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Rosa was accepted into the Master's in Music program at the University of Texas
at El Paso. She has completed her first semester, and her grades were good. There
were many times during those first few months however, that she wanted to throw
it all out the window and forget the degree program. She is keeping herself extremely
busy with the home, kids, school, church activities and substitute teaching. One
new project which she has just begun is the preparation of puppets for use by her
Sunday school class. The pollution does affect her fromtime to time especially during
the fall and spring periods. We are needing to get her another pair of contacts and
glasses sometime in the near future. Please remember her and her special ministry
in your prayers.
Billy will graduate from high school this spring. He is looking at Bible colleges
and trying to make up his mind. One of the pre-requisites he is looking for is a solid
Bible program and a good orchestra program available in the same community.
Among our brotherhood, that may be a hard situation to find. He wants to be able
to serve the Lord and use his musical ability at the same time. He could use some
special prayer as he makes some very important decisions at this time.
Barbie is developing into a very special young lady. She was a cello soloist at
a recent orchestra concert and is greatly improving on both the piano and cello.
She is active in the Lord's work through many different activities at Logan Heights
Christian Church and will be entering high school in the fall. It seems likejust yesterday
that she entered our lives. Soon she will be on her own and making a mark in the world.
Frances continues to make excellent grades in school. She is continuing piano
lessons with "Mom" as teacher. That arrangement is working out OK, but we would
like to be able to provide her with private lessons from someone outside the family.
She is a very caring and loving individual.
Caleb is in the first grade and doing a lot better since we got him fitted with glasses.
It seems that with four children in glasses we are always needing to get one of them
fixed or changed. Rosa has begun teaching him piano. He is showing signs of special
interests, but his musical ability is not coming as naturally as the other children.
As you have probably guessed, I am very proud of all four of our children. They
all have far more potential in the Lord's work than I ever dreamed of having at their
age. A prayer in their behalf would be appreciated.
As a family we appreciate all that our Christian friends do for us. Many times a
note of encouragement means so much to us. Your prayers are always welcomed
and without the faithful financial support of God's people we would not be able to
continue working with the ministry of Spanish American Evangelism. For all you do,
this note of thanks is for you. THANK YOU!
Sincerely in Christ,
Bill Baker
Fresh From the Baker's Oven Non-Profit org.
News of the Bill Baker family
Spanish American Evangelism ei Paso Texas
3135 Forney Lane Pe^So Ss
El Paso, Texas 79935
Mission Services
PO Box 2437
Kno.cville TM 37901
Billy performs at the National
Hispanic Christian Convention in
Denver, Colorado.
The Bill Baker FamilyServing Christ Through
Spanish American Evangelism
3135 Forney Lane, El Paso, TX 79935
Volume No. 9 January 1990 Number 1
Dear Friends of the Baker family,
As I sat down at the computer at approximately 5:30 this morning
(January 23, 1990), I realized that I had just overcome the first hurdle in
getting this newsletter in your hands. This is a project which I wanted to
get done prior to Christmas. As you can guess, our newsletter took second
place to other projects at Spanish American Evangelism. The story goes
that the cobblers children never get a new pair of shoes. Well, 1was able
to print newsletters for Marilyn Wood, Ed VVeckerly and Samuel Guzman
at the close of 1989 but was unable to get our own newsletter written and
mailed. With a lot of luck, the hand of the Lord and the United States postal
service, you should receive this early in February.
The last seven months for the Baker family have been extremely busy
and productive. I firmly believe that they have been the most effective in
my ministry since graduating from Platte Valley Bible College in 1972.
Because of this, I have many things which I would like to share with you
concerning our ministry. Space requirements limit me to simply an over
view of many of our activities. If something is mentioned in the following
report which interests you and you would like more information, please
feel free to contact me personally.
month for the matching program. Perhaps the best example we have to date concerning the response
is the letter we received from Olin Atwood:
Dear Bill & Rosa,
Greetings, dear ones.
What a blessed Saviour &God we have!! In August, September &November of 19861 was near death
and did not expect to get out of the hospital, except under a sheet! How He has blessed, strengthened
and sustained me!!
In mid-November of 19891started dis-mantling a 24 x 16grainery for a neighbor. He gave me the lumber
for doing the work. I finished the job on Jan. 2. It had 2x6 studs for walls and, of course, 2x6 sills
andplates. Isold those for$200.00am sending the money to helpyou inyour "MatchingFunds" campaign.
I thank God daily that He gave me the strength and stamina to do the job! I worked2 to 3 1/2hours
in the morning and then 2 to 2 1/2in the afternoonif I felt likeIt. Ifnot, I didn't work!Anyhow, He helped
me do it, kept me safe on ladders, scaffolds, etc. All I have left to do Is burn some of the old shingles
and it is all done.
NowI'mlookingaround for more workto doold houses to take down for the lumber. If I findanything
and get the lumber sold, there will be more money for you. Pray that I may be able to do it.
In His dear love,
PS. Deloris just over a week-end "bug".
If you want to know more about the "SAE Matching Funds Program", please contact us at SAE.
Pictures taken at American Rehabilitation Ministries in Jopiin, Missouri,
Top: Bill Baker with 850,000 tracts which were printed in 7 days. Bottom:
A two-color press could increase our capacity to 10.000.000 tracts anualty.
LeftOn the Honduran border a group of happy people wanted their picture taken with the New Testaments
and the "Gringos" who presented the special gifts to them. Bottom LeftA bus load of people from El Salvador
graciously received New Testaments for their own use and then asked for additional copies for distribution
in their home community. Shortly after returning to El Paso, we began receiving enrollment cards for the
correspondence course from deep into El Salvador as a direct result of this God-given opportunity. Bottom
RightBill Baker with Humberto Mansilla in Cuilapa, Santa Rosa. Guatemala. He learned about Spanish
American Evangelism while in Mexico City. Someone gave him a ride and a New Testament with our name
and address In it. He wrote the office requesting New Testaments. This man has a zeal for evangelism. He
used the 400 New Testaments we gave him to evangelize and open two new mission points. He is trying
to open communication with a primitive Indian tribe which does not speak Spanish. Humlierto has requested
additional New Testaments because his supply was quickly exhausted. Lord willing, we will replenish his work
in April. Thousands of individuals were introduced to the Gospel as a result of the trip which was taken during
July and August last year.
With the addition of several new staff members and equipment, our
present office facilities will be splitting at the seams even more. We were
recently able to pick up three desks and a used phone system which
will increase our efficiency. We will be getting all the use possible out
of our present facility until we are able to relocate into larger facilities.
I cannot go into details, but I am in negotiation for the acquisition of
a 12,000 square foot building on 1.4 acres. The negotiation is centered
around a possible trade which could leave SAE without additional debt.
If we are able to complete this trade, we would have room for several
motor homes for our "snow-bird" friends who spend some time with
us and help in the finishing of tracts and other materials. There is space
for three two-bedroom apartments and four guest rooms also. Please
be in prayer concerning the future expansion of SAE.
While the work at Logan Heights Christian Church is not a part
of the ministry of Spanish American Evangelism, the Baker family
takes an active part in all areas of the program at LHCC. Rosa
teaches a Sunday school class, works with many musical groups
and organizes several special programs during the year. Bill serves
as an elder, treasurer, teacher and general handy-man. Billy
presides at many of the services and provides positive leadership
in the youth program. All of the children are active in their respective
age groups. Pictured here are three scenes of church activities:
AbovePart of the congregation following church services. Top
RightThe youth choir as they sang at the National Hispanic
Convention in Denver, Colorado, RightThe youth and children of
the church as they presented the Christmas program this year.
A Christian businessman has agreed to match dollar for dollar up to $60,000.00 all funds which we
can raise during 1990 for the purpose of expansion and relocation of the ministry. If our program of
expansion and relocation is successful, our effectiveness will increase ten-fold. The effectual fervent
prayer of God's people is imperative during the coming year.
The expansion program is centered In the following areas: 1. Relocating the Robert Marsh and
Tito Rojas families and Ruth Knavel to El Paso. 2. Acquisition of larger facilities for the ministry.
3. Expansion of printing capability. 4. Remodeling of the larger property. 5. Enough paper for the
printing of ten million tracts.
Because of the potential in the matching program, we can accomplish these goals and end the year
You can help us reach the $60,000.00 goal! For many ministries, $60,000.00 is not a lot of money.
For Spanish American Evangelismit is an enormous sum. The general fund of SAE averaged less than
$1,800.00 per month during 1989. The stipulations on the matching funds require that current giving
not be included in the matching program. In order to reach our goal for the matching fund program,
we need to raise the equivalent of almost three years of our current general fund giving.
The successful completion of this program depends upon a response from as many different sources
as possible. We have heard from a number of individuals and churches concerning the matching fund
program. One congregation is planning a special Easter offering for the SAEMatching Funds Program
and has set a goal of $5,000.00. This project is too big for any one individual or cof;tgregation to respond
The entire Baker family shared in the program of
Little Rockies Christian Service Camp in Landusky,
Montana, during June. We worked with three different
weeks of camp and were also able to share the
ministry of SAE in churches throughout the state of
Montana during the week-ends also. The entire family
was able to participate in the camping program.
Rosa, Billy and Barbie were able to provide special
instrumental music. The entire family taught some
songs in Spanish. We really enjoyed this opportunity
to be able to work with the young people of Montana.
It is our prayer that we made as much of an impression
on them as they made on us.
During the senior week of camp, Billy made a com
mitment to spend at least one year in Bible college.
Rosa and I have not tried to force our desires on our
children. It made us very happy to know that Billy
was wanting to make this type of a decision. He is
now trying to find a school which can provide him
with a good background in Bible and allow him to
continue his violin studies.
Following the time in Montana, we participated as
a family in the National Hispanic Convention in
Denver, Colorado. Rosa was in charge of the music
at the convention. This provided a time to fellowship
with workers in the Hispanic churches from all areas
of the United States. The convention for 1990 will be
held in Eagle Pass this summer, and Rosa is in
charge of the entire youth program. Please
remember her in your prayers as she plans and puts
together the program.
On August 24th Billy,
Brother Larry Leathermon, Al
Hamon and I departed on a
three week trip into Central
America. This was an eye
opening experience for Billy,
as the Central American situa
tion is far different from that of
Mexico. We visited Christians
in Mexico, Guatemala, Hon
duras and El Salvador. The
9380 New Testaments we were
able to transport were provided
through Christian Gospel Distributors, Monroe, Oregon.
As a result of the New Testament distribution, over 300
new students have been enrolled in the correspondence
course. It was beautiful to see soldiers, young people
and travelers accepting
copies of God's Word
and immediately filling
out enrollment cards and
returning them to us for
New contacts were
made with Christian
workers throughout the
Central American region.
As the situation in this troubled area of the world seems
to worsen with each coming day, it is good to know that
God has His own army of "Christian Guerrilla Warriers"
in place to spread news of the only hope available for
mankind. We at Spanish American Evangelism praise
God that He is opening more and more doors of
opportunity for our ministry in that area.
I am planning two trips into Central America this year.
The first will be during April as I have been invited to
preach an Easter revival in Cacahuatan, Chiapas, Mexico.
Following the meeting, plans call for visiting and
distributing literature to national workers in Guatemala,
Honduras and El Salvador. The second trip is tentatively
planned for the fall. If you would be interested in
accompanying me during one of these literature
distribution adventures, please contact me.
Aslide presentation has been prepared concerning
this latest trip into Central America. Ifyour church would
be interested in hosting a presentation, I would be will
ing to work with you in setting up a date.
Because of a special arrangement with American
Rehabilitation Ministries in Joplin, Missouri, I was able
to print over 1,250,000 tracts in approximately ten days
printing time. Brother Joe Garman, president of A.R.M.,
agreed to allow me to use their press in exchange for
a portion of the Spanish materials printed. Part of the
ministry of A.R.M. is to provide printed materials for
prisioners in American penal institutions. The current
prison populationis heavily Hispanic. This arrangement
allowed A.R.M. to expand their work among Hispanic
inmates without a substantial financial investment. It
allowed Spanish American Evangelism to produce a
record number of tracts in a minimal amount of time.
We provided all materials used, they provided the
press. Since we are in the business of providing
evangelistic materials in Spanish at no charge to
those who need them, what difference did it make
if we gave A.R.M. over 125,000 tracts for use in the
prisons of America?
The time I spent in Joplin convinced me that we
could do many times more than we are doing now
if a two-color press could be acquired. A.R.M. is
closing down their printing operation, and we have
hopes of either purchasing their shop or finding
similar equipment on the used market.
During the past two-years, we have been looking
for additional staff for SAE. I have been doing all of
the printing in addition to management, administra
tion, and promotional responsibilities. This has
created a situation where corners had to be cut in
certain areas. Many times the over-all program of
Spanish American Evangelism has been scaled
back because of lack of personnel. An item of prayer
has continually been for at least one additional
worker in this ministry. God has apparently answered
that prayer.
In late February or early March, three new family
units will be moving to El Paso to work with the pro
gram of SAE. Ruth Knavel is a retired school system
employee with experience in graphic arts. She visited
in El Paso at the beginning of last year and is hoping
to relocate to El Paso from Illinois. Bob and Mary
Marsh served in Peru, South America in a printing
ministry for 19 years. Their love is in and among
Spanish-speaking people. Their tract ministry in Peru
distributed approximately one million tracts per year.
Because of the political situation in Peru, the
Marshes returned to the States last February. They
went to Peru with a 10 year old daughter and returned
with a daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren.
Their son-in-law, Tito Rojas, worked with them in the
print shop for several years prior to coming to the
United States. Both of these families plan to relocate
this spring to El Paso. They will be bringing with them
several pieces of printing equipment which will
complement that which we already have.
These additional workers are responsible for raising
their own living-link support. They are all in need of
additional support. If any church or group might be
interested in helping them, let us know.
The Bill Baker Family
Serving Christ Through
Spanish American Evangelism David Montoya sharing news of his ministry with Bill
3135 Forney Lane, El Paso, TX 79935 Baker in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico
Volume No. 9 Christmas, 1990 Number 2
a Child
May the Blessings of
Christ's Birth Be Yours
for Now and Eternity!
From the Bakers,
Bill, Rosa,
Billy, Barbie,
Frances and Caleb
Volume No. 9 Christmas, 1990 Number 2
Dear Friends of the Baker family,
"For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given!"
What a joy it is to knowthat we have a Savior sent especially for each of us.
Without our Lord Jesus Christ we certainly would be nothing! Thank you, God,
for Jesus who has brought us salvation!
What a busy family we have been since May. After Billy's graduation it seemed
like we were inhigh gear to reach our next date. Wetraveled once again to different
churchcamps and churches. Then wewere home one weekand had togo to Eagle
Pass to the National Spanish convention. It was a good convention, but my respon
sibilities as director of the youth convention sure kept me busy. I had about 150
young people every service. I thank the Lord I was able to carry it out and for all
the help He brought me through other people. Bill and the kids love this kind of
life, but I guess I'm getting old. I'd like a summer at home!
Billy did not travel with us. He decided to stay home and work. Then because
of car problems that didn't work out. He ended up going to Hahn's Peak, Colorado,
to work with the state parks department there. Wethank Rilla Wiggins for her love
and concern shown to Billy while he stayed with her throughout the summer. He
came home in mid-August in time to get ready and go off to college. He is attending
Pacific Christian College in Fullerton, California, and is doing well and really likes
it. Finances are kind of tight, but I guess that's part of growing up and learning
to juggle your dollars. Lord willing, He'll be home for Christmas.
The other three are fine and were a big help at the camps this summer. Barbie
took over as songleader, gave specials, etc., and did a great job. She's doing really
well on her piano and continues to get better on her cello.
Frances keeps bringing home honor roll report cards and does well on her piano
under Barbie's teaching.
Caleb is quite a kid. He likes to draw and play, of course. His special interest
right now is reading the Bible. He is discerning God's Word for himself.
The Logan Heights Christian Church keeps going "slowly but surely." We now
have most of the money for replacing the church roof, and I guess, when Bill gets
back, his next "small" project will be doing that. Anyone want to help? My prayers
are that soon they will be able to stand on their own two feet. Keep us in prayer!
The last two months have really been hard since Bill has been gone so much.
Sometimes I wonder if I can stand it! Right now he is still in Central America, and
Lord willing, bythe time this letter goes out, he will be back and will give you first
hand news of his escapades.
My past year has been really busy. School was great, but it took much work
on my part. It was really exciting to learn so much more new things about music.
Because of finances I was not able to continue, but Lord willing, next year I can
start again. This year Iam a permanent substitute junior high choir teacher. 1teach
2 1/2 hours a day, but because of all the paper work and daily work, I am putting
in quite a bit of time on this. The good thing is maybe I can save some money
to go back to school.
Thank you so much, and may God's love and mercy be with you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The Bakers,
Rosa, Bill, Billy, Barbie, Frances & Caleb
P.S. Well, as you can see, Rosa wrote the above
letter while I was in Central America last month.
Although it Is always a hard trip, it is an encourage
ment to meet people who are using materials
produced and distributed by Spanish American
Evangelism. Space and time will not allow me to
give a complete report here. I do however want to
share a few of the highlights. We traveled over
7,000 miles and visited seven different Latin
American countries in 20 days. We left El Paso with
13,600 New Testaments and approximately 50,000
tracts and other literature items. (I had hoped to
take 15,000 New Testaments but was prevented
doing so by the weight limitations on the vehicle.) The response to literature distribution
was excellent, and we had the privilege of meeting personally for the first time individuals
who have been using our materials for some time. One of these was David Montoya
from Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico. David learned of SAE as a result of previous
literature distributions. Ayear ago he was In danger of losing his right leg to cancer and
was asking the Lord to open up an avenue of service. He came across one of the New
Testaments we provide in cooperation with Christian Gospel Distributors of Monroe, Oregon.
He requested some for evangelism purposes and has provided over $300.00 for shipping
New Testaments, Bibles and other Christian
literature was distributed throughout Mexico
and Central America.
expenses. We had previously shipped him 5,700 New Testaments and other evangelistic
materials and left him 2,400 NewTestaments and a box of assorted tracts during this trip.
In talking with him, he credits Spanish American Evangelism with his being cured from
cancer. He stated that, when he began in earnest a literature distribution ministry, the
Lord cured him of the cancer. His scars are still present on the leg and he walks with
a limp, but the cancer is gone! I told him that it was not SAE but the Lord who healed
him. Because of travel delays we arrived with the literature later than expected. He had
200 people waiting to meet us on Wednesday and Thursday to hear the message of God's
salvation through Jesus Christ. He was excited to see us on Saturday morning but was
disappointed that we were not able to meet with the larger group earlier. The timing was
not right on this trip, but he wants me to hold a week of meetings with him in the future
as time and finances permit.
Another high point in the trip was meeting Juan Rodriguez in David, Panama. This young
man is a native of the Dominican Republic and has started 25 churches in Central America.
He has trained local leadership in each of these churches. One of these mission chur
ches visits the "mother church" each week, and his ministry is growing at a phenomenal
rate. It made my day, week and year when he related to me that one of the reasons for
the success of his ministry was the solid doctrinal materials he has been receiving from
Spanish American Evangelism.
There is so much more I could share if I could just sit down and visit with each of you.
Perhaps, God will allow us to do that in the future.
In Christ,
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David Montoya proudly testifies that the Lord
healed the cancer on his leg.

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