Patc' Krun y (CLL encourages local usinesspeople to log on its
site too, (ll of t'ese efforts pay off in an en'anced reputation) impro6ed &EC and added content
and lin!s for your social media sites too,
31'ris 4artin) 14P0) Inc,) addcmpr,com
Be sure to manage your online presence5 ( ma=ority of potential patients will e loo!ing for a
dentist on searc' engines li!e 8oogle) Bing and Fa'oo, #ry some of t'e following tips for success-
1laim your free listing on 8oogle and ensure all information is correct
(dd your practice information to directory sites li!e Felp and 1itysearc'
Encourage your patients to lea6e re6iews for you on t'ese sites
1reate signs in t'e office to direct t'em to your online listings
4a!e sure t'at your wesite is easy to na6igate once t'ey find you
3<r, Aason Lipscom) socialmediadentist,com
In today@s competiti6e and c'allenging economic en6ironment) t'e success of your practice depends
on your aility to e disco6ered y new patients Kin addition to staying connected wit' existing
patientsL in ways you may not 'a6e pre6iously considered, Four practice now re:uires an effecti6e
online communication strategy to encompass t'e complete patient life cycle) from ac:uiring new
patients to treatment completion and referral creation, #'ese core elements include pro6iding an
optimiDed wesite) social media) and online patient login functionality, 1omined) t'ese tools
afford your practice a 370Q connection to your existing and potential patient population,
3<r, Lou &'uman) Pride Institute) lous'uman,com
#'e est time to start protecting and en'ancing your online reputation is today, #'ere are se6eral
pro6en t'ings you can do to 'elp increase positi6e re6iews) including as!ing patients w'ile t'ey@re
in your office to ma!e an online re6iew) mailing letters re:uesting feedac!) or using digital tools
Kli!e sur6eys or emails t'at pus' results to re6iew sitesL, If t'is sounds li!e a lot of wor!) consider
t'e enefits- not only will online testimonials 'elp minimiDe any potential negati6e word of mout')
t'ey can also gi6e you a competiti6e ad6antage as a result of all your positi6e re6iews,
30ita Ramora) ritaDamora,com
<ental practices can operate li!e a wellness center, 1ommitment to t'e o6erall 'ealt' of t'e patient
means a practice not only stands out from t'e crowd) it ma!es t'at practice a !ey player in t'e
'ealt'care arena) wor!ing alongside p'ysicians supporting t'e general 'ealt' and welleing of
patients, <ental practices can learn to loo! at and treat our patients as more t'an =ust mout's,
<entists and team memers can learn t'e signs and symptoms t'at point to systemic disease) and
can ecome more proacti6e in referring patients to t'eir primary care p'ysicians w'en t'ey suspect
an underlying medical condition,
31'ristine #axin) Lin!s*&uccess) lin!s*success,iD
Gnow your percentage of case acceptance, #'is s'ould e trac!ed) along wit' t'e reason w'y
treatment is declined, +it'out t'is information) it is c'allenging to !now 'ow to increase your
income or raise t'e le6el of 'ealt' your patients are c'oosing, +'en you !now t'e >w'y)? you are
on t'e road to greater profits and 'ealt'ier patients5 ( patient saying >yes? is only partial case
acceptance, Fou also need signed financial arrangements and a sc'eduled appointment, +it'out all
t'ree of t'ese in place) you only 'a6e a patient t'at is interested in t'eir treatment) not committed,
3Gristin Pelletier) GP 1onsulting) !ristinpelletier,com
#ec'nology B &ystems
(utomation is a !ey ingredient for increasing producti6ity and profitaility in t'e dental practice,
+'en t'e front des! team is not tied to t'e monotonous tas!s t'ey do e6ery day suc' as printing)
folding) stuffing) stamping and mailing postcards) illing statements and insurance claims) it will
open up t'e time to so many possiilities, #'e front des! team can use t'is newly found time
uilding stronger relations'ips wit' patients) w'ic' will increase case acceptance or wor! on t'e
office.s mar!eting efforts to attract more new patients,
3<ayna Ao'nson) 0ae <ental 4anagement) raedentalmanagement,com
4onitoring 1* critical factors will point to t'e greatest strengt's and wea!nesses so you can focus
on first t'ings first, #'ose priorities will result in constant impro6ements on t'e *$ systems for your
entire practicing life, Besides t'at) I often tell doctors 'ow glad I am t'at I in6ested in tec'nology
and disaility insurance, Mo matter 'ow strong your *$ systems) appropriate training for your team
on outstanding practice management software is crucial to your success, &taying in t'e lead on
tec'nology is fun, #'e security of appropriate insurance for me and my practice ga6e me great
peace of mind,
3<r, Ao'n 2, Aameson) Aameson 4anagement) Inc,) =amesonmanagement,com
#'e magic e'ind t'e digital re6olution is t'at a computer is a single de6ice t'at can e set up to do
many tas!s t'at all re:uired separate systems in t'e past, Aust li!e a smart p'one is not =ust a p'one
ut a camera) 8P&) game oy) we rowser) and =ust aout anyt'ing else we can find in t'e app
store) a computer can now e used for c'arting) S3rays) p'otos) diagnoses) recall) illing)
impressions and muc' more, Four practice@s computer system is not =ust a computer ut it is t'e
core of t'e practice E and e6eryt'ing in t'e future will e dependent upon it,
3<r, Larry Emmott) Emmott on #ec'nology) dr,larryemmott,com
#'e most important aspect of practice management today is for practices to focus on continually
increasing production y implementing effecti6e systems, (ccording to t'e Le6in 8roup <ata
1enterT) 7$ percent of all O,&, practices 'a6e declined in t'e last t'ree years, #'is downward trend
can only e comated y implementing step3y3step) documented systems t'at allow t'e team to
reac' t'eir 'ig'est le6el of potential, Le6in 8roup 'as identified *4 !ey targets t'at are critical for
increasing production and profitaility w'ile maintaining excellent clinical care, #argets and
systems gi6e teams t'e tools to impro6e performance and exceed patient expectations e6ery time,
3<r, 0oger P, Le6in) Le6in 8roup Inc,) le6ingroup,com
<on@t put t'e cart efore t'e 'orse, 4any dental practices are mo6ing into t'e *1st century y
adding some great new tec'nologies) suc' as 3< imaging) 1(<31(4) digital impressions) digital
S3rays) and a 'ost of ot'er new toys, +'ere many practices run into troule) 'owe6er) is forgetting
t'at t'ey need to in6est in t'e infrastructure first, #'ey may not e all t'at sexy) ut 'a6ing ade:uate
computers t'roug'out t'e office) a stale networ!) modern practice management software) and E
most critically E a good disaster reco6ery system) will 'a6e t'e most effect on w'et'er your
experience wit' new tec'nology is a success,
3Lorne La6ine) <ental #ec'nology 1onsultants) t'edigitaldentist,com
( 6ery important part of managing t'e dental office is t'e practice management software and its
proper use, #'is means actual training from t'e manufacturer) as opposed to someone teac'ing t'e
new person in t'eir spare time, 4any systems now 'a6e training capailities wit' 6ideos) as well as
online c'at or real 6oice communication using remote access, 2elp 'as also een made easier wit'
internet3enaled support centers w'en :uestions arise e6en for experienced users, +'en updates or
c'anges are made) e6eryone s'ould e made aware of t'em at staff meetings or ot'er
communications t'e office 'as decided upon,
3<r, Paul Feuerstein) computersindentistry,com) drpaulJtoot'fairy,com
1lean data could e t'e most 6aluale asset of your practice, <octors) managers and consultants
rely on reports to assess a practice@s 'ealt') ut w'at if t'e data isn@t trustwort'y/ Mew team
memers can ma!e innocent mista!es wit'out proper training, I@6e seen new insurance coordinators
routinely write off remaining alances ecause t'ey were unsure 'ow to read an explanation of
enefits KECBL, +ould you li!e to !now if your current mar!eting dollars are effecti6e/ If your
administrati6e team isn@t trac!ing referral sources t'en you can@t ma!e smart decisions, &pot c'ec!
your data entry systems now) and a6oid t'e 'eadac'es later5
3#eresa <uncan) Cdyssey 4anagement Inc,) odysseymgmt,com
4anaging Four #ime
#'e most 6aluale commodity we 'a6e is time, 2ere@s a list of our top 10 fa6orite time sa6ers-
<elegate 3 let ot'ers 'elp you
4a!e lists 3 for today) tomorrow) etc,
<on.t procrastinate 3 t'at ma!es you stressed
1lear t'e clutter 3 stay focused
<o errands online 3 a6oid lines
Batc' t'ings 3 ma!e a pat' as you do your errands
(6oid time wasters li!e t'e internet
(nswer all emails at once) instead of t'roug'out t'e day
Focus on one t'ing at a time
(6oid meetings 3 t'ey are often time stealers
3<enise 1iardello) 8loal #eam &olutions) LL1) tagteamgurus,com
H#'ose w'o rule t'e practice sc'edule) rule t'e practice,H I 'a6e found t'is statement to e true in
e6ery practice wit' w'ic' I@6e wor!ed, <oes your front office team !now w'at is expected of t'em
w'en sc'eduling appointments/ (re you o6eroo!ed some days) and don@t 'a6e enoug' patients on
ot'ers/ #'e remedy to t'is is s'owing your team w'at your ideal sc'edule loo!s li!e, (lways e
sure to allow room for emergencies and !eep a list of patients t'at are on stand3y so you can fill
t'ose last minute cancellations, #'is 'elps e6eryone in t'e office stay producti6e,
3Lisa 4, &pradley) #1B <ental 1onsulting) tcdentalconsulting,com
I 'a6e found t'at w'en you are a part of t'e administrati6e team you can get caug't up wit' all of
t'e e6eryday duties and may 'a6e to put off tas!s for anot'er day, #'is is w'ere uninterrupted time
must e sc'eduled into your day, &et aside one 'our a day to ta!e care of t'e tas!s t'at re:uire your
undi6ided attention suc' as insurance calls) collection calls) posting regularly on your Faceoo!
page) mar!eting) etc, +it' adding a small amount of uninterrupted time to your day you will find
t'at more t'ings actually get done5
3#ina Brown) 'oytdentistry,com
2a6ing a Iision
<e6elop t'e role of treatment coordinator in your practice and explore success strategies for t'e
aest'etic practice, 4ost practices 'a6e a talented person on t'e team w'o would e moti6ated y
t'e c'allenge to 'elp oost retention) communicate wit' patients w'o 'a6en@t accepted proposed
treatment yet) increase production and profit for t'e practice) follow t'roug' on aest'etic care
eyond t'e initially accepted restorati6e9pre6enti6e care, 0esponsiilities span new patient
experience) treatment presentations9consultation appointments) financial coordination and more,
+or! toget'er to reignite a passion among your patients to consider aest'etic options and follow
t'roug' to your ultimate 6ision for a dream practice,
3<r, 1at'y Aameson) Aameson 4anagement) Inc,) =amesonmanagement,com
Mo successful company can function for any significant amount of time wit'out a clearly defined
plan of 'ow t'ey will function, I would strongly suggest t'at e6ery dentist) no matter 'ow
successful) consider creating a written plan of w'ere t'ey want t'eir practice to e and 'ow t'ey
expect to ta!e it t'ere, #'ere@s an old saying- >If you don@t !now w'ere you@re going) any road can
ta!e you t'ere,? +or!ing on t'ings li!e case acceptance) etter treatment planning) expanded
ser6ices or e6en leaders'ip are a waste of time unless t'e practice 'as a plan for long3term success,
3<r, 8lenn <, Grieger) Grieger (est'etic B 0econstructi6e <entistry) !riegerdental,com
>It is not in t'e !nowing, It is in t'e doing,? (s I 6isit practices) one t'ing stands out t'at separates
many from t'e pac!, Practices t'at 'a6e clarity aout t'e ig picture) put great systems in place to
fulfill t'at 6ision) and 'a6e great people to run t'ose systems are t'e practices t'at t'ri6e, It is more
t'an =ust 'a6ing an idea- it is important to e clear on w'y and 'a6e t'e pieces in place so t'at
implementation can occur, &ystems run your practice, People run your systems, It all starts wit'
clarity of t'e ig picture,
3<r, 4ic'ael 1, Fling) Fling &eminars) flingseminars,com
1reate a culture of trust, #'ere is no etter way to ensure staff satisfaction and patient ent'usiasm,
&tep'en 1o6ey documents t'e financial enefits of trust in a safe en6ironment in 'is oo! >&mart
#rust,? +e@re more efficient) 'a6e more prosperity and more =oy w'en we wor! wit' people we
truly trust, #'in! aout it- 'ow :uic!ly does a system get implemented w'en you are as!ed y
someone you trust/ 2ow long and tedious is a staff meeting discussing systems w'en you don@t
trust or respect t'e person w'o is as!ing for t'e c'ange/ It@s not =ust a nice idea E it will ma!e you
3Aanice 2urley3#railor) =anice'urleytrailor,com
#'e most important t'ing in running a dental office is for t'e leader to 'a6e clarity on w'at 'is
6ision is, 4ost practitioners =ust wander along wit' no clear sense of direction, +'at is it we really
do/ +'at is our real focus and dream/ 2a6ing t'at !ind of clarity ma!es it muc' easier to assemle
a team capale of accomplis'ing t'e 6ision, 4ost consultants ad6ise practices to start wit' a 6ision
or mission statement, 4ore important t'an an agreed3upon sentence y committee is for e6ery team
memer to 'a6e t'e clarity to own t'e mission, #'at clarity starts wit' t'e leader,
3<r, Gim Gutsc') Gutsc' B 0enyer Family B 1osmetic <entistry) !andrsmiles,com
4a!e sure your est years are always in front of you, #'e single greatest compensation you can
gi6e yourself as a dentist is =ust to e excited aout your future, #'is is a critical discipline to e
successful in life and usiness, Four est years can ne6er e e'ind you E t'ey always 'a6e to e in
front of you, If you can consistently elie6e t'is concept) you will always find yourself in an
amaDing place wit' e6en more amaDing people) lo6ing t'is =ourney in dentistry,
3Gir! Be'rendt) (1# <ental Practice 1oac'ing) actdental,com
Loo! at t'e c'ange in t'e world, It@s not top down, It@s inside out E feminine energy, #rends s'ow
t'at more women are entering dentistry) and t'e ma=ority of young dentists replacing retiring
dentists are female, +e get caug't up in t'e >traditional? way of practice management and leading a
team) yet w'y not design your usiness and your life wit' your 6alues and purpose/ <on@t 'old
yourself ac! E realiDe you are a leader and a woman of influence5 (nd if you are still trying to fit
your practice or team into an old model) listen to yourself and define your own success,
3Gristine (, 2odsdon) <ental Influencers) dentalinfluencers,com
In my years of dental practice management) treatment planning) and lecturing to dentists ot'
nationally and internationally) I 'a6e found t'at t'e first step in enrolling people in listening to w'at
you 'a6e to say is to estalis' a relations'ip wit' t'em, Cnce t'e t'read of commonality is
estalis'ed in a genuine and 'onest way) a matrix forms w'ere trust can find a 'ome, 8enuine
listening) ot' acti6ely and passi6ely) play a 'uge role in t'e process, I 'a6e found t'at people
respond so muc' etter w'en t'ey are allowed to express t'emsel6es and understanding ecomes
3<r, 8eorge E, Bamara) 8entle <ental &miles) gentledentalsmiles,com
#'e most important t'ing a dental office can do is to respect t'e patient as an indi6idual, Eac'
patient is an indi6idual and eac' patient s'ould e treated as if t'ey are a family memer, #o s'ow
patients you care is to call a patient in t'e e6ening after an extensi6e procedure) i,e, surgery) =ust to
see 'ow t'e patient is doing, It is amaDing t'e results you get from t'is small s'ow of caring,
3<r, Aac! &axon'ouse) Practice #ransition &pecialists) dr=gumsJaol,com
>It@s all aout relations'ips,? #'e way to communicate compre'ensi6e dentistry to a patient egins
y estalis'ing a relations'ip of trust w'ic' is ased on t'e doctor@s innate understanding of 'ow
t'e mout' wor!s, By owning t'e aility to ma!e a diagnosis) t'e doctor can focus on t'e patient@s
concerns and ser6e t'em well, #'e result we are see!ing is for t'e patient to !now t'ey 'a6e een
'eard and are in good 'ands, #'is relations'ip of trust needs to e continually strengt'ened t'roug'
congruent office policies) systems and personnel t'at put t'e patient first,
3<r, Aames 0, Benson) Ci Foundation for Bioest'etic <entistry) oifoundation,org
Passion is of utmost importance in running a dental practice, Fou must 'a6e a passion for dentistry5
I always tell people I 'a6e not wor!ed a day in my life, 2a6e a passion for people, Gnow your
client) uild relations'ips) listen) understand and e understood, #'in! efore you spea!, Lead y
example, &'are t'e wealt', &ay t'an! you, 4a!e excellence your passion, <o your est) !eep
learning) and 'a6e an open mind, #ry new t'ings, &'are !nowledge, &et goals and ma!e e6ery effort
to attain t'em, 4a!e your 6ision your reality, 4a!e time for yourself and ot'ers) and soar in all you
3<r, 4ar! <, 2ac!art') Elmroo! 8eneral <entistry) elmroo!generaldentistry,com
#'e practices t'at set t'emsel6es apart from ot'ers are not t'e ones wit' all of t'e ells and w'istles
E t'ey are t'e practices t'at focus on t'e relations'ip aspect of t'e patients to t'e practice, #'e
acti6e patient and new patient numers are 'ig'er and are easily attainale, +it'out a strong patient
ase) it may e 'ard for a new owner to replicate t'e same re6enues, #'eir staffs 'a6e t'e training in
customer ser6ice and t'e aility to 'elp secure t'e patient ase in t'e future, #'is relates to a 'ig'er
goodwill 6alue and an o6erall smoot'er transition of t'e practice assets,
3&usan (, &pear) &(& #ransitions <ental Practice Bro!ers) sastransitions,com
Patient 0eferrals
Patient referrals are an important aspect needed to uild t'e practice of your dreams, (s! a patient
w'o appreciates you at t'e conclusion of compre'ensi6e care, I call it a >celeration appointment,?
Bring t'e patient in for t'e important follow3up E w'en you are most 'appy wit' eac' ot'er,
<iscuss t'e >celeration strategy? wit' your team-
0e6iew pictures and casts
(s! aout any :uestions or concerns
0e6iew t'e patient@s responsiilities
(s! if t'e patient would li!e to 'elp someone recei6e t'e same !ind of care
#ell t'em you will ma!e sure t'e new referral will get a special welcome
0emind t'em 'ow muc' you@6e en=oyed wor!ing wit' t'em
3<r, Irwin Bec!er) Irwin Bec!er Initiati6es) irwinec!erinitiati6es,com
>2ow do I increase my new patient referrals/? &tart wit' your team5 Four team can ma!e or rea! a
referral program, Patients refer for t'ree reasons-
If t'ey recei6e good care from t'e doctor
If t'ey are treated well y t'e team
If t'ere is a great referral rewards program
#'e care you gi6e patients is solid and you wor!ed 'ard to find t'e rig't team, &o) treat t'em li!e
t'e winners t'ey are and t'at will carry o6er to your patients, 2ow/ #eam meetings) trainings
outside of t'e office) onuses) and t'e numer one t'ing t'ey want E recognition,
34elanie 1ooper3<uncan) 0esults Onlimited <ental 1onsulting) rudental,com
8rowt' B <e6elopment
<esign t'e strategies for growt' and de6elopment using 1P0- con6ersion) penetration and retention,
By de6eloping appropriate measurements) you can monitor and manage t'e e'a6iors t'at dri6e
results in your practice, 0etention of existing patients is most important, #eams often say t'ey need
more new patients t'an t'ey do ecause so many are lea6ing out t'e ac! door, Penetration comes
next, By 'elping clients want w'at we !now t'ey need Kand understand t'eir insuranceL) we can
'elp more patients 'a6e 'ealt'ier mout's, 1on6ersion and referral of new patients comes naturally
w'en satisfied patients stay wit' your practice and accept treatment,
3<r, 4ar! 4urp'y) <#I <ental #ec'nologies) dtidental,com
In order to 'a6e a successful practice long term) it is important for dentists to estalis' and nurture a
culture t'at focuses on continuous growt', ( successful practice is a =ourney) not a destination,
<entists w'o focus on recruiting and retaining employees wit' a positi6e attitude) initiati6e and a
spirit of learning will excel, Business owners must e more committed to protecting t'eir culture
t'an to pleasing an indi6idual employee, +it' t'e rig't team) patient3centered ser6ice) and an
understanding of w'at it ta!es to ma!e a practice profitale) a practice can e unstoppale,
3Penny Limoli) 0eed Limoli 8roup) reedlimolidentalconsultants,com
If you 'a6e an operatory t'at is often 6acant) you may e sitting on a gold mine wit'out realiDing it,
Cftentimes) extra space in t'e dental office ecomes a repository for supplies and ot'er =un!) rat'er
t'an a source of re6enue, <on@t let your facility sit idle E ma!e use of t'at operatory and increase
your producti6ity, #'e old rule of t'um is t'at you need to ring in ;400 per s:uare foot of space
to co6er expenses of t'e facility, If t'at@s true) you really can@t afford to 'a6e any s:uare footage
t'at isn@t ma!ing money5
3<r, +illiam +, Ca!es) Excellence in <entistry) t'eprofitaledentist,com
Ose t'e power of your dental practice to ac'ie6e your financial goals y meeting wit' your dental
1P( or wealt' manager to determine your financial needs, (dd t'at amount Kafter3taxesL to your net
income, <etermine w'at expenses mig't c'ange in order to ac'ie6e t'at numer K6ariale costs li!e
supplies) la and wagesL, (dd t'e increased expenses to your total income Kre6enueL, #o ac'ie6e t'e
net income you need to meet your financial goals) include patient refunds and fee ad=ustments in t'e
necessary ottom line production numer,
32aden +er'an) #'omas +irig <oll) twdad6isors,com
Be insurance awareN not insurance dri6en, 4ore dentists are ecoming in6ol6ed wit' PPC plans and
expanding t'e numer of plans wit' w'ic' t'ey are affiliated ecause t'ey 6iew it as a way to
attract new patients and !eep existing patients w'ose employers 'a6e switc'ed to a PPC dental
plan, +'ile it is true t'at not participating on PPC plans is ecoming more difficult to do) t'e
practice still needs to e monitoring t'e portion of t'e practice t'at is PPC, <on@t get caug't in a
situation w'ere costs) reimursement and o6er'ead control you, Be strategic aout insurance
3Aulie 2anson) Aameson 4anagement) Inc,) =amesonmanagement,com
4edical plans can e accessed y anyone performing a medically co6ered procedure, #'e dentist
must spea! t'e medical illing HlanguageH and e familiar wit' t'e medical claim form and specific
documentation re:uirements, Procedures performed y dentists and co6ered routinely y medical
plans include t'e following- any procedure regarding traumatic in=ury to t'e mout'N
exams9consultationsN emergency treatmentN diagnostic) radiograp'ic) and surgical stentsN
radiograp's for screening9diagnostic purposesN iopsies and excisionsN extraction of impacted teet')
also any extractions recommended y an 4< prior to surgery) transplant) c'emo9radiation) or due
medical conditionN surgical procedures not associated wit' traumatic in=uryN prost'eticsN and
3<r, Clya Ra'reelny) #'e R 8roup) LL1) t'eDgroupllc,com
(ccurate coding can only occur t'roug' diagnosis) treatment) and documentation, <iagnose ased
upon documented findings) t'en treat ased upon t'e diagnosis and patient response) and t'en ill
and code for exactly w'at was performed, Four narrati6e report and supplemental information falls
into place ecause it is ased upon your clinical diagnosis) as well as treatment documentations, It
sounds simple) ut if t'e usiness team is not coding and illing for exactly w'at was performed y
t'e clinical team) we 'a6e t'e eginning of a treac'erous downward spiral t'at will manifest itself
into lost re6enue) wasted time) and unnecessary stress on t'e dental office and doctor,
3#om Limoli) Limoli B (ssociates) limoli,com
&et yourself up for success5 4a!e decisions a'ead of time aout t'e parameters of t'e payment
arrangements you will offer to your patients, 1onsiderations-
#'ird3party financing options
Expectation of payment for emergency new patients
(d=ustments of any payment in full efore taxes
<ental enefits and w'en patient portion is paid
+ill in3'ouse financing e offered/
E6ery team memer) not =ust t'e financial coordinator) needs to !now t'ese options in order to
pro6ide consistency in expectations wit' patients, 4a!ing t'ese decisions) putting t'em in writing
as an internal reference document) and 'a6ing t'em used as t'e asis for e6ery financial transaction
will ensure a win9win outcome5
3Iirginia 4oore) #'e Practice &ource) doctorasceo,com
Onless it@s a patient you want to >fire)? ne6er let a patient lea6e t'e office wit'out 'a6ing anot'er
appointment on t'e sc'edule, +'et'er it is for 'ygiene) treatment wit' t'e doctor or a post3op
appointment) if t'e patient is reappointed) you can almost guarantee t'at you@ll see t'at patient
again, If t'e patient lea6es and feels as t'oug' t'ere are no concerns for 'is oral 'ealt') 'e may not
return5 (s long as patients are reappointing it gi6es your team Kand you5L some =o security,
3AaMetta 8is) <r, +ade Gifer) <<&) nwafamilydentist,com
1uring cancellations and no3s'ows egins c'airside, 1linical teams must emp'asiDe t'e 6alue of
dental care during e6ery patient 6isit, <entists can o6erloo! t'e influence t'at t'ey 'a6e on t'e
patient@s perception of routine dental care) and unwittingly minimiDe t'e 6alue of t'e professional
'ygiene appointment, <octor and 'ygienist must e on t'e same page, #'e 'ygienist s'ould explain
to t'e doctor w'at 'as een found and discussed wit' t'at patient) w'ic' 'e can expand upon, If
your practice is not stressing t'e importance of ongoing oral 'ealt' care to t'e patient sitting in t'e
c'air) you 'a6e more ro!en appointments and cancellations t'an you s'ould,
3&ally 4cGenDie) 4cGenDie 4anagement) mc!enDiemgmt,com
4a!e your mar!eting wor! for you, 4ar!eting is a not tric!, It isn@t somet'ing t'at can e done to
meet your goals o6ernig't, Instead) mar!eting is somet'ing t'at s'ould e long term, It 'as t'e
greatest impact w'en it is consistent) well t'oug't out and repeatedUmultiple times, 4a!e your
messages simple) meaningful and all aout t'e patient, #'en find t'e appropriate a6enue to
distriute your message, #'is may e multiple a6enues suc' as online) social media) print) direct
mail) word of mout') etc,) or one place wit' a large presence, +'ate6er you c'oose E ma!e it old
and ma!e it stand out, 4ost importantly) ma!e it count5
34isty (s'er 1lar!) Aameson 4anagement) Inc,) =amesonmanagement,com
4ar!eting is essential for e6ery dental practice, It@s a sustantial expense) w'ic' deser6es serious
consideration, It is important to de6elop a compre'ensi6e mar!eting strategy and implement
accordingly) ut a wise practice owner will ta!e a good loo! at t'e management of t'eir practice
efore in6esting in a mar!eting program, &ome sample :uestions to seriously consider- +'o is your
target audience/ (re team memers trained well and performing ideally/ 2ow are new patient 6isits
'andled/ 2ow is case acceptance/ (re systems efficient/ (re goals in place/ (ddress and deal wit'
t'ese issues first) and you@ll experience a greater return on in6estment,
30oin 4orrison) 0L4 2ealt'care 4ar!eting) mypracticemar!eter,com
Ct'er Elements of a &uccessful Practice
#'ree in fi6e dentists will e fraud 6ictims in t'eir careers, #'e financial and emotional costs of
emeDDlement are se6ere, Motwit'standing t'at t'ere are many options for stealing from a dentist)
t'e e'a6ior of t'ie6es is 'ig'ly predictale, #'ie6es wor! extra 'ours) refuse to ta!e 6acation)
s'ow extreme territoriality) resist in6ol6ement of outside consultants) and attempt to isolate t'e
dentist from outside communication, Pulis'ed studies suggest t'at more t'an *93 of emeDDlement
is unco6ered y e'a6ioral K6ersus financialL clues, <entists need e aware of t'is prolem and
collect) process and respond decisi6ely to t'e e'a6ioral indicia of emeDDlement,
3<a6id 2arris) Prosperident) prosperident,com
#'ere are two elements to 'a6ing a successful practice- your team and your rand, I encourage team
memers to 6oice opinions t'at may impro6e t'e practice, +'en a team memer 'as a suggestion
or constructi6e criticism) you s'ould listen, Fou@ll gain respect y respecting your team memer E
part of eing respectful is listening, #'e ot'er element is to 'a6e a practice rand, +'at ma!es your
practice different from practices t'at you compete wit'/ Four office 'ours) your w'itening smiles
program) your laser dentistry/ Fou must decide on your practice rand and let your patients !now
w'at it is t'at ma!es your practice special,
3<r, Fred &, 4argolis) Institute for (d6anced <ental Education) Ltd,) fredmargolis,com
1linical efficiency is one of t'e :uic!est and easiest ways to lower your office o6er'ead, Fou can
'a6e all t'e practice management systems in t'e world) ut if t'e dentist cannot produce an
excellent clinical result for t'e patient efficiently) t'en t'e office will 'a6e 'ig' o6er'ead and low
production, Cur general dental offices in 1le6eland) C'io) 'a6e 'ad a 4$ percent o6er'ead for
nearly 30 years for one reason E we will in6est in any dental material) tec'nology) product) or
practice management system if it does t'ree t'ings for us- ma!es t'e dentistry faster) easier) and
ultimately etter for t'e patient,
3<r, Louis 4alcmac'er 1ommon &ense <entistry) commonsensedentistry,comN (merican (cademy
of Facial Est'etics facialest'etics,org
4aintenance of credentials is t'e most important tas! dentists need to stay on top of, <entists can
e disciplined for lapses in t'eir own and t'eir staff@s credentials, <entists 'a6e a dental license) a
state prescription aut'ority) a <E( registration) 1P0) (1L&) 4edicare9 4edicaid credentials and
more, &et up a redundant reminder system to ensure t'at neit'er your own nor your staff@s
credentials are allowed to lapse, (lso) dentists w'o administer or dispense controlled drugs at more
t'an one location must 'a6e separate <E( registrations for eac' location, Eac' credential 'as a
separate expiration,
3<uane #in!er) <ental 1ompliance &pecialists) dentalcompliance,com
#'ere are two types of practices- ones t'at are growing and ones t'at are not, In our c'anging
economy) t'ere are a few elements to a strong practice- a smart) experienced team) a focus on
:uality care) and an aility to communicate, 1ommit to excellence and t'e 'ig'est standard of care,
#'ere will always e t'ose w'o will s'op for Vest price@ dentistry, Fou need to seriously as!
yourself) >Is t'is t'e mar!et I wis' to capture/? Excellence in professional relations'ips and t'e
:uality of t'e ser6ice you pro6ide not only sustains a practice) ut creates an energiDing
3Ao3(nne Aones) 0<2 1onnection) Inc,) rd'connection,com
<uring t'ese economic times) it is wise to see 'ow to impro6e practice producti6ity and efficiency,
2ere are some examples- offer flexile financial plans) add 8oogle optimiDation) pro6ide a small
gift to patients w'o refer) maintain a udget of six to se6en percent for supplies) loo! into
refinancing your practice loan) reduce disaility insurance costs y extending t'e elimination
periods) try to renegotiate a etter lease rate on your current space) call patients after appointments)
and re6iew 'ow you are doing in t'ese areas-
Friendly staff
Prompt appointments
1learly explained costs
&ufficient appointment reminders
( clean office
Painless anest'esia
3Larry 4, 1'atterley and 4arie E, 1'atterley) 1#1 (ssociates) ctc3associates,com
+'o@s in c'arge of infection control/ (ccidents and infection transmission can occur in a dental
office) =eopardiDing patients) practice and team, <entists must foster a culture of safety among
employees, First) appoint an >infection control coordinator? to ma!e sure t'e practice is current
wit' 1<1 infection control guidelines) state oard regulations) and C&2(, #'e I1 coordinator can
ma!e sure t'at 'and 'ygiene is performed correctly) personal protecti6e attire is worn) and
disinfection and steriliDation procedures are followed, 1reate employee >uy in? to a culture of
safety y attending infection control courses) pro6iding annual C&2( training) and rewarding safe
wor! practices,
3Leslie 1an'am) Leslie 1an'am B (ssociates) lesliecan'am,com
Be successful y design) not y accident, E6ery professional is loo!ing for a way to ma!e t'eir
practice wor! etter, +'en you are delierate aout ta!ing action on w'at matters) real success and
'appiness can e yours, 1onsistency trumps commitment, Identify and ma!e a commitment to
repeat t'ose strategies and acti6ities in all areas of your world) including financial) selling)
mar!eting) 'ealt' and fun E on a mont'ly asis, +'en you identify t'ose actions and acti6ities t'at
you can repeat on a regular asis) you will create a foundation for focus) momentum) success and
'appiness, Me6er underestimate t'e power of a simple strategy or step) repeated,
34ar! LeBlanc) &mall Business &uccess) smallusinesssuccess,com
If you@re remodeling) you need to answer t'ese :uestions- >+ill t'is space meet my needs/ 2ow
muc' will t'is space cost to uild out/? 2a6e t'e space re6iewed y an experienced dental office
designer and a :ualified contractor, +'en designing a dental office) ma!e sure t'at your pro=ect 'as
complete plans and specifications, 4ost sources of frustration are due to incomplete pro=ect
documents, 1omplete) >permit ready? plans include an arc'itect@s seal, Me6er rely upon a >cost per
s:uare foot? numer for your reno6ations, #'ese guesses) w'ile well intentioned) are not accurate
enoug' to ma!e suc' a large financial commitment,
3Patric! 1rowley) <esign &tar Ientures) Ltd,) dentalofficedesignoo!,com
#'ere must e a strong leader and solid et'ical team wit' a great attitude, #'ey must e organiDed
and 'a6e systems t'at gi6e predictaility, #'e office runs li!e a well3oiled mac'ine wit' few
'iccups) ecause t'ey 'a6e a plan, #'e doctor and team are good communicators) w'ic' wit' good
systems will grow t'e practice) retain patients and 'elp control patient upsets, #'ey run to upset
patients instead of away from t'em, #'e doctor en=oys eing a dentist) including running a usiness,
#'e successful dental office doesn.t 'a6e pac! leaders, #'ere is positi6e energy in successful
practices, Megati6e energy wor!s against success,
3&andy Pardue) 1lassic Practice 0esources) classicpractice,com
4y fa6orite practice management tip is to 'elp dentists and dental teams simplify p'otograp'y, It
can e fast and easy, I 'ig'ly recommend t'at one team memer) and ultimately all) e trained to
ta!e p'otos on e6ery patient, Fou@6e 'eard t'e saying E >a picture is wort' a t'ousand words,?
Pictures allow patients to see w'at t'e dentist and dental team sees, P'otograp'y also allows t'e
dentist to see eyond t'e teet' and loo! at t'e ig picture, P'otograp'y can e used for
documentation) treatment planning) patient education) and mar!eting, &o start ta!ing p'otos and
start 'elping patients say >yes,?
3#anya Brown) #'e 1enter for 1osmetic B 0estorati6e <entistry) tccrd,com

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