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Welcome to our Service!

Thank you for worshiping with us

today. We trust you will be blessed
and encouraged by the Word of

Please use the Connecting Card
attached to this Bulletin to share
any concerns or prayer requests
you may have.

Our Ministry Staff Contact Info
Senior Pastor Bill Finch
Worship Director Alfredo Faundez
alfredo@ westbourneministries.ca
Childrens Director Maria-Jose Faundez
Admin Assistant Bonnie Baldwin

Offices located at: #221 Westbourne Place

Nursery: 0 - 3 years old
Childrens Church: 4 - 10 years old,
during the sermon.
Library: Open for an hour both
before & after the service.
Upstairs across from the kitchen.
Contact is Betty Ferguson

give thanks in all circumstances; for
this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
for you. 1
Thess. 5:18 ESV

Pr ocl ai mi ng the gl or y of God to the Nati ons
The Marks of a Thankful Heart
Pastor Bill Finch
Thess. 5:18
Oct. 12, 2014

Missionary Memo
October 12, 2014

Dear friends at Westbourne,

Steve here Imagine Christmas in Cambodia. I dont imagine it will be
turkey and mashed potatoeslikely fish and rice. With 95% of Cambodias
population claiming to be Buddhist, not many Cambodians will celebrate the
birth of Christ this Christmas. However, each year that percentage dwindles
because the Lord is at work in this country. In fact, there will be more
Cambodians celebrating Christmas this year than there were a generation
ago. Cambodia is actually an exciting missions story!

Cambodia is a nation of 14 million people, with 80% of the population in
rural areas. Protestant missions started only 40 years ago, but by the 60s
there were approximately 1,000 Christians. During the 70s dramatic growth
occurred amidst the brutal killing fields of the Pol Pot communist regime.
It is believed that 80% of Christians and all pastors were martyred between
1975-79. Around 1990, the country opened to other mission agencies and
the Cambodian Evangelical Fellowship currently lists 100 denominations
with approximately 200,000 evangelical believers, or 1.5% of the
population. The growth has been rapid and shows no signs of slowing down.

This years FAIR Christmas project is centered on the ministry of Nhep and
Oeut Pech, who are using the FAIR-funded mobile dental clinic to provide
dental care to Cambodians in villages, towns, and prisons where they then
share the Gospel with each patient. To date, they have treated over 5,000
patients, most of whom have never heard the Good News of Christ. They
have led scores of nominal Buddhists to Christ, designed a discipleship
track, and established three church plants; their ministry has been fruitful.

Thank you for faithfully praying,

Fellowship President, Steven
Jones, wife Marilyn and
children Katelyn and husband
Adrian, Alec and Jessica

S p e c i a l An n o u n c e me n t s

Mark your calendar for 5 Pin Bowling
Paradise Lanes 3411 17 Ave S.E. Calgary
Start time 6:00 pm Approx. 10.00 each
Dennys Restaurant afterwards.
Please call Sharon Whitlock for more info. 403-615-5103

Oct. 24 & 25
National Mens Conference
Bow Valley Christian Church Calgary

There are still 2 spots available at $55.00
Registration after Oct. 21 cost will be $70.00
Please sign up at the Welcome Centre

We are currently looking for volunteers for Childrens
Sign-up sheet available at the Welcome Centre

Money will buy a bed but not sleep, books but not brains,
food but not appetite, finery but not beauty, medicine but not
health, luxury but not culture, amusement but not
happiness, a crucifix but not a Saviour, a temple of religion
but not heaven. Author Unknown

Because he didnt give glory to God, this king was eaten by worms.
A. Pilate
B. Herod
C. Nebucchanezzer
D. Julius answer: back of bulletin

Happening This Week

We invite you to join us!
Our small groups gather once a week to pray and study Gods word in
the series Recovering Redemption by Matt Chandler and Michael
Speak with Pastor Bill to find out where you can be connected into a
small group in your area!

Thanksgiving A Time to Give

Fight Hunger-Feed Hope - Lets work together to provide
nourishment and hope to those we serve and an opportunity to
share the blessings of our Lord in this community.
Please donate a non-perishable food item in the box labeled in the
Church foyer

Prayer and Praise for:
Small Group Study teams- Pray that we are not the same people
after 12 weeks of learning Gods Word!
Operation Christmas Child-Pray for their ministry
Pray for Fayez Narooz as he is speaking at a conference in Dubai
next week
Pray for W.B.C. Finances Jerry Derksen

Budgeted income for first quarter.$54,375.00
ACTUAL income for first quarter....$30,889.19

Ongoing Announcements
For Calgary Tower Pass / Canada Parks Pass, contact Ruth Lee
Donations accepted via PayPal at www.westbourneministries.ca
New Announcements to the Office no later than 10:00am Thurs prior.

Answer: B. Herod (Acts 12:23)

823- 64th Avenue NW Calgary, AB T2K 0M6
Phone: (403) 274-1440

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