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Hello! My names Laura, Im 10 years old and Im a student. Im from Spain.

I live in
Madrid with my family. Ive got brown curly hair and black eyes. My parents names
are Sara and Carlos .My mum is a clothes designer and my dads a shop assistant. I
havent got any brothers or sisters. Ive got a kitten. Her names Chinina. Shes very
small; shes got grey hair and green eyes. Shes really cute!!!
At school my favorite subject is Art. I also like English and History, but I hate
Maths. Im not very good at numbers! I can paint really well and Ive got some of my
drawings on my bedrooms wall. My favourite colour is pink. I like eating fish and
chips but I dont like meat.
In my free time I like drawing, listening to music and meeting my friends.
My best friends name is Sara. Shes 10, too. Were both in the same class. Shes
got one brother, but no sisters. Saras very good at Art and Music is her favourite
subject. Her brothers name is Alex.
At weekends I meet my friends and we usually go to the swimming pool. Sometimes
we go to the cinema or stay in my home listening to music. I also go to drawing
classes because I want to be a famous painter.


Read the text about Laura and answer these

1. The opposite of straight = .....
1. Is Laura English?
2. You work in a shop = You are a .
3. A small cat =.........
2. What colour eyes has Laura got?
4. Very nice = ..
5. From Friday to Sunday=........
3. Has Laura got straight hair?
6. An artist who paints pictures=..
4. What does Lauras mum do?
5. Who is a shop assistant?
Complete the text about yourself.
6. Has Laura got any brothers or sisters?
Hello! My names and
Im .... years old. Im from
7. How old is Laura ?
.. and I live . .My
8. What pets hasHello!
names Laura, Im 10 years old
and Imnames
a student.
Im from Spain. I live in
my dadnames
Madrid with my family. Ive got brown curly hair and black eyes. My parents
. I
9. Who is Sara? are Sara and Carlos .My mum is a clothes
designer and my dads a shop assistant.

havent got any brothers or sisters. Ive got a kitten. Her names Chinina. Shes very
My Shes
10. Is Alex Laurassmall;
shes got grey hair and green eyes.

dont likebut
At school my favorite subject is Art. I also like Englishbut
I hate
11. Why doesnt Laura
Maths. Im not very good at numbers! I can paint really well and Ive got some of my
My favourite..
is chips
drawings on my bedrooms wall. My favourite
colour is pink. I like eating fish and
12. Can Laura paint?
but I dont like meat.
In my free time I like drawing, listening
to my
and meeting
my friends.
I like
. got
13. What does Laura
My like
friends name is Sara. Shes 10,
Were both in the
same class. Shes
one brother, but no sisters. Saras very
at ArtIand
Music is her favourite

14. What does Laura

subject. Her brothers name is Alex.
At weekends I meet my friends and we
usually go to the swimming pool. Sometimes
want to be
15. Why does Laura
we go to the cinema or stay in my home listening
to amusic.
I also go to drawing classes

because I want to be a famous painter.


Read the text about Laura and answer these
1. The opposite of straight = ...
1. Is Laura English?
2. You work in a shop = You are a ....
3. A small cat =......
2. What colour eyes has Laura got?
4. Very nice = ....
5. From Friday to Sunday=......
3. Has Laura got straight hair?
6. An artist who paints pictures=..
4. What does Lauras mum do?
5. Who is a shop assistant?
6. Has Laura got any brothers or sisters?
Complete the text about yourself.
Hello! My names
7. How old is Laura ?
and Im .... years old. Im from
.. and I live . .My
8. What pets has Laura got?
parents names .
My mum is and my dad
Hello! My names Laura, Im 10 years old and Im a student. Im from Spain. I live in
9. Who is Sara?
.. .
Madrid with my family. Ive got brown curly hair and black eyes. My parents names

Ive got
are Sara and Carlos .My mum is a clothes designer and my dads a shop assistant. I
10. Is Alex Lauras brother?
My favourite subject
havent got any brothers or sisters. Ive got a kitten. Her names Chinina. Shes very
but I dont like ..
shes?got grey hair and blue eyes. Shes really cute!!!
11. Why doesnt Laura like
I like .
At school my favorite subject is Art. I also like English and History, but I hate
My favourite.... is
12. Can Laura paint? Maths. Im not very good at numbers! I can paint really well and Ive got some of my
drawings on my bedrooms wall. My favourite colour is pink. I like eating fish and
And my favourite .
but I dont like meat.
13. What does Laura like
I like .and . .
In my free time I like drawing, listening to music and meeting my friends.
At weekends I .
My best
name is Sara. Shes 10, too. Were both in the same class. Shes
14. What does Laura usually
do at

got one brother, but no sisters. Saras very good at Art and Music is her favourite
brothers name is Alex.
15. Why does Laura go subject.
to drawing
I want to be a.
At weekends I meet my friends and we usually go to the swimming pool. Sometimes

we go to the cinema or stay in my home listening to music. I also go to drawing

classes because I want to be a famous painter.



Read the text a and answer these questions.

1. Is Laura English?
No, she isnt. Shes Spanish.
2. What colour eyes has Laura got?
Shes got blue eyes.
3. Has Laura got straight hair?
No, she hasnt. Shes got curly hair.
4. What does Lauras mum do?
Shes a clothes designer.
5. Who is a shop assistant?
Lauras dad.
6. Has Laura got any brothers or sisters?
No, she hasnt.
7. How old is Laura?
Shes 10.
8. What pets has Laura got?
Shes got a little kitten called Chinina.
9. Who is Sara?
She is Lauras best friend.
10. Is Alex Lauras brother?
No, he isnt. Hes Saras brother.
11. Why doesnt Laura like Maths ?
She doesnt like it because shes not very good at
12. Can Laura paint?
Yes,She can.She can paint very well.
13. What does Laura like eating?
She likes eating fish and chips.
14. What does Laura usually do at weekends?
She usually meets her friends and they go to the
swimming pool.
15. Why does Laura go to drawing classes?
Because she wants to be a famous painter.

1. The opposite of straight =curly.
2. You work in a shop = You are a shop
3. A small cat =kitten.
4. Very nice = cool.
5. From Friday to Sunday=weekend.
6. An artist who paints pictures=painter.

Students own answers.
Complete the text about yourself.
Hello! My names
and Im .... years old. Im from
.. and I live . .My
parents names .
My mum is and my dad
.. .
Ive got
My favourite subject
but I dont like ..
I like .
My favourite is ..
And my favourite .
I like .and . .
At weekends I .

I want to be a.

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