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Email Parameters for Conga Composer
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Email Parameters
The standard Conga Composer dialog includes the option to generate the desired merge output and attach it directly to an outbound Salesforce email message. This
feature can greatly reduce the time required to otherwise generate a merge file, save it to disk, launch an email message and attach the file a great productivity
Tip! The Email Parameters work with Conga's integration with Sendgrid.
Sets the value of the To field
A Salesforce Id of a Contact or Lead, or a field that contains the Id of a Contact or Lead.
If the Conga Composer Master Object is an Opportunity, the To field is automatically set to the Primary Contact, without the use
of this parameter. To override this behavior from an Opportunity, set the parameter to +, e.g., &EmailToId=+
If the Conga Composer Master Object is a Real-Time Quote, the To field is automatically set to the Contact on the Quote,
without the use of this parameter.
Example 1:
Example 2:
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Sets the value of the Related To field
A Salesforce Id of an Account, Opportunity or other object, or a field that contains this kind of Id.
The Related To field causes the sent email to appear in the Activity History related list of the object identified.
Example 1:
Example 2:

Sets the value of the Additional To field
An email address or a field that contains one or more email addresses.
Example 1:
Example 2:
&EmailAdditionalTo=support@appextremes.com, support@xyz.com
Example 3:

Sets the value of the CC field
An email address or a field that contains one or more email addresses.
Example 1:
&EmailCC =support@appextremes.com
Example 2:

Sets the value of the BCC field
An email address or a field that contains one or more email addresses.
Example 1:
&EmailBCC =support@appextremes.com
Example 2:
Loads the subject and body fields from a Salesforce email template.

** Note: Attachments stored directly in the email template are not applied unless EmailTemplateAttachments is set to 1 **

A 15-character Salesforce Id of an email template stored in Setup | Communication Templates | Email Templates
EmailRelatedToId parameter or EmailToId parameter must be set
Sets the value of the Subject field
If you set this parameter and use EmailTemplateId, this value will override the value of the Email Templates Subject.

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Any text. Use + to indicate spaces.
Example 1:
Example 2:
When using &EmailSubject with Conga Workflow or Conga Conductor (qmode=3) be sure the actual email template does not
have a subject line or the email will fail.

[0 or 1]
Indicates to preserve attachments stored with the Email Template
If set to 0, attachments stored on the Email Template are ignored
If set to 1, attachments stored on the Email Template are preserved
EmailTemplateId parameter must be set
Indicates an Organization-Wide Address as the From identity of the email
A 15-character Salesforce Id of an Organization-Wide Address as defined in Setup | Email Administration |
Organization-Wide Addresses
After setting up the Org-Wide Address, edit the record to locate the Salesforce Id. It will begin with 0D2
Each Org-Wide Address may be restricted by Profile
Changes the apparent sender of an email by setting the message's ReplyTo and DisplayName properties to those of the
specified User
A 15-character Salesforce User Id
This parameter only affects email that is delivered in an unattended manner, e.g., Background Mode (DS7=12),
Conga Conductor and Conga Workflow.
&EmailUseSignature=[0 or 1]
Indicates whether to include or exclude the sending user's signature from appearing in the email body
If set to 0, the signature block is excluded
If set to 1, the signature block is included (default)
Example: &EmailUseSignature=1

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EmailRelatedToId Parameter
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