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Speaking Comprehension Test 9 form

Directions :
In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three,
choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the
table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to
speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
1. Fast food is generally considered unhealthy, but many people still eat it.
- hy do you think restaurants like !c"onald#s are so popular$
- %ow would you make !c"onald#s better$
- If you could add one thing to the menu, what would you add$
&. Think of a powerful childhood memory.
- %ow did you feel at that time$
- %ow does the memory affect you when you think about it today$
- hat sensory e'periences trigger that memory for you (smells, tastes, etc.)$
*. !any children grow up listening to or watching fairytales that contain moral lessons.
hat was your fa+orite childhood book or story$
- hat was the moral of the story, and is it still rele+ant today$
- hy do you think stories are a good way to teach morals$
- If you could write a new fairytale, what moral +alue would you want your readers to take
away from it$
,. -ome people belie+e that li+ing a healthy lifestyle is the key to one#s happiness.
- hat is your idea of a healthy lifestyle$
- %ow has the definition of health changed o+er time, and from culture to culture$
- .an a person who is not healthy still be happy$
/. Imagine you are in charge of gi+ing fi+e billion dollars to any one country in the world.
hat country would you gi+e aid to, and why does this country deser+e it$
- %ow has this country demonstrated a need for the money$
- hat criteria did you use to make your decision$
- %ow could you ensure that the money would not be wasted$
0. In the age of computers and instant information, we are constantly e'posed to the
latest news and information.
- hat influences your choices when selecting what content to +iew$
- %ow should people sort and filter the information they take in$
- hat are the positi+es and negati+es of such constant e'posure$
1.The pro+erb, 2The more languages you speak, the more of a person you are,2 is often
heard in our language classrooms. hat does this saying mean to you$
- "o you agree with this pro+erb$
- "o you know any e'amples of people who embody this statement$
- %ow does knowing more than one language enrich your life$
3. In your opinion, what are the three most important 4ualities a great teacher should ha+e$
- Tell about a time when you were in a challenging class and you witnessed a teacher
demonstrate these 4ualities.
- %ow do these 4ualities help students learn$
- ould you rather ha+e a teacher with high e'pectations who teaches interesting, difficult
classes, or a teacher whose classes are easy and boring$
5. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter. You ha+e the opportunity to inter+iew any
li+ing person in the world.
- ho would you choose to inter+iew, and why$
- %ow has this person influenced the li+es of others$
- %ow has this person influenced your life$
16.-ome people li+e for music and some people do not seem to care.
- hat is your attitude towards music$
- hat role does music play in your life and in your culture$
- hy are some people mo+ed by music and others not$
11. If you could be a character in any book you ha+e read, whom would you choose$ hy$
- "escribe the character you ha+e chosen, including both their physical appearance and
their personality traits.
- "oes this character ha+e any weaknesses$
- hat traits does this character ha+e that you do not$ -imilarly, is there anything you like
about yourself that this character does not possess$
1&. -ocial networking sites (like Facebook) are becoming more and more popular.
- "o you see social networking as a positi+e or negati+e thing$ hy$
- If all social networking sites were shut down fore+er, how would your life be affected$
- In what way do social networks affect
communication between people$
1*. 7anguage barriers often make it difficult to communicate with people from other
- ould you prefer to li+e in a world where e+eryone spoke only one uni+ersal language$
- hat would be the ad+antages and disad+antages of ha+ing only one uni+ersal
- hat do you think would change if e+eryone the same language$
1,. ..-. 7ewis once wrote8 2Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It
has no sur+i+al +alue9 rather, it is one of those things that gi+es +alue to sur+i+al.2
- %ow do you interpret this 4uotation$
- hat is more +aluable in your life, your friends or family$ hy$
- hat does friendship mean to you$
1/. !ahatma :andhi said, #The weak can ne+er forgi+e. Forgi+eness is the attribute of the
- hat is your opinion of this statement$
- Is there a time when you ha+e forgi+en someone though it was difficult$
- "; you regret your decision$ hy or why not$
10. <+er since humans landed on the moon, s ha+e been obsessed with the idea of
e'traterrestrial life.
- "o you belie+e in this possibility$
- hat would you do if you met an alien$
- %ow do you think humanity would react to disco+ery of alien life$
11. Assume you are a descendent of Albert ein. You ha+e found his =ournal and it has
nation that would affect his reputation.
- ould you publish it, or would you keep it hidden$ hat would be the conse4uences$
- "oes the public interest in the information outweigh your personal right to protect your
family>s name$
- hat would you consider when making this decision$
13. If you made a terrible life-changing mistake and you had the option to forget it, would
you this opportunity$
- hat are the positi+e and negati+e conse4uences of your answer$
- hat role do painful e'periences play in shaping our character$
- Is it necessary to e'perience difficult situations to appreciate the good$
15. You are working as a +olunteer for <uro .up &61&, translating for foreign <nglish
speaking tourists. "escribe a problem you think you might ha+e to deal with.
- %ow will foreigners percei+e ?krainian culture$
- "o you think the presence of so many foreigners will affect the ?krainian
- "o you think these changes will be permanent or short term$ hy$
&6. Imagine that you are the owner of a new museum.
- From which time period would you gather most of your materials$
- ho would be the most interested in +isiting your museum$
- hat type of museum would you like to own$
III. Speaking Comprehension Test 10 form

Directions: In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After
selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the
other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before
you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as
I needed. Take a deep breath and begin.@
1. Athletics are +ery popular among the nation>s youth. They are a good way to maintain a
healthy lifestyle, and they help kids to de+elop skills as team players and athletes.
- "o you think kids should be forced to participate in athletics while growing up$
- Is competition among peers a good or a bad thing$
- -hould athletics focus more on winning or =ust ha+ing fun$
&. Imagine that you are a +illain from your fa+orite book or mo+ie. :i+e an apology to
the hero of the book or mo+ie.
- hat ha+e you done wrong$
- hat do you regret$
- %ow will you make amends$
*. -ome people belie+e it is important to share wisdom with future generations so that
they a+oid making the same mistakes. Imagine that you are speaking to your future
granddaughter or grandson about the lessons you ha+e learned so far in your life.
- hat life lessons would you like to share$
- hat traditions do you hope he or she will carry on in the future$
- hat wisdom would you pass to him or her from your grandparents$
,. -ome people belie+e that li+ing a healthy lifestyle is the key to one#s happiness.
- hat is your idea of a healthy lifestyle$
- %ow has the definition of health changed o+er time, and from culture to culture$
- .an a person who is not healthy still be happy$
/. ..-. 7ewis once wrote, 2Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has
no sur+i+al +alue9 rather, it is one of those things that gi+es +alue to sur+i+al.2 "o you
agree with this statement$ hy or why not$
- If you didn#t ha+e friends, how would your life be easier$
- %ow would it be more difficult$
- Throughout history, how has friendship helped people sur+i+e$
0. The Internet and tele+ision ha+e made the world a much smaller place, as +irtually
e+eryone is aware of pop culture icons like "a+id Aeckham and 7ady :aga.
- Is it important to keep up with pop culture$ hy or why not$
- If you stopped paying attention to pop culture, would you be able to participate in
the same kinds of con+ersations with your friends$
- "oes pop culture create similar interests in people throughout the world, regardless of
1. There is a commonly known phrase, 2Back of all trades, and master of none.2
- %ow do you interpret this phrase$
- ould you rather be really good at one thing C or a+erage at many things$
- hat is the difference between being good at something and being great at something$
3. Imagine you had the power to change one historical e+ent. %owe+er, this action would
create a chain reaction which would result in your ne+er being born.
- hat e+ent would you change$ hy$
- hat would be the conse4uences of you ne+er being born$
- Is it better to sacrifice one person for the benefit of all or not$
5. The way that people beha+e and what they desire are constantly changing. hat
differences can you predict about food, culture, clothing, etc. in the future$
- "o you think it will be easier to li+e one hundred years from now$
- In what ways would it be more difficult$
- hat new challenges do you imagine your generation will face in the future$ Are you
prepared to face these challenges$
16. !any people are distrustful of modern medicine. They belie+e that natural medicines
from herbs and plants work much better.
- If you were sick, would you go to a regular doctor or a doctor who uses herbs and plants
as medicine$
- -ome argue that laughter makes a person feel better than any medicine can. "o you
agree$ hy or why not$
- %a+e your parents e+er treated you with medicinal remedies$ ere they effecti+e$
11. Aoth men and women spend a lot of time and money on fashion in an attempt to keep
up with the latest trends.
- "oes beauty affect one#s success in life$
- "o you think the standard of beauty is the same in ?kraine as in America$
- Is there more pressure on women than on men to be beautiful$
1&. <ach country has different rules of eti4uette and beha+ior.
- hat are some common rules of eti4uette in ?kraine$
- hy is it important to respect the rules of eti4uette in a foreign country$
- hich practices ha+e you heard about or e'perienced that are different from what you
are used to$
1*.7eo Tolstoy wrote, 2Art is a human acti+ity which has as its purpose the transmission to
others the highest and best feelings to which men ha+e risen.2
- %ow can art reflect our personal ideals$
- Tell about a painting, play, book, or song that reflects your beliefs.
- "o you think we can learn from different forms of art$
1,.Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter. You ha+e the opportunity to inter+iew any
li+ing person in the world.
- ho would you choose to inter+iew, and why$
- %ow has this person influenced your life and the li+es others$
- hat is the goal of your article, and how will you make it newsworthy$
1/. If you could be the pet of a character in any book you ha+e read, who would you
- hy did you choose this person$ "escribe your new owner#s caretaking habits.
- hy did you choose them to be your caregi+er$
- hat kind of food do you think you would eat$
10. -ocial networking sites like +Dontakte and Facebook are seemingly all o+er the place.
"o you see this as a good thing or bad thing$ hy$
- If all social networking sites were shut down fore+er, how would your life be affected$
- Aside from socialiEing with friends, what other uses do social networking sites ha+e$
- %ow can social networking sites be used as an agent of social change in ?kraine$
11. Imagine that you are in a place that does not speak your nati+e language. Instead, the
world will now be re4uired to speak <nglish.
- hat would be the ad+antages and disad+antages of ha+ing only one uni+ersal
- %ow important is your nati+e language to your own cultural identity$
- hat do you think would change if e+eryone spoke the same language$
13. !ahatma :handi said, 2The weak can ne+er forgi+e. Forgi+eness is an attribute of the
- "o you agree with this statement$
- hat would be the hardest thing to forgi+e$
- Are there any situations where doing something unforgi+able can be =ustified$
15. In ?kraine, children grow up belie+ing in Father Frost. In America, children belie+e in
-anta .laus. hy do you think societies create fictitious parental figures$
- hat role did these figures play in your upbringing$
- %ow do you think being told an untruth as a child manifests itself later in life$
- If you could create a new fictional holiday character, what would he or she be like$
&6. As one grows older, schedules become more important.
- hat do you think your schedule will be like fi+e years from now$
- "o you prefer following a strict schedule, or do you prefer to be spontaneous$
- %ow can you maintain independence whileFF.
III. SPEAKIN Comprehension Test. 11 form
In this section please select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three,
choose the one you feel you are most capable to 2speak about and return the other two to the
table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to
speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
1. !any people are distrustful of modern
medicine. They belie+e that natural medicines from
herbs and plants work much better.
- "o you think that using natural medicine is a +alid form of treatment$ hy or why not$
- -ome argue that laughter is a better cure than any medicine. "o you agree$ hy or why
- -ome say that curing illnesses is more mental than physical$ "o you agree$ To what
&. It is said that first impressions are the most important. Gerhaps for this reason, both men
and women spend a lot of time and money on their appearance in an attempt to keep up
with the latest trends.
- %ow does beauty affect one#s success in life$
- hat are the different standards of beauty in ?kraine for men and women$
- Is there more pressure on women to modify their appearance than men$
*. <ach country has different rules of eti4uette and beha+ior.
- hy is it important to respect the rules of eti4uette in a foreign country$
- hat practices ha+e you heard about or come into contact with that seemed strange to
how you were raised$
- Are there any common rules of eti4uette in ?kraine that you belie+e are outdated$
,. 7eo Tolstoy wrote, 2Art is a human acti+ity which has its purpose the transmission to
others of the highest and best feelings to which men ha+e risen.
- %ow can art reflect our personal ideals$
- "o you think we can learn from different forms of art$
- %ow does art communicate the +alues of a culture$ :i+e an e'ample.
/. The Internet and tele+ision ha+e made the word a much smaller place, as +irtually
e+erybody is aware of pop culture icons like Garis %ilton and 7ady :aga.
- Is it important to keep up with pop culture$ hy or why not$
- If you stopped paying attention to pop culture, how would your life be different$
- %ow does pop culture create similar interests in people throughout the world, regardless
of nationality$
0.Athletics are +ery popular among the nation#s youth. They are a good way to maintain a
healthy lifestyle, and they help kids to de+elop skills as a team player as well as an athlete.
- "o you think kids should be forced to participate in athletics while growing up$
- %ow does competition among peers influence their de+elopment into adulthood$
- If a child is not interested in athletics, what are +iable alternati+es and what skills can
they de+elop$
1. %ow would you e'plain di+ersity to a person who has li+ed in a homogenous society
where e+eryone looks the same$
- hat e'amples can you gi+e to e'plain this$
- Is it important to li+e in a place where there is di+ersity$
- %ow does li+ing in a society influence a person#s world+iew$
3. Imagine that you are a +illain from your fa+orite book or mo+ie. :i+e an apology to the
hero of the book or mo+ie.
- hy would society look down on your past actions$
- %ow would you make amends$
- "o you belie+e it is possible to find redemption or do we always li+e with the
conse4uences of our actions in the past$
5. -ome people belie+e it is important to share wisdom with future generations so that they
a+oid making the same mistakes. Imagine that you are speaking to your future
granddaughter or grandson about the lessons you ha+e learned so far in your life.
- hat life lessons would you like to share and why are they important$
- hat traditions do you hope he or she will carry on in the future$
- hat constitutes wisdom and what makes you 4ualified to pass it on$
16. !ultimedia has become e'tremely ad+anced within the last decade. hat is your +iew
on media in the &1
- Is it good that people can ha+e access to almost anything through the Internet$ hy or
why not$
- In your opinion, what are the benefits of the ad+ances in media$
- hat do you imagine media will be like by the year &6&/$
11. In many cultures age is regarded differently, either as a positi+e or a negati+e attribute.
- %ow are cultural +alues reflected in the way elders are treated$
- %ow are the elderly regarded in ?krainian culture$
- hat are the ad+antages and disad+antages of a society that places more +alue on youth$
1&. In today#s world, taking care of your body has become +ery important as more and more
people choose not to smoke, e'ercise regularly, and are +ery careful about the types of
food they put in their body. Aecoming a +egetarian is an increasingly popular lifestyle
decision all o+er the world.
- hat is the effect of consuming meat on our bodies$
- hat is the effect of consuming meat on the en+ironment$
- hat are the challenges of being a +egetarian in ?kraine$ %ow do ?krainians typically
+iew +egetarians$
1*. <'treme sports ha+e become increasingly popular in today#s society. The H :ames
competitions demonstrate how popular these sports ha+e become.
- ould you e+er participate in an e'treme sport like sky di+ing or snowboarding$ hy or
why not$
- "o you think these sports re4uire more or less training than sports like football, hockey,
and basketball$ hy or why not$
- "o you belie+e an athlete who wins a gold medal in curling or snowboarding is as
athletic as an athlete who wins a gold medal in football or gymnastics$ hy or why not$
1,. Garents often ha+e certain e'pectations of their children regarding their education,
career, and life choices.
- "o you think it is more important to listen to your parents or follow your heart$
- %ow do parental e'pectations affect the li+es of children$
- hat societal factors shape parental e'pectations$
1/. !ark Twain wrote, ITra+el is fatal to pre=udice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.
Aroad, wholesome, charitable +iews cannot be ac4uired by +egetating in one little corner
of the earth.2
- %ow do you interpret Twain#s statement$
- Is it necessary to tra+el in order to de+elop an J understating of other peoples$ hy. or
why not$
- hat are other ways of learning to be open-minded and tolerant$
10. !any people around the world +olunteer on a regular basis.
- hat kinds of ser+ices do +olunteers pro+ide that go+ernment or pri+ate companies do
- hy would someone work for free$
- In what ways could the <uro &61& tournament affect +olunteerism in ?kraine$
11.In life you are sometimes re4uired to work with people whom you do not like or agree
- -ome people do not +oice their opinions because they are afraid of conflict. hat is the
correct balance between keeping the peace and +oicing your opinion$
- %ow does success in the workplace depend on teamwork$
- %ow would one#s strategy for cooperation change from dealing with a difficult boss to
a difficult coworker$
13. Friendship is a +ery important part of life.
- hat is the process of a person changing from being an ac4uaintance to a friend$
- %ow do people balance their romantic relationships with their friendships$
- Is it possible to be close friends with someone from the opposite se' in a non-romantic
way$ hy or why not$
15. In recent years there ha+e been many breakthroughs in genetic engineering.
- hat factors should be considered in genetically engineering food products$
- "o you think that eating food that has been genetically modified is unhealthy$ Are there
benefits to producing genetically modified foods$
- "o you think that people should ha+e this power$ hy or why not$
&6. Imagine you had the power to change one historical e+ent. %owe+er, this action would create
a chain reaction which would result in you ne+er being born.
- hat e+ent would you change$ hy$
- hat would be the conse4uences of youKne+er being born$
- Is it better to sacrifice one person for the benefit of all or not$

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