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Software Test Plan of XXX

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License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License
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Software Test Plan of XXX
Doc # Version: 01 Page 5 / 11
T)6/7 8. (8+T7+TS
1 2ntroduction 5
1.1 Document overview 2
1.2 Abbreviations and Glossary 2
1.2.1 1bbre&iations 2
1.2.2 2lossary 2
1.3 References 2
1.3.1 'ro4ect 5eferences 2
1.3.2 $tandard and regulatory 5eferences 2
1.4 Conventions 2
5 Test en%ironent ,
2.1 Integration and factory test site 3
2.1.1 +ard#are test 'latform 3
2.1.2 $oft#are test tools 3
2.1.3 Test %ata and documentation
2.1. !ther test materials
2.1.- 6nstallation* set-up* and maintenance
2.1.7 'ersonnel
2.2 Customer !ield test site 4
, Tests identi4cation 9
3.1 "esting #$ases %
3.2 "est categories %
3.3 "est #rogression %
3.4 "est coverage %
3.% Data recording& #ost'#rocessing& and analysis (
3.( "est identi)cation and content (
: Planned tests ;
4.1 "ests *$ase +++ ,
.1.1 Tests co&erage ,
.1.2 'lanned tests ,
4.2 "ests *$ase yyy ,
.2.1 Tests co&erage ,
.2.2 'lanned tests ,
9 Tests schedules <
= $e>uireents tracea*ility ?
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud
License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License
Software Test Plan of XXX
Doc # Version: 01 Page , / 11
1 2ntroduction
1.1 Document overview
This document is the soft#are test plan of the 888 soft#are de&elopment pro4ect.
6t contains the list of tests* #hich are e9ecuted during the phases of 888
integration and &eri)cation:
$oft#are 6ntegration tests*
$oft#are :eri)cation tests.
$ome sections of this document are about the organi;ation of tests and may
already be described in the pro4ect management plan. 6f so* reference the
matching section in the pro4ect management plan.
1.2 Abbreviations and Glossary
1-5-1 )**re%iations
1dd here abbre&iations
1-5-5 @lossary
1dd here #ords de)nitions
1.3 References
1-,-1 ProAect $eferences
< %ocument
%ocument Title
=51> 6% 1dd your documents references.
!ne line per document
1-,-5 Standard and regulatory $eferences
< %ocument
%ocument Title
1dd your documents references.
!ne line per document
1.4 Conventions
1dd here con&entions
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud
License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License
Software Test Plan of XXX
Doc # Version: 01 Page : / 11
5 Test en%ironent
This section describes the en&ironment of tests* from the point of &ie# of
organi;ation and logistics. 6t is intented to ensure the smooth progress of tests
?bugs apart@ on each site.
1ssumption : there are t#o test sites : one in your oAces and one in customers
oAces. %uplicate the sub-sections belo# if there are more than t#o sites.
2.1 Integration and factory test site
5-1-1 Bardware test Platfor
%escribe #here is located the test platform and opening hours* if necessary.
6f by chance there are speci)c reBuirements about po#er supply* room* air
conditioning* don/t forget them ?they may also be described outside this
document. That/s not really the 4ob of soft#are de&elopers0@.
%escribe the hard#are used to test your soft#are in your oAces. 6dentify
accurately the hard#are items :
6f standard computers and ser&ers
o +ard#are con)guration
o 'rocessor
o Memory
o +ard dis"
o Cet#or" connections
o Direless capabilities : Di)* bluetooth
6f you use speci)c hard#are ?hard#are simulator of a machine that you
don/t ha&e* hard#are lended by your customer or a 3rd party* electronic
card* a medical de&ice E@
o Their purpose
o Came
o Manufacturer
o Con)guration* &ersion
o Firm#are &ersion
o Lot number* serial number
o 1nything else E
o C%5!M* memory stic"s* tapes E
o 'rinter cartridges * paper E
(ou may dra# a deployment diagram* de)ne a net#or" address plan* electric
po#er supply plan* a room plan E
5-1-5 Software test tools
6dentify accurately the soft#are used for test :
!$Gs and ser&ice pac"s
!$ dri&ers ?if speci)c for you@
Hac"up / reco&ery tools
Deb* blogs* CM$* %atabases engines*
Memory* dis" usage* C'I* and net#or" analysers*
Test co&erage or test management tools
$imulator* data generator of soft#are or hard#are that you don/t ha&e
1ny tiny ?or big@ soft#are made by you to do the tests
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud
License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License
Software Test Plan of XXX
Doc # Version: 01 Page 9 / 11
For simple pro4ects* most of these may be tools pro&ided #ith the !$ ?df* du* ps*
top* dmesg* tas"manager* control panel E@* or consumer products ?M$ !Ace*
open oAce E@.
%escribe also the bug repository tool and the #ay bugs are collected.
5-1-, Test Data and docuentation
%escribe the sets of data used during tests. Their identi)cation* structure*
content* location* storage* ?structure and content may already be described in
the conception documents@*
input )les*
data )les*
scripts to generate data*
!utput )les* log )les
%escribe #hich documentation is deli&ered for the tests ?eg $oft#are tests
description* 6nstructions For Ise E@* if it is printed or online.
5-1-: 8ther test aterials
6f speci)c hard#are is reBuired : paper in e9otic format* a stop#atch* a ruler* a
compass* a #illy #aller 2007
1nd also pi;;as* bier* red bull E
5-1-9 2nstallation1 set-u!1 and aintenance
6f necessary* describe the installation and set-up of the tests platform* before its
%escribe also maintenance opJrations* if any.
5-1-= Personnel
6f necessary* describe the persons or profesional pro)les of persons #ho do the
tests* their number* the special s"ills reBuired.
2.2 Customer !ield test site
5epeat the pattern abo&e
6f your product is tested in an health care centre* or if your customer is a medical
de&ice manufacturer* ha&e in mind that you may pro&ide your customer #ith
hard#are* soft#are* data and documentation. (ou may install it and maintain it.
+is opening hours may be constrained* his personnel shall ha&e speci)c
Buali)cations E
6f you #or" directly #ith praticians ?of your medical ad&isory board* for e9ample@*
#ho are going to test your product in their oAces* some sub-sections may not be
rele&ant* focus on ho# tests input/output data are managed* ho# tests logs and
bugs reports are collected.
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud
License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License
Software Test Plan of XXX
Doc # Version: 01 Page = / 11
, Tests identi4cation
3.1 "esting #$ases
This test plan de)nes all tests to &erify all reBuirements of 888 soft#are in the
follo#ing successi&e testing phases :
Init tests*
6ntegration tests*
Factory tests*
Knd-user or Customer tests.
Change the list to )t your soft#are de&elopement pro4ect.
5eBuirements are de)ned in $5$* ref 888.
3.2 "est categories
Tests are distributed in categories* depending on the tests performed:
5is" analysis mitigation tests*
+uman factors engineering tests*
Main functions*
5esponse time*
%ata e9change
1dd your categories to the list* but "eep the )rst line0
3.3 "est #rogression
The tests are progression depends on the testing phase:
Init tests:
o The testing tool automatically sets the test progression. There is no
dependency bet#een unit tests.
6ntegration tests: tests are e9ecuted according to the follo#ing rationale:
o 6ntegration #ith interface 1 alone
o 6ntegration #ith interface H alone
o 6ntegration #ith interface 1 and H
Factory tests: test progression is de)ned according to the follo#ing
o 6nspection tests are done at )rst*
o Tests in category 999 are done after#ards*
o E
Knd-user tests:
o Test progression is de)ned according operational scenarios.
%escribe your o#n rationale.
3.4 "est coverage
%escribe tests co&erage rationale. K9ample :
Tests co&erage depends on the testing phase:
1utomated tests co&er all components of 888 soft#are.
6ntegration tests co&er all interfaces reBuirements of 888 soft#are.
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud
License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License
Software Test Plan of XXX
Doc # Version: 01 Page ; / 11
1lpha Tests co&er all reBuirements de)ned in the $5$* e9cepted E.
Heta Tests co&er all reBuirements de)ned in the $5$*
The traceability bet#een tests and reBuirements is listed in the L7 5eBuirements
1 reBuirement may reBuire more than one test to be &eri)ed. 6n this case* it
appears in all tests* #hich &erify it.
3.% Data recording& #ost'#rocessing& and analysis
%escribe ho# ra# test data are recorded* if necessary post processed and
For e9ample* manual* automatic* and semi-automatic techniBues for recording
test results.
6t may be a list of small procedures* #hich are launched before/after a session of
tests or before/after a subset of tests.
%escribe also #here tests data is stored ?scm repository* shared directory E@.
3.( "est identi)cation and content
Kach test is uniBue and contains:
1 uniBue identi)er*
The tests category*
1 te9tual description of test ob4ecti&e*
The traceability of the $5$ reBuirement?s@*
The &eri)cation method ?6* 1* %* T@*
%ata recording* post-processing and analysis procedure*
1ssumptions and constraints* if any
$afety* security and pri&acy concerns* if any.
The identi)er has the follo#ing structure:
%e)ne your o#n uniBue identi)ers.
For e9ample* concat the chars MT-M* the srs reBuirement 6% being tested*
M-N* and an incremental number ?if more than 1 test is need to &erify the
1 test identi)er is uniBue. 6f a test has to be completely rede)ned bet#een t#o
&ersions of this test plan* the pre&ious reference is cancelled and a ne# identi)er
is attributed to the test.
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud
License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License
Software Test Plan of XXX
Doc # Version: 01 Page < / 11
: Planned tests
For each phase* a list of tests is de)ned #ith an order of e9ecution if necessary.
4.1 "ests *$ase +++
:-1-1 Tests co%erage
The tests of phase 999 co&er the follo#ing range:
For e9ample: interfaces and critical reBuirements
5eBuirements of L9 and Ly of $5$
1 functional domain
1ll reBuirements
:-1-5 Planned tests
'lanned tests of phase 999 are listed in the table belo#. They are e9ecuted in the
same order.
Fill the table #ith your tests*
2denti4er Descri!tion # (ategor
:erify that 888 E 6 999
:erify that 888 E 6 yyy
:erify that 888 E % (yy
:erify that 888 E % (yy
Tests are fully described in the soft#are tests description ?$T%@ document.
4.2 "ests *$ase yyy
5epeat the pattern for each phase
:-5-1 Tests co%erage
The tests of phase yyy co&er the follo#ing range:
For e9ample: interfaces and critical reBuirements
5eBuirements of L9 and Ly of $5$
1 functional domain
1ll reBuirements
:-5-5 Planned tests
'lanned tests of phase 999 are listed in the table belo#. They are e9ecuted in the
same order.
Fill the table #ith your tests*
2denti4er Descri!tion # (ategor
:erify that 888 E 6 999
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud
License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License
Software Test Plan of XXX
Doc # Version: 01 Page ? / 11
2denti4er Descri!tion # (ategor
:erify that 888 E 6 yyy
:erify that 888 E % (yy
:erify that 888 E % (yy
Tests are fully described in the soft#are tests description ?$T%@ document.
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud
License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License
Software Test Plan of XXX
Doc # Version: 01 Page 10 / 11
9 Tests schedules
This either described in the pro4ect management plan* or here* or both* if some
details #ere missing #hen the pro4ect management plan #as #ritten.
The schedule for conducting the tests is the follo#ing:
(ou may add a graphical representation of the schedule ?gantt* E@ if
'hase 999:
$et-up and installation of platform: from yyyy/mm/dd to yyyy/mm/dd
6nstallation* copy of tests data
're-tests* personnel training* dry-run
Tests readiness re&ie#
Tests e9ecution
6ntermediate re&ie#s
Final test re&ie#
'hase yyy:
$et-up and installation of platform: from yyyy/mm/dd to yyyy/mm/dd
6nstallation* copy of tests data
're-tests* personnel training* dry-run
Tests readiness re&ie#
Tests e9ecution
6ntermediate re&ie#s
Final test re&ie#
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud
License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License
Software Test Plan of XXX
Doc # Version: 01 Page 11 / 11
= $e>uireents tracea*ility
1dd here the traceability of $5$ reBuirements.
2denti4er Descri!tion S$S
:erify that 888 E $5$-5KO-010 6
:erify that 888 E $5$-5KO-010 6
:erify that 888 E $5$-5KO-020 %
:erify that 888 E $5$-5KO-030 %
The &eri)cation methods ?6*1*%*T@ in this table shall match the &eri)cation
methods of $5$ reBuirements in L3 of $5$.
This Template is the property of Cyrille Michaud
License terms : see http://blog.cm-dm.com/post/2011/11/0/License

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