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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course
Cell Organelles Unit Plan
Unit Author
First and Last Name Sam Wesley
School District FV School District
School Name Fulton
School City, State FV CA
Unit Overview
Unit Title
What in the cell is this?
Unit Summary
Students will learn structure and function of cell organelles.
Subject Area
his unit !lan addresses cell structure, cell organelles and their functions, and cell !rocesses.
Grae !evel
A""ro#imate Time $eee
Si# to eight $% minute class !eriods.
Unit %ounation
Targete Content Stanars an &enchmar's
Cell Biology
1. All living organisms are composed of cells, from just one to many trillions, whose details usually
are visible only through a microscope. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know cells function similarly in all living organisms.
b. Students know the characteristics that distinguish plant cells from animal cells, including
chloroplasts and cell walls.
c. Students know the nucleus is the repository for genetic information in plant and animal
d. Students know that mitochondria liberate energy for the work that cells do and that
chloroplasts capture sunlight energy for photosynthesis.
e. Students know cells divide to increase their numbers through a process of mitosis, which
results in two daughter cells with identical sets of chromosomes.
f. Students know that as multicellular organisms develop, their cells differentiate.
Investigation and Experimentation
7. Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful uestions and conducting careful investigations.
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Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing the content in the other three strands,
students should develop their own uestions and perform investigations. Students will:
a. Select and use appropriate tools and technology !including calculators, computers,
balances, spring scales, microscopes, and binoculars" to perform tests, collect data, and
display data.
b. #se a variety of print and electronic resources !including the $orld $ide $eb" to collect
information and evidence as part of a research project.
c. %ommunicate the logical connection among hypotheses, science concepts, tests conducted,
data collected, and conclusions drawn from the scientific evidence.
d. %onstruct scale models, maps, and appropriately labeled diagrams to communicate
scientific knowledge !e.g., motion of &arth's plates and cell structure".
e. %ommunicate the steps and results from an investigation in written reports and oral
Stuent Objectives(!earning Outcomes
Students 0now how cell organelles wor0 inde!endently and together allowing for !ro!er cell function.
Students also 0now the characteristics that distinguish !lant from animal cells.
Curriculum)%raming *uestions
What do cell organelles do?
1ow do cell organelles indi,idually and together contri2ute to the success of a
1ow does the cell mem2rane 0now what to let in and out?
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
& '(() *ntel Cor!oration. All +ights +eser,ed. -age ' of /
Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
&e+ore "roject wor' begins Stuents wor' on "rojects
an com"lete tas's
A+ter "roject wor' is
Students survey
each other and
parents about cell
info. (resent info.
)o other groups.
Students will
complete pre test.
F:\Inside of a Cell
Total Physical
Response. * will
lead the students
through an initial
introduction to the
cell organelles.
Cell Organelle
Groups. Students
ill create a
nespaper ith
cell in!o.
"espaper ill
include a nes#
sports# !ashion and
$usiness section.
Cell Organelle
poem. $rite poems
that will infuse cell
function and
structure in a fun
and creative way.
Cell Organelle
Students ill
dra portraits o!
cells giving them
human li%e
!eatures in
relation to their
Present draings
"espaper to
Assessment Summary
eacher will o2ser,e and also include 3uestion and answer ty!e sessions during lessons. Drawings and
news!a!er will used to gauge students understanding of cell structure and function.
Unit ,etails
Prere-uisite S'ills
4asic s0ills for researching info. regarding cell organelles.
Instructional Proceures
*ntro cells5
Discuss cell structure and function5
*nclude ,ideos6d,ds a2out cells5
Show sam!les of drawings and news!a!er5
Students will go Cells Ali,e
Inside a Cell
Student sample
& '(() *ntel Cor!oration. All +ights +eser,ed. -age % of /
Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
C:\Documents and
Settings\TNT05\Local Settings\Temp\Temporary Directory for CellToCell.!ip\CellToCell\cells"ne#spaper.doc
Student checklist
C:\Documents and
Settings\TNT05\Local Settings\Temp\Temporary Directory $ for CellToCell.!ip\CellToCell\cells"c%ec&.doc
Accommoations +or ,i++erentiate Instruction
S"ecial $ees
-eer tutors can 2e used in grou! settings. 7se e#tra ,isuals and auditory
cues. Some wor0 can 2e !ro,ided for students if needed.
See A2o,e.
Create a !ower!oint or ,ideo for class in which students can role !lay or act out
!arts of the cell.
.aterials an /esources /e-uire %or Unit
Technology 0 1arware 8Clic0 2o#es of all e3ui!ment needed9
Digital Camera
DVD -layer
*nternet Connection
Laser Dis0
-ro:ection System
Video Camera
Video Conferencing ;3ui!.
Technology 0 So+tware 8Clic0 2o#es of all software needed.9
Des0to! -u2lishing
;5mail Software
;ncyclo!edia on CD5+<=
*mage -rocessing
*nternet We2 4rowser
We2 -age De,elo!ment
Word -rocessing
<ther >oogle 6 -ower!oint
Printe .aterials
-rentice 1all "
>rade te#t2oo0
Com!uter la25
Cell 2oo0s5
Cell ,ideos and d,ds5
& '(() *ntel Cor!oration. All +ights +eser,ed. -age $ of /
Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
Internet /esources
1) www.schools.manatee.k12.fl.us/072!"!##!$/celllessonplans
%&ow to set up and conduct a mic'oscope lab fo' the cell.)
2) www.lessonplanspa(e.com)Science&.htm
%* +0 min cell lesson plan usin( technolo(,.)
-) http://cellsalive.com)cells/cell_model.htm
%.his in an inte'active *nimal and /lant "ell Wecsite. Whe'e students can see cell
o'(anelles in action0and manipulate them).
1) www.teache'sfi'st.com)winne'/cellpa'ts.cfm %('oup p'o2ect havin( students
c'eate want3ads fo' o'(anelles in a newspape').
+) www.accesse4cellence.o'(/*5/*5"/*56/1778/"alo_cell.php
%9'oup p'o2ect fo' students usin( ca'ds to indentif, cell
o'(anelles in plants: animals and bacte'ia.)
8) http://education.sdsc.edu)download/en'ich/cellstud,
%/ictu'e dia('ams of the cell whe'e pa'ts of the o'(anelles
can be deleted o' added ; alon( with thei' definitions.)
7) http://education.sdsc.edu)download/en'ich/cellstud,
%/ictu'e dia('ams of the cell whe'e pa'ts of the o'(anelles
can be deleted o' added ; alon( with thei' definitions.)
<) http://www.bibiblio.o'(/vi'tualcell/
%* website whe'e students can take a vi'tual tou' of a plant
and animal cell.)
<) www.lessplansinc.com/biolo(,
%* cell memb'ane lesson plan involvin( the cheek cell.)
7) http://science.howstuffwo'ks.com %a video on how $ed =lood "ells wo'k and
'ep'oduce0inte'active and includes mitosis)
10 http://www.teach3nolo(,.com
%/lant and animal cell wo'ksheets that can be downloaded).
11 http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model.htm
12 http://lea'n.(enetics.utah.edu/content/be(in/cells/insideacell/
Other /esources
Co!yright & '(() *ntel Cor!oration. All rights reser,ed. *ntel, the *ntel logo, *ntel ;ducation *nitiati,e, and *ntel each -rogram are trademar0s
of *ntel Cor!oration in the 7.S. and other countries. ?<ther names and 2rands may 2e claimed as the !ro!erty of others.
& '(() *ntel Cor!oration. All +ights +eser,ed. -age @ of /
Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
& '(() *ntel Cor!oration. All +ights +eser,ed. -age / of /

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