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For example, one chapter is entitled, How to Talk about Personality Types.

The basic ten words are

egoist, egotist, altruist, introvert, extrovert, ambivert, misanthrope, misogynist, misogamist and ascetic.

ego (self-concept), egocentric, alter
ego andegomaniac, ambidextrous, dexterous, dexterity, sinister, gauche,adroit, anthropology, anthropo
logical, philanthropist,gynecologist, monogamy, bigamy, polygamy, polyandry.

The words are also introduced in their various forms as
inmisanthropist, misanthropy, misanthropic, misogyny,misogynous, misogynistic with the
pronunciation for each of them.

You will enjoy the focus on ideas, the emphasis on the Greek and Latin roots, the ability to remember the
words because of the roots, the brief objective tests that virtually assure learning, and concentration on
pronunciation of some real jaw breakers.

Other topics and their basic ten words include:
"How to Talk about Doctors": internist, gynecologist, obstetrician, pediatrician, dermatologist,
ophthalmologist, orthopedist, cardiologist, neurologist, psychiatrist.

:How to Talk about Practitioners": psychologist, psychoanalyst, orthodontist, optometrist, optician,
osteopath, chiropractor, podiatrist, graphologist, gerontologist.

"How to Talk about Science and Scientists": anthropologist, astronomer, geologist, biologist, botanist,
zoologist, entomologist, philologist, semanticist, sociologist.

"How to Talk about Liars": notorious, consummate, incorrigible, inveterate, congenital, chronic,
pathological, unconscionable, glib, egregious.

"How to Talk about Actions": disparaging, equivocating, titillate, adulate, proscribing, obviate,
militates, maligning, condone, placate.

"How to Talk about Speech Habits": taciturn, laconic, inarticulate, garrulous, banal, verbose, voluble,
cogent, vociferous, loquacious.

"How to Insult Your Enemies": martinet, sycophant, dilettante, virago, chauvinist, monomaniac,
iconoclast, atheist, lecher, hypochondriac.

"How to Flatter Your Friends": convivial, indefatigable, ingenuous, perspicacious, magnanimous,
versatile, stoical, intrepid, scintillating, urbane.

"How to Talk about Common Phenomena and Occurrences":penury, vicarious, ephemeral, euphemisms,
badinage, bovine, nostalgia, cacophonous, carnivorous, clandestine.

"How to Talk about What Goes On": to enervate, to castigate, to self-abnegate, to recapitulate, to
vegetate, to simulate, to intimate, to alleviate, to commiserate, to vacillate.

"How to Talk about a Variety of Personal Characteristics":obsequious, querulous, supercilious,
obstreperous, impecunious, chivalrous, innocuous, bibulous, cadaverous, dolorous.

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