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Thanks so much for the positive response to my last writing about why NOT
to become a missionary. As I said, I will send a second part and here it is.

1. Dont Become a Missionary if You Arent Willing to Change. There are
many good qualities, which are needed in order to be able to become a
missionary, but flexibility is one of the more important ones. In general we do
not need to be very flexible in our home countries, do we? We actually
become very set in our ways, but when we enter the foreign field, then the
more determined you are to stick to your original plan regarding ministry or
living situation or friendships or organizations or personal growth the more
painful it is when that plan changes, and change it most definitely will.

2. Dont Become a Missionary at the Last Minute, on an emotional wave.
I have stopped calling people into missions as I realized that moving overseas,
especially with a family and particularly in any kind of committed capacity, is
not something to be taken lightly. Determining the cost is VERY important, so
is training:spiritual, emotional and cultural preparation as well. We need to
remember that this is not a sprint but rather a marathon, and the urgency of the
situation dictates that we are well prepared to complete the course!

3. Dont Become a Missionary to Fix Your Kids. I already said do not
become a missionary to become a better person and the same goes for
changing our kids. I have had to deal with many missionaries wanting to live
on the mission field because they think its a good environment in which to
raise their kids. Jerking your children from a liberal society and sticking them
in an hut surrounded by animists so they can find God is not a valid
parenting technique. Believe me if I say that family and personal problems
will follow you overseas, and will be amplified.

4. Dont Become a Missionary to Find Cool Friends. This point also joins
up nicely with the previous one. We often think we will have a better life on
the mission field. We will be better people, have better kids and find better
friends. Believe me if I say that the mission field can draw some pretty strange
people, like myself. We have found this the MOST challenging part of our
work:building relationships with our fellow missionaries! I found that my
social interactions are awkward with many of my co-workers.

5. Dont become a missionary if you are not willing to lower your
standard of living. I quickly realized that my standard of living is drastically
lower in a developing country. If you are not ready to start living much more
uncomfortably than back home then DONT come! We have had to deal with
young missionaries coming from home with all their stuff ready to fly into
their bush location and build big comfortable houses, with many solar panels,
big screen tvs etc, etc. Always remember that you will always be considered
wealthy in the eyes of the nationals. The nationals do not think that we are
making much of a sacrifice;so don't expect to be congratulated or thanked for
the sacrifices you made to come.
Thats just a few reasons but there are many more. If you would ever like to
chat about this, contact me.
Cheers and blessings
Moblle - 06195520J9
moll - looteos_lootetlotm.otq
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