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The purpose of this project is to develop a scale measuring attitudes towards a controversial issue, and to see
whether demographic items (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity, beliefs) or attitudes toward another issue can be used to
predict attitudes on the target issue. You will construct the questionnaire, and it will consist of 4 predictor items
and a !"item attitude scale. You may #$T question people about their own personal activities and%or actions&
we are measuring attitudes. The questionnaire should be administered to at least '( other students on campus
(we will open it up to your social networ) of friends). You will analy*e whether there is a relationship between
any of your demographic%predictor items and scores on the attitude scale.
Opening Statement & Instructions to Subjects
(+e cannot include a letter of consent because we are using +ufoo.com, ma)e sure to write something into
the introduction of the survey above the instructions and let them )now the results are -#$#Y.$/0.)
You should include a brief written statement with the following points at the beginning of the questionnaire1
The general topic of the survey
0urvey is being conducted as part of an assignment for 2sychology
Their participation is voluntary and they are free to withdraw at any time
-ll data will be )ept confidential and their anonymity is assured
Demographic!re"ictor Items
You should construct four items that you thin) will predict attitudes toward the issue you are e3amining. These
items may be of the following types1
4emographics that you believe may be related to attitudes towards your controversial issue (age, gender,
religious beliefs, political affiliation, etc.)
o 5657Y$#5 08$/94 :#;9/45 -<5 -#4 <5#457 = T8505 T+$ ;$/#T -0 T+$ 2.:.>>>
:tems measuring a behavior or e3perience that you believe may be related to attitude towards the issue
o 8ow many friends or family members do you have that are bilingual? @@@@@@@
:tems measuring an attitude toward some other issue that might be related to the issue you are e3amining
o 4o you favor honors programs and -2 classes being offered at the high school level?
Attitu"e Sca#e
-ttitudes towards a controversial issue will be measured by ! 9i)ert items. 4efine your issue first and then
ma)e sure that all of your items are relevant to this issue. 9i)ert items consist of a statement followed by a
seven"point rating scale on which the subjects indicate their level of agreement with the statement. Aor a survey
of attitudes toward bilingual education, an e3ample would be1
' B 4 ( C D
0trongly 4isagree .oderately -gree 0trongly -gree
@@@@@. 9earning two languages at the same time probably confuses students. (this statement is negatively
keyed because someone who supports bilingual education would oppose it)
@@@@@'. 0tudents e3posed to other languages in primary and secondary school will probably have an advantage
at the collegiate level. (this statement is positively keyed because someone who supports bilingual education
would support it)
A:65 $A Y$/7 0T-T5.5#T0 08$/94 F5 #5<-T:659Y G5Y54 -#4 A:65 $A Y$/7
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F5 0/75 T$ 75.5.F57 +8:;8 0T-T5.5#T0 -75 2$0:T:659Y -#4 #5<-T:659Y G5Y54>>>

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