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Lauren Knerl

Mary Williams
AP English Literature
21 January 2014
Vocabulary Words 21-40
21. Avocation (noun)
forms- avocational (adj.), avocationally(adv.)
definition- something a person does in addition to a principal occupation, especially for
pleasure; hobby.
Although her job as a secretary was gratifying, her true passion is her avocation of painting.
Maria opened a cupcake store as an avocation, but as soon as her store made a lot of money she
22. Capricious (adj.)
forms- capriciously (adj.), capriciousness (noun)
definition-subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change;
He is such a capricious boss that he will change plans and business meetings with no warning.
The drama critic was capricious in the way that he granted approval or criticism towards a play.
23. Disparity (noun)
forms- nondisparity (noun), nondisparities

definition- lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference.
Since the husband was 62 and the wife was 28 all of their friends commented on their disparity
in age.
There was a large disparity in rank between the owner and the bus boy in the restaurant.
24. Efficacy (noun)
forms- nonefficacy(noun)
definition- capacity for producing a desired result or effect; effectiveness.
The FDA is concerned with the safety and efficacy of medications.
The medication company was sued because they promised the efficacy of the drug, but the
claims had not been proven.
25. Epistle (noun)
definition- a letter, especially a formal or didactic one; written communication.
I received a long, and detailed epistle from my aunt in the mail yesterday.
Instead of writing a quick note in her diary, she ended up writing an epistle of her life goals.
26. Hospice (noun)
forms- hospices
definition- a house of shelter or rest for pilgrims, strangers, etc., especially one kept by a
religious order.

The grandmother stayed in a hospice after being diagnosed with leukemia.
All of the pilgrims stayed inside a hospice.
27. Impetus (noun)
forms- impetuses
definition- a moving force; impulse; stimulus.
The donation used to build the theater gave impetus to the citys social life.
The quickly approaching deadline gave impetus to the murder investigation.
28. Moribund (adj.)
forms- moribundity (noun), moribundly(adv.)
defintiion- in a dying state; near death. On the verge of extinction or termination.
My grandmother, who was diagnosed with cancer a month ago, is currently in a moribund
The family gathered around the moribund man as he spoke his last words.
29. Reticent (adj.)
forms- reticence, reticency (noun), reticently (adv.)
definition- disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved. Reluctant or restrained.
I was reticent about looking at the confidential information.
Fearing he might be punished, the little boy was reticent to tell the truth and confess to his
wrongful actions.

30. Vacillate (verb)
forms- vacillated, vacillating, vacillator (noun)
Definition- to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute.
The Mayors tendency to vacillate made him a poor leader.
The indecisive lady, who couldnt decide what to order from the restaurants menu, vacillated
for hours before deciding on pasta.
31. Akin (adj.)
forms- none
definition- of kin; related by blood, having the same properties.
The two cousins were too closely akin to get married.
The two languages are closely akin, sometimes if an individual speaks one language they can
easily learn another closely related one.
32. Corroborate (verb)
forms- corroborated, corroborating
definition- to make more certain; confirm.
After the fender bender, the witness corroborated the mans story about what occurred.
The detective had suspicions about Bob, but it wasnt until his theories were corroborated that
he was advised to arrest the man.

33. Inexorable (adj.)
forms- inexorability, inexorableness (noun), inexorably (adv.)
definition- unyielding; unalterable.
Despite the young boys plead for forgiveness, Jims inexorable father still punished him.
After being hit by a powerful rocket, the fighter began its inexorable journey to destruction.
34. Insipid (adj.)
forms- insipidity, insipidness (noun), insipidly (adv.)
definition- without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities.
The teacher, who would bore her students to sleep, was described as having an insipid
Without salsa, the tortilla chips tasted insipid.
35. Nefarious (adj.)
forms- nefariously (adv.), nefariousness (noun)
definition- extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous
In the book, the antagonist had a nefarious plot to kill the protagonist.
The character played by Brad Pitt in the movie was nefarious, throughout the movie he was
seen as the evil one.
36. Physiognomy (noun)
forms- physiognomies

definition- the outward appearance of anything. A Person's features or characteristic expression
considered as an indication of personality.
Despite his tough physiognomy, he was truly a sensitive and emotional man on the inside.
The lines around his mouth was a physiognomy that suggested he smiled a lot.
37. Retinue (noun)
forms- retinued (adj.)
definition- a body of retainers in attendance upon an important personage; suite
The Presidents retinue went with him everywhere and constantly looked after his needs.
The celebrity was nearly being stalked by a retinue of crazed paparazzi.
38. Suppliant (noun, adj.)
form- suppliantly (adv.), suppliantness (noun)
definition- entreat or petition humbly.
The suppliant man came into the church seeking forgiveness.
The woman went to the man as a suppliant; she wanted his guidance.
39. Tedium (noun)
form- tediums
definition- the quality or state of being wearisome; tediousness, boredom
The family decided to relieve the tedium of the long journey by getting coffee.
The tedium of English class caused half of the students to fall asleep.

40. Torrid (adj.)
forms- torridity, toridness (noun), torridly (adv.)
definition- subject to parching or burning heat, especially of the sun., as a geographical area.
Most English teachers describe Shakespeares works as torrid love stories.
The torrid sands of the dessert caused people to become dehydrated and exhausted due to the

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