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Ms que un dibujo, Drawing Gibraltar es una performance expandida, whose procedures parody
the way of working of standard biennial shows. The selection of a paradigmatic place, la existencia
de una convocatoria a dibujar, la documentacin del proceso y la ulterior exposicin de los
resultados, are elements reprinted on the boundaries of artistic call sterotypes, which then become
infected with bastard formalities, y con comportamientos pertenecientes a otras huellas grabadas
por las multitudes.
A project in process, that is done as the will of nonsense takes part in the action, equipado y
financiado por participantes a los que se les sugiere agenciarse cuanto material consideren necesario
para su dibujar, to bring cameras in order to document the process and, depending on fortune, see
their works displayed or published; it is a project that becomes explicit by means of its actual
performance, y que discurre a medida que alguien propone y sus interlocutores disponen recursos
particulares o comunitarios en la creacin de piezas de arte.
En sobreimpresin, it's not just the event itself that is hereby propose, sino la precesin de la
inquietud producida por voluntad de poder, whose puesta en valor, after being accepted in this trip
both personally and collectively as a creation structure, genera un proceso de errancias en el que
constantemente se tantean los mrgenes de lo cotidiano y de lo imposible, de lo oculto y de lo
visible, and with those, leave trace of the action of thinking that switches on what is real without
determination or destination.
Travel together, hablar el arte para no morir, put procedures and stimuli that hide nothing and
nothing propose into practice , that are simply to art what actionality is in the flow of daily events,
sin otra pretensin that going and coming, seeing, explorar y participar, interacting with all that
make us think. Un discurrir en una errancia, en la que se intenta conciliar las acciones colectivas
elementales o complejas, instigando to the group sufficiency incluso a partir de aquellas
individualizancias that preserve the will and independence of the subject, permitiendo una
autarqua, una suficiencia, that will take whatever it needs from the set of spare elements put in
common, convirtiendo en polimrfica la inicial convocatoria, which denying the rhythm, se
distancia inmediatamente del camino recto y la trayectoria segura, owning the ambiguity of "let
everyone understand this drawing as they please".
From here on, el viaje y el drawing, se abren a espacios mentales sin maqueta, a lugares habitables
por la ficcin de lo real, a la representacin como presentacin de la vida, a la suspensin de las
obviedades. The event takes place then in spaces pulsed by an idiorritmia of particpants, en la que
se preservan las iniciativas particulares, y en la que el desorden y la fragmentacin cohabitan
acontecimientos breves, pulsiones of reality that challenge the rhythmic flow imposed to the
established reasoning or thought, disturbances in the straight path to which the specific objective is
subject to.
The unsuspected gathering, como motor de la divagacin a partir de la cual se encadenan pequeos
pulsos de visin, discontinuous states of desire and perception, that are able to alter or recode the
well structured links of the daily signs, surten de provisiones el almacn de verosimilitudes
particulares, to the point of introducing digresiones in the hegemonic codes that, laid before us like
carpets, buscan hacernos concebir una continuidad con la que cotidianamente participamos de las
exclusiones que el camino recto sugiere.
Llega tambin la tctica de los desplazamientos que, a partir de los lugares comunes, it becomes
hybrid on the basis of contextualizaciones borderizas. Andar por el camino tomado por la multitud
sin entorpecerse por la direccionalidad de las acciones marcadas, allowing oneself to nose around
what is already ready to be seen without feeling, infect the escopicos regimes of the hegemonic look
ready to feed visitors looks. Desplazamientos en el margen de lo cotidiano, as a means to unmask
the deceit held in languages and representation systems, to make people lonely on the group tour,
violentar la rutina y dejar a un lado los clichs y comodidades tramposas.
Watch in parallax, acompaando el transito de la multitud, zigzagging in search of what has been
given as obvious within apparent sight range, desplazando,
transposicionando cautelosamente las connotaciones de los signos, hoarding remainders or
hampering the action of already structured reasoning ready to command. Cabe entonces la
inauguracin de un espacio novedoso, that comes into conflict with the stability of reasoning
authorized by force, capacitado para meter cuas en las fisuras de la certeza, para permitir nombrar
lo diferente, and suggest the presence of the alternative that is many times kept eclipsed behind the
communicative luminosity propelled by the institutions of hegemonic reasoning.
Para los coyunturales matuteros alojados en el corazn del dibujo, the project roams weaved by
the honor code textually denoted by LHFA, y mientras se saqueaban los espacios bordereos, surgan
tambin otras historias de las que se alimentan los procesos creativos. In any case, it is also a
chance to reestablish a direct contact with the world, participando en la eleccin de imgenes que
circularn en el espectculo de la comunicacin globalizada; allowing participants to take here the
role of the subject in a creative experience, ocupar temporalmente un espacio desiderativo en el que
nuestro circunstancial heternimo se implica en un goce transgresivo prximo al fulgor de lo real,
moving with it the protagonism of other representations that como objeto interpuesto, help to
mistify the art experience.

*Texto incluido en la performance protagonizada por LA HOSTIA FINE ARTS.
Julin Vidal
Madrid, Junio 07.

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