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Class: III Max. Marks: 80
Date: Duration: 2hrs.

I . Fill in the blanks: (10X1=10)

1. 176 X 45 = 45 X ____.
2. The place value of 8 in 78429 is _____.
3. The successor of 4299 is _____.
4. 72 X 1000 = ______.
5. The Roman numeral for 39 is ______.
6. 42 6 = ________.
7. 6 / 10 is written as _____ in words.
8. 2942 + _____ = 2942.
9. The smallest five digit number is _______.
10. ____ / 8 = 20 / 32

I I . Put >, < or = sign: (5X1=5)

1. 3 / 8 3 / 4.
2. XVII 14
3. 75010 75001
4. 9 / 12 7/12

III. Match the following: (4X1=4)
XII 36
XL 8
I V. Do as directed: (10X2=20)

1. Find whether 5 / 8 is equivalent to 10 / 12 ?
2. How much is three eighth of 80 ?
3. Divide : 372 by 6 (short division method)
4. Find the greatest and the smallest number from the following set of
numbers: 74,108 ; 78,810 ; 70,840 ; 74,801
5. Add : 15 / 53 + 8 / 53 + 7 / 53
6. Arrange the following in the ascending order
1 / 6 , 1 / 8 , 1 / 5 , 1 / 3
7. Find the fraction of the shaded portion in the figure

8. Write four fractions equivalent to 4 / 7.
9. Write 34027 in expanded form.
10. Find 6 / 7 of 21 Kg.

V. Compute: (5X4=20)

1. Add:
a) 71257 b) 2 4 3 6 4
24584 7 8 6 8 7

2. Multiply:
a) 3 2 1 7 b) 4 2 5
X 9 X 3 4

3. Subtract:
a) 90528 b) 4 2 4 0 4
- 62879 -
2 3 7 6 6

4. Divide:
a) 88201 by 50 b) 916 by 4
5. Subtract 5 / 7 3 / 7 using number line.

VI. Solve: (7X3=21)
1. The cost of a cycle is Rs. 5,149. Find the cost of 14 such cycles.
2. Seema had 8,756 stamps. She gave 3,109 to a friend. How many
stamps are left with her?
3. Simplify: 6,757 + 758 3, 319 6,574
4. How much is 6 times 7 less than 10 times 9?
5. What are the fractions represented by the points P, Q & R in the given
number line?

6. If there are 28 children in each bus, how many buses would be needed
to carry 392 children?
7. In a school there are 1,850 students in pre-primary section, 1530 in the
primary section and 1295 in the secondary section. Find the total
number of students in the school.


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