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Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Week-04 Test (12-10-2014) Physiology (General & Cell Physiology,

Nerve Muscle Physiology, Respiratory Physiology-01 (up to Regulation))


1. The extracellular fluid is
A. 80 % interstitial fluid and 20 % plasma
B. 60 % interstitial fluid and 40 % plasma
C. 50 % interstitial fluid and 50 % plasma
D. None of the above

2. The fluid mosaic model is found in
A. Amino acid forming proteins
B. Nucleic acids forming DNA
C. Lipid bilayer of plasma membrane
D. Arrangement of collagen fibers in cellular

3. Which type of membrane junction is
responsible for holding adjacent cells firmly
together in areas that are subjected to
considerable stretching such as skin
A. Tight junction
B. Desmosomes
C. Gap junctions
D. None of the above

4. The type of membrane junction which plays an
important role in electrical conductivity of
heart cells and smooth muscle is
A. Tight jucntion
B. Gap junction
C. Desosomes
D. Pace makers

5. Mitochondria are the site of all the following
A. Oxidative phosphorylation
B. Krebs cycle
C. Glycogen synthesis
D. Glycogen breakdown

6. The following organelle is surrounded by
single layer
A. Mitochondria
B. Endoplasmic reticulum
C. Peroxisomes
D. Filaments

7. Golgi bodies are responsible for
A. Synthesis of polypeptides
B. Formation of glycoproteins only
C. Modification and sorting of glycoproteins
D. Lipid and steriod synthesis.

8. Which cell organelles contain DNA?
A. Mitochondria
B. Golgi body
D. Centriole

9. A gene in a DNA is responsible for coding of
A. An aminoacids
B. A polypeptide
C. A part of polypeptide
D. None of the above

10. The code word of which proteins is also as
initiation code for proteins
A. Leucine
B. Isoleucine
C. Methionic
D. lyrine

11. The m-RNA formed by transcription of DNA to
RNA are 75-90 % shorter than originally
transcribed because
A. The DNA contains 76-90 % of nonsense
condons which are deleted by m-RNA
B. Only relevant codons are transcribed in m-
C. The proteins formation requires only small and
shorter m-RNA for translation. For movement
through nucleus
D. The initial codon and terminal codons are
deleted making m-RNA shorter.

12. The mitotic apparatus consists of
A. Spindle fibres, centromere and a single
B. Spindle fibres, centromeres, a single
chromatid, centriole.
C. Centriole, spindle fibre.
D. None of the above

13. In primary active transport
A. The addition of Na
on the higher Na

concentration will cause movement of
molecules into the cell
B. The covalent bonding will cause informational
modulation of carrier protein.
C. The use of ATPase enzymes causes high
solubility of substrate in lipid bilayer and hence
its transport in the cell.
D. The concentration gradient of Na
plays most
important role.

14. In secondary active transport the movement of
Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Week-04 Test (12-10-2014) Physiology (General & Cell Physiology,
Nerve Muscle Physiology, Respiratory Physiology-01 (up to Regulation))


A. From intracellular high concentration to
extracellular low concentraion
B. From intracellular low concentration to
extracellular high concentraion
C. Not to be considered
D. Not possible in any direction.

15. A hypertonic solution contains
A. More than 300mmoles/L of non diffusible ions
and variable diffusible ion concentration
B. The total ion concentration should be above
C. A diffusible ion concentration above 300
D. 20 moles of solute/litre.

16. Osmotic pressure
A. It is a pressure of a solution which causes
osmotic flow
B. It is the pressure that must be applied to the
solution to prevent osmotic flow.
C. It is directly proportional to the molecular
weight of the solute
D. It arises due to complete impermeability to
solute and water of a membrane

17. Coenzyme A is reponsible for
A. Transmethylation
B. Transacetylation
C. -2H-transport
D. Transfer of folic acid.

18. The hydrolysis of ATP-ADP releases
A. 2Kcal/mol
B. 7Kcal/mol
C. 38Kcal/mol
D. 42Kcal/mol

19. Cell shape and motility is provided by
A. Microfilaments
B. Microtubules
C. Golgi apparatus
D. Nucleus

20. Protein synthesis takes place in
A. Ribosome
B. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
C. Nucleus
D. Golgi bodies

21. Which of the following molecules can easily
penetrate a biological membrane:
A. Small sized lipid soluble and unionised
B. Highly charged, large sized and lipid non
C. Small sized, ionised and lipid soluble
D. Large sized lipid non-soluble

22. The osmolarity of fluid A is twice that of B (A is
hypertonic with respect to B) they are
seperated by a semipermeable membrane the
water will most.
A. From A towards B
B. From B towards A
C. No movement will occurs
D. Can move in either direction

23. All of the following are true of active transport
A. Active transport of inorganic ions required
B. Certain drugs can block this transport system
energy and is unidirectional.
C. Substances are transported from low to high
concentration by utilising energy against
concentration gradient
D. Glucose is usually actively transported into the

24. The largest fraction of the total body fluid is
A. Extracellular
B. Intracellular fluid
C. Plasma
D. Whole blood

25. Which of the following proteins is mainly
responsible for colloidal osmotic pressure
(oncotic pressure)
A. Albumin
B. Fibrinogen
C. Alpha globulin
D. Beta globulin

26. During formation of oedema, ie., movement of
water from vascular into extra-vascular
space,plasma colloid osmotic pressue acts in
the same direction as
A. Capillary pressure
B. Arteriole pressure
C. Tissue pressure
D. Tissue osmotic pressure

27. Which of the following tries to retain fluid
within vascular compartment?
Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Week-04 Test (12-10-2014) Physiology (General & Cell Physiology,
Nerve Muscle Physiology, Respiratory Physiology-01 (up to Regulation))


A. Increased capillary pressure and venous
B. Tissue pressure and colloidal oncotic pressure
of plasma
C. Increased permeability and colloidal oncotic
pressure of plasma
D. All of the above

28. Oedema is formed when
A. Tissue osmotic pressure in lower than that of
plasma colloidal osmotic pressure
B. Increased permeability of capillaries with
increased blood pressure in capillaries
C. The blood collidal osmotic pressure is
reduced with the increase in plasma collidal
osmotic pressure
D. None of the above

29. Which of the following is associated with
sensation of cold?
A. Pacinaian corpusles
B. End organs of Ruffinis
C. Naked nerve ending
D. Meissener corpuscles

30. Which organ has maximum flow of blood in
ms/100g per min?
A. Skin
B. Kidney
C. Brain
D. Heart

31. In myelinated nerve, the depolarisation
wavejumps from one node of ranvier to the
next. This form of conduction is which results
inhigher velocity of transmission is called as
A. Pandromic conduction
B. Saltatory conduction
C. Orthodromic conduction
D. Antichromic conduction

32. A motor unit is made up of
A. Flexor muscle and an extensor muscle
B. A single skeletal muscle and all the motor
neurons that supply it
C. A single motor neutron and all the muscle
fibreas it innervates
D. All the motor neurons in which responses are
observed after maximal stimulation of a single
sensory nerve

33. The strength of contraction of skeletal muscle
does not depend on
A. Total number of motor units stimulated
B. Duration of action potential in the motor nerve
C. Frequency of action potential in each motor
D. Amount of summation in each motor unit

34. All of the following are ture about tension
receptors except
A. Muscle spindles have high threshold
compared to tendon organs
B. Muscle spindles are oriented parallel to long
axis of extrafusal muscle fibres
C. Muscle spindle responds only to passive
D. Tendon organ responds both to passive
stretch and contraction

35. Voluntary contraction of skeletal muscle is
A. Tetanic in nature
B. Not always tetanic in nature
C. Never tetanic in nature
D. Not related to tetanic response

36. A unique character of smooth muscle is
A. It can sustain contraction for prolonged periods
B. Des not require calcium for contraction
C. ATP is not required for contraction
D. All of the above

37. Which of the following receptors are correctly
matched for sensation
A. Touch meisseners corpuscles
B. Pressure pacinian corpuscles
C. Heat krauases bulb
D. All of the above

38. If the blood colloidal osmotic pressure
decreases, fluid will shift from
A. Intra cellular spaces to the inerstitial space
(extravascular space)
B. Blood (vacular compartment) to interstitial
space (extravascular compartment
C. Extracellular space to intracellular space
(interstitial space to blood)
D. None of the above

39. Which organ has maximum weight next to skin
A. Liver
B. Kidney
C. Brain
D. Heart

Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Week-04 Test (12-10-2014) Physiology (General & Cell Physiology,
Nerve Muscle Physiology, Respiratory Physiology-01 (up to Regulation))


40. The number of sodium channels per m
membrane in myelinated nerve fiber is
maximum at the
A. Axon hillock
B. Axon terminal
C. Node of Ranvier
D. Cell body

41. Oxygen affinity decreases in
A. Hypoxia
B. Hypothermia
C. HbF
D. Increased Ph

42. Increase in partial pressure of CO
leading to
release of oxygen to the tissues is
A. Haldane effect
B. Bohr effect
C. Bruer effect
D. Hamburger effect

43. Vital capacity is a measure of
A. Tidal volume
B. Inspiratory reserve volume plus expiratory
C. Tidal volume plus inspiratory reserve volume
plus expiratory reserve volume
D. Expiratory reserve volume plus reserve

44. Which of the following statements about
pulmonary surfactant is false
A. It is secreted by type II pneumocytes
B. It contains lecithin and sphinogomyelin
C. It increases surface tension
D. It prevents collapse of smaller alveoli

45. Which of the following does not stimulate
alveolar hyperventilation
A. Hypoxia
B. Hypercapnia
C. Acidosis
D. Stretching airways

46. At high altitudes the following changes take
place except
A. Increases in respiratory rate
B. Increases in depthof respiration
C. Increases in O
carrying capacity of blood.
D. Increases in partial pressure of CO

47. The most common form of hypoxia is
A. Hypoxic
B. Stagnant
C. Anaemic
D. Histotoxic

48. Ventilation perfusion ratio is maximum in
A. Base of lung
B. Apex of lung
C. Posterior lobe of lung
D. Middle lobe of lung

49. Kussmauls respiration occurs in response to
A. Decrease in pH of blood
B. Increase in pH of blood
C. Obstructive pulmonary disease
D. Carbon monoxide poisoning

50. Shift of the oxygen dissociation curve to right
is caused by the following factors EXCEPT
A. Increased 2, 3, BPG
B. Increased temperature
C. Increased concentration of carbon di oxide
D. Increased concentration of oxygen


Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Week-04 Test (12-10-2014) Physiology (General & Cell Physiology,
Nerve Muscle Physiology, Respiratory Physiology-01 (up to Regulation))


Q. No Ans
1 A
2 C
3 B
4 B
5 C
6 C
7 C
8 A
9 B
10 C
11 A
12 C
13 B
14 A
15 A
16 B
17 B
18 B
19 B
20 B
21 A
22 B
23 D
24 B
25 A
26 C
27 B
28 B
29 B
30 B
31 B
32 C
33 B
34 A
35 A
36 A
37 D
38 B
39 A
40 C
41 A
42 B
43 C
44 C
45 D
46 D
47 A
48 B
49 A
50 D

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