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"Ya-ahaH' b'e"mv wUnei*^

"We arcgmbassad;
-455 West 57th^5?^et
Los A^eiesi'Calif.
aleov^nd inall Ju^ea'and Samaria, arid unto the.^terr^^paft'ofthe eartfP!
rr-Behalf of Christ"-"5 Cor. 5!20.
455 West 5-7f
oivfaroing aec y,
Batangy Sikaag* West China*
May 29 1940.
Los AngeTes,"California,
I I , f "T' / y ^
- fl i flnlngailyr
As y shall be leaving soon on a trip to Tatsienlu, it will bo well to send a bit
of pews from the Tibetan Mission 'Field befote my departure a few days honcee Mar-
gueFite age 12 will be going with me as she is ih need of a tonsillectomye
If the necessary arrangments can be xDade that operation will need to be done
by ia missionary doctor in a aiwsion hespitaly either at Yachow or Chengtu. Our
trli) will require at least three months of time. If we should go as far as Chong-
tuy' I shall be having some much needed dental work attended to.
About three weeks ago^lMgar Nichols left on an evangelistic trip to Atuntse.
He took with him to help with the preaching there and along the wayy ,Mo Zong
or Thomasy one of the men we baptised while working at Atuntse a few..year8 ago.
Thomas* who was afflicted with severe eye trouble from childhoody was almost
blind when we first saw him there* He had made many pilgrimages to .socalled
Sacred shrines and mountains* upon the advice of lama priests who assured him
of healing if he heeded their advice* After a number of such foolish adventures*
his faith in the infallibility of the lama priesthood wavered perceptibly* and
soon efier we had moved to Atuntse he came for eye treatmente to our Mspensary
there* A little later he asked for operation. His eyee were graiki^ helped theee-
by* and he became a regu&Ar attendant at the various church services. His faith
grew* and,the following year he was one of several baptised during the Easter
services. He faithfully continued his Bible study and later helped us with the
evangelistic work across the i^order in eastern Tibet. Another eye operation this
spring here at Batang further helped his vision* and he was happy to accompany _
Mr. Nichols\recently on the Atuntse journey. Mr* Nichols writes that they are
having nuwei^us opportunities to pneahh and teacl^ the Word in the robbar villages
along the way* and that they shall be expecting to return from their Journey next
month. \
Here at Batani^we have Just concluMd a Bible Conference lasting one week. We fwel
that it has baea a spiritually profitable time* both for the Blssionary group^
and for the nat\^ve church members. The young Tibetan teacher* Jiteen Cheh Pi*
who has been a l^elisvcr or 'inquirer* for some tijae,"broke** with the heathenism
of his own faailV and was buried with Christ ia baptism the last^Sunday morning
of the CffferencoA to rise from the waters of the Shelton baptistry, a new man
in Christ <re8u8. Ridicule* contempt, and persecution by one-time friends, ac
quaintances, and th^se of his own household awaited him, and we trust that many
of our logE^ Christian friends in the States and Canada will be remembering him
often in prayer. AnA may we also ask your continuing prayers for the other native
Christian workers, aa well as for ua^^our missionaries to the TibetaneJ
SincerelyXin Christ's i^erseas Service,
Norton H. Bare* M.D.*
'^Tht9.gotpfl nf.thp l<mg<lotv.thaJLKe.p<aacied-w-the'yholrW6ld fof a testimony untoall the ria^iorrrT-and-then-shll-lhg eiitt-wine".
Mitt ! H,
News Organ of Christian Mission Work for Tibetans
No. 2
New Missionaries to Tibet
Selected By Newlands
Batang To Be Leased To
Tibetan Christian Mission
The Tibetan Christian Mis
sion takes great pleasure in an
nouncing the appointment -of
Mr. rnd Mrs. Ray Carlson as
new missionaries to the Tibet
ans. Mr. Newland made the
appointment effective the first
of this month upon receipt cf
approval of his recommendation
by each of the members of the
Adv'sory Council.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, ages
26 and 29 respectively, are grad
uates of Cincinnati Bible Sem
inary. Mr. Carlson has also
just completed one year's ad
ditional study in the Bible
College of Phillips University
where he was awarded the A. B.
degree in May.
To Go To Batang
The Carlsons are preparing to
return to Tibet in November of
this year with Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Newland and Mrs. Min
nie Ogden. Their destination
will be Batang, site -Of the
former work of Sheltons, Og-
dens, Hardys, Duncans and others. Their
going is a part of the general program an
nounced by Mr. Newland two years ago for
the permanent re-establishment of the mis
sion there. In cooperation with Dr. and Mrs.
Bare, and the other missionaries now in
Batang. Mr. Newland hopes that not only
Batang and Atuntze may be established as
permanent Tibetan mission stations, but, in
the near future, another station as well.
Following their graduation from Cincin
nati Bible Seminary the Carlsons had a pas
torate of two years with the church at Bay
ard, Nebraska. They resigned from this
work last fall at Mr. Newland's suggestion
that they might have a year of fellowship
together at Phillips University. During the
T^hr-;}] ymr Mrrnrlrnn Trrri as student-
(Continued on Page
Dear Mrs.
Your letters containii^ beautiinr 'Jhrist-
mas greetings for the children reached us
yesterday and are serving to spur me on to
write the letter I should have written long
ago, telling of our safe arrival here on
January 23rd.
As we have made clear in earlier letters
Doctor and I have been reluctant to return
to Batang. We were willing to help the
work in any way possible but preferred for
ourselves a work in Tibet and also wished
to avoid the problems and explanations that
are inevitably involved in our returning to
our former field and home.
The reunion with the members of the
family that were already here, and with our
beloved co-workers, was happy indeed, so we
are glad to be here. There has been some
thing of heax-tache in moving into the ruined
(Continued on Page 4)
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carlson and son, Mark Robin
(Excerpts from three Letters)
Dear Raymond;
Your letter enclosed in mother's arrived
the other day, and I enjoyed hearing from
you again. Thanks so much for the pictures.
Those are the kind I likefamiliar everyday
Mr. Nichols has his radio up again and
running part of the time. There isn't as
much wind (for the Wind-charger) here as
at Yen Chin. We get some news, such as
the war in Europe and Japan still fighting
It looks as though the Bares would not be
allowed to stay long inside of Tibet (Tibet
Jh-oper), so they may locate some place on
le border, but not at Batang since New
lands have chosen this place.
I am glad you are back: in school (Johnson
Bible College). Tell me about your friends
and your studies. I hope you find Greek
as interesting as I did. It seems I am the
only Greek student here now so when any
one wants to know how a passage reads in
the original they ask me to look it up. Out
here you have to plan your own lessons and
method of study. The teacher can do noth
ing but teach you to read because he can't
speak English. I am gradually getting started
at all my different duties and responsibilities
and hope I will not have to drop them again
for any considerable length of time. W^e had
a mission meeting last week and elected
officers, since Bares are soon to be here with
us, and I was elected corresponding secre
tary and treasui-er, a big job in this country.
It means I have to see about all arrange
ments with merchants and the missionaries at
(Continued on Page 4)
A great host of folk through
out the brotherhood will be
deeply interested in the an
nouncement that negotiations
between the Tibetan Christian
Mission (Mr. and Mi*s. Vemon
Newland, and now also Mr. and
Mi-s. Ray Carlson) and Presi
dent Hopkins and the Foreign
Department of the United
Christian Missionary Society,
have resulted in an agreement
whereby the Batang mission
grounds and buildings will be
leased to the Tibetan Christian
Mission for a long term of
The agreement may be said
to be the result of proposals
made directly to the United
Christian Missionary Society by
Mr. Newland three years ago.
Tlxis was then followed by Mi-.
Newland's visit to Batang in
1938. The despei-ate need of a
faithful remnant of Christians
who were still holding on in
spite of the tremendous temp
tations of heathenism and the power and
authority of a great lama priesthood pro
duced in Mr. Newland the conviction that
missionary help must be given. A once great
work, built up at great cost in effort and
money and life by Sheltons, Ogdens and
others, through more than twenty years, was
found to be dying for lack of foreign mis
sionary encouragement and leadership. A
strategic point for Tibetan evangelism was
also being neglected. Because of the great
need Mr. Newland, two years ago, outlined
a plan for re-establishment of the work.
The enlistment of the Carlsons for the task,
and the agreement with the United Mis
sionary Society, may be said to be further
important steps in this re-establishment, a
beginning in which has already been made
(Continued on Page 4)
Dear Pi-ayer Helpers:
With the prophets of old we would say
of this first year on the field, "Hitherto hath
the Lord helped us." That He will be our
"henceforth" we read in Psalm 125:2.
How we need His sustaining power in these
days of fierce opposition! The natural man
is the same the world over, always opposing
the things of God. Paul very aptly describes
him in I Cor. 2:14, "But the natural man
receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God:
for they are foolishness unto him; neither
can he know them, thecause they are spir
itually discerned."
These Tibetans and Chinese are in a piti
ful state and hard to reach, for so few are
able to read. We endeavor, therefore, to
(Continued on Page 2)
Batang. Hsikang, w. China.
Via Tatsienlu.
455 W. 57th St.. Los Angeles
455 w. 57th St.. Los Angeles
455 W. S7th St.. Los Angeles
The Tibetan Christian is sent out free, in
dividually or in bundles, to those who find
the paper helpful and useful. Just drop a
card to Los Angeles.
In remitting gifts to the Forwarding Secre
tary please designate by name the missionary,
or missionaries, for whom your gift is in
tended. Undesignated gifts will hereafter be
divided in five parts as follows: Bares, one
part; Newlands, one part; Nichols, one part;
Miss Schwake and Miss Palmer together,
one part; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carlson, one part.
I should like to express to our many sup
porters, and other friends who are deeply
interested in the Tibetan mission work, the
personal satisfaction Mrs. Newland and I feel
in the enlisting of such fine young people
as the Carlsons for the Tibetan task. They
are young and consecrated. They are well
trained for the ministry. Theii* schooling
has been such as to commend them, and give
confidence, to that great section of our
brotlierhood which remains "Christian only"
in a divided, denominational and sectarian
I would remind our friends that it is highly
important that the Carlsons be ready to sail
with us in November. Living-link support
jor both is yet needed. The opportunity for
larger churches to be "living-links" in the
Tibetan task is so great that we believe
such will soon be found with the courage
and vision to have such a vital part. Such
a relationship will bring blessings, not only
in far-away Tibet, but in the local church
itself. We eagerly and prayerfully await
word from any church which will dare to
back up these courageous young people in
their ministry on "the roof of the world".
Just now we want to urge many churches
and individuals to provide quickly the
"Travel, Transportation and Equipment
Fund". It is a fund which, in full, comes
only once in a missionai'y couple's entire
career. Some of the equipment will last for
a lifetime. Other will last for a full term
of five or six years. The journey itself is a
long one of more than thi'ee months, yet for
all these items only twelve hundred dollars
is needed.
This sum is quickly secured with the help
of many. One hundred dollar shares have
ah-eady been taken by First Church, Canton,
Ohio; Young Peoples Group of Clifton Ave.
Church, Louisville; and a group of churches
in the Grant County (Okla.) Convention.
A fifty-dollar share has been taken by an
Oklahoma lady. There may be others who
will want to help in a similar manner.
Others can help splendidly with smaller
units. Here is an opportunity to demonstrate
to others the ease, simplicity and economy
of the direct and personal method in mis
sionary support. Nothing is deducted for
salaries of secretaries and agents. A small
expression of self-denial and the task is
accomplished. We ui'ge our friends not to
delay, but to have a part at once in the
going of the Carlsons. Designate your gift
for the Carlsons and mail at once to Mrs.
Sipple, Forwarding Secretary, or to the Carl
sons themselves in care of The Metropolitan
Chm-ch, 3213 W. Monroe St.. Chicago. Make
this a special gift; it will not help the total
(Continued from Page 1)
give them a message on salvation when they
come for treatment. That medical work is
a necessity here has been proven by the
many who have come for treatment an just
these few months.
Having been very ill from Thanksgiving
through most of December I came to know
what a fine fellowship God has given me
in my co-workers. Inexperienced as they
all were in nursing care, they did a noble
piece of work. They not only "held the fort"
until Doctor got here, by waiting on me, but
also took over a number of very ill patients
for me, besides other daily dispensary calls.
Two cases were burned children, and burns
are difficult to dress. Another was a gun
shot wound and fracture. Then, to cap the
climax, the day the doctor was to arrive
By Edgar C. Nichols
We believe that the Bible is the word of
God. Believing this, it follows that we must
believe what the Bible teaches concerning
Jesus. We believe that God was made mani
fest in the flesh and in the pei'son of Jesus
Christ (I Tim. 3:16), that He came into the
world to save sinners, and that He was
manifested to desti-oy the works of the devil
(I John 3:8). If this be true, then It is a
fact of supreme importance to all men, and
all men have a right to know it.
From the so-called civilized viewpoint the
Tibetans lack many things. They lack the
most elemental ideas of sanitation and live
in surroundings indescribably filthy. Their
ideas for the treatment of disease are akin
to the witch doctors of Africa. Their diet
is lacking in quality and variety. They are
oppressed and exploited by an avaricious
priesthood. Polyandry is the common mar
riage custom and Tibetans are morally de
There are suffering and heartbreaks and
sickness and living death here, and the slimy
trail of the Serpent is plainly evident. Sure
ly if any people need the story of the One
who came to destroy the works of Satan,
and is coming again to desti-oy Satan him
self, it is this people who worship him. The
ministries of medicine, education and charit
able deeds all have their place. These are
helpful, but "one thing is needful", the
preaching of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
We believe these things, and that is why
we are here.
they brought in a young lama boy, seventeen
years old, who had been quarreling with an
older lama. Tlie older lama used his sword
and the result was a. gash in the abdomen
which permitted the intestine to protrude.
You may imagine anyone outside the pro
fession liaving to do anything for such a
case! However, Bro. and Sister Nichols
and Melba went to work following orders
like good student nurses. I was so glad
that Melba had had her first lessons in giv
ing hypos to me, for she made a very apt
student, particularly since she was just able
to be up herself, after an illness of several
months. How we praise God for answered
Dr. Bare had to forego the holiday ]oys of
being with his family in order to cany the
medical work for me so I might make a more
complete recovery. I am wondering ever
since the good man made that long, six-
day moimtain trip through snow and cold
to get to his patient, what some of oui- M.D.'s
at home would do with such a call. Such
is the life of the only doctor in this great
We have often felt, in this trying first year,
the precious assurance of God's word in the
charge given to Joshua by Moses, "For the
Lord thy God He it is that doth go with
thee: He will not fail thee nor forsake thee."
He has not failed us in any good thing.
The fact is we have marveled sometimes at
the many ways in which, even in small
things, He has made His presence felt.
Yours, in fellowship with Him,
Batang, Jan. 6, 1940
(Note: Later news reports Miss Schwake
to be quite recovered from her illness.)
missionary program merely to divert from
another. Others who wish to have a part,
but are not prepared to contribute at the
present time, may also help by sending in
their gifts at any time between now and
Nov. 1.V. M. N.
Your oppoi-tunity to know the new mis
sionaries during the next six years is limited
to the next few months. Mr. Carlson will
be visiting churches during the summer and
early fall, and will have with him complete
equipment for the showing of a very in
teresting set of slides. Since most new In
vitations to the Newlands must now be
declined because of a schedule that is largely
completed almost up to the time of depar
ture (in November), we suggest churches not
delay to take advantage of the remaining
opportunity to learn of Tibet by inviting the
Carlsons. There is no financial obligation.
Send your request to them in care of The
Metropolitan Church, 3213 W. Monroe, Chi
cago, or to Mi-s. Sipple at Los Angeles.
Mr. Carlson will be in Illinois and adjoin
ing states during July and early August.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Carlson plan to be present
for the School of Missions at Lake James
(near Angola, Ind.), Aug. 12-17.
The great distance of the Tibetan border,
and the long period of time requii-ed for
correspondence, has resulted in some delay
in the canying out of plans for publication of
regular and complete reports of i-eceipts from
all missionaries. We make an exception of our
rule by publishing one incomplete report in
this issue. Others are being held over until
next issue by which time it is hoped needed
information concerning receipts on the field
will have arrived. Incidentally, we believe it
is the wish of all missionaries on the field
thac gifts now be sent thru receiving agents
in America. If all would take cai-e to com
ply with these requests much delay and con
fusion would be avoided in compiling reports.
Not Overlooked!
No, you wei-e not oveiiooked in the distri
bution of the April issue of The Tibetan
Christian. Unusually heavy tasks of the
editor resulted in its omission.
(Continued from Page 1 )
(John 1:17)
pastor of the church at Wakita, Oklahoma.
Mr. Carlson, born in St. Louis, has had
Mr. Newland was awarded the Bachelor
of Divinity degree by Phillips University in
Chicago and the Metropolitan Church Perry previously received both the
Updike, pastor, as his home for a number Christ." A. B. and A. M. degrees. As partial fulfill-
of years. The Metropolitan Ohui-ch has wondrous Word! The law was true ment of the requirements for the B. D. de-
long been interested in Ray and gave him Newland wrote a thesis entitled,
material aid during the years of his minis- salvation had sufficed, 'Land of the Lamas". The thesis received
terial training in Cincinnati Mrs Carlson recognition by the university and will
who was Imogene Paulson, was bom and y*" broke the law, and fallen there be published the latter part of this year,
reared in Cherokee, Iowa. Married in 1936 which had been his hope grew his
the Carlsons have one child, Mark Robin,
age four months.
Are Well Recommended
The Carlsons have the best of recommen
dations. They have not only impressed the
"But Grace and Truth have come by Jesus
Oh wondrous mercy of the Holy One!
Newlands by their faith, loyalty, consecra- Soats have not
tion and general fitness for the missionary
task, but have been highly recommended
by other brotherhood leaders whose opinions
are highly valued. President Ralph Records,
of Cincinnati Bible Seminary, has written;
Replying to your inquiry I am happy
to be able to recommend Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Carlson to you without reservation.
They were capable students,
clean in life, honorable in busi
ness relations, and earnest in
their work. They have the good
opinion of both faculty and
student body and I believe
they will serve acceptably as
missionaries. They have deep
convictions, have the courage
of their convictions and ai*e
loyal to Christ and His word.
That He, to save our souls, should send
His Son
In whom was law fulfilled and pardon won. warding Secretary.
This be my birthday wish: His Truth and
Be with you till you see Him face to face.
Do any of our x-eaders have a good, used
accordion they would care to give, or sell
at a reduced price, for use by Mrs. Newland
and Mrs. Carlson in the Tibetan work? Two
are much needed. 48 or more basses desired.
Trumpet model comet also needed. Please
communicate at once with Mrs. Sipple, Por-
v-^ -V
Overci'owding, one of the main causes of
trouble in the former mission work at Batang,
will be avoided in the re-estab
lishment of the work there. Mr.
Newland, Director of the Tibetan
Christian Mission, has, by special
agreement among the missionar
ies, the particular i-esponsibility
of developing the two mission
stations at Atuntze and Batang.
It is his hope that a part, at
least, of the present group at
Batang may be able to arrange
a location in another village to
enable Mrs. Ogden and the Carl
sons to go to Batang. It is prob
able that the Newlands will
continue at Atuntze for whatever
period is necessary for the proper
adjustment of the missionaries
in such a way as to permit each
group to develop its own work
and field of responsibility in some
sort of a' permanent program.
Dr. P. H. Marshall, dean of
the College of the Bible at
Phillips University, adds,
Ray is a good student and
has made a good record here.
He is well liked by the students,
has ability and a fine spirit.
I want to add my hearty rec
ommendation to him and his
good wife. Mrs. Carlson is also
well liked here and Mrs. Marshall thinks
she is a very fine young lady.
Long Journey Ahead
The first stanza, in Tibetan, of "The Old Rugged Cross." The
translation is by Mrs. Bare. (From the book, "Tips from the Top",
or "Tales of the Tibetan Bares.")
Program committees of both the Oregon
State Convention (Turner, June 25-30) and
the Southern California Convention (Long
Beach. July 17-21) have invited Mi\ New-
land to make addresses. Both Conventions
are welcoming in fellowship and equality
missionaries not under the U. C. M. S. as
well as those who are.
his home state.
A gift of one hundred dollars has already
been received from the First Christian
Church, of Canton. Ohio for the Carlsons'
More than 7,000 Baptisms
Missionaries of the brotherhood not under
A long journey of approxtaately nn,e
thousand miles and three and one-half 3,,,^ ^3,^3 ^3 j jj
Son u , .a a Philippines, 81 West China-Burma, 4; India
Mexico, 1; Tibet (Chinese T^bet), 10;'
tisms in 1939 exceeded 2,500.
Missionaries under the United Christian
Missionary Society serve on 10 fields and
number 175. 1939 Yearbook reports total
baptisms (for year 1938) as 4,864. Total for
brotherhood, 7,364 (estimated).
Schwake Financial Report
From January 1 to March 31, 1940
(Parti.altioes not include any gifts sent direct
to niission field: Fraction % means gifts were un- _ ,
Mr. Newland addressed the Long Beach dcs^isfated and amount shown is Miss Schwake's share Paculty, Phillips University, Enid, Okla.;
Convention last year, also that of Kansas, ciL?FORNi.-\: Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Major Ui). l' Church,
G,tc; HAWAII: Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Farm (j^), $150. Compton, Calif.; Mrs. M. E. SippIe, LOS An-
Tf.LiNoiS: Lincoln Park Ch., Rockford, S7.S0. IN- gelcs; Hai'old P. Haiilin, formerly faculty of
SAS: Mrs. Carl Schwake, $2; Fowler Ch.. VA), 63c; an advanced degree at Southern Baptist
"Colegio Intemacional, at Asuncion, Para
guay, began classes March 3 with the largest
enrollment yet reached. With more than
j., J.4WCP/ Au 360 HOW iTi classBs, last year's record has
courap they have dedicat^ their whole Alaska, 5; Jamaica, 2; Korea. 4; Poland. 2; been passed by 30. High government offi-
Iives to the mission t^k in Tipt. They p Balkans. 1. (Work of latter two missions ci^ls and the newspapers express their ad-
at the command of Christ; it will be toe interrupted by war.) Above figures do not miration for the order and spirit of the
pmlege of those who remain to pnd. *^e include Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Madden who have institution." (Selected)Robert B. Lemmon,
brotherhood may well talre pnde in the retired, but do include six missionaries who missionary of the U. C. M. S. stationed at
Carlsons andstand back ofthem with prayers ^re appointed, but have not yet sailed. Bap- Buenos Aires, Argentina.
&ncl splits.
The membership of the Advisory Council
of The Tibetan Christian Mission is a matter
of interest to our supporters. They have
been serving the Tibetan work faithfully for
many years, and we take pleasure in pre
senting their names. They are: J. Merle
Appelgate, Pastor. Pigueroa Blvd. Church,
Los Angeles, Chairman; Dr. C. C. Taylor,
Mrs. G. H. Copeiand {'/s). 25c. KENTUCKY: Mrs. Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky;
k'S ' mkJSur" c: t Harold D. (lombs, Pastor, Arlington Christian
Shorts. ('A). $1.25. NEW YORK:' Kiabel D. Austin] Church, Arlington, Calif; Ard Hoven, Pastor,
wA.iuvsi, VA Av/i uiAc .^aAiowAio 23"^- Bufiaio, Ohasc Avc. Church, Cincinnati; Frances M.
special Travel, Ti-ansportation and Equip- mik Mrs. f'j"'Lawson,' $8s7Mrs^'w! ^rant. Pastor, South Joplin Church, Joplin,
ment Fund. This largest church of our SI5- OKLAHOMA: Perris J. Schaal, CA). 31c; C. W. Mo.
brotherhood led hv its ereat nastnr P IT Nichols, (1^), 13c. OREGON: Oakridge Ch., (^), 63c;
1117 I I 1 I I3ascoi, f. 11. Q JT PENNSYLVANIA Wora A
Welshimer, has long preferred to support Waiiiiau.ser. $4. TEXAS: Pampa Ch., (A), $3.13-
missionaries in the direct and personal man- west VIRGINIA: Eva G. Meioon, $i.50. STATE
npr NOT GIVEN: A friend, $25; Ada Kidder, $1. Total,
The area of Tibet is about one-fifth that
of the United States; population between
four and five millions.
(Continued from Page 1)
Tachienlu (three weeks* journey to the east),
etc. for getting money and supplies in to
Batang, send letters, etc.
Tonight I am to lead the evening devo
tional service held every night for our
selves and helpers and anyone else who cares
to come.
The little church in Batang is much in
need of a spiritual revival. These people
have been without help and leadership for
so long that many have slipped back into
the world without realizing the danger of
their positions. Please pray that many more
may be brought into the fold and the witness
be proclaimed throughout this whole sec
tion. It will take much prayer and effort
and perhaps loss of lives, but it will be
worth all it costs if we can bring the Gospel
to those in dark Tibet who have not yet
May our Heavenly Father richly bless all
who are having a part in bringing the
Gospel to these people.
(Continued from Page 1 )
by the workers now at Batang.
In agreeing to the lease Mr. Hopkins asked
that Mrs. Ogden, missionary of the Society,
be pei'mitted to return with the Newlands
and Carlsons to finish out her already long
and heroic Tibetan ministry of thirty years
and this was readily agreed to. There will
be no organizational relationship between
the Tibetan Christian Mission and Mrs. Og
den, nor will there be any relationship be
tween the Tibetan Christian Mission and
the United Christian Missionary Society.
Mr. Newland, who carried on most of the
negotiations, has had as close person^^ad-
Merle Appelgate of Los Angeles, and Dr. C. C.
Taylor of Phillips University, Enid Okla
homa. The latter two are members of the
Advisory Council of the Tibetan Christian
Mission, and they have been joined by all
other members of the Council in approving
the action outlined above.
As might be expected, the negotiations
frequently ran into obstacles dealing with
some of the deepest problems connected with
the whole brotherhood "missionary question",
but a fine spirit was manifest on both sides
and the resulting agreement may be con
sidered to be a triumph for the whole cause
of brotherhood missions.
The Newlands, Carlsons and Mrs. Ogden
plan to sail for the Tibetan border in No
In gratitude to oui- Heavenly Father who
has blessed us far above our just deserts,
and that His Name may be glorified, we,
the Nichols family, have determined upon
the following policy:
1. Hereafter we will make no appeals for
funds, neither thru the columns of this paper,
nor by any other means. We shall take our
petitions to the Tlirone of Grace and there
make our needs known.
2. Reports will be made periodically of
all funds received.
3. Funds designated for special purposes
will be used only for those purposes, and an
accounting will be given for same.
We are fully aware that there is nothing
unique in this policy, and that many others
have previoxisly followed such a plan. But
God has laid it upon our hearts to do this,
and he has honored our little faith so much,
that, with a prayer for increased faith, we
will go "all the way" with Him.
We own no property, either here or in
America, and do not expect to acquire any.
We have nothing in a material way laid up
for the future. All that we formerly pos-.
sessed has been sold and turned into the
general fund which goes toward our sup
port. We do receive each month a compen
sation check from the government. This
we had hoped to save toward an educational
fund for our children, but it has been im
possible thus far. We rely on the fact that
God knows our needs, and perhaps our Lord
will come from Heaven before such fimds
will be needed. We have the promise that,
"They that seek the Lord shall not lack
any good thing." (Psalms 34:10).
The work of the Morses and Miss Maxey
among the Lisu tribal people continues to
grow. The Lisu, who are not Chinese, Tibet
ans or Burmese, but a distinct tribe of people
living all up and down the West China-Bur
ma border, have proved an unusually recep
tive people. By dint of hard labor outstand
ing results have been achieved, and Bro.
Morse writes, "I wouldn't be surprised if
there would be at least 300 or 400 new con
verts taught and baptized this new year of
1940." Total converts of the Mission num
ber approximately 2,500.
"Tips From the Top"
"I love to read it over and over." "I be
lieve Mrs. Bare's poems are the best part
of the book." "Our Society feels that the
book of Mrs. Bare's poems woxild be of
value to us; please send several copies."
"I think the book is fine. The missionaries
in Tibet are doing some wonderful work."
Others who desire the book, "Tips from the
Top", or "Tales of the Tibetan Bares", may
secure copies by addressing the author, Mr.
C. W. Nichols (father of Mrs. Bare), Box 391,
Seminole, Okla. The price is one dollar.
Sept. 1. 1939May 31, 1940
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Nice, Iowa, $1; Figueroa
Blvd. Ch., L. A., S15: C. E., Central Ch., Okla. City,
$17.50: I. M. S., Centr.al Ch., Okla. City, $2.50; Worn.
Bible Cl., Central Ch.. Enid. Okla., $8; a friend, Bay
ard, Nebraska, ?1S. Total, $59.00.
First Ch., Canton, Ohio, $100; Mrs. R. S. Beck,
Oregon, $2: Mr. Harold Buckles, Minnesota, $3.
Total, $105.00.
Harold Taylor in New Field
Mr. Harold Taylor, who resigned from the
Morse mission work in 1939, married m Jan
uary of this year, Miss Ada Sayer of an
American Pentecostal Mission. The Taylors
have moved far south in Yunnan to take up
mission work in another part of the province.
Newland Financial Report
Complete Report of Gifts Received For
For 3 months period, Jan. 1 - Mar. 31, 1940
(Note: The fraction indicates Newlands' share
of uiidesignated gifts divided equally among our group
of eight niissionaries).
CALIFORNIA: Santa Cruz Ch., $10; Gilbert fam
ily, Alvarado Ch., L. A., $5; Tulare Ch., $100; Ceres
Ch,, $lf).34; El Centro Ch., $5.33; Figueroa Blvd.
Ch., L. .A., $500; Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Major (54),
$1.25. GEORGIA: Mrs. B. T. Morris, $11.20.
HAWAII: Mr. and Mrs. M. N. F.arm, (J4). $3.
lOW.A; Muscatine Ch., $5; Clarksville Ch., (%),
$1..50. KANS.AS: Medicine I.odgc Ch., $62.50; Fow
ler Ch., (54), $1.25; Mrs, G. II. Copelaml CA), 50c;
Dodge City Ch., $50.01; Dodge City Jiiii. C. E.. $1.25;
Clearwatcr Ch., $10.72: Clearwater Prim. Dept., $15;
West Side Ch. Miss. Soc., Wichita, $12.50; Vivian E.
Brown, $10; Mrs. O. D. Harmony, $1; H. J. Stokes,
$1; Mr. and Mrs. W.alter Heith, $5; Great Bend Int.
Dept., $3.26; Great Bend Ch., $12.52; Fifth Sunday
Conv., Kinsley, $8.13; Stafford Ch., $10; Sharon Ch.,
$21.09. KENTUCKY; Mrs. K. Z. Wilking, $10; Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Hanltn, $10; Mrs. J. A. Williams
(54), 25c. MISSISSIPPI; Corinth M. S. (54). $5.06.
MISSOURI; Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Shorts (54), $2.50;
Willis H. Fowler, $1.50; Villa Hgts. Ch., Joplin,
$2.50; South Joplin Ch., $12.40; S. W. Disc. C. E.
Conv., $4. MONTAN.A; Mrs. Jack MacLean, $3.
NEW MEXICO: Mrs. Don Hardin, $7.16. NEW
YORK: Glenwood Ave. Ch., Buflalo, $5. OHIO:
Orrville Ch., $5-10: Hillsboro (ih., $3; Miamitown Ch.
Y. P., Cincinnati, $9; Wooster Ch., $25. OKLA
HOMA: Dr. C. C. Taylor, $5; Washington Ave.
Ch., Enid, $5; W. M. S., Yukon. $11; A. R. Carr, $1;
Harley Cole, SOc; Mrs. C. W. Dalrymple, 25c; United
Brethren Ch., Enid, $2; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Went-
worth, $5: Tuttle C^h., $15; (Central Ch., Okla. City,
$15.30; Central (Th. I. M. S., Okla. City, $2; Edna
Doerr, $6; Fr.anklin Wooliey, 2Sc; Davis Park Ch.,
Enid, $7.50; Loyal Women, Clcvel.md, $24; Eagle City
Ch., $5: Ferris J. Schaal (A), 62c; C. W. Nichols (54),
25c. OREGON: Oakridge Ch. (54). $1.25; Bridge
C. E. (54). 22c; Montaville Ch., Portland, $20.42;
Mrs. Matilda Hill. $3. PENNSYLVANIA: Wilkcs-
Barre Gi.. $10. TENNESSEE: Elizabethtown Ch.,
$22.27. TEXAS: Pampa Ch. (54), $6.25. WISCON
SIN: KENOSHA Ch.. $5. Total $1163.90.
Note: An o%'ersight of last year resulted in an
advance payment by Figueroa Blvd. Church df Los
Angeles of 1940 "living link" funds in the amount of
$500. Unreported in 1939 and properly belonging in
1940 report it has been included in the above to make
our published records complete.
(Continued from Page 1)
shell of what was once so comfortable a
home, but we have already made the most
necessary repairs and have no desire to try
to restore it on the former scale.
Our last days at Gartok were somewhat
difficult because of the cold that complicated
our packing, and necessitated thoughtful
preparation for the days we would be on the
road. The General in command of all the
military forces showed us great kindness in
granting us the use of his mules and horses
when he learned we were unable to hire
others because of the bad robber situation.
The men we employed proved to be thieves
and opened two of our ^xes and stole some
things rather valuable to us. Doctor met
us at the river crossing where the Nichols
party, Miss Palmer and Miss Schwake and
Marguerite had such very trying experiences
just six months before. He arrived while
we were busily engaged in getting the loads
into the little yak-skin boats and sent across
the stream.
Edgar had crossed early and was receiv
ing the loads, with one or two helpers, and
Maribel and I were attending to the order
on the far side when we saw him galloping
down the trail. It was a happy reunion,
for Christmas, New Year, our wedding an
niversary, and both of our l rthdays had
passed since last we had seen each other.
Thanks again for your letter and greeilngs.
There is no certainty of our remaining here
as we wish to be ready to avail ourselves
of any opportunity that may open to us to
go back into Tibet Proper. We pray that
God will continue to bless you.
Yours in His Service
Batang, Feb. 16, 1940.
(Note: Lama opposition recently compelled the
Bares to move out of Lhasa-controlled country and
back across the Yangtze to Chinese-controlled areas.
They have chosen Bat.aiig, scene of their former min
istry of six years as missionaries of the United Chris
tian Missionary Society, for a temporary residence.
The Bares are expected to begin a well-earned furlo
in the near future.
"Yesterday was the Lord's Day. There
were five more baptisms, making a total of
sixty-one for the first fourteen weeks of
1940."John T. Chase, The Korean Christian
Mission, 32 Shogetsu Cho, Seoul, Korea.
1,544 Baptisms in Philippines
Philippine Mission Churches of Christ,
largest brotherhood mission in the Orient
(as respects membership of native church),
reports 1,037 baptisms for 1939. Missionaries
are Mr. and Mi's. Leslie Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs.
Benj. Allison, Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Hale,
Miss Edith Shimmel and Miss Ethel Jones-
1939 Yearbook report for the Phiiippine
Mission of the United Christian Missionary
Society lists 507 baptisms for a similar per
iod. (1938). Missionaries are Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Huber. Total brotherhood baptisms
in Philippines, 1,544.
News Organ -hristian Mission Work for Tibetans
VOL. vn
No. 3
Bares Moving to Mew
Site on Tibe an Border
Tachienlu Is New Poin. for Evange'^sm
Mrs. Bare Write- tiom Bata' g
Two New Churches
Become "Living-Links
Covington, Kentucky and Ingiewood, Calif.
Churches to "Hold the Ropes" for Carlsons
Dr. and Mrs. Norton H. Bare, are in pro
cess of moving to Tachienlu, an important
Chinese-Tibetan border town, lying three
weeks' journey east of Batang.
This information was contained in a letter
dated July 23 and just received in America.
At the time of writing. Dr. Bare, with Mar
guerite Bare, age 13, had just completed a
25-day journey from Batang to Tachienlu.
Marguerite accompanied her father on the
long journey to have her tonsils removed
only to find there was no one at Tachienlu
to perform the operation.
"The move," said Dr. Bare, "should lessen
the problem of buying and forwarding funds
and supplies out into the interior. Also, I
plan to make itinerating trips out among the
Tibetan villages, carrying some medicines for
the treatment of the sick, also Tibetan gospels
and tracts for use in that type of evangelism."
Tachienlu is a town of a few thousand
Tibetans, Chinese, and Chinese-Tibetans. It
may be said to be on the exact racial divid
ing line between Tibetans and Chinese for
all living east of this town are Chinese, and
all living west are Tibetans. It is a focal
point for many great Tibetan caravans, some
of which come from as far away as Lhasa,
nearly four months' journey distant. They
come in large numbers to secure the brick-
shaped blocks of Chinese tea which they like
so well.
Fi-om Batang, Mrs. Bare writes:
"We have recently had the privilege of res
cuing a mother and baby from death by ill
ness and starvation. Both are gaining
strength and the mother is hoping soon to be
baptized. She was a prospective Bible woman
fifteen years ago, but gave herself to worldly
things instead. Now she is a penitent believer,
hungering and thirsting for the Word and for
righteousness. She and her two little girls
now occupy a room on the first floor of the
old hospital building.
"Gladys and I, with the help of Evangelist
(Continued on Page 6)
This map shows the locations of Batang,
Atuntze and Tachienlu, the three mil^sion points
of our brotherhood, and, with the exception of
Tachienlu, the only non-Catholic mission points
in all this great region. Litang and Derge, the
latter the eastern capital of the Red Hat sect
of Lamaism, are great communities of thousands
of priests.
The "forbidden" part of Tibet begins at
the broken line where Lhasa rule begins, just
a few miles west of Atuntte and Batang. Chiri- Carlsons, Ml'S. Ogden and the New-
ese Tibet, probably the wildest and most unruly jg^ds have secured reservations aboard the
part of the country, is a great region in which
the people are 99% Tibetan, the only others
being a few Chinese officials and soldiers.
From Atuntze to Batang is a journey of al
most two weeks; from Tachienlu to Batang,
three weeks.
In eastern Tibet rise three of the largest
rivers of Asia, the Salween, Mekong and
Yangtze. "It has been the privilege of Dr.
Bare and myself," says Mr. Newland, "to preach
the 'good news' of Christ to people in all three
of these valleys."
When a single congregation undertakes to
support an ambassador of Jesus Christ among
people living in the darkness of heathen lands
it is a matter of deep brotherhood interest.
When two congregations, in one month, com
bine to send two such heralds, and these two
happen to be new workers for Tibet, the
Tibetan Christian Mission wants to tell
everybody about it on the front page of its
The two new "living-link" churches are
the Latonia Christian Church of Covington,
Kentucky and the Pii'st Christian Chiurch of
Inglewood, California. The former, led by
its pastor, Joseph Hill, took congregational
action to "hold the ropes" for Ray Carlson,
new missionary to Tibet on July 7. Just two
weeks later, the church of Inglewood, Cali
fornia, of which G. Fred Hoy is pastor, did
the same for Mrs. Carlson.
Each congregation plans to provide $750.00
annually. These sums will not only provide
for the personal needs of the Carlsons on the
field, but will also permit of a part being
used for the various phases of mission work
in Tibet, such as: the purchase of medical
supplies and equipment, evangelistic lit
erature, hiring of language teacher, training
of native evangelists, renting of buildings for
living-quarters, chapels and schools and a
host of other miscellaneous items incident
to pioneer work. It does not, of course, pro
vide for the large and special fund neededvfor
travel, transportation and equipment which
(Continued on Page 3)
President Taft, scheduled to leave Los An
geles on December 8th.
"It is our plan to sail," says Mr. Newland,
"if the boat does, and if our government does
not become so involved
in the Orient as to re
sult in refusal to per
mit American citizens
to travel there. We
have a long journey
of approximately four
months ahead of us
which must be by
pack animals, the only
means of transporta
tion in our part of the
world. With increased
military action in
Mrs. Ray Carlson French Indo-China it
begins to appear that we will have to journey
around Siam and the Malay States to land at
Rangoon, in Burma. We would then come
into China by its new "back-door" road. Many
problems confront us at this time, but we
will endeavor simply to walk by faith, one
step at a time. The work of foreign evan-
nasmuch as the Foreign Christian Missionary geiism must not let up at a time like this.
Society and the United Christian Missionary More than ever we must go. Christ will never
Society have property in Batang, a strategic bless any mission which begins to qualify his
portal to Tibet, command to "Go" by some such phi'ase as,
(Continued on Page 5) "if the way is not difficult or hard."
Batang, Hsikang, W. China
via Chengtu & Tachienlu
June 29, 1940
Dear Friends:
We feel very much as Solomon of old must
have felt when he said, "As cold waters to
a thirsty soul, so Is good news from a far
country." Proverbs 25:25. The war seems
definitely to be affecting our correspondence
and will probably do so more than ever in
the future. We have had very few letters
from America in the past month. Please all
of you be patient if you do not hear from
us for long periods. It may be your letters
to us have never reached us, or just as likely
our answers to you were lost somewhere on
their journey. Please keep on writing fre
quently and pray that some of your letters
may reach us safely.
A young Tibetan was recently baptized here
and he needs your prayers that he may be a
true follower of Christ. There is so much
(Continued on Page 3)
With this issue The Tibetan Christian Mis
sion announces final approval by both the
Board of Directors of the United Christian
Missionary Society, and the Tibetan Chris-
t: in '".lission, of the completed agreement
concerning the Batang mission property.
The agreement is as follows:
THE TIBETAN CHRISTIAN Lose Valuable Mission Supplies
The Tibetan Christian Mission
Vernon and Moiia Ncwland
Ra>- and Imogene Carlson
with whom are associated in publication of this paper
Dr. and Mrs. Norton II. Bare
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Nichols
Tachicniu, H.sikang, West China
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Nichols
Miss Gladys Schwake
Miss Melba Palmer
Bataiig, Hsikang, West China, via Tachienlu
455 W. S7th St., Los Angeles
The Tibetan Christian is sent out free, in
dividually or in bundles, to those who find
the paper helpful and useful. Just drop a
card to Los Angeles.
All material in this paper not specifically
attributed by name to others is written and
prepared by the editor.
For Bares or Nichols, send to
Mr. C. W. Nichols
Box 391 Seminole, Okla.
For Miss Mclba Palmer, send to
Mrs. Jessie Palmer
1571 Lawrence St., Eugene, Oregon
For Miss Gladys Schwake, send to
Mrs. Wilma Watson
157 Parkdalc Avc., Buffalo, New York
For the Carlsons, send to
Mr. E. S. Carlson
4446 Kasson, Chicago, 111., or
The Forwarding Secretary
The Tibetan Christian Mission:
455 W. S7th St., Los Angeles
For tlic Newlands, send to
Mrs. Neal Lovell
1105 E. Randolph, Enid, Okla., or
The Forwarding Secretary
Tibetan Christian Mission
455 W. 57th St., Los Angeles
Note: The Standard Publishing Company, 8th
and Cutter Sts., Cincinnati, will he glad to forward
gifts for any of the above missionaries without charge.
Since publication of the last issue of the
Tibetan Chx'istian there has come to our at
tention an important letter by Robert M.
Hopkins, president of the United Christian
Missionary Society, written to 0. V. Dunn,
pastor. Central Christian Church of Okla
homa City, and published in full with editor
ial comment in the Christian Standard of
June 22.
The letter contains information of great
importance to our whole brotherhood, and
has a vital bearing upon the future of all
our missionary work. It may be said to
mark still another mile-stone along the road
of brotherhood relations.
The letter carries Dr. Hopkins' frank en
dorsement of "open-membership" (i. e., the
receiving into membership of local churches
of Christ those who have not been baptized),
and tells also of his own recent membership,
apparently as an elder, in such a congrega
tion in New York' City.
Dr. Hopkins comes to the heart of the mat
ter in the following words:
It is my judgment that the custom which
our brotherhood has followed with regard
to "open membership" has been eminently
wise. Thus each congregation decides for
itself what its practice shall be in recog
nizing the status of Christian people of
varying fellowships.
Perhaps we should remark, in passing, that
we find ourselves in considerable agreement
with the words, though not the obvious mean
ing, of the first sentence above. We, too,
feel that the custom which our brotherhood
that is, about 98% of ithas followed with
regard to "open membership^' has been
eminently wise.
In the second sentence it seems most ap
parent that Dr. Hopkins' labors of many years
in inter-denominational work has rather
put him out of touch with the rank and
Letters from the field tell of the recent
journey of nearly two weeks which Mr.
Nichols made from Batang to Atuntze
through oftentimes robber-infested country,
to secuie a considerable number of packages
and bo;;es of supplies sent out from America
only to discover upon arrival that all had
been stolen. This was unfortunate indeed, for
the entire Batang group was greatly in need
of various items of clothing which the boxes
contained and which they had long awaited.
The letters did not say just how the loss
came about, but this is the second time the
new missionaries have sustained considerable
loss at the hands of robbers.
Five Women of the Church at Batang
file of the brotherhood, for Dr. Hopkins
appears actually to consider that our churches
have now generally accepted the denomina-
ticnal position, and have come to regard
themselves as bodies having authority to
decide, presumably by majority vote, what
shall be. and what shall not be, required for
membership in a church of Christ.
We think a great host of churches would
be only too happy to have an opportunity
to address the president of the United Chris
tian Missionary Society in somewhat the fol
lowing fashion:
Dr. Hopkins, you misrepresent us greatly,
and do us a grievous injury. This church
does not now, and never has, presumed
that its members had the authority and
right to determine what shall be required
for membership. To us an ordinance of the
church of Jesus Christ, guided by the in
spired apostles, is sacred and we dare not
lay our own hands upon it, either to elim
inate, or to change its form or meaning.
If you inquire whether Christian baptism
is essential to membership in this congre
gation, we would not think for one moment
of canvassing our group to determine this
point, but, desiring to be a true church of
Christ, rvould but proudly point to the Word
of God itself and ask what you find there.
Of course, it is perfectly obvious that Dr.
Hopkins and we are talking about two quite
different things. Dr. Hopkins' statements are
to be regarded as his personal view of what
ought to, and sometimes does, prevail among
churches which comprise, (oftentimes in a
passive way only) a twentieth-century Dis
ciples of Christ denomination. On the other
hand, we are talking about what ought to,
and does, prevail among congregations which,
definitely repudiating the denominational and
sectarian viewpoint, desire as "Olu-istians on
ly", to discover and restore whatever, in its
belief and worship, the early church of the
New Testament held to be essential, believing
whole-heartedly that the ordinances and
doctrines of that church were divinely given
to the world by an inspired and Spirit-filled
group, personally selected, trained and com
missioned for its task by Jesus Christ Him
There is a world of difference between
these two concepts, and on this difference
our brotherhood will probably ultimately
(Continued on Page 5)
Dear Friends Everywhere:
When the Newlands sailed in December,
1933 it seemed like it would be a long while
beiore they could return to America. But
the nearly six years passed by quickly and
they arrivea in America in March, 1939.
Wiule on furlough they have traveled many
thousands of miles, and spoken in many
churches. Both took fui'ther work in Phil
lips University. Mr. Newland received the
B. D. degree, taught classes in Missions in
the university, and has written a book that
will undoubtedly take its place among im
portant studies of the Tibetan country.
And now, all too soon, we must bid this
intrepid couple farewell as they take up the
great unfinished task of carrying light to
a dark country.
The Newlands have selected a very prom
ising young missionary couple. Ray and
Imogene Carlson, and have aided them in
securing support. The Carlsons have full
living-link support from the churches of
Inglewood, California and Covington, Ken
tucky. This is vei7 fine indeed.
Now is the time to consider the travel,
transportation and equipment fund needs
of both couples. Steamship fares, transpor
tation costs, equipment needsall these will
require at least $1,200, perhaps more, for each
couple, before they shall have reached the
end of their long, near four-months' journey
to "the roof of the world". Also, while Bro.
Newland has always had substantial living-
link support from the Figueroa Church, Mr-s.
Newland's support, provided by a group of
churches and a Christian lady, has, because
of strenuous times, not been maintained in
full, but has been irregular and Insufficient.
The Newlands have three children of whom
Melvin the oldest (TV^), will be separated
from his parents, for he remains in America
with his aunt to go to school. We are pray
ing that some generous souls will be raised
up to take one or more of these children
at an annual rate of $100.00 for Neal George
(2). $150.00 for Marcia Mae (Sy^), and $200.00
fcr Melvin Merle.
Passage has been secured on the President
Taft sailing from Los Angeles on Dec. 8.
But two months remain until their departure.
Sincerely, in Christ's service,
J. Merle Appelgate, Minister
Figueroa Blvd. Christian Church
Los Angeles
Mrs. M. E. Sipple, who has served the
growing group of Tibetan missionaries as
Forwarding Secretary during the past sev
eral years is now relinquishing that office.
Mrs. Sipple is a member, and head of the
Missions Department, of Mr. Newland's
"living-link" Figueroa Boulevard Christian
Church of Los Angeles, and it is because of
this special relationship to him that Mr.
Newland has requested that the funds of
other missionaries (the entire group now
numbers ten) not be handled by one having
this close relationship to him.
It is. therefore, with the deepest appre
ciation for all the zealous and faithful
ministry of one who has shown herself to
be one of the greatest of the brotherhood's
home workers for foreign missions, that we
announce, in some cases, new names to
handle funds for the Tibetan missionaries.
Please see the mast-head of this paper for
specific directions concerning the sending of
gifts hereafter. Of course, any who continue to
send through Mrs. Sipple will have their gifts
reach the proper destination as heretofore.
The abandoned Shelton hospital as Mr. Newland found it two years ago on the occasion of
his visit to Batang six years after the withdrawal of missionaries by the United Society. The
hospital building has served during the past years as a residence for the Nichols, Miss Schwake
and Miss Palmer.
"On Open-Membership"
(Continued from Page 2)
(jjvidein fact, has already largely divided.
But let each of us who have to deal with
this unpleasant situation remember that it
is utterly ridiculous, and un-Christlan. to
become angry with, or hateful toward pro
ponents of "open membership", for, sur
prising as it may seem to some, they are, for
the most part, quite sincereand none are
more sincere, we believe, than our good and
admirable friend. Dr. Hopkins himself.
The sphere of action and leadership of
"opan-niemborship" advocates is, however,
properly and most decidedly among only
those churches which desire, and wish to
support such leadership. But, after all, it is
obvious that it is the silence, and acquiescence
to such leadership by several hundred
churches which do NOT believe in "open-
membership", that is the one and only indis-
pensible condition essential to the continued
growth of such influence and leadership
among us.
All over the nation pastors and other
church leaders are to-day making their de
cision as to whether they shall remain true
and loyal to a great God-given vision and
task, or whether they will be content to be
just another of the sectarian and denomina
tional groups so numerous throughout the
world to-day.
Newland Financial Report
Funds received for Mission Work, also transportation
costs In visiting churches, and for missionary equip
ment for Tibet.
Five Months' PeriodApril 1 - August 31, 1940
CALIFORNIA: Merced, $17; San Diego Univer
sity Ch., $.S; Fowler S. S., $10.25; Mrs. H. D. Cun
ningham. $10. COLORADO: La Jutua, $9; Delia
Hood Mem. Cl., La Junta, $3; Urayan, $13.50; Delta,
$4; Ft. Morgan, $7; Ft. Collins, $29.90; Eads, $5*:
Denver West Side, $7*; Hotclikiss, Sfi"; Longmont,
SIO"; a friend, Longmont. $1. GEORGIA: Savannah
Cent. Ch., W. M. C., $5. ILLINOIS: Dixon Springs
Camp, $64.50; West Frankfort, $15; E. St. Louis Lans-
downe Ch., $10*; J-O-Y Cl., Lansdowne Cii., $2; Green
ville, $11.75; Batavia, $3.62. INDIANA: Lake James
Sch. of .Miss., $5: Mrs. Lyle Ruley, $1. lOWA:
Webster City. $25; Ute, $5. KANSAS: St. John, $7.53;
Hugoton, $17.50; Sublettc, $8'; Sun Springs Retreat,
$5; Sharon, $3.86; Clyde, $19.17; Burr Oak, M. S.,
$5; Wichita West Side M. S., $12.50; Hope, $11.63.
MICHIGAN: Buchanan B. S. & M. S., $2. NEW
MEXICO: Tuciimcari Ch., $7.99; Tucumcari M. S.,
$10; Osborne E.state, $15. NORTH CAROLINA: Mrs.
S. L. Wommack, $5. OHIO: Woodford Boebinger,
$10: Orrville, $10.16; Madisoiiville Even. M. S., $10;
Jamestown, $5; Canton W. M. S., $100; Miamitown
Y. P., $12. OKLAHOMA: Yukon M. S., $10; Shat-
tuck, $10; Ethel Morton, $10; Tuttle Lad. Circle, $10;
Mrs. A. W. Wentwortli, $5; Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Dalyrmpie, $6; Covington Ch., $13.50; Covington
Rotary, $5; A. II. Foulks, $1; Mrs. Chas. Black-
ledge, $1; Mr. Myers, 4l)c; Mrs. Painc, $1; Dr. I. N.
McCash, $10; Mrs. Lida Florence, $2; Woodward Ch.,
$35; Thelma Berg., $3; Mrs. Hattie Creason, $5; West
Point Ch., $7.51); Wcatherford, $19.31; Dr. C. C. Taylor,
$10; Phillips Univ. Miss. Cl., $2.15; Enid Univ. Ch.,
Y. M. M. S., $5; Tonkawa, $10; Okeeiie Lad. Aid,
$10; Perry W. M. S., $12; Okla. City, Penn Ave.
Y. B. W. M. S.. S7.01; Penn. -Ave. Ch., $27.27; Enid
Davis Park I'. 8.- I. Cl., $5; Waynoka M. S., S&;
iu-U'iia .\l. S., $8.33; Pal.s-We-Are Club, Enid, $23;
Enid Davis Park Ch.. Pri. Dept.. $2.37. OREGON:
Batang Lease Provisions
(Continued from Page 1)
And whereas the Tibetan Christian Mission
is prepared to do mission work in Batang and
And whereas the leaders in both the Tibetan
Christian Mission and the United Christian
Missionary Society wish to see the work so nob
ly begun by many devoted ones carried on,
And whereas each group believes the other
ready to enter in good faith into an agreement
for the mutual promotion of the Kingdom of
God in that area,
We do mutually agree
1. That the United Christian Missionary
Society and the Foreign Christian Missionary
Society grant full and unrestricted use of the
property in Batang to the Tibetan Christian
Mission for a period of fifty years.
2. That the Tibetan Christian Mission
agrees to labor with all diligence to develop
Christian work in and from Batang.
3. That the Tibetan Christian Mission will
care for all current expenses such as upkeep
of the property, taxes, water rights, etc. dur
ing the period of this lease. The Tibetan
Christian Mission shall have full liberty to make
alteration and repairs on the property, exer
cising due care not to reduce the value of the
4. That the United Christian Missionary
Society and Foreign Christian Missionary So
ciety will care for all legal requirements neces
sary to protect the titles of the property as
the government may require.
5. That this lease may be discontinued by
the Tibetan Christian Mission upon written
notice presented one year in advance of dis
6. That this lease may be renewed by the
Tibetan Christian Mission and the United
Christian Missionary Society and Foreign Chris
tian Missionary Society on mutually satisfac
tory terms.
A special supplementaiy agreement has
also been approved by The Tibetan Chris
tian Mission and the Foreign Department of
the United Christian Missionary Society, and
will be presented to the Board of Directors
of the United Christian Missionary Society
for its final action at the next regular meet
ing in November.
The special agreement reads as follows:
In carrying forward the plans for the develop
ment of the work in Batang, under the new
arrangement, it is agreed both by the Tibetan
Christian Mission and the United Christian
Missionary Society, that
Mrs. Minnie A. Ogden is to accompany Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon M. Newland and Mr. and
(Continued on Page 6)
Mrs. Ogden to Return to Batang
Mrs. Minnie A. Ogden, missionary of the
United Christian
Missionary So
ciety, returns, by
special agreement
with the New-
lands and Carl
sons to Batar.g to
finish out her al
ready more than
20 years of heroic
ministry at that
Mrs. Ogden plans
to sail Dec. 8
from Los Angeles.
(Continued from Page 3)
of days to replace the bricks that have been
stolen from the graves, and is having them
Tibetans do not bury; they simply use the
river, or cut up the body and throw it to the
vultures. The utter disregard for human
life is evident everywhere in Tibet; they have
more regard for a fly. Out here one must
not kill a. fly as it may be someone's "rein
carnation!" With such mental deductions
do you wonder it is hard to get them to
think in any well-balanced way?
Continue to pray that the Lord may be
preparing hearts for the seed as we sow,
that it may bring forth fruit. The prayer
effort for our new location is one which
must be kept up until you hear from us. We
want God's plan for this move. We are in
need of a station from which we can set
up a chain of stations into the interior, also
where we can train the new recruits which
will be coming out in the future, if the Lord
tarries. The time is short, so let us be much
in prayer that some in the interior may
have their chance. The Newlands and their
recruits will occupy this station on their re
turn next fall. Be much in prayer for them.
I wish to thank all of you for the birthday
cards I have recently received. It helps so
much to know one is being held up in prayer
at home. The Lord has laid it upon so
many kind hearts to help with the financial
part also, for which one is grateful to Him.
We are glad to know that all of you are
being led of the Lord to do what you are
doing so that you may feel satisfied He will
do the directing from this end also.
Yours for the salvation of souls while it
is yet day. Gladys P. Schwake, R. N
Batang, May 30, 1940.
Miii-Cohimbia Canip, S2S; Walter Fisciis, $25; Elgin,
$12.75; Yamiiill S. S., $12; Mrs. Hill, $5; Coquille M. S.,
SS. TENNESSEE: Johnston City 2nd Ch., $5; John
ston City 1st Ch., Y. P. Q., $3. Total $ 940.45
Newlands' share of undcsignated gifts, April 1 -
June .10, $25.13: Julv 1 - August 31, $15.32.
TOTAL RECEIPTS, April 1 - Aug. 31, 1940..$980.90
Donors are requested to report any errors
"Record niisi>lac'-d: Amount may not be exact.
APRIL 1JUNE 30, 1940
CALIFORNIA: Jlr. and Mrs. G. F. Major, $5.
COLOR.ADO: Anna Olsen and Carrie Hatfield, $6.
KANSAS; Fowler S. S.. $10: Bluff City. $9.49. KEN
TUCKY: Lewiston Bib. Cl., $3. MINNESOT.A:
Winona, $5. NEBRASKA: Gering, $13.89. OHIO:
Siiringfield, M. S., $48.16. Total (divided equally
among Bares, Newlands, Nichols, Palmer and
Schwake) $100.54.
JULY 1AUGUST 31, 1940
CALIFORNIA: Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Lyles, $5.
ILLINOIS; La Harpe M. S., $1.10. INDIANA.
Brownsburg, $10. PENNSYLVANIA: Meadville Ch.,
$10; Meadville W. M. S., $9. SOUTH DAKOTA:
Carthage, $6.50. TEXAS: Panipa, $35. Total (divided
equally amrmg Bares, Newlands, Nichols, Palmer,
Schwake and Carlsons) $76.60
Batang Lease Provisions
(Continued from Page S)
Mrs. Ray Carlson as they go to Batang; Mrs.
Ogden's salary and expenses to be provided
by the United Christian Missionary Society, and
her work upon the field to be integrated in the
mission work at Batang, though not as a mem
ber of the Tibetan Christian Mission.
The question of a possible successor to Mrs.
Ogden is to be left to the mutual agreement
between the Tibetan Christian Mission and
the United Christian Missionary Society.
it is agreed that Mr. Newland shall be Chair
man of the whole group of Batang missionaries
and that in the event of his retirement, or
otherwise discontinuance of this chairmanship,
his successor shall be chosen from and by the
Tibetan Christian Mission (unless the Tibetan
Christian Mission shall itself agree, for special
reasons, to make exception for a temporary
period), assuming, of course, that such choice
of a successor shall be made with due regard
to the spirit and plan of these present agree
ments between the Tibetan Christian Mission
and the United Christian Missionary Society.
Another item pertaining to mission prop
erty is under consideration, but final action
by the Tibetan Christian Mission has been
deferred, pending further discussion.
Mr. Newland Urged Reopening
The above agreements may be said to be
the result of proposals first made to the
United Society, during the presidency of Mr.
Corey, by Mr. Newland more than three years
ago. Mr. Newland at that time, first urged
the Society to send loyal and consecrated
workers to meet the tragic need of an op
pressed and diminishing Christian gi'oup at
Batang, but upon receipt of a reply to the
effect that the Society could not contem
plate a return to Tibetan mission work in
any near future, Mr. Newland then asked
the Society to approve the going of the New-
lands to Batang.
This approval was readily given. Mr. New-
land then, in the summer of 1938, made the
eleven-day journey from Atuntze to Batang,
and visited with the church there for a
period of one month. Following his visit,
Mr. Newland wrote a graphic account of
conditions as he found them, six years after
the withdrawal of all missionaries. He found
the Christian group reduced from sixty to
about fifteen. A number of mission buildings,
including a hospital, orphanage and mission
homes, were falling into decay and ruin. In
addition, an important point for Tibetan
evangelism was being sadly neglected.
United Society Planned Return
Ml-. Newland's report of his visit and find
ings was presented to the United Christian
Missionary Society, and to brotherhood
papers, and was given wide publicity thru
the pages of the Christian Standard and
the Tibetan Christian. Mr. Newland con
cluded his report with the statement of his
determination, while on furlough, to secure
new workers for the Tibetan task, and to
return with them to Batang.
Some complications arose, however, with
the later coming of Dr. Hopkins to the
presidency of the United Society. Not fully
aware, perhaps, of the correspondence, and
the resultant understanding reached by Mr.
Newland and the Foreign Department of the
Society prior to his taking office. Dr. Hopkins
proceeded with rather large plans for a return
to Batang.
A possible unfortunate situation was
averted, however, when Mr. Newland pointed
out to Dr. Hopkins that the brotherhood
already had eight missionaries (Bares.
Nichols, Miss Schwake, Miss Palmer and the
Newlands) in active Tibetan mission work,
that four of these were already at Batang,
and that two others (Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carl
son) were preparing to sail from America.
Mr. Newland pointed out that rivalry and
competition by Christian groups struggling
for a foothold in the "land of the lamas"
was unthinkable and would be tragic in
its consequences.
Dr. Hopkins and his associates readily
agi-eed that any action that would appear
competitive must not be undertaken, and
asked that some arrangement be worked out
that would give the United Society some part
in the Batang work.
Considering the fact that the Society had
carried on mission work at Batang for 24
years, still owned considerable mission prop
erty and grounds there, and had been paying
necessai-y small amounts to maintain rights
to certain property and investments, the
request did not seem to be imreasonable,
and Ml-. Newland called to his aid a group
of capable and trusted brotherhood leaders
to consider the matter. Among these were
Edwin EiTett, T. K. Smith, Dr. C. C. Taylor,
J. Merle Appelgate, Dr. Ross J. Griffeth and
others. All angles of the matter were gone
into very thoroughly. Questions dealing
vitally with the brotherhood "missionary
question" were discussed freely and frankly,
especially in correspondence between Mr.
Newland and Dr. Hopkins. Near dead-locks
were reached at times, but a fine spirit pre
vailed on both sides enabling a solution to be
found in each instance.
Agreement Receives Wide Approval
The final agreement, unanimously approved
by all members of the Advisory Council of the
Tibetan Christian Mission, and also by the
United Christian Missionary Society in the
manner indicated above, has won wide
spread, though not entirely unanimous, ap
proval from all sections of the brotherhood.
This approval expresses great satisfaction
that the work of the Sheltons, C^dens, Loftis
and others is to be carried on; that mission
property and investments acquired at great
expense, are to be saved from further loss;
and that it is clearly demonstrable that
the brotherhood could again find consider
able unity and fellowship in its great mis
sionary program, if entire liberty of method
in missionary support were accorded, and
if all efforts toward such unity and fellow
ship were clearly predicated upon a reaf-
firmation of loyalty to the word of God and
the church of Jesus Christ, such as is clearly
implied in the supplementary agreement,
by which, under certain conditions, a mis
sionary supported by the United Christian
Missionary Society is acceptable as a co-
worker with members of the Tibetan Chris
tian Mission at Batang.
(Continued from Page 1)
Shiao, carry on a fairly active dispensary
work six afternoons each week, with Bible
teaching given first. This afternoon a man
arrived at the door from a two-day journey
in a most pitiable condition. He is going
blind from sword wounds across his eyes.
We did what we could for the pain and in
flammation and urged him to return for
more care after harvest; he said he must
go back home for that."
"We are glad that we now have our per
manent church building which was finished
m December. The natives are very much im-
pre^ed with the interior, as compared with
their own small one filled with Catholic
fittings."From newsletter of Mr. and Mrs
Franklin J. Smith, Ekwak, Alaska.
"We all like what we have seen of Alaska,
and we have all had excellent health ever
since we came, for which we give thanks,
We expect to hold, this fall, the first evan
gelistic services ever to be held in the town
of Ketchikan."Prom August Newsletter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Railsback, Ketchikan
Alaska. '
The Frog and the Tiger
(Continued from Page 4)
What is that?" asked the tiger curiously
"Oh nothing much," said the frog. "i guess
it is just a little undigested hair from the
tiger I killed and ate yesterday."
tiger became very frightened.
"Inis frog must be very strong indeed," he
said to himself. "He can jump much farther
than I, and yesterday he killed and ate a
tiger. I guess I had better get away from
here before he decides to eat me." And so he
began very cautiously to back away, and
then, turning quickly around, bounded off
through the forest just as fast as he could go.
When he had run quite some distance he
met a fox who asked, "What's the matter,
ti^r, why are you running away so fast?"
Feeling sm-e that he was nowsaiely out of
reach of the frog the tiger stopped and said,
Say I have just met the king of the frogs,
and he is very strong. Why. he eats tigers,
and can jump across a river much farther
than I."
At this the fox just laughed. "In all my
life I have never heard such nonsense," he
said, "A tiger running away from a frog'
Why, I am only a little fox, but I could just
step up to any frog and put my foot on him
and kill him. Come, and I will showyou"
The tiger was still badly frightened, but he
was ashamed not to go back with the fox and
so he said, "I know what this king of the
frogs can do, but if you are not afraid, then
I will go with you, but lest you also get
irigntened and run away and leave me, I am
going to insist that we tie our tails together."
The fox laughingly consented, and the tiger
proceeded to tie their tails together in several
knots. When this was done they set off to
gether to find the frog.
The frog saw them coming, and quickly
hopping upon his rock again, called out in a
stern voice to the fox, "You're a fine fox,"
he called out in an impatient and angry
voice. "Where have you been so long, and
why are you so late with my dinner to-day?
What is that you have therea dog? Could
you not find anything better?"
At this the tiger was frightened almost
out of his wits. He thought the fox wassurely
taking him to the frog to be eaten. Before
the astonished fox could find a word to say
the tiger whirled around, and, dragging the
fox. after him, dashed off through the woods
again just as fast as he could goand if they
are not dead they are still running yet.
^ a.ir c, rl or"} 0
Fifty years ago this fall Dr. and Mrs. Norton H. Bare and their
infant son, Edgar, left for the mission station of Batang on the Tibetan
Border. Thus began a ministry among the Tibetan people which was to last
until World War II.
Norton Henry Bare was bom near Clearwater, Nebraska in 1892, the
youngest of seven children. Early in his adult life he became a Chris
tian and set a goal to serve Christ as a medical missionary. After
ministerial training at Cotner College in Lincoln, Nebraska, rfe enrolled
at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine in Omaha. A year of
internship in Tennessee followed his medical degree. While at Cotner
Dr. Bare had met and become engaged to Lois Nichols, a fellow student who
shared his goals of foreign mission service.
Lois Catherine Nichols was bom in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1897, the
daughter of C. W. Nichols, a pioneer Restoration preacher in Nebraska.
In early childhood she had dedicated her life to serve as a missionary.
An accomplished poet with a witty, outgoing personality. Miss Nichols
distinguished herself as a student leader in Cotner College. She had
specialized training at the College of Missions in Indianapolis and
spent five years as a high school teacher in Grand Island and Papillion,
Dr. and Mrs. Bare were married in 1923 and were commissioned by the
United Christian Missionary Society to continue the medical ministry of
Dr. A. L. Shelton in Tibet. Dr. Shelton had been ambushed and slain by
Tibetan bandits.
After a five-month journey from Lincoln, Nebraska, the Bares arrived
in Batang on March 17, 1927.. They moved into Dr. Shelton's mud-walled
home and even before completing language study. Dr. Bare was busy with
a healing ministry at the only hospital in a 200-mile radius. The Bares
found a great affinity and love for the Tibetan people and yearned to
carry the gospel across the forbidden border of Inner Tibet. Their only
disappointment was to discover that much of the leadership and staff of
the UCMS had abanaoned the faith and vision of New Testament Christianity.
Some of their fellow-workers including the J. Russell Morse fajnily soon
left the UCMS.
In 1932 the opportunity finally came to move into Inner Tibet, but
about the same time the UCMS decided to close down the Tibetan work,
allegedly for financial reasons. The Bares pleaded for permission to
remain and fulfil the vision of evangelism in Inner Tibet, even at half-
salaiy, but the Board was adamant. The Bares with four small children
retumed to the United States and during their furlough severed their
ties with the UCMS.
In 1934 they retumed to West China directly supported by local
churches. At first they worked with the Morses in Yea Chi in the Mekong
Valley, but opportunities there for work among Tibetans were liiriited.
They moved on to Atuntze, a Tibetan cocimunity on the border ana prayed
for the opportunity to enter Inner Tibet. In 1937 they were granted
permission to move across the border to Tsakalo, a salt-miming and ad
ministrative center in Tibet. They became the only Americans living in
the Forbidden Land and Dr. Bare was the only medical doctor in the entire
The prayer for reinforcements was answered in 1939 with the arrival
of Mrs. Bare's brother, Edgar Nichols, and family, together with Miss
Gladys Schwake, R. N., and Miss Melba Palmer (now Mrs. William 0. Rees).
However the arival of more Americans aroused Tibetan opposition so in a
few months the new workers were forced to leave the country and move to
Batang. The Bare family were permitted by the friendly governor to move
even further into Tibet, eventually living with the military garrison at
Gartok, the district capital.
War pressures, health problems, and educational needs brought the
family back to the United States in 1941. Luring their years in Tibet
they were priveleged to see a small nucleus of Tibetans face persecution
and possible death to come to the light of Christ.
Dr. Bare received further training to become a psychiatrist and re
mained in active medical practice until age 78. Mrs. Bare has written
many poems and authored a book, Tibetan Turquoise.
Perhaps their greatest joy has been to see their four children follow
them in the service of Christ. Edgar, their oldest, became an educator
in the Omaha Public School system and was an elder in the Tv/in Oities
Christian Church, Council Bluffs, Iowa until his death in an auto accident.
Marguerite, now Mrs. Archie Fairbrother, served with her husband as a
missionary in India for 17 years. Now the Pairbrothers work vd-th McKinley
Indian Mission. Garlaiid and his wife, Dorothy, served 23 yeai'S as mission
aries in Thailand. Like his father. Garland became a medical doctor
and now is on the staff of the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Maribel,
the youngest, also became a medical doctor and had qualified for board
certification in cardiology before her tragic death in 1965
The Bares are now retired in Lincoln, Nebraska where they are active
in the work of the Douglas Street Church of Christ. Dr. Bare is an
elder in the congregation. They follow with keen interest and joy the
progress of Christ's church throughout the world.

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