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Zodiac Meanings - Aux Mailles Godefroy

Brief Meanings of the Signs and an introduction to Interpretation of the Zodiac. It is easiest
to grasp the meaning of the signs by looking at various comparisons such as Zodiac
Opposites, The Quadruplicities and meaning of the Zodiac, and The Elements and the
Meaning of the Zodiac.
The Source of Zodiac Meanings
The ecliptic is a 360 degree circle, which was
divided into 12 segments of 30 degrees. Each
segment is called a Zodiac Sign. Most
everyone has heard of Sun Signs - the
astrological sign associated with a birthday.
The Sun Signs def ine how the meaning of the
Sun varies depending on where it is in is orbit
on the birth day.
Each Zodiac sign is like a month. If you think
of January and July. Both are months with 31
days, each representing a span of time. You
are the same person in January and July, but
the experience of each month is dif f erent,
how you dress, activities you participate in,
f oods you eat, when you take vacations, the
attitudes of people around you and how you
f eel in the heat of summer or coldest days of
winter. The amount of daylight and
temperature af f ect what you do in the
The meanings of the Zodiac signs were derived in part f rom the seasons and observable f actors in
the environment that change over the course of a year. These were described in terms of the
physics of the day... the f our elements, the directions, Quadruplicity, the order of the signs in a
season and the Fixed Stars that f all within a Zodiac sign. The meanings are also derived f rom the
planet ruling a sign and its relationship to the planets that are exalted, in detriment and f all. We've
collects many of these basic characteristics of zodiac signs and the patterns of relationships in the
page Zodiac Characteristics.
Sun Signs
Most lists you see def ining the meaning of the Zodiac signs tell the ef f ect the sign has on essence
of a person, which is very much the same as the Sun Sign. Other lists include a wide range of topics
used primarily in Horary Astrology. These lists are ultimately derived f rom descriptions and
metaphors attempting to explain actual meanings of the qualities (the list in the last paragraph of
f our elements etc).
You can f ind items on the list of each of the signs that describe you, we all have aspects of each
of the signs as a part of us. For most people, reading the list f or your sign will bring smiles of
recognition and something that f eels right. No one person exhibits every possible f acet of a sign at
any given time - you choose how to act in a variety of situations, this is the range of behaviors and
qualities that come most naturally to you. The qualities you hate, you either suppress or do the
complete opposite (complete opposite, not just something else). And sometimes we just deny it -
but your f riends will be the ones with the smile of recognition. If you are new to astrology, think of
someone you know with a birthday in a month other than yours, sometimes it's easier to see when
you look at more than just your own signs.

Planet s in t he Zodiac
Each planet takes on the qualities of a sign as it passes through this area of the sky, f or better or
worse. The essential dignities of the planets will def ine how each planet will f air - If they will
embrace the qualities or whether there will be rebellion against everything the sign stands f or. The
location of a zodiac sign on the cusp of a house will indicate the attitudes and conditions of things
related to that house. The cusp of a house is the most active point in a sign.
The zodiac is considered to be stronger than the planets, in the older philosophy "what changes
cannot rule what does not change". The Zodiac sign inf luences the planets just as the seasons
inf luence us and we have little ef f ect on the seasons.
The meaning of a zodiac sign does not change. The strength of its inf luence is variable depending
on the condition of its ruler in any given chart. When a sign ruler is weak, the signs inf luence is
weakened, as are the things that the sign represents. The planets can give indications of the
Condition of a sign at the moment in question (For the condition of Aries, look at the condition of
See Planets In Zodiac f or complete guide to meanings of Planets in the Signs of Zodiac.
Brief Meanings of the Signs
Click on the Zodiac Sign name to see more details on the meaning of each sign. Very lengthy lists
of Rulerships are accessed f rom Zodiac Things.
Aries awakens the energy of growth in the spring at its best, it is the out of control warrior in action
at its worst. It gives a planet the energy to pursue its goal, especially in pursuit those goals most
rewarding to the native. Structure and organization are tossed aside as insignif icant. Emphasis is
on on getting things started with little attention to elegance. Adjectives relating to the energy of f ire
in combination with extreme self -conf idence. Negative adjectives relate to the element of f ire
combined with ego out of control.
Warrior, leader by example
Linear motion
Initiates, without a thought to the process or details of the outcome
Source of energy, unstable
Power is f or action, f orce
Spontaneous, open to new
Motivated, motivates others
Reality bestows meaning
Constant social contact
Childlike: needs to grow, irrepressible, Self ish
No sense of self or boundaries
Stubborn, arbitrary
Works on big scale, details are less important
Pioneering, outgoing, self -reliant, enthusiastic, but prone to exaggeration.
Out of control: Impatient, argumentative, dictatorial, resentf ul, sarcastic, jealous, coarse,
violent egotistical.
I am, Hope and Aspiration
Things take root. Security, enjoyment. Exalts sensual pleasures. Action is reserved f or necessity
only or in response to others obstructing f ulf illment of desires.
Organic, steady, persistent
Seeks to make tangible, possession is important
Results f rom repetitive motions, cycles def ine
Preserves, maintains what works or that which is in motion
Does not change directions easily
Pragmatic, slow to change path
Need to own things, Emphasis on security
Self will, stubborn, f ixed
Resistant to new ideas, learning
Identif ication with past, enduring
Emotion aroused by objects
Power is f or production
Relationship through roots
Practical, slow, heavy, conservative, relentless, determined.
Out of control results in: Overbearing, deeply jealous, f ixed attitudes, tyrannical, coarse,
gluttonous, self ish, unexpectedly violent or cruel.
This is mine, need to have or acquire.
Most materialistic of signs.
Sprouting growth, branching in many directions, moving toward that which inspires curiousity.
Rational thinkers and scholars, never enough inf ormation. Weakness is inability to grasp the bigger
picture or context or the longer road.
Curiousity, wit, cleverness.
Always in motion, sometimes f or the sake of motion
Can be superf icial, cynical or the trickster.
The trader or merchant
Independence, self -motivated
Learns f rom communication or sensory input
Seeks something new, unknown
Bored by what is known
Craving f or classif ication, ordered enumeration, logic, structural patterns of association
Likes polar opposites, either is f ine.
Lacks ethical distinctions
Name things
Distributes and expands, rhythmic relationships
versatile, idealistic, communicative, imitative, inventive, alert, inquisitive.
Restless, unstable, impatient, superf icial, lacking in concentration, inconsistent and dif f used.
Youthf ul or immature, child-like mentality.
Magician who controls the universal f orces by knowing the true names
Coming to f ruition. Feelings are more important that action or organization and structure. A need to
project f eelings or connect with others on an emotional level. Adjectives also cover Mars in Fall and
Saturn in Detriment, showing a need to engage others to accomplish goals and the need to
experience the material realm.
Mothering, nurturing, protecting
Solicitude, helpf ulness
Creating and having saf ety and security
Clingy, smothering
Emotional manipulation
Water condenses air
Tolerance without understanding
Clear boundaries.
Review what is, Everything must be reconsidered
Create saf ety
Romanticism and poetry
A search f or higher meaning rather than harsh realities
History is important, attention to history
sensitive, imaginative, gregarious, cautious.
Timid, self -absorbed, opinionated, acquisitive, moody.
Coming to f ruition. Feelings are more important that action or organization and structure. A need to
project f eelings or connect with others on an emotional level. Adjectives also cover Mars in Fall and
Saturn in Detriment, showing a need to engage others to accomplish goals and the need to
experience the material realm.
Mothering, nurturing, protecting
Solicitude, helpf ulness
Creating and having saf ety and security
Clingy, smothering
Emotional manipulation
Water condenses air
Tolerance without understanding
Clear boundaries.
Review what is, Everything must be reconsidered
Create saf ety
Romanticism and poetry
A search f or higher meaning rather than harsh realities
History is important, attention to history
sensitive, imaginative, gregarious, cautious.
Timid, self -absorbed, opinionated, acquisitive, moody.
The harvest, separating the chaf f f rom the wheat, the healthy f rom the unhealthy, f inding the
process that works. Earth expressed through a mental, yet spiritual realm.
Seeks to perf ect technique
Seeks to perf ect technique
Creates processes to f ocus energy toward successf ul outcomes
Seeks to remove dissonance, increase Harmony.
Seeks to remove impurities, revitalize
Seeks answers through causes
Analysis and details
Power is reason and discrimination
Slow to warm up to things.
Committed to intellectual processes
Discriminative, quiet, exacting, nervous, shrewd and methodical, dignif ied, clever, intelligent
nervous (but good under pressure) gracef ul, mentally alert, gentle.
At worst, over-critical and shrewish
Desire to clarif y, to improve
The balance or turning point. Strength f rom harmony and order, beauty and good f orm. Lacks
conf idence, dif f icult to take actions or decisions. Air with a f inely tuned awareness of others.
Vision and understanding
Seeks the ideal, beauty, Harmony
art, artistic, aesthetic
Can be superf icial
Both needs and f ears relationships
Worries of loss of self or oppression
Evaluation, compare what is known with standards
Seeks to see f orm and relationship harmony
Evaluation - give characteristics of object. Compare to f ixed social standards.
Harmonious, elegant, orderly, comparative, peacef ul, changeable and helpf ul.
Gentle, artistic, sensitive,delicate, perceptive and af f ectionate.
At worst, impractical, lazy, untidy, unable to make up ones mind, unable to cope.
Regulation, to weigh and measure.
One who balances alternatives or acts in a half -hearted manner. A peacemaker or someone
unwilling to commit, High-brow or f ickle.
When the leaves f all to the ground, revealing the trees. Exposed emotions must be avoided, or
deep passions. Action or passion valued about beauty f or the sake of beauty. Water acting
powerf ully.
Greed: Desire f or energy f rom others without giving back
Lust: Self gratif ication; comes f rom a sense of def eat. Criminals are thwarted men of action
Regeneration comes f rom exchange of energy with others.
Scorpio is more of a Phoenix than a scorpion.
Scorpio is a cosmic gate.
Magical qualities or the vampire, secrets
Detective, can sense the root of problems or issues or won't stop until they are discovered.
Penetrating beneath the surf ace
Impulsiveness, temptation
To f eel together. "I probe", "I desire"
Previous image was of an Eagle.
Magnetic, determined, secretive, shrewd, dignif ied, self -conf ident, masterf ul, sensitive,
tenacious and critical
Negative - a tendency to be cruel, self ish , violent, indulgent and domineering, a destroyer or
to attract others who do these things.
A wish to change, break taboos, ref use to compromise.
A detective or f anatic, cynical and stubborn.
Emotional strengths can be compelling to others so can rise to power. Can also use these
powers to be an energy vampire to such others dry of emotional energy acting in jealous,
vindictive, sadistic ways.
Sagit t arius
Valuing the light as the shortest day approaches. Values wisdom, and application of knowledge. Fire
with optimistic goals.
large and expansive, more is better
Optimism, creating the light until more is available (Christmas lights to brighten the ever
darkening evenings until the solstice)
Direction and purpose
Ef f icient use of power
A prime minister, the evangelist
Extends what is.
Sense of boundaries, but capable of overstepping them
Systems f ocus: Creates using rhythm of operation
Concept of wholeness: god as timeless and absolute integration
Beauty and simplicity of cycles over a time line. Every crisis has beginning middle and end.
Something good can emerge f rom instability and pain of crisis.
Self -motivated, educated
Arrogant, self -indulgent, blunt, restless, conceited, dogmatic. Fears of disgrace or being
shown to be "normal" rather than extraordinary.
I believe. It is clear to me. Patterns of order, search f or meaning.
enterprising, open, honest, blunt, dignif ied, optimist, independent.
"I wish to act with dignity"
Kicks of f winter, brings qualities that would help survive a cold, harsh winter. The traditional
essence of Capricorn loves order and structure, exalts action and strength, hates too much
emotion or smothering mothering, and has disdain f or excesses especially in area of inf ormation
f or the sake of inf ormation, or f oreign ideas or things. Tried and true wins over innovation. Earth
working toward a goal with dedication.
Results oriented, see things through to the end.
Discipline and structure
Responsible action, including getting things organized and started.
Diligent, persistent, headstrong, sensible
Energetic in a serious way
Dreads innovation and change
Assimilation, Creates a whole f rom individual parts, Erases dif f erences
Human becomes tool of the system
Function over f orm, one can be locked in f unction
Power energy ready f or purposef ul use through system prepared f or it.
A clear cool head, not easily f lustered
practical, industrious, prudent, persevering diplomatic cautious, methodical, ambitious.
need f or security leads to behaviors that are secretive, miserly, unsympathetic, rigid,
suspicious, self ish, materialistic, brooding and egotistical.
Clear-minded or headstrong and inf lexible. Serious or withdrawn, cold as ice, ruthlessly cool -
losing sense of playf ulness with disdain f or childlike behaviors.
Rules that you believe are important and unquestionable. You will adapt to these rules and
you f eel superior because you value these rules.
You do things because it is the right thing to do.
Since this is the self -obvious truth, there is no need to argue it since this is "the truth" and
those who don't believe and value this do so at their own risk. Challenges to areas of lif e
inf luenced directly by Capricorn will be dealt with in this manner.
The Aquarian is cool, detached, and speaks his own truth or not at all. Values personal
independence and will f ight f or it with his f avorite weapon of words used in a witty, razor sharp way.
Creative in a practical way, seeks news ways of doing things. Disdain f or the old as it was. Air
working to establish f reedom f or self and others.
Detached, the view f rom a saf e distance, but speaks as if in the middle of the f ray.
Not af raid of words, nor to use them.
Values rational and logical, seeks knowledge and to understand.
Enjoys inciting change and innovation.
Insecure, but hides it.
Focus on dif f erences
Liberation f rom crystalline f orm
Big gestures cover-up f or personal insecurity
Seeks to locate individual within the system
Af raid of being himself
Friendly, humanitarian, erratic, ref ined, artistic, tenacious, perverse, intuitive, independent and
Considerate, but can also have a severe inf eriority complex. A great observer. Original, witty,
imaginative, bizarre, rational and aloof . Thinks a lot, but dif f icult to translate this into
someone real.
Not so sure what f reedom means, but it is desirable.
At worst can be cranky, opportunist, rebel, unsympathetic, or irresponsible.
Fear of lost control emotions so adopts a certain f acade of coolness that can cause
Rules that have developed yourself - either to share with others or to f ind your way around
the Capricorn-like rules of others. There is an idealism around these rules.
You want to pursue your goals in ways that what matters is the experience of pursuing a goal
in terms of your current values and belief s.
You will f rame things related to planets or houses ruled by Aquarius in terms of your values
and belief s and f eel others would be better of f if they adopted your ways of doing things.
You will readily and openly discuss these values.
In seasons, this is the time to prepare seeds f or planting in spring. Fantasy as a source of insight
and wisdom. Emotional, intuitive and insecure.
Seeks connections, pref erably those which are intangible or unseen.
Haunted, haunting by the intangible or unseen.
Purging, cleansing.
There is no way to know or be secure within the current illusion
Highly sensory
Release old habits or be stuck, Metamorphosis
Pierce illusion
Peace makers, artists, those who understand at a spiritual level.
Vague, inconsistent, lost or f rantic. Thinks in broad strokes, dif f iculty with the concrete.
The least concrete of all the signs, dif f icult to pin down because of constant f luctuations.
I sense. I love.
Instinctively ef f ective or the victim prone to panic attacks.
Charming, agreeable, accommodating chameleon like f acade can hide someone with a cruel
streak beneath.
You want to appear self less with enormous sympathy f or all. Dif f iculty in setting limits can
result in coldness or harshness when you attempt it.
At worst self -pitying, malleable, without drive or direction, lazy and impractical, unstable,
hypochondriac and dependent.
Zodiac by Element
Eart h
Interest in physical f orms, practical use of resources.
Wat er
Cooling, healing, soothing, and f eeling response.
Cancer Reaches out and nourishes
Scorpio Dwells deep, understands the inner
Pisces transf orms through understanding and empath
Relate to sensation, perception and expression. Geometrical thought f orms.
Libra is aware of one to one
Aquarius understand the bigger scale and relation to all
Gemini Relates the big picture to now
Warming, radiating, energizing, enthusiasm and love.
Aries takes action outwards
Leo takes actions f or others f or the benef its of self
Sagittarius Transf ers benef its of actions
Quadruplicit ies Def ined
Cardinal Fixed Mutable
Aries, Cancer, Libra,
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius,
Dynamic Rigid Mediating
Linear Steady Variable
Energy f lowing outwards Energy toward the center Spiral energy patterns
Radiates energy Concentrates energy Blending energy
Toward the f uture From the past, maintains status
Blends past and f uture
Leadership Conservative Moderate
Lightest Dense Light
Choleric Melancholic Sanguine
Zodiac by Axis
Aries - Libra
Both are Positive
Both are f orward looking
Cancer -Capricorn
Both are Negative
Both pref er things the way they were, looking back, unchanging
Gemini - Sagit t arius
Looking towards f uture.
Gemini is speculative, guessing at what is to come. Sagittarius is more use of knowledge or
educated guesses.
Spiral upward
Virgo - Pisces
Spiral energy directed downward
Connect with the past in some way
Pisces connects with past Karma
Virgo Connects with past crises in development of the personality
Zodiac Adjacent Signs
Aries: Initiative Pisces: Procrastinates
Taurus: Calm, steady Aries: Impulsive, excited
Gemini : Adaptable, wants to experiment Taurus: Stubborn, f ights innovation or change.
Cancer: Caring, mothering Gemini: Impersonal, self -centered
Leo: Showy, extrovert Cancer: introvert, shy, insecure
Virgo: Practical, helpf ul, humble Leo: Egocentric, showy
Libra: Focus on balance, grace and style Virgo: Micro-f ocus on detail and f unctionality,
Scorpio: Seeks depth, deep understanding,
Pursuit of passion
Libra: Superf icial, indecisive
Sagittarius: Open minded, jovial nature Scorpio: Intensity, f ocus
Capricorn: Responsible, persistent Sagittarius:indif f erence, f ights limitations
Aquarius: Dedicated, idealistic Capricorn: Self -serving, self -interested, suspicious
Pisces: Compassion, open-minded, all is
possible (mutable)
Aquarius: Aloof ness, sense that there is one right
way to do things (f ixed)
Related pages:
The Zodiac is synonymous with the Ecliptic - the path of the Sun across the sky. The
moon and planets are all f ound in the same plane, near this line. This is the introduction
to the Zodiac with Table of Zodiac Calendar with the dates, longitude and degrees of
each of the signs, Precession, and a quick guide to Planets Journey through the Signs, how
long it takes each planet to orbit, Average motion per day, per year and time spent in a sign.
Planet s and Houses
Planet s in t he Zodiac
Planet Interpretation This page has a huge table serving as a handy directory to interpreting
precise meaning of each of the planets, in each sign and each house, f or transits or natal
astrology along with links to pages with thing corresponding to each planet's rulership.
Planets in Zodiac, Planets in Houses, Planets in Aspect , Transiting Planets in Zodiac,
Transiting Planets in Houses, Natal Planets in Zodiac, Natal Planets in Houses, Signs on
House Cusps, Planets in Aspect and Timelines of Planets in the Signs
Zodiac Topics
The f ull directory of Zodiac Topics. Descriptions, interpretations and technical inf ormation
such as Dignity Of Planets and charts f or use with techniques.
Astrology Topics
Directory f or the Foundations of Astrology, introducing large areas devoted the Zodiac, the
Planets, the Houses, an overview of reading a chart, the core meaning of each planet,
Def initions of Aspects and Special aspect patterns between planets and interpretation of
each combination of planets, The Qualities, Special Points and Astronomical inf ormation
about the planets.
Astrology Techniques: Directory to the Disciplines of Astrology including Horary, Forecasting,
Natal, Mundane, Financial, Medical, Physical Appearance, and many more such as
interpretations of aspects.
Our site is f illed with Astrology Tables: Planet Tables, Zodiac Tables, House Tables which
simplif y many tasks and provide unique insights into the inf ormation.
the Directory f or inf ormation in our vast Astrology Center. Also, a brief introduction providing
insight into the philosophy and techniques spanning thousands of years.
Foundations of Astrology: Directory f or the Foundations of Astrology, introducing large areas
devoted the Zodiac, the Planets, the Houses, an overview of reading a chart, the core
meaning of each planet, Def initions of Aspects and Special aspect patterns between planets
and interpretation of each combination of planets, The Qualities, Special Points and
Astronomical inf ormation about the planets.
Techniques of Astrology: Directory to the Disciplines of Astrology including Horary,
Forecasting, Natal, Mundane, Financial, Medical, Physical Appearance, and many more such as
interpretations of aspects.
Our site is f illed with Astrology Tables: Planet Tables, Zodiac Tables, House Tables which
simplif y many tasks and provide unique insights into the inf ormation.
Astrology Sky Archive This is your guide to the movements of the planets in the night
sky 2008, 2009, 2010, Zodiac Calendar, Solar Ephemeris, Retrograde Transits, Eclipse
Dates, Movements and aspects of outer planets past, present and f uture, Current
transits of the outer planets and signif icance, and more.
Scientif ic Prejudice: It's not easy when an individual, no matter how distinguished,
challenges the status quo, the commonly held assumptions. This is one of the worst
hurdles in science today - f or controversial results the answer should be "How could
that happen?" rather than destruction of the career of the scientist. Here we examine a
f ew cases where the ostracized scientist was ultimately proved correct af ter years of
-- Wed Jan 21 17:35:19 2009:
The next step we need to undertake is to f urther def ine these characteristics
based on the Term rulers and Face Rulers which should give f urther insights
into variations within a single sign.
Last edited April 10, 2012 (history)
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