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For office use only:
Date Sent:
Date Rec'd:
f'CT 7^981
Information from this form will appear in Horizons and other infor
mation formats published by Mission Services Association.
This form is prepared to helpyou give accurate background informa
tion about yourself and your mission work.
'Please type or print clearly *Do not abbreviate
'Please do not write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for additional information you may want to provide.
This is not an application form. It is not an official form endorsing you and your work. It is simpiy a worksheet designed to help us publicize
your work that may help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance. Ifany questions seem too personal or seem offensive
to you, please feel free to leave them blank.
Date: _L
(Month Day
Name in full
Kenneth Wayne Ball
Spell out alt names First Name MiMte Name
Complete address on field: PQ Box 25
Kajfado, Kenya AFRICA
(Number Sfreef - City State Zip number Country)
Phone number on field: Kajiado 31 In Case of Emergency call # : Nairobi 23182
Ask for: Tom Kirkpatrick P.O. Box 59322 Nairobi , Kenya
(First Middle Last name and address)
Your complete address while in USA: 5548 Wain Creek Court, S.^ Salem) OR 97302
(Number - Street - City Slate - Zip)
Your USA phone number: area code
phone number 371 -3705
Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:
Court Street Christian Church Number &Street 17t.h and Cniirt .StrPPtc
(Full name ol church)
Salem State Oregon City
(Full name ol church)
Number & Street
Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose elders recommend you:
Number & Street
(Full name ol church)
City: State
Zip 97301
(Full name ot church)
Number & Street
City: State Zip
Please send letters of recommendation from the elders in
your sponsoring churches which will encourage other
churches to support your missionary work. Certainly the
words of these elders will help to convince others
regarding the worthiness of your mission work. Please
help MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS by
sending these elders' letters from your sponsoring
churches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to help
you contact these eiders if you will send the full
addresses of the churches.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names here and enclose a copy of each letter.)
Name: Number & Street
City: State Zip
Ptease sketch a map directing visitors to your location on the mission field
City _
Number & Street
Place of Birth Center Street city Salem
(Number 4 Sireel)
Date of birth August ^2 ^9^3
(f/onlh) (Day) (Year)
State Oregon
(Add date of arrival and naturalization date
Zip 97301
(Mor}lh) (Day) (Year) (Momh) (Day)
if applicable.)
Where baptized? Court Street Christian Church Date August, 1962
City Salem State Oregon Zip
On an extra sheet please describe any details regarding your conversion which you might care to mention..
Married X Single Divorced Widowed
Please give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife Sharon Ann Burletgh
Date of marriage August 5__^ ^972 Where married? Salem, Oregon
(Month) (Day) (Year)
Who solemnized your wedding? Frank Musgrace and Alton Peterson
List children by full name giving the place, birthday, month and year in the order of your children's birth days. (If your
children have been adopted please indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name in
this space.
Jonathan Wayne
Place of birth
Eugene, Oregon
Sarah Beth
Pasadena, CA
6 27 1978
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Give
approximate dates:
Place Position Service Dates
Ut. Chr. Ch. Euaene volunteer vouth worker 1971-1973
Holley Chr. Ch. youth pastor
evangelism, nurture 1973-1975
South Pasadena Chr. Ch. youth pastor
evangelism, discipling 1976-1979
EDUCATION (high school and later):
Name of school Location
So. Salem High School Salem, OR
Number of years
Degrees granted and date
(List honorary degrees)
Northwest Chr. College Eugene, OR 4 Bachelor of Arts
William Gary Inter. Univ. Pasadena, CA 1 diploma
Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA 2 none yet
What Influenced you to become a missionary? the prayers of my grandmother) a challenge to pray
about from colleague, Tim Doty.
What is your purpose in missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on the mission
Your own explanation In some detail might be Influential in leading others into full-time service. (Use extra sheets if
you need more space):
My purpose fn missions is to establish church-planting churches where the people are
receptive and the gospel has not yet been proclaimed.
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your dally duties on the field: This first year we are
studying language and culture, but in the future I expect to spend my time in evangelistic
safaris, discipling a few men, larger groups for leadership training.
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher Pilot
Homemaker Doctor Nurse Social Worker Music Teacher Radio
ministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of
mission equipment Maintenance Benevolent Office Work Production of Bible
Correspondence Courses Production of Christian literature in the National Language Village
Evangelism X Name other:
Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent) English - fluent - Maasai - not yet fluent
Father's name and his home address: Marvin Wayne Ball
(First Middle Last name)
Living X Deceased Number &Street 1841 NE 7tli
City Lincoln City ^state zip 97386 p^one 503/994-8696
His occupation State highway - maintenance Is he a Christian? Yes X nq
What positions of leadership has he held in the local church? Deacon
What Christian service does he now do? Functions as a loving fattier
Mother's full maiden name Julianna Edith Kjbby
(First Middle Last name)
Living X Deceased Number &Street 1841 NE 7th
r:ity Lincoln City , StateOregon 7ip 97386 phnn^. 994-8696
Is she a Christian? Yes No Her occupation if employed outside the
home librarian's assistant - Lincoln City High School
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church? servant
Do you have relatives in mission work? Yes No ^
If so, please list their names, location, kinship and details on a separate sheet with a brief explanation of their
missionary activity.
Narne Christian Missionary Fellowship
(First Middle Last name. If applicable, list both Mr. and Mrs. lull names.)
Number and Street P.O. Box 26306 , City 1.D4i_anap_oJ.i_S
State Indiana Zip 46226 Phone 317/542-9256
Where attend church?
(Full name ol church)
Number & Street City State Zip
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent?
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?
Does the forwarding agent receive a salary? In what form should funds be sent?
Please give the full name of the mission:
Does the mission have official tax exempt status? ^
Please give details of HOW checks should be written to this mission: ^^
Iffunds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the mission field, please explain the details of HOWto do it, so we
can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire
Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.
Thanks so very much; you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.
If you have additional information that you think will be helpful to the staff of MSA in preparing news stories about
your ministry, please feel free to send it. MSA is depending upon you. Thanks.
For office use only:
Date Sent:
Date Rec'd: - ' T V
Information from this form will appear in Horizons and other infor
mation formats published by Mission Services Association.
This form is prepared to help you give accurate background informa
tion about yourself and your mission work.
"Please type or print clearly "Do not abbreviate
"Please do not write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for additional information you may want to provide.
This is not an application form. It is not an official form endorsing you and your work, it is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicize
your work that may help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance. If any questions seem too personal or seem offensive
to you, please feel free to leave them blank.
8 1981
Day Year)
Name in full
Sharon Ann
Spell out all names First Name Miaaie Name Last Name
Complete address on field: P.O. Box 25
KajtadOa Kenya AFRICA
(Number Street City State Zip number Country)
Phone number on field: Kajiado 31 In Case of Emergency call # : Toin Kirkpartick - 23182 - Nairob
fQj.. Tom Kirkpatrick
(First Last name and address)
Your complete address while In USA:
5548 Wain Creek Court So, Salem, OR 97302
(Number City Zip)
Your USA phone number: area code phone number 371^3705 or 364-4535
Name and address of Livlnglink church or churches:
Court Street Chr. Ch. Number &Street 1699 Court St. NE
(Fuli name of church)
City Sal em
(Full neme ol church)
Number & Street
Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose elders recommend you:
Number & Street
(Full name ol church)
City: State
(Full name of church)
Number & Street
City: State Zip
Please send letters of recommendation from the elders in
your sponsoring churches which will encourage other
churches to support your missionary work. Certainly the
words of these elders will help to convince others
regarding the worthiness of your mission work. Please
help MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS by
sending these elders' letters from your sponsoring
churches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to help
you contact these elders if you will send the full
addresses of the churches.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names here and enclose a copy of each letter.
Name: Number & Street
Please sketch a map directing visitors to your location on the mission field
City: _
City _
Place of Birth Oak Street
(Number i Sireelj
Date of birth August
(Add date of arrival
if applicable.)
_ City _
22 1953
Number & Street
Sal em
and naturalization date
(Year) (Month)
March., 1970
Where baptized? Trintty Covenant Churcli
City Sal em State
_ Date
On an extra sheet please describe any details regarding your conversion which you might care to mention..
Married X Single Divorced Widowed
Please give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife Kenneth Wayne Bal 1
Date of marriage August
Who solemnized your wedding?
Where married? OR
Frank Musgrave and Alton Peterson
List children by full name giving the place, birthday, month and year inthe order of your children's birth days. (Ifyour
children have been adopted please indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name in
this space.
Jonathan Wayne
Sarah Beth
Place of birth
Eugene, Oregon
Pasadena, CA
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Give
approximate dates:
1st Chr. Ch.
volunteer youth worker
Service Dates
I married a .youth pastor in 1972 so mv work asa career has been as a wtfe and mother
EDUCATION (high school and later):
Name of school
So. Sal em High School
Oregon State Uni
Salem. OR
Corvallis, OR
Northwest Chr. College Eugene, OR
University of Oregon Eugene, OR
William Carey Intern,' Unt. Pasadena, CA
What influenced you to become a missionary? -
Debbie Doty
Number of years
1 ^
Degrees granted and date
(List honorary degrees)
diploma. 1971
the Holy Spirit, encouragement from Tim and
What is your purpose in missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on the mission
Your own explanation in some detail might be influential in leading others into full-time service. (Use extra sheets If
you need more space):
Mv purpose in mi^y^inns i^ tn hft a gnrily wifp and mnthpr 1 hope tO raise my children tO
be follpr^ nf Tf T happen to touch others in the process that will be an added blessi
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:
mornings - family care - afternoons - language learning and practice - evenings -
family care
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher
Homemaker ^ Doctor Nurse Social Worker Music Teacher
ministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of
mission equipment Maintenance Benevolent Office Work Production of Bible
Production of Christian literature In the National Language Village Correspondence Courses
Evangelism Name other:
Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent) English - fluent - Maasat - non-fluent
Father's name and his home address: Raymond Edward Burletgh
(First Middle - Last rtamej
Living __X Deceased Number &Street 5534 - 36th Avenue, SE
City Sal em , State Oregon zip 97302 Phone 362-4436
His occupation principal - elementary school |s he a Christian? Yes No
What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?
What Christian service does he now do?
Mother's full maiden name Patrtcta Ann Dayis
(First - Middle - Lest name)
Living X Deceased Number &Street 422 Salem Heights Avenue, South
r.ity Sal em state Oregon 97302 p^nne 364-4535
Is she a Christian? Yes X No Her occupation if employed outside the
home secretary - receptionist
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church? S.S. teacher
Do you have relatives in mission work? Yes _X No
if so, please list their names, location, kinship and details on a separate sheet with a brief explanation of their
missionary activity.
Christian Missionary Fellowship
(First Middle - Last name, It applicalile, list both Mr. and Mrs. lull names.)
Number and Street P.0. Box 26306 City Indianapol is
State Indiana Zip 46226 Phone 317/542-9256
Where attend church?
(Full name of ctiurch)
Number & Street City State Zip
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent?
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?
Does the forwarding agent receive a salary? In what form should funds be sent?
Please give the full name of the mission:
Does the mission have official tax exempt status?
Please give details of HOW checks should be written to this mission:
if funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the mission field, please explain the details of HOW to do it, so we
can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire
Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.
Thanks so very much; you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.
if you have additional information that you think will be helpful to the staff of MSA in preparing news stories about
your ministry, please feel free to send it. MSA is depending upon you. Thanks.
Would you start a fantastic new job, make all new, interesting friends and begin an
exciting new ministry if you knew you must leave after a few short years? I think
most of us would rather put down roots and settle in. In mission service sometimes
it takes a good many years - a lifetime to accomplish God's purposes. But in our
particular case we are building on the hard work of many Christians in decades gone
by. Among the Maasai people of Kenya there is a great, growing interest in the
gospel of Jesus Christ. What impresses us and the rest of our team of evangelists
is that the time for harvest is now.
Our plans include a relatively short term of service where evangelism, discipleship,
and leadership training take place simultaneously with a view toward leaving all
church business, including missions, in the hands of the emerging indigenous leadership,
But we are just beginning. Our first year in Kenya will be spent learning the Maasai
language and culture. We are using local Maasai speakers to teach us the language
each morning. Each afternoon we go to town and communicate what we've learned that
morning. So far we've been at it three months.
During this year we are using public transportation or just walking wherever we
go. This provides many otherwise unavailable opportunities for language practice.
However, we are now in the process of seeking funds for a four-wheel drive vehicle for
next year when we'll begin evangelistic safaris into the bush country.
We would welcome personal correspondence from anyone interested in our ministry or
in missions in general. The Lord's presence is our mainstay and His Word keeps us
going day by day. Our favorite promise for our work in Kajiado is I Thessalonians 5:24
"Faithful is He who calls you and He will also bring it to pass."
In His Service,
Ken, Sharon, Jon, and Sarah Beth

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